
时间:2019-05-15 13:28:12下载本文作者:会员上传



一、课上常说一些口令:attention(立正);stand up(起立);sit down(坐下);Team 1, go, go,go.(第一小队表现不好时);xx, Don’t be naughty.(xx,别淘气).课堂上一旦听见有说话声或要有乱堂的倾向,你就很严厉的说这些口令,学生们马上会做出相应的反应。









123——做做好,321——请安静 小嘴巴——不说话

请把小手放背后——我把小手放背后 请坐好——我坐好 二,TPR手势

把手放在嘴边做安静状 伸出大拇指鼓励表现好的幼儿 三,沉默法



每个孩子的名字写在黑板上,画小花,鱼骨头,小星星等 六,评选每日之星,每周之星,每月之星 七,画画

分组画搞怪的画,先完成的那组获胜 八,换位子


个体表扬、集体表扬 十,提问法

幼儿做小动作的时候突然喊他的名字回答问题 十一,亲吻,拥抱 十二,学生分组法 如跳绳、绑腿等 十三,掌声控制 十四,激将法





变成爷爷奶奶,机器人的声音等 十八,敲白板 十九,搞笑法

做夸张的手势和动作吸引幼儿注意力 二十,课堂小律动

** ***

** *** 1、2 拍拍手 3、4 点点头 5、6 扭扭腰 7、8 跺跺脚 9、10 做做好











10、木头人:如:I can fiy

I can jump


11、说反语:I say sit down

You say stand up















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success;hit;bring home the bacon;come through;make good winning

to succeed;to be a success;to be successful;to meet with success;to make the grade;to prosper;to come off;to make one ' s mark;to do well;to complete one ' s work


No cross no crown.I succeeded because I willed it;I never hesitated.(Bonaparte Napoleon, French emperor)

我成功是因为我有决心,从不踌躇。(法国皇帝 拿破仑.B.)

If you wish to succeed , you should use persistence as your good friend , experience as your reference , prudence as your brother and hope as yoursentry.(Thomas Edison , American inventor)

如果你希望成功,当以恒心为良友、以经验为参谋、以谨慎为兄弟、以希望为哨兵。(美国发明家 爱迪生.T.)

Success covers a multitude of blunders.(George Bernard Shaw , British Dramatist)

成功由大量的失望铸就。(英国剧作家 肖伯纳.G.)

The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for circumstances they want , and if they cannot find them.they makethem.(George Bernard Shaw , British dramatist)

在这个世界上,取得成功的人是那些努力寻找他们想要机会的人,如果找不到机会,他们就去创造机会。(英国剧作家 肖伯纳.G.)

You have to believe in yourself.That's the secret of success.(Charles Chaplin , American actor)

人必须相信自己,这是成功的秘诀。(美国演员 卓别林.C.)

Better to light one candle than to curse the darkness.与其诅咒黑暗,不如燃起蜡烛。

Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.成功的秘诀就是四个简单的字:多一点点。

The Elements of Success

I don’t believe that there is any one recipe for success.Instead, I believe

success is the result of a combination of a lot of different factorsread and try out the foundational materials and push

yourself into challenging areas to build your knowledge.areas.Find this out for yourself by trying a lot of different activities and seeing

what comes easy to you.The things you do with little or no effort that genuinely

impress others are likely very near your natural talent, and natural talent

combined with a lot of hard work leads to greatness.Much like a trip, it’s a lot easier to get where you

want to go if you know where you’re going and spend the time to plan the route

you’ll take to get there.Think about what your definition of success exactly is,then identify some of the things that need to be done to help you move towards

it.Passion An intense, burning desire to dig deep into a particular area is often a

sign that you’ll find success there.Much as with your natural talent, the way to

find your passion is to touch on a lot of different areas and see what resonates

for you.is another key to finding success.You don’t

become a champion without practicing every day.If you want to succeed in a

certain area, work hard in that area and go beyond what others are doing-

deliberate practice is one big key.Luck/opportunity Luck and opportunity also play an important role in success-

sometimes things just click due to forces outside your control.You can

improve your luck by making as many strong personal contacts as you can and

sharing what you have to increase their “luck” and “opportunities.”

Fourteen-year-old to get into the business, 22-year-old official business,Li Ka-shing is not only the elite entrepreneurs, business magnates, but also on the road in its business development, mergers and acquisitions of companies.It can be said that Lee is pioneering the road of the road to a merger, the business and grow with mergers and acquisitions can not be separated from other companies.Li Ka-shing, M & A road with their life

experience, entrepreneurial experience, as much attention around the world.Hardships and success of entrepreneurial experience

July 29, 1928, Mr.Li Ka-shing was born in Guangdong Province, Chaozhou ChaoAn.In 1940, with his parents to settle in Hong Kong.Winter his father died in 1943, bringing the juvenile Li Ka-shing started apprentices, workers, salesmen plastics plant life.1948, 20-year-old he would start in San Po Kong as a plastics factory, the business manager, general manager.In 1950, the Yangtze River in Shau Kei Wan founded the plastics factory.In 1957, the creation of the Yangtze River at the North Point Industrial Co., Ltd., the

development of plastic flowers, toys production.1958, 1960 took place in North Point, Chai Wan built two industrial buildings.September 31, 1972, Li Ka-shing, Cheung Kong Holdings Ltd.founded, November 1, “Cheung Kong” shares at the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, the Far East Stock Exchange, the Kam Ngan Stock Exchange listing, and one after another in London(1973), Canada Vancouver(June 1974)listing.May 1974, with Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Alliance Group Health East Finance Company Limited.May 15, 1985, Li Ka-shing, the Hong Kong Bank as non-executive vice chairman of the board of directors.In 1986, the Cheung Kong Group, the consortium ranked the top ten richest man in Hong Kong, Li Ka-shing's listed value of the four companies listed in Hong Kong accounted for 13.57% of gross.April 7, 1990, Li Ka-shing's “and yellow” and “CITIC”, British Cable and Wireless co-investment “Asian satellite”, by China's “Long 3” carrier rocket has successfully placed over Southeast Asia the synchronous orbit.To 1991,“Cheung Kong” Department of the consortium has developed into an important international status and has a significant impact on the diversification of transnational enterprise groups, with more than 1200 billion in assets, more than two and a half times increase in 1986.李嘉诚 统领长江实业、和黄集团、香港电灯、长江基建等集团公司,全球华人首富,全世界华人最成功的企业家。十四岁投身商界,22岁正式创业,半个世纪的奋斗始终以“超越”为主题:从超越平凡起跑;为超越对手努力;达到巅峰,超越巅峰;实现自我,超越自我,于是世人称之为“超人”。李嘉诚不仅是创业精英、商界巨头,而且在其创业发展路上,并购多家公司。可以说,李创业之路就是一条并购之路,其创业和壮大与兼并和收购其它公司企业分不开。李嘉诚的并购之路同其人生经历、创业经历一样倍受世人关注。










Company Infornation

KFC belongs to Yum

Yum Group is the world’s largest restaurant group,more than 100 countries around the world and has more than 33000 stores and 840000

employees.Owns KFC,Pizza Hut,Taco Bell.Esat Dawning and other

well-known restaurant brands in the world,respectively cooking

chicken,pizza,Mexican style food and seafood restaurant area ranked first in the world.Sign of kfc

In recognition of his contribution to his home,Kentucky gave him the honorary title of Colonel Sanders.Colonel Sanders a suit,gray-haired and bearded image of the goat has become an international brand.Which is the best symbol of KFC


“人们因闲散而生锈者比精疲力竭者多,如果我因闲散而生锈过,我会下地狱。” 肯德基口号::“WE DO CHICKEN RIGHT。”

芝蛋堡 Fort cheese eggs 猪柳蛋堡 Liu Fort pig eggs

田园脆鸡堡 crispy chicken Fort pastoral

田园脆鸡堡加蛋 pastoral crispy chicken eggs plus fort

海鲜蛋花粥 Danhua seafood soup 香菇鸡肉粥 chicken and mushroom soup枸杞南瓜粥 Chinese wolfberry pumpkin soup

鸡蛋肉松卷Dried egg roll 鸡蛋猪柳卷egg roll Liu pig

鲜虾鸡蛋卷 shrimp egg roll 港式奶茶 Hong Kong-style milk tea

都乐橙汁饮料 Dole orange juice drink

纯牛奶Pure milk 香脆薯棒 Crispy potato sticks

芝士蛋堡餐 Fort cheese eggs meal

猪柳蛋堡餐 Pig Liudanbaocan

田园脆鸡堡餐 Pastoral Cuijibaocan

田园脆鸡堡加蛋餐 Crispy chicken pastoral Baojiadancan

早餐鸡蛋卷餐 Breakfast egg roll meal炸鸡是最优秀的(We Do Chicken Right)

南丁格尔 organizations.The home served as the director of nursing at a hospital in London.In 1853, Britain, France, and other countries of the outbreak of the Crimean War with Russia.Nightingale at the invitation of the British government, led by 38 nurses rushed to the front line.Britain has religious and social prejudices, has been in the hospital, especially against a field hospital nurse appeared.Nightingale fully demonstrated in front of all her talents, her own status and

reputation.break the military authorities hurdles,30,000 pounds of produce to purchase medicines and medical equipment for hospitals and the reorganization of the hospital.improve the living environment and nutrition conditions of the wounded, to rectify the operating room, cafeteria and laboratory, a field hospital in the face of rapid change.only 1,700 asylum arrangements for the wounded on the battlefield hospital after she has received 3,000 to 4,000 wounded.Six months later, the field hospital has undergone tremendous changes, the patients rapidly declining mortality from 50% to 2%.Like to see the miracle of a national nursing shock.Meanwhile the British

government to change the valuation of nurses and improve the status of women, care workers and by the community.It also recognized the importance of nursing.Nightingale's greatest achievement was the creation of the nursing profession.She initiated a number of measures and care system, such as the patient calls to whatwinch installed in the kitchen and delivering meals to patients, a nurse inspection system.June 24, 1860.She will be commended for her contributions to the British

community who donated the money as “Nightingale Fund.”Rendonshengdomas in hospitals has created a “Nightingale nurses training school.”This school of 1890, after more than 30 years of nursing education and training of 1,005 trainees, andMost outstanding were Britain, the United States and Asian countries hospitals hired to run nursing schools.She wrote books and more than 100 papers on the care and education for many years and are considered to be an important contribution to hospital management.Nightingale Nursing's important is to let the community know that nursing is a “technology”and bring it to “career”, she was known as “the founder of

She is a person's name.一个护士。A nurse.她曾经帮助过很多人。She has helped many people.救过很多人。Saved many people.后来为人民所赞扬。Was praised for the people.在现在。At this time.如果有护士能做到为人民服务。If nurses can do to serve the people.且有很大贡献者的护士。And there is a great contributor to the nurse.就会得到这个名号。Would arrive at this name for itself.是非常光荣的。Is very honorable.作为护士的最高荣誉、As nurses, the highest honor,Nurses must have a compassionate and willing to work a pair of hands”


I solemnly pledge myself before god and in the presence of this assembly.To pass my life in purity and to practice my profession faithfully.I will abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous,and will not take or knowingly administer any harmful drug.I will do all in my power to maintain and eldvate the standard of my profession

And will hold in confidence all personal matters committed to my keeping and all family affairs coming to my knowledge in the practice of my calling

With loyalty will I endeavor to aid the physician in his work,and devote myself to the welfare of those committed to my care——Te Florence Nghtingale Pedge



1. Mingle 交错: Find someone who.学生的信息跃然纸上,然后互相问答找到这个信息的主人。新学期的自我介绍 四


2. Splat.拍.用这个活动学习新的单词。如:老师说英文学生拍图片。学习单词

3. 笑脸,哭脸,lost chance ,have a chance 给学生活动添加了很多乐趣。无论是pair work 还是 group work.增加活动的趣味性。

4. 扔球认人:学生站成圈,例如: I’m Michelle, what’s your name ? 扔给另一个学生。学生在经过一段的熟悉后(记住

同圈伙伴的名字),然后开始扔给自己记住名字的人,首先是叫出对方的名字。如:Hi,Helen.Helen 接着扔给自己记住名字的人。新学期的自我介绍

5. Jump in jump out introduce yourself.围成一圈,学生向前跳,向后跳,然后介绍自己。一个接一个的做。新学期的自我介绍除自我介绍还能用于介绍展示其他的东西。

6.hot chairfor describing。新知识的学习

7. Introduce ourselves in two circles.两圈同时相反方向行走,指令停止后跟自己相对应的内外圈互相介绍。然后回来


8. Boat race 给出主要单词,每个人造一句,构成一个故事。用于写作

9. Detective学生用于新单词的熟悉,给出一个单词。大家齐念。找一个学生做侦探(出门),进入教室发现做小动


10. 音标学习的 射击:老师给音标,学生说单词。两列学生分别朝不同的方向前进,听到老师所报的单词中发音

和其他不同的一个,则马上扭头射击。看谁反应速度快。Boxes of sound, pass it around.口诀停到谁那里需想出一个发此音标的单词。新知识的学习。判断正确还是错误。

11. 一个描述,一个画画。There be 句型,或是介词学习时。新知识的学习。

12. Bingo 学习单词。

13. 台风 回答问题,14. Row or column.横排还是数列。回答问题

15. What time is Mr.wolf? 用于分类,比如 水果,蔬菜,肉。新句型的学习。单词句型的学习。新知识的学习。

16. 两个学生对话,不能磕巴,一旦磕巴换成下个人。增加活动的趣味性。

17. 不同情绪的读课文。能够引起学生的兴趣。新知识的学习。

18. Give one.get one新知识的学习。

19. Listen to music, when music stops, try to discuss with the person who is close to you.A small talk.练习对话时。增




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