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1. 部分教师不能够抓住主要问题在规定的时间内进行分析并提



2. 抓不住主要问题,观察偏离主题,针对细枝末节评价更多。

3. 评价缺少深度。

4. 针对主要问题没有提出更加合理的建议。

5. 个别教师评价关于注重不足,挑剔问题过多。建议部分较少。

6. 多数教师对于目标的分析及目标大程度多认真的思考和分析




2. 多数教师教学环节把握不准,前松后紧,个别教师托堂现象非常严重。



















说教材要说明教材的地位和作用;说出本课教学目标的确立及其依据;说出重点和难点的确立和依据.1.说教材的地位和作用.要阐明本节课内容在整个知识系统或本册教材或本单元中的地位.即教材内容是什么,包含了哪些知识,该课教学内容是在学生学了哪部分知识基础上进行的,是前面所学的哪些知识的运用,又是后面所要学习的哪些知识的基础,它对于发展学生思维.培养能力方面有什么重要作用,对将来的学习还会有什么影响等.例如,在分析闽教版第三单元第六课(第23页)的教材地位和作用时,可做如下表述: 本课是闽教版小学英语第一册第六课,本课主要由三部分组成:Learn to say,Learn the letters, Listen and connect.本课以数字和字母为主线,展开对数字和字母的学习,并进一步复习第五课中所学的单词,巩固how many...的句型.本课的学习是对上节课的拓展和延伸.接下来的两课内容同样紧紧围绕数字这一主线,本课的内容起到了承上启下的作用.本课注重听说训练,培养学生正确的语音,语调和语感,使学生能够进行交流,并能达到灵活运用, 培养学生学习英语的兴趣.This lesson is Lesson 6,Book 1, published by Fujian Educational publishing Press.The lesson is composed of three parts: Learn to say, Learn the letters, Listen and connect.The main line of the lesson is to learn numbers and letters and further review the words learned in the Fifth lesson, and consolidate the pattern “how many....”.The study of this lesson is the development and extension of the last lesson.The contents of the following two courses are around the main line.The content of this lesson has played a role in connecting.This lesson focus on training, cultivate the students’s right pronunciation, tone and language sense, enable students to be able to communicate, achieve flexibility in the use of language and cultivate interest in learning English.2.教学目标的确定和依据

教学目标是指在教学设计中所确定的该课教学所要达到的目标.确立教学目标应包括三个方面:知识目标,能力目标和情感目标.教学目标的确立既要符合课标的要求,又要切合学生的实际.教学目标的表述要准确,具体简洁,全面.< 1 >.知识目标: 即各种语言的认知要求,通过学习使学生在基础知识和基本技能上达到一个什么标准,掌握到什么程度,掌握哪些,知道哪些,理解哪些等.< 2 >.能力目标: 即学生在听说读写等方面运用所学基本知识和技能的能力.要求学生在身心发展上,即能力,情感,意志,性格,体力 的发展上达到一个什么标准.< 3 >.情感目标: 既德育目标,结合所学内容,落实思想教育,学科教育等方面的目标,同时还包括对学生端正学习目的.态度和人生观,培养学习毅力和科学思维等方面的内容.(学习策略.情感态度.文化意识.世界观和人生观)





Under the New Curriculum Standards of English primary schools, as well as the characteristics of the materials and the actualities of the students, I identify the goals of teaching as followings:

[1].Knowledge goal: to master and skilled use of this lesson will be provided for four terms and the term day-to-day communication.[2].Ability to aim: To study the lesson so that students master the vocabulary related;use simple language to describe the four seasons, to describe the activities of the four seasons, to express their pleasure-loving, students cultivate the ability to make comprehensive use of language.[3].Emotional goal: to make students enjoy a variety of seasonal activities to enhance students a love of nature, an increase of amenities of life, love life more.3.说重点.难点的确立及其依据






例:根据小学生的生理和心理特点,我在教学中主要运用了听说法,直观教学法,游戏教学法,情景教学法,帮助学生在视,听,说,读,唱,4 演等有趣的活动中,自主愉快地学习英语,发展能力,让学生有一个展示自己的舞台,体验到学习的快乐.








教学过程设计,是贴近教学实践的一个环节,应在确定了教学目标和教学内容的基础上进行.设计教学过程要做到内容安排合理,环节紧凑,方法得当,重点突出,难点准确,教学设计有新意,学科德育有渗透.说教学思路及其依据: 教学思路主要包括各环节的时序安排及其内部结构,这是说课更为具体的内容.合理科学地安排教学程序,是教学成功的关键.说教学程序,一般先说课型,确定课型后,再说明准备安排哪些教学环节,各教学环节的进行步骤,主要内容等.如“ 导入 ”设计: 这样导入有什么好处?效果如何? “新授内容 ”设计:分几步呈现?每步呈现哪些内容?各步所呈现内容的练习,讲解,交际活动的安排设计,如何提问和组织练习,交际活动?如何促进学生积极思维,引导学生积极参与教学活动?各教学环节之间如何过渡?最后又如何结束等?教学思路设计的依据要联系教法,学法,教学手段,学生的认知规律等方面加以说明.还要说出教学各环节的时间分配.1.组织教学与复习。巧设导语,以旧引新,复习引入新课(师生问候;值日汇报;歌曲;复习旧课;检查作业等)能够提出恰当的问题,激发学生的学习兴趣,使学生尽快进入状态,并能积极思维,配合教师在热烈的气氛中进行教学。



4.运用巩固练习.理解和运用语言知识,完成必要的配套练习.6 5.归纳总结。引导学生总结归纳.本节结束后,要总结哪些内容,其目的是什么,如何总结,如何将本节内容纳入已有的知识系统中,发挥承上启下的作用。

< 五 >.板书设计。这里的板书是指就这节内容,如果是在上课时,你的板书是如何设计的。好的板书内容能系统反映教师讲授的主要内容和教学思路,并借此启迪学生的思路.板书集中了全部信息的关键点,是全课的纲要.说板书设计,主要介绍该课的板书类型,什么时间板书什么内容,如何使用黑板,哪部分内容属于主板书,哪部分内容属于附板书.板书设计要注意科学性和系统性,文字表达要准确,精练,醒目.板书设计布局要合理,能反映一堂课的梗概和黑板上所出现的主要内容。

四、说课的方法和技巧、说“准”教材; 2、说“明”教法; 3、说“会”学法; 4、说“清”教学意图和练习层次。


鉴于说课与备课、上课的关系。教师在说课中就应注意以下几个问题。、说课不是备课,不能按教案来说课。、说课不是讲课,教师不能把听说课的领导和老师视为学生,如正常上课那样讲。、说课不是“背课”,也不是“读课”,要突出“说”字。既不能按教案一字不差地背下来,也不能按说课稿一字不差地读下来。一节成功的说课,一定是按自己的教学设计思路,有重点,有层次,有理有据。、说课的时间不宜太长,也不宜太短,通常是10—15分钟。、注意发挥教师自身的教学个性和创新精神,防止生搬硬套杂志上的内容。、注意避免过与表现“理论依据”,脱离教材、学生、教师实际,空谈理论。、说课与作课结合。说课往往是教学的一种主观愿望,是否科学,还要 通过作课这一实践来检验。、说课与评课结合。说课者固然要充分准备,听说者、看课者也要作一定的准备,评才有发言权,评才能评到点子上,不走过场,不流于形式。才能集思广益,相互交流,共同提高。

附:PEP小学英语 Unit5 B Let’s talk说课稿全英文版

The Lecture Notes of 《 PEP Primary English 》 Book4 Unit5 B Let’s talk

Ladies and Gentlemen, It’s my great pleasure to be here sharing my lesson with you.The content of my lesson is PEP Primary English Book4 Unit5 B Let’s talk, asking the price and inquiring the clothes size.First, let me talk about the teaching material.Part 1 Teaching Material: This lesson is about a shopping.By studying this unit, the Ss know how to ask the price in English and how to describe the size and price with simple words and sentences.The sentence patterns of this lesson are“ What size?” “How much are they?” and“We’ll take them.”are the key and difficult points.The study of this lesson will help the Ss ask and describe the size and price in daily communication.Moreover, this lesson will use the phrase “a pair of„ ”in the sentence pattern “A pair of„ for „” and helps the Ss further consolidate the knowledge of words of clothing, appearing in plural form.Therefore, according to “the National English Curricula Standard”、on studying the teaching material and analyzing the regulation of children’s growing of mind, I put forward the following teaching objectives 1.Perception objective:

a)The Ss can understand, read, and use the main sentence patterns “A pair of „ for „” ,“What size?” ,“How much abe they?” `fd “We' ll take them.”in real situation.b)The Ss can understand and read the conversation of the lesson.2.Ability objective: a)The Ss can use the sentence patTern of inquiring the price, and further develop tHeir language ability of “shopping”;b)The Ss can ese the patterns to expr%ss their thoughts i.the proper situation.3.Emotion objective: a)By completing the task, the Ss increase their interest and set up self-confidence in language study;b)Teach the Ss what is “love” and “ managing money matters”, c)During completing, the Ss can learn how to cooperate.Next,the key points of this lesson:

First of all, to study and use the sentence patterns “What size?”,“How much are they ?”,“A pair of „ for „.” and“We' ll take them.”and to improve the Ss’ abilities in “shopping”;

Secondly, to teach the Ss how to study independently as well as by cooperation.Difficult points:

The Ss can use the words and patterns to describe the clothes in the proper situation, and make simple dialogues about shopping.Well, how to achieve the teaching objectives better, to stress the key points and break through the difficult points? The key is how to make use of the proper teaching methods, now I’ll talk about my teaching methods.Part 2 Teaching Methods:

According to the modern perception theories and characteristics of the children, I adopt the TSA method and TBLT method in my teaching, namely Total Situational Action and Task-based Language Teaching.The former is a “scene — activity” teaching method.It establishes a real scene and the interaction between the teacher and the Ss.It emphasizes a dynamic information exchange between the teacher and Ss.The latter offers the Ss an opportunity to complete the tasks in which Ss use language to achieve a specific outcome.The activity reflects real life and learners focus on meaning, they are free to use any language they want.At the same time, make use of the modern electricity teaching equipments and all kinds of teaching means, it can stimulate the Ss’ enthusiasm and creativity in learning English.Part 3 Studying Methods:

Let Ss study in a relaxed and agreeable atmosphere.Ss understand the new knowledge in certain degree through the mental process of seeing, hearing, saying, observing, imagining , thinking etc.And make preparation for completing the new study task.After feeling and comprehending the language points, let Ss obtain the knowledge actively by probe study and cooperative study.Thereby, develop the Ss’ abilities of studying and working with the learning language independently.I’ll talk about the teaching and studing methords in detail in the teaching process.Part 4 Teaching Process:

In order to realize the teaching process systematically, properly and efficiently, under the principle of “to face the whole student and develop the students' personality”, I divide the teaching process into five steps.Step1 Warm-up.Sing a song: The coat in window.So as to the psychological characteristics of children,singing a song can make Ss feel pleased and satisfied, and can arouse exciting motion.In this step , teacher and the Ss sing together and perform the song “The coat in window.”.Thus,review the sentence pattern “How much is „ ?” ,arouse the Ss' performance desire, participation desire and lead the Ss into a thick English studying atmosphere.Step2 Presentation and practice.1.Design: Look for Cinderella.Broadcast a part of “Cinderella” with the flash, presenting a crystal shoe that Cinderella lost, and establishes a scene of looking for the proper size everywhere.Through the role playing, guide the Ss to use the sentence pattern “What size do you wear?” “Size „.”in practising the question and answer.This design leads the Ss into the fairy tales.They learn the language unconsciously and do communication freely.2.Lead to the shopping topic naturally from the unsuited shoes, and demonstrate the sentence pattern “How much are they?”

With a good student to be the assistant, I perform to go shopping, and guide the Ss to make the answer: “They are „.”

In this course, Ss can understand the main contents of this dialogue and get the key points by scene demonstration.3.Game:Guess the price.Creating a situation of buying a pair of shoes for myself , buying a pair for my mom and introducing the sentence pattern “A pair of „ for „.”

The CAI presents a big shop with various shoes, ask the Ss to guess their price, and then display them.The game can avoid the lifelessness and boredom from the pure machine drills.It creates the conditions of a relaxed and natural atmosphere for children’s drills.Then achieve the aim of consolidating and practicsing the sentence pattern.4.Present the text.a)At this time, John and his mom come to the shoe store.It reappears the relevant conversation by broadcasting the VCD, let Ss know the text contents with a combination of audio and video, words and pictures, which cater to the characteristics of primary period to be curious and pursuing interest and freshness.b)After the audio-visual commences, play the tape recorder completely again, let the Ss concentrate on listening, then answer my questions according to the dialogue.e.g.:What size does John wear? How much? Whether buy or not, etc.c)After being familiar with the text, let the Ss try to act out the dialogue.By this step, it achieved the teaching aim of understanding and talking the dialogue of this lesson.Step3 Task time.Task:Mother’s Day.To master the language capability needs certain amount of practice.So,I still adopt the “Task-based”teaching method, which is defined by strong practicality and exact task, so as to make break-through about the difficult points of this lesson.In advance, I shall arrange the classroom to some business locations, such as clothes store, shoes store, fruit store etc.I shall divide the class into groups and play roles, and then give the Ss a certain quantity of specie currency, so that they may choose and buy the gifts for Mother’s Day.For this step, I shall instruct the Ss to use the words and patterns learnt in the process of completing certain tasks.Meanwhile, they may have mutual improvement in exchanging information during the communicating activities.Most Ss can take their parts in the activities, especially for the Ss who have trouble in English study.In the group activities, they can speak a little English with ease.With no doubt, this will encourage them to speak English.In fact, it incarnates a kind of demand of human being.Suhuomulinsiji says:“In one’s mind, there is always a kind of deeply rooted demand, that is the hope to feel oneself a finder and explorer.In Ss’ spirits, such demand is specially strong.” This step also leads to the emotion objective of this lesson, that is to have moral education in this step.Step4 Consolidation and extension.Summarize the whole lesson,and arrange the homework.1.Do the correlative exercises in the activity book.Check the mastering of knowledge of this lesson.2.Ask Ss to interview their friends asking the price and size of their clothing and make records of the information.This content is an extension of the previous lesson, to meet the needs of increasing communicating demand of some Ss.Part 5 Blackboard Design.Show on the CAI.(It’s a „.)

Above is the lecture notes of my lesson.Thank you!





说课 活动是提高课堂教学效益,实现和谐课堂、高效课堂、创新课堂的需要,是提高教育教学质量的基础与关键,是引领教师专业成长的“方向标”。此项活动的开展,提高了全体英语教师整体把握教材、钻研教材、处理教材和使用多媒体的能力。在说课过程中,老师们能从教材的知识体系、能力体系和价值体系三个层面对教材进行全面把握,并写出教材分析;能对教材内容系统分析,并能结合教材内容提出合理性的教学方法及建议。

此项活动的开展 真正达到了以说促教,以说促学,以说促研的良好效果,一定会给课堂教学注入新的活力!




第四篇:“说课标 说教材”竞赛活动总结

“说课标 说教材”活动总结







本次“说课标 说教材”活动历时一年,内容充实,形式新颖,为提升我校广大教师对课程标准的理解水平和对教材的整体驾驭能力提供了典型范例,为全校教师的专业化发展做出基于心灵的教育引领,在探索构建高效课堂的实践中,我们只是做了一些有益的尝试。我们将坚持不懈,继续探索,努力打造一支品德高尚,业务精良,爱岗敬业,无私奉献的教师队伍。


英语说课模版 Ⅰ

Today , I’m going to talk about my plan for teaching ….First, I’d like to say something about the teaching content.… Second, the aims of this lesson are: 1.Knowledge of language: … 2.Pratical skills …

3.Personal development …

Third, the focus and difficulties are: ….Next, my way of teaching.Teaching English at primary schools aims at students’ basic skills in listening and speaking and the their interest in English.So I find it necessary to design a task-based class: students will be assigned to do a survey.This task will make it possible for the students to pick up the language in an authentic way.Teaching aids: a recorder, sentences cards , stationary ,pictures, head ornaments and a form.I shall have the students join in the singing, ridding guessing and doing a survey.I’m going to take the following procedures: Step 1 Warm-up Step2 Presentation Step3 Practice Step 4 Consolidation Step 5 Assignment

It's my pleasure to be here.Now, I'd like to say something about my teaching plans about … For its objective, it covers …objectives 1.Knowledge objective … 2.Ability objective … 3.Moral objective …

During the procedure of my teaching, multi-media, over head project, tape recorder, pictures will surely be adopted that will also be accompanied by demonstration, role-playing, task-oriented approach.Through these methods and by using these aids, I want to teach the students how to be successful language learners.After analyzing the dialogue, I set off my teaching plan around 4 tasks and many activities: pre-task, while-task, post-task and creative task.…

That’s my idea about the teaching plan of this lesson.Thanks for listening.



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