
时间:2019-05-13 16:17:34下载本文作者:会员上传





Para3: 结论(feeling)



Early in the morning we gathered at the school gate

 At 8 o’clock in the morning we set off …. Upon arrival / arriving there, we ….…. Two hours later…/ at noon…/ in the afternoon…

 After getting the work done, we…(分词作时间状语)

 Late in the afternoon we…/ We didn’t ….until…..分组活动/劳动场面:Some did sth….some did sth…and others did sth ….The first group did sth…The second group did sth…

One of the students did sth…The rest did sth…

罗列顺序:First …,Then / next / After that …

What’s more /Besides

Finally / Eventually


 一句话点题:

 Last Thursday , we had a heated discussion about where to go for our spring

outing/for a trip. Last Friday was unforgettable because our class had/ organized/held a meaningful

activity on how to protect our environment. Today my classmates and I went to the nearby community to do…/ to pay a visit

to…and we had a meaningful experience.出发

 Early in the morning we gathered at the school gate and went there on foot. The next day, we set off early in the morning with high spirits and went there by bus. All the students in our class got together in the morning and set out to the destination

by bike.到达

 Upon arrival, we were divided into two groups and began to work immediately/at

once. Upon arriving there, everybody set out to work immediately.劳动场面

Some did sth….some did sth…and others did sth ….The first group did sth…The second group did sth…One of the students did sth…The rest did sth…

 Some students dug holes, and some students planted young trees and other studentswatered them.  Although all of us were sweating, nobody wanted to have a rest. Time went by/ time flew!

 After getting the task completed, / After getting the work done ,we all had a sense of achievement. When the work was done , the room looked neat and tidy.劳动后的感受

1.Tired as we were, we felt happy because we did a good deed / because we made

contributions to the community / because all of our work paid off.It was such a meaningful activity / day that we would remember it forever.2.We feel it's our duty to protect and beautify our environment.It is our duty to save energy/ take care of the elderly.3.This activity definitely enriched my after-school life experience and broadened my horizons as well.It was such a meaningful activity / day that we would remember it forever.4.We are so proud of our great work and we have decided that we will carry out the activity every year.话题词汇

社区服务/创建和谐社会话题 1.pay a visit to…参观/拜访2.go to … for an outing出游

3.give sb.a warm welcome热烈欢迎 4.help sb do sth / with sth…帮助 5.social service社会服务6.do some cleaning清理环境 7.have a picnic / rest 野餐、休息 8.show sb.around…带领参观

9.put on / give performances演节目 10.have a good time / enjoy oneself开

11.be in order有序的12.live in harmony生活和谐,13.help each ether互助,14.care for each other互相关心,15.have deep love for 热爱16.be concerned with 关心

17.build up a harmonious society 创建


18.cherish the fruits of labor珍惜劳动


19.take an active part in积极参与20.no pains, no gains.不劳无获。

it is honorable to … …是光荣的 21.do a thorough cleaning 大扫除 22.sweep the floor 扫地 23.mop the floor 墩地

24.clean the windows 擦窗户

25.be divided into two groups被分成两组


1.protect the environment 保护环境2.plastic bags 塑料袋

3.environmentally friendly bags环保袋

4.throw rubbish here and there/scatter garbage乱丢垃圾 5.pick up the litter/ rubbish 捡垃圾 6.classify the rubbish 分类垃圾

7.put the rubbish into the(non-)recycling bin 把垃圾仍进垃圾箱 8.reduce pollution减少污染

9.beautify the environment 美化环境 10.do good to/ be good for对…有益 11.do harm to / be bad for对…有害

12.save water / electricity/energy节水,节电 /省能源 13.live a low carbon life 低碳生活 14.cut down trees砍伐树木15.waste resource浪费资源16.turn off/ switch off the lights关灯17.improve the environment改善环境

18.improve the qualities of life 提升生活质量

19.raise people’s environmental awareness提高人们的环保意识 20.be fully aware of the danger充分意识到危险

21.take active and effective measures to control pollution采取积极有效措施控污染 22.form good habits to protect the surroundings养成良好的习惯来保护环境 23.dig holes /plant trees/ water trees 挖坑/种树/


1.get on well with sb./sth.与某人相处的好、某事进展顺利 2.work hard at … 在…方面努力 ·to concentrate on… 专注于 3.be keen on /be fond of热衷于,非常喜爱 4.be willing to help others乐意帮助别人 5.get on well with sb与某人相处融洽 6.be good at / to do well in … 擅长7.be poor at / be weak in … 在…方面差 8.make progress in …在…方面取得进步

9.fail /pass the examination(没有)通过考试 10.succeed in… 取得成功11.hear from sb.收到某人来信

12.apologize to sb.for…因为…向某人道歉 13.explain sth.to sb.向某人解释14.be active in…在…方面积极

15.take an active part in … 积极参与 16.learn… by heart 记住,背下来 17.work out a problem 解出一道题

18.win the first prize / get the first place in the competition 在比赛中得一等奖 19.look up the dictionary查字典

20.have a good command of English英文很好

have a wide range of knowledge有广泛的知识 21.have a talent for有…才能22.be skilled in在…方面熟练

23.be strict with sb.对某人要求严格24.praise sb for sth … 因为…表扬某人 25.blame sb for sth..因为…责备某人 26.give advice on … 就…提出建议

27.devote one’s time to / spend time in doing sth /on sth在…上花时间 28.turn a deaf ear to对… 充耳不闻

29.have difficulty / trouble doing 做…有困难30.be prepared for / to do 准备好

31.set about doing / set out to do 开始着手做…

32.attend / take part in/ participate in an English Speech Contest 参加演讲比赛 33.listen to the teacher attentively 认真听讲 34.take notes carefully认真记笔记 35.a variety of activities 各种活动 36.take exercise / do sports 锻炼身体 37.be absorbed in 全神贯注于 38.be addicted to 沉溺于


1.go for an outing / a picnic 去郊游/野餐2.go sightseeing 观光

3.enjoy/ appreciate the scenery/ view of nature欣赏大自然的风景 4.keep healthy / fit保持健康5.relax oneself放松身心6.reduce pressure 缓解压力

7.strengthen/build up the body锻炼身体8.meet the demand / need符合需要 9.break the ice打破沉默

10.take measures/action采取措施(行动)11.develop / get into the habit of… 养成…习惯 12.raise the standard of living提升生活水平13.have a deep understanding of有很深的了解 14.follow the fashion/trend跟随潮流15.have a chat with聊天

16.have a great influence on有很大的影响17.have a good/bad effect on 对。。产生好的/坏的影响 18.make a deep impression on予人很深的印象 19.make a fool of sb.愚弄20.make an excuse找借口

21.get into trouble 陷入困境22.help sb out 帮某人摆脱困境 23.do some good deeds 做好事24.offer help 提供帮助

25.insist on doing sth.坚持要做某事26.regret doing sth.后悔做过某事

27.keep / prevent / stop sb from doing 阻止某人做某事 28.give one a lift给人搭便车 29.kill time消磨时间

30.keep in / to lose touch with保持/失去联络

31.be caught / to get stuck in a traffic jam遇到交通阻塞 32.take the place of取代

33.spare no effort to do / to make every effort to do不遗余力 34.take the pains to do不辞辛劳35.live in harmony 生活和谐

36.take regular exercise 有规律的运动37.have proper diet 合理的饮食 38.have a sleepless night 彻夜未眠

感观与思维活动常见表达方式1.catch sight of … 看见

2.see / hear sb do(doing)看到 / 听到某人(正在)做… 3.take notice of … 注意到

4.take…into consideration / account考虑到 5.have a good understanding of … 对…很了解 6.consider / regard … to be … 认为7.come to know…开始了解到 8.realize that … 意识到9.be filled with joy充满喜悦10.tired of 厌烦

11.be delighted / to take delight / to take a pleasure in doing… 以…为乐12.be worried / upset / concerned about…对…担忧 13.feel excited about…对…感到兴奋

14.feel surprised /shocked / astonished at …对…感到吃惊/震惊15.be sorry / regretful for …对…感到遗憾

16.pleased / satisfied / content with …对…感到满意 17.look forward to doing… / to long for… 期待…

18.be eager to do / to have a strong desire to do …渴望做… 19.make up one’s mind / to be determined to do … 决定做… 20.feel refreshed精神抖擞

21.relieve the tension and anxiety解除紧张和焦虑 22.energetic精力充沛的23.be bored感到无聊

24.be encouraged / inspired感到振奋、受到鼓舞

25.be discouraged / frustrated感到气馁26.be tired out感到十分疲倦

27.be disturbed / bothered感到烦恼28.lose patience失去耐心29.lose heart失去信心


1.speak / think highly of… 对…评价高 2.broaden the horizon开拓视野 3.broaden the mind开拓心胸 4.realize one's ambition实现抱负 5.keep one's promise守信用

6.keep up with the times跟上时代

7.be concerned about the society关心社会8.fulfill one's duty尽到责任

9.faced/confronted with the difficulty面临困难

10.get through the difficulties / to weather the storm渡过困境 11.stick to the principle坚守原则12.escape the reality逃避现实

13.pull oneself together / to take heart振作 14.take / shoulder the responsibility承担责任 15.take / seize the opportunity把握机会 16.set a good example to sb树立楷模

17.be independent / to stand on one's own自立 18.achieve one’s goal达到目标19.realize one’s dream 实现梦想




















































































某公司招聘一管理人员,经过反复筛选,甲、乙、丙三人获得最后的面试资格。三人依次而入,经理问曰:“一个人吃饭后洗碗,水很烫手,该怎么办?” 甲答:„„ 乙曰:„„










面对这两盆截然不同的植物,主人的态度也是不同的:对月季花百般爱护,经常欣赏它,捉虫,浇水,施肥;而对仙人掌则偶尔瞥一眼,也偶尔“施舍”点水。„„ 主人出门了好长时间。„„






海滩上白沙闪亮,毫无遮挡。唐老鸭见到海里游泳、划船、到海滩游玩的人很多,便在沙滩上盖起一座绿房子卖副食饮料,并在房子前面撑起很多绿色遮阳伞,人们纷纷光顾,生意兴隆。金丝猴见了,也在树林里照模照样建了一个小卖部。它的生意会怎么样呢? 要求:以《金丝猴开店》为题,发挥想象写一篇600字的记叙文,情节要有波折。










































孩子家长 某某某



















为了能更清楚地观看节目,小明想坐在正对电视机的座位上,爸爸说这个位置应该给家族里最年长者坐。小明不高兴地说:“都什么22.“曲圣”关汉卿骑着侧倾疾驰的摩托,欧阳修坐在电脑前聚精会神地上网,大词人辛弃疾举着双手摆出“V”字造型 ……这一幅幅涂记者随机采访了几位中学生,他们一致的观点是“好玩”,“有时上课觉得无聊,又不能随便说话,就在书上涂涂画画打发时间。”但教师们大都不赞成学生在课本上涂鸦,认为学生的课堂行为必须有规范和约束,自己的个性和爱好应该用适当的方式表现。请你就“课本涂鸦”现象发表简要评论。





Benefit from…

People nowadays benefit quite a lot from the widespread use of the Internet 现代的人从网络的广泛使用中受益匪浅



Modern technologies can benefit the general public in many respects(在很多方面)现代科技可以在很多方面使大众受益

3.对„有益,有助于„ Be beneficial to + 名词 Be conducive to + 名词

Contribute to + 名词(注:如果要跟动词原形,可用serve to do„)

1.Taking care of pets is conducive to the development of Children’s social skills(社交能力).2.It is widely believed that advertising serves to stimulate consumption(刺激消费)1.照顾宠物有助于孩子社交能力的发展; 2.普遍认为,广告有助于刺激消费


Assist sb to do„(等同于常用的help)The internet assists children to study in a more effective way 网络协助孩子们以一种更有效的方式学习

6.提高„(效率 生产率)1).Enhance… 2).boost …(Efficiency Productivity)Computers help students enhance their study efficiency substantially(显著地)电脑帮助学生们显著地提高他们的学习效率

7.培养„ Cultivate…


1).Broaden one’s horizons 2).Expand one’s outlook


Enrich one’s knowledge

留学不仅开阔你的眼界,而且增长你的知识 10.磨练性格

Sharpen one’s character


Trigger off Inspire one’s enthusiasm(for…)类似:磨练技能Sharpen one’s skills abilities Job satisfaction is very likely to inspire one’s enthusiasm for life as a whole 工作满意度很可能激发一个人对生活的整体热情12.放松身心

Relax one’s body and ease one’s mind

Holidays can relax students’ bodies and ease their minds 假期可以放松学生的身心

13.发挥潜力,达到最大潜力 Fulfill one’s potential Reach one’s full potential

Studying various subjects can help students fulfill their potential 学习各种科目可以帮助学生发挥他们的潜力


Trigger off Arouse public concern over…

The deteriorating environment has triggered off much public concern over the existence and development of mankind 正在恶化的环境已经引起了公众对人类生存和发展的关心

15.提高公众对的„意识 Raise the public awareness of …

The government should raise the public awareness of environmental preservation 政府应该提高公众的环境保护意识

16.为„消除障碍,为„铺平道路 Remove the barrier for… Pave the way for…

The invention of a global language would remove the barrier for international communication 一门全球性语言的发明会为国际交流消除障碍


Promote the development of…

The widespread use of English has promoted the development of international communication and interaction(互动)英语的广泛使用已经促进了国际交流和互动的发展

19.让某人有能力去做„ 1).Enable sb to + 动词 2).Equip sb with the ability to…

1.Going abroad can enable students to get a clear perspective of what the outside world is like and what they want from their lives

20.适应„ 1).Adapt to +名词 2).Get used to +名词

2.Students should learn to adapt to the increasingly fierce competition(越来越激烈的竞争)1.出国可以让学生清楚地认识到外面的世界是什么样子的以及他们想从生活中得到什么 2.学生应该学会适应越来越激烈的竞争

21.采取„措施去做某事 处理„

Take „ measures to + 动词

The government should take immediate measures to curb the proliferation of pollution(Effective 有效的;Efficient 高效的 Stringent 严厉的;Immediate 及时的)Deal with… cope with…

22.抑制„的扩散 Curb the proliferation of…

28.用„武装某人 Equip sb with sth We should equip ourselves with various skills 我们应该用各种技能武装自己

26.优先考虑„ Give priority to…

Parents always give priority to their children’s future development 家长总是优先考虑他们孩子的未来发展

27.使„为„做准备 Prepare sb for sth Studying a wide range of subjects will prepare students for their future employment

23.„是„不可或缺的一部分 „ is an indispensable part of…

At present, advertising has become an indispensable part of our daily lives and it has been exerting(施加)profound influence on the way we live and work 目前,广告已经成为我们日常生活不可或缺的一部分,并且,它一直在对我们的生活和工作方式施加深远的影响

24.清晰地认识到„ 不清楚„

Get a clear perspective of… Lack a clear perspective of Self-selection is the best way for students to get a clear perspective of what they are hoping to do with their lives 对于学生来说,自我选择是清楚地认识到他们希望用他们一生做什么的最好方式


对„有更开阔的视野 Draw on…

Have a broader view of…

Students who spend some time traveling to other places have a broader view of life and better personal resources to draw on

1.对„提出挑战 Pose a challenge to …

A decreasing supply of natural resources is posing a challenge to the sustainable development(可持续发展)of human society 正在减少的自然资源供给正对人类社会的可持续发展提出挑战


Have(Have还可替换为: impose produce exert engender)+ a(an)+ adj + effect(impact influence)on „ Part-time jobs can produce a far-reaching impact on students, benefiting students, their families and even the society as a whole.(深远的:profound far-reaching)(积极的:positive;消极的: negative)(重大的:significant dramatic)兼职工作可以对学生,他们的家庭,甚至整个社会产生深远的影响


Play a(an)+ 形容词 + role in„

Pivotal 关键的;Indispensible 不可或缺的 Dominant 主导的;Essential 重要的

4„.的大量使用(普及)The widespread use of… The proliferation of …

如果要说“„的过度使用”,则是the overuse of„

The widespread use of private cars has brought about a series of severe problems, particularly environmental contamination and traffic congestion 私家车的广泛使用已经导致了一系列的严重问题,特别是环境污染和交通堵塞

5.比„更多 1).Outweigh… 2).Prevail over…

The advantages of private cars far outweigh their disadvantages 私家车的好处远远多于它的坏处


时间 + see witness experience+ 事件+ 地点(时间和地点的位置可互换)

1.2009 witnessed two major events in China =China witnessed two major events in 2009 2.The 21st century saw a dramatic rise of people’s living standards

7.加大缩小„和„之间的差距 Widen narrow the gap between…and …

The technology available to individuals is actually widening the gap between the rich and the poor, rather than narrowing it 供大众使用的科技实际上正在加宽贫富差距,而不是缩小它


1).Put sb into contact with sth 2).Expose sb to sth Exposing young children to excessive(过多的)violence and pornography would be detrimental to their personal development.让小孩子接触过多的暴力和色情会对他们的个人发展不利


1).Result from… 2).Stem from… 3).spring from … 1.Stress resulting from excessive work may lead to a wide variety of(各式各样的)problems 2.Technological innovations have brought about profound changes in every aspect of our daily lives

10.导致„ 1).Lead to… 2).Result in… 3).Give rise to … 4).bring about…

11.„可归因为„ „ can be attributed to …

The high sales of certain products, to a large extent(在很大程度上), can be attributed to the power of advertising 某些产品的高销售,在很大程度上,可被归因于广告的力量

12.„归功于„ „ owe much to…

The improvement of people’s living standard

owes much to the rapid development of science and technology.人们生活水平的进步归功于科学和技术的快速发展


Assume Shoulder the responsibility for…

The government should shoulder the responsibility for ensuring(ensure确保)that adequate job opportunities should be available to college graduates(大学毕业生)政府应该承担确保有足够工作机会提供给大学毕业生的责任

14.„伴随着„.…is accompanied by…

The rapid progression of the internet is often accompanied by overuse of it 网络的快速进步经常伴随着它的过度使用

15.促使某人做某事 Impel sb to do sth(激励某人做某事可以说 motivate sb to do sth)Peer pressure(同辈压力)impels college graduates to compete with each other for decent jobs(体面的工作)同辈压力促使大学毕业生彼此竞争体面的工作

16.确保„ Ensure that „ 1.The information age(信息时代)renders us slaves to high technologies, such as computers and the Internet 2.The fast-paced lifestyle has rendered people alienated(疏远)from one another

17.„ 让„变成某种状态 „ render„+形容词或者名词(和make同义)

18.关键是„ 用)computers 2.The key point is that we should attach more importance to(更重视)environmental protection 1.我认为关键是确保孩子们不过度使用电脑;2.关键是,我们应该更重视环境保护

19.把„纳入考虑 把„放在第一位 Put… at first place Take „into consideration account Most college graduates take job promotions into consideration and put personal 1).The key point is to + 动词短语

1.I think the key point is to make sure that children do not overuse(过度使2).The key point is that + 句子

development at first place 大多数大学毕业生把升职纳入考虑范围,并把个人发展放在第一位

20.面对„ 1).Be confronted with„ 2).Be faced with„ People nowadays are confronted with so many problems, particularly(特别是)the deterioration of environment and air pollution 现在的人面对如此多的问题,特别是,环境恶化和空气污染

21.专注于„ 1).Focus on„

2).Concentrate on… Focusing on certain subjects allows students to better concentrate on the related knowledge 专注于某些科目让孩子更好地把精力集中在相关知识上

22.以„为代价 At the expense cost of „ We should not develop economy at the expense of the environment 我们不应该以环境为代价来发展经济

23.靠„(后跟动词短语表方式)凭借„ by + 动词的ing形式

by means of + 名词

1.Old people can help those junior workers by sharing their experience and resources.2.By means of Internet connection, youngsters from poor families can attend lectures of most prestige professors 1.老年人可以靠分享他们的经验和资源来帮助那些初级工人


24.而不是„ 1).instead of„ 2).rather than…

(instead of„感情色彩更强,表示“完全不是„”)

A recent survey indicates young people in their teens spend the vast majority of their spare time watching TV rather than talking with other family members.最近的调查表明,处于青少年时期的年轻人花费大量业余时间看电视,而不是和家人交谈

25.不管„ 1).Regardless of „

(后面跟名词或者一个疑问口气的句子,如例句1)2).In spite of„(用法同上)3).Despite the fact that„(后面只能跟个陈述句,如例句2)1.Children nowadays are allowed to buy whatever they like, regardless of whether it is useful for them 2.Despite the fact that the number of whales(鲸鱼)is decreasing sharply, the Japanese government still decided to continue its commercial whaling(商业捕鲸)1.现在的孩子被允许买任何他们喜欢的东西,不管是否对他们有用 2.尽管鲸鱼的数量正在大幅增长,日本政府仍然决定继续商业捕鲸

26.在„方面(限制观点的适用范围)In terms of„ knowledge 旅行在开阔眼界和增长知识方面,对孩子的个人成长有利

27.有了„ 没有„

(既可表示假设也可表示因果)In the absence of…

(以上两个短语分别等同于with„和 without„)With the presence of advertising , consumers can stay well-informed of(很灵通地获得„的消息)the latest products in the market 有了广告的存在,消费者可以很灵通的获得市场上最新产品的消息


in exchange for„

With the presence of„

Travel is beneficial to children’s personal growth in terms of broadening their horizons and enriching their People nowadays tend to sacrifice health simply in exchange for career success 现代的人倾向于牺牲健康,仅仅为了交换职业成功

29.倾向于 往往 Tend to + 动词

1.Youngsters tend to be more impulsive(冲动的)and are more likely to go astray 2.Compared with the older generation, young people nowadays are more likely to be independent at an earlier age.3.It is very likely that the widespread use of the Internet would bring about more problems

30.可能„ Be likely to + 动词

It is likely that + 句子(如例句3)1.年轻人往往更冲动,更可能误入歧途

2.和老一辈人相比,现在的年轻人更可能在一个较早的年纪独立 3.很可能,网络的广泛使用会导致更多问题

31.„不能代替„ „

is no substitute for „ We should keep in mind that the internet is no substitute for teachers 我们应该牢记,网络不能代替老师

32.„被(不能被)„证明是合理的 „

can(not)be justified by „(也可用主动语态, 如例句2)

1.It often seems that(似乎„)the amount of money movie stars are able to earn in a short time cannot possibly be justified by the amount of work they do 2.All these factors may justify the huge earnings of movie stars 1.似乎电影明星在短时间内能挣到的钱的数量不能被他们所做的工作量证明是合理的 2.所有这些因素都可能证明明星的巨额收入是合理的


1).Attach importance to „ 2).Place(more)value on…

Parents in present-day society attach much importance to their children’s future development 当今社会的父母非常重视他们孩子的未来发展

34.过量的„ 适量的„

An excessive amount of„ A moderate amount of…(Excessively 过量地)(Moderately 适量地)1.The Internet is saturated with(充斥着)an excessive amount of violent content 2.Depending excessively on computers is very likely to stifle people’s creativity at work 1.网络充斥着过量的暴力内容; 2.过分依赖电脑很可能扼杀人们在工作中的创造力


An increasing growing number of +可数名词(把number换成amount即可接不可数名词)

A pressing issue facing us is that(我们面临的一个迫切问题是„)a growing amount of trash is being produced day and night.(黑体部分是现在进行时的被动语态, 即 “Be 动词+ being+动词的过去分词”)我们面临的一个迫切问题是,越来越多的垃圾正在被日以继夜地生产

36.越来越„ Increasingly + 形容词 Due to the expanding population and the sharp rise in the number of private cars, our city is becoming increasingly crowded 由于扩张的人口和私家车数量的大幅增长,我们的城市正变得越来越拥挤

37.很多的„,Numerous„ = A large number of„(替换a lot of, 例子省略)Cell phones bring us considerable convenience(巨大的方便性)Considerable(巨大的,可用来形容一些抽象的概念,如: 变化,方便性,舒适度等 手机给我们带来巨大的方便性


the vast majority of +可数名词.(替换most)

The vast majority of consumers will give priority to the quality before buying something 绝大多数消费者在购买前会优先考虑质量

39.各式各样的„ 1).A wide variety of „ 2).A wide range of… 3).Various…

We are confronted with a wide variety of advertisements in present-day society 在当今社会,我们面对各式各样的广告

40.供„使用(供„选择)1).Be available to + 名词 2).Be accessible to + 名词

A wide range of job opportunities are available to college graduates in present-day society 在当今社会,各式各样的工作机会可供大学毕业生选择


Find(find可替换为strike)a balance between„and„

Some students fail to(不能)strike a balance between study and play 一些学生没能在学习和娱乐之间找到平衡

42.在很大程度上 在某种程度上

to a large extent to some extent Money, to a large extent, is the main drive of hard work(黑体部分的意思是:什么什么是什么什么的主要驱动)(如要表达:„是„的根本原因,则是:„ is the root cause of „)金钱,在很大程度上,是努力工作的主要动力


Be in urgent need of„

Young students are in urgent need of proper guidance(指导)from their teachers 年轻学生急需来自老师的指导

44.利用„ Make use of Students should make full use of(充分利用)their campus life(make good use of „ 好好利用„)学生应该充分利用他们的校园生活 倒退类 1.不能做某事 Fail to do„(等同cannot)

Nowadays, people often end up buying products that fail to meet their needs, owing to lack of knowledge of better alternatives(选择,和choice同义)in the market

2.最终...(形容不太好的事)End up + 动名词


Be detrimental harmful to„


Too much time spent on TV watching is detrimental to children’s psychological well-being(心理健康)过多花费在看电视上的时间对孩子的心理健康有害

4.对„构成威胁 Pose a threat to „

China’s entry into WTO would pose a great threat to quite a number of domestic manufacturers(国内生产商)中国加入WTO会对相当数量的国内生产商构成威胁

5.打击某人的热情 Dampen one’s enthusiasm Nothing can dampen my enthusiasm for English 任何事都不能打击我对英语的热情

6.限制 扼杀创造力

Constrain stifle one’s creativity

7.比„劣Be inferior to„(比„优)(Be superior to…)

Many youngsters tend to believe that domestic films are inferior to imported ones 很多年轻人往往相信国产电影比进口电影差

8.依赖„(取决于„)Depend on „

Most youngsters nowadays depend excessively on their parents, due to lack of independence 现在的大多数年轻人过分依赖父母,由于缺乏独立性


Lack of „(名词短语)Lack„(动词短语)generation gap.2).Most people lack a clear perspective about what they want from their lives 1.缺乏足够和父母的交流和情感分享可能加宽已经存在的代沟 2.大多数人没有清楚地意识到他们想从生活中得到什么


Be vulnerable to „

Without proper parental guidance, children are very vulnerable to the violent content on the Internet 如果没有适当的父母指导,孩子对网络上的暴力内容非常脆弱

11.充斥着„ Be saturated with„

1).Lack of adequate communication and emotional exchange with parents may widen the already existing

12.剥夺某人的„ Deprive sb of „

Depending too much on computers will deprive people of their creativity 过分依赖电脑会剥夺人们的创造力

13.诱惑某人做某事 驱使某人做某人 Tempt sb to do„

Drive sb to do„(褒义贬义都可以)1).Advertising often tempts people to buy things they do not really need 2).The desire to go abroad is driving me to study hard 1.广告经常诱惑人们购买他们实际上不需要的东西 2.出国的欲望正在驱使我刻苦学习


Follow„ indiscriminately(“盲目地”也可以用blindly)People nowadays, especially some youngsters, follow the latest fashion blindly 现在的人,特别是一些年轻人,盲目跟从最新的流行趋势


Be rather restricted in terms of„

Youngsters nowadays are rather restricted in terms of social experience 现在的年轻人在社会阅历方面相当受限


(常用来说明有不良意图的利用)Take advantage of„

Advertising often tempts consumers to make a purchase by taking advantage of their ignorance about a product 广告经常靠利用消费者对产品的无知来诱惑他们购买


Stay alert to + 名词

We should stay alert to the negative influence brought by modern technologies 我们应该对被现代科技所带来的负面影响保持警惕


At the risk of„

Firefighters are often at the risk of losing their lives


restrict the development of 20.降低„„的效率

lower the efficiency of„


be closely interrelated with… 22.把重心放在… lay more emphasis on…



1.assist Mom with her chores 帮妈妈做家务

2.prepare dinner 准备晚餐

3.do the laundry 洗衣服

4.do yoga exercising 做瑜伽练习

5.iron clothes 熨衣服

6.wash the shirt by hand 用手洗这件衬衫

7.wash that dirt off your clothes 把你衣服上的脏东西洗掉

8.clean up the room清理房间

9.wipe the table 擦桌子

10.mop the floor 拖地

11.clean the bedding 清扫床铺

12.take out the trash 扔垃圾

13.get my bits and pieces together 收拾一下我的零散东西

14.spend all his spare time with his parents 他把所有闲暇的时间都用来陪父母

15.like to play with my pet 喜欢和我的宠物玩

16.switch on/off TV 打开、关上电视

17.watch a cartoon/ fashion show/ soap opera 看动画片、时尚表演、肥皂剧

18.go water skiing 去滑水

19.go outing 去郊游

20.go bike-riding 骑自行车远足

21.go backpacking in the mountains 去山里徒步旅行

22.go climbing 去爬山

23.go on a long hike 进行长途徒步旅行

24.go cycling in the field 到野外骑车

25.work out in the gym 在健身房锻炼身体

26.practice jogging 慢跑

27.wander through the streets 漫步街头

28.enjoy the sun and the sea 享受阳光和海景

29.get up early to sniff the fresh morning air.早起呼吸早晨的新鲜空气

30.take part in scheduled activities 参加计划好的活动

31.have fun with each other at his birthday party 在他的生日聚会上大家玩得很开心

32.play chess/ baseball/the piano

33.go to the library 去图书馆

34.go to concerts 听音乐会

35.visit museums/art galleries/ an exhibition of Chinese paintings 参观博物馆/美术馆/中国画画展

36.spend his free time learning to dance/sing 他用业余时间来学习跳舞、唱歌

37.join the club 加入俱乐部

38.crowd into the cinema 挤进电影院

39.attend the painting course 参加绘画班

40.be proud of its reputation 为它的声誉而自豪

41.afford tuition 负担学费

42.quit school 辍学

43.attend university 上大学

44.receive her graduation certificate 领取毕业证书

45.go to nursery school 上托儿所

46.receive a good education 接受良好的教育

47.a graduate in law 一名法律系大学毕业生

48.an enjoyable experience 一次愉快的经历

49.a particularly delightful event 一件特别让人高兴的事

50.a boarding school 一所寄宿学校

51.a private school 一所私立学校

52.an outstanding school 一所知名学校

53.dream school 理想的学校

54.I appreciate your help very much.感激你的帮助

55.I am grateful for your generosity.我很感激你的慷慨

56.apologize for being late/ the mistake 为迟到/错误道歉

57.forgive me for…

58.send messages of congratulations 发去贺信

59.congratulate him on passing the exam 祝贺他通过考试

60.break the rules违反规则

61.spit everywhere 随地吐痰

62.express in words 用言语表达

63.chat with my e=friend 与我的网友聊天

64.wave his hand 挥手

65.greet each other 相互问好

66.greet him with a smile 微笑着和他打招呼

67.shake hands with him 同他握手

68.nod with a smile 微笑着点头

69.bow to each other 互相鞠躬

70.discuss the matter reasonably 理性的讨论问题

71.quarrel with each other 互相争吵

72.I speak on behalf of Mary.我代表Mary发言

73.consult for their advice 征求他们的建议

74.put forward a solution 提出解决的办法

75.follow your parents’ advice 听出你父母的建议

76.sort the problem out 解决问题

77.reply to the letter 回信

78.look forward to your reply 期待着你的回复

79.lose touch with each other for ages 彼此好久没联系

80.keep in touch with her by e-mail 通过电子邮件同他保持联系

81.entertain the guests 招待客人

82.friendly atmosphere 友好的氛围

83.exchange presents 交换礼物

84.hold a house warming party 举办一个庆祝乔迁之喜的晚会

85.meet up with/ run into /come across sb.意外遇到某人

86.I happened to bump into her along the way 我只是碰巧遇到了她。

87.charity activities 慈善活动

88.a charity party 慈善义演

89.recruit volunteers 招募志愿者

90.provide financial help 提供经济帮助

91.welfare workers 慈善工作者

92.get involved with charity work 参与慈善活动

93.raise money for charity 为慈善事业募捐

94.call on more people to help the children 呼吁更多的人帮助孩子们

95.improve the quality of life 提高生活质量

96.It is my mission in life to help the patients.帮助病人是我一生的使命。

97.表示制定计划:make a plan, plan to do sth., think of doing sth.;decide to,intend to, make up one’s mind to

do,98.make arrangements for our vacation 为我们的假期做安排

99.make sure of the time and place 确认时间和地点

100.carry out the play 执行计划

101.go ahead with the plan 继续执行计划

102.cancel the appointment 取消约会

103.practical choices 实际的选择

104.on second thought 再仔细想一想

105.pay in cash/ pay off with cash 用现金结账

106.pay the expenses 支付费用

107.spend all your allowance 花光你的零用钱

108.click the mouse to choose 点击鼠标选择…

109.order…through online stores 在网店定购…

110.deliver goods to the customers 送货上门

111.not genuine, imitating something superior 不是真的,以次充好

112.shop around to get a good buy 货比三家

113.it’s easy to be cheated when doing shopping online.网上购物容易上当受骗

114.reserve a table 预定餐厅

115.be slightly injured 轻伤

116.have a broken arm 胳膊骨折

117.twist his ankle 扭伤他的脚踝

118.my nose is bleeding 鼻子在流血

119.fall sick with flu 患了流感

120.have a sore throat 嗓子疼

121.feel faint 觉得四肢无力

122.feel dizzy 感到头晕

123.have a toothache/ stomachache/ headache

124.an expert on losing weight 一位减肥专家

125.have to diet to lose weight 必须节食减肥

126.combine our diets with exercise 把饮食和锻炼结合起来

127.consult a doctor 咨询医生

128.go to see a surgeon 去看外科医生

129.wait in line 排队等待

130.It is impolite to cut in line.插队是不礼貌的。

131.Don’t drop litter everywhere.不要到处扔垃圾。

132.pick the waste paper up 将废纸捡起来

133.obey/break the traffic rules 遵守/违反交通规定

134.look out for the red light 当心红灯

135.pay attention to the traffic lights 注意交通灯

136.wait at the zebra crossing for the traffic lights to turn green 在人行横道上等交通灯变绿 137.choke on a fish bone 被鱼刺卡住

138.the train jumped the track.火车出轨了

139.one car crashed into another.一辆汽车撞上了另一辆

140.she slipped on the ice.她在冰上滑到了。

141.he was knocked over by a car.他被一辆车撞倒

142.the car broke down on the way to the seaside.在去海边的路上车子抛锚了。

143.The Nuclear Leak occurred from a nuclear power plant in Japan.日本核电站发生核泄漏。144.come to life 舒醒过来

145.dial 120 拨打120急救电话

146.call an ambulance 叫一辆救护车

147.call for help in emergencies 在紧急情况下寻求帮助

148.arrive at the scene 到达现场

149.regardless of danger 不顾危险

150.wind a bandage 用绷带包扎

151.take the prompt action 采取及时措施

152.place an icepack on the wound 将冰袋放到伤口上。

153.save the boy from drowning 抢救溺水的男孩

154.hold the bandage in place 把绷带绑在适当的位置。

155.applaud wildly 拼命地鼓掌

156.touch the audience 打动观众

157.a refreshing world 令人耳目一新的世界

158.refresh my memory about…让我想起…

159.annual race 每年一次的比赛

160.track and field 田径运动

161.50 meters dash 50米短跑

162.run around the track 绕着跑道跑步

163.announce the winner 宣布获胜者

164.a tough event 一场艰难的比赛

165.a close game 一场势均力敌的比赛

166.win glory for himself 为他自己赢得荣耀

167.compete against each other 互相竞争

168.stand out in a competition 在比赛中脱引而出

169.organize a trip 组织旅行

170.at a travel agency 在旅行社

171.book a hotel 预定一家旅馆

172.pack a suitcase 收拾行李箱

173.pack up my stuff in the suitcase 把我的东西打包到行李箱

174.carry your luggage 携带行李

175.a tourist brochure 旅游手册

176.offer accommodation 提供住宿

177.register at a hotel 登记入住旅馆

178.make an arrangement 做出安排

179.change the timetable 更改时间表

180.queue for hours to buy a ticket 排几小时的队买票

181.leave for Paris 动身去巴黎

182.set off straight away 马上出发

183.get around the city by taxi 乘出租车逛这座城市

184.on our departure from New York 在我们离开纽约时

185.scenic spots 景区

186.a famous sightseeing spot 一处著名的旅游景点

187.beautiful scenes 美丽的风景

188.fantastic mountain scenery 迷人的山景

189.absolutely fantastic sights 绝对漂亮的景色

190.I was hooked on the beauty of the nature.我被大自然的美迷住了。

191.visit temples and caves 参观庙宇和山洞

192.the most unique theme park 最独特的主题公园

193.visit an awesome historical site 参观一处非常棒的历史名胜

194.The Great Wall is an instantly recognizable landmark.万里长城是一眼就可认出的地标 195.lose the luggage 弄丢了我的行李

196.stay in order 保持秩序

197.direct the traffic 指挥交通

198.traffic jam 交通堵塞

199.give me a lift to the church 顺便载我到教堂

200.pick me up at the train station 在火车站接我201.departure time of the flight 航班起飞的时间

202.follow the route 沿着路线走

203.post a letter 寄信

204.call him in advance 提前给打电话

205.group sending short messages 短信群发

206.scan the blog articles 浏览博客文章

207.chat on the microblog 在微博上聊天

208.communications online cost the least money.在线交流花费最少。

209.master a foreign language 掌握一门外语

210.the biggest barrier to success in learning a foreign language 外语学习成功的最大障碍 211.have a good command of English idioms 熟练掌握英语习语

212.make apparent progress in 在…取得明显进步

213.he has a good grasp of English language.他精通英语。

214.refer to the dictionary 参照词典

215.expand the vocabulary 扩展词汇

216.enrich/enlarge your vocabulary 丰富词汇量

217.set reasonable goals制订合理的目标

218.consult reference books 查阅参考书 219.sort the waste 垃圾分类 220.collect garbage 收集垃圾

221.recycle empty tins 回收空罐头盒



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    例如:what's more every coin has two sides in addition 等等。 1. a big headache令人头痛的事情2. a fraction of 一部分 3. a matter of concern 焦点 4. a series of 一......


    1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 龙虾 西瓜 摔倒 情人 小偷 鲫鱼 瓜子脸......


    U1 A 1.呆在家 2.去纽约市 3.拜访我的叔叔 4. 去夏令营 5.去爬山 6.去海滩 7.参观博物馆 8.中心公园 9.特别的东西 10.有趣的人 11.有趣的东西 12.与人出去 13.好久不见 14.......


    101 wait for sb 等某人 102 escape from 从……逃跑eg: The prisoners have escaped from the prison犯人从监狱里逃跑出来 103 expect to do sth 期待做某事 104 fall dow......


    词组大全 a bill of fare菜单;节目单a case in point一个恰当的例子a couple of一对,一双;几个a far cry遥远的距离a fewa good deal a good few a good manya hard nut to cra......


    情景作文 古人云:“情动而辞发。”它告诉我们,在作文前,得先有情,动情,并由此情产生一幅幅画面,进入写作境界,然后才能写出好作文来。《小学生情境作文金笔头》为你们创设了作文情......


    情景班作文测试题 第一部分:按要求改句子。 1、照样子写句子。 昆明湖静得像一面镜子,绿得像一块碧玉。(用“……像……像……”写比喻句) ___________________________________......

