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第二篇:Im Sam 教案


小学新标准英语三年级起点第一册 Module1 Unit1 I’m Sam 【学情分析】





1.能听懂、会说hello(hi),I am(I’m),goodbye(bye-bye),并能在实际情境中进行运用。


3.认识四个人物: Sam ,Amy , Daming ,Lingling.(2)技能目标:能将所学的交际用语用于日常交际。






1.单词I’m与am的正确发音。2.强调goodbye和bye-bye的发音。【教法和学法】 情景教学,游戏法 【教具准备】 单词卡,ppt 【教学过程】


T:Hello, boys and girls.Welcome to our English class.I’m your English teacher , Fancy.Now Follow me(跟我读),Fancy, Fancy ↗,Fancy↘.我是„,我是„,I’m „ I’m „ Very Good!Hello, boy, I’m Fancy.Nice to meet you.(跟孩子握手)

Hello, girl, I’m „?Good!Give me five.(给孩子击掌)(音乐活跃课堂气氛)Now boys and girls, I’m „.Wow ,so clever.I’m very happy.Now let’s stand up and sing a song.First ,I do and you look and listen.OK? When I say OK? You say OK!OK? S: OK!

Now Let’s do it together.T: Very Good!Sit down please!2.导入

T: Now I have a question and I will see who is the clever kid.现在我要问小朋友一个问题,看看谁最聪明?What did I say when I greet you刚我给大家打招呼说了什么啊?

S: Hello.T: Wow ,so clever.So today we will learn Module1 Greetings Unit1 I’m Sam.今天我们来共同学习两个人见面时如何问候,如何自我介绍。T: Now look at the picture and listen.What do you hear? S: Hello , Hi(教Hello,Hi,并操练)T:YES!When we meet someone, we can say Hello(拉长声音,给学生回答的机会)Now follow me Hello ,Hello↗, Hello ↘.(边领读边书写Hello)H,H,H ,/h∕, /h∕,/h∕喝,喝,喝

e,e,e,/ə∕,/ə∕,/ə∕ 鹅,鹅,鹅,大白鹅 l,l,l,/l∕/l∕/l∕乐,乐,乐 o,o,o, /əu∕,/əu∕,/əu∕ We can also say Hi H,H,H ,/h∕, /h∕,/h∕喝,喝,喝 I,I,I,/ai∕, /ai∕, /ai∕,爱,爱,爱

T: Now Let’s say hello to each other.When I say Hello, boys and girls, you say Hello, Fancy or Hi Fancy.OK?(做手势)Now Let’s have a try.Hello, boys and girls!S: Hello , Fancy.(给不同的小朋友打招呼)T: Good!Now let’s have a look.where can Hello and Hi be used in our life(现在我们再来看看打招呼用于还可以用在什么地方)When we call somebody, we can say Hello or Hi()And when we greet someone(just like me meet you), we can say Hello or Hi T: Now everybody stands up and let’s relax and sing the Hello song.First , I do you listen.Now let’s do it together.Now let’s do it faster and faster.T: Today Fancy will introduce four good friends to you.they are Sam , Daming, Lingling and Amy.(今天Fancy要给大家介绍四位非常可爱的朋友)Do you want to know them?Now they will introduce themselves one by one.Listen and Look(现在要一个一个做自我介绍了)Now Follow me Sam, Sam↗, Sam ↘.S,S,S /s∕, /s∕, /s∕, a,a,a /æ∕, /æ∕,/æ∕ m,m,m /m∕, /m∕, /m∕, Let’s say Hello to Sam.Next one

Let’s say Hello to Daming.The third one

Let’s say Hello to Lingling The last one ,Listen carefully Now follow me Amy, ,Amy, ↗Amy ↘.A,A,A /ei∕, /ei∕, /ei∕, m,m,m /m∕, /m∕, /m∕ y,y,y /i∕, /i∕, /i∕ She is „

Let’s say Hello to Amy.Now we know how to introduce ourselves, use I’m +your name(你的名字)like I’m Fancy.I’m is I am.Now follow me

I, I ,I /ai∕, /ai∕, /ai∕ m,m,m /m∕, /m∕, /m∕

am,am,am /æ m∕, /æ m∕, /æ m∕

Now Let’s play a game.Here is a toy.I will introduce myself first.Then I will throw the toy to you closing my eyes.If you get the toy ,you have to introduce yourself to us.(我先做自我介绍,然后闭着眼睛把这个玩具扔给你们中的一个,谁接到这个玩具,谁就给大家介绍自己好吗?)Are you ready? 准备好了吗?if you are ready, show me your right hands and say YES like this.OK, let’s try.Are you ready? Are you ready? OK, let’s go!(游戏可进行四到五个人)Let’s say hello to „ OK!Stop here!Very good!Now this action means “good”, when we will leave someone, we should say “Goodbye”.Now follow me Goodbye, Goodbye.G,G,G,/g∕,/g∕,/g∕ oo,/u∕, /u∕, /u∕ d,d,d /d∕, /d∕,/d∕, We can also say “Bye-bye”

Now let’s watch a video.First,listen and point.(听,并在书上指出是哪句话)Now follow me(领读课文)Now read with your parter.Now who wants to come here with your parter and act it out.Now here are our key points of this class.

第三篇:Im Nobody赏析

I'm Nobody!Who are you?(260)赏析


I'm Nobody!Who are you?

Are you – Nobody – too?

Then there's a pair of us!

Don't tell!they'd advertise – you know!

How dreary – to be – Somebody!

How public – like a Frog –

To tell one's name – the livelong June –

To an admiring Bog!


The poem's first stanza tells how the speaker meets a fellow “nobody” — a friend.Together, the two nobodies can enjoy each other's company and their shared anonymity.In the second stanza, the tone of the poem changes.The speaker sounds confident.Perhaps it is her discovery that there are other people like her — other “nobodies”--that makes her feels strongly that being a “somebody” isn't such a great idea.She realizes that having a friend who understands you and accepts you as you are is more important than being admired by a lot of people or being in the “in” crowd.In the poem's second stanza, the speaker also makes a strange comparison.She says that being a somebody is like being a frog.What does this simile mean? Aside from Kermit, there aren't many celebrity frogs around.Summary

The speaker exclaims that she is ―Nobody,‖ and asks, ―Who are you? / Are you— Nobody—too?‖ If so, she says, then they are a pair of nobodies, and she admonishes her addressee not to tell, for ―they’d banish us—you know!‖ She says that it would be ―dreary‖ to be ―Somebody‖—it would be ―public‖ and require that, ―like a Frog,‖ one tell one’s name ―the livelong June— / To an admiring Bog!‖


The two stanzas of ―I’m Nobody!‖ are highly typical for Dickinson, constituted of loose iambic trimeter occasionally including a fourth stress(―To tell your name—the livelong June—‖).They follow an ABCB rhyme scheme(though in the first stanza, ―you‖ and ―too‖ rhyme, and ―know‖ is only a half-rhyme, so the scheme could appear to be AABC), and she frequently uses rhythmic dashes to interrupt the flow.Commentary

Ironically, one of the most famous details of Dickinson lore today is that she was utterly un-famous during her lifetime—she lived a relatively reclusive life in Amherst, Massachusetts, and though she wrote nearly 1,800 poems, she published fewer than ten of them.This poem is her most famous and most playful defense of the kind of spiritual privacy she favored, implying that to be a Nobody is a luxury incomprehensible to the dreary Somebodies—for they are too busy keeping their names in circulation, croaking like frogs in a swamp in the summertime.This poem is an outstanding early example of Dickinson’s often jaunty approach to meter(she uses her trademark dashes quite forcefully to interrupt lines and interfere with the flow of her poem, as in ―How dreary— to be—Somebody!‖).Further, the poem vividly illustrates her surprising way with language.The juxtaposition in the line ―How public—like a Frog—‖ shocks the first-time reader, combining elements not typically considered together, and, thus, more powerfully conveying its meaning(frogs are ―public‖ like public figures—or Somebodies—because they are constantly ―telling their name‖— croaking—to the swamp, reminding all the other frogs of their identities).Question: Why does the speaker choose that amphibian as her representative of a public creature?

It's because frogs make a lot of noise.The poem says that frogs, though they can croak and make themselves heard and be noticed, are noticed only by “an admiring bog.” The bog is the frog's environment, not the frog's friend.So who cares what the bog thinks?

That's what the poem says about being a “somebody” who gets noticed by an admiring public.Frequently, the relationship is impersonal and distanced, not like a real friendship.Somebodies may have many admirers, but they might not be able to make those personal connections that real friendship offers.This special connection between two people who consider themselves outsiders is mirrored in Jesse and Leslie's friendship in Bridge to Terebithia.Jess and Leslie are “nobodies” who realize that being just like everyone else would be boring and would diminish their individuality.In the words of Dickinson's poem, it might be said that Jess and Leslie learn that it would actually be quite “dreary to be a somebody!”

Being “nobodies” helps them find each other.

第四篇:Im sorry 歌词

take a look inside of my heart don't you see it breaking apart put the way a few respect

let me inna knocking at the door i am changing

we are ranging now

i am changing

i must choice now

i am sorry

sorry for the things i said i am sorry

sorry for the things i did

and i 'm sorry that i ever let you go sorry that i ever let you go take a look inside of my soul i don't wanna hurting it more

tell me why we were far from fine how can we make it around i am changing

we are ranging now

i am changing

i must wrong wrong

i am sorry

sorry for the things i said i am sorry

sorry for the things i did

and i'm sorry that i ever let you go sorry that i ever let you go

(dalalala i am sorry i am sorry till we get it back i am sorry dalalala i am sorry i am sorry i could reach you

dalalala i am sorry i am sorry i 'm sorry that i ever let you go)i am sorry

sorry for the things i said i am sorry

sorry for the things i did

and i 'm sorry that i ever let you go sorry that i ever let you go i am sorry

sorry for the things i said i am sorry

sorry for the things i did

and i 'm sorry that i ever let you go sorry that i ever let you go

and i'm sorry that i ever let you go

第五篇:《Im hungry》教学设计

Lesson13 I’m Hungry





2、能理解并能口头运用句子 I’m hungry/thirsty.I want to(eat/drink).3、能在图片,手势的帮助下理解句子意思,并能口头运用句子表达自己的感情;能听懂简单的要求做出适当的动作。






1、正确的听、说、读、写单词food、table、eat。、2、能理解并能口头运用句子 I’m hungry/thirsty.I want to(eat/drink).三、教学用具:实物、卡片



Step 1: Warm--up

Greeting and singing a song

T: Hello, boys and girls.Nice to meet you.S: Hi, teacher.Nice to meet you, too.T: I’m very happy.Are you happy? S: Yes.T: Today, there are many teachers in our classroom.Let’s say “hello” to them.S: Hello

T: OK, let’s sing a song.《I love you》


Step 2: Lead—in Presentation

T:I love you, you love me.We are a happy family.(手指向全班)We are a big family.2、(出示钟表)class, look.What time is it?

One、two、three、four、five、six、seven、eight、nine、ten? Yes or no?(复习数字)

T:Can you count one to ten? Now it’s seven o’clock , Step3:Presentation T:It’s time for breakfast.I’m hungry!(做动作)hungry(重复2遍)

Who can tell me ? What’s the meaning?(饿了)OK, You are very clever.Good.(回过来,读课题2遍)I’m hungry!

Today the classes take many good food ? Show me(apple bread banana water chicken milk。。)-May I have one apple, please ?-Sure

-OK, thank you.拉起一个孩子,help me,please.(帮着拿食物)OK.老师从孩子手里拿出东西。边拿边说: Bread is food.Banana is food.What’s meaning? S:食物

T:Good.(板书food,进行字母组合00 的语音教学).T: Ask the students to read after teacher.Then read the words one by one group by group with the help of the cards to make sure they have already master the word.T: Where shall we put the food?(on the table.)进行table教学及字母a的语音教学.教师简笔画“table”。

区别 “desk”和“table”。“desk”:手指学生书桌。This is a desk , we can write on the desk.“table”:手指简笔画。This is a table , we can put the food on the table.Look , there are some good food on the table.(设计意图:运用肢体语言,使学生多种感官并用,加大语言信息输入的刺激强度,增强对单词的记忆力。

教师做出闻闻食物的样子。Mm...This food is good.揉搓自己的肚子 T:I’m hungry.I want to eat。What’s meaning ? S: 我饿了,我想要吃。T: 摸着自己的喉咙I’m thirsty.I want to drink.(教师示范动作让学生猜测)板书并让学生跟读

Step 4: Drill

采用多种形式全班练习句式与单词,直至能理解并能口头运用句子 练习举着有食物或饮料,引导学生完成下列句子。T:(举着食物)I’m hungry.I want to … Ss: Eat.T:(举着饮料)I’m thirsty.I want to… Ss: Drink.(设计意图: 采用多种形式全班练习句式与单词,直至能理解并能口头运用句子,情境中操练句式提高学习兴趣)





T: Boys and girls, we are a happy family.Let’s invite your classmates to eat and drink together


Step5 : Summing--up 老师引导学生小结。

Step 6:Class closing

T: We are a happy family.Let’s eat.Let’s drink.(设计意图:以趣激情、寓教于乐。把枯燥的学习内容和机械操练变成了充满趣味性的游戏活动,从而有效地达成教学目标。培养学生学习英语的兴趣,激发儿童求知欲)



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