
时间:2019-05-13 17:57:09下载本文作者:会员上传



课题:Unit7 Topic3 Section B




【导入新课】Review the past forms of verbs.【指导自学】

自学指导一:Learn the new words of P73—74.自学指导二:Translate1a into Chinese then read it loudly.自学指导三:Underline the important sentences and phrases.【检测交流】

附:堂清检测题:Check the new words:

检测一:事情;问题______可怜的 ,贫穷的_______跌倒;落下 n 秋季_______ 我自己______立刻,马上______洗手________洗手间______忘记________ 忘记做某事__________

检测二:Phrases: at once =right away

forget to do sth.检测三:1.立刻,马上_______________________



What’s _________________?

=What’s _________________?

=What’s ________?


fall down, hurt oneself,at once=right away, come back, next time.作业: 同步练习册





课题:Unit7 Topic3 Section A






自学指导一:Learn the new words of P71,72

自学指导二:Translate1a into Chinese then read it loudly.自学指导三:Underline the important sentences and phrases.【检测交流】

附:堂清检测题:Check the new words:



检测二:Phrases;magictrick ,enjoyoneselfyesterdaymorningYesterday afternoonyesterday evening检测三:Fill in the blanks

1.How__(be)hisbirthday party last time?

2.___you___(sing)Chinese song or English songsatKang kang’s birthdayparty?.3,Janecanperform ____(to,/)ballet.4.We can all dance _____(to,/)disco.5.Didtheboy _________(过得开心)?


enjoy oneself=have a good time

just now=a moment ago

Homework: 同步练习册 P74-75



helponeself 请随便吃..helponeself to sth.请随便吃某些东西



绿色环保英语教案 Module 4 Life in the future

Unit 2 Everyone will have a small car Teaching aim 1 Try to grasp the following new words and word pharases: farm, holiday, weather, wind, cheap, fuel, expensive, short, get warm, the North Pole, so, rough, spring, autumn, heavy rain, strong, comfortable, heat, machine, dull, they’ll, climate, job, technology, transport, easy, interesting, difficult, smooth, uncomfortable 2 To grasp the important sentences: It will be hot all year so the winter will be very short.3 Education students to protect the environment Teaching importance and difficulty 1 the uses of future simple “will”the uses of the word”so” 3 Air pollution harms human Teaching plan Warm –up Teacher ask some questions about weather and describe them: T: What’s the date today? S1: It’s …

T: How’s the weather today? Can you see the sun / rain / snow / wind? S2: It’s….Teaching process Step One T: Look at Picture 1.What can you see in Picture 1? S: A computer.T: Please ask and answer in pairs.Talk about these pictures.(Call some pairs to act it out)Step Two

① T: Read the passage then match the picture with the paragraphs.Have the students do it by themselves, when they finished the task, teacher will check the answesr together with the students.② T: Read the passage then match the headings with the paragraphs Have the students do it by themselves, when they finished the task, teacher will ask one student to provide the answer,others will check if he(she)give the right answer.③ T: Read the passage again and check the true sentences Do it as same as atask 2

④ T: Read the passage carefully and then teacher will ask some questions to check if the students can understand the passage well.At the same time, teacher will use this chance to educate the students protect the environment These questions can be as following: T: Why will flying be very cheap? S1: Because planes will be very large.T: Will fuel be expensive or cheap? S2: It will be expensive.T: Why will the winter be very short? S3: Because it will be very hot all year.T: What will the weather be like in spring and autumn? S4: There will be bad weather.T: Yes, you two are very good.From question 3 and 4,we can know the weather is getting worse and worse, why the weather is getting like this ?

S: Because our human always not to protect the environment, we always emission a lot of toxic gases, as a resule, the fresh air will getting less and less, the quality of the air will getting worse and worse.T: Yes, very good.So we must protect our environment from now on.Then teacher go on ask questions.T: How will we heat our homes? S5: We’ll use the sun to heat our homes.T: Yes, Solar Energy is a new energy.We use the sun to heat, it can be not only achieve our goals, but also reducing opportunities to emission a lot of toxic gases.T: Will there be a lot of hot water at home in winter? S6: Yes, there will be.T: What will computers be like? S7: They will be very small.T: What kind of jobs will machines do? S8: Machines will do the dull jobs.T: How often will people work? S9: People will work three days a week.T: Will people have long holidays? S10: Yes, they will have.⑤ T: Read the passage carefully then match the words in box 1 with words in box 2.Let the students do it by themselves and then check the answer together with the students.⑥ T: Use the words in the box to answer the questions.Do it as same as task 5

⑦ Work in pairs and talk about life in the future.Step Three T: Look at the sentences then join then with “so” Do it as same as task 5 Step Four Homework 1 Finish the exercises on Page 101 in the workbook.2 What will life be in the future? Write a passage about it.



课题:Unit 7Topic1SAWhen is your birthday?


主备课人: 崔如意使用人:使用时间:

【学习目标】1.Read and recite the new words.2.Read and understand 1a.3.Master the important phrases and sentences.【导入新课】some pictures about “month”

【指导自学】自学指导一:Learn and master the new words of P55-56.自学指导二:Listen and read 12 months & master the key points.自学指导三:Find how to read different years.自学指导四:Learn 1a and practice.【检测交流】附:堂清检测题:

检测一:作者_____(长篇)小说______(am,is的过去式)______(are的过去式)______ 出生____迷;风扇_____千______ 检测二:1.____(be)Jim born in England ?

2.He was born ____(in/on)June , 1970.3.--Were you born in China ?--No, I _____.(be not)



2.be born 出生




Dear Bill,My name is Wang Lin.Now I live in Hangzhou , China.I want to find a pen pal in England.I’m now 14 years old.I speak Chinese.And I can speak a little English.I like sports ,swimming is my favorite.I also like playing the computer games.My favorite subject in school is math.I like to go to movies with my friends.My favorite movie is Beauty and Beast.Now I live with my parents.Can you write to me soon ?Wang Lin

I have a good friend, his name is Bill.He is from Sydney, Australia.Now he lives in Beijing with his parents.He is 14 years old and his birthday is in October.He speaks English and he can speak a little Chinese.He has lots of friends in Beijing.He often plays soccer after school with them.It’s his favorite sport.He likes Chinese action movies very much.He thinks they are interesting.He favorite actor is Jet Li.Lin Tao usually goes to the zoo with his parents.He likes to see animals.In his room there are many toys.Most of them are boy animals.All kinds of animals in his room are his good friend.Every day he plays with them.Sometimes he asks his friends to his home to play.On vacation or weekends he likes to see the monkeys and elephants in the zoo, and the dolphin show is his favorite.二、描写方位的短文

My home is on Center Street.On Center Street, there is a restaurant, a KFC and a library.The KFC is between the library and the restaurant.Across from the KFC is a pay phone.A bank is next to the pay phone.The supermarket is on Fifth Avenue.A hotel is in front of the supermarket.三、用进行时态描写的各种短文

It is a fine Sunday.There are many people in the park.They are playing happily(高兴地).Some are playing beach volleyball on the beach.A man is lying on the chair.A manis swimming.He can swim very well.A man is talking with him.He is learning from him(向他学习游泳).Everyone is having a good time.It’s Sunday morning.My mother and I are going to the park.There are a lot of people in the park.Some children are running.A dog is running after them.Four women are sitting there.They are talking.Two girls are playing with a big bal near them.Three old men are standing under a big tree.They are watching the children.There is a river there.Many young people are dancing near it.There is a boat on the river.And an old man is sitting in the goat.He is dishing.Everyone in the park is having a good time.We are having a good time, too.四、天气预报的短文

Good morning!Here’s the weather report for some big cities in the world.Beijing is cloudy.It’s very cold, so wear warm clothes when you go out.In Hong

Kong there’s beautiful sunshine.(阳光灿烂).People will feel cool in the daytime.It is sunny in New York , but there’s a strong wind(大风)in the afternoon.It will be rainy in Sydney but very hot.The day after tomorrow(后天)will be sunny.That’s the weather report for today.Thank you for listening.(谢谢收听)


There are three people in Jim’s family.Mr.Green is his father.He is fat and he has short straighthair.Hewearsglasses.He is watching TV.His mother is Mrs.Green.She is a woman of medium height.She has curly hair.She is cleaning the room.Jim is very thin.He is playing with the ball.They are all happy.六.一般过去式的短文

Jenny had a busy weekend.Last Saturday morning, she did her homework and practiced speaking English at home.She watched TV and played tennis on Saturday afternoon.That night, she went to the movies.On Sunday morning , she cleaned her room and went to the beach..On Sunday afternoon, she visited her friends and went shopping.She had a party last night.What a busy but happy weekend she had!


Hello, Mary.Welcome to our class.Here are our class rules.You must read it carefully.As a middle school student we can't arrive late for class on weekdays.We must wear clean clothes every day.We must stand up when a teacher goes into the classroom.When you have nay questionsin class, please put up your hands.We have to eat and drink in the dining room We have to clean our classroom every day.Don't leave school if you are not allowed(允许).I wish you can obey(遵守)theserules!



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