
时间:2019-05-13 08:44:07下载本文作者:会员上传


Unit 2


电子商务E-business信息时代information age网站website

信息高速路information expressway网络 network

the World Wide Web万维网(www.xiexiebang.compact disk光盘


l.E-mail. With Internet,people can compose,send,and receive electronic mails. Many people get dozens of messages a day and consider it as their primary way of interacting with the outside world, far outdistancing the telephone and snail mail.2.News. Newsgroups are specialzied forums in which users with a common interest canexchagne messages.Thousands of newsgroups exist on Internet,on technical and nontechnical topics,including computers,science,recreation,and politics.

3.Remote login.Using the Telnet,Rlogin, or other programs,theuser anywhere onInternet can log into any other machineonwhichhehasanaccount.

4. File transfer.Using the FTP program,it is possible to copy files from one machine on Internet to another. Vast numbers of articles,databases,andother information are available in this way.

The Network Computer

The network computer,also known as the Internet toaster,Internet appliance or Internet device,is the low cost,no maintenance desktop device. It allows users to effortlessly connect to Internet and network resources. From there,they can share any resource and perform all computing tasks that they currently do on their PCs.

The network computer offers simplicity.Stripped of the hardware and software that complicate the PC life and only capable of network access and display, the network computer relies on the network for

virtually all software,services,processing,data,and resources. It eliminates the continuous cycle of desktop hardware and software upgrades,pushing that burden instead on to the network.

Need the latest word processor or spreadsheet? Run it off the

server,Want to save your work? Just send it off to the network,where it will be stored secured, and backed up.

Firewall: a Measure of Network Security

With the popularity of Internet,it is increasingly difficult to

guarantee the network security.Sometimes the networkwas breached because of not only hackers’ visit but also authorized users’ care out of ordinary.Firewall just is an effective measure of network security.It will ensure that all communications conform to your Security policy.

Once two lads broke into the university network,created a bulletin board,loaded popular commercial software on it and invited users across Internet to download the packages.Thanks to a firewall, network administrators found the system breached.They checked the audit and found the students’ IP addresses,names and location. The police arrested the two hackers.


One important application for Internet is communication between computer users by the electronic mail,or E-mail. E-mail allows users to electronically transmit and receive messages,text,or data.E-mail functions further like a mailbox:the user can send messages whether or not the intended receiver is currently on the network and the message is stored,along with a signal for the receiver that indicates that there is a message waiting.

E-mail has replaced the telephone for many messages.Users can respond when it is convenient,without being interrupted,and can get their message either on-screen or in the printed form.

Electronic Bulletin Boards

Another interesting application for Internet is the electronic bulletin board which is also called bulletin board service, BBS for short.It allows users to post and retrieve messages that are not directed to a specific user,much like announcements are posted on an office bulletin board.BBS has been used for everything from dating service and want ads to highly

specialized applications such as the exchange of research data in a narrow scientific field.因特网能为我们做什么?




















Task 1

Unit One

1.provinces b.2.woke a.3.haunt b.4.trouble a.5.weathers d.6.wakeb.7.coined c.8.trouble b.9.weather c.10.province c.11.coin a.12.value a.13.haunts a.14.has promised a.15.trouble c.16.coin b.17.promise d, 18.Values c.19.Refrain b.20.valued e.Task 2

1.tranquil 2.ultimately 3.aftermath 4.cancel out 5.ordeal 6.drastic 7.legacy 8.deprivations

9.suicidal 10.anticipated 11.preoccupied 12.Adversities 13.aspires 14.nostalgia 15, retrospect

Task 3

1.a mind-blowing experience 2.built-in storage space 3.self-protection measures 4.short-term employment

5.distorted and negative self-perception 6.life-changing events 7.all-encompassing details 8.a good self-image


Unit Two

I.A.entertainmentB.entertaining2.A.attached B.attachment3.A.historically B.historic4.A.innovativeB.Innovations5.A.flawed B.flawless

6.A.controversy B.controversial 7.A.revise B.revisions

8.A.commentary B.commentator9.A.restrictive B.restrictions10.Task 2


1.ethnic 2.corporate 3.tragic 4.athletic 5.underlie

6.stack 7.intrinsic 8.revenue 9.engrossed10.award

Task 3

1)revenues 2)receipts 3)economic 4)rewards 5)athletes 6)sponsor 7)spectators 8)maintain 9)availability10)stadiums11)anticipated12)publicity

Task 1 Unit Three

B Task2

1.B 2, D 1 A 4, C 5, A 6.B 7,C 8.A 9.10.C LA.discrete B.discreet C.discretion

2.A.auditors B.auditorium C.audit D.auditoryE.auditedA.conception B.contrivance C.contrive D.conceive

4.A.giggling B.gasped C.gargling D.gossip 5.A.affectionate B.passion C.affectionD.passionate

6.A.reluctant B.relentless C.relevant 7.A.reverence B.reverent C.revere

8.A.peeping/peep B.peered C.perceive D.poring


1)gain 2)similarities 3)diverse 4)enrich 5)perspective 6)discover 7)challenging 8)specific 9)adventure 10)enlightens)opportunities 12)memories 13)joyful 14)outweighs 15)span)

Task 1

Unit Four

1)uncomfortable 2)reading 3)immerse 4)deep 5)access 6)concentration 7)stopped 8)altered 9)change 10)different 11)decoders12)disengaged 13)variations 14)words 15)tighter

Task 2 Task 1

1.D 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.D 6.A 7.C 8.C

Step 1

l)i 2)f 3)a 4)b 5)h 6)j 7)c 8)e 9)d 10)g Step 2

1)fidgety2)crushing3)pithy4)foraging5)definitive , 6)propelled7)applauded8)ubiquity9)duly10)curtail

Task 2 1.above 2.on 3.to 4.on 5.on/about 6.to 7.with 8.at 9.Task 3


1.may have a subtle effect on 2.provide free access toe-books 3.isinthe midst ofa sea change

4.has been onthe faculty ofHarvard University 5.a voracious book reader 6.you'll stay focused onit 7.the conduit for information

8.your check came asanabsolute godsend 9.lost the thread ofthe story 10.stroll through elegant prose

Task 1 Unit Five






I.Comprehension check

i.1.T 2.F3.T4.F5.T 6.T 7.F 8.T9.T10.T

ii.1-5 BAAACD6-10 DCBAB


1-5 ADBAA6-10 DDCBA11-15 CCADB16-20 DCABA


1.It is generally accepted that upbringing of the child within the home is closely related to theeducation of the child in school

2.Jennifer is the chief of personnel for the New York Herald Tribune, where she is also responsible for special editorial work in the field of the public relations.3.Jeff met Rose at his sister’s birthday’s party two years ago.They have been

communicating each other by e-mail since then.The more Jeff knows Rose, the more helikes her

4.This new measure is effective not only in providing job opportunities for the

laid-off workers, but in limiting price increases

5.Similarly /likewise, they insufficiently treated /they did not sufficiently treat the political and economic background of the conspiracy.6.Tremendous capital input has met the needs of rapid economic growth on the one

hand, and has caused the inflation on the other.

第四篇:新世纪大学英语综合教程4课后答案unit 6

Enhance Your Language Awareness(I)Working with Words and Expressions




2.(1)live on(2)dawned upon(3)live by(4)is invested with(5)hold fast to(6)All to

(7)step aside(8)set out(9)to and fro(10)work at

(II)Increasing Your Word Power

1.(1)take effective measures(2)anew kind of explosive(3)the only alternative(4)defensive weapons(5)an impressive speech

(6)a comparative study of Chinese and western cultures

(7)take the imitative to donate blood(8)a creative musician(9)a distant relative(10)a constructive proposal

3.(1)provide care(for);receive care;take care;take care of(2)give sb.A chance;have a/ the chance;stand a chance(of)

(3)showconcern for;express concern about;voice one’s concern

(4)agree to one’s demand;give in to one’s demand;give up a demand;make

demands on;meet a demand;satisfy a demand

(5)accumulate experiences;acquire an experience;gain experience;learn

from experience

(6)be filled with fear;be seized with fear;express fear;live in fear(of);for

fear of;for fear that(clause)

(7)accept gift;exchange gifts with;give a gift;present sb.with a gift;receive

a gift

(8)arouse hope;boost one’s hope;bring/give hope to sb.;fulfill a/ the hope;

lose hope;raise one’s hope

(9)build up one’s strength;develop/ find /gain/gather/save one’s strength

(10)carry out a test;conduct a test;do /give a test;put sb.through a test;run a




(1)Emma is an expert in/ on organic farming.(2)There is a greater demand for cars these days.(3)The computer has had a great impact on our modern life.(4)Henry has a talent for making people laugh.(5)Many people in this country are demanding a reduction in taxes.(6)I really have confidence in my best friend, and I can turn to for help when in an






1.Sentence translation

(1)The ambassador to the U.N.was invested with full authority to deal with all the foreign affairs concerning his country on behalf of his government.(2)All the way on the train I had been preoccupied with the result of the term examination until the conductor reminded me of the arrival of my destination

(3)Although her husband’s name did not appear on the list of the people who got

killed in the traffic accident, she kept walking to and fro, anxious to see him back home sooner.(4)I was setting out to translate the contract into English when it dawned upon me

tat both parties involved were Chinese companies.(5)At the party, people sang and danced with abandon, totally forgetting the troubles

in their lives.(6)With the great aspirations to become an astronaut, Jackson committed himself to

the 2-year strenuous constitution training.(7)His paintings, drawing on timeless fairy stories, exemplified the European’s taste of that period.(8)The bus driver didn’t want to take any responsibility for the accident and so he took every means to put the blame on the passengers on board.(9)He not only risked his own life to save the old man from the burning house but

made some room in his own house for him to settle down.(10)From childhood, she tried to live by the teachings of her parents and gradually

accumulated a set of standards of conduct.2.Paragraph Translation

What is truth? Truth is the correct reflection of people’s knowledge about the objective world and its laws.Truth makes people full of hope and life full of brilliance and glory.Therefore, many people regard the pursuit of truth as the ultimate goal of their lives to the truth and make understanding contributions to mankind.Truth is both absolute and relative.We say that truth is absolute because truth can objectively reflect the essential of things.However, any truth is but people’s correct understanding of the development of things at a certain stage.Therefore, truth is relative and develops constantly.Sometimes, the brilliance of truth may dim but it will never die out.For some people, truth may seem beyond their reach.In fact, it is as long as we keep pursuing it heart and soul.



Does Machine Translation will take the place of Literary Translation?

In recent years, all kinds of electronic dictionaries and translation software have been developed.With the development of technology, these electronic dictionaries and softwares can help us translate not only words and phrases, but even sentences and paragraphs.So some people come to the conclusion that machine translation will replace traditional human translation.However, I couldn't agree with this argument.Admittedly,translation machines and softwares bring much convenience for our study.Electronic dictionaries and softwares can assist us find some new words quickly and accurately,especially, some generic terms.It still can provide an alternative choices for our translation though it always translate word by word.What's more , with a translation software we needn't bother to live through the heavy dictionaries.However, machine translation can not take the place of literary translation due to its limitations.First, generally speaking, translation software only can give direct translation, which sometimes don't consonant with the original articles in logic and meaning,let alone the grammar.Second,Literary Translation is more elegant and fluent.Considering the above mentioned, I believe there is no possibility that machine translation can replace Literary translation until the grammatic problem are solved due to the development of artificial intelligence.But machine translation is a good complementary to Literary translation.we should combine machine translation with literary translation effectively.Celebrity effect

Nowadays,why are so many people pay attention to the opinions which are gave by celebrities?It has something to do with celebrity effect—influence which bring about or from famous persons that affect people's tendency and mentality.In my opinion, every coin has two sides, celebrity effect has both positive and negative influence on our society.Celebrities are famous for they have one or few aspects that outdistance ordinary people.Their comments are often positive for the society.Like Thomas Alva Edison once said, “Genius are one percent inspiration and ninety nine percent perspiration”As a brilliant scientist, he expresses the importance of diligence in science and inspires countless people working hard to fight for the truth.As for some celebrities their story is a encouragement for us.For instance,Yuminhong the president of New Orient school is a household celebrity.his story encouraged numerous college students to pursuit their dream.Yet, this is not always the case the point is that, not all celebrities tell the truth and they are not perfect role models for the public.we should be careful with their remarks when is comes to their unfamiliar area and negative effect occur when their lie for some reason.For example,when a celebrity who advertise for inferior product.The consequences would be too ghastly to contemplate.Maybe thousands of people will suffer fr

In summary,celebrity effect has both advantages and disadvantages.We should be rational when comes to their comments and look before you leap when we involved in some important issue.What's more celebrities should take responsibility for the whole society and be honest.A stitch in time saves nine

In modern society ,we are always on the go and easily got into mass.To avoid being overwhelmed caught in flurry,we are supposed to patching small things up frequently ,just as the old sings goes:“a stitch in time saves nine”,or in other words ,get your house repaired timely before it rains.When comes to the real world,disorder surrounds us and entropy fills our life according to scientists.we have no choice but make a good preparation for what will happen,or disorder will get better of us.For example,there are always small things which we need to deal with.Maybe ,they won't make any difference to our daily life at the beginning.However,things will turn bad if you let them alone.You will realize that problems are too complicated to solve in the near future.On the other hand,make a good preparation in time will not only help us keep our life in order but also achieve maximum results with little effort.Imagining you will make a presentation to your classmates,you won't be confident or do a good job unless you are fully prepared.Or,it's inevitable that you will be embarrassed when you are on the stage.In summary,it consider wisely to patch up small things regularly and we should always keep in mind:“a stitch in time saves nine”.Man and disasters

In the span of human existence,human beings are continually attacked by and fighting against numerous disasters,both natural and man-made.Disasters seem to be part of human life.Are all disasters that bad?Actually not,on the contrary,disaster is a sharp double-blade-sword for human-being.On one hand,disasters both natural and man-made are all merciless and they always gives us painful lessons.Wen chuan earthquake killed more than 60000 people and one hundred thousand people lost their lives in Port-au-Prince earthquake.Thousands of people became homeless.The 2008 financial tsunamis lead to a global financial crisis.The financial crisis does not have any recovery signs in developed counties with larger government deficits, higher unemployment rate, more banks bankruptcy, more businesses shut down, higher prices and inflation pressure and all society are high unemployment even in 2009.On the other hand,disaster can promote reflection on and our society develops as we conquer one disaster after another.We probably would not appreciate each other so much until we were going through life to death.People will treasure every moment in their rest life when disasters gone.what's more,some disasters unfold important problems for when we are suffer from them.For example The 2008 ice storm in south of china.In addition,disasters can test people's character ,power of endurance,courage and w

Disasters always shoulder to shoulder with unforgettable trauma and suffering even death.Maybe,we are lost sometimes.But it wouldn't be long and we never be defeated by disasters let alone to yield.We were almost destroyed in disasters again and again.However, what's more important is that we are re-birthed in disasters again and again by conquering disasters one by one.Nevertheless, we still look forward to fewer disasters and surviving easier and happier.Career and interest

Currently, the mostly concerned problem is the ideal career and interest.People generally believe that the ideal state of life is being able to do the job that you are interested in.On the contrary,they always conflict with each other in real life.How should we deal with the conflicts between them is crucial,especially for our college student.In my opinion,interest should make way for career when they are at variance.Career is more important than interest for whose family is in poor economic condition.On one hand,The economic base determines the superstructure.The problem which we should first solve is how to survive.Only successful career can promise better life.Perhaps you get lots of reasons that interest should come to the first.You may contend that one can't do a good job without interest for he will not be passionate with his work.But it paled when comes to the reality even you get thousands of pretexts if your interest has nothing to do with your career.On the other hand,we have no choice the reality is cruel.High prices for living goods and houses and fierce competition for jobs provide no alternative choice for us.All we can do is make a good preparation for our career even we engage ourselves in the field that we are not interested in at all.Or,it will be tough.However,the condition really become so terrible that we do not have any chance to retrieve?No,it's not so bad.We can still develop our interests on the condition that your can make a good career for yourself.For instance,we can put the interest as a leisure.We can spend our free time to do the things we interest.In addition, we can choose the career close to our interest.Perhaps this will make our interest more extensive.In summary,We are supposed to consider a rational relationship between interest and career even you are engaged in a area which is boring.As for people who is in poor economic condition,you'd better give first rank to career and the second for interest.My View on Some Problems in China's Higher Education

With the development of our society, higher education has achieved many significant results.But there are some problems in China’s higher education.Some of them need to be solved urgently.Traditional education methods make students think the most important task is learning knowledge in books.So many college students work hard and manage to get high points.They do not care about whether they grasp it or not.It does not mean their abilities to think out creative ideas and to do practice has be improved.In fact students’

abilities to deal with problems are weak.Higher education ignores how important it is to help these young students get harmonious personnel relationship in society.Many students have high IQ but low EQ.It’s hard for these boys and girls to tolerate others’ opinions and behaviors.Many universities have not give students plenty of opportunities to do practice.Graduates find sometimes it is hard to use the knowledge into their jobs.How to solve these problems? It needs the whole society to make great efforts.Society should change their concept about higher education.People should know the destination of higher education is to make students understand how to learn, how to live and how to solve actual problems.Universities should give opportunities to students of do practice and finally solve them by themselves.Professors should conduct them but not to take the place of students.Finally there should be friendly atmosphere on campus.Boys and girls communicate smoothly and help each other.To keep good personnel relationship is very necessary in society.So now they should learn how to do during college life.My view on beauty

The desire for beautiful appearance is one of human natures.Many people operate their appearances so that they can become more beautiful ,so they pay more attention to the outside beauty instead of the inner beauty.I think the true beauty is inner beauty.It can stay long.I don’t think outside beauty is not beauty.If you have both of them ,it is better.Even though you don’t have beautiful appearance,that’s all right ,you simply improve your inner beauty.As we know ,everyone has their own appearances.They are given by God.I think they are all natural beauty.Natural beauty is the most beautiful.Outside beauty is not permanent.However,inner beauty can stay everlasting.Nowadays,many people don’t realize this point.They pursuit outside beauty all the time.Man-made beauty is concerned by people ,especially women.Women spend a lot of money on operation ,and they seek all kinds of ways to make them more beautiful.As we know every coin has two sides ,with the growth of popularity,all sort of problems come.Many women are cheatedby illegal hospital.They not only spend a lot of money but also hurt.I think it’s useless.As a twenty-one century teenager,we should know which one is more important.As far as I’m concerned,it seems necessary for us to regard beauty correctly.Finally,I want to say everyone is beautiful as long as you have eyes that can find beauty.



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