
时间:2019-05-13 21:38:33下载本文作者:会员上传






动词不定式是动词的一种非限定形式,一般由“to + 动词原形”构成。它在句中起名词、形容词或副词的作用,同时也保留着动词的一些特征,可以带宾语或状语。例如:

At the 2004 Athens Olympic Games, Liu Xiang excited people all over Asia when he became the first Asian to win the gold medal in the men’s 110-metre hurdles.在2004年雅典奥运会上,刘翔在110米跨栏比赛中成为第一个获得金牌的亚洲人,使全亚洲人兴奋不已。(不定式起形容词作用,同时带有宾语和状语)



It is difficult to imagine a more inhospitable place.很难想像出一个比这更不适合居住的地方。

(it作形式主语,to imagine a more inhospitable place为真正的主语)


The aim of the treaty is to prevent the commercial and military use of the continent.这个公约的目的是防止商业和军事上使用这个洲。


He was very happy to meet two foreigners and wanted to learn all about Europe.他很高兴遇到两个外国人,于是想全面了解欧洲。

注意:两个不定式并列时,第二个不定式to省略。例如: People like to meet in the evening and watch the moon.人们喜欢在夜晚聚在一起赏月。(watch the moon 与to meet in the evening为两个并列的不定式,故watch前省略了to。这两个不定式均作like的宾语。)

能够接不定式作宾语的动词很多,常见的有:afford, agree, aim, ask, bear, begin, bother, care, choose, continue, dare, decide, demand, desire, determine, expect, fail, forget, hate, help, hesitate, hope, intend, learn, like, love, manage, mean, need, offer, plan, pretend, refuse, remember, try, wait, want, wish等。



I don’t want ________ like I’m speaking ill of anybody, but the manager’s plan is unfair.A.to sound B.to be sounded C.sounding D.to have sounded(2005 天津)简析:考查不定式作宾语。want后接不定式,而且sound是连系动词,不用被动语态。所以A是正确答案。sound like听起来像是。


We saw her enter a restaurant.我们看见她走进一家餐馆。

I want you to come to my birthday party.我要你来参加我的生日聚会。

注意:某些动词(大都是感官动词)接动词不定式作宾语补足语时,通常不带to。下面的口诀可以帮助大家记住这些动词:“四看(see, watch, notice, observe)三使役(let, have, make)二听(hear, listen to)一感觉(feel)。”

能够接带to的不定式作宾语补足语的动词有很多,常见的有: advise, allow, ask, beg, cause, command, direct, enable, encourage, expect, forbid, force, instruct, invite, oblige, order, permit, persuade, press, recommend, remind, request, teach, tell, train, urge, want, warn等。


Do you want to make more friends but lack the confidence to talk to people you do not know?你想结交更多的朋友却感到与陌生人交流信心不足吗?

注意:某些不及物动词作定语时需要加上一个介词,即构成“不定式+介词”结构,这个介词不可省略。例如:Give me a pen to write with.给我一支笔写字。另外,还有一种“介词 + which + 不定式”的结构也可以作定语。例如:The young couple needs a lot of money with which to buy a new appartment.这对年轻夫妇需要一大笔钱来买房子。



This company was the first ___ portable radios as well as cassette tape recorders in the world.A.producingB.to produceC.having producedD.produced

(2005 上海春)

简析:考查不定式作定语。在first, last等词后,要用不定式作定语。故B正确。


I am very happy to meet you.我很高兴见到您。


①有的语法学家将形容词后的不定式归到宾语。这类形容词有: afraid, anxious, careful, content, determined, foolish, prepared, ready, slow, willing等。

②在强调目的状语时,不定式前可加上in order或so as,即通常我们所说的“in order to/so as to”词组。有时为了突出强调目的,还可将这个词组置于句首,但so as to不用于句首。

③在so...as to, enough to, only to, too...to等结构中,不定式表示结果。例如:

Will you be so kind as to open the window?


He arrived at the airport only to find the plane had already taken off.他到达机场(结果)却发现飞机已经起飞了。



__ the employees’ working efficiency, the supervisor will allow them to have a coffee break.A.ImprovingB.To improveC.Having improved D.Improved

(2006 上海春)



不定式的否定结构由“not + 不定式”构成,简言之,to前加not。例如:

She finally decided not to marry him.她最终决定不嫁给他。


疑问词who, what, which, when, where和how后加上不定式可构成一种特殊的结构,它的作用相当于一个名词性从句。同样一句话,英语里可用从句和不定式结构来表达,意思没有区别。试比较:


I don’t know what I should do.(宾语从句,较正式)

I have no idea(of)what I should do.(同位语从句,较正式)

I don’t know what to do.(疑问词+不定式结构作宾语,简洁,较口语化)

I have no idea(of)what to do.(疑问词+不定式结构作同位语,简洁,较口语化)

注意:在 Why(not)do sth.? 这个句式里,不定式不带to,例如:Why not try again? 为



有时候不定式前有自己的逻辑主语,用for来引出,结构为: for + 名词(代词宾格)+ 不定式。例如:

It is necessary for us to master at least one foreign language.我们至少掌握一门外语是很有必要的。

注意:有些形容词后接这种结构时,不用介词for,而用of。例如: It’s very kind of you to do so.你这样做真是太客气了。这类形容词还有:silly, bad, nice, honest, stupid, clever, wise, wrong等。



I am very happy to have met your mother.见到了你的母亲我非常高兴。

Her English seems to be improving.她的英语似乎在长进。



The flu is believed ________ by viruses that like to reproduce in the cells inside the human nose and throat.A.causingB.being caused C.to be caused D.to have caused

(2004 上海)

简析:考查不定式的被动式。这是个被动语态句型:sb./ sth.is believed to do / be done / doing / have done / have been done,根据句意,应该用被动式,故选C。



动名词是由“动词原形 + ing”构成,与现在分词的构成完全相同。顾名思义,动名词既具有动词的特征,又具有名词的特征。所谓的动词特征是说动名词可以有自己的宾语和状语,名词特征是指动名词可以像名词一样充当主语、表语、宾语和定语。例如:

Would you mind my closing the window? 你介意我关上窗户吗?



Seeing is believing.眼见为实。

It’s no use crying over spilt milk.泼出去的水收不回。

注意:在It is no use...;It is no good...;It is great fun...等这些句子结构中,其后习惯接动名词。


His job is fixing computers.他的工作是修电脑。


Have you finished writing the article? 你写完那篇文章了吗?

She suggested going there by air, as plane tickets are very cheap.由于机票很便宜,她建议乘飞机去那里。

有些动词后只能接动名词作宾语,这类动词常见的有:admit, avoid, consider, delay, deny, dislike, enjoy, escape, fancy, finish, imagine, include, keep, mind, miss, practise, resist, risk, suggest等;短语动词有give up, insist on等。为了帮助大家记忆,现将最常用的10个动词的首字母缩略在一起:MEPSKARFI(梅不是咖啡)(M-mind, E-enjoy, P-practise, S-stop, suggest, K-keep, A-avoid, R-risk, F-finish, I-insist on)。



The parents suggested ________ in the hotel room but their kids were anxious to camp out during the trip.A.sleepB.to sleepC.sleeping D.having slept(2006 上海春)简析:考查动名词作宾语。suggest后有三种情况:





When asked by the police, he said that he remembered ______ at the party, but not _______.A.to arrive;leavingB.to arrive;to leave

C.arriving;leavingD.arriving;to leave(2005 北京)简析:考查动名词作宾语。remember后接动名词作宾语表示“记得已经做过的事”。remember to do sth.表示“记住去做某事”,即表示没有做的事。根据句意,前后都应填动名词,指已经发生过的事情,故C正确。


I wrote him and his wife a thank-you note for helping me.我给他和他的妻子写了一封感谢信,因为他们帮助了我。



Accustomed to ________ the steep moun?鄄tains, he had no difficulty reaching the top.A.climbingB.climbC.having climbedD.have climbed(2005 上海春)简析:考查动名词作介词宾语。be accustomed to是个词组,表示“习惯于(某事)”,to是介词,后接动名词作宾语。故A正确。


The Iron Curtain was the statesman Winston Churchill’s term for the dividing line between eastern and western Europe.铁幕是政治家温斯顿·丘吉尔使用的术语,指东欧与西欧的分界线。


动名词的否定结构是由“not + 动名词”构成。例如:

I am sorry for not handing in my homework on time.我很抱歉没有按时交作业。





Mary’s coming late made the teacher very angry.玛丽的迟到让老师很生气。



I really can’t understand ________ her like that.A.you treatB.you to treatC.why treat D.you treating(2005 安徽)简析:考查动名词复合结构。understand后接动名词或动名词的复合结构作宾语。动名

词的复合结构作宾语时,其动名词的逻辑主语可以用物主代词,也可以用人称代词宾格。此句中可用your treating 或you treating,故选D。



1)相同之处。下列句子的表达既可用动名词,也可用不定式,意义上无区别。眼见为实。Seeing is believing.To see is to believe.他爱玩电脑游戏。He likes playing computer games.He likes to play computer games.我的工作是教你英语。My job is teaching you English.My job is to teach you English.2)不同之处。下列情况用动名词与用不定式会有不同的效果和意义。

A)动名词的逻辑主语可能泛指人们,而不定式的逻辑主语则是句子本身的主语。试比较:I hate smoking.我讨厌吸烟。(相当于说:I hate people smoking.)

I hate to smoke.我不爱吸烟。(相当于说:I don’t smoke as I dislike it.)

B)动名词表示一般的或抽象的多次性动作,而不定式则表示具体的一次性动作。试比较:I like seeing English films.我喜欢看英文电影。

Would you like to see the English film tonight? 今晚你想看英文电影吗?


D)有不少动词后面既可接动名词作宾语,也可接不定式作宾语。这类动词常见的有:attempt, begin, continue, fear, forget, hate, help, intend, learn, like, love, mean, need, neglect, prefer, propose, regret, remember, start, try, want等。有些动词后接动名词与不定式,意思会有所不同。试比较:

I regret telling you the truth.我后悔对你讲了真相。(动名词表示过去已发生的事情)I regret to tell you that I cannot come.我很遗憾地告诉你我不能来。(不定式表示现在)E)有些动词后面接动名词主动式表示被动意义,而接不定式则要用被动式。试比较: The car needs repairing.汽车需要修理。(repairing为主动式表示被动含义)

The car needs to be repaired.汽车需要修理。(to be repaired为被动式表示被动含义)



A.① I want one magazine ______.(read)

② He wanted me ______this question.(answer)

③ She wanted her son______ at once.(examine)

④ My bicycle wants _______.(repair)

B.① What made you ______ so ?(think)

② The girl was made _____ a man she didn't love at all.(marry)③ The show made me _______ in the study of science.(interest)

④ He raised the picture to make everyone _______ clearly.(see)⑤ He raised his voice to make himself _______.(hear)

⑥ My father himselfmade some candles _______ light.(give)⑦ The boss made the workers _______ day and night.(work)

C.① You'd better get your own room _______.(clean)

② Yesterday he got his wallet _______.(steal)

③ You should get your friends _______ you.(help)

④ The lecture got us _______.(think)

⑤ Don't get ________ in the rain.(catch)

D.① Did you see somebody _______ into the room ?(steal)

② I saw him _______ in the room at that time.(read)

③ She was glad to see her child ________ good care of.(take)④ I saw her _______ at the windows , thinking.(seat)

⑤ She was seen ________ here.(come)

E.① I like _______ very much.(swim)

② I don't like _______ TV at this time.(watch)

③ He never likes _______ at the meeting.(praise)

④ I feel like _______ to the cinema.(go)

⑤ Would you like ______ with me ?(go)


F.① The man ______ at the meeting now is from the south.(speak)

② I don't know the professor ______ at the meeting.(speak)③ He is the professor _______ to dinner.(invite)

G.① It was so cold and he had the fire _______ all night long.(burn)

② I have a lot of exercises ________ today.(do)

③ “Do you have nay clothes _______ today ? ”asked Mother.(wash)④ You'd better have that bad tooth _______ out.(pull)

⑤ I want to have him _______ a car for me.(find)

H.① He doesn't do anything but _______ all day.(play)

② We have no choice but _______.(obey)

③ I'm thinking of how _______ my English.(improve)

④ He made an apology for _____ late.(be)

I.① He told us about his trip in an _______ voice.(excite)

② He told us his story in a _______ voice.(tremble)

③ At the sight of a snake , the little girl was very _______.(frighten)

④ The boy was _______ , so I didn't believe him again.(disappoint)

J.① He is looking forward to ______ college.(enter)

② He is looking forward to _____ nothing.(see)

K.① When he heard the news , he couldn't help ________ with joy.(jump)② I couldn't help ______ by the beauty of nature.(strike)

③ Sorry , I can't help ______ the housework today.(do)

L.①______ enough time , we'll do it better.(give)

②______ a candle , he went on reading.(light)

③______ from the hill , the park looks more beautiful.(see)

④______ the people well , we must work hard at our lessons.(serve)


A.1.to read2.to answer3.(to be)examined4.repairing/ to be repaired

B.1.think2.to marry3.interested4.see5.heard6.to give7.working

C.1.cleaned2.stolen3.to help4.thinking5.caught

D.1.steal2.reading3.taken4.seated5.to come

E.1.swimming2.to watch3.being praised4.going5.to go

F.1.speaking2.to speak3.invited

G.1.burning2.to do3.to be washed4.pulled5.find

H.1.1.play2.to obey3.to improve4.being



K.1.1.jumping2.being struck3.(to)do

A.1.Given2.Having lit3.Seen4.To serve


1.There ____ no classes yesterday, we paid a visit to the Great Wall.A.wasB.beingC.wereD.had been

2.He rushed into the room only ___an old lady lying on the ground.A.foundB.findC.findingD.to find

3.The boy lay on the ground, his eyes ______ and his hands ______.A.closing;tremblingB.closed;trembling


4.______, the girls raced on to the second runners.A.Stick in handB.With a stick in her hand

C.Sticks in handD.Sticks in hands

5.Each of them got up early ______ to catch the early bus.A.to hopeB.hopingC.so thatD.and

6.How pleased the Emperor was ______ what the cheats said!

A.hearingB.heardC.hearD.to hear

7.We should prevent pollution ______ happily.A.from livingB.livingC.to livingD.to live

8.I am busy now, so I can’t help ______ the machine.A.repairB.to have repairedC.repairingD.fixing

9.Jane came very close ___ a gold medal for Britain in the Olympics.A.to winB.winningC.to winningD.to be won

10.The boy seated himself in the corner with his back ___ to his father.A.turningB.to turnC.to be turnedD.turned

11.----When did you get your bedroom ______?

----Last week.A.to paintB.paintedC.paintingD.to be painted

12.He likes __, but hedoesn’t like ___ today because it is too cold.A.to swim;to swimB.swimming;swimming

C.to swim;swimmingD.swimming;to swim

13.There is ______ what the weather will be like.A.not knowingB.no knowingC.not knowD.no known

14.The novel is said ______ into many languages.A.to translateB.being translated

C.to have been translatedD.having been translated

15.I’m examining the composition he has just finished ____ thepossible mistakes in it.A.correctingB.to correctC.correctedD.correct


16.They would not allow him ______ across the enemy line.A.to risk goingB.risking to go C.for risk to go D.risk going

17.He spent as much time as he could _____ the child.A.teachingB.to teachC.teachD.for teaching

18.----Alice, why didn’t you come yesterday?

----I ______, but I had an unexpected visitor.A.hadB.wouldC.was going toD.did

19.How pleased the Emperor was ______ what the cheats said!

A.hearingB.to hear C.heardD.hear

20.______ the room, a letter was laid on the ground.A.Entering B.Having entered C.He entered D.Mrs Green entering

21.They set out ______ for the ______ boy.A.searching;losingB.searching;lost

C.to search;lostD.to search;missed

22.______ her mother had come, her face lit up.A.HearingB.Having heard C.When hearingD.When she heard

23.They arrived at their university very late, __the gate closely shut.A.foundB.to findC.findD.finding

24.----Do you have anything more ______, sir?

----No.You can have a rest or do something else.A.typingB.to be typed C.typedD.to type

25.He promised to keep me ___ of how our business was going on.A.to be informedB.on informing C.informedD.informing

26.With a lot of difficult problems ___, he felt worried all the time.A.to settleB.settlingC.settledD.being settled

27.Will those ____ the children from abroad come to my office?

A.teachingB.teachC.who teachesD.who teaching

28.After ____ for the job, you will be required to take a language test.A.being interviewedB.Interviewed

C.interviewingD.having interviewed

29.They apologized for ______ to attend the meeting.A.their not being ableB.their being not able

C.them not ableD.them being able not

30.They would not allow him ______ across the enemy line.A.to risk goingB.risking to go C.for risk to go D.risk going


31.______ to nuclear radiation, even for a short time, may

produce variants(变异体)of genes in human bodies.A.Being exposedB.Having exposed

C.ExposedD.After being exposed

32.China became the 143rd member of the World Trade

Organization on December 11, 2001, thus ___ its 15-year

wish to join the global trade body.A.having realizedB.realized C.realizingD.to realize

33.Tom looked at Jenny, tears ___ his eyes, and shouted out thewords ____ in his heart for years.A.filling;having hiddenB.filled;hidden


34.They apologized for ______ to attend the meeting.A.their not being ableB.their being not able

C.them not ableD.them being able not

35.Which will you enjoy ___ your vacation, traveling abroad orworking in the countryside?

A.to spendB.spendC.spendingD.spent

36.----Will you please tell us how you can seize the robbers?----I will spend a week ___ in your room to wait for their coming.A.lockingB.to lock C.locked D.being locked

37.I regret ___ you that they are unable to come to your wedding tomorrow.A.informingB.having informed

C.to have been informedD.to inform

38.He wondered if he could slip out of the lecture hall without anyone ___.A.noticingB.noticedC.to noticeD.being noticed

39.After ___ for the job, you will be required to take a language test.A.being interviewedB.interviewed

C.interviewingD.having interviewed

40.He spoke in such a high voice ______ out in the street.A.as to be heardB.to be heardC.as to hearD.to hear

41.As early as 1647 Ohio made a decision that free, tax-supportedschools must be set up in every town ______ 50 households or more.A.havingB.to have

C.to have hadD.having had


42.The building project ___next year is, I think, not easy ____ in time.A.being carried out;to complete

B.carried out;to be completed

C.to be carried out;to complete

D.to be carried out;to be completed

43.The reason ___ she gave for her not coming is that her motherwouldn’t allow her to.A.thatB.whatC.whyD.because

44.Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the Grand Hotel? Ithought it was on this corner, but I seem to ______ a mistake.A.makeB.be making C.having made D.have made

45.----Here’s a new pair of shoes for you.----Thank you, but there’s no need ______ a new pair for me.A.to have boughtB.to buyC.buying D.to be buying

46.What worried the boy most was ____ to visit his father in the hospital.A.his not allowingB.his not being allowed

C.having not been allowedD.his being not allowed

47.To do a bit for the motherland, ______.A.working hard is necessary

B.to learn a foreign language is needed

C.it is important to master science

D.one should serve the people whole-heartedly

48.Everything __ into consideration, they ought to have another chance.A.to takeB.takenC.to be takenD.taking

49.They discussed the plan that they would like to see ___ the next month.A.carry outB.carrying out

C.to carry outD.carried out

50.With a lot of problems ___, the manager felt worried all the time.A.to settleB.settlingC.settledD.being settled

51.----Do you have anything more ______, sir?

----No, you can have a rest or do something else.A.typingB.to be typedC.typedD.to type

52.The manager promised to keep me ______ of how our businesswas going on.A.to be informedB.on informing













Climbing mountain is a good exercise.(Climbing..., 动名词起名词作用)

Do you know the man wearing a white shirt.(wearing..分词起形容词作用)

He gets up early to catch the first bus.(to catch...不定式起副词作用)



Miss Mary teaches us English.玛丽教我们英语。(teaches 动词作谓语)

Mr.Li came to our classroom to have a talk with us last week.(to have a talk....不定式作状语)


Mike likes the pop music.(动词用单数第三人称形式)

Lucy has nothing to do today。(do 用原形)


Studying English is my favorite.(studying 后跟宾语)

To help him is my duty.帮助他是我的责任。(help 后跟宾语)非谓语动词可以带有自己的状语或逻辑主语。

Working under such a condition is terrible.(under such a condition 是 working 的状语)It's too difficult for him to master English in such a short time.(for him 作不定式的逻辑主语)非谓语动词仍有语态和时态的变化。

I am sorry to have kept you waiting long.(to have kept...是不定式的完成形式)

Seen from the mountain, the city looks much more beautiful.(Seen from...是分词的被动形式)非谓语动词在句中可以当成名词或者形容词来使用。

Our coming made him happy.(coming 起名词作用)

There are two big swimming pools here.(swimming 起形容词作用)



一般to writeto be written

进行to be writing

完成to have writtento have been written

完成进行to have been writing

现 在 分 词主动被动

一般writingbeing written

完成having writtenhaving been written




一般writing being written

完成having writtenhaving been written●动 词 不 定 式:

动词不定式是由 to + 动词原形构成,在句中起名词,形容词和副词的作用,可以担任除谓语以外的其它任何成分。


To mast a language is not an easy thing.To teach English is my favorite.It's my pleasure to help you.动词不定式作主语时可以放在后面,而用 it 作形式主语放在原主语的位置上。

It's very kind of you to have given us much help.你给了我们那么多的帮助真是太好了。

It's necessary to find the witness.有必要找到目击者。


某些及物动词可以用动词不定式作宾语,这些动词有decide, begin, help, begin, want, wish, like, forget, learn, ask.What I wish is to learn English well.I like to help others if I can.3.动词不定式作宾语补语。

We expect you to be with us.我们希望你和我们在一起。

Please ask him to come here quickly.请叫他快过来。

4.动词不定式作表语 :

What I should do is to finish the task soon.我应该做的是赶快完成任务。

The most urgent thing is to find the boy immediately.当务之急是马上去找孩子。


There are many ways to solve the problem.有许多方法能解决这个问题。

I have something important to tell you.我有重要的事情要告诉你。


We went to the hospital to see our teacher.我们去医院看了我们的老师。

She is making a test to get a kind of useful medicine from a Tibet flower.她在做试验,从一种西藏花中提取某种有用的药物。


not + to + 动词原形

The teacher told us not to swim in that river.老师告诉我们不要在那条河里游泳。

It's unfair not to tell us.没告诉我们真是不公平。


疑问词who, what,which,when, where, how, why 可以加在不定式的前面,构成不定式短语,使含义更加具体。

Where to go is not known yet.去什么地方还不知道。

I don't know when to begin.我不知道什么时间开始。

Can you tell me where to get the battery.你能告诉我哪儿能买到电池吗?

Do you know how to get to the station.你知道怎样去车站吗?


动词不定式可以带有自己的逻辑主语,构成方法是: for + 逻辑主语 + 不定式。

注意:逻辑主语用宾格形式,for 本身无实际意义,它只表明后面的主语从逻辑上分析是不定式的主语。It's necessary for us to help each other.我们互相帮忙是必要的。

There are much work for me to finish, 有许多工作要我去完成。

动词不定式的被动形式: 表示不定式动词同所修饰的名词是被动关系。

He is the man to be examined.他是受检查的人。

There are much work to be done.有好多工作要做。

●动 名 词

动名词是由动词原形 + ing 构成,同现在分词形式一样,在句中可作主语,宾语,表语和定语。


Talking like that is not polite.Learning from others is important.Putting on more clothes is not so good.(注:动名词可以象动词不定式一样,用 it 先行祠代替,而把动名词写在后面。

It's no use waiting here, let's go home.It's very difficult climbing this mountain.2)动名词作表语

The nurse's job is looking after the patients.Seeing is believing.3)动名词作宾语

有些动词须用动名词来作宾语,它们是begin, mind, suggest, finish, stop, need, enjoy, miss, keep.Please stop smoking in the house.I like reading in the forest.Do you mind my opening the windows?


She is studying in the reading room.He slept in the sleeping bag.(动名词的否定形式:not + 动名词

He pretend not knowing it at all.他假装全然不知。

We considered not doing it now.我们考虑现在不做这件事。

动名词的被动形式 :


His being looked down upon made him sick.I can't really stand being treated like that.动名词的几种特殊情况:



avoid, consider, delay, deny, dislike, endure, enjoy, escape, forgive, finish, imagine, keep, mind, miss, pardon, prevent, resist, suggest, understand, can't help, 等。


decide, desire, expect, hope, mean, pretend, promise, refuse, undertake, want, wish, agree, manage,能跟动名词和不定式的动词有: love, like, hate, prefer, dislike, begin, continue, intend, attempt, propose, want, need, remember, forget, regret, try, deserve, start,动词后面跟动名词还是不定式,含义不相同,总的来说,表示习惯的,一般性的动作多跟动名词,一次性的具体的被动动作多跟不定式。

I like to go with you.我想和你一块儿去。

I like reading.He promised to help her.We love watching VCD.2)remember, forget, regret后面跟动名词时,动名词表示过去的动作,后面跟不定式时,不定式表示将来的动作。

I remember meeting him in the street.I remember to write a letter to my parents.3)“stop + 动名词”表示停止动名词所表示的动作,“stop + 不定式”表示停下来做不定式所表示的动作。

Stop smoking, please.请不要抽烟。

Let's stop to have a rest.咱们停下来休息一下吧。



reading text 阅读课文 〔动名词〕 developing country 发展中国家 〔分词〕

a sleeping bag 睡袋 〔动名词〕 boiled water 开水 〔分词〕

●分 词

分词是由动词 +ing 或 动词 + ed 构成,它在句中起形容词或副词的作用,可以作定语,表语,状语。workingworkedwashingwashed

分词可分为现在分词和过去分词两种,现在分词的形式同动名词一样,在动词后面加 ing。而过去分词的形式则在动词后面加 ed.分词在句中可作定语,状语或表语。


China is a developing country.That's an interesting story.The girl singing for us is ten years old.作定语的分词要放在被修饰的名词之前,如果是分词词组则放在被修饰的名词之后,如被修饰的名词是 something, anything, everything, nothing 等,分词放在被修饰名词的后面。

The working people have played a great role in the activity.The boy hurt by the car was sent to the hospital immediately.There is nothing interesting.没什么有趣的事。


a swimming girl 游泳的女孩。(分词)

a swimming pool 游泳的池子(动名词)


Being a student, he likes to help others.Wearing a new pair of glasses, she can read easily.She is there waiting for us.Told by the teacher, she knew she was wrong.3.分词作表语

The story is interesting.We are interested in computer.The glass is broken.The water is boiled.4.分词作宾语补足语

可以跟宾语补足语的谓语动词有 see, watch, hear, set, keep, find, have, get 等词。I saw him walking in the street.I heard them singing in the classroom.We found the boy sleeping.have 后面的宾语补足语用过去分词常表示动作不是句子的主语发出的,而是由别人做的。I have my hair cut.我理发了。(是别人给我理发)

She has her bike repaired.她把自行车修理了。(别人修理的)

They have their house rebuilt.他们重修了房子。

分词的否定形式。not + 分词

Not knowing what to do next, she stopped to wait.不知道下一步干什么,她停下来等着。

Not having finished the homework, the little girl doesn't dare to go to school.小女孩没完成作业不敢去学校。

分词的时态 分词的一般时表示动作同谓语动词的动作同时发生或之前发生。

Seeing the teacher is coming, the students stopped playing.看到老师进来,学生们停下来不玩了。

Coming into the room, he lied on his bed.回到家后,他就躺在床上。


Having received a latter, I knew everything is all right.收到一封信后,我知道一切都很好。

Having had my supper, I went out for a walk.晚饭后,我出去散步了。

Having known that he won the match, he threw the cap into the sky.他知道自己比赛获胜,高兴地把帽子扔上了天。

分词的被动形式 分词的被动形式表示分词动作同所修饰的名词有一种被动关系。The entertainment building being built will be completed next year.正在建设的娱乐大楼明年完工。



1.There ______ no classes yesterday, we paid a visit to the Great Wall.A.wasB.beingC.wereD.had been

2.The policeman rushed into the room only ______ an old lady lying on the ground.A.foundB.findC.findingD.to find

3.The boy lay on the ground, his eyes ______ and his hands ______.A.closing;tremblingB.closed;trembling


4.______, the girls raced on to the second runners.A.Stick in handB.With a stick in her hand

C.Sticks in handD.Sticks in hands

5.Each of them got up early ______ to catch the early bus.A.to hopeB.hopingC.so thatD.and

6.How pleased the Emperor was ______ what the cheats said!

A.hearingB.heardC.hearD.to hear

7.We should prevent pollution ______ happily.A.from livingB.livingC.to livingD.to live

8.I am busy now, so I can’t help ______ the machine.A.repairB.to have repairedC.repairingD.fixing

9.Jane came very close ______ a gold medal for Britain in the Olympics.A.to winB.winningC.to winningD.to be won

10.The boy seated himself in the corner with his back ______ to his father.A.turningB.to turnC.to be turnedD.turned

11.----By the way, when did you get your bedroom ______?

----Last week.A.to paintB.paintedC.paintingD.to be painted

12.He likes ______, but he doesn’t like ______ today because it is too cold.A.to swim;to swimB.swimming;swimming

C.to swim;swimmingD.swimming;to swim

13.There is ______ what the weather will be like.A.not knowingB.no knowingC.not knowD.no known

14.The novel is said ______ into many languages.A.to translateB.being translated

C.to have been translatedD.having been translated

15.I’m examining the composition he has just finished ______ the possible mistakes in it.A.correctingB.to correctC.correctedD.correct

16.They would not allow him ______ across the enemy line.A.to risk goingB.risking to go

C.for risk to goD.risk going

17.He spent as much time as he could _____ the child.A.teachingB.to teachC.teachD.for teaching

18.----Alice, why didn’t you come yesterday?

----I ______, but I had an unexpected visitor.A.hadB.wouldC.was going toD.did

19.How pleased the Emperor was ______ what the cheats said!

A.hearingB.to hearC.heardD.hear

20.______ the room, a letter was laid on the ground.A.EnteringB.Having entered

C.He enteredD.Mrs Green entering

21.They set out ______ for the ______ boy.A.searching;losingB.searching;lost

C.to search;lostD.to search;missed

22.______ her mother had come, her face lit up.A.HearingB.Having heard

C.When hearingD.When she heard

23.They arrived at their university very late, ______ the gate closely shut.A.foundB.to findC.findD.finding

24.----Do you have anything more ______, sir?

----No.You can have a rest or do something else.A.typingB.to be typedC.typedD.to type

25.The manager promised to keep me ______ of how our business was going on.A.to be informedB.on informing C.informedD.informing

26.With a lot of difficult problems ______, the manager felt worried all the time.A.to settleB.settlingC.settledD.being settled

27.Will those ______ the children from abroad come to the headmaster’s office?

A.teachingB.teachC.who teachesD.who teaching

28.After ______ for the job, you will be required to take a language test.A.being interviewedB.interviewed

C.interviewingD.having interviewed

29.They apologized for ______ to attend the meeting.A.their not being ableB.their being not able

C.them not ableD.them being able not

30.They would not allow him ______ across the enemy line.A.to risk goingB.risking to go C.for risk to goD.risk going

31.______ to nuclear radiation, even for a short time, may produce variants(变异

体)of genes in human bodies.A.Being exposedB.Having exposed

C.ExposedD.After being exposed

32.China became the 143rd member of the World Trade Organization on December 11, 2001, thus ______ its 15-year wish to join the global trade body.A.having realizedB.realizedC.realizingD.to realize

33.Tom looked at Jenny, tears ______ his eyes, and shouted out the words ______ in his heart for years.A.filling;having hiddenB.filled;hidden


34.They apologized for ______ to attend the meeting.A.their not being ableB.their being not able

C.them not ableD.them being able not

35.Which will you enjoy ______ your vacation, traveling abroad or working in the countryside?

A.to spendB.spendC.spendingD.spent

36.----Will you please tell us how you can seize the robbers?

----I will spend a whole week ______ in your room to wait for their coming.A.lockingB.to lockC.lockedD.being locked

37.I regret ______ you that they are unable to come to your wedding tomorrow.A.informingB.having informed

C.to have been informedD.to inform

38.He wondered if he could slip out of the lecture hall without anyone ______.A.noticingB.noticedC.to noticeD.being noticed

39.After ______ for the job, you will be required to take a language test.A.being interviewedB.interviewed

C.interviewingD.having interviewed

40.He spoke in such a high voice ______ out in the street.A.as to be heardB.to be heardC.as to hearD.to hear

41.As early as 1647 Ohio made a decision that free, tax-supported schools must be set up in every town ______ 50 households or more.A.havingB.to haveC.to have hadD.having had

42.The building project ______ next year is, I think, not easy ______ in time.A.being carried out;to complete B.carried out;to be completed

C.to be carried out;to complete D.to be carried out;to be completed

43.The reason ______ she gave for not coming to the party is that her mother wouldn’t allow her to.A.thatB.whatC.whyD.because

44.Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the Grand Hotel? I thought it was on this corner, but I seem to ______ a mistake.A.makeB.be makingC.having made D.have made

45.----Here’s a new pair of shoes for you.----Thank you, but there’s no need ______ a new pair for me.A.to have boughtB.to buyC.buyingD.to be buying

46.What worried the boy most was ______ to visit his father in the hospital.A.his not allowingB.his not being allowed

C.having not been allowedD.his being not allowed

47.To do a bit for the motherland, ______.A.working hard is necessary

B.to learn a foreign language is needed

C.it is important to master science

D.one should serve the people whole-heartedly

48.Everything ______ into consideration, they ought to have another chance.A.to takeB.takenC.to be takenD.taking

49.The officials discussed the plan that they would like to see ______ the next month.A.carry outB.carrying outC.to carry outD.carried out

50.With a lot of difficult problems ______, the manager felt worried all the time.A.to settleB.settlingC.settledD.being settled

51.----Do you have anything more ______, sir?

----No, you can have a rest or do something else.A.typingB.to be typedC.typedD.to type

52.The manager promised to keep me ______ of how our business was going on.A.to be informedB.on informingC.informedD.informing


1------5BDBAB6------10DDACD 11------15BDBCB16------20AACBD 21------25CDDBC26------30AAAAA 31------35ACCAA



36-----40CDAAA 46------50BDBDA



1.His English was so poor that he found it difficult to make himself _______.A.understood B.understand C.be understood D.to understand 答案是 A 答:常考题,make himself understood 是make others understand him的另一种说法。让自己被理解=让别人理解他,也就是听懂他的话的意思。还有一个是make oneself heard.(让别人听得见自己的说话声),一般都是make sth.done句式。2.They found the lecture hard _______ A.to be understood B.to understand C.being understood D.understood 答案是B 答:首先你要掌握这个句型:The lecture is hard to understand.这个讲座很难懂。sth.is +adj.+及物动词。不定式动词与句子的主语有逻辑上的动宾关系,可改为To understand the lecture is hard.或It is hard to understand the lecture.然后再记They found(that)the lecture was hard to understand.最后记:They found the lecture hard to understand.found后跟的是复合宾语。lecture是它的宾语,hard to understand是形容词短语作宾语补足语。两句话的意思是一样的。

3.She is going to town__________.A.repairing her watch B.for repairing her watch C.to have repaired her watch D.to have her watch repaired 答案是D 答:这又是一个have sth.done句式。表示“让某事被做”。这里就是拿表去市区让人给修一下。4.I have no objection ________ the evening with them.A.to spend B.spending C.of spending D.to spending 答案是D 答: to是不定式符号,后跟动词原形;to有时候是介词,后跟名词,还跟动名词!你要记住这少数几个常考的,容易误以为是不定式的介词to的短语,这是其中一个。有一个简单的方法,当to作介词时,其意思不外“对。。来说”,“到。。上”如look forward to , be used to , stick to , 这里就是:对于和他们一起过夜这件事,我没有反对意见。

5.Over 80,000 people are reported ______ in the big earthquake which happened in Sichuan Province on May 12.A.being killed B.having been C.to have been killed D.killed 答案是C 答:这是据说/据报道的固定句型:sb / sth is said to do/to be doing/have done =it is said / reported that-从句。不定式的时态取决于句子的语境。

此题which happened in Sichuan Province on May 12.说明事情已经发生了,所以用不定式的完成时的被动语态,have been done.6.My good friend Rose went to the party with her husband, _____ a happy evening of wine, food and song A.expecting B.to expect C.expected D.having expected 答案是A 答:现在分词做伴随状语,表示主动。不定式做状语表示目的,意思是为了。C选项是过去分词做状语表被动。Rose被期望...,显然不对。

7.Five people won the “China’s Green Figure ” award, a title ______ to ordinary people for their contributions to environment protection.A.being given B.is given C.given D.was given 答案是C 答:过去分词做定语。表示被动和完成。是“被给予”的意思。

A选项是现在分词的被动式,表示进行和被动。是“正被给予”的意思。显然不对。8._____ from the plane, the clouds below are just like cotton fields.A.Seeing B.Having seen C.Seen D.Being seen 答案是C 答:过去分词做状语表被动,clouds云彩被看。

D选项 being seen是现在分词的被动,表示进行和被动。也就是clouds正在被看。



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    通过幽默句子学非谓语动词 2007-10-09 16:18【大 中 小】 【我要纠错】 蓝色字体为语法现象概述,红色字体是例句要点。 动词不定式(基本形式、句法作用(5种)、否定形式、和疑问......


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