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Sunday is World Biodiversity Day.UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.星期天是生物多样性国际日,联合国秘书长潘基文发表致词:

Conserving the planet's species and habitats is central to sustainable development.Yet the global decline in biodiversity is accelerating.The main causes are human activities.The consequences are devastating: failed crops, economic losses, less resilience in the face of disaster.养护地球上的物种和栖息地是可持续发展的核心。然而,全球生物多样性的衰退正在加速,其主要原因是人类的活动,其后果是灾难性的:作物歉收、经济损失、灾难面前的应变能力降低。

As with most emergencies, those hardest hit are the poor.And climate change is compounding the problem.There are also the opportunity costs: what cures for disease, what other useful discoveries might we never know of, because a habitat is destroyed forever, or land is polluted beyond all use?


We have all heard of the web of life.We risk trapping ourselves in a web of death.But it is not too late to protect biodiversity so that future generations can enjoy the goods and services it provides.Together, we can build the foundations for a sustainable future.我们都听过生命之网,我们正冒着被困在死亡之网的风险。现在开始保护生物多样性还为时不晚。我们的子孙后代可以享受它所提供的物质和服务,我们可以一起为可持续的未来奠定基础。

UN Secretary-General's Message for International Day for Biological Diversity 2011May, 2011



This year’s observance of the International Day for Biodiversity falls during the 2011

International Year of Forests, declared by the United Nations General Assembly to educate the global community about the value of forests and the extreme social, economic and environmental costs of losing them.在今年举办生物多样性国际日纪念活动,适逢今年是2011国际森林年。联合国大会宣布今年为2011国际森林年,是为了让全球社会了解森林的价值以及失去森林将产生的极端社会、经济和环境成本。

The benefits of forests are far-reaching.Forests catch and store water, stabilize soils, harbour biodiversity and make an important contribution to regulating climate and the greenhouse gases that are causing climate change.They generate profits for international businesses and provide essential income and resources for hundreds of millions of the world’s poorest people.Yet, despite our growing understanding and appreciation of just how much we reap from forests, they are still disappearing at an alarming rate.This year’s International Day for Biological Diversity is devoted to highlighting the need for urgent action.森林的益处久远绵长。森林聚水蓄水,稳定土壤,涵养多种生物,并对调节气候以及造成气候变化的温室气体做出重要贡献。森林为国际生意创造利润,为全世界数以亿计最贫穷的人民提供必不可少的收入和资源。我们取之于森林者可谓多矣。然而,尽管我们对这一点的理解和重视日益增加,森林仍然在以惊人的速度消失。今年的生物多样性国际日则专门强调采取紧急行动的必要性。

Last year, governments agreed on a new strategic plan for biodiversity at the Nagoya Biodiversity Summit in Aichi, Japan.The Aichi targets call for a significant reduction in the

rate of loss, degradation and fragmentation of all natural habitats, including forests, by 2020.One of the important tools agreed in Japan is the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization.Forests contain a vast – and barely catalogued – store of biodiversity.The early ratification and implementation of this Protocol can support forest protection and the sustainable use of biodiversity.This, in turn, can contribute to poverty alleviation and sustainable national development.去年,各国政府在日本爱知县举行的名古屋生物多样性首脑会议上商定了一项新的生物多样性战略计划。爱知目标要求到2020年大幅度降低包括森林在内的所有自然生境的丧失、退化和条块分割速度。在日本商定的重要工具之一是《遗传资源获取以及利用遗传资源所产生惠益公平公正分享问题名古屋议定书》。森林中蕴藏的生物品类繁盛,但却几乎没有进行过分类登记。早日批准和实施该议定书可以支持森林保护和生物多样性的可持续利用。而这又可以促进减贫和可持续的国家发展。

As the ongoing climate change negotiations demonstrate, awareness is growing that reducing deforestation and forest degradation can play a large part in our response to the combined threat of climate change, biodiversity loss and land degradation.I commend this renewed emphasis on the importance of forests to sustainable development.目前仍在继续的气候变化谈判表明,人们越来越清醒地认识到,减少森林的砍伐和退化,在我们应对气候变化、生物多样性丧失和土地退化等问题的共同威胁方面可以发挥重大作用。我赞扬这种一再强调森林对可持续发展的重要性的做法。

Nearly two decades ago, world leaders included the Rio Forest Principles as a major outcome of the Earth Summit, which also saw the birth of the Convention on Biological Diversity.Next year, governments will reconvene in Rio for the United Nations Conference on Sustainable

Development(Rio +20).As we look forward to this landmark conference, I urge all sectors of society to re-commit to the management, conservation and sustainable development of all types of forests for our collective future.将近20年以前,在地球问题首脑会议上,世界各国的领导人把《里约森林原则》作为首脑会议的重大成果列入成果文件,《生物多样性公约》也由此诞生。明年,各国政府将在里约再次聚首,召开联合国可持续发展大会(里约+20)。在我们期待这次里程碑式大会之时,我敦促社会各界再做承诺,对所有各类森林加以管理、养护和可持续的开发,以造福我们共同的未来。



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Secretary-General’s Message on International Youth Day 秘书长国际青年日致辞 12 August 2013 2013年8月12日

Youth Migration, Moving Development Forward “青年移徙:推动发展”

This year’s observance of International Youth Day focuses on the issue of youth migration.Of the annual total of some 214 million international migrants, young people constitute more than 10 per cent, yet too little is known about their struggles and experiences.今年国际青年日纪念活动的重点是青年移徙问题。每年约有2.14亿名国际移徙者,青年占其中10%以上,然而对他们的挣扎和遭遇所知甚少。

The reasons young people migrate are many.Some are fleeing persecution, others are escaping economic hardship.Some are alone, others part of a family – with parents, siblings and even children of their own.Some have communities to go to, others must make new connections.In transit and at their final destinations, many young migrants face equal or greater struggles, including racism, xenophobia, discrimination and human rights violations.Young women, in particular, face the risk of sexual exploitation and abuse.青年移徙的原因是多方面的。一些人要逃离迫害,另一些人是为了摆脱经济困境。一些人只身移徙,另一些人与父母、兄弟姐妹甚至自己的子女等家人一起移徙。一些人有可去的社区,另一些人不得不建立新关系。许多青年移徙者在途中或最终目的地面临同样艰难甚至更艰难的挣扎,包括面对种族主义、仇外心理、歧视、侵犯人权行为。女青年尤其面临遭受性剥削和性虐待的危险。

Poverty, crowded and unsanitary living conditions and the challenges of finding decent employment are regular features of the migrant experience.These challenges areexacerbated by the current global economic and financial crisis.Migrants are also often accused by communities and politicians of taking jobs from local people, exposing them to further risk of discrimination.In other cases, young people left behind by migrating parents face psychological and social challenges and greater vulnerability.移徙者往往在贫穷、拥挤、不卫生的条件下生活,而且难以找到体面就业。当前的全球经济和金融危机加剧了这种状况。社区和政界人士常常指控移徙者抢走当地人民的就业机会,使移徙者更易受到歧视。此外,一些父母移徙时把孩子留下,使其面临心理和社会方面的挑战,而且更易受到伤害。

It is important to emphasize the positive contribution young migrants make to societies of origin, transit and destination – economically and by enriching the social and cultural fabric.Most work hard to earn a living and improve their circumstances.必须强调,青年移徙者为原籍国、过境国、目的地国社会作出了积极贡献,包括在经济方面,也包括丰富社会和文化结构。大多数青年移徙者努力谋生和改善生活条件。The remittances they send to support families in their home countries are a major contributor to economies worldwide.When they return home, young migrants often enhance development by applying skills and ideas acquired abroad.And, in many cases, women are empowered through migration as they gain financial and social independence.他们汇款养活原籍国的家庭,是全球经济的一个重要促进因素。当青年移徙者返回家园后,往往会运用在国外获得的技能和观念促进发展。此外,许多妇女能通过移徙赢得经济和社会独立。

In October, the United Nations General Assembly will host the second High-Level Dialogue on International Migration and Development.I urge Member States to consider youth migration.Working with and for young people is one of my top priorities.On this International Youth Day, I encourage Member States, youth-led organizations and other stakeholders to act to promote the rights of all young migrants and maximize the development potential of youth migration.今年10月,联合国大会将主办第二次国际移徙与发展高级别对话。我敦促会员国审议青年移徙问题。我的最优先事项之一就是与青年合作和为青年而工作。值此国际青年日之际,我鼓励各会员国、青年领导的组织和其他利益攸关方采取行动,促进青年移徙者的权利,并最大限度地发挥青年移徙在促进发展方面的潜力。



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Secretary-General’s Message on World Literacy Day 秘书长国际扫盲日致辞 8 September 2013 2013年9月8日

More than 773 million young people and adults around the world cannot read this message.They are among the ranks of our fellow citizens who have not yet gained full literacy skills.They may not be able to fill out a job application, decipher a bus timetable or read a story aloud to their children.Two out of three are women who are denied this essential ingredient to full participation in society.全世界有7.73亿以上的年青人和成年人不会念这份致辞。他们是我们的同胞,但却还没有充分掌握识字技能。他们可能无法填写求职申请书、辨认汽车时刻表或大声朗读故事给子女听。其中三分之二是妇女,她们被剥夺了充分参与社会的这一基本要素。

In our knowledge-based era, literacy is a foundation for a more just, inclusive and sustainable world.It can advance all the Millennium Development Goals.Literacy enables people to gain access to information to improve their health and nutrition, widen their livelihood options, cope with environmental change and make informed choices.在我们这个立足于知识的时代,识字是实现一个更加公平、更具包容性和更可持续世界的基础。识字可以推动各项千年发展目标,可以使人们获取信息,改善自身的健康和营养,可以拓宽谋生手段,应对环境变化和作出明智的选择。

When we invest in learning and literacy, we invest in human dignity, development and peace.That is why I launched the Global Education First Initiative, which focuses on ensuring that every child can go to school.Worldwide at least 250 million primary-school–age children cannot read, write or count.Half of these girls and boys never make it to school or are pushed out before their fourth year.Another 200 million adolescents, including those who completed secondary school, do not have basic literacy skills--and so our initiative also focuses on improving the quality of education as well as fostering global citizenship.当我们为学习和识字进行投资时,我们是在投资于人的尊严、发展与和平。这就是我启动“教育第一全球倡议”,确保每名儿童都能上学的目的。全世界至少有2.5亿小学学龄儿童不会读写或计算。其中半数男孩和女孩根本没机会上学,或还没有上到四年级就辍学了。另有2亿青少年,包括上完中学的人没有掌握基本的识字技能-因此,我们的倡议还侧重于提高学习质量,以及培养全球公民。

I urge all countries to make education and literacy national priorities and to work with partners across society to advance these goals.By promoting literacy, we can help millions of people write their own chapter of opportunity in their lives and our common future.我敦促所有国家将教育和识字作为国家优先事项,与社会各界伙伴共同努力推动这些目标。通过促进识字,我们可以帮助数以百万计的人书写他们人生的机会篇章,并书写我们共同的未来。


联合国秘书长潘基文在禁止核试验国际日的致辞时间:2010-09-01 08:

21UN Secretary-General's message on the International Day against Nuclear Tests New York, 29 August 2010



This day marks the first observance of the International Day against Nuclear Tests, proposed in 2009 by the Government of Kazakhstan at the sixty-fourth session of the United Nations General Assembly.The fact that the proposal won unanimous support reflects the deep concern of the international community about the dangers posed by such tests.今天首次纪念禁止核试验国际日,国际日是哈萨克斯坦政府2009年在联合国大会第六十四届会议上提议设立的。有关提案获得一致支持,表明国际社会深为关切这些试验带来的危险。

It was on 29 August 1991 that the President of Kazakhstan closed the test site at Semipalatinsk, where 456 nuclear tests conducted during the Cold War era devastated the landscape and left enduring effects on the local population.I witnessed this toxic legacy first-hand when I visited Semipalatinsk earlier this year.哈萨克斯坦总统是在1991年8月29日关闭塞米巴拉金斯克试验场的;冷战期间在该地进行的456次核试验毁坏了当地的景观,对当地人民产生了持久的影响。我今年早些时候到塞米巴拉金斯克时亲眼看到了这个有毒的遗留物。

Today, with Kazakhstan having banished nuclear weapons and joined in creating a nuclear-weapon-free zone in Central Asia, Semipalatinsk has become a powerful symbol.It tells us that a world free of nuclear weapons is achievable.如今,由于哈萨克斯坦摒弃核武器并加入建立中亚无核武器区的工作,塞米巴拉金斯克已成为一个强有力的象征。它告诉我们,建立无核武器世界是一个可以实现的目标。

There is real momentum behind this great cause.This year, the successful conclusion

of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference invigorated the nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation regime.Bold initiatives by world leaders and civil society are showing the way toward changed policies and reduced arsenals.确有力量在推动这一伟大的事业。今年,不扩散核武器条约审议大会的顺利结束为核裁军和不扩散机制增添了活力。世界领导人和民间社会提出的大胆倡议表明,要改变政策和削减武库。

As we mark the first International Day against Nuclear Tests, I look forward to working with all partners to rein in spending on nuclear weapons and rid the world of the nuclear threat.A central pillar of this strategy is the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty(CTBT).Constraining research and development on nuclear weapons is a potentially powerful tool in strengthening the global nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament regime.在我们纪念第一个禁止核试验国际日之际,我期望同所有伙伴合作,控制核武器开支,消除世界上的核威胁。这一战略的中心支柱是《全面禁止核试验条约》(全面禁试条约)。限制核武器的研究与开发可能是一个加强全球核不扩散和核裁军机制的有力工具。

The CTBT was adopted in 1996 but has yet to enter into force.I have called for a timeline of achieving this goal by 2012.Pending the treaty's entry into force, I urge all States to implement a moratorium on all nuclear explosions.《全面禁试条约》1996年获得通过,但尚未生效。我已呼吁制定到2012年实现这一目标的时间表。在条约生效之前,我敦促所有国家暂停所有核爆炸。

We cannot pass these challenges to succeeding generations.We must each do our part to build a safer, more secure world today.我们不能把这些挑战留给后代。我们每个人都必须做出自己的努力,以创建一个更安全、更有保障的世界。


联合国秘书长潘基文世界文化多样性促进对话和发展日致辞 2011年5月21日

In 2001, the United Nations General Assembly declared 21 May as World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development to highlight the importance of the values of peace and solidarity.The Day is meant as a signal to those who seek to sow divisions among human beings that such attempts will always be resisted by those who believe in the far greater forces of tolerance and mutual understanding.联合国大会于2001年宣布5月21日为世界文化多样性促进对话和发展日,以彰显和平与团结的价值至关重要。该世界日的用意是警告那些企图在人类社会中制造分裂者:这种企图永远会受到相信容忍和相互谅解的力量更为强大者的抵制。

In many ways, the cause of global harmony remains precariously poised.Global economic activity and advances in communications both illustrate humanity’s growing inter-connectedness, yet barriers, mistrust and animosity persist between people and cultures.Increasing contact has also generated fears – imagined and real – of the loss of cherished customs, languages and identities.从很多方面讲,全球和谐的事业依然千钧一发。全球经济活动以及通信方面的发展既体现出人类日益明显的相互关联性,也暴露出人民与文化之间持续存在的障碍、猜疑和敌意。日益增加的接触还造成各种想象和实际的恐惧,即担心会失去珍贵的习俗、语言和特征。

A world of peace and solidarity can only be accomplished by acknowledging and celebrating our diversity.For this year’s observance of World Day for Cultural Diversity, the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations and UNESCO are partnering with others – from the grassroots to big businesses – on a campaign to “Do ONE Thing” for diversity and inclusion on May 21.只有承认和颂扬我们的多样性,才能实现一个和平与团结的世界。对于今年纪念世界文化多样性促进对话和发展日的活动来说,联合国不同文明联盟和教科文组织与从基层到大型企业等其他方面携手合作,于5月21日开展针对多样性和包容性的“做一件事”活动。

The campaign calls on all people – from youth to policy-makers, from religious leaders to journalists, entrepreneurs and others who shape opinions and trends – to speak up for the spiritual, social and economic wealth we derive from cultural diversity.On this day, and throughout our lives, let us take steps – small and large, with families and friends, old and new – that will strengthen bonds, deepen our understanding of the value of cultural diversity and help us to live together better.这一活动呼吁所有人,不论是青年还是决策者,是宗教领袖还是记者,是企业家还是影响舆论和趋势者,共同为我们从文化多样性中所获得的精神、社会的经济财富而呐喊。在这一天,以及在我们的一生中,让我们与家人和新老朋友一道,迈出或大或小的步骤,加固各种纽带,加深我们对文化多样性价值的了解,并帮助我们共同过上更美好的生活。




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