日期:2014-09-10 各区人力资源和社会保障局,高新区社会事务管理局,雪野旅游区党群人事劳动保障部,经济开发区社会事务管理局,市直各企业:
技师、高级技师申报范围为在国家已公布职业标准且设立技师、高级技师等级的职业(工种)内,具体职业(工种)请登录查询www.xiexiebang.com, 相关表格请到莱芜市人民政府网站公告栏下载填报。反映个人任职以来专业技术水平、能力、业绩的工作总结1份;职业资格证书、学历证书原件和复印件;身份证复印件、本人近期二寸免冠彩色照片四张;技术革新发明创造的成果、论文及技术竞赛、先进生产者的获奖证书原件和复印件。每个人的原件和复印件分别各装一个档案袋,档案袋上写清姓名、工种、申报单位名称、联系方式以及内装材料的名称和份数。
以下78 个中英文句子,A.B.C.分别代表它们的难易程度。(A)易(24)
A 1.海油公司愿景:贡献不竭,清洁能源,创造美好生活 Our vision: inexhaustible contributions, clean energy and create a better life.2.公司发展原则:合作,稳健,差异化
Our development principles: cooperation, sustainable growth, differentiation 3.海油精神:爱岗敬业,求实创新
Corporate spirit: Be dedicated, effective and innovative 4.HSE管理体系:即健康、安全与环境管理体系 Health, Safety and Environment System 5.安全第一、工作第二。
The first is safety, the second is work.6.海油已有24名高技能人才被派送德国学习交流。24 high skilled talents have been sent to Germany to study.7.中海石油海上工程公司
China Offshore Oil Marine Engineering Corporation 8.我们在离开井场之前,把一切都收拾好。
We get everything in order before we leave.9.必须再检查一下安全措施。
The safety precaution must be re-inspected.10.原油储量大, 产量高。
The crude oi1 reserve is great.The output is high.11.不要用那台搅拌机,它坏了,请用这个!
Don't use that agitator.It doesn't work, please use this one instead!12.请把钻台冲洗一下,准备下20"套管!
Please wash and clean the drill floor to run in hole with 20″ casings!
Please circulate and then wire line survey!14.他在这个队当司钻。
He works as a driller in this crew.15.我们用那个开关控制马达
We use that switch to control this motor.16.停电!把这个马达停下来,它太热了!
Cut off the electricity and make the motor stop.It's too warm.17.你们怎么启动这些柴油机?
How do you start these engines? 18.明天上午会议室人多吗? Will there be many people in the meeting room tomorrow morning? 19.今天夜里可能很冷,请用锅炉供气好吗?
It will be cold tonight, will you please use boiler to provide with steam? 20.我们的前景很好。
0ur future will be wonderful 21.我很荣幸被邀在这里工作。
It’s an honor for me to be asked to work here.22.你是什么时候开始当司钻的?
When did you begin to work as a driller? 23.停电有多久了?
How 1ong has the electricity been off? 24.谁来接替保养工作?
Who will be taking over the maintenance work?
B 1.1982年2月15日中国海洋石油总公司在北京正式成立。In February 15 1982 China National offshore Oil Corporation was formally established in Beijing.2.公司经营范围:石油勘探,开发生产和销售。
The scope of our corporations: oil exploration, development production and marketing 3.公司经营理念:以人为本,担当责任,和合双赢,诚实守信,改革创新 Corporate
philosophy: win-win
people-orientation, benefits,credibility,thresponsibilities, innovation 4.2013初中国海油成功收购加拿大尼克森公司。
At the beginning of 2013 CNOOC completed the acquisition of the Canadian energy company Nexen.5.2010年12月中国海油在国内海域的油气产量突破5千万吨。In December 2010 China CNOOC exceeded 50million tons of the annual oil and gas production in domestic waters.6.中国海油总公司从2004年开始每两年举办一届中海油职业技能大赛
CNOOC holds the occupation skills contest once every two years since 2004 7.1947年美国在墨西哥海湾钻成世界第一口海上油井, 开启了石油工业挺进海洋的时代.In 1947 American drilled the world’s first offshore well in the Gulf of Mexico and opened the oil industry into the era of ocean.8.中央企业技术能手享受国务院政府特殊津贴。
The central enterprise technology experts approve to receive the state council special allowance.9.近十年来石油工业有了很大的进步。
There have been great advances in petroleum industry in the past ten years.10.到去年年末,我们已经组建了18个钻井队。
By the end of last year, we had formed eighteen drilling teams.11.昨天他告诉我,比尔先生将当技师。
Yesterday he told me that Mr.Bill would be a tool pusher.12.我们应当使自己熟悉这项先进技术。
We should acquaint ourselves with this advanced technique.13.更多的新技术将由这些青年的工程师掌握。
More new techniques will be mastered by these young engineers.14.为祖国生产石油是我们的责任。
It's our duty to produce much oil for our motherland.15.今后还要发展更多的新技术。
More new techniques will be developed in the future.16.现在在采取什么措施提高原油产量?
What measures are being taken to increase output of crude oil? 17.清洗钻机和钻台需要30分钟。
It will take thirty minutes to clean the draw works and drill floor.18.在这个井场有这么多我们要看和学习的东西。
There are so many things for us to see and study in this well site.19.润滑油的工作温度必须每小时测量一次.The working temperature of the lubricating oil must be measured every hour.20.这些开关用来控制泵房的灯。
These switches are for controlling the lights in the pump house.21.从柴油机烟囱里冒出来的黑色烟团正在污染我们的空气。The black masses of smoke puffing out of the engine chimneys are polluting our air.22.这个电路的电压比其它电路的电压高得多。
The voltage of this circuit is much higher than that of the other one.23这根钢丝绳的长度是那根的三分之一。
This piece of wire line is three times shorter than that one.24.我认识你们正在谈论的那位钻井技师。
I know the drilling tool pusher whom you are talking about.25.中国是第一个钻天然气井的国家,这一事实我们都知道。We all know the fact that the first country to drill gas wells was China.26.我们对计算结果核对再核对,免得其中有错误。
We checked and rechecked the results of the calculations lest there should be any mistakes in them.27.这台设备很重,如果不用吊车就无法挪动。
The equipment is so heavy that it can't be moved without using a crane.28.除了我之外还有很多人想参观你们的研究中心。
There are many others besides me who want to visit your research center.29.劳驾为我们打开那个闸门好吗?
Would you mind opening that valve for us? 30.一个好的钻井工程师必须懂得几门外语。
It is necessary that a good drilling engineer should know several foreign languages.31.假如你去年用功学习英语的话,现在你就能用英语和我交谈了。
If you had worked at English harder last year, you could now talk with me in English.C 1.公司社会责任理念:以人为本,公开透明,慈善捐赠,勇于创新,安全高效生产,低碳绿色增长。
Our social responsibility ethos: putting people first, openness and transparency, charitable giving, courage to innovate, safe and efficient operations, low carbon green growth 2.公司核心发展战略:协调发展战略,科技驱动战略,人才兴企战略,成本领先战略,绿色低碳战略
Our development strategies: synergetic development strategy, technology-driven strategy, talent development strategy, cost effective strategy, low-carbon green strategy 3.公司发展目标: 到2020年基本建成国际一流能源公司
到2030年全面建成国际一流能源公司 By 2020 China CNOOC will essentially become a world-class multinational energy company.By 2030 maintain the same status China CNOOC will develop fully into a global company.4.1993-2003年中国海油完成了主要子公司的重组并上市。From the year 1993 to 2003 China CNOOC completed the main subsidiary of restructuring and succeeded in listing abroad.5.“海洋石油981”---我国首座自主设计、建造的最先进的第六代3000米深水半潜式钻井平台.开启了中海油正式挺进深水的新征程.Hai Yang Shi You 981: China’s first independently designed and constructed, a sixth-generation semi-submersible drilling platform with the capability of 3000-metre deepwater exploration.It opened a new journey of CNOOC official into deep water.6.981钻井平台荣获2014国家科技进步特等奖
981 Drilling Platform, won the 2014 annual National Science and technology progress grand prize 7.中国海油的“三大跨越”:即从浅水走向深水,从国内走向海外,从单纯的上游产业发展到上中下游一体化的跨越。CNOOC three leaps :to expand CNOOC”s operations from the shallow to the deep water areas, and to overseas locations and forms an industrial value chain that integrates the upstream, midstream and downstream operations.8.钻井技术的快速发展要求钻井工程师在技术领域内具有全面的基础知识。
The rapid development of drilling technology requires that a drilling engineer have a comprehensive basic knowledge in the technical field.9.靠近水罐的马达出了毛病,必须马上修好。
The motor close to the water tank is out of order, it is necessary to have it repaired at once.10.还没有证据证明这种泥浆药品有害,因此,它还用得很广泛。No proof has been given of this mud material being harmful so it is still much used.11.如果全世界所有的冰都融化的话,那么海洋的水位会上升约76米。
If all the ice in the world melted, the level of the sea would rise about 76 meters.12.供水应当纯净,不含溶解盐; 因为这种盐类会在水管内沉积并导致过热现象发生。
The feed-water should be pure, and free from dissolved salts which will cause deposits on the tubes and lead to overheating.13.如果我们油田没有引进自动化,生产就不会增长得那么快。If automation had not been introduced into our oilfield, the production would not have increased so rapidly.14.要是没有变压器来调节电压,远距离输送电力是不可能的。Were there no transformers to adjust the voltage, long-distance transmission of electricity would be impossible.15.在任何情况下,都不应该把这种泥浆药品放在阳光下很久,否则它就会变质。
Under no conditions should this kind of mud material be put in the sun for too long, Otherwise its properties will go bad.16.从来不曾有过象电子计算机那样效率高而又准确的机器。Never has a machine been so efficient and accurate as the electronic computer.17.这台计算机已经将所需要的全部数据存在“储存器”中。The computer has had all the facts it needs stored in its “memory”
Do concentrate all your efforts on work, please!19.万一贝利先生明天来,我就把他要的那份图纸给他。Should Mr.Bailey come here tomorrow, I should give him the drawing he needs.20.控制整个井场的电路所需要的开关都集中在这儿.All the switches necessary for controlling the power lines of the whole well site are concentrated here.21.有些科学家相信有可能从石油中提炼食物,这种食物可能比我们现在吃的食物更富有营养。
Some scientists believe it possible to create food from petroleum which may be more healthful than any food we eat now.22.我想有必要问问他,这样的一本说明书是否买得到? I think it necessary to ask him whether such an instruction book is now available? 23.所需要的全部材料运到以后,中、美双方技师开始进行检验。All the necessary materials having been shipped, both Chinese and American tool pushers began to examine them.
附件1:2013年技师、高级技师初审名单。附件2:电力行业高级技师考评申报表 附件3:电力行业技师考评申报表 附件4:湖北省高级技师考评申报表 附件5:湖北省技师考评申报表
附件6:电力行业高级技师考评材料目录 附件7:湖北省高级技师考评材料目录 附件8:技师考评材料目录 附件9:高级技师工作业绩认定表 附件10:技师工作业绩认定表 附件11:技术工作总结撰写要求 附件12:论文撰写及答辩要求
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