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第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


21.(2012·山东潍坊期中)All of us have already known ______she will choose is the opportunity to go abroad.A.thisB.thatC.whatD.which

22.If it keeps raining and snowing like this, our travel plan will have to be ______ accordingly.A.adaptedB.adjustedC.adoptedD.corrected

23.She managed ______ a lot of difficulties to preserve her sense of humour.A.because ofB.by means ofC.beyondD.despite

24.Instead of lending us a hand, he just stood by, and ______ us when we were in trouble.A.made fun ofB.got tired ofC.getting tired ofD.making fun of

25.The situation of the global financial crisis was ______ worse than expected.A.ratherB.fairlyC.veryD.any

26.He could have finished it on schedule, but ______ he fell behind.A.somehowB.anyhowC.otherwiseD.meanwhile

27.You can't ______ everybody.If the majority ______ your decision, that's OK.A.satisfy;was satisfied withB.be satisfied;satisfy

C.satisfy;are satisfied withD.satisfy;satisfied with

28.He ______ his post because he had been offered a better job.A.resignedB.retiredC.dismissedD.fired

29.We are lucky to be among the generation of people who have ______ and experienced the great social changes in our country.A.reportedB.appreciatedC.impressedD.witnessed

30.The buttons in the lifts should be easy for a person in a wheelchair ______,and the doors be wide enough ______.A.to reach;to be enteredB.to be reached;to enter

C.to reach;to enterD.to be reached;to be entered

31.—We have to stop talking here outside.Listen,______!

—Hurry up,or we'll be late.A.there goes the bellB.there does the bell go

C.there the bell goesD.goes the bell there

32.Think hard and you won't have the puzzle ______ you.A.puzzlingB.puzzleC.to puzzleD.puzzled

33.—Look!Everything here is under construction.—What's the pretty small house that ______ for?

A.is being builtB.has been built

C.is builtD.is building

34.Students are encouraged to ______ the design competition for robots at the university.A.take partB.operateC.join toD.participate in

35.This is the second time I ______ the Himalayas as a college student.A.climbB.had climbedC.climbedD.have climbed

21.C known后面接一个宾语从句,这个宾语从句缺少主语,而其主语又是一个主语从句,故填what引导主语从句并作从句的主语。

22.B 句意:如果继续像这样下雨下雪,我们的旅行计划将不得不做相应的调整。adjust “调整”;adapt “适应”;adopt “采纳”;correct “改正”。

23.D 句意:尽管她遇到了许多困难,但她还是保持了自己的幽默感。despite作介词,意为 “尽管,不管”。

24.A 句意:当我们陷入困境时,他不帮助,只是袖手旁观取笑我们。and连接并列谓语。

25.A 本题中所使用的副词必须能够修饰形容词的比较级,rather与any符合条件,但是any常用于否定句或疑问句中,因此选rather。

26.A 句意:他本能按预定时间做完这件事,但不知怎么却落后了。somehow意为 “以某种方式(或方法), 不知怎么地”。anyhow “无论如何,即使如此”;otherwise “否则,要不然”;meanwhile “其间,同时”。

27.C 表示 “使人满意”,用satisfy sb.;若表示 “某人对某事满意”,则用sb.be satisfied with sth., 另外,根据前后语境知应用一般现在时。

28.A 句意:因为他找到了更好的工作,他辞职了。retire “退休”;dismiss “解雇”;fire “解雇”。resign “辞职,放弃”,符合句意,故选A项。

29.D 句意:我们是幸运的一代,目睹和亲身经历了我们国家巨大的社会变化。witness “目睹”。

30.C 主语+be+形容词+to do结构中,不定式和主语有逻辑上的动宾关系,不定式常用主动而不用被动形式。

31.A 句意:——我们必须停止在外面谈话了。听,铃响了!——快点,要不我们就迟


32.B 本句用了“have sth.do sth.”结构。句中的the puzzle(难题,令人费解的人或事)与puzzle(为难,使迷惑)之间是主谓关系。

33.A 语意表明从句中用现在进行时,名词house是动词build的承受者,所以谓语用现在进行时的被动语态。第二句句意:正在修建的那座漂亮的小房子是用来做什么的?

34.D participate in sth.“参加(某项活动)”。

35.D This is/was the+first/second(序数词)time(that)+主语+现在完成时/过去完成时+...“这是某人第几次做某事”。例如:This is the first time that I have come to Beijing.这是我第一次来北京。It was the second time that she had been there.这是她第二次到那儿。所以此题选择D项have climbed。


21.--I don't think we have met before.--Yes, once at a party, but we___________.A.weren't introducedB.didn't introduce

C.haven't introducedD.were not introducing 22.You look so tired tonight.It is high time you_________.A.went to bedB.went to sleepC.go to bedD.to sleep

23.People greatly__________ in their views of life.A.leadB.differC.bringD.struggle

24.__________ she couldn't understand was__________ fewer and fewer students showed interest in her lessons.A.What;whyB.That;whatC.What;becauseD.That;why

25.The __________ is just around the corner and you won't miss it.A.bicycle's shopB.bicycle shop

C.bicycles shopD.bicycles’ shop

26.--The prison was ___________ fire last night.--Someone must have set fire___________ it.A.on;withB.on;toC.over;withD.should

27.Keep up good state of mind even if you___________ fail plenty of times.A.mustB.willC.canD.should

28.Sandy could do nothing but _________ to his teacher that he was wrong.A.admitB.admittedC.admittingD.to

29.I know nothing about the young lady ___________ she is from Beijing.A.exceptB.except for0 C.except thatD.besides

30.--Have you any oranges and apples?


A.Yes, madam, on the second shelf over there

B.The oranges are very cheap.C.You like apples, don’t you? D.Of course, we have some fruits.答案详解:


22.A本题是虚拟语气的考查。It is(hi曲)time that后接的从句中谓语动词需用过去式。go to bed是固定用法。

23.B本题是四个动词的辨析。解此题关键是理解旬意:“人们在生活的看法上有很大的不同。”differ in表示:“在„„不同”。


25.B本题是对名词作定语相关知识的考查。在此题中bicycle作为分类名词直接修饰后面的名词shop,而不用’s。类似还有coffee cup等。

26.B本题是介词的固定用法考查。on fire是指“着火”;set fire to是指“放火”。

27.B本题是情态动词考查。关键是理解句意:“即使你失败很多次,也得保持良好的心态。”must意为“必须”,不符题意;can通常表示能力;should表示“应该”。所以will表示对将发生的事作一推测。28.A本题是惯用法的考查。but后引导的动词通常情况下用to d0,但若but前出现动词do,则省略to,直接使用动词原形。

29.C本题是词类的辨析。except表示“除了”,排除的事物不包括在主语的范围内。except for表示“美中不足”。except that表示“除了”,后接从句。besides表示“除了”,排除的事物包括在主语的范围内。


16.They produced two reports, ______ of which contained any useful suggestions.A.either B.all C.none D.neither

17.Some young people these days just ______ go out of their homes to contact the real world.A.mustn’t B.won’t C.mightn’t D.shouldn’t

18.You’d be exposed to a lot ______ pollution if you moved to a town with pure water and air.A.more B.most C.less D.least

19.I’m sure you will do better in the test because you ______ so hard this year.A.studied C.will study B.had studied D.have been studying

20.The banker was found in a remote village after ______ his office last Thursday.A.leaveB.being leftC.leaving D.having been left

21.I have no idea ______ the journalist could have got his information from.A.that B.why C.why D.where

22.A lot of people often forget that oral exams ______ to test our communicative ability.A.design C.are designing B.are designed D.are being designed

23.Viewers continue to watch TV ______ they complain about the quality of the programming.A.even thoughB.as ifC.as long as D.unless

24.Mike found his missing car in the street outside his house, ______ newly cleaned

and polished.A.looked B.to look C.looking D.to be looking

25.There are fewer teaching positions left in big cities, ______ at the same time there are shortages of teachers in small towns.A.or B.and C.so D.for

26.______ in 1955, Disneyland in California in regarded by any as the original fun park.A.Opened B.Having opened C.Opening D.Being opened

27.Faye’s fondest memory is of last year, ______ the club gave a tea party for her birthday.A.that B.which C.where D.when

28.The result of the study indicated that it was the type of fat ______ made the difference.A.that B.what C.who D.as

29.______ comes will be welcomed to the open-air concert.A.Whatever B.Whoever C.No matter what D.No matter who

30.Harrison Ford is thought to be one of the few movie stars ______ as a carpenter before.**********************************************************结束

A.to work C.to have workedB.to be workingD.to have been working



1.--Hello, this is 77553861.--__________.A.How are you?B.Will you come tonight?

C.Can I take a message?D.Is that Mike?

2.Tom suggested that we __________such a meeting, but Jenny insisted that it _________of great importance.A.not hold;should beB.didn't hold;be

C.hold;wasD.not hold;was

3.You should take the medicine after you read the __________.A.linesB.instructionsC.wordsD.suggestions

4.--Hi, Tracy, you look tired.--I am tired.I________ the living-room all day.A.paintedB.have been painting

C.had paintedD.have painted

5.I'm sorry.I ____________you _______ to me.A.don’t know;are speaking

B.don't know;were speaking

C.didn't know;were speaking

D.didn't know;are speaking

6.“Please __________why you're so late,” said his girlfriend.A.excuseB.explainC.apologizeD.tell

7.The rescue team made every __________ to find the missing mountain climber.A.forceB.energyC.effortD.possibility

8.--“ Would you mind the window? It's hot here!” May said.--“__________.”Tom replied.A.to open;No, pleaseB.open;Yes, please

C.opening;No, of course notD.opening;Yes, please

9.The murderer was brought in, with his hands behind his back.A.to be tiedB.being tiedC.tiedD.having tied

10.The reason_________ he didn't come was _________ he had to take care of his sick mother.A.why;thatB.why;which



2.D本题是虚拟语气的考查,虽然07年高考对虚拟语气不作要求,但是此题涉及单词的使用,还是值得重视。前一空中本应为should not hold,但should省略;后一空不用虚拟语气,insist在这儿指“坚决认为”。



5.C本题一直是考生的一个难点。一定要注意I am sorry表明后面所说的动作已经发生,要用一般过去式。


7.C本题是一道名词的辨析题。make every effort是固定的词组,意为“付出努力”。


9.C本题又是一道独立主格结构中的省略考查。同样的方法,将原句恢复:“with hands(where were)tied behind his back.”10.A本题是一道定语从句与宾语从句的交叉考查。why引导的从句作为句中的定语,that引导的从句作为句中的宾语。



1.---We are too busy to take _______ holiday at present.---But I think we’ll be able to take _______ two weeks away.A.the;thatB.a;oneC.a;itD.the;one

2.---Why don’t you try his phone number right now?---_______.I’ll try it.A.All right

B.That’s all right C.Yes, I did-2-D.It doesn’t matter

3.Monica promised to forgive Jason _______ he showed his actual deeds.A.as ifB.in caseC.except thatD.on condition that

4.I might fail, but _______ I insist on doing it.I don’t mind what the result will be.A.howeverB.anyhowC.thoughD.meanwhile

5.Every detail should be thought of _______ that nothing unexpected happens again.A.to make sureB.make sureC.making sureD.be made sure

6.When she realized I _______ her, she quickly made a pose, smiling.A.photographed B.had photographedC.was photographing D.will photograph

7.One more day, _______ I will get everything ready.A.orB.whileC.andD.but

8.Be sure to read the _______ carefully before you take the medicine so that it can function better.A.directionsB.compositionC.prescriptionsD.presentation

9.The old lady, ____ had been killed in the war, was given help by the local government.A.all her children

B.whose all children D.all of whose childrenC.all of her children

10.Not until recently _______ paid work outside the home.A.most mothers in Britain took

C.took most mothers in BritainB.did most mothers in Britain take D.were most mothers in Britain taken

11.Take care!Don’t get the oil on your clothes, for it _______ easily.A.doesn’t be washed out B.isn’t washed C.won’t wash D.needn’t be washed

12.___ delicious, some western foods are very inviting but not good for children’s health.A.TastedB.TastingC.To tasteD.being tasted

13.---Perhaps John’s not in.---_______.Look, the light is on.A.Yes, he can be at home.C.Yes, he must be at homeB.No, he couldn’t go out D.No, he needn’t go out

14._______ on earth is it _______ has eaten up all the leaves of these young trees in justone night?

A.What, thatB.Who, thatC.Why, whichD.How, that

15.Don’t be _______ by products promising to make you lose weight quickly.A.taken off

-B.taken outC.taken awayD.taken in


1--5 BADBA6-10 CCADB11-15 CBCAD


21.—When__________ and visit our exhibition next month?

— When_______, I will let you know.A.will he come;he will comeB.will he come;he comes

C.does he come;he will comeD.does he come;he comes

22.What worried the child most was _________ to visit his mother in the hospital.A.his not allowingB.his not being allowed

C.his being not allowedD.having not been allowed

23.I__________ you somewhere before, but your name has escaped me_________.A.must see;for a momentB.must have seen;for a moment

C.must see;for the momentD.must have seen;for the moment

24.We're leaving at six o'clock , and hope_________ most of the journey by lunch time.A.to doB.to have doneC.to makeD.to have made

25.She was afraid __________ the dog in case it became dangerous.A.of excitingB.to excite w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m

C.that she excitedD.to be exciting

26.The bad weather meant__________ the rocket launch(发射)for 48 hours,.

A.delayingB.having delayed

C.to delayD.to have delayed

27.D0 you consider it any good _________ the truck again?

A.to repairB.repairing

C.repairedD.being repairing

28._____________to somebody,a British person often shakes hands with the stranger.A.IntroducingB.To introduce

C.To be introducedD.On being introduced。

29.__________ in thought,he almost ran into the car in front of him.

A.LosingB.Having lostC.LostD.To

30.Mary ___________to see you.She._________ for you downstairs at the moment.

A.has come;is waitingB.came;is waiting

C.has come;waitedD.came;was waiting


21.B第一句中的时间状语next month确定了这句的一般将来时的时态,然而第二句是由when引导的时间状语从句,在时间状语从句中只能用一般现在时表示一般将来时。


23.D almost与不定式的完成时连用表示对过去发生的事持肯定态度的推断,在疑问句中用can,在持否定态度的推断时用can not。for a moment表示一个动作延续了一会儿,而for the moment则表示“目前;暂时”。24.B不定式的完成时用来表示这个动作发生在谓语动作之前,或是表示该动作的完成。本题中不定式的完成时表示的正是该动作的完成,因此这句话可改写为:We're leaving at six o'clock,and hope that we will have done most the journey by lunch time.

25.B be afraid后面既可以跟不定式be afraid t0 d0 sth.,又可以跟动名词be afraid of doing sth.,但前者的意思是:害怕/不敢做某事;后者的意思为:对可能出现的结果的发愁或忧虑。

26.A mean后既可跟不定式(mean to do sth.),又可以跟名词mean doing sth.,两者内涵是有很大区别的,前者表示“故意去做;诚心去做”而后者表示“意味着要做”。

27.B本题是固定用法的考查。It is good后面需接动词.ing形式。


29.C过去分词有三个用途:(1)表示被动,如:the oppressed people(=people who are oppressed)被压迫的人们;(2)表示完成,如:the fallen leaves(=the leaves which have fallen)落叶:(3)表示状态,如lost in though陷入沉思。30.A 解本题需要使用逆向思维,先考虑第二个空白处的选项,再考虑第一空白处的答案。因为第二句中交代了一个重要的时间状语; at the moment(现在),因此应毫不犹豫地选择is waiting这一现在进行时的时态。据此,第一句的句意也就随着清晰起来:“玛丽已经到这儿来看望你。”很明显表示对现在选成影响的动作使用在完成时态。




21.--I don't think we have met before.--Yes, once at a party, but we___________.A.weren't introducedB.didn't introduce

C.haven't introducedD.were not introducing 22.You look so tired tonight.It is high time you_________.A.went to bedB.went to sleepC.go to bedD.to sleep

23.People greatly__________ in their views of life.A.leadB.differC.bringD.struggle

24.__________ she couldn't understand was__________ fewer and fewer students showed interest in her lessons.A.What;whyB.That;whatC.What;becauseD.That;why

25.The __________ is just around the corner and you won't miss it.A.bicycle's shopB.bicycle shop

C.bicycles shopD.bicycles’ shop

26.--The prison was ___________ fire last night.--Someone must have set fire___________ it.A.on;withB.on;toC.over;withD.should

27.Keep up good state of mind even if you___________ fail plenty of times.A.mustB.willC.canD.should

28.Sandy could do nothing but _________ to his teacher that he was wrong.A.admitB.admittedC.admittingD.to

29.I know nothing about the young lady ___________ she is from Beijing.A.exceptB.except for0 C.except thatD.besides

30.--Have you any oranges and apples?


A.Yes, madam, on the second shelf over there

B.The oranges are very cheap.C.You like apples, don’t you?

D.Of course, we have some fruits.答案详解:


22.A本题是虚拟语气的考查。It is(hi曲)time that后接的从句中谓语动词需用过去式。go to bed是固定用法。

23.B本题是四个动词的辨析。解此题关键是理解旬意:“人们在生活的看法上有很大的不同。”differ in表示:“在„„不同”。


25.B本题是对名词作定语相关知识的考查。在此题中bicycle作为分类名词直接修饰后面的名词shop,而不用’s。类似还有coffee cup等。

26.B本题是介词的固定用法考查。on fire是指“着火”;set fire to是指“放火”。

27.B本题是情态动词考查。关键是理解句意:“即使你失败很多次,也得保持良好的心态。”must意为“必须”,不符题意;can通常表示能力;should表示“应该”。所以will表示对将发生的事作一推测。28.A本题是惯用法的考查。but后引导的动词通常情况下用to d0,但若but前出现动词do,则省略to,直接使用动词原形。

29.C本题是词类的辨析。except表示“除了”,排除的事物不包括在主语的范围内。except for表示“美中不足”。except that表示“除了”,后接从句。besides表示“除了”,排除的事物包括在主语的范围内。



16.They produced two reports, ______ of which contained any useful suggestions.A.either B.all C.none D.neither

17.Some young people these days just ______ go out of their homes to contact the real

world.A.mustn’t B.won’t C.mightn’tD.shouldn’t

18.You’d be exposed to a lot ______ pollution if you moved to a town with pure water and air.A.more B.most C.less D.least

19.I’m sure you will do better in the test because you ______ so hard this year.A.studied C.will study B.had studied D.have been studying

20.The banker was found in a remote village after ______ his office last Thursday.A.leaveB.being leftC.leaving D.having been left

21.I have no idea ______ the journalist could have got his information from.A.that B.why C.why D.where

22.A lot of people often forget that oral exams ______ to test our communicative ability.A.design C.are designing B.are designed D.are being designed

23.Viewers continue to watch TV ______ they complain about the quality of the programming.A.even thoughB.as ifC.as long as D.unless

24.Mike found his missing car in the street outside his house, ______ newly cleaned and polished.A.looked B.to look C.looking D.to be looking

25.There are fewer teaching positions left in big cities, ______ at the same time there are shortages of teachers in small towns.A.or B.and C.so D.for

26.______ in 1955, Disneyland in California in regarded by any as the original fun park.A.Opened B.Having opened C.Opening D.Being opened

27.Faye’s fondest memory is of last year, ______ the club gave a tea party for her birthday.A.that B.which C.where D.when

28.The result of the study indicated that it was the type of fat ______ made the difference.A.that B.what C.whoD.as

29.______ comes will be welcomed to the open-air concert.A.Whatever B.Whoever C.No matter what D.No matter who

30.Harrison Ford is thought to be one of the few movie stars ______ as a carpenter before.**********************************************************结束

A.to work C.to have worked B.to be working D.to have been working

第四篇:2014年英语高考题分类解析:单项选择1 名词2014高考)


29.A1[2014·安徽卷] —Why not buy a second-hand car first if you don't have enough money for a new one?

—That's a good________.



29.C 考查名词词义辨析。saying谚语,格言,名言;question问题,议题;suggestion建议;account账目,账户。“Why not do sth?”表示建议做某事。句意:“如果你的钱不够买一辆新车,何不先买辆二手车?”“好建议!”故选C。

26.A1[2014·福建卷]—Could you tell me the________of making such tasty cakes? —Well, I just follow the directions in the cookbook.A.featureB.plan



27.A1[2014·江苏卷] She was put under house arrest two years ago but remained a powerful________in last year's election.A.symbolB.portrait


27.A 考查名词词义辨析。句意:虽然2年前就已遭软禁,但她在去年的选举中仍然是有影响力的象征。symbol象征,标志;portrait肖像,描写; identity身份,同一性; statue雕像,塑像。根据语境可知A项正确。

3.A1[2014·天津卷] Wind is now the world's fastest growing ________ of power.A.sourceB.sense


3.A 考查名词。source 源泉,来源;sense感觉,仪式;result 结果;root根源,背景,根。句意:风现在是世界上增长最快的能源。

6.A1[2014·浙江卷] We most prefer to say yes to the ________ of someone we know and like.A.attemptsB.requestsC.doubtsD.promises

6.B 考查名词辨析。句意:对于我们熟悉和喜欢的人提出的要求,我们一般都会同意的。request请求,要求;attempt 企图,尝试;doubt怀疑,疑惑;promise允诺,承诺。故选B项。

第五篇:2014年英语高考题分类解析:单项选择3 冠词(2014高考)


22.A3[2014·江西卷] They chose Tom to be ________ captain of the team, because they knew he was ________ smart leader.A.a;theB.the;the


22.C 考查冠词。句意:他们选择汤姆作为这个队的队长,因为他们知道他是一位聪明的领导。第一空特指“这个队的队长”,故用the;第二空泛指“一位聪明的领导”。

19.A3[2014·陕西卷] ________ village where I was born has grown into ________ town.A.The;aB.A;the


19.A 考查冠词。第一空后名词village后有定语从句修饰,表特指,故用the修饰;第二空后名词town是可数名词单数,表泛指,故用a修饰。故选A。

8.A3[2014·天津卷] Life is like ________ ocean: only ________ strong­willed can reach the other shore.A.an;theB.the;a

C.the ;/D./;a

8.A 考查冠词。根据第二个空前的关键词only(只有),可知第二个空表示特指,需用定冠词the,由此可选择A。第一个空用an表示泛指,可知生活就像一个海洋似的。句意: 生活像一片海洋,只有那些意志坚强的人才能到达彼岸。

2.A3[2014·浙江卷] The paper is due next month,and I am working seven days ________ week,often long into ________ night.A.a;theB.the;不填

C.a;aD.不填; the

2.A 考查冠词。句意:下个月要交论文了,我现在一个星期七天,每天都要学习到深夜。第一空a week中的a表示“每个,每„„”,所以用不定冠词a,相当于per;而第二空into the night是固定用法,表示“入夜,深夜”,所以用定冠词the。故选A项。

6.A3[2014·重庆卷] I can't tell you ________ way to the Wilsons' because we don't have ________ Wilson here in the village.A.the;aB.a;/


6.A 考查冠词的用法。way后有to the Wilsons'这一后置定语修饰,表示特指,用定冠词。姓氏前用不定冠词,表示一个叫这个名字的人,是泛指,此处意为“村子里没有一个叫Wilson的人”。



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