联合国秘书长潘基文在卫塞节的致辞时间:2011-05-07 14:57来源:口译网 作者:口译网 点击:1100次
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s Message for the Day of VesakMay 201
The Lord Buddha, whose birth, enlightenment and passing we mark each year on Vesak Day, bequeathed to humanity profound teachings that can guide our efforts to resolve the severe problems facing today’s world.我们每年都在卫塞节这一天纪念佛陀的出生、成道和涅磐。佛陀传授给人类的深远教义可以指导我们努力解决当今世界面临的严重问题。
His injunction against the three poisons of greed, anger and ignorance is especially relevant to multilateral efforts to overcome the hunger that needlessly affects nearly a billion people in a world of plenty, the brutal violence that takes millions of lives each year, and the senseless environmental damage that humans cause to our only home, the planet Earth.佛陀要求戒掉贪、嗔、痴三毒,这对于多方努力消除饥饿、残酷暴力和对环境的破坏尤其具有重大意义,全球有近10亿受饥饿影响,每年暴力夺走几百万人的生命,而人为因素则使人类自己的家园地球的环境遭到无谓的破坏。
This year’s theme of socio-economic development may sound modern, but its core is the very problem of human suffering that Siddhartha Gautama sought to address more than 2,500 years ago when he left his palace, relinquished his worldly possessions and went out into the world.今年的主题社会经济发展听起来很现代,其实其核心正是2500多年前釋迦牟尼离开宫殿、舍弃身外之物及云游世界,力求超度众生脱离苦海的根本问题。
Numerous Buddhist organizations are putting these teachings into practice.I am deeply grateful for their support for United Nations activities to achieve the Millennium Development Goals, our blueprint for enabling all people to enjoy lives of dignity and opportunity.无数佛教组织在实践中领悟这些教诲。我深深感谢它们对联合国实现千年发展目标的活动的支持,千年发展目标是我们为每个人享有有尊严的生活和机会而制定的蓝图。
On this Day of Vesak, let us draw on the universal values of Buddhism to act in solidarity with those who are suffering, thereby contributing to a more compassionate and enlightened world for all.在卫塞节之日,让我们凭借佛教的普世价值,与苦难的人们团结在一起,从而为创造一个人人共享的更富有同情心和更加文明进步的世界作出贡献。
卫塞(Vesak)是斯里兰卡僧伽罗语,源于巴利文“Visakha”一词。在印度、孟加拉、尼泊尔,该节日称为“Visakah Puja”或“Buddha Purnima”;在泰国称“Visakha Bucha”;在印度尼西亚称“Waisak”;斯里兰卡和马来西亚称“Vesak”或“Wesak”;在老挝称“Vixakha Bouxa”;缅甸称“Ka-sone”。
每年卫塞节的日期根据历法而定,是在五月的月圆之日。将这天(或数天)列作公众假期的包括斯里兰卡、马来西亚、缅甸、泰国、新加坡、越南等国。鉴于卫塞节已获得联合国承认,因此国际的正式名称是“联合国卫塞节”(United Nations Day of Vesak)。
UN Secretary General's Video Message for UN Day 2010October 2010
On United Nations Day, I express my great appreciation to the millions of people throughout the world who believe deeply in our work for peace, development and human rights… and whoour ideals and help us achieve our goals.To all of you… friends and fellow citizens of the world… I say: thank you.值此联合国日,我谨对坚信我们为和平、发展和人权所作的工作……捍卫我们的理想并帮助我们实现目标的遍布全世界的数百万人表示由衷的感谢。我要对你们大家……朋友们和世界公民们……说:谢谢你们。
Sixty-five years ago on this date, the founding Charter of the United Nations entered into force.Every year on UN Day, weour global mission.Wethe universal values of tolerance, mutual respect and human dignity.And we recognize the progress we have made together: gains in literacy and life expectancy… the spread of knowledge and technology...advances in democracy and the rule of law.65年前的今天,联合国的创始宪章开始生效。每年的联合国日,我们都重申我们的全球使命。我们重申容忍、相互尊重和人类尊严这些普遍的价值观。我们肯定我们共同取得的进展:文盲减少了,预期寿命增加了……知识和技术得到了传播……民主和法治得到了推进。But above all, UN Day is a day on which we resolve to do more.More to protect those caught up in armed conflict, to fight climate change andnuclear;more to expand opportunities for women and girls, and to combat injustice and impunity;more to meet the Millennium Development Goals.不过,联合国日首先是我们下决心继续努力的日子。继续努力保护受到武装冲突影响的人、应对气候变化和避免核灾难;继续努力为妇女和女童提供更多的机会、消除不公正和有罪不罚现象;继续努力实现千年发展目标。
Last month's MDG Summit at the United Nations generated political … as well as financial commitments that are especially significant in these difficult economic times.I am determined to press ahead as the 2015 deadline approaches.上个月举行的联合国千年发展目标首脑会议推动了政治势头的形成……及财政承诺。在当今经济困难时期,这种财政承诺尤其重要。离最后期限2015年越来越近了,我决心加速前进。Despite our problems, despiteand distrust, our interconnected world has opened up vast new possibilities for common progress.Let us commit to do even more to realize the great vision set out in the UN Charter.尽管我们面临各种问题,尽管存在两极分化和不信任,我们这个相互连接在一起的世界为共同进步提供了大量新的机会。让我们承诺加倍努力,实现《联合国宪章》所描绘的美好前景。温家宝在第八届亚欧首脑会议开幕式的致辞
sustainable recovery
a close-knit community of interests
the exchange rates of major reserve currencies
the representation and voice of developing countries
the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities
clean energy, energyand environmental protection
the Eastern learning spreading westward and the Western learning spreading eastward兼容并蓄,取长补短,和谐共处
inclusiveness, draw on each other's strength and live in harmony
seek peaceful solutions to regional hot-spot issues, put an end toand warfare存在较大的不确定性
We are soberly aware of the many uncertainties existing in this process
was repeatedly ravaged by wars
We should adhere to the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, intensify political interactions and strategic coordination, and enhance mutual understanding and trust.多元发展
diverse forms of development
seek common ground while reserving differences and build consensus
China will continue to contribute its share to strengthening and deepening the new Asia-Europe partnership
we pulled together and acted in unity
Let us work together to shape a prosperous and harmonious future for Asia and Europe.
UN Secretary General's Video Message for UN Day 2010October 2010
On United Nations Day, I express my great appreciation to the millions of people throughout the world who believe deeply in our work for peace, development and human rights… and who uphold our ideals and help us achieve our goals.To all of your friends and fellow citizens of the world I say: thank you.值此联合国日,我谨对坚信我们为和平、发展和人权所作的工作……捍卫我们的理想并帮助我们实现目标的遍布全世界的数百万人表示由衷的感谢。我要对你们大家……朋友们和世界公民们……说:谢谢你们。
Sixty-five years ago on this date, the founding Charter of the United Nations entered into force.Every year on UN Day, we reaffirm our global mission.We reassert the universal values of tolerance, mutual respect and human dignity.And we recognize the progress we have made together: gains in literacy and life expectancy… the spread of knowledge and technology...advances in democracy and the rule of law.65年前的今天,联合国的创始宪章开始生效。每年的联合国日,我们都重申我们的全球使命。我们重申容忍、相互尊重和人类尊严这些普遍的价值观。我们肯定我们共同取得的进展:文盲减少了,预期寿命增加了……知识和技术得到了传播……民主和法治得到了推进。But above all, UN Day is a day on which we resolve to do more.More to protect those caught up in armed conflict, to fight climate change and avert nuclear catastrophe;more to expand opportunities for women and girls, and to combat injustice and impunity;more to meet the Millennium Development Goals.不过,联合国日首先是我们下决心继续努力的日子。继续努力保护受到武装冲突影响的人、应对气候变化和避免核灾难;继续努力为妇女和女童提供更多的机会、消除不公正和有罪不罚现象;继续努力实现千年发展目标。
Last month’s MDG Summit at the United Nations generated political momentum… as well as financial commitments that are especially significant in these difficult economic times.I am determined to press ahead as the 2015 deadline approaches.上个月举行的联合国千年发展目标首脑会议推动了政治势头的形成……及财政承诺。在当今经济困难时期,这种财政承诺尤其重要。离最后期限2015年越来越近了,我决心加速前进。Despite our problems, despite polarization and distrust, our interconnected world has opened up vast new possibilities for common progress.Let us commit to do even more to realize the great vision set out in the UN Charter.尽管我们面临各种问题,尽管存在两极分化和不信任,我们这个相互连接在一起的世界为共同进步提供了大量新的机会。让我们承诺加倍努力,实现《联合国宪章》所描绘的美好前景。
Following are UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s remarks on the
International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the
Transatlantic Slave Trade, in New York, 25 March
This year, a son of Africa was sworn in as President of the United States.history’s greatest forced migration have fought long and hard for justice,assimilation and respect.That fight continues today.今年,非洲的一位儿子宣誓就任美国总统,对许多人来说,是400多年前开始的史诗般的旅程上的一座里程碑。在南北美洲,在加勒比海,历史上最大的逼迫下的移民的后裔,一直进行漫长而艰难斗争,如今仍在继续斗争,争取正义,融入和尊重。
The International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade honours the millions of Africans violently removed from their homelands and cast into slavery.Estimates vary of how many millions of men and women were transported.What is not in dispute is the trade or the subsequent era of colonization.And here in the New World and in Europe and elsewhere, people of African descent still struggle daily against
Despite the official abolition of slavery, racism still pollutes our world.So, too, do contemporary forms of slavery.These include bonded servitude, forced prostitution and the use of children in warfare and the international drug trade.It is essential that we speak out loud and clear against such abuses.The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that “all human beings are born
free and equal in dignity and rights”.Failure to observe this fundamental
尽管奴隶制已经正式废除,但种族主义仍沾污着我们的世界。而且,当代形式的奴隶制,包括债役奴役,强迫卖淫,利用儿童从事战争和国际毒品贸易,也在沾污着我们的世界。我们必须站出来大声疾呼,反对这种恶行。《世界人权宣言》指出: “人皆生而自由;在尊严和权利上均各平等。” 不遵守这一基本原则,就直接导致惨无人道的奴役和恐怖的种族灭绝。
Speaking out is the theme of this year’s observance.It asks us to “Break the Silence, Beat the Drum”.Since the dawn of humanity in Africa, drums have common humanity.Today I will beat the drum.I urge everyone, everywhere, to beat the drum.We must proclaim that black or white, man or woman, we are our diversity, and work together for our common goals.大声疾呼是今年纪念活动的主题。它要求我们“打破沉默,击鼓呐喊”。自人类在非洲起步以来,鼓就成了我们历史的脉搏,至今仍在协助我们欢庆共同的人类。今天,我敦促每个地方的每个人,击鼓宣布,无论黑人或白人,男人还是女人,我们都是一体。音乐家演奏时,既要自己表演,也要相互关照。我们必须紧随其后。只有我们互相尊重,欢庆我们的多姿多彩,为共同的目标而携起手来,才能够实现大同。