八年级下复习测试题 Unit 7-8

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第一篇:八年级下复习测试题 Unit 7-8

Revision test for Unit7-8


1.It’s i_______ to talk loudly in the reading room.2.I hope you don’t m_______ opening the door.3.Last night your mother _________(抱怨)about to me about your poor marks in the test.4.My father got a________ when he found I don’t do my homework again.5.Must we find a good_________(解决办法)now?

6.What’s the best gift you have ever _________(收到)?

7.What should I g______ my father on Father’s Day?

8.Teachers often ________(鼓励)and help us to study well.9.You should follow your doctor’s s_______.10.He went there i_____ of me.11.Could you please take out the trash? Ok.I’ll do it right a____

12.I’ll make a _________(特别)meal for my parents tomorrow.13.The ticket to the match c_____ me 20yuan.14.Would you mind t_______ down the radio?

15.Flowers are not creative e_________.二.用所给词的适当形式填空。

1.Why don’t ______(go)camping with them?

2.How about _________(hike)this weekend?Why not ______(keep)down your voice? Here is the library.The man was too _______(tire)_________(walk).5.Could you please ________(feed)my cat?

6.The bike is___________(expensive).I will take it.7.Tomorrow is my sister’s______(nine)birthday.8.Making a lot of money made her more_________(interest)in_______(do)business.9.The teacher is coming.Would you mind ________(clean)the blackboard?

10.I have some difficulties ________(finish)the work in two days.11.It’s impolite to ask________(person)questions.12.He always encourages me___________(improve)my speaking skill..13.It’s enough ___________(make)your grand mother happy.14.He has a daughter _______(name)Lily.15.Let’s go swimming instead of _______(go)for a walk.三.单选。

()1.Would you like to come to my birthday party? —Yes, ____________ I’m very busy.A.I like to, andB.I’d like to, butC.I would like, and

()2.—Would you please ______ football near my home?— ____________.A.not to play, NoB.not play, Yes, I will do that again

C.not play, Sorry, I won’t do that againD.don’t play, Sorry, I won’t do that again

()3.I’ll do it _____ a minute.A.atB.onC.inD.after

()4.______ dolls to children at McDonald’s isn’t good.A.SellingB.SellC.SellsD.To sellin

()5.Try ______ late for school again.A.not to beB.not beC.to be not

()6.Get up early, ______ you ______ late for school.A.and, will beB.or, will beC.or , areD.so, are

()7.When you are ______, you can come to me for help.A.in troubleB.troubleC.in dangerousD.in matter

()8.—Would you mind moving your bike a little to make room for mine? —______.A.Yes, I wouldB.OK, I’ll do it right nowC.Wait a moment

()9.— Where are you going? —I’m going shopping.—___________?—Certainly.A.Will you give me penB.Could you get a pen for me

C.Can I help youD.What are you going to buy

()10.John is much better than I________.A.to playing chessB.for playing chessC.at playing chessD.in playing chess

()11.He has ___________ daughter_______ Mary.A.a eight years old , nameB.an eight-years-old , named

C.an eight-year-old , namedD.a eight-year-old , naming

()12.The classroom is very dirty today.It is hard _______.A.cleaningB.to clean itC.to cleaningD.to clean

()13.I don’t think you are right.So I can’t ________ you.A.agree withB.agree toC.agree onD.agree

()14.Mum’s birthday is coming.What about _______ her some flowers?

A.getB.gettingC.to getD.got

()15.He was very excited about _______a picnic.A.havingB.to haveC.haveD.to having


1.I would like to have some bananas.(一般疑问句)

_____________ you _______________ to have some bananas?

2.Would you mind not playing baseball here?(同义句)

Could you ________________ not ________________ baseball here?

3.The boy is too heavy to run fast.(改同义句)The boy is ___ heavy that he ____ run fast.4.I have a cat.It’s name is Mimi.(合并成一句)I have a cat_______ Mimi.5.It’s fine weather today.(改感叹句)_____ ______ _______ it is today!


What is the best way to study? This is a very important question.Some Chinese students

oftenvery hard for long hours.This is ahabit, but it is not a better way to study.An

efficient student mustenough sleep, enough food and enough rest.Every week youto

go out for a walk or visit some friends or some nice places.It's goodyour study.When you

return to your studies, you'll find yourselfthan before and you'll learn more.Maybe we canthat learning English istaking Chinese medicine.We don't mean that

it's bitter.We mean that like Chinese medicine, the effi cient of your studyslowly but

surely.slowly but surely every day and effects will come just like Chinese medicine.()1.A.playB.studyC.sleepD.think












Mother’s Day is an important day.It’s a day when children can show their mothers how much

they love them.Many children give flowers to their mothers.This makes them very happy.Most

of the people who live near Mrs Taylor’s flower store are poor.The children don’t have money to

buy flowers.Mrs Taylor helps them.The children work one hour for Mrs Taylor.They can clean

the windows, sweep the sidewalk, and mop the floor in the store.Then Mrs Taylor gives each of

them flowers to take home for their mothers.The mothers who live near Mrs Taylor’s store all

have a wonderful Mother’s Day.判断正(T)误(F)

()1.Many children make their mothers happy by giving flowers to them.()2.When the children work for Mrs Taylor,they grow flowers.()3.The children in the story often buy flowers for their mothers.()4.You can tell that Mrs Taylor is a kind-hearted woman.()5.The story is about Mrs Taylor’s birthday.B

I’m taking my family to other countries to have a trip.My wife and I and our two children

are all going along.My elder brother will go with us, too.He has never been overseas and he is

even more excited than the children.My father is so old that he’d like to stay at home and take

care of the house.We’re going by train to New York, and then take a ship to Europe.When we arrive in

Europe, we’re going to some countries for sightseeing(观光).We’ll go to places either by train or

by bus.We’re going to fly home.It took us a long time to decide where to go, but I think we’ll have a very interesting trip.We’ll go to England, France and Italy.We also talked about how we would go to Europe.At first

we wanted to fly because it would be faster and would save more time, But my brother likes to

take a boat trip and the children like that, too.()1.How many people of the family will go to have a trip?


()2.My father will not go on the trip because ____.A.he doesn’t like travelsB.staying at home is more interesting

C.he is too old to travelD.nobody wants to take him along

()3.We’re coming back home by_____.A.seaB.airC.busD.train

()4.In Europe we will _____.A.go sight-seeing at the seasideB.to go to different countries by ship

C.buy a lot of presentsD.go from place to place by train or by bus

()5.My brother and my children would like to _____.A.do some shopping in EuropeB.study the Italian language in Italy

C.enjoy a trip by shipD.learn French in France


A: It’s Nick’s birthday next Sunday.What ____ I get him?

B: What’s the best gift he ___ ever received?A: A bike.B: _________ did he get it?A: _________ his tenth birthday.B: Who ________ it to him?A: His parents.B: What a _______ guy!I think you should get him _________ special.What about a

p__________? It can learn to speak like a man!

A: No, I’m afraid not.Because his mother doesn’t want him to ________ a pet.I think I’m

_________ to buy a big birthday cake.B: Not bad.八.仔细阅读下面的文章,用所给动词的适当形式填空。

Yesterday afternoon two thieves wearing police uniform arriving at the museum and ask the

guard(1)______(show)them Monet’s paintings.They said that they had received a telephone call

at the police station that morning telling them that the paintings were in danger.The guard

immediately let them(2)_____(see)the paintings.The thieves told them(3)_______(turn off)the

alarm system and then suddenly they made him(4)____(lie)on the ground and they tied his arm

and legs.They worked very quickly and carefully and when they had collected the best paintings

they(5)_____(leave)the museum quietly and calmly through the front door.(1)________(2)_________(3)________(4)__________(5)___________

第二篇:2014年八年级英语下Unit 6测试题

Unit 6 周周清测试题


20.We couldn’t help ___________ when we heard the funny story.A.laughB.laughing C.laughsD.to laugh

21.When water is heated, it will turn _____ water vapour(水蒸气).A.intoB.onC.in D.to1.Hansel is______ nervous ______she can’t talk in front ofthe class.A.such;thatB.too;toC.so;that

2.---I asked two people the way to the station, but ____of them could help me.A.bothB.neitherC.either D.all

3.I _______ myhomework as soon as I got home last night.A.doB.didC.will doD.am doing 4.______Lucy tries her best to study, she won’t pass the exam.A.IfB.WhenC.BeforeD.Unless

5.I will send you an E-mail as soon as I _____ in Canada.A.arriveB.arrivedC.am arriving

6.You will fall behind others ______ you work hard.A.ifB.unlessC.thoughD.since 7.My sister has practiced tennis for a long time.She plays tennis ____you.A.As good asB.so well asC.as well as8.I want to know _______the day after tomorrow.A.what she will doB.what will she doC.what she didD.what did she do9.The work is ________.You can finish it by yourself.A.easy enoughB.enough easyC.difficult enough D.enough difficult

10.The soccer match was ____exciting that everyone was cheering and jumping.A.veryB.soC.tooD.to

11.Tom runs fast ______ he can catch the dog.A.veryB.so thatC.soD.that12.His words remind me_____the days we spent together during the winter holidays.A.inB.ofC.forD.at

13.–Why do we eat vegetables every day, Mom?-_______ healthy, my dear.A.To keepB.KeepC.KeepingD.Kept

14.When I was walking past his room yesterday evening, I heard him _____ piano.A.playingB.to play theC.playing the

15.I’ll go to visit my aunt in England______ the summer holidays start.A.whileB.sinceC.untilD.as soon as

16.Linda stayed at home instead of______ to the movies yesterday afternoon.A.goingB.to goC.goD.went

17.Wukong can make 72 changes ______ his shape and size.A.inB.onC.toD.at18.The writer’s new book will ____________ next month.A.come inB.come on C.come outD.come into

19.Some parents make their children _______ chores at home.A.to doB.doC.doingD.does

22.We heard the girl ____in the next room last night.A.singingB.singC.to sing23.We found ______ very interesting to learn about Chinese culture.A.it isB.thatC.itD.that is

24.I won’t go to bed______ I finish my homework.A.untilB.beforeC.afterD.when 25.Mary went to the cinema _________ going to schoolA.insteadB.instead ofC.howeverD.so 26..He didn’t go to school yesterday__________ he was ill.A.becauseB.because ofC.ifD.when 27.There are many ways __________English.A.learnB.to learnC.learningD.learned 28.He doesn’t __________to have many friends.A.lookB.soundC.seemD.smell

29.The P.E.teacher often makes us__________.A.to tireB.tiredC.tiringD.happily 30.The boy kept __________because he wanted to eat ice cream.A.cryB.criedC.cryingD.to cry 31.We’ve got no coffee.Let’s have tea _________.A.instead ofB.howeverC.yetD.instead

32.“We can’t be successful __________ we keep working hard.” “I agree with you.”A.ifB.unlessC.becauseD.when 33.Lucy said she __________cook meals when she was five.A.canB.is able toC.couldD.would

34.Once upon a time, an old man called Yu Gong tried ______ the mountains.A.moveB.not to moveC.movingD.to move 35.Zhang Lan is ill.Let me go to the meeting instead ________.A of sheB of herC off sheD off her 二.完形填空(15分)

That day was like any other day in his life.After school Mike walked past the shop in the street corner.He stopped to front row of shoes, and he felt sorry for himself.Hewanted to have a pair of shoes for his birthday.He walked away sadly and thought of what to tell his mother.He knew she would give him

38if she could.But he also knew very well she had39money.He decided not to go home40 ,as he looked worried and his mother would notice it.So he went to the park and sat down on the grass.Then he saw a boy in a wheel chair.He noticed that the boy moved the wheels with his hands.Michael looked at him carefully and wasto see that the boy had no feet.He lookedat his own feet.“It isbetter to be without shoes than feet.” he thought.There

was no reason for him to so sorry and sad.He went away and smiled, thinking he was more lucky in his life.36.A.seeB.look atC.hearD.notice37.A.gladly B.nearly C.reallyD.quickly 38.A.something B.what C.nothing D.anything39.A.little B.a little C.much D.lots of 40.A.at once B.then C.just now D.at all

41.A.pleased B.excited C.surprised D.interested

42.A.up B.through C.outD.down43.A.muchB.stillC.evenD.less 44.A.out ofB.with C.without D.having no45.A lookB.feelC.appearD.seem三.阅读理解(10分)

It was Mother's Day.A man stopped his car at a flower shop to order some flowers.He wanted the shopkeeper to send the flowers to his mother, who lived two hundred miles away.As he got out of his car, he found a young girl sitting on the road crying.He asked her what was wrong and she replied, “I want to buy a red rose for my mother, but I only have seventy-five cents.A rose costs two dollars.”

The man smiled and said, “Come into the shop with me, and I'll buy you a rose.”

He bought the little girl her rose and ordered his own mother's flowers.As they were leaving, he offered to drive the girl home.She said, “Yes, please!You can take me to my mother.” She brought him to a cemetery(墓地), where she placed the rose on the grave.The man was moved.He returned to the flower shop, picked up the flowers he ordered, and drove two hundred miles to his mother's house.Today is the day for your mother.Send a flower to your kind and beautiful mother.46.The man went to the shop to _____.A.have a restB.help the girl C.buy some foodD.order some flowers47.The man's mother lived _____ away from him.A.2 kilometersB.75 milesC.200 milesD.200 kilometers 48.The girl was crying on the road because _____.A.she was hungry B.she got hurt C.she couldn't afford a rose D.she couldn't find her way home49.After the man bought the girl a rose, they went to _____ together.A.the cemeteryB.his shopC.the girl's homeD.his mother's house50.We can learn from the passage that _____.A.the girl loved flowers very muchB.the shopkeeper sent the flowers to the man's motherC.the man drove to his mother's house to look after her D.the girl loved her mother very much四.词汇(30分)

1.The moon is________(shine)through the window.2.The _____________(excite)children forgot to take the presents to the party.3.Mike was ___________(hide)behind the sofa.4.Tina and Peter got __________(marry)two years ago.5.There were several_________(object)on the floor of the room.6.The girl___________(become)interested in science when she was six.7.They all went to the party with their______________.(wife)

8.The kind boy ___________(lead)a blind man across the street just now.9.The hunter_______________(shoot)the lion dead just now.10.The new coat________(fit)her.She looks beautiful today.11.I think we should try to find a better way__________(solve)the problem.12.Thirteen is considered an unlucky number in some ___________(west)countries.13.Yu Gong said that his family could continue________(move)the mountains after he died.14.The clever boy made a plan ______(save)himself and his sister.15.what could Yu Gong do instead of ______(move)the mountains.16.Anything is p_____________ ifwework hard.17.What could he do i_________ of selling his bike to get some money18.The b______ boy saved a little girl by jumping into the cold river..19.Her mother was so w_____ that she couldn’t go to work20.I think emperor didn’t want to be sound s___________.21.The old man never k ________(保留)anything for himself.22.The young ____________(夫妻)decided to move to Shanghai.23.Don’t read in the sun.It’s b__________.24.When they got married, they couldn’t stop s___________.25.The teacher____________(提醒)me to take my ID card to school tomorrow.26.David is her ____________(丈夫).They married 2 years ago.27.His mother bought a_____________(金的)ring.28.He did his homework the w ______ day.29.Don’t c_________ us, you should be a good boy.30.He speaks in a low____________(嗓音).五.根据汉语完成句子。(10分)

1.这个故事是如何开始的? ___________ does the story __________ ? 2.Tom caught the early bus to school__________ _________(而不是)walking.3.He becomes _________ ________ ________(变得对观看…感兴趣)a football match.4.她坚持努力学习,从不放弃。

She _________ _________ _________ , and never _______ _______.5.三年前这本书出版了。This book _________ __________ three years __________.6.为了使他父母高兴,下周他们要结婚.To__________ their parents__________, they will _______ _______next week.7.他们试图欺骗我。They ________ ________ ________ me.8.在我们家乡有很多石头砌成的房子。

In our hometown there are many houses _________ _________stones.

9.It doesn’t _________ ___________(似乎不可能)for Yu Gong’s family to move a mountain.10.They walked into the forest and_________ ___________(迷路)in it.

第三篇:七年级下Unit 2 测试题

七年级下Unit 2 测试题



16.I want to drink ________ water.Is there ________ water in the glass?

A.some;some B.some;any C.any;any D.any;some

17.Let ________ help ________.A.they;you B.us;this C.her;them D.we;you

18.Could you go and ________ the new books for me?

A.take B.catch C.get D.put

19.They live in a small house ________ an interesting garden.A.have B.has C.of D.with

20.— ________ is the park?

— It’s on the right of the school.A.Where B.What C.Why D.How

21.________.How can I get to the park?[来源:Z§xx§k.Com]

A.Hi B.Hello C.Excuse me D.Excuse

22.— Is this your e-dictionary?

— No, ________ is in the schoolbag.A.his B.mine C.yours D.hers

23.We traveled all night to London and got there ________ Sunday morning.A.for B.on C.at D.to

24.Do you often help your mother ________ the room?

A.cleans B.cleaning C.clean D.cleaned

25.I don’t like pop music because it’s ________.A.fantastic B.awful C.great D.cool

26.________ of them think that is a good idea.A.Anyone B.No one C.None D.Someone

27.Nick ________ be a policeman because he’s much too short.A.needn’t B.can’t C.shouldn’t D.may

28.________ the box, and you will find a beautiful present in it.A.When open B.If you open C.Open D.Opening

29.We must listen ________ the teacher carefully in class.A.at B.in C.on D.to

30.What’s the difference ________ British English ________ American English?

A.between;and B.between;or C.among;and D.among;or


59.________(be)there any books in the desk?

60.Jim sits next to me, on ________(I)left.61.Let me tell you how ________(use)the dictionary.62.The park is a good place ________(have)fun.63.I want ________(know)the way to the nearest hospital.三、根据汉语意思,完成句子,每空一词。

64.我们学校后面有一条河。________ _________ a _________ ________ our school.65.公园和邮局之间有路吗?

________ ________ a road ________ the park ________ the post office?


The park is a good place ________ ________ _________ ________ _________.67.不要乘出租车了,我们要经过三条单行道。

________ ________ a taxi.We will have ________ _________ three one-way streets.68.希望你们旅途愉快。

I hope you will ________ _________ _________ __________.

第四篇:八年级下unit 9复习小卷

八下英语期末复习小卷Unit 9

1.辨析have/has been to / have / has gone to / have/ has been in:

have/ has been to表____________(说话时人在现场), 常与_________搭配。

have/has gone to表____________((说话时人不在现场)

have/has been in表___________,常与_________搭配。

Mary isn’t here.She has ____ the shop.A.been toB.went toC.gone toD./

A number of tourists ____ Yangzhou many times because it is such a beautiful city.A.have been toB.has been toC.has gone toD.have gone to

2.population 做主语,谓语动词用______数,但部分人口(如three quarters of population)做主语,谓语动词用_______ 数。

3.— He is a good student.— __________________./ ____________________./___________________________(我也是)— He didn’t go to school.他没有去上学。

— __________________./ ____________________./___________________________(我也没有)

4.go __________ _________(不同的地方)

形容词修饰不定代词/副词,放在其_______, 不定副词前面不用______词。

—Have you bought _____for Linda’s birthday?

—Not exactly.Just some flowers,A.something unusualB.anything unusualC.unusual somethingD.unusual anything

5.— Do you have your summer plan, Bill?

— Well, I want to go ______ to relax with my family.A.interesting somewhereB.nowhere interestingC.somewhere interesting

6.put up _________ put away ________ put on ________put out _______ put down _______set up ________cheer up ________ fix up ________ pick up _______ look up________

_______ your sunglasses, Sally.The sun is so bright.A.Put downB.Put upC.Put awayD.Put on

Hi, Jack.Would you please _________the picture on the wall?

A.pick upB.look upC.get upD.put up

--Do you know how to pronounce this word ?

--Yes , I _______ in the dictionary yesterday.A.looked it up B.worked it out C.gave it away D.picked it up

7.wonderv想要知道= want to know, 后常接_______________________________引导的宾语从句,也可接“疑问词+不定式”

n.惊奇;奇观 the seven wonders of the world

—I wonder when you _______in New York.—I will send an e-mail to you as soon as I _______there.A.arrive;will getB.will arrive;getC.will arrive;will get

8.hear of ________ hear from__________

hear sb.______ sth 听见某人做某事hear sb._______ sth 听见某人正在做某事 When I passed the room, I heard someone_________(laugh)in it.A.laughingB.to laughC.laughedD.laughs

9.____________四分之三_____________ 三分之二


分数 + of +可数名词复数+动词复数形式

Two fifths of the milk ______(be)drunk by Tom.One third of the students _______(be)girls.The number of the students in our grade ___and about ___ of them are girls.A.are six hundreds;two thirdsB.is six hundred;two third

C.is six hundred;two thirdsD.are six hundred;two third

第五篇:八年级下Unit 2 复习题

Unit 2 复习题

1.I looked for my pen everywhere _______ there.(except, but, besides)2.If you don’t go,I shall not _______.(too , also,either)

3.My hat is the same _______ my friend’s.(to , as , with)

4.He is __________.He has __________ to buy the house.A.enough rich, enough money B.rich enough,money enoughC.rich enough ,enough money5.If Mr Johnson comes back,ask him.A.call me upB.to call me upC..to call up me

6.Our teacher gave me a ticket an English movie.(to,.with ,C.from)7.My sister often gives me on how to learn English well.A.some advicesB.an adviceC.some advice8.The chair is broken.Please __________who broken it.A.look forB.findC.find out

9..Last time you ____your pencil at school.Now,you must ______it any more.(forget, leave)10.________in my classwants to join the English Club.A.Else everyoneB.Everyone elseC.Other everyone11.The teacher told him________late any more.(not be)

12.I need some money ___________(buy)some presents for my best friend.13.---I found it difficult ___________________(get)to sleep in the night.14..I saw Tom ____________(cry)when I came into the classroom.15.The tall man seems ______________(come)from the north.16.If the clothes are __________(expensive),I’ll buy them,because I don’t have enough money.17.They are _____________(plan)to plant trees on the hill.18.The Smith _________(be)a lot _________(successful).19.She found _________ in today’s newspaper.(surprising nothing, nothing surprising)20.Would you like anything ___________(drink)?

21.They invited us __________(watch)the ball game together.22.This is __________ own job.(they)

23.The girl didn’t know where __________(live).24.昨天玛丽和最好的朋友吵架了。her best friend yesterday.25.汤姆的运动鞋过时了。26.我朋友和我穿一样的衣服,留一样的发型。27.孩子们应该学会如何与父母相处。28.我们将会尽可能小心地向他求助。29.他们自己把书还回了图书馆。30.昨天她直到孩子们睡着了才离开。31.We’ll try _____________(pass)the test.32.He learned __________(compare)Chinese with English.33.You _____________(付钱)the piano class by yourself ,didn’t you ? 34.My parents are angry ________ me _______ my test.(about, with, for)

Unit 2 复习题

1.I looked for my pen everywhere _______ there.(except, but, besides)2.If you don’t go,I shall not _______.(too , also,either)

3.My hat is the same _______ my friend’s.(to , as , with)

4.He is __________.He has __________ to buy the house.A.enough rich, enough money B.rich enough,money enoughC.rich enough ,enough money5.If Mr Johnson comes back,ask him.A.call me upB.to call me upC..to call up me

6.Our teacher gave me a ticket,.with ,C.from)7.My sister often gives me A.some advicesB.an adviceC.some advice8.The chair is broken.Please __________who broken it.A.look forB.findC.find out

9..Last time you ____your pencil at school.Now,you must ______it any more.(forget, leave)10.________in my classwants to join the English Club.A.Else everyoneB.Everyone elseC.Other everyone11.The teacher told him________late any more.(not be)

12.I need some money ___________(buy)some presents for my best friend.13.---I found it difficult ___________________(get)to sleep in the night.14..I saw Tom ____________(cry)when I came into the classroom.15.The tall man seems ______________(come)from the north.16.If the clothes are __________(expensive),I’ll buy them,because I don’t have enough money.17.They are _____________(plan)to plant trees on the hill.18.The Smith _________(be)a lot _________(successful).19.She found _________ in today’s newspaper.(surprising nothing, nothing surprising)20.Would you like anything ___________(drink)?

21.They invited us __________(watch)the ball game together.22.This is __________ own job.(they)

23.The girl didn’t know where __________(live).24.昨天玛丽和最好的朋友吵架了。her best friend yesterday.25.汤姆的运动鞋过时了。.26.我朋友和我穿一样的衣服,留一样的发型。27.孩子们应该学会如何与父母相处。28.我们将会尽可能小心地向他求助。29.他们自己把书还回了图书馆。30.昨天她直到孩子们睡着了才离开。31.We’ll try _____________(pass)the test.32.He learned __________(compare)Chinese with English.33.You _____________(付钱)the piano class by yourself ,didn’t you ? 34.My parents are angry ________ me _______ my test.(about, with, for)

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