พัดลม(pát lom)电扇;扇子 ห้องนอน(hông non)卧室 ห้องน า(hông náam)洗手间;卫生间 ผูหญิง(phûu-yǐng)女孩 ผูชาย(phûu-chai)男孩 แพงไป(phaeng pai)太贵了!แพง(phaeng)昂贵的 ถูก(thuuk)便宜的 ต้องการ(tông kaan)需要 ยาสีฟน(yaa sǐi fan)牙膏 แปรงสีฟน(praeng sǐi fan)牙刷 ผ้าอนามัยแบบสอด(pâa a-năa-mai bàep sòt)止血棉球 สบู(sà-buu)香皂 แชมพู(chaem-phuu)洗发水 芳思·小语种 Chinawaiyu.com ยา(yaa)药
แอสไพริน(aet-pai-rin)阿司匹林 ยาแก้ปวด(yaa gâe pùat)止痛药(阿司匹林或治疗关节炎的止痛退烧药)ยาลดไข้(yaa lod khai)感冒药 ยาแก้ปวดท้อง(yaa gâe pùat tóng)治胃痛的药 มีดโกน(miit kon)剃须刀
ร่ม(rom)雨伞 โลชันกันแดด(lochân kan dàet)防晒霜 ไปรษณียบัตร(prai-sà-nii-ya-bàt)明信片 แสตมป์(sà-taem)邮票 ถ่านไฟฉาย(tàan fai chăai)电池 กระดาษเขียนจดหมาย(krà-dàat khĭan jòt măi)便签纸 ปากกา(pàak-kaa)钢笔 หนังสือ(năng-sue)书 นิตยสาร(nít-ta-yá-săan)杂志 หนังสือพิมพ์(năng-sue phim)报纸
2、你好吗?/sa-bai-di-mai萨拜迪麦/How are you?
3、我还好!/sa-bai-di萨拜迪/I am fine!
4、您叫什么名字?/kun-ci-a-lai坤赐阿莱/what is your name?
5、你去哪里?/kun-bai-nai 坤拜奈/where are you going?
6、再见!/la-gong 拉拱/ Good Bye!/Bye Bye7、祝好运!/cuo-di措迪/ Good Luck!
8、谢谢你!/kuo-kun扩坤/Thank you!
9、对不起!/kuo-tuo扩拓 /sorry!/Excuse me!
10、不要紧!/mai-bian-lai卖鞭莱/never mind!
11、不明白!/mai-kao-zai 卖靠哉/ don't understand!
12、你能帮我一下吗?/kun-que-can-dai-mai坤鹊蚕代麦/ can you help me?
13、我在找。/can-ha-you 蚕哈友/ I'm looking for.14、迷路了。/mai-lu-za-tan卖路杂摊/Lose way.15、我想去---。/can-ya-bai蚕亚掰---/ I want to go to---.16、火车站/sha-tan-ni-luo-huai沙潭尼摞淮/ train station?
17、公共汽车站/sha-tan-ni-luo-mie 沙潭尼摞咩/Bus stop18、飞机场/sha-nang-bing /沙囊冰/Air Station19、酒店/long-liang /隆凉/Hotel20、学校/long-lian/隆帘/school21、警察署/sha-tan-ni-dan-luo沙潭尼丹摞/ Police Station22、医院/long-pa-ya-ban隆帕雅般/Hospital23、洗手间/hong-nan哄南/Toilet/W.C24、不要/mai-ao卖凹/Don’t/No25、要/ao 凹/Need To26、不是/mai-cai卖菜/an’t/No27、是/cai菜/Is/Yes28、不要怕/mai–dong-gua卖冬瓜/Be fearless of29、别担心!/mai-dong-huan 卖冬缓/ Care Nothing For!
30、兄|姐(泰国礼貌称呼)/pi 屁/Elder brother|sister31、弟|妹(泰国礼貌称呼)/nong脓/Younger brothing|sister32、价格多少?/laka-tao-lai拉咖讨来/How much?
33、便宜一点可以吗?/tu-(n-oi快连读)-dai-mai土(n-oi)代麦/cheap OK!
34、贵了!/pian-liao 翩辽/Expensive!
35、兑换钱/lie-en 列恩/Change Money36、去哪里?/bai-nai 拜奈/Where to?
37、去海滩/bai-ta-lie 拜踏咧/Go to Beach38、去、走/bai拜/Go/Walk39、电话/tuo-le-sa 托勒洒 /telephone40、你真漂亮!/kun-sui-jing-jing坤水晶晶/you beautiful!
41、你真英俊!/kun-luo-jing-jing坤裸晶晶/you handsome!
42、几点钟?/gei-meng给蒙/what time?
43、三点了/san-meng-liao三蒙辽/three clock44、12345678910/能、宋、三、喜、哈、吼、捷、别、告、媳
45、好吃!/a-(l-oi快连读)啊(l-oi)/ Good!
47、好看!/na-du 那杜/Be good!
48、不行!/mai-dai 卖代/No!
49、喜欢!/chuo 戳/like50、不喜欢!/mai-chuo 卖戳/Don’t like51、有/mi 米/Yes Have52、没有/mai-mi 卖米/No Without53、市场/da-la 搭腊/Market54、小吃店/lan-a-han 兰阿含/Snack bar55、买东西/shi-kong 匙孔/ShoPing56、榴莲/tu-lian 突帘/Duriovn57、红毛丹/e-o 快连读/Rambutan58、山竹/man-ku 蛮哭/Mango Steen59、甜/wan 玩/Sweet60、酸/biao 标/Acerbitg61、太辣/pi-gen-bai 坯跟掰/Hot peppery62、热/long 隆/Hot heat63、冷/nao 挠/Cold64、我/peng 澎/I65、你/kun /坤/you66、他/kao 考/ he67、我们/lao 捞/
68、他们/po-kao 泼考/Them、They69、买水果/shi-peng-le-mai 匙蓬勒卖/Buy Fruit70、行李/ga-bao 嘎包/bag baggage71、泰铢/ba 把/Money thai72、远/gai 该/Far73、近/gai 盖/Near74、轻/bao 包/light75、重/na 那/Again76、舒服 /sa-bai 沙掰/Be well77、不舒服/mai-sa-bai 卖沙掰/Feel bad78、敢不敢/ga-mai-ga尬卖尬/bold79、跟我走/dang-chan-bai 当禅掰/Follow Me80、多/ma-骂/More Mch81、少/(n-òi 快连读)/Limle few82、做善事/摊(b-ūn 快连读)/ Waters83、庙/wa 哇 /Tempiu84、和尚/pa 怕/Bonze85、租/cao 操/Rent86、车/luo 骆/Vehicle87、房间/hong 烘/room88、大娘/ba 坝/grandma89、注意小心/la-wan 拉完/Be Careful90、够了/po-liao 坡辽/Enough quite91、船/le 乐/Boat92、用/cai 财/Use93、没有礼貌/mai-mi-ma-la-ya 卖米吗拉压/Disrespect94、我爱你/can-la-te 蚕拉特/I Love You95、会讲泰语/pu-bian-pa-sha-tai 铺鞭趴沙泰/Speak thai96、不会讲中文/pu-mai-bian-pa-sha-jing 铺卖鞭趴沙京/
97、唱歌/long-pan 隆翩/Sing Song98、跳舞/dian-lan 电缆/ Dance99、微笑/ying 蝇/Smile100、哭/long-hai 隆害/Cry
Chao Phraya River湄南河,Grand Palace大皇宫,Wat Phra Kaeo玉佛寺,Wat Pho卧佛寺,Wat Arun黎明寺,Phra Phom四面佛
緊急情況 199
旅遊警察 1155
馆址:泰国曼谷拉差达披色路57号(NO.57,RACHADAPISEK ROAD,BANGKOK 10110,THAILAND)。电话:(662)245704
4泰国观光服务中心(中/英文):1155,02 – 2815051
泰国观光警察: 1655 中国大使馆电话(Ratchadapisek Road)02 – 2457032 , 2457036
移民局(Immigration Bureau):
地址:Room 311, 3rd Floor, Old Building, Soi Suan Plu, South Sathorn Road, Sathorn District, Bangkok 10120.电话: 02 – 2873911or02-2873101 / 110
曼谷医院电话: rungrad spital : 02 – 6671000
Bangkok Christain Hospital : 02 – 2336981
Phyathai Hospital : 02 – 2452620
第二篇:俄语 中文 对照
俄语 中文 对照 中文:谢谢。
俄语:欺帕西巴 巴利绍伊 斯帕西巴 中文:不客气。
俄语:涅 扎什托 帕扎卢斯塔 中文:请。帕扎卢斯塔 中文:早上好。俄语:多布罗耶 乌特拉 中文:你好
俄语:多布雷伊 坚 兹德拉斯特武伊捷 中文:晚上好
俄语:多布雷伊 韦切尔 中文:晚安
俄语:斯帕科伊诺伊 诺奇 中文:很高兴认识您
俄语:奥琴 普利亚特纳 斯 瓦米 帕慈纳科米恰 中文:您近况如何? 俄语:卡克 巴日瓦耶捷 中文:谢谢,很好。那您呢? 俄语:斯帕西巴,赫拉绍。阿 维? 中文:再见。俄语:达 斯维达尼亚 弗谢沃 哈罗舍沃 帕卡 中文:我过得很愉快。
俄语:呀 普拉维奥尔(普拉维拉)普利亚特诺耶 弗列米亚 中文:旅途愉快。俄语:夏斯利沃沃 普季!中文:对不起,请……
俄语:普拉斯季捷,帕扎卢斯塔 布季捷 达勃雷。中文:对不起
俄语:伊慈维尼捷,帕扎卢斯塔 中文:没关系。俄语:尼切沃
俄语:什托?帕夫塔里捷,帕扎卢斯塔 中文:请说慢些。
俄语:嘎瓦里捷 米德连涅耶 中文:你懂英语吗?
俄语:维 帕尼马捷 帕安格利伊斯基 中文:不懂。
俄语:涅 波尼尔(帕尼拉)中文:不懂。
俄语:亚涅 帕尼马尤 涅 帕尼亚特纳 中文:我不太会俄语。俄语:亚涅 帕尼马尤 帕鲁斯基 中文:请写在这儿。
俄语:扎皮希捷,帕扎普斯塔,兹杰西 中文:是。明白了。
俄语:达。波尼尔。(帕尼拉)中文:好,可以。俄语:赫拉绍 中文:不。俄语:涅特 中文:不,谢谢。俄语:涅特,斯帕西巴 中文:从哪儿来?
俄语:阿特库达 维 普利耶哈里? 中文:我是中国人。俄语:亚 科依大叶茨。中文:我叫张玲。俄语:米尼亚 扎武特 张玲 中文:我22岁。
俄语:姆涅 德瓦擦季 德瓦 中文:我在旅行。
俄语:呀 西伊恰斯 布捷舍斯特武尤 中文:你叫什么名字? 俄语:卡克 瓦斯 扎武特 中文:请告诉我你的地址?
俄语:莫日纳 乌慈纳季 瓦什 阿德列斯
我们为能在此设宴招待Smith先生以及各位来宾而深感荣幸和愉快。我愿借此机会向你们表示热烈的欢迎。我此时的心情可以用孔子在«论语»中的一句话表达 “有朋自远方来,不亦乐呼?”
A short speech with the toast
Your Honor Mr.Smith,Our distinguished guests,Ladies and gentlemen,It’s our honor and great pleasure to host this banquet in honor of Mr.Smith and other
distinguished guests.I would like to take this opportunity to extend our warm welcome to you all.A remark in The Analects of Confucius best express what I feel now.“It’s such a delight that we have friends visiting from afar.”
Evidently, Mr.Smith’s current visit has demonstrated his determination to further enhance the friendly and cooperative relations between our two companies.We greatly cherish this close relationship, and also greatly value the position we enjoy as one of your most important trading partners.I sincerely wish that we could continue to work closely together to ensure a sustained growth in our cooperation of economy, finance and trade.On the occasion of this reception, I wish Mr.Smith and all our guests present here tonight good health!
Thank you.尊敬的市长先生和夫人,中国朋友们,女士们,先生们:
Your honor Mr.Mayor and Mrs.Mayor,Chinese friends,Ladies and gentlemen,I would like to express my sincere thanks to Mr.Chen for such a sumptuous banquet on behalf of all the members of our mission.Thank you very much for your friendly welcome.Everyone in the world is looking forward to visit China, one of the greatest civilized ancient countries.Therefore, I feel very honor to visit here.Meanwhile, I am very pleased that this visit gave me an excellent opportunity to convey the warm salutation and earnest wishes of our government and people to Mr.Mayor and your people.Though we are so far away from each other, distance is not the key factor especially in today’s world that is getting smaller and smaller.A poem of farewell to friends that was written by a poet in Tang Dynasty of your country says: “Long distance separates no bosom friends.”
As the nation with the fastest growing economy in the world, China is appealing to more and more commercial and financial giants to invest.Just on the basis of this fact, we are looking for better ways where we can cooperate further in economy and finance.One purpose of my trip is to conclude our agreement of investment protection.We also wish that we can work closely together to establish consultancy service organizations for multi-national companies in Tanzhou.So another purpose is to find out the feasibility of this plan.最后,我此行的又一项重要任务是向潭州市长面呈访问我市的正式邀请,希望市长阁下在方便的时候访问旧金山市,以便使我们能有机会来回报我们在这里受到的热情款待。现在我提议:
The last but not the least, another important task of this trip is to extend in person our formal invitation to Mr.Mayor to visit to San Francisco at his earliest convenience so as to give us an opportunity to return the warm reception and hospitality we enjoyed here.In closing, I would like to propose a toast:
To the health of Mr.Mayor and Mrs.Mayor,To the health of all our distinguished guests,To our cooperation and friendship,Cheer!
第四篇:常用韩语 中文对照
1.你好!안녕하세요![an ning ha sei yao] 安宁哈瑟要
2.你好吗? 어떻게 지내십니까? [ao dao kai ji nai xim ni ga] 奥刀开机奶昔目你噶 3.(向走的人)再见!안녕히 가세요.[an ning yi ga sai yao]
4.我叫……。저는 ……입니다.[cao ne..……….yim ni da]
5.请多关照。잘 부탁드립니다.[char bu ta de lim ni da]
6.(向留下的人)再见!안녕히 계세요.[an ning yi gai sai yao]
10.不是。아니오.[a ni o]
8.谢谢。감사합니다.[gam sa ham ni da]
9.对不起。미안합니다.[mi an nam ni da]
10.没关系。괜찮습니다.[guan can sem ni da]
11.吃饱了,谢谢。잘 먹었습니다.[car mao gao sem ni da]
12.辛苦了。수고하셨습니다.[su gao ha xiao sem ni da]
13.请给我看一下菜单。메뉴판을 좀 보여주세요.[mai niu pan ner zao m bo yao zu sai yao]
14.等一会儿再点菜。잠시후에 주문하겠습니다.[zam xi hu ai zu mun ha gai sem ni da]
15.请给我这个。이것을 주세요.[yi gao ser zu sei yao].16.来一杯咖啡。커피 한잔 주세요.[ke pi han zan zu sai yao] 基本口语句子
我:na 你:nao 大叔:a zao xi 韩国常用称呼大嫂:a zu ma 韩国常用称呼
小姐: a ga xi 常用骂人语傻瓜:pa bao
很好(喜欢事物),口头语:好的=OK:cao a yao
喜欢你:cao a hei yao 什么:mao?
我爱你:sa lang he yo(撒浪嘿哟)
那个。。(即想说话时的开场,类似于我们的“恩。。”): cao gei
不要,不喜欢,讨厌人:xi lao yao 不可以(不行):an duai
怎么了(为什么):wai yao?
天啊:ao mao!
怎么办:ao dao kai
知道了:a la sao 漂亮:yai bu da
想死吗(骂人语):cu ge
走:ka(走吧是ka za)不要走:ka ji ma
钱:tong 太贵了:nao mu bi sa yao.便宜点吧:zao mu sa sai yao 喂(这个称呼表示的是长辈对晚辈,同辈之间,或者特别生气时叫对方的用语,非敬语哦。):ya!
好吃:ma xi da 是的(好的)(表示肯定)使用范围最广,最常用,也可用于疑问:nai 好的(表示顺从):good 不是的(表示所有的否定含义都是这个):a ni(或者是a ni ya)
妈的:ya xi!
操:xi ba(非常难听非常脏的用语,不要随便用,会让人不高兴的。)
1000韩元:cong wan 5000韩元:ao cong wan 10000韩元:man wan 硬币为500元:ao bai wan 100元:bai wan 50元:ao xi b wan 10元:xi bu wan 5: ao wan和1:yi er wan元六种,(10韩元是最小单元不常用)。
爷爷 = 할아버지 [哈+尔啊簸箕]
奶奶 = 할머니[哈+尔么你]
外公 = 외할아버지[约哈+尔啊簸箕]
外婆 = 외할머니[约哈+尔么你]
爸爸 = 아버지(아빠)[啊簸箕] 叔叔 = 삼촌(작은아버지)[Sam con] 舅舅 = 외삼촌[约sam 寸] 姑奶奶 =고모할머니[高么哈+尔么你]
妈妈 = 어머니(엄마)[额么尼] 叔母 = 숙모(婶子)(작은어머니)[sug mo] = 외숙모[约sug mo]
姨老老 = 이모할머니[姨么哈+尔么你]
姑姑 = 고모[高么]
姨妈 = 이모[一么]
伯伯(大爷)= 큰아버지(백부)[KEN啊簸箕]
姑夫 = 고모부[高么部]
姨夫 = 이모부[一么部]
伯母(大娘)= 큰어머니[KEN额么尼]
哥哥 = 형님(男称呼哥哥)[h + i + eng 你+M]
姐姐 = 누나(男称呼姐姐)[努纳]
哥哥 = 오빠(女称呼哥哥)[O 爸]
姐姐 = 언니(女称呼姐姐)[E + N 尼]
嫂子 = 형수[h + i + eng 苏]
姐夫 = 매형[麦 h + i + eng]
嫂子 = 올케언니[欧+尔KE + N 尼]
姐夫 = 형부[h + i + eng 部]
弟弟 = 남동생(男,女)[NA+M D+ONG Sang]
妹妹 = 여동생(男,女)[Y+E D+ONG Sang]
弟妹 = 매제[麦解]
妹夫 = 매부[迈步]
儿子 = 아들[啊得尔]
女儿 = 딸[大+尔]
孙子 = 손자[S+on 咋]
孙女 = 손녀[S+on N + i + E]
儿媳妇 = 며느리[M+i+E 奴隶] 女婿 = 사위[萨预]
孙媳妇 = 손자며느리[S+on 咋 M+i+E 奴隶
孙女婿 =손녀사위[S+on N + i + E 萨预]
侄女 =조카[邹卡]
外甥 = 외조카[约邹卡]
堂亲 =친사촌[亲萨寸]
表亲 = 외사촌[约萨寸]
妻子的哥哥(大舅哥)= 처남(형님)策Na+M]
丈夫的弟弟(小叔子)=도련님(少爷)Do Li+en 你+M]
妻子的弟弟(小舅子)= 처남
丈夫的姐姐(大姑姐)= 형님(韩国女人称呼)妻子的姐姐(大姨子)= 처형[策 h + i + eng]
丈夫的妹妹(小姑子)= 아가씨(小姐)[啊嘎系]
妻子的妹妹(小姨子)= 처제[策解]
哥哥的妻子称呼弟弟的妻子 =동서[Dong 瑟]
弟弟的妻子称呼哥哥的妻子 =형님
丈夫 =남편(서방님)[瑟帮你+M]
妻子 = 안해(마누라 ,여편네)[马怒拉] 对不起 有多种说法
一是对长辈(尊敬语)죄송합니다.读法 zuai song hamu ni da.二是对平辈 미안해요.读法 mi a nai yao.还有就是 直接说 미안해 是对下辈说的。
读法 mi a nai
对不起,通常用的是,对长辈或与不熟的人用敬语时: 미안합니다 mi an ham ni da 与同辈或小辈说时:미안해 mi an hie
还有就是韩国人在对上司说,或工作人员对顾客说对不起时,죄송합니다.jue song(此时不是发'送'的音,而是发O的音)ham ni da
유감스러운是用在遗憾的...,其意是遗憾的意思.죄송합니다(que cong ham ni da)(尊敬)죄송해요(que cong he yo)(尊敬)
미안합니다(mi an ham ni da)(尊敬)미안해요(mi an he yo)(尊敬)미안해(mi an he)(对朋友)
Marcia Boardman: Good morning Daniel!
早上好,丹尼尔!Daniel:Dan, please„
Marcia Boardman: I'm Marcia Boardmanproducts which are from companies with socially desirable characteristics such as fair employment practices or environmentally sound operational policies
Philip Hart:That's a very good question„
and that's something we're moving towards
at the moment„
而这,正是我们此刻努力的方向„„ Marcia Boardman:Ok, well, let's move on to the presentation„
好吧, 让我们进入演讲部分吧„
面试官:>Well, your resume looks good.嗯,你的履历看起来不错。
I was especially impressed with your cover letter.我对你的求职信印象特别深刻。
You'd be surprised at how many I get that have grammar or spelling
Yours stood out because it was error free and worded well.你的求职信就是因为毫无错误、用字遣词精准,所以显得突出。
注解 :Impressed With:对„印象深刻
Cover Letter: 求职意向书
Surprised at: 对„感到惊讶
Stood out:(Stand out 的过去式):突出,引人注目
Error Free: 无错;没有误差的 Worded Well:用字遣词精准
求职者:>Thank you.谢谢您。
面试官:>Now, let's get to it.嗯,进入正题吧。
What are your long term career goals?
注解:Long Term:长期的Career Goals: 职业目标
求职者:>Well, I look at a career in terms of job satisfaction.嗯,我以工作成就感来看待工作.If I'm satisfied with the job, there's no question of seeking another.如果我对工作感到满意,就没有另谋他就的问题。
注解:In terms of: 依据;按照;在„方面
Job Satisfaction:工作满意度
Be Satisfied with: 对„感到满意
No Question of: 无„的可能性
面试官:>I see.我了解。
then, what would your dream job be?
Describe it to me.描述给我听。
求职者:>It's hard to give specifics on what particular job would bemy dream job
because it's more than just the work itself.要详细说出我的理想工作是什么并不容易,因为所涉及的不只是工作
(If)I can love the job, like the people, contribute to the company and
look forward to going there every day, that would be about as close
to a dream job as I can imagine.〈如果〉我能爱上这份工作、喜欢同事、为公司奉献、期待上班的每一天
注解:More Than Just:不仅仅是
Contribute to:有助于„ , 对„做贡献
面试官:>Who could ask for more than that?!
Now then, what would you say has been your greatest accomplishment
in your present job?
Marcia Boardman:Hi!Welcome to WebWare.嗨!欢迎来到WebWare。Sarah Timms: Thanks, nice to see you again.谢谢,很高兴再次见到你。Marcia Boardman:You too.So, you said you wanted to come in
and have a chatbefore you started„
我也是。你说你想在开始上班前先过来聊聊。Sarah Timms:Yeah, I just wanted to have a look round and ask
a few more questions, if I can„
是啊,我只是想过来看看,问几个问题,如果我可以„ Marcia Boardman:Sure, fire away!
当然, 说吧!
:Have a chat:聊一聊
Fire Away :开始说,开始问,开火,开始射击。
Sarah Timms:Well, I was delighted to receive the job offer„
嗯,我很高兴获得这个工作机会„„ Marcia Boardman:Good!We were delighted to offer it to you„
好!我们很高兴提供给你这个机会„ Sarah Timms: But before I sign the contractthere were one or two
specifics I wanted to talk about.但是在我签合同前,有一两个细节我想谈谈。
注解:Job offer:工作机会,工作邀请
Sign the contract:签合同
Marcia Boardman:OK„
Sarah Timms:Well„
there is a pay scale, instead of a fixed salary„
注解:Pay Scale:工资标准,工资级别,工资等级
Fixed Salary:固定工资;固定薪额
Marcia Boardman:Yes, as a new employee you'd be at thelower endof
the pay scale.18
Sarah Timms:But takingmy experience into account„
注解:Lower end:下端
Take„ into account:把„考虑进去,考虑到
Marcia Boardman:Well, you haven't had that much experience, we seeyou asan investment„
Sarah Timms:But that salary would only be a little more than I'm making now.So, instead of asking for a higher level on the pay scale, I thought this could be compensated byadding certainbonuses– for instance if I make certain sales targets, or even break them, I would be looking for a good cash payment, or stock optionsin the company.但工资只我现在的工作多一点点。因此,我不是要求一个更高水平的工资, 我认为工资级别可以通过添加一定的奖金进行补偿——例如,如果我实现了销售目标,甚至打破了销售目标, 我将获得现金奖励,或公司股票期权。
注解:Compensated by:通过„进行补偿
Sales Targets:销售目标
Cash Payment:现金支付
Stock Option:股票期权
Marcia Boardman:Well, that is something we sometimes offer senior
members of staff, but to show good faithI'll provisionallyoffer you the bonus scheme– but I'll have to okay it with Philip first.嗯,那是我们有时提供给资深员工的, 但是为了显示出良好的信念,我暂时给你奖金方案——但我首先的与菲利普确认一下。
注解: Senior Members of Staff: 高级职员,资深员工
Good faith:诚实;善意;真挚
Bonus Scheme :红利分成图,奖金制度
Sarah Timms:That's fine.I also see there are 25 days holiday.没关系。我也看到有25天假期。Marcia Boardman:Yes.That's standard.这是标准。
Sarah Timms:It's not very much for a high pressure job though„
对一份高压力的工作来说不算多„„ Marcia Boardman:I can't offer you any more holiday.我不能给你更多的假期了。
Sarah Timms:No, but I was wondering if we could delay my start date,so instead of starting a week from now, as we discussed,I could start in a month's time?
不,但我想知道我们是否可以延迟我的上班开始日期,所以不是我们先前讨论的从现在开始的一个星期 ,我可以在一个月后开始吗?
Marcia Boardman:You're a tough negotiator, Sarah!
注解:Tough Negotiator: 强硬的的谈判者,不妥协的谈判者
Sarah Timms:That's one of the reasons you hired me!
Marcia Boardman:Yes, of course.OK, I think we can do that
I'll look forward to seeing you in a month,and earning those bonuses!
Marcia Boardman: „ok„ok„that's great!
We'll be pleased to have you on the team!
Looking forward to seeing you next week!Bye!
注解:Looking Forward to :期望,盼望
Philip Hart: Was that Sarah?
Marcia Boardman:Yes – she's going to accept the job,and wants to come in next week for a chat„
是的。她会接受这份工作,并且下周会过来交谈一下。Philip Hart: Great news.Now you just have to tell the other guy
that we don't want him„
真是好消息.现在你所要做的就是告诉另一个人我们不需要他 Marcia Boardman:I hate giving bad news„
注解:Give Bad News:告知坏消息,报忧
Philip Hart: I'm glad that it's your job and not mine!
Marcia Boardman:Ok, may as welldo it straightaway„ Dear Mr Watson„
we regret to inform you that you have not got the job„
hmmm„ sounds a bit too direct.How about„Dear Mr Watson, Thank you for your application to WebWare.We regret to inform you that you weren't successful.’
恩,最好还是马上就去做„尊敬的Watson先生,很遗憾的告诉您你未能得到这份工作„恩„貌似太直接了。”尊敬的Watson先生,感谢你来WebWare 应聘,我们很遗憾地告诉您,您未能成功.”这样写怎么样?
注解:May as Well: 不妨,还是„好,还不如,最好
Philip Hart:Hmmm„I think you should say something positive.恩„我觉得你应该说些积极的东西。Marcia Boardman:But he was terrible!
但是他太差劲了!Philip Hart: Well, he wasn't great, no, but,I think we should be positive and polite.是啊,他当然不出色,但是我觉得我们应该积极点更加有礼貌一点。
Marcia Boardman:Yes, you're absolutely right.OK how about this
“Dear Mr Watson, Thank you for your application to WebWare.You were apromisingcandidate.However, we regret to inform you that the competition for the post was very strong, and we will not be offering you the position.Yours sincerely, etc etc„”
注解:Positive:积极的 Promising:前途无量的,有希望的
Philip Hart:Yes, that's more like it„but we should include some feedback„
注解:That's more like it :那样才像话;这才像话;本该如此;那还差不多
Marcia Boardman:Of course。how about if I add this:
“In future, you may wish to moderate your personal style, and carefully fact check your CV„” How does that sound?
Personal Style:个人风格
Philip Hart:I'm not sure what 'moderate your personal style' means.24
It's a bit vague„
Marcia Boardman: Hmm„ok, how about 'give more specificexamples of your
achievements, and show how you work as part of a team’.恩,那好吧,那么”具体说出您所完成的事情,体现您作为一个团队的一员是起什么作用的”怎么样?
Specific:具体的 Achievement:成就
Philip Hart:Ok, yes, I like that„and remember to finish with something like,‘We wish you the best of luckin the future’!
恩,不错,我喜欢..记住用“祝你好运”结尾。Marcia Boardman:Of course , I certainly do wish him luck!
Ok!done.I'll send it now.当然,我当然希望他一帆风顺。
Telling someone that they didn't get the job is not an easy thing to do.Philip helps Marcia to word the rejection letter in a suitable way.Here are a few things you should do in a rejection letter.(1).Address the candidate by name.25
(2).Thank the candidate for the time, effort and interest in the company.对应聘者所付出的时间,努力,以及对公司所表现出的兴趣表示感谢。(3).Write a supportive sentence about the candidate's qualifications, experience or, at very least, enthusiasm or motivation.对应聘者的能力,经验,或至少是积极性或干劲予以积极的评价。(4).Make it clear that the reason you didn't hire the candidate was because
you found someone else with better qualifications and experience.要说明他人落选的原因是因为你有更好的选择。
(5).Offer some feedback on how they could improve their interview performance.给他们一些反馈,告诉他们如何提升应聘技巧。
(6).Wish the candidate good luck in his or her career development.对他们的职业发展予以祝福。
(7).Close the letter formally with “sincerely” or “best wishes.”
以“谨启”或”致以最良好的祝愿”结尾。(8).Sign your name, including your title.签上你的姓名以及你在公司的职位。
求职者:>I'm looking to change jobs because my present company is small and I've gone about as far as I can there.我希望换工作是因为我现在的公司规模不大,而我在那儿能发展的空间已有限。面试官:>This position is demanding.这份工作要求很高。
Describe to me how you handle stress on the job.告诉我你如何处理工作上的压力。
注解:Demanding:要求高的 Handle Stress:处理压力
求职者:>I don't believe all stress is bad.26
I need the good stress to keep me motivated.我需要良性压力来驱策自己。
I think I actually work better in a challenging environment.我想我在有挑战性的环境下工作其实会表现得更好。Bad stress can be managed with a run.负面的压力跑个步就能解决了。
Something physical does it for me.让身体活动一下就能让我抒解压力。
注解:Keep „ Motivated:使„受到激励 Manage with:用„设法对付
Well said.说得好。
Now, tell me why we should hire you.那么,告诉我为什么我们该雇用你。
求职者:>I've got a proven track record.我以往的工作绩效有目共睹。
This position is demanding and I work well under stress.这份职务要求甚高,而我在压力下工作游刃有余。
I've reorganized my team's workload to cover the sudden absence
of a colleague and I do what needs to be done to meet our deadlines.我会重新安排团队工作量以应付同事的突然缺席;我也会完成一切所需以赶上时限。I'm willing to work hard and I flatten the learning curve.我愿意辛勤工作,而且我很快就能上手。
注解:Proven Track Record:可靠的工作业绩 Workload:工作量 Sudden Absence: 突然缺失 Meet Deadlines: 赶上最后期限;按时完成任务 Flatten: 击败,摧毁 Learning Curve: 学习曲线
面试官:>I'm impressed, Howard.我印象深刻,霍华德。
I have to see some other people, but I can tell you, you're in the running.我还得面试其他人,不过我可以告诉你,你已在候选名单里了。Thanks for coming in.谢谢你过来。
You'll be hearing from us next week.你下礼拜就能得到我们的答覆。
注解:In the running: 有赢的希望;有获胜的希;望参加比赛
求职者:>Thank you for your time, Mr.Burns.伯恩斯先生,谢谢您的时间。
Philip Hart: So„what did you think?
Marcia Boardman:Well„ between Sarah Timms and Daniel Watson, I think the choice is pretty obvious!
嗯,在Sarah Timms和Daniel Watson之间,28
我相信答案已经很明显了。Philip Hart:Yes , so do I.Watson looked so good on paper„
注解:Look Good on Paper:Qualifications and experience that are
impressive on a CV 履历看起来很好
Marcia Boardman: He seemed very good when I first spoke to him too..我一开始和他谈话的时候他表现也不错。Philip Hart:First impressions often lie!
第一印象通常是靠不住的!Marcia Boardman:Indeed„I think a lot of his CV was
-how shall we say? “Counterfactual”
注解:Counterfactual-not reflecting or considering the facts 虚假的
Philip Hart:Yes!it just wasn't true!You should never lie on your CV„
Marcia Boardman:He had very good references, though – very strange.他有很多好的推荐信,尽管很奇怪。
注解:References :a statement concerning somebody's character or
qualifications, usually given to a potential employer
Philip Hart:I guess some people just like that sort of style,but he wouldn't fit in with us„I mean,it's important to be confident – but he was overconfident.我猜有些人大概就是喜欢那样的风格,但他不是我们要的合适人选,我的意思是,自信很重要,但是他太自信了。
注解:Fit in with:同„合得来;适应;符合
Marcia Boardman:I couldn't agree more.His body language was all wrong„
He came across as arrogant.我完全同意你的观点。
注解:Body Language:肢体语言
Arrogant :Feeling or showing self-importance and contempt or
disregard for others 傲慢的;自大的;自负的
Philip Hart:Then he gave very vague answers-
no specific details of what exactly he'd done in his job
注解:Vague:Not clear in meaning or intention
Marcia Boardman:Whereas Sarah Timms„
反之,Sarah Timms就„ Philip Hart: „knew exactly what she was talking about.完全知道自己在说什么.Marcia Boardman:Yes, she was very convincing, self-assured, but not arrogant.她很有说服力,很自信,而且一点都不骄傲。
注解:Convincing:able to persuade somebody to believe that
something is true 有说服力的;令人信服的 Self-assured:behaving in a relaxed manner that displays confidence
that your views and abilities are of value 有自信的
Philip Hart: She'd clearly done some research on the company,and knew what she was talking about.很明显她对公司做了一些调查,知道自己在说什么。Marcia Boardman:I thought her presentation was excellent.我觉得她的演讲很精彩。Philip Hart:Yes, it was, but I am a little worried about
how much experience she has„
Marcia Boardman:Yes, true, but she seems very ready to take
on the challenges the role would offer her.恩,是的,但她似乎准备好迎接这份工作会带来的挑战。
Philip Hart: So? Who do we give the job to?
那么,我们把这份工作给谁呢? Marcia Boardman: Sarah!
Sarah!Philip Hart:Yes, I agree entirely!
Marcia Boardman:Great!I'll phone her straight away offering the post„
and I'll write a rejection to Mr.Watson!
注解:A rejection :A letter to tell a candidate that they have not received 32
the job.回绝信
Philip Hart:OK.好的
Interviewee:Good morning, Ms.Mandel.早上好,曼德尔女士
Interviewer :Good morning.Sit down, please.早上好。请坐下 Interviewee:Thank you.谢谢。
Interviewer :You are Chen Bo, aren't you?
I'm Cathy Mandel, Director of the HR Department.你是陈波,对吗? 我是凯茜曼德尔,人力资源部门的主任。
注解:Director:主任,主管;导演 HR Department(HR=Human Resources):人力资源部门,人事部 扩充:Sales Department:销售部 Financial Department:财务部 Research and Development Department(R&D):研发部 Public Relations Department :公共关系
Interviewee :Yes, I'm Chen Bo.Nice to meet you, Ms.Mandel.是的, 我是陈波。很高兴认识你,曼德尔女士。
Interviewer :Nice to meet you, too.I've gone through your resume and would like to know more about you.我也很高兴认识你。我已经看过你的简历,想知道更多关于你的信息。Interviewee:Thank you for your interest in me.33
注解:Go Through sth: 仔细检查„;全面考虑„;仔细讨论;搜查
Interviewer :To start with,would you like to tell me a bit about yourself ?
首先, 你愿意告诉我一些关于你自己吗?
Interviewee:Sure, I'm a senior studentat Guangdong University of Finance.I expect to graduate this summer.My major is international finance.当然,我是一名广东财经大学大四的学生。我预期今年夏天毕业。我的专业是国际金融。
注解: To start with: 首先;第一 Senior Student:大四学生;高年级学生 Expect to:预期;期许 International Finance:国际金融
Interviewer:So, why did you choose our company?
Interviewee: As far as I know, your company is one of several leading international consultant corporations which came to China after China entered WTO.I think working here would give me the best chance to use what I've learned at university.据我所知,贵公司是中国进入世贸组织后,进入中国的龙头国际顾问公司之一。
注解:As far as a know: 就我所知 Leading Corporations: 龙头企业
Interviewer:As a majorin international finance,what do you think you can do in consultancy?
注解:Major in: 主修;专攻;专业 Consultancy:咨询公司;顾问工作;咨询
Interviewee:Well, I know how to tackle problems.For example, I know
I must first analyzethe problem and work out itsmajor cause.Then I will be able to search for ways to solveit from the available data.嗯,我知道如何解决问题。
注解:Tackle Problems: 解决问题;处理问题 Analyze: 分析 Work out: 算出;想出;解决;弄懂
Major Cause:主要原因
Solve:解决 Available data:现有数据;可用数据
Interviewer: Sometimes data is not enough.Have you got any relevant experiencein this field?
注解:Relevant Experience:相关经验
Interviewee: Last year, during the probationary period,I was involved in the restorationof a factory in Nanjing.I really learned a lot from the experience,especially how to assesspeople's strengths and abilities.去年,在试用期间,我参与了南京一个工厂的修护。
注解:Probationary Period:试用期,见习期,实习期 Involved in:参与,涉及,包含,牵涉进„ Restoration:修复 Assess: 评估
Interviewer: Can you cope withhard work under pressure and in a tough environment?
Interviewee: No problem.I don't care about pressure or the environment as long as I enjoy the work.没问题。我不在乎压力或环境,只要我喜欢这个工作。
注解:Cope with:处理,应对 Tough environment: 艰苦的环境 As Long As: 只要
Interviewer: Good.Now, do you have any questions to ask?
Interviewee: Yes, I've got one.Are there any opportunities for Chinese employees
to be transferred to the head officein New York or other branch offices around the world?
注解:Transfer to: 转移到 Head office:总部 Branch offices:分公司;分支机构
Interviewer: Um, probably.I think you are likely to be sent to work in an overseas branch to get experience later on once you've proved your worth.嗯,可能。一旦你已经证明了自己的价值,我认为你有可能被送到海外分公司工作以获得经验。
注解:Overseas Branch:海外分公司 Proved one's worth: 证明某人的价值
Interviewee: Oh, great.If I'm accepted, I will do my best for the company.噢, 太好了。如果我被录取了, 我将为公司尽我最大的努力。
Interviewer: I wish you luck!We'll notifyyou of our final decisionby Friday.我祝你好运!我们会在星期五通知你我们的最终决定。
注解:Be Accepted:被录取, 被接受 Notify:通知 Final Decision:最后决定,最终决定,最后判决
Interviewee: Thank you, Ms.Mandel.Goodbye.谢谢你,曼德尔女士。再见 Interviewer: Goodbye.36
商务精英实战英语-外企英文面试(跳槽篇)Interviewee:May I come in?
Interviewer:Yes, please do.是的,请。
Interviewee:Good morning, sir.My name is Merry Wang.I've come for an interview, as requested.早上好,先生。我的名字是王梅莉。我是应邀来参加面试的。
注解: As Requested:应邀,按照要求,依照要求;应„要求
Interviewer: Nice to meet you, Miss Wang.I am Harry White, Director of the HR Department.I was expecting you.Please, take a seat.很高兴见到你,王小姐。我是哈利怀特,人力资源部门的主任。我一直在等你。请坐。Interviewee:Thank you.谢谢。
Interviewer:Well, Miss Wang, you are applying for the position of Sales manager, right? How did you know about our company?
嗯, 王小姐,你应聘的是销售经理的职位,对吗? 你是怎么知道我们公司的?
Interviewee:I got to know your company from your TV commercials.They are elaborately designed and produced,and leave me deep impression.And in the summers
summers of 1997 and 1998 I worked as a salesgirl for your company in GZ.我从贵公司的电视广告知道贵公司的。
注解:TV Commercials:电视广告 Elaborately Designed:精心设计 Work as:担任
Interviewer:Really? That's good.Then you must know something about our company? 真的吗? 很好。那你一定知道一些关于我们公司的情况了?
Interviewee:Yes, a little.Your company is very famous.Your cosmetics and skincare products are very popular with women all over the world.是的,一点点。贵司很有名。你的化妆品和护肤品很受世界各地的女性欢迎。
注解:Cosmetics: 化妆品 Skincare Products:护肤品 Popular with:受„的欢迎
Interviewer: Huh, that's right.Miss Wang,can you tell me which university you attended?
嗯,没错。王小姐,你能告诉我你上过哪所大学? Interviewee: Sun Yat-sen.中山大学。
注解:Sun Yat-sen:孙中山
扩展:The Sun-yat-Sen Park: 中山公园 Former Residence of Sun-Yat-sen: 孙中山故居 Sun Yat-sen Monument: 中山纪念碑
Interviewer:And what degree have you got?
Interviewee:I have a bachelor's degree in business administration.我有一个商业管理学士学位。
注解:Bachelor's degree:学士学位 Business administration:商业管理 扩展:Master's degree: 硕士学位 Doctor's Degree: 博士学位
Interviewer:How is your English? You know, some staff members in our company are Americans, so conversational English is very important.你的英语怎么样? 你知道,我们公司的一些员工美国人, 所以会话英语是非常重要的。
注解:Staff Members: 职工,管理人员 Conversational English: 会话英语
Interviewee: I passed TEM8 at college, and I am good at oral English.I think I can communicate with Americans quite well.我在大学通过英语八级考试,我擅长英语口语。我认为我可以和美国人很好的沟通。
注解:TEM8:英语专业八级考试(Test For English Major-8)
Interviewer:Good.I know you are now with United Butter.What is your chief responsibility there?
好。我知道你现在在United Butter工作。你在那里的主要职责是什么?
注解:Chief Responsibility:主要职责
Interviewee: I've worked there for five years, since I graduated from college.Two years ago, I was appointed Brand Manager
– responsible for the Panda line of biscuits.自从我大学毕业以后,我已经在那儿工作五年了。
注解:be Appointed:被任命为„ Responsible for:负责,为„负责
Interviewer:Why do you want to change your job?
Interviewee:I want to change my work environment, seek new broaden my experience.That's why I want to move into sales.我想改变我的工作环境,寻求新的挑战,拓宽我的经验。
注解:Seek new challenges: 寻找新的挑战 Broaden one's experience:拓宽某人的经验
Interviewer:What do you think is the most important qualification for a salesperson? 你认为对一个销售员来说最重要的条件是什么? Interviewee:I think it's self-confidence and quality products.我认为是自信和优质的产品。
注解:Quality Products:优质的产品
Interviewer:I agree with you.What salary would you expect to get here?
Interviewee:well, I would leave it to you to decide after you consider my abilities.My current annual income at United Butter is 150 thousand.But, er, „ could you tell me a little more about what the job entails?
我目前在United Butter 的年收入是15万。
注解: Annual Income: 年薪 Job Entail:工作的具体要求
Interviewer: You would be in charge of all the sales activities, for all hair products
in northeast China.This would involve market analysis, client service and development, sales promotion, and regular customer satisfaction
surveys.You'd report directly to the Regional Sales Director.Do you have any other questions?
注解:Sales activities: 销售活动 Hair products: 美发产品 Market analysis: 市场分析 Client service and development: 客户服务和开发 Sales promotion: 销售推广 In charge of: 负责 Regular customer satisfaction surveys: 定期客户满意度调查 Report to: 向„报告 Regional Sales Director: 区域销售总监
Interviewee: Yes, only one.When can I have your decision?
Interviewer: I need to discuss with other board members.We'll notify you of our decision as soon as possible.But „ to be honest, you seem to be a good candidate with the right kind of experience and personality.You're high on my list.我需要与其他董事会成员讨论。我们会尽快通知你我们的决定。但是„老实说,你似乎是一个很好的候选人,有合适的经验和个性。你在我名单上的排名很靠前。
注解:Board members:董事会成员 Candidate:候选人
Interviewee: That's good!Thank you, Mr.White.I look forward to hearing from you.Goodbye.很好!谢谢你,怀特先生。我期待着你的消息。再见。Interviewer: Goodbye.再见。
面试官:Hi, I'm Marcia Boardman, I'm calling from WebWare.你好,我是玛西娅·博德曼,我正从WebWare给你打电话。求职者1:Oh hi, Marcia.Great to hear from you.噢, 嗨,玛西娅。很高兴接到你的电话。
面试官:You'll already have been told you've been Shortlisted forinterview„
注解:Shortlisted for :入围
求职者2:Oh„ yes„ great„ hello? Can you hear me?
哦„„是的„„太好了„„你好? 你能听到我说话吗? 面试官:Yes„ Is it OK if I call you now? Would you like me to call you back later?
是的„„我可以现在给你打电话吗? 你愿意我稍后再打电话给你吗? 求职者2: Erm, no, no, no, that's OK„
面试官:Good – well we're very excited about meeting you.OK, I just want to talkyou throughthe Procedure for the day.Someone will meet you when you arrive, reimburse you for any travel expensesyou may have, and then bring you up to meet myself and Philip Hart, the CEO.很好,我们都很期待见到你。好吧,我只是想和你谈一下面试当天的流程。当你到达时有人会接待你,报销任何旅行费用,然后带你来见我和菲利普·哈特,公司的CEO。
注解:Talk sb through:向某人说明
Procedure: 流程
Travel expenses: 旅行费用
求职者1:OK, sounds good.So will you be the only members of the interview panelthere then?
注解:Interview Panel:面试小组
面试官:Yes, it'll be just me and Philip who will talk to you.The interview will be in three parts – first of all we'll ask you some general questions about yourself and your educational and professional background, then we'll move on to specifics.是的,面试小组将会只有我和菲利普会和你谈。面试将在分成三个部分,首先我们会问你一些关于你自己,你的教育和职业背景的一般性问题,然后我们将会谈具体的细节。
注解:General questions:一般性问题
Specifics: 细节
Educational and professional background:教育和职业背景
求职者2: Oh, er, specifics? Well er, what kind of questions will you be asking?
噢,呃,细节吗? 呃,你会问什么样的问题?
面试官:Well, it'll be very similar to the personal statementyou submittedwith your CV – we'll be expecting you to give actual examplesof problems you've faced and solved, and of what you feel are the major successes in your career so far.嗯,非常类似于与你的简历一起提交的个人陈述,我们会期望你针对你面对和解决的问题给出实际的例子,以及到目前为止,在你的职业生涯中你感觉主要的成功是什么?
注解:Similar to : 类似于
Personal Statement :个人陈述
Submit :提交
CV:简历(Curriculum Vitae)
Actual Example:实际例子
求职者1:OK, well yeah, that sounds great – can't wait!
面试官:Then there'll be a chance for you to ask us any questions – about the job itself, or WebWare in general„
然后将会有一个机会让你问我们任何问题——关于工作本身,或者关于WebWare 的一般性问题„.求职者2:Oh, erm, OK„ I'll think of something!
面试官:After that, we'd like you to give a short presentation on how you see WebWare as a company progressing, and how you see yourself taking us there.之后, 关于你是如何把WebWare看做是一个成长的公司,以及你如何看待你自己把我们带到那里去,我们希望你提供一个简短的陈述.注解:Short Presentation:简短的陈述
求职者1:OK so will I be expected to give like a formal style presentation?
好的 所以我将需要会给一个正式的陈述吗?
注解:Formal style presentation 正式的陈述
面试官:It can be as formal or informal as you like.There'll be a flipchartand a data projectorthere available.If you need anything else, just let us know.它可以是正式或非正式的,你喜欢怎么做就怎么做。将会有一个白板和一个投影机可用供你使用。如果你还需要别的什么,告诉我们一声就可以了。
Data Projector:投影仪
求职者2:Oh, erm OK, a presentation!I'll think of something.I haven't done one of those in a while„
哦,嗯好,演讲!我总会想到些什么。我有一段时间没做过这些了„„ 面试官:Is that all clear? Great, so, Daniel, I'll see you at 11am, a week tomorrow.都清楚了吗? 太好了,所以,丹尼尔, 从明天起一周后上午11点见。求职者1:OK, great, I look forward to meeting you!Thanks, bye.好的,很好,我期待见到你!谢谢,再见。
面试官:OK, so, Sarah, we'll be seeing you at 1:00 pm, a week tomorrow.Best of luck!
好的,那么,莎拉,我们会明天起一周后下午1点见。祝你好运!求职者2: Oh, thanks„ I'll need it„