《新起点大学基础英语教程》作为江苏省高职高专推荐教材,2007年开始正式在江苏城市职业学院非英语专业学生中使用.为了加强教学指导,引导各教学点任课教师合理组织教学并提高教学效率,特制定本教学建议和实施方案,建议各教学点任课教师参照执行.《新起点大学基础英语教程》共分4级,共开设4学期,每级3学分,每周3课时,每学期授课18周,每学期54学时,另外每周必须增加听说课1学时,所以大学英语课程每周实际为4学时,每学期共72学时.《新起点大学基础英语教程》每级包括《读写教程》,《听说教程》,《自主综合训练》以及《学习方法与阅读》四册教材及配套的磁带和教师用书.每册教材均由12个单元组成.每个单元涉及一个主题(话题),各册之间互相话题融通,技能互补,构成一个整体.从总体上说,任课教师应该仔细研究教材,认真备课,积极探索利用网络和多媒体手段丰富教学形式和手段,同时加强对学生学习过程的控制,不仅要充分利用课内时间,对于学生在课外的学习也要加以指导和帮助.应该科学的利用教材,以教材为中心,其他材料为补充;课堂讲授和学生课外自主学习并重;课堂教学以学生为中心,讲授与讨论相结合,技能与知识并重,语言知识与文化知识并重,传授方法与传授知识并重;充分利用网络和多媒体教学手段,形成适合学生特点的教学模式.从教材上看,《读写教程》侧重阅读理解的训练,主要应针对学生的词汇,语法和文化知识展开训练.在教学过程中,应当以阅读课文为核心,通过多种课堂教学形式,让学生能够自上而下,从内容到形式,从输入到输出多重反复的进行练习,并不断加深对所学技能与知识的掌握.可以参考教程的编写目的来设计课堂活动和组织教学.由于课堂教学时间有限,而每单元内容较多,建议以每单元的TEXT A 为重点,TEXT B作为学生自学课文,在课内可以以提问等方式帮助学生掌握重点,并对难点进行必要说明.课后练习可以让学生在预习过程中先做一遍,课堂上只做提示和抽查.对于写作部分的练习,希望组织学生在课后进行,课内可以做适当讲解.《听说教程》的教学中,需要将英语语言基础知识的学习,语言应用技能训练和影响到交际效能的文化背景知识介绍有机的融合在一起.突出语言的交际语境和使用的功能意念.一方面要强化语言的基本功,也要注重语言交际能力的培养和训练.在课堂教学中,应该以听为导入,说为目标.通过听力前,听力中,听力后三个教学阶段,循序渐进的完成听和说的教学任务和目标.并通过活泼多样的课堂活动,调动学生的积极性,激发学生的学习兴趣和热情,引导学生的相互合作,强化学生在特定语境中的交际能力.在教学中还应当充分利用任务型的学习策略,以解决问题为练习和训练的导向.由于课时原因,在具体教学实施过程中,无须在课堂上将教材所有内容全部听完,可以有目的的选用教材内容,对于比较难的材料,比如passages部分,可以根据学生具体情况灵活处理.在课内应着重处理dialogues部分.课内未涉及的部分,可以要求学生课外自学,或者在其他时间处理.《学习方法与阅读》主要以帮助学生掌握学习英语的正确方法和提供课外阅读素材为主要目的.《自主综合训练》则提供了巩固和扩展相应的语言基本技能,功能意念和实用性语言技能的训练,并增加主教材所含词汇的出现率.这两本教材希望教师能够按一定的进度布置学生的完成,并以多种方式进行检查和监督,对于其中的一些难点和学生疑问较多的部分,也可以利用少量课堂时间加以讲解和说明.归纳起来讲,《读写教程》和《听说教程》作为主教材,应该成为课堂教学主要处理的部分.《学习方法与阅读》和《自主综合训练》则作为主教材的补充,原则上不在课内处理,但也可以按照需要,在课堂内适量处理.建议教学进度如下:
周数 听说教程 读写教程
1-4 UNIT 1-3 UNIT 1-3
5-8 UNIT 4-6 UNIT 4-6
9-12 UNIT 7-9 UNIT 7-9
13-16UNIT 10-12 UNIT 10-12
17-18 复习复习
I am taking care of a worker from a neighoring factory.2.我昨天晚上上床以后对这个问题反复进行了思考,但仍然找不到解决方法。
After going to bed last night, I turned the matter over and over in my mind and still could't find a solution.3.不管天气多冷或多热,我都每天坚持练习。
No matter how cold or hot it is, I keep practicing every day.4.为了得到所期望的的一切,你应该从今天就开始努力。
To achieve what yo haope for, you should start working hard from today.5.虽然分别了三年,但我们仍然保持着友谊。
Although we have been apart from each other for three years, we still keep our friendship going.6.天下雨了。结果我们大家都没能去听音乐会。
It rained.As a result, none of us could go to the concert.7.如同很多大学生一样,我们学校的学生非常爱看这个作家的小说。
Like many college students, students of our universtity love to read the novels of this author.8.我的健康在很大程度上都归功于医生和护士的照顾。
My health is to a large extent due to the care by the doctors and nurses.
第三篇:大学基础英语教程翻译Unit 9-12
Unit 9
Lesson 1
Teachers need to change the way they teach by using new technology.2.他认为玩网络游戏太多会使孩子们不能专心学习。(concentrate)
He believes that playing online games too much makes children unable to concentrate on their study.3.许多成年人都请孩子们教他们使用电子产品。(electronic gadget)
A lot of grownups ask children to teach them to use electronic gadgets.4.她担心病毒会损坏计算机里的信息。(be worried about)
She is worried about viruses which will damage the information in the computer.5.麦克有一部内置MP4播放器的手机。(built-in)
Mike has a mobile phone with a built-in MP4 player.Lesson 2
1.如果我真的把手机落在家里了, 就会回去取了。(leave)
If I left my mobile phone at home, I would go back for it.2.他要是真的了解情况, 他就告诉我了。(let me know)
If he knew about it, he would let me know.3.我要不是受了伤, 就去观看运动会了。(the sports meet)
If I were not injured, I would go to watch the sports meet.4.我如果不是很忙, 就会用数码相机拍些照片了。(digital)
If I were not very busy, I would have some photographs taken with a digital camera.5.他如果收到的信息太多, 就会很急躁的。(irritate)
If he received too many text messages, he would be irritated.Lesson 3
1.上个月, 她告诉我说她再也不去那里了。
Last month, she told me that she wouldn’t go there any more.2.那位老人说他从小就学英语。
The old man said he had studied English since boyhood.3.她说她小时候每天6点钟起床上学。
She said that she got up to go to school at six each day when she was young.4.他说在英语演讲竞赛中他获得第一名。
He said he had won the first place in the English speech contest.5.他说到中学毕业时,他大约已学了3000个英语单词。
He said he had learnt three thousand English words by the end of middle school.Unit 10
Lesson 1
You speak English very well.2.我每天很早起床。
I get up very early everyday.3.我们通常一周去购物 一次。
We usually do shopping once a week.4.他被深深地感动了。
He is deeply moved.5.请写得慢一些,仔细一些。
Please write slowly and carefully.Lesson 2
1.在纽约,每五个人里就有一个人在家里说西班牙语。(one in five)In New York City, one in five people speaks Spanish at home
He sees it as a sigh that the Spanish language is being destroyed.3.有些人正抵制这种新的风尚。(fight against)
Some people are fighting against this new style.4.越来越多的人支持这种新的语言变化。(in favour of)
More and more people are in favour of this new change in language.5.这是两种语言和文化之间的对话。(dialogue)
It is a dialogue between two languages and cultures.Lesson 3
Half of the languages in the world will become extinct within the next hundred years.2.造成移民的原因也许是战争、灾难或寻求工作。(because of)
Migration could be because of war, disaster or the search for work.3.在商业、电影、音乐和互联网上,某些语言成了主要的全球性语言。(major, global)
Some languages have become the major global languages in business, films,music, and the Internet.4.世界上最通用的一些母语占主导就会引起较小语言的消失。(die out)
The dominance of the world’s most common native languages causes smaller languages to die out.5.一种语言消亡,它的文化也随之消失。(lost)
When a language dies, many of the traditions of the speakers are lost, too.1.我在报上看到了一些你会感兴趣的东西。
I read something in the newspaper that you may be interested in.2.这是我们上个月买的那幢房子。
This is the house that / which we bought last month.3.你不是我原先所想的那种人。
You are not the kind who I thought you were.4.他就是我昨天见的那个人。
He is the man who/that I saw yesterday.5.我不认识写这篇文章的那个人。
I do not know the man who /that wrote the article.Lesson 4
1.每天学习相同的内容却没有进步你不厌倦吗?(tired of)
Aren’t you tired of learning the same thing again and again but with little progress?
A few top scientists and teachers have developed new technology to help people with their English learning.3.我们保证在六个月内你可以用英语进行简单对话。(guarantee)
We guarantee that you will be able to have a simple conversation in English in just six months.4.老师不必总是矫正学生的错误。(correct)
Teachers do not always need to correct students’ mistakes.5.学完了课程,他却没能够拿到证书。(fail to)
He failed to get the certificate when he finished the course.Unit 11
Lesson 1
1.我喜欢上面穿夹克打领带,而不喜欢穿T恤。(on top)
I like a jacket and tie on top instead of a T-shirt.2.她有一个装满时尚杂志的箱子。(full of)
She has a box full of fashionable magazines.3.那件白色的大衣值得买。(worth V-ing)
The white coat is worth buying.4.我更喜欢去二手店。(prefer)
I prefer going to second-hand shops.5.他在减价期间买了几样不错的便宜货。(bargain)
He picked up a few good bargains in the sale.1.我喜欢穿休闲的衣服。
I like wearing casual clothes.2.走路是很好的运动。
Walking is good exercise.3.和你谈话很愉快。
It’s nice talking to you.4.他喜欢和你去钓鱼。
He enjoys going fishing with you.5.你穿上新衣服显得很帅。
You look very smart in your new suit.Lesson 2
a new white leather jacket
a long black leather belt
a very fashionable gold watch
the girl’s small pink face
a pretty purple silk dress
She is very glad to hear the news.2.我计划明天离开这里。
I plan to leave here tomorrow.3.在那里你可以学习打字。
You can learn how to type there.4.我发现与人交流很难。
I find it difficult to talk with people.5.你需要更开心些。
You need to be happier.Unit 12
Lesson 1
They had to leave: there was no alternative.2.这条新路解决了村民们长久以来的需要。(meet one’s need)
This new road meets the villagers’ long-felt need.3.这位秘书既有能力,工作效率又高。(efficient)
The secretary is both competent and efficient.4.他现在不住在这儿,但从前是住在这里的。(used to)He doesn’t live here now, but he used to.5.这正是最困扰我的事情。(bother)
That’s what bothers me most.1.我认识的那个日本人工作很勤奋。
The Japanese I know works very hard.2.多锻炼有益健康。
Doing more exercise is good for health.3.窗户全用木板覆盖上了。
The windows are all covered with boards.4.桂林是她去过的最美丽的地方。
Guilin is the most beautiful place she has ever been to.5.月球上有生命吗?
Is there any life on the moon?
Lesson 2
1.他们抗议这里的环境差。(protest about)
They protested about the poor environment here.2.我厌烦了每天做同样的事。(get bored of)
I got bored of doing the same thing every day.3.抽烟会对我们的健康有很大的危害。(do harm to)
Smoking will do a lot of harm to our health.4.她很感激老师给她这么大的帮助。(be grateful to somebody for …)She’s very grateful to her teacher for helping her so much.5.实验终于取得了成功。(succeed, in the end)
The experiment succeeded in the end.Lesson 3
This is the most exciting story I’ve ever heard.2.亨利要去巴黎,他妹妹也要去。(as well)
Henry is going to Paris, and his younger sister is going as well.3.萨拉很烦恼,因为彼得又在说谎了。(annoy)
Sarah was annoyed because Peter was telling lies again.4.大多数年轻人更喜欢住在热闹的城市里。(prefer)
Most young people prefer to live in the busy city.5.它太重了,我自己拿不动。(on one’s own)
I can’t carry it on my own;it’s too heavy.1.这老妇人现在肯定有七十多岁了。
The old woman must be over seventy now.2.坏事也可能变成好事。
A bad thing might/could/may be turned into a good one.3.他现在肯定不在家。
He can’t be at home now.4.我下次再也不会迟到了。
I won’t be late again.5.据天气预报说,明天会有雨。
According to the weather report, it will rain tomorrow.Lesson 4
.1.这间教室很大, 可以容纳多达一百名学生。(so…that…)
This classroom is so big that it can hold as many as 100 students.2.这种酒是用葡萄酿制的。(be made from)
The wine is made from grapes.3.战士们奋力战斗来保卫国家免遭攻击。(protect …against)
The soldiers fought hard to protect the country against attack.4.球赛是否进行要视天气而定。(depend on)
Whether the game will be played depends on the weather.5.最好的货品往往价格最昂贵。(cost)
The best goods usually cost most.
Unit one 【教学目标】
1.能说出并拼写常见乐器名称,如piano, violin, organ, accordion, cello, harp, saxophone等。
2.理解课文A 和B的文章大意,了解人们对音乐梦想的追求。3.掌握并运用课文A和B中的有用词汇、短语和句型。
Unit 1 Section A The Violin 【教学流程】
Step 1 Warm-up T: Good morning!
Ss: Good morning!
T: How are you today? Ss: Fine, thank you.T: What are you going to do this weekend? Ss:…
T: How we are expecting this weekend!You have so many hobbies.Now look at the picture on the blackboard.How many words do you know about instruments? A student from each group comes here to write them out.Let’s see who knows the most words about hobby.Step 2 Lead-in
T: Now please look at the pictures in A.Do you know what they are? A: Look and say
(For each picture, the teacher may ask more questions to add more information and attract Ss’ attention.Make sure that Ss know the meanings of the new words: piano, violin, organ, accordion, cello, harp, saxophone.)Intention: The pictures can give Ss a deeper impression while learning the new words.T: Let’s have a game.Activity: A guessing game
One of the Ss comes to the front of the classroom.T shows the student some cards with words of activities on them.The student does the gestures of different activities, and each group watches carefully and guesses what he/she is playinging.The group who guesses the most words out will win.Intention: The guessing game helps to arouse Ss’ interest and creates a relaxing atmosphere at the beginning of the lesson.Step 3 Language Points
Step 4 Text Structure Analysis
[作业布置] 1.Read and copy the new words on P 6.2.Finish Ex.II on P 8-11 of the book.3.Preview listening.【课后反思】
2010年考场考试江苏会计基础和财经法是150道题,全为计算机考试(今年还没有特别通知,一般认为是和去年一样)50单选 半分1题50判断 半分1题30多选 1分一个20不定项 1分一个
四、2011年江苏省会计从业资格考试指定教材电算化+送超值资料 http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=8357284454
册 http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=8994077658))通读时,可以选用本站资料里包里一个版本的教学音频或视频一起边听边看,加深印象,提升学习效果。本人认为这是非常重要的一个步骤,哪怕你认为什么都没有学会,也是有用的,至少了解了一下教材,有一定的印象了。实际上只要认真看了书,总会有收获的。而且考试总是以书为本以书为纲的。
2011年江苏会计基础软件加超值资料: 2011年江苏财经法规软件加超值资料: 2011年江苏会计基础软件:2011年江苏财经法规软件: