__1__The Untied Kingdom is also known by its official name
A the United Kingdom of Great Britain and England
B the United Kingdom of Great Britain
C the United Kingdom of British Isles
D the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
__2__The National Health Service in Britain offers a full package of medical service to ___
A the unemployed B every resident
C citizens under the age of 16 D residents aged over 60
__3__was known for his famous speech “I have a dream”
A John F.Kennedy B Martin Luther King.Jr
C Abraham Lincoln D Thomas Jefferson
__4__The year the colonization of Australia started is
A 1768 B 1778 C1788 D1798
__5__is NOT looked upon as one of the features of Renaissance.A Praise of man’s endeavor to have his soul delivered
B Exaltation of man’s search for happiness in life
C Endurance of man’s foibles
D Cultivation of the genuine flavor of ancient culture
__6__ is regarded as the most meaningful intellectual movement of the Renaissance.A The Italian revival B The Reformation CGeographical expansion D Humanism
__7__Milton’s Paradise Lost was based on__
A Roman myth B the Bible C Greek myth D Shakespeare’s plays
__8__The study of the way in which sound symbols are arranged to form words is ___
A psycholinguistics B historical literature C morphology D semantics
__9__Which of the following is a CORRECT definition of a phone?
A it is a phonological unit B It is a speech sound
C it is an abstract sound feature D it is an actual realization of a phoneme
__10__refers to a marginal language of few lexical items and simple grammatics rules, used as a medium of communication.A Creole B Lingua franca C Dialect D Pidgin
6-10 DBCBD
《失乐园》写于 1667 年,是弥尔顿最杰出的诗篇,全诗长约一万行,分 十二卷,故事取自《圣约·旧约》。诗人弥尔顿(Milton)经常在其诗歌中引用希腊罗马神话,如《失乐园》(尽管《失乐园》取材于圣经,但其中引用了大量神话典故)。
叙述人类始祖夏娃和亚当因受撒旦引诱,偷吃知识树上的禁里,违背了上帝旨令,被逐出乐园。诗人写这首诗的目的 在于说明人类不幸的根源。他认为人类由于理性不强,意志薄弱,经不起外界的影响和引诱,因而感情冲动,走错道路,丧失了乐园;夏娃的堕落是由 于盲目求知,妄想成神;亚当的堕落是由于溺爱妻子,感情用事;撒旦的堕 落是由于野心勃勃,骄傲自满。诗人通过他们的遭遇,暗示英国资产阶级革 命也由于道德堕落,骄奢淫逸而惨遭失败。
《Kiss The Rain 雨的印记》(Yiruma)《Tears眼泪》(The Daydream)《YOU&ME》(The Daydream)
《天空之城》钢琴版 Carrying You 《Merry Christmas》 Mr.Lawrence(坂本龙一)《流动的城市》林海 《月光边境》林海 《迷失》林海
《远方的寂静》林海 《Canon In D》帕海贝尔 《鸟之诗》钢琴版 小提琴:
《流浪者之歌》萨拉萨蒂 《天空之城》久石让 《小百合》(《云之彼端 约定的地方》中的曲子)《Ave Maria圣母颂》舒伯特 《D大调卡农》帕海贝尔 《斗牛士之歌》萨拉萨蒂
《D大调第一华丽波兰舞曲》维尼亚夫斯基 《24首随想曲》帕格尼尼 《G小调恰空》维塔利 大提琴:
《单簧管波尔卡》波兰民谣 《浪漫曲》圣桑(温柔的)小号:
Kingsley Amis Lucky Jim Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice Arnold Bennett The Old Wiveds’Tale Elizabeth Bowen The Death of the Heart Charlotte Bronte Jane Eyre Emily Bronte Wuthering HGeights Anthony Burgess A Clockwordk Orange Samuel BVutler The Way of All Flesh A.S.Byatt Possession Lewis Carroll Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland Angela Carter The Com pany of Wolves Agatha Christie Mdurder on the Orient Express Ivy Compton-Burnett A Fdamily and a Fortune Joseph Conrad Heart of Darkness, Lord Jim Daniel Defoe Robinson Crusoe Charles Dickens David Copperfield Sir Arthur C.Ddyle Adventure of Sherlock Holmes Margaret Drabble The Waterfall Daphne Du Maurier Rebecca George Eliot Middlemarch E.M.FGorster Howards End, A Passage to India John Fowles The French Lieutenant’s Woman John Galsworthy The Man of Property William Golding Lord of the Flies Graham Greene The Human Factor Thomas Hardy Tess of the D’Urbervilles, Jude the Obscure Aldous Huxley After Many a Summer Henry James Daisy Miller James Joyce A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man Rudyard Kipling Kim Charles Lamb Tales from Shakespeared D.H.Lawrence Sons and Lovers John Le Carred The Spy Who Came in from the Cold Doris Lessing The Grass Is Singing David Lodge Nice Work W.Somerset Maugham The Moon and Sixpence, Of Human Bondage Iris Murddoch The Black Prince George Orwell Nineteen Eighty-four Salman Rushdie Midnight Children Sir Walter Scott Ivanhoe C.P.Snow Thed Affair Muriel Spark The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie Robert Louis Stevenson Treasure Island Johathan Swift Gulliver’s Travels
William M.Thackeray Vanity Fair Evelyn Waugh A Hand ful of Dust H.G.Wells The Invisible Man Oscar Wilde The Picture of Dorian Gray Virginia Woolf Mrs Dalloway, To the Lighthouse
Sherwood Anderson Winesburg, Ohio James Baldwin Go Tell It on the Mountain Saul Bellow Seize the Day, Henderson the Rain King Willam S.Burroughs The Naked Lunch Willa Cather My Antonia Kate Chopin The Awakening Stephen Crane The Red Badge of Courage Theodore Dreiser Sister Carrie, An American Tragedy Ralph Ellison Invisible Man William Faulkner Go Down, Moses, The Sound and the Fury F.Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby Alex Haley Roots Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter Josph Heller Catch-22 Ernest Hedmingway The Sun Also Rises, Thed Old Man and the Sea James Jones From Here to Eternity Maxine Hong Kingston The Woman Warrior Harper lee To Kill a Mockingbird Sinchlair Lewis Main Street Jack London The Call of the Wild, Martin Eden Norman Mailer The Naked and the Dead Carson McCullers The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter James A.Michener Centennial Margaret Mitchell Gone with the Wind Toni Morrison The Bluest Eye Vladimir Nabokov Lolita Frank Norris The Octopus J.D.Salinger The Catcher in the Rye Erich Segal Man, Woman and Child Upton Sinclair The Jungle John Steinbeck The Grapes of Wrath Harriet Beecher Stowe Uncle Tom’s Cabin William Styron Sophie’s Choice Mark Twain The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Alice Walker The Color Purple Robert Penn Warren All the King’s Men Edith Wharton The Age of Innocence Thornton Wilder The Bridge of San Luis Rey
Thomas Wolfe Look Homeward, Angel
Herman Wouk The Winds of War
Richard Wright Native Son
Morley Callaghan That Summer in Paris
Northrop Frye The Great Code
Margaret Laurence The Stone Angel
Stephen Leacock Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town
Malcolm Lowry Under the Volcano
Hugh MacLennan The Watch That Ends the Night
L.M.Montgomery Anne of Green Gables
Martin Boyd Lucinda Brayford
Peter Carey Oscar and Lucinda
Miles Franklin My Brilliant Career
Thomas Keneally Shindler’s Ark
Alex Miller The Ancestor Game
Henry Handel Richardson The Fortunes of Richard Mahony
Christina Stead The Man Who Loved Children
Randolph Stow To the Islands
Patrick White Voss, The Tree of Man
Yung Ming My Life in China and America
Chiang monlin Tides from the West
Tcheng Ki Tong The Chinese Painted by Themselves
Ku Hung Ming The Spirit of the Chinese People
Fei Hsiao Tung Peasant Life in China
Lin Yu Tang My Country and My People
A Retrospective of Chinese Literature: Classical Poetry
A Retrospective of Chinese Literature: Classical Prose
A Retrospective of Chinese Literature: Classical Fiction
A Retrospective of Chinese Literature: Modern Poetry
A Retrospective of Chinese Literature: Modern Prose
A Retrospective of Chinese Literature: Modorn Fiction 英语专业八级人文知识考试范围
1、英语国家地理概况 4分
2、英美文学部分 3分
3、词汇部分 3分
III、这部分在我看来是最容易拿分的,复习的时候只要将sytax, semantics, pragmatics,等概念弄清楚,把Chomski和另外有名的语言学家对应的理论记一下就可。当然这是对那些平时不鸟语言学的朋友说的。对于平时认真听讲也想稳拿这3分的还要系统的总结一下,做到疏而不漏。
__1__ Percy Bysshe Shelly is famous for ___.A Ode to a Skylark and Ode to a Nightingale B Ode on a Grecian Urn and Ode to the West Wind C Ode to a Nightingale and Ode on a Grecian Urn D Ode to the West Wind and Ode to a Skylark __2__ “Three of four families in a country village is something to work.” This statement was presented by ___.A Emily Bronte B Jane Austen C Mrs.Gaskell D George Eliot __3__ George Eliot wrote all the following except ___.A The Mill of Floss B Silas Marner C Middlemarch D Agnes Grey __4__ The novel Vanity Fair was written by ___.A William Makepeace Thackeray B Charles Dickens C O.Henry D Henry James __5__ Vanity Fair was a novel written by William Makepeace Thackeray, and the term “vanity fair” firstly appeared in ___ by ___.A Canterbury Tales „ Geoffrey Chaucer B The Pilgrim’s Progress „ John Bunyan C Tome Jones „ Henry Fielding D Dubliners „ James Joyce __6__ The novel Vanity Fair was written by William Makepeace Thackeray who also wrote ___.A The Way of all life B The History of Henry Esmond C Sister Carrie D Howard’s End __7__Barchester Series is a series of novels written by ___.A Barchester B Thomas Hardy C Anthony Trollope D Mark Twin __8__ Erehwon is a satiric novel written by ___.A Samuel Butler B Henry Fielding C Thomas More D Mark Twin __9__ In “the lake Isle of Innisfree” William Butler Yeats Express his ___? A desire to escape from the materialistic society B fear caused by the impending war C interest in the Irish legend D Love for Maud Gonne, a beautiful Irish actress __10__ Walter Scott’s historical novels cover a long period of time, from the Middle Ages to 18th century.His work Ivanhoe deals an epoch of ___ history.A English B French C Scotland D Irish 1选D。题中所有“颂歌”都是浪漫主义诗人的代表作品,《西风颂》(Ode to the West Wind),《云雀颂》(Ode to a Skylark)是雪莱的代表作抒情诗。
3选D。乔治.爱略特是玛丽.安.伊万斯(Mary Ann Evans)的笔名,这位才女是19世纪现实主义小说的真正代表,她的《弗罗斯河上的磨坊》(The Mill of Floss),《织工马南》(Silas Marner),和《米德尔马契》(Middlemarch)等作品以写实手法展现英国的社会人生图,对人物的内心活动和行为机动刻画十分生动细致,爱略特因此被誉为心理小说的先驱。选A。《名利场》是威廉.麦克皮斯.萨克雷(William Makepeace Thackrary)创作的小说。小说通过女主人公不择手段跻身上流社会的故事,对势力者进行了无情的揭露和嘲讽。5 选B。《名利场》是威廉.麦克皮斯.萨克雷(William Makepeace Thackrary)创作的小说。小说通过女主人公不择手段跻身上流社会的故事,对势力者进行了无情的揭露和嘲讽。名利场这一词最初出现在班扬的《天路历程》(The Pilgrim’s Progress)一书中,是一个虚构的专门出售虚荣用品的集市,如地位、荣誉、头衔、财富等等。萨克累将其借用过来作为小说的名。6 选B。萨克雷(William Makepeace Thackrary)的《亨利.埃斯蒙德》(The History of Henry Esmond)是英国文学史上一部杰出的历史小说。7 选C。安东尼.特罗洛普(Anthony Trollope)是19世纪中下叶英国重要的小说家,他是一位多产作家,作品达47部之多,主要作品是“巴塞特郡系列小说”(Barchester Series)。8 选A。塞缪尔.勃特勒(Samuel Butler)的《埃瑞璜》(Erehwon)是一部讽刺性小说,Erehwon是英文nowhere的倒写,通过一位游客在埃瑞璜的所见所闻,记录了这个乌托邦国家的生活,以此抨击和讽刺英国社会。9 选A。《伊尼斯弗里河》(the Lake Isle of Innisfree)是叶芝最为著名的抒情诗之一,表达了作者渴望回归自然,过一种古老、纯朴、隐士般生活的愿望。选A。司各特的历史小说通常被分为三类:以苏格兰历史为背景的小说有《罗布.罗伊》(Rob Roy), 以英国历史为背景的小说有《艾凡赫》(Ivanhoe),以欧洲其他国家历史为背景的小说有《昆丁.达威特》(Quentin Durwark)。专八人文必考知识点
Greenwich Mean Time(GMT)/Edward VIII chose the Beauty and gave up the Crown/Union Flag(National Flag---St.George(England);St.Andrew(Scotland);St.Patrick(Ireland)/Magna Carta(1215,the earliest constitutional law)/Iron Lady(Margaret Thatcher)/Tony Blair(the youngest British Prime Minister)/John Bull/ Oxford(1168)/ Cambridge(1200)(Trinity College)---(Bacon, Newton, Milton, Darwin, Byron, Russell, Thackeray)/ Sherlock Holmes---Conan Doyle)/Titanic from Southampton—New York)/ Scotland---kilt, Highland fling, bagpipe and Scotch Whisky)/Tips(to insure prompt service)/Guy Fawkes Night(5 November)/
America: Death Valley(lowest point)/Grand Canyon/ Lake Superior/ Maine(smallest number of letter)/ General Sherman(oldest tree)/ Wall Street/ Harvard University/ Alaska(oil/size)/ Sears Tower—Skyscraper in Chicago)/ Las Vegas(gambling city—Atlantic City in New Jersey)/Theodore Roosevelt—the youngest president)/ Pentagon/ Big Three: General Motors/Ford/ Chrysler/ Republican Party—Donkey/ Democratic Party---Elephant/ Annual salary of President—25)/ Air Force One(Boeing 747)/ Richard Nixon---impeached for Watergate Affair)/ National flag—Stars and Stripes/ the National Emblem---the Bald Eagle(strength/courage/liberty)/ American National Anthem—Star-spangled Banner)/Uncle Sam/Ivy League University(Harvard University;Yale;Princeton University;Brown University;Columbia University;University of Pennsylvania;Cornell University;Dartmouth)/West Point/ Air Jordan/ Walt Disney/Disneyland/
1.dividing line in America between “east” and “west” is the Mississippi River.(美国最长河,“众河之父”Father of Waters
2.白人最多 Hispanic 第二多,就是拉丁裔的美国人成为美国人数最多的少数民族。
4.America has the world's oldest written constitution and political party.英国没有成文宪法。
7.The New England region's cultural character was shaped largely by Puritan spirit.8.California最大洲,人最多。Rhode Island是最小洲。
9.Which of the following is NOT America's newspaper? A.Wall Street Journal B.USA today C.Guardian(英国《卫报》)D.The Milwaukee Journal
10.ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, CNN, MTV, HBO 等都是美国主要的新闻与有线电视网络 13.纽约最大城,最重要港口。
14.washington.D.C是以乔治华盛顿和哥伦布命名的George Washington and Christopher Columbus.16.第一个共和党总统是林肯。
20.The statue of liberty was given to American people by France as a gift in 1884.、21.Franklin D.Roosevelt's 任期最长(12 years)
22.Civil War 1861-1865 24.10月30是万圣节。Halloween
28.The first Puritans came to America on the ship May Flower.英国概况
4.最长河 塞文河。Severn River.5.五年一次大选。
6.“God Save the Queen” 国歌
7.1588 打败西班牙无敌舰队,成为海上霸主。
8.Big Ben is a famous clock in London.9.1066 William the Conqueror 诺曼底登陆。
10.The Times 最老日报。
12.Margaret Thatcher is the first female Prime Minister in Britain 13.威尔士---加的夫,Cardiff。北爱尔兰—Belfast。苏格兰—Edinburg.14.the Conservative party and the Labor party 两大党。
15.The new agency Reuters(路透社)was founded in London.16.The Anglo-Saxons 英国人的祖先,建立英格兰的人。17.Glasgow苏格兰最大城市。
18.Parliament 议会包括三部分:the Crown, the House of Lords and the House of Commons.语言学
1.The core of linguistics: Phonetics, Phonology, Morphology形态学,研究单词构成规则。包括:inflectional morphology 曲折词汇,即是单词的数、性、格、时态的变化。和derivational morphology 派生词汇。
Syntax, Semantics语义学,研究单词,句子的意思。,Pragmatics
2.现代语言学的开端Saussure's book Course in General Linguistics
3.Prescriptive vs.Descriptive 规定性研究与描写性研究 Linguistics is descriptive while traditional grammar is prescriptive.4.Competence vs.performance 语言能力与语言运用:提出者: N.Chomsky。The two terms are similar with Saussure's langue and parole.5.Phonetics: 语音学,研究语音的产生,传播,理解。6.Phonology:音位学,研究sound pattern 和 sound system。
音位学与语音学的不同:语音学着重于语音的自然属性;音位学强调语音的社会功能。9.Morpheme: the minimal unit of meaning.11.Transformational-Generative grammar: proposed by Chomsky in 1957(转换生成语法)
❤ ❤
12.hyponymy 上下义关系,指一种意义包含关系,一个上义词一般会有许多下义词,比如flower 与violet 的关系即上下义关系。
❤ ❤ 13.antonymy 反义关系:Gradable antonyms 两者并非绝对对立,而是相对hot-cold;(2)complementary antonyms 互补,非此即彼,如male-famale(3)relational antonyms 可逆关系buy-sell
❀Sapir-worf hypothesis.❀认为语言决定或影响人的思维方式和行为。
16.acquisition(习得)a subconscious process withoutlearning of grammatical rules.Learning(学习): a conscious learning of the second language knowledge by learning the rules and talking about the rules.英国文学 1.Beowulf: national epic in old English 2.Geoffrey Chaucer乔叟 : father of modern English poetry;The Canterbury Tales
3.Sir Gawain and the Green Knight: story about King Arthur and his knights of the Round Table
4.Renaissance: it was an intellectual movement.首先于意大利,14世纪。2个特征:追求古典文学,和人文主义 classical literature,humanity.5.Thomas More: Utopia
6.莎士比亚:四大悲剧 Hamlet, Macbeth, King Lear, Othello。还有他的 sonnets and love tragedy: Romeo and Juliet.7.John Milton弥尔顿,失乐园: Paradise Lost(great epic)8.Daniel Defoe笛福: Robinson Crusoe 现代小说之父 9.Jonathan Swift: Gulliver’s Travels格里佛游记
10.John Bunyan班扬: Pilgrim’s Progress 天路历程
(most successful religious allegory in the English language.)
11.◆ Samuel Johnson
A Dictionary of the English Language
13.National poet of Scotland: Robert Burns 罗伯特彭斯,苏格兰国家诗人。A red,red rose。
14.William Wordsworth 华兹华斯和coleridge: Lyrical Ballads marked the beginning of Romanticism
◆拜伦 George Gordon Byron: Don Juan 唐璜,she walks in the beauty 她走在美的光影里。When we two were parted,依依惜别时。Hebrew melodies,希伯来歌曲。
◆雪莱 Percy Bysshe Shelley:解放了的普罗米修斯prometheus unbounded,西风颂,致云雀,to a skylark。拜伦评价雪莱:the best and least selfish man I ever know。
◆济慈 John Keats: Ode to a Nightingale 夜莺颂,秋颂,希腊古翁颂。❀Beauty is truth,truth beauty。❀
◆简奥斯汀 傲慢与偏见,理智与情感,艾玛。
维多利亚时期(1836 – 1901)realism.现实主义
◆狄更斯Charles Dickens:
第一时期:匹克威克外传,使他成名。雾都孤儿,oliver twist,老古玩店,the old curiosity shop。
第二时期:董贝父子,dombey and son。大卫科波菲尔,David copperfield 第三时期:艰难时刻,远大前程,great expectations,双城记。(Paris and London).Emily Bronte: Wuthering Heights呼啸山庄
Charlotte bronte:简爱Jane Eyre ◆托马斯哈代Thomas Hardy: Tess of D’Urbervilles 特伯家的苔丝 ◆马克皮斯,萨克雷William Makepeace Thackeray: Vanity Fair 名利场 ◆乔治,艾略特
Geroge Eliot 女作家,亚当、比德
Adam Bede,弗洛斯河上的磨坊 The Mill on the Floss,织工马南,Silas Marner ◆萧伯纳 George Bernard Shaw the best-known English dramatist since Shakespeare.Man and superman 人与超人,Pygmalion皮革马利翁,major Barbara芭芭拉少校。
◆罗伯特,布朗宁。Robert Browning 男男女女 men and women ◆Decadence颓废派文艺
Oscar wildle。他们的理念:Art for art’s sake ◆John Galsworthy:
The Forsyte Saga 福赛特家史。
荒原 the waste land
四个四重奏 Four Quarters ◆叶芝,Yeats 爱尔兰诗人。驶向拜占庭sailing to Byzantium
基督再临The second coming
丽达及天鹅Leda and swan
◆劳伦斯,David Herbert Lawrence
儿子与情人 son and lovers,他的半自传小说。他最有人气的小说 查特莱夫人的情人Lady chatterley’s love。他最具有争议的小说。虹The rainbow 他最好的小说。
◆詹姆斯,乔伊斯 James Joyce,爱尔兰作家。意识流的奠基人,stream-of-consciousness。一个青年艺术家的肖像,A portrait of the artist as a young man
自传体:Ulysses 尤利西斯
◆弗吉尼亚.伍尔夫,virginia woolf
Mrs Dalloway 黛洛维夫人
To the lighthouse 到灯塔去
The waves 波浪。这三部小说使她成名。
A room of one’s own 自己的房间
Three Guineas 三个基尼 这两部被认为是女权运动的经典。
1.Maples are always used to symbolize Canada.2.加拿大曾是英国的殖民地 3.官方语言:英语和法语
4.最大的城市是多伦多Toronto,第二大是蒙特利尔。首都是渥太华。5.面积世界第二大。6 最大的渔产品出口国。Quebec 最大的省。本省说法语人最多。Ontario 是人口最多的省,多伦多和渥太华
都在此。最长的河 麦肯齐河 the Mackenzie 最重要的河:圣劳伦斯河 the St Lawrence 9 加拿大最重要的自然资源是水资源。英联邦commonwealth成员,10个provinces,3个territories。11 head of state 是 queen Elizabeth 二世。由 governor general 代表。12 五年一次大选。Prime minister 和cabinet 行使行政权。senate:104成员,house of commons 295个成员,按洲人口数分配。
◆14 法律必须被两院一起通过,并由总督签字(签伊丽莎白的名字)才能生效。政党:Liberal party,progressive conservative party。自由党和保守党。
◆16 教育是各个省的事。Provincial responsibility。最古老的大学:Laval university 拉瓦勒大学 在Quebec。
1.Australia, as the world’s smallest continent and largest island, has a small population in relation to its size.2.国庆 :1月26日。
ANZAC 澳新军团日 :4月25。3 首都:堪培拉Canberra.最大的城市:
悉尼 最常河:墨累河,The Murray。最大湖:艾尔湖
Lake Eyre 5 6 states and 2 territories(6+2)第一大羊毛出口国,第二大肉制品出口国,第三大小麦出口国。7 宪法只能通过referendum修改。
8♥ 三年一次大选。Senate 76个成员。司法:High court of Australia 最高法院。the federal court of Australia。Family court of Australia(处理婚姻问题)政党:由大到小:工党 the Australia labour party(最大,最老),自由党liberal party,国家党national party,民主党the Australia democrats(关心环境和生活质量)11澳大利亚最古老报纸: 悉尼先驱晨报
the Sydney Morning Herald 12 发行量最大的杂志:澳大利亚妇女周刊 the Australian woman’s weekly
1.最大的城市:奥克兰Auckland.2首都:惠灵顿 wellington 2.土著居民:The Maori(毛利人)
3.James Cook claimed that Australia and New Zealand belonged to Britain in 1770.4 三年一次大选。司法不属于政府。The judiciary is independent of the government 6 新西兰人意inventiveness闻名。
爱尔兰共和国,the republic of Ireland ▲▲1 head of state 是 总统 president。7年任期,直接选举(direct suffrage)
Captain John Smith
“God help those who help themselves”
Benjamin Franklin.Transcendentalism
New England 1830s to the Civil War.霍桑 Nathaniel Hawthorne.The Scarlet Letter红字。主人公(hester prynne 女主。Roger chillingworth 女主老公。Arthur dimmsdale,绯闻男)
The house of seven gables 有七个尖角阁的房子。
艾默生,Ralph Waldo Emerson.超验主义代表。
The American Scholar by Emerson was regarded as “Declaration of Intellectual Independence”.Nature 他的第一部作品。
walt Whitman
民主诗人。Free verse
草叶集 Leaves of grass,被誉为 Democratic Bible。
自我之歌 song of myself。
Captain, My Captain 为林肯写的。
华盛顿、欧文美国作家。Washington Irving 写短篇小说,还有散文。第一个取得国际名声的 The sketch book
Rip van wrinkle 瑞普、凡、温克尔(一个怕老婆的农民在山里沉睡了20年,后醒了发现都20年后了)
The legend of sleep hollow 睡谷的传说
埃米莉、迪金森。Emily Dickinson 美国19世纪著名的女诗人。
作品:因为我不能等待死神 because I could not stop for death 我是无名小卒,你是谁?I‘m no body。Who are you?
马克、吐温 Mark Twain。现实主义,幽默。
作品: 汤姆索耶历险记The Adventures of Tom Sawyer 哈克贝里芬历险记The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 密西西比河上 life on Mississippi 王子与贫儿 prince and pauper 西奥多、德莱赛
Theodore Dreiser
naturist writer 作品:▋▋ 嘉莉妹妹 Sister Carrie, 第一部小说。(carrie是主人翁,她不择手段为谋求
An American Tragedy
欲望三部曲Trilogy of desire(金融家 the financier,巨人 the titan,斯多葛 the stoic)
杰克、伦敦 Jack London:
马丁、伊登Martin Eden(autobiographical);野性的呼唤 the call of the wild;热爱生命 love of life 罗伯特、弗罗斯特 Robert Frost 20世纪美国著名诗人。
a boy’s wish
雪夜林边停Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening 未选之路The Road Not Taken 修墙Mending Wall 海明威Ernest Hemingway
spokesman of Lost Generation
老人与海The Old Man and the Sea,,永别了武器A Farewell to Arms(henry and catherine),太阳照常升起the sun also rises,丧钟为谁而鸣for whom the bell tolls 弗朗西斯、司各特、菲茨杰拉尔德Francis.Scott.Fitzgerald: spokesman of the Jazz Age
the Great Gatsby(nick caraway主人公)
威廉、福克纳 William Faulkner:
southern writer of the 20th century 喧哗与骚动The Sound and the Fury
在我弥留之际 as I lay dying Eugene O’Neil:
playwright of the modern period in American literature剧作家
动词:删掉或者添上介词,换动词,-ed或者-ing 形容词:比较级
冠词:删掉或者添上冠词 代词:单复数
连词:and, or, therefore, however, but 主谓一致:单复数
PART FIVE TRANSLATION 贴—措辞贴---标点贴 不要删和漏
专八人文知识模拟题(5)The following were the founding fathers of the American Republic except _____.A George Washington B Thomas Jefferson
C William Penn D Benjamin FranklinThe New Deal was started by _____.A Franklin Roosevelt B J.K.Kennedy
C George Washington D Thomas JeffersonThe United States was rated _____ in the world in terms of land areas.A second B third C fourth D fifthErnest Hemingway is _____.A Englishman B American C Dutch D DenmarkncvJohn Fitzgerald Kennedy is _____ president.A 35th B 34th C 33rd D 32nd_____ is the dividing line between the South and North.A The Hudson River B The Potomac River
C The Ohio River D The Missouri RiverncvWhen did the American Civil War break out?
A 1775 B 1812 C 1861 D 1863Who prepared the draft of the Declaration of Independence?
A John Adams B Thomas Jefferson C Benjamin Franklin D John HancockIn which day is Halloween celebrated?
A 5 November B 31 October C 17 March D 25 DecemberThe seats in the Senate are allocated to different states_____.A according to their population
B according to their size
C according to their tax paid to federal government
D equally
专八人文知识模拟题(5)答案C, 华盛顿、杰弗逊和弗兰克林都是美国创建时的元老功勋、而William Penn 是美国宾州的创始人。2 A, 新政是罗斯福为了应对美国经济大萧条而提出的。C, 就面积而言,美国是世界第四大国。B,文坛巨匠海明威是美国人。A,肯尼迪是美国的第35任总统。D,美国南北的分界线是密苏里河,东西的分界线是密西西比河。C,美国内战爆发于1861年,结束于1865年。B,为美国起草独立宣言的是托马斯?杰弗逊。B,万圣节前夕是10月的最后一天即10月31号。D, 美国每一个州在参议院中均有两位议员作为代表,与各州人口无关和众议院不同)。
第一节 英国概括 Ⅰ 地理
有四个部分组成 great Britain(England,Wales,Scotland)and northern Ireland Ⅱ 地理特征 最短的海峡 strait of Dover 多佛海峡 England the pennies 英格兰 最主要的山脉
Scotland three natural zone :the highlands central lowlands the southern uplands,首都是Edinburgh,river Clyde 克莱德河是最重要的河流,3 Wales Cardiff 最大的城市和首府 northern Ireland
Belfast 英国最大的湖是 内伊湖(Lough Neagh)5 Rivers and lakes 最长的是 Severn river(赛文河),第二长和最重要的是 泰晤士河,(Thames river),典型的海洋性气候(maritime climate)
Ⅲ 人口 60million,英国人是 Anglo-Saxons,苏格兰人 hospitable and generous,Wales are emotional and cheerful people,北爱尔兰 的官方语言是爱尔兰语,其次才是英语ethic groups 伦敦是最大的少数名族聚居区 Ⅳ History: first settlers are Lberians(伊利比亚人)1066(Norman conquer)1215(大宪章)1337—1453(英法百年战争)1381(农民起义)1458(玫瑰战争,1350-1650(Renaissance)1642-1646(first civil war),1658(the restoration 王朝复辟)1688(the glorious revolution)
教育 实行的是5-16岁都必须前去学习Ⅵ Religion
Established churches分为 the Church of England(official church,英国君主必须是这个教的成员主教和大主教由monarch 指定)and the Church of Scotland(Presbyterian,长老教会)
Unestablished churches: the Anglican churches 英国圣公会,the free churches 自由教,the roman catholic church 天主教 Ⅶ
Christmas day December 25th
Easter 复活节(主要的天主教节日)whit Sunday(圣灵降临节,复活节后的第7个周日)Gay Fawkes day(盖伊福克斯之夜,11月5日,燃放烟火的节日)
sports,足球是最受欢迎的(职业足球从August 到 May),最典型的英国运动是cricket,板球)网球(annual Wimbledon fortnight
Arts 博物馆(the British museum,the national history museum.the national army museum ,the national gallery)
Music(甲壳虫乐队,the Beatles ,first national music day was held in 1992,the most famous music festival is the Edinburgh international festival of music and drama
media(BBC ,daily Express Daily mail daily mirror , daily star ,financial times ,the Guardian, the times(泰晤士报)the observer(the first Sunday newspaper)Ⅺ
constitutional monarchy,没有宪法,全靠惯例,parliament(the house of lord and the house of commons,任期为五年)political party :labor party(Whigs 辉格党)and conservative party(Tories 托利党)第二节 美国概括
yellow National park(大平原地带),大峡谷(the grand canvon ,in Arizona ,phoenix is the largest city in the intermountain region ,the largest commercial city(san Francisco, also the second largest city in California)
Alaska and Hawaii(Alaska 居住着Inuits,also called Eskimos)
Hawaii(Mauna Loa,莫纳罗亚山,the world’s largest active volcano,盛产 sugar cane and pineapple,首府是Honolulu)Ⅲ
地理特征 两大主要山脉是,Appalachian mountains and rocky mountains,2 the Mississippi river(greatest continental rivers,American Ruhr),Ohio river(俄亥俄河)the great lakes:lake Michigan(唯一一个在美国境内),lake superior(世界上最大的淡水湖),the lake Huron(休伦湖)lake Erie(伊利湖)and lake Ontario(安大略湖)Ⅳ
1620,201 pilgrim,mayflower,1774(September, first continental congress), on April 19 ,1775(,the second continental congress),1776(declaration of independence), in September 1783,(英国承认其独立,签署停火协议),1789(established federal government),1812(和英国开战,认识到强大的联邦政府的重要)1861-1865(civil war),gilded age(镀金时代,国内战争到20世纪初),1949(north Atlantic treaty),1950s(civil rights movement)1950-1975(the Vietnam war),1972(Watergate scandal)1972(访华),1979(中美建交)Ⅴ
American political 美国宪法是世界上最早的成文宪法,(1789讨论成立,国会两院,三分之二以上赞成便可以对宪法进行修改。)政党(democratic and republican party)Ⅵ
economy :
federal reserve system(coin money), wheat is American’s most important food crop, cotton is a leading commercial crop in south , greatest user and producer of tobacco , second export of rice after Thailand Ⅶ
education :6-16
festival;Christmas(December 25),martin Luther king’s day(the third Monday in January),Lincoln’s day(February 12)George Washington’s birthday(the third Monday in February),Easter Sunday(a Sunday between march 22 and April 25)independence day(July 4), Halloween(October 31),thanksgiving day(the fourth Thursday in November)Ⅸ
New York(largest city,big apple,five boroughs :Manhattan,Brooklyn,queens,the Bronx and the Staten island)
Boston(largest and vibrant city in new England,with the greatest concentration of colleges and universities)
Los Angeles(the pacific coast’s largest and busiest commercial city with the second largest population,Hollywood)
New Oreleans is the second busiest port in the united states after New York , 5
Chicago(has the world’s best collection of modern architecture,sears Tower)6
San Francisco(crazy city,the world’s largest gay communities)7
Atlanta(1996 Olympic games,the home of martin Luther king,the headquarters of CNN and coca-cola)
Salk lake city(salty water,so many Mormons ,摩门教徒)第三节 加拿大概况(1931,正式独立
60%的人口集中在Quebec city and the western end of lake Ontario,both French and English is the official language。
两条主要的河流是:Mackenzie(longest)and ST.Lawrence(most important river)Capital is Ottawa in Ontario,Quebec is the largest province,Vancouver is British Columbia’s largest city,and also is the largest cargo port)Quebec has the western hemisphere’s largest deposits of asbestos(石棉),Canada has become the largest exporter of fish,the oldest university is Laval university(拉瓦勒大学)the largest is the university of Toronto(多伦多大学)第四节 澳大利亚 Divided into three region
the great western plateau,西部高原,the eastern highlands 东部高地(the great barrier reef 大堡礁,Murray river as the longest river)
the central eastern lowlands 中东部低地 kangaroos and emus(the largest native desert animal 3 Anzac day(澳新军团,April 25)is the most important holiday。4 world’s largest exporter of wool,coal 5 political:Parliament(the lower house and upper house)party(the Australia labor party,the liberal party of Australia)media:the age(世纪报)the Australia financial review(金融评论报)
第五节 the others1(New Zealand)1 Wellington as the capital,Auckland as the largest city, kiwi as the symbol,Lake taupe as the largest lake,Clutha the longest in S,Waikato库鲁萨河 and Wanganui 旺格努伊河river in N)2
largest exporter of lamb and mutton and dairy products
第二章 英美文学
第一节 英国文学
general introduction :8世纪(Anglo-Saxon prose)Venerable Bede and Alfred the great,15世纪(English ballads),Thomas Malory important literary terms:old English(language spoken by Anglo-Saxon),Romance 3
important writers and literary works:
Beowulf(oldest poem and most important specimen of Anglo-Saxon literature)
Religious poets :Caedmon(first known religious poet of England,the father of English song)Cynewulf(the Christ as most characteristic)
Prose writers:venerable Bede and Alfred the great
The romance :sir Gawain and the green knight
The age of Chaucer:14 century called ‘age of Chaucer’,Chaucer(the father of English poetry and English fiction,the Canterbury tales)and Langland(朗兰)were the most important writers in that age
Thomas Malory(Morte d’ Arthur,亚瑟王之死)Ⅱ
文艺复兴时期文学 1
general introduction,起源于意大利,维多利亚时代发展最快,代表是戏剧,lyrical poetry,这个时代的英国被称为‘a nest of singing birds’
important terms:Spenserian stanza(斯宾塞诗体)euphuism(夸饰文体)3 important writers and literary works: 1 English poets: Thomas Wyatt(怀亚特most interesting poet of the first half of 16世纪,第一个将sonnet 带进英国文学)
Henry Howard
sir Philip Sidney(飞利浦西德尼爵士)
Edmund spenser(埃蒙德斯宾塞,the poet’s poet,faerie Queen,仙后)2 English prose:
Thomas more(托马斯莫尔,Utopia 乌托邦)
John lyly(约翰黎里,give rise to the term “euphuism” Francis bacon(弗朗西斯培根,the trumpeter of a new age,first essayist,most famous essay as of studies,of love and of beauty)
English drama;Christopher Marlowe(克里斯弗洛马洛,莎士比亚前最伟大的戏剧家,代表作有,the tragic history of doctor Faustus,浮士德博士的悲剧,第一个在戏剧中运用 blank verse)
William Shakespeare(one of the founders of realism)除了著名的有:as you like it 皆大欢喜,the twelfth night 第十二夜, 4 Ben Johnson :most famous dramatist,代表作是 【Volpone(狐狸)】 Ⅲ
17世纪文学 John Donne 约翰多恩:the founder of the metaphysical school,【a valedictorian:forbidding mourning 临别辞:莫悲伤】 George Herbert:(saint of metaphysical school)3
John Milton: greatest writer of 17 century【paradise lost】【paradise regained】【Samson Agonistes 力士参孙】
John Bunyan 约翰班杨【the pilgrim’s progress 天路历程】
John Dryden 约翰德莱顿: greatest poet between Milton and Pope,established the
heroic couplet,英雄史诗式两行诗
18世纪文学(主流是realism,neo-classicism 获得了加速发展,enlightenment)1
Alexander Pope(蒲柏):representative writer of neo-classicism,18世纪早期被称为‘age
of pope’【an essay on criticism论批评】【the rape of the lock 夺发记】【essay on man 论人类】
Richard steele and Joseph Addison:【the tattler 闲谈者报】【the spectator 旁观者报】 Samuel Johnson:著书最多,死后葬在威斯敏特大教堂,著名的有【the dictionary of English language 英语字典】【the lives of English poets 诗人传】 English novelists(有两股学派: realist novelist and sentimentalist)1
Realist novelist Daniel defoe :丹尼尔笛福,father of English and European novels【Robinson Crusoe】 Jonathan Swift :born in Dublin,【a modest proposal 一个小小的建议】【Gulliver’s
travel】 Henry fielding 亨利菲尔丁;greatest novelist in 18 century【the history of Tom Jones,a foundling】
Tobias George Smollett 托利比亚 斯魔莱特 乔治 2
Samuel Richardson
Lawrence Sterne :劳伦斯 斯特恩,【life and opinions of Tristram Shandy 项狄传】 Oliver goldsmith 奥利弗戈德斯密斯【the deserted village 荒村】【the vicar of Wakefield 威克菲尔德的牧师】
poetry of the pre-romanticism and sentimentalism
James Thomson,苏格兰诗人,【season】前浪漫主义第一首出名的诗歌
Edward Young William Collins 【ode to evening 晚颂】
Thomas Gray
【elegy written in a country churchyard 墓园挽歌】 William Blake 【songs of innocence其中最著名的是the lamb】【songs of experience 其中著名的有 tiger,London,the chimney-sweeper扫烟囱的孩子】
Robert Burns; the greatest songwriter in the world【a red,red rose 红红的玫瑰】【auld Lang sweeper 旧日美好时光】
English drama in 18 century John Gay 【the beggar’s opera 乞丐歌剧】,继承了现实主义在歌剧写作中 Richard Brinsley Sheridan 理查德布林斯里谢丽丹【the rivals 情敌】【the school for scandal 造谣学校】
抒情歌谣集的出版标志着浪漫主义的出现,同时女小说家也开始出现,最出名的历史小说家是Walter Scott,lamb is the best essayist in this age。2
William Wordsworth:桂冠诗人,第一代浪漫诗人的代表,他在lyrical ballads中出名的有【lines composed a few miles above Tintern abbey 丁灯寺旁】【lines in early spring 早春】【I wondered lonely as a cloud 我似流云天自流】【the solitary reaper 孤独的割麦女】【最著名的长诗是the prelude 序曲】
Samuel Taylor Coleridge :【the rime of the ancient mariner 古舟子咏】【Kubla khan 忽必
烈汗】【 Christabel 克里斯特贝尔】 第二代浪漫诗人:
George Gordon Byron;收到英国工人的喜爱,【she walks in beauty 她走在美的光影中】
【when we two parted 昔日依依别】【Hebrew melodies希伯来歌曲】【chide Harold’s pilgrimage 恰尔德哈罗尔德游记】【Don Juan 唐璜 代表作】
Percy Bysshe Shelley; 【Prometheus’s unbound 解放了的普罗米修斯】【ode to the west
wind 西风颂】【to a skylark 云雀颂】
John Keats: 死的时候只有26岁【ode to a nightingale 夜莺颂】【ode on a Grecian urn 希
腊古翁颂】【ode to autumn 秋颂】名言是“beauty is truth,truth is beauty” 浪漫主义时期的prose(代表人物是 Charles lamb)
Charles lamb;被认为是英国最好的通俗essayist,作品幽默特点突出【tales from Shakespeare 莎士比亚故事集】【old china 古旧的瓷器】 William Hazlitt ;【the character of Shakespeare’s play 莎士比亚戏剧中的人物】【lectures on the dramatic literature of the age of Queen Elizabeth 伊丽莎白时期的戏剧】【lectures on English poets 英国诗人】essays 有【my first acquaintance with poets 我和诗人的第一次接触】【on going a journey 论出游】 浪漫主义时期的fiction Walter Scott; 他的写作生涯标志着小说从浪漫主义到现实主义的过渡【Waverley 威弗利】在苏格兰最出名的是【Rob Roy 罗布罗伊】,在英格兰出名的是【Ivanhoe 艾凡赫】
Jane Austen
【pride and prejudice】【sense and sensibility理智与情感】【Emma 爱玛】 Ⅵ
维多利亚时期的文学 出现了一个新的流派—critical realism 批判现实主义,这个时期最好的小说家是Charles dickens,重要的诗人有Alfred Tennyson, Robert Browning,and his wife Elizabeth Barrett Browning,重要的prose writers 有Thomas Carlyle and Matthew Arnold。2 批判主义小说家 Charles dickens:【Pickwick papers匹克威客外传】【Oliver twist雾都孤儿】【the old
curiosity shop 老古玩店】 【Dombey and son 董贝父子】【David Copperfield 大卫科波菲尔】【great expectations 远大前程】【a tale of two city 双城记】
William Makepeace Thackeray:
威廉梅克匹斯萨克雷【vanity fair 名利场】 The Bronte sisters:
Charlotte Bronte 【Jane Eyre 简爱】
Emily Bronte【Wuthering heights 呼啸山庄】 Anne Bronte 【Agnes Grey 艾格尼丝格雷】
Mrs.Gaskell;【life of Charles dickens】代表作【Mary Barton 】 George Eliot:
【Adam Bede 亚当比德】【the mill on the floss 弗洛斯河上的磨坊】【Silas Marner 织工马南】
Thomas hardy :【德伯家的苔丝】【Jude the obscure 无名的裘德】【the return of native 还乡】【far from the madding crowd 远离尘嚣】【the mayor of Casterbridge 卡特桥市长】
Samuel Butler 【the way of all fresh 众生之路】 3
Alfred Tennyson: poet laureate,这个时期最伟大的诗人【the princess】【Maud 莫德】
Robert Browning:【men and women 男男女女】【my last Duches 我的前公爵夫人】【meeting at night 夜间相会】 维多利亚时代的散文家
Thomas Carlyle 【the French revolution】
John Ruskin
【modern painters近代画家】【the seven lamps of architecture 建筑的七盏明灯】【unto this last 给那后来的】【sesame and lilies 芝麻与百合】
Matthew Arnold: 【Dover beach】 5 working class literature in 19 century Ernest Jones伟大的宪章派诗人(chartist poets)William Morris:first socialist writer 6 19世纪末的文**流
Naturalism:Emile Zola(法国作家)George Gissing(代表人物)New-Romanticism:Stevenson(苏格兰作家)Aestheticism:
Decadence:颓废派文艺,口号是“art for art’s sake” 重要作家有:Oscar wild,唯美主义代表者,【the picture of Dorian grey 多利安格雷的肖像】【happy Prince快乐王子】
short lyrics became popular,著名的有James joyce(注重挖掘人内心的感情)2
John Galsworthy:1932年诺贝尔奖的获得者,代表作是【the Forsyte saga 福特赛家史】,包括3部小说和 2部interlude:【the man of property有财产的人,这部作品标志着作者现实主义作品的顶点】【the Indian summer of a forsyte,interlude】【in chancery 骑虎难下】【awakening,interlude】【to let 出让】
Bernard Shaw:
【man and superman 人与超人】【mayor Barbara 芭芭拉少校】【pygmalion 茶花女,又名皮革马丽翁】
William Butler Yeats:1923年诺贝尔文学奖获得者,爱尔兰人【sailing to Byzantine 驶向拜占庭】【the second coming 基督再临】【leda and the sun 丽达及天鹅】
T.S Eliot
【the waste land】【four quartets 四重四重奏】
David Herbert Lawrence
【lady Chatterley’s lover 查特来夫人的情人】【the rainbow 虹】
【sons and lovers 儿子与情人】【women in love 恋爱中的女人】
James Joyce:詹姆斯乔伊斯,爱尔兰作家,【a portrait of artist as a young man 一个年轻艺术
家的肖像】【Ulysses 尤利西斯】【Finnegan’s wake 芬尼根守灵夜】【Dubliners 都柏林人】,同时他也是founder of stream of consciousness。
Virginia Woolf(女作家):【Mrs Dalloway 黛洛维夫人】【to the lighthouse 到灯塔去】【the waves 波浪】【a room of one’s own自己的房间】【three guineas 三个基尼】
Robert Tressell(罗波特屈赛尔):【the ragged trousered philanthropists 穿着破裤子的慈善家】 William Golding: 【the lord of the flies 蝇王】 John James Osborne: 奥斯本,【look back in anger 愤怒的回顾】 Samuel bechett: 【waiting of Godot 等待戈多】
第二节 美国文学常识
1608 captain John Smith(first American writer,【a true relation of such。。。】【a map of Virginia】【with a description of the country】
Bradford【the history of Plymouth plantation】Winthrop 【the history of new England】 Roger William【a key into the language of America】【a help to the language of the natives in that part of America called new England】
早期美国作家(这个时期的主要文学流派是自然神论【deism】)重要作家有:Benjamin Franklin 【poor Richard’s almanac】【autobiography】 Philip Freneau【美国诗歌之父】:【the wild honey suckle 野生的寒冬】【to the memory of the brave Americans 纪念英勇的美国人】【general Nathaniel Greene】 Thomas Jefferson【the declaration of independence】
浪漫主义文学(两大文学派别是transcendentalism and free verse 自由诗体)
1 Washington Irving(作家,第一个写短篇小说,散文的美国作家,同时也是第一个
得到国际知名的美国作家,因此在美国的文学历史上占有重要的地位,作品带有典型的美式幽默):【the sketch of book 见闻札记】【Rip Van Winkle 瑞普;凡;温克尔】【the legend of sleep hollow 睡谷的传说】 William Cullen Bryant(诗人,威廉科伦布莱恩特,nature was the chief theme of Bryant’
s works):【to a waterfowl 致水鸟】【the yellow violet 黄色的谨香花】【Homer’s Iliad 伊利亚特】【odyssey 奥德赛】
James Fennimore cooper(库柏,小说家)【leather stocking tales 皮袜子故事集】【the last
of the Mohicans 最后的莫希干人】
后浪漫主义时期的作家 Ralph Waldo Emerson爱默生 思想家,最杰出的美国散文家,诗人,【nature 论自然】 2 Walt Whitman(沃尔特,惠特曼):第一个运用free verse 的美国诗人)【leaves of grass
草叶集,song of myself 自我之歌 最著名的诗】 Nathaniel Hawthorne:美国小说家,写作对象往往是人类的心灵
【the scarlet letter 红字】【the house of the seven gables 带有七个尖角阁的房子】 Henry Wadsworth Langfellow;朗费罗,美国诗人【Evangeline 伊万杰林】【song of
Hiawatha 海华沙之歌】翻译【Dante’s divine comedy 但丁的神曲】【a psalm of life 生命颂】 Edgar Allan Poe 埃德加爱伦坡:第一个美国职业作家,世界上第一个侦探小说作
家,【to Helen 致海伦】【the Raven 乌鸦】【anabel lee 】【the fall of the house of usher】 Harriet Beecher Stowe,哈里特比彻斯托,美国女作家【uncle Tom’ cabin】
Emily Dickinson,埃米利迪金森,美国女诗人【because I could not stop for death 因为我不能等待死神】【I’m nobody,who are you 我是无名小卒,你是谁?】 Henry david Thoreau,亨利大卫梭罗,美国作家【Walden 瓦尔登湖】【life in the wood 林中生活】
现实主义文学(文学流派是naturalism,镀金一代)1 Mark Twain:【the adventures of Tom Sawyer 汤姆索耶历险记】【the adventures of huckleberry finn 哈克贝利费恩历险记】【life on the Mississippi 密西西比河上】【the prince and the pauper 王子与贫儿】 Stephen Crane斯蒂芬克莱恩:【the red badge of courage 红色英勇勋章,a landmark in
American literary naturalism】
Theodore Dreiser 西奥多德莱塞,美国小说家【sister carrie 嘉莉妹妹。第一部小说】
【an American tragedy 美国悲剧】【trilogy of desire 欲望三部曲,分别是the financier 金融家,the titan 巨人,the stoic 斯多葛】 Henry James,美国小说家,【the American 美国人】【the portrait of lady 贵妇人的画像】【the wings of the dove 鸽翼】【the Golden bowl 金碗】
Herman Melville 赫尔曼梅尔维尔 【moby dick 白鲸】 6
Jack London 【the call of the wild】【love of life 热爱生命】【Martin Eden 马丁伊登】 7
Edwin Arlington Robinson 埃德温 罗宾逊,美国诗人【the town down the river】【the man against the sky】
1 Ernest Hemingway,1953年普利策奖,1954年诺贝尔文学奖获得者【the sun also rises
太阳照常升起】【a farewell to arms 永别了,武器】【for whom the bell tolls 丧钟为谁为鸣】【the old man and the sea老人与海】
Ezra pound 艾兹拉庞德【cantos 诗章】【in a metro station 地铁站中】 3
Francis Scott Fitzgerald 【the great Gatsby 了不起的盖茨比】【tender is the night 夜
Robert frost 罗伯特 弗罗斯特,美国诗人【a boy’s wish 少年的意志】【north of Boston 波士顿以北】诗有:【mending wall 修墙】【stopping by the woods on a snowy evening 雪夜林边停】【the road not taken 未选之路】【desert places 荒芜地带】
William Faulkner 威廉福克纳:【the sound and the fury 喧哗与骚动】【as I lay dying
在我弥留之际】【light in August 八月之光】【Abslom,Abslom,押沙龙,押沙龙】
Willa Cather,维拉 凯瑟,美国女作家【my Antonia 我的安东尼亚】 7
Sherwood Anderson 舍伍德 安德森,【Winesburg,Ohio 俄亥俄州的温斯堡】【death
in the woods 林中之死】【the triumph of the egg 鸡蛋的胜利】
Sinclair Lewis 辛克莱 刘易斯 【main street 大街】【Babbitt 巴比特】 9
Eugene O’neil 尤金 奥尼尔 美国戏剧家,【the hairy ape 毛猿】【desire under the elms
榆树下的欲望】【the Iceman cometh 卖冰的人来了】 John Steinbeck 约翰 斯坦贝克 【the grapes of wrath 愤怒的葡萄】 Ⅵ
1945年以后的美国文学 Ralph Ellison 拉尔夫 埃里森,当代黑人作家【invisible man 看不见的人】 Saul bellow 索尔贝篓,1976年获得诺贝尔文学奖【the adventures of Augie March 奥吉玛琪历险记】【seize the day 勿失良机】【the dangling man 摇摆不定的人】 Flanery O’connor 弗兰纳里奥康纳美国女作家【a good man is hard to find 好人男寻】 4
John Updike 约翰 厄普代克 【rabbit,run 兔子,跑吧】【rabbit redux 兔子归来】【rabbit is rich 兔子富了】【rabbit at rest 兔子安息】
William Carlos Williams 【the yachts 游艇】【Paterson 帕特森】【the red wheel barrow
红色手推车】 Tennessee Williams 田纳西 威廉斯【the glass menagerie 玻璃动物园】【a streetcar
named desire 欲望号街车】【cat on a hot tin roof 热铁皮屋顶上的猫】 Arthur Miller 美国剧作家,【death of a salesman 推销员之死】 8 Edward Albee 爱德华 阿尔比【the zoo story 动物园的故事】【who’s afraid of Virginia Woolf 谁怕维吉利亚 伍尔夫】 J.D Salinger 【the catcher in the rye 麦田守望者】 Allen Ginsberg 艾伦 金斯堡,美国诗人【howl 嚎叫】 11 Jack Kerouac 杰克 克鲁亚克 【on the road 在路上】