
时间:2019-05-15 06:44:43下载本文作者:会员上传



Teenagers are known for their ability to sleep for hours on end.人在青少年时期总能一连睡上好几个小时。

But one young woman suffering from a rare condition gets up to 22 hours of shut-eye a night.但是英国一年轻女子太能睡了,她每天要睡22个小时。

Beth Goodier, 20, suffers from Kleine-Levin Syndrome, also known as 'Sleeping Beauty' syndrome.这名年轻女子名叫贝丝·古迪尔,今年20岁,她患有克莱恩-莱文综合症,即俗称的睡美人症。

The neurological conditionmeans she sleeps, on average, for 18 hours a night.贝丝在16岁患上此病的,那时候开始她平均每晚要睡18个小时。

When an episode strikes, typically every five weeks, she can sleep for anything between one and three weeksduring adolescence-and sometimes begins after an infection or illness.克莱恩-莱文综合症常会在人生的关键时期---青少年期间发病,有时会在患某种疾病之后患上此病。

Episodes can come on very quickly and last between a few days to a few weeks.该病症发病速度很快快,且发病一次会持续数日到数周。

There is no known cure for the sleeping disorder, and the main treatment is watchful waiting at home by loved ones.目前克莱恩-莱文综合症还没有有效的治疗方法,病人只能呆在家里,主要依靠家人看护。Miss Goodier added: 'I want to be able to do something productive in the time when I'm well.I want to productive for society.' 贝丝表示:“我希望在我不发病的时候能够多做些有意义的事情。我希望自己能对社会有用。” However she hopes by talking about her illness, she can raise awareness.'There are Facebook groups, which have really helped.' 但同时贝丝也希望通过在节目上讨论病情能够引起大家的关注。“在Facebook上创建讨论组,这有很大帮助。”


__1__The Untied Kingdom is also known by its official name

A the United Kingdom of Great Britain and England

B the United Kingdom of Great Britain

C the United Kingdom of British Isles

D the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

__2__The National Health Service in Britain offers a full package of medical service to ___

A the unemployed B every resident

C citizens under the age of 16 D residents aged over 60

__3__was known for his famous speech “I have a dream”

A John F.Kennedy B Martin Luther King.Jr

C Abraham Lincoln D Thomas Jefferson

__4__The year the colonization of Australia started is

A 1768 B 1778 C1788 D1798

__5__is NOT looked upon as one of the features of Renaissance.A Praise of man’s endeavor to have his soul delivered

B Exaltation of man’s search for happiness in life

C Endurance of man’s foibles

D Cultivation of the genuine flavor of ancient culture

__6__ is regarded as the most meaningful intellectual movement of the Renaissance.A The Italian revival B The Reformation CGeographical expansion D Humanism

__7__Milton’s Paradise Lost was based on__

A Roman myth B the Bible C Greek myth D Shakespeare’s plays

__8__The study of the way in which sound symbols are arranged to form words is ___

A psycholinguistics B historical literature C morphology D semantics

__9__Which of the following is a CORRECT definition of a phone?

A it is a phonological unit B It is a speech sound

C it is an abstract sound feature D it is an actual realization of a phoneme

__10__refers to a marginal language of few lexical items and simple grammatics rules, used as a medium of communication.A Creole B Lingua franca C Dialect D Pidgin


6-10 DBCBD

《失乐园》写于 1667 年,是弥尔顿最杰出的诗篇,全诗长约一万行,分 十二卷,故事取自《圣约·旧约》。诗人弥尔顿(Milton)经常在其诗歌中引用希腊罗马神话,如《失乐园》(尽管《失乐园》取材于圣经,但其中引用了大量神话典故)。

叙述人类始祖夏娃和亚当因受撒旦引诱,偷吃知识树上的禁里,违背了上帝旨令,被逐出乐园。诗人写这首诗的目的 在于说明人类不幸的根源。他认为人类由于理性不强,意志薄弱,经不起外界的影响和引诱,因而感情冲动,走错道路,丧失了乐园;夏娃的堕落是由 于盲目求知,妄想成神;亚当的堕落是由于溺爱妻子,感情用事;撒旦的堕 落是由于野心勃勃,骄傲自满。诗人通过他们的遭遇,暗示英国资产阶级革 命也由于道德堕落,骄奢淫逸而惨遭失败。




The secret of being a saint

Once upon a time there lived in a country a do-gooder.The king was very appreciative of his deeds and decided to honour him as a saint by a decree.On the saint's eightieth birthday, the king was invited to his birthday celerbration.He brought with him a painter so as to do a picture of the kindly saint as a paragon for his countrymen.When the feast is over all the guests were asked to have a look at the picture.To their great surprise, when the picture was shown, what they saw was not a kind but a ruthless and cruel look.The king was very angry at seeing this and ordered his men to beat the painter.Upon hearing the noise, the saint rushed to the scene to have a look at the picture.After viewing it, the saint knelt down and said, “your majesty, the person in the picture is none other than me.” Why?“ said the king, dumbfounded.”This has been the very person whom I have never wanted to be."

In this world, there are no naturally born saints;only those who can do self-criticism and sel-examination, can become saints.参考译文:
















Two Tigers

There were two tigers;one lived in a cage and the other in the wild.The caged one didn't have to worry about his meal while the one outside was unrestrained.The caged tiger was always envious of the freedom of the one in the wild, while the other one envied the caged one for his ease.One day, one tiger said to the other: “let's change places”.The other one agreeded.There upon the caged one went back to nature while the other came into the cage.But before long both died, one of starvation, and the other, melancholy.Sometimes one is not conscious of his own happiness and always thinks the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence, but not think over that one man's meat is another man's poison.






孟克(Edvard Munch)的名画《呐喊》哈佛大学心理学家吉尔伯特(Daniel Gilbert)不久前在《纽约时报》(New York Times)的专栏中写道,不知道要发生什么坏事比知道什么坏事要发生的感觉更糟。我们大多数人之所以会夜不能寐、抽烟发泄,并不是因为道琼斯指数要再跌1000 点,而是因为我们不知道道指会不会下跌──不确定的感觉比不确定的事情本身更折磨人。


Coping With the Certainty of Uncertainty

A close friend of mine recently underwent tests for leukemia.The most agonizing part of the ordeal, she said, was the week-long wait for the test results.A bad outcome she could learn to cope with, my friend said.It was the not knowing, the uncertainty, that was so difficult.People feel worse when something bad might occur than when something bad will occur,' wrote Harvard psychologist Daniel Gilbert in a recent New York Times op-ed.'Most of us aren't losing sleep and sucking down Marlboros because the Dow is going to fall another thousand points, but because we don't know whether it will fall or not ─ and human beings find uncertainty more painful than the things they're uncertain about.



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