高中英语 Unit 5《Theme Parks》-vocabulary同步练习6 新人教版必修4

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第一篇:高中英语 Unit 5《Theme Parks》-vocabulary同步练习6 新人教版必修4

Unit5 theme parks-Vocabulary同步测试

1.Complete the following sentences with the proper forms of the given words

translator,athletic,amuse, admission,experience,theme, various profit,advance,technique,test,charge

He worked so well that he was soon ___________ to the position of manager.Tom's ______that he was to blame kept the other boys from being punished.She couldn't hide her _____at his foolish mistake.British _____won five gold medals in the last Olympics.It is important for children to________ life in the real world.There are various ______you have to learn before you can do this job properly.We have a______ at the end of each month and an examination once a year.The_______ of the department meeting was “Methods of Increasing Sales”.He has ___his own novels into French from English.The woman bought a _________of items at the market.2.Complete the following sentences with the right forms of the phrases in the following

slot.name after,involve...in,base on,come to life,make a profit ,take part in,charge for,get close to

The opening policy makes many great ideas and new technology_______.The park was built the idea that every child can __every activity there.)She, Sophia,________her grandmother.4)Teachers are encouraged to use teaching methods that actively

________students________ learning.How much_________ you ____________ a room with a bath?

My great grandpa is in his late 90s, _________100.Vocabulary

1.1)advanced2)admission 3)amusement4)athletes 5)

experience6)techniques7)test 8)theme 9)



2.1)come to life2)based on,take part in3)was named after4)

involve...in5)did,charge for6)getting close to


第二篇:外语教学与研究出版社高中英语必修5Module 4 同步练习

Module 4 同步练习

Section A Reading and Vocabulary



1.I've b_________ a table for two at Beijing Restaurant tonight.2.The c_____ showed that Christmas fell on a Tuesday.3.In the Torch Festival, the Yi people danced in their national c_____.4.This kind of apples is more expensive because they are i_________ from abroad.5.After breaking out of jail, he h____ from the police in a deserted farmhouse.6.Abraham Lincoln a____ slavery in the United States.7.The Earth was here long before the _________(起源)of the human species.8.The guests were deeply impressed with the girl’s _________(优雅的)manners.9.I have pleasant __________(记忆)of our friendship.10.The land __________(延伸)for more than 10 miles.11.She was very angry with her husband because he made their rooms in ________(混乱).12.The flowers will _________(复活)if you water them at once.1.— What means of _____ do you have?

— I go by car.2.The company has been __________ in cotton with a foreign one.3.Women have gained the __________ to decide whether to marry or not.4.Now man has entered the __________ of space travel.5.His feet left dirty __________ all over the floor.6.What great pleasure it is to _________through the ancient town.7.The two words have a lot in common in meaning, and as a result, we often _________the two when using them.8.A committee __________of nine members has been sent there to look into the matter.9.Little Tom stood up, opened his note-book and _______ that he had understand everything.In fact, it was quite difficult.10.He was _____ in Corean clothes, looking like a sailor.翻译

1.在演戏时.他不得不装成一个小丑。(dress up)

2.去年的七八月间一连几个星期没有下雨。(on end)

3.他自称有很多关于这个学科的知识。(pretend to)

4.他今天带了一定很奇怪的帽子,他的朋友拿他开玩笑。(make fun of)

5.这次旅途大约需要十天的时间。(more or less)

6.这种汤由西红柿、肉和豌豆构成。(consist of)

Section B Grammar


1.Customers are asked to make sure that they_____ the right change before leaving the shop.(2006重庆)

A.will giveB.have been given

C.have givenD.will be given

2.The construction of the two new railway lines __________by now.(2006陕西)

A.has completedB.have completed

C.have been completedD.has been completed

3.Although the causes of cancer ____, we do not yet have any practical way to prevent it.(2006山东)

A.are being uncoveredB.have been uncovering

C.are uncoveringD.have uncovered

4.Millions of pounds' worth of damage _____ by a storm which swept across the

north of England last night.(2005 重庆)

A.has been causedB.had been causedC.will be causedD.will have been caused.5.— Don't you think it necessary that he _______ to Miami but to New York?

— I agree, but the problem is ________ he has refused to.(2005江苏)

A.will not be sent;thatB.not be sent;that

C.should not be sent;whatD.should not send;what

6.—What do you think of the speech?

—The speaker said almost nothing worth _______.A.listeningB.being listened to

C.listening toD.being listening

7.The number of deaths from heart disease will be reduced greatly if people to eat more fruit and vegetables.A.persuadeB.will persuadeC.be persuadedD.are persuaded

8.The car which ______ my cousin was lost last week.A.was belonged toB.belonging to

C.was belonging toD.belonged to

9.—According to the agreement, you must finish the work by this month.—Don’t worry.We’re trying hard and it _______ that long.A.doesn’t lastB.won’t last

C.won’t be lastedD.isn’t lasted

10.The bank is reported in the local newspaper ______ in broad daylight yesterday.A.being robbedB.having been robbed

C.to have been robbedD.robbed

11._______ that he would make greater progress in his study of French.A.He was hopedB.It was hoped

C.He is hopedD.It is hoping

12.A library with five thousand books ______ to the nation as a gift.A.have offeredB.has offered

C.is offeredD.are offered

Section C Everyday English


Expressing likes, dislikes and preferences

Jerry: I really love pop music.What about you, Tony?

Tony: To be frank, pop music is OK, but __1__.Jerry: So what’s your favorite kind of music?

Tony: Er, in fact, __2__.I like sports better.Jerry: Why!So do I!And __3__.Tony: Oh, no!I hate volleyball!It’s so boring.__4__.Jerry: Football!__5__.It’s sometimes dangerous.You can easily get hurt in a football match.And I think all the players and their fans are crazy.Tony: I’m afraid I can’t agree with you.Football is exciting and it’s probably the most popular sport in the world.I guess it has attracted the largest number of people.Jerry: Maybe, but …

A.I am crazy about volleyball

B.I like anything but football

C.It runs in my blood

D.I don’t go wild about it

E.I prefer football

F.I don’t think much of music

G.I can stand it.Section D Challenge Yourself



M: I wonder if you could give me some about active holidays.W: Active holidays, sir? Can you tell mewhat you mean, please?

M: Well, you see, when I go on holidays, I like to get plenty of.I don' t like sitting around and doing nothing.What I mean is that I'm the sort of man who enjoy swimming, water skiing, thoseof things.W: Yes, sir, very interesting.Um...active holidays, let me see.Oh, yes.What about diving, sir? We can you two weeks off the coast of Cornwall: one week diving and one week fishing with the local.It' s a very good bargain.M: Fishing? Is there anyof getting in a bit of sailing?

W: I’m sorry we don’t do many sailing holidays, sir.They’re mostly by the sailing school.But rowing, yes.Are youin rowing, sir?

M: Well, I did a lot of rowing when I was at university.W: Why don’t you lookthese brochures(小册子), sir, and see if there’s anything that

interests you?

M: OK.Thanks.参考答案


I.1.booked2.calendar3.costumes4.imported5.hid6.abolished 7.origin


II.1.transportation / transport2.trading3.freedom4.era5.marks



1.He had to dress up as a clown in the play.2.There was no rain for weeks on end during July and August last year.3.He pretended to great knowledge on this subject.4.Today he wore such a strange hat that his friends made fun of him.5.This trip will take ten days, more or less.6.The soup consists of tomatoes, meat and peas.语法专练 1-6 BAAABC7-12 DDBCBC

情景对话1-5 DFAEB


1.information 2.exactly 3.exercise 4.sorts5.offer

6.fishermen 7.chance 8.organized 9.interested10.through

第三篇:必修4 unit4 同步基础知识练习

必修4 unit4 同步基础知识练习


1.They reached a c__________(十字路口)marked by a signpost(路标).2.He had to d_______ himself against their charges(指控).3.I told him I’d meet him here but perhaps he __________(误解)and went straight

to the pub.4.I’ll try to be a_______(成熟的)about the situation.5.Our vacation is a____________(接近),but we still can’t decide where to go.6.Soon afterwards he make his first public s__________(声明)about the affair.7.The red lines on the map r______________(代表)railways.8.If a boy is c___________(好奇的),he is always asking questions.9.In your new job you will be expected to perform many f________(功能).10.There is a s__________(想象的)image of water in the desert.11.There was a t______(true)beautiful view from the bedroom.12.Jane threw her arms around him and h_____(hug)him tight(紧紧地)。

13.The students g______(greet)us with a smile, which made us feel warm.14.They formed an a____________(associate)for the poor people.15.He complains that there is a ____________(understand)and his wife doesn’t

understand him.16.Let’s set up an _________(社团)to help people in trouble.17.After listening to the long boring lecture, he stood up, stretched, ________(打哈

欠)and left lazily.18.Tom(伸)his hand out to support the old man.19.The visitors(表达)their satisfaction.20.To be ________(主观)means not to look at problems objectively.二.短语和翻译

_____________很有可能____________总的来说 _____________冷落某人_____________丢脸___________令…自由自在 ________保护…免受伤害

_______________ 代表某人 _____________做…的方法 _______________ 防卫____________确保____________亲吻某脸颊__________与……有相似之处

Stand close to_____________be wrong about sb.____________

facial expressions________Look sb.in the eye__________________


1.The first person to arrive was Tony Garcia from Colombia,closely followed by

Julia Smith from Britain.【精提取】 to arrive为不定式作后置定语。

【巧应用】 她是在29届奥运会获得金牌的第一位运动员。

She was________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________

________ in the 29th Olympic Games.2.Not all cultures greet each other the same way,nor are they comfortable in the

same way with touching or distance between people.【精提取】 not all为部分否定。拓展 every … not = not every并非每个

both … not = not both 并非两个都

【巧应用】 并不是所有昨天晚上在场的歌手都是学生。

________ ________ ________ ________ present last night were students.3.However,people from places like Spain,Italy or South American countries

approach others closely and are more likely to touch them.【精提取】 be likely to do sth.有可能做某事。

【巧应用】 如不小心,你就可能出事故。

An accident________ ________ ________ ________ if you are not careful enough.四.Grammar work 语法专练


1.When he approached Ms Smith, he touched her shoulder and kissed her.______ ___________ Ms Smith, he touched her shoulder and kissed her.2.The person who is translating the songs can speak seven languages.The person _________ ___ ______can speak seven languages.3.The boy standing there is reading a book about body language.The boy ____ __ ________ there is reading a book about body language.4.Because he comes from Jordan, he moves close to ask you a question._______ _____ Jordan, he moves close to ask you a question.5.She sat at the desk and did her homework.She sat at the desk ______ ____ __________.6.Four people enter the room and looked around in a curious way.(伴随动作)

Four people entered the roomaround in a curious way.7.As he was poor, he couldn’t afford a TV set.(原因)

poor, he couldn’t afford a TV set.8.If you work hard, you’ll surely succeed(条件)

hard, you’ll surely succeed.9.The boy sat in front of the farm-house and cut the branch.(伴随)

The boy sat in front of the farm-house, the branch.10.When he heard the news, he got frightened.(时间)

the news, he got frightened.②用所给动词的适当形式填空。

1.Not ________(know)his address, Icouldn’t go to see him yesterday.2.Look out for cars when _______(cross)the street.3.Not _________________(invite)to the party, Mary was greatly hurt.4.He dived into the water, ______(leave)only his face exposed.5.When I got back home I saw a message pinned to the door, _______(read)

“Sorry to miss you;I will call later.”

6._______(take)a deep breath, they dived into the water.7.____________(close)the windows and the door, the students left the room.③Grammar quiz 语法小测

1.When_____ different cultures, we often pay attention only to the

differences without noticing many similarities.A.comparedB.being comparedC.comparingD.having compared

2.Whenever he was asked why he was late for class, he would answercarelessly,always ______the same thing.A.sayingB.saidC.to sayD.having said

3.There are hundreds of visitors _____ in front of the Art Gallery to have a look at

Van Gogh’s paintings.A.waitedB.to waitC.waitingD.wait

4.______ , the more expensive the camera, the better its quality.A.General speakingB.Speaking general

C.Generally speakingD.Speaking generally

5.“You can’t catch me!” Janet shouted, _______ away.A.runB.runningC.to runD.ran


1.— Look!Black clouds are gathering.— Yes.It’s ________ that a heavy rain is


2.It was raining heavily.Little Mary felt cold, so she stood ___ to her mother.A.closeB.closelyC.closedD.closing

3.--The last one __ pays the meal.--Agreed!

A.arrivedB.arrivesC.to arrive D.arriving

4.I quickly walked to the other side of the street to avoid __ him.A.to meet B.meeting

C.to meeting D.having met

5.The old couple are now quite ______ because their son finished the task _____ and has come home safe.A.ease;at easeB.at ease;with easeC.at ease;at easeD.easy;with ease

6.As winter ______, weather became cold.A.approachsB.approachingC.to approachD.approached

7.The boy said that he did such a silly thing out of _____.A.curiosityB.curiouslyC.curious D.curiousing

8.If you are ______ about Brazil, you may read this book.A.curiousB.upsetC.strangeD.interested

9.—What do you mean by saying that?—I think you ______ what I said.I meant no harm.A.understoodB.misunderstoodC.heardD.followed

10._______, a learned man makes fewer mistakes in life than a man without knowledge.A.In generalB.As generalC.On generalD.At general

11.How _______ I was when I heard the _______ news!



12.---What do you think of the book?--Oh, excellent.It’s worth______ a second time.A.readingB.being readC.to readD.to be read

13.You can get his help as he is a person who is willing ____ others.A.helpsB.helpingC.helpD.to help

14.I don’t think ______possible to finish so much work within so short a time.A.thisB.itC.itsD.that

15.“It’s raining too heavily at this moment,” said the old woman, ________ out of the window.A.to lookB.lookingC.having lookedD.looked

16.—I don’t like this kind of music.—_______.It’s too noisy.A.Nor do IB.Nor I doC.Neither am ID.Neither I am

17.Finding her car stolen, ______.A.a policeman was asked to helpB.the area was searched thoroughly

C.it was looked for everywhereD.she hurried to a policeman for help

18._______ in the queue for half an hour, Tom suddenly realized that he had left his wallet at home.A.To waitB.Have waitedC.Having waitedD.To have waited

19.People from France do not behave in the same way we Chinese people do.A.whatB.whichC.at whichD./

20.—Do you know the tall man ______ to Mr.King over there?—Sorry, I don’t know him.A.to speakB.speakingC.is speakingD.has spoken

21.Three students ______ Dongshan Middle School took part in the Oral English Competition.A.representB.are representingC.representingD.represented

22.----Can you _c_ yourself to others in English, Mary?----Sorry, I can not ___ myself in English.A.express;introduceB.express;express


23.Mary____ politics in the university but now she is going into business.A.majored inB.majorityC.majorD.major in

24.Immediate action should be____ to prevent people from being affected by the bird flu.A.MadeB.broughtC.takenD.paid

25.Only after you finish your work ____TV.A.you are allowed to watchB.are you allowed watching

C.are you allowed to watchD.can you be able to watch


1.你准备好了吗?他可能随时就到 be likely to

2由于这个误解,她背弃了我们。turn one’s back to

3孩子们通常对外面的世界充满好奇。in general

4这次考试的失败使他颜面丢尽。lose face

七 语法填空

Body language is sometimes more important __1___ spoken language.You might frown and turn your back to someone to show you close your hand and shake it to someone, you are threatening that person.A smile is intended to put people at ease.It doesn’t always mean __3___ you are happy, however, a smile you don’t agree, or that you refuse to do something.There are differences in body language and(teach)that looking directly at an adult is not good behavior.However, some teachers in North America punish _ don’t look them in ___eye because they think they are not telling the truth.We can often be wrong about each do!

Book4 unit4参考答案

一 单词拼写与完填空




16-20 associationyawnedreachedexpressedsubjective


be likely toin generalturn one’s back to sb.lose faceput sb.at ease/

feel at ease

Defend…againstrepresent sb.the/an approach to doing sth./the way to do sth.Be in defense/be in one’s defensemake surekiss sb.on the cheek

Have some similarities in sth.站得近误会某人脸部表情直视某人

三.重点句型:1.the first athlete to win the gold medal 2.Not all the singers

3.is likely to happen

四.Grammar work 语法专练

①1.When approaching 2.translating the songs 3.who is standing 4.Coming

from5.doing her homework6.looking 7.being 8 working 9.cutting 10(when)hearing

②1.knowing 2.crossing 3.having been invited 4.leaving 5.reading

6.Taking 7.Having closed


五.1—5 C A D B B6-10 B A A B A11-15 B A D B B

16-20 A D C D B21-25 C C A C C


1.Are you ready? He is likely to come at any time.2.She turned her back to us because of this misunderstanding.3.In general, children are curious about the outside world.4.Failing in the exam make him lose face.七.语法填空

(2)1 than2 If/When3 that 4 nodding5while6 be paid7 are taught8 who9 the10 amazing

第四篇:高中英语:Unit1 Women of achievement Grammar(新人教必修4)

学而思网校 www.xiexiebang.com


必修4 Unit1 Women of achievement

第3课时Grammar 基础练习本课语法呈现 主谓一致Agreement 知识要点:





如 表示不同的人或物时, 谓语动词用复数,此时and后面的名词有冠词。The worker and writer is from Shanghai.那个工人兼作家 来自上海。

The writer and the worker are coming to our school tomorrow.那位作家和那位工人明天将来我们学校。(两个人)

The League secretary and monitor is asked to make a speech at the meeting.二、动词不定式(短语), 动名词(短语), 或从句作主语时, 谓语动词常用单数。例如:

1.Going out for a walk after supper is a good habit.学而思网校 www.xiexiebang.com 晚饭后出去散步是一个好习惯。2.To see is to believe.眼见为实。

三、不定代词somebody, someone, something, anybody, anything, everybody, everyone, everything, nobody, no one, nothing等作主语,谓语动词用单数形式;Eg: Is everyone here? Nothing is to be done.没有什么要干的事儿了。

四、关系代词who, that, which等在定语从句中作主语时,其谓语动词的数应与句中先行词的数一致。如:

1)Those who want to go please sign their names here.2)Anyone who is against this opinion may speak out.意义一致:


一、由集体名词,如group, family, class, government, team, public, enemy, crowd, audience, club, party, crew等作主语时,如果看成一个整体,谓语动词用单数形式,如果看成其中各成员,则用复数形式.1.His family is very large.他家是一个大家庭。

2.His family are music lovers.他的家人都是音乐爱好者

3.The class were jumping for joy.2 学而思网校 www.xiexiebang.com 全班同学都高兴得跳了起来。


He is reading English Neither of them is or are big.三、表示时间、距离、金钱等复数名词作主语,表达一个整体概念时, 谓语动词则用单数形式;Two years has passed since I left China;One million dollars is a great sum of money.四、以-s 结尾的名词本身不表示复数意义,谓语通常用单数形式,如news, maths, physics, the United States ,works等作主语, 谓语动词用单数形式;

1.Every means has been tried since then.2.No news is good news.五、the+adj.作主语

the+adj.,表示一类人,谓语动词用复数,如the old, the young, the rich, the poor等

the+ adj.,表示一类抽象的事物,谓语动词用单数,如the beautiful, the good等

1.The old __are__ taken good care of in our society.2.The beautiful __is__not always the same as the good.就近原则:

即谓语动词用单数形式还是用复数形式,取决于最靠近他的主语 学而思网校 www.xiexiebang.com 如:Or;Not but;Either or;Neither nor;Not only but also 1.One or two days are enough to see the city. 2.The class has won the honour.这班获得了荣誉。

3.The class were jumping for joy.全班同学都高兴得跳了起来。就远原则:

“主语+ 附属结构” 作主语,谓语与主语一致

当主语后面跟有as well as, as much as, no less than, along with, with, like, rather than, together with , but , except, besides, including等引导的词组时,其谓语动词的单、复数由

主语的单、复数而定。1.The teacher with two students was at the meeting.2.All but one were here just now.实战演练 单项选择

1.One or two days ____ enough to see the city.




D.be 2. Neither my wife nor I myself ____ able to persuade my daughter to change her mind.




D.be 3. Not only I but also Jane and Mary ____ tired of having one examination after another. 学而思网校 www.xiexiebang.com




D.be 4.Not the teacher,but the students ____ looking forward to seeing the film. A.is

B.are C.am

D.be 5.Nobody but Betty and Mary ____ late for class yesterday.



C.has been

D.have been 6.A woman with some children ____ soon.

A.is coming

B.are coming

C.has come

D.have come 7.No one except my parents ____ anything about this。



D.are known C.is known

8.The teacher as well as the students ____ the book already.

A.has read

B.have read

C.are reading

D.is reading 9.All but one ____ in the accident.

A.was killed

B.were killed

C.will be killed

D.are killed

10.“______ twenty dollars a big sum to her?”

------“I suppose so.” A.Will be


学而思网校 www.xiexiebang.com C.Are


11.A library with five thousand books ______to the nation as a gift.A.is offered

B.has offered

C.are offered

D.have offered 12.When and where to build the new factory _______ yet.A.is not decided

B.are not decided

C.has not decided

D.have not decided

13.The number of people invited ___fifty, but a number of them ___ absent for different reasons.A.were;was



D.were;were 14.E-mail, as well as telephones, ___ an important part in daily communication.A.is playing

B.have played

C.are playing


15.____ of the land in that district ____ covered with trees and grass.A.Two fifth;is

B.Two fifth;are

C.Two fifths;is

D.Two fifths;are 16.Neither of your suggestions ______ sense.A.makes

B.make C.is made

D.are made 17.The audience ______their seats in the music hall.6 学而思网校 www.xiexiebang.com

A.are taking

B.is taking

C.are taken

D.was taken 18.David is one of the boys who _____a driving license.A.has

B.have C.is having

D.are having 19.The police ____ asked that anyone who saw the accident should get in touch with ______.A.have;them



D.has;them 20.Five multiplied by two ____ ten.A.is equal


C.equal with

D.equal to

反馈检测 完成句子




4.为什么不出去和我一起看电影? 学而思网校 www.xiexiebang.com 5.昨天我们在举行运动会的时候,我碰巧遇上了初中的一位同学。


Dick was a clever boy, but his parents were poor, _1_ he had to work in his spare time, and during his holiday too, _2_ his education._3_ this, he _4_ to get to the university.But it was _5_ expensive to study there that during the holidays he had to get two jobs at the same time _6_earn enough money _7_ his studies.One summer he managed to get a job in a butcher’s shop during the day-time, and _8_ in a hospital _9_.In the shop, he learnt to cut meat up quite nicely.So the butcher often _10_ him do all the serving.In the hospital, on the other _11_, he was, of course, _12_ only _13_ jobs, like helping to lift people and to carry them from one part of the hospital to another.Both at the butcher’s shop and at the hospital, Dick had to _14_ white clothes, and he couldn’t wear any other colored __15__.One evening at the hospital, Dick had to help to _16_ a woman from her bed to the operation room.The woman _17_ to be one of his __18_.She was already feeling frightened at the thought of the operation _19_ he came to get her.But when she saw Dick, he frightened her.“No!”, “No!” she cried.“Not, the butcher!I won’t be operated __20_ by the butcher!” And she fainted away.1.A.and



D.so 8 学而思网校 www.xiexiebang.com 2.A.to pay for

B.to pay off C.paying for

D.paying off 3.A.Because of

B.In spite of C.Although

D.for 4.A.wanted

B.tried C.managed

D.wished 5.A.very



D.so 6.A.so that

B.in order that C.so as

D.so as to 7.A.for


9.A.at night

spare time 10.A.allowed


12.A.let doing

do 13.A.simple






19.A.as soon as 20.A.at




B.the other C.another


B.in the morning C.in the afternoon D.in his







B.promised to do

C.allowed to do

D.made to


C.less simpler

D.the simplest B.put on

C.pull on

D.have on B.clothes


D.jacket B.bring





D.was found B.classmates








D.about 9

学而思网校 www.xiexiebang.com 第3课时 实战演练

一、1-5BCBBA 6-10ABABB 11-15AACAC 16-20.AABAB 反馈检测

一、1.Not until the concert had begun did his girlfriend come.2.She moved back home to care for her sick parents.3.It was difficult to explain the problem to beginners.4.Why not go out and see a film with me? 5.I met one of my Junior schoolmates by chance yesterday when we were having a sports meeting

二、答案:1-5DABCD 6-10DACAB 11-15CCDAB 16-20ACDDB


必修一 Unit 1 课后作业 Ⅰ.单项填空 1.After________series of unsuccessful attempts,he has finally passed________driving test.A.不填;the B.a;the C.the;a D.不填;a 2.—So you didn’t say hello to her last night? —Well,I stopped and smiled when I saw her,but she ________me andwalked on.A.ignored B.Refused C.denied D.missed 3.She’s amazingly cheerful considering all she’s had to________.A.get through B.cut through C.go through D.see through 4.—You look unhappy.Why? —I’m always________when I don’t get any mail.A.confused B.fearful C.upset D.doubtful 5.The doctor told Jack’s mother that it would not take him long to ________from his illness.A.suffer B.Separate C.escape D.recover 6.—My sister is very upset today.—It’s your fault.You________the bad news to her yesterday.A.should tell B.should have told C.shouldn’t have told D.must tell 7.There was________time________Iraq was one of the strongest countries in the world.A.a;when B.a;that C.the;that D.the;when 8.—Tom said that Mr.Johnson was unfair to him.—I really wonder how he________that to the teacher.A.dare to say B.dare saying C.not dare say D.dared say 9.The old lady lives in a________village far away from the city.She lives________but she doesn’t feel________.A.lonely;lonely;alone B.alone;alone;lonely C.lonely;alone;lonely D.alone;lonely;alone 10.It was after he got what he had wanted________he realized it was not so important.A.that B.When C.since D.as Ⅱ.阅读理解


(2010年江苏启东市一调)Not long ago,people thought babies were not able to learn things until they were five or six months old.Yet doctors in the United States say babies begin learning on their first day of life.Scientists note that babies are strongly influenced by their environment.They say a baby will smile if her mother does something the baby likes.A baby learns to get the best care possible by smiling to please her mother or other caregivers.This is how babies learn to connect and communicate with other human beings.One study shows that babies can learn before they are born.The researchers placed a tape recorder on the stomach of a pregnant woman.Then,they played a recording of a short story.On the day the baby was born,the researchers attempted to find if he knew the sounds of the story repeated while in his mother.They did this by placing a device in the mouth of the newborn baby.The baby would hear the story if he moved his mouth one way.If the baby moved his mouth the other way,he would hear a different story.The researchers say the baby clearly liked the story he had heard before he was born.They say the baby would move his mouth so he could hear the story again and again.Another study shows how mothers can strongly influence social development and language skills in their children.Researchers studied the children from the age of one month to three years.The researchers attempted to measure the sensitivity of the mothers.The women were considered sensitive if they supported their children's activities and did not interfere unnecessarily.They tested the children for thinking and language development when they were three years old.Also,the researchers observed the women for signs of depression.The children of depressed women did not do as well in tests as the children of women who did not suffer from depression.The children of depressed women did poorly in tests of language skills and understanding what they heard.These children also were less cooperative and had more problems dealing with other people.The researchers noted that the sensitivity of the mothers was important to the intelligence development of their children.Children did better when their mothers were caring,even when they suffered from depression.【解题导语】 本文主要讲述了婴幼儿的智力发育情况,通过两个实验表明:婴儿在生命的第一天就可以开始学习,母亲的情感能强烈地影响孩子的社会发展和语言技巧。1.According to the passage,which of the following is NOT the factor that influences the intelligence development in babies? A.The environment.B.Mother’s sensitivity.C.Their peers(同龄人).D.Education before birth.2.What is the purpose of the experiment in which newborn babies heard the stories? A.To prove that babies can learn before they are born.B.To prove that babies can learn on the first day they are born.C.To show mothers can strongly influence the intelligence development in their babies.D.To indicate early education has a deep effect on the babies’ language skills.3.Which group of children did the worst in tests of language skills? A.The children of depressed mothers who cared little for their children.B.The children of women who did not suffer from depression.C.The children of depressed but caring mothers.D.Children with high communication abilities.4.What is the main idea of the passage? A.Scientific findings about how babies develop before birth.B.Scientific findings about how the environment has an effect on babies’intelligence.C.A study shows babies are not able to learn things until they are born or six months old.D.Scientific findings about how intelligence develops in babies.B

(2010年山东兖州市模块检测)You wake up in the morning,the day is beautiful and the plans for the day are what you have been looking forward to for a long time.Then the telephone rings,you say hello,and the drama starts.The person on the other end has a depressing(令人沮丧的)tone in his voice as he starts to tell you how terrible his morning is and that there is nothing to look forward to.Are you still in a wonderful mood?Impossible!Communicating with negative people can wash out your happiness.It may not change what you think,but communicating long enough with them will make you feel depressed for a moment or a long time.Life brings ups and downs,but some people are stuck in the wrong idea that life has no happiness to offer.They only feel glad when they make others feel bad.No wonder they can hardly win others’pity or respect.When you communicate with positive people,your spirit stays happy and therefore more positive things are attracted.When the dagger(匕首)of a negative person is put in you,you have the heavy feeling that all in all,brings you down.Sometimes we have no choice but to communicate with negative people.This could be a co­worker,or a relative.In this case,say what needs to be said as little as possible.Sometimes it feels good to let out your anger back to the negative person,but all this does is to lower you to that same negative level and they won’t feel ashamed of themselves about that.Negativity often affects happiness without even being realized.The negative words of another at the start of the day can cling to(附着)you throughout the rest of your day,which makes you feel bad and steals your happiness.Life is too short to feel negative.Stay positive and avoid negativity as much as possible.【解题导语】 本文主要介绍了与心态积极和消极的两种人交流给我们的心情和生活带来的不同影响。文章最后告诉我们:生命是短暂的,我们要以一种积极的心态来面对人生。5.The purpose of the first paragraph is to________.A.make a comparison B.offer an evidence C.introduce a topic D.describe a daily scene 6.How can negative people have effect on us? A.By influencing our emotion.B.By telling us the nature of life.C.By changing our way of thinking.D.By comparing their attitude to life with ours.7.Some negative people base their happiness on________.A.other people's pity for them B.making other people unhappy C.building up a positive attitude D.other people’s respect for them 8.According to the passage,to reduce negative people's influence on us,we are advised________.A.to change negative people's attitude to life B.to show our dissatisfaction to negative people C.to make negative people feel ashamed of themselves D.to communicate with negative people as little as possible Ⅲ.短文改错

One day a policeman who stopped a car that was driving too fast.He walked over to the right­hand side of the car to talk to the driver.He puts his head through the open window and spoke to the man seating there.He noticed that the man was got drunk,and he asked him to take out of the car.He gave the man breath test,which showed he was very drunk.“You must not drive any more,”said the policeman.“And I’m not driving,”said the man,laughing the situation.The policeman looked at the car,which was very new,saw that the steering wheel was on the left,not on the right.The real driver was sitting quiet on the other side.Keys:Ⅰ.单项填空

1.解析:选B。考查冠词。a series of是固定短语,意为“一系列;一连串”,所以第一空用不定冠词a;第二空用定冠词the,特指驾驶考试。句意:经过连续几次的失败,他最终通过了驾驶考试。


3.解析:选C。考查短语辨析。go through经历;经受。句意:经历了种种磨难,她还那么乐观,令人惊叹。get through“完成,通过,(给……)接通电话”;cut through“穿过,穿透”;see through“看穿,把……进行到底”。

4.解析:选C。考查形容词辨析。upset此处用作形容词,意为“心烦意乱的”。答语意为:我接不到任何邮件时总是心烦意乱。confused“困惑的”;fearful“害怕的,可怕的”; doubtful“怀疑的,不肯定的”。

5.解析:选D。考查动词辨析。recover“痊愈,恢复”,常和from连用。句意:医生告诉Jack的妈妈不用多久他就会痊愈的。suffer from“遭受(痛苦、疾病、损失等)”;separate from“分离,分开”;escape from“从……中逃脱”。

6.解析:选C。你昨天本来不应该把坏消息告诉她。7.解析:选A。本题考查定语从句。a time指“一段时期”,是先行词,关系副词用when。8.解析:选D。dare是情态动词,它的过去式是dared,后接动词原形。dare作行为动词时,要用dare to do sth.,行为动词有数的变化,这句话的主语是he,其谓语的正确形式应该是dared to say。


10.解析:选A。该句为强调句,强调了句子的时间状语after he got what he had wanted,强调句的结构是It is/was+被强调部分+that/who+句子的其余成分。


A 【解题导语】 本文主要讲述了婴幼儿的智力发育情况,通过两个实验表明:婴儿在生命的第一天就可以开始学习,母亲的情感能强烈地影响孩子的社会发展和语言技巧。1.解析:选C。归纳总结题。影响婴幼儿智力发育的因素有:the environment,mother’s sensitivity,education before birth三个方面。只有C项原文没有提到。2.解析:选A。细节推断题。从文中第三段第一句话“One study shows that babies can learn before they are born.”可知答案。




【解题导语】 本文主要介绍了与心态积极和消极的两种人交流给我们的心情和生活带来的不同影响。文章最后告诉我们:生命是短暂的,我们要以一种积极的心态来面对人生。5.解:选C。写作意图题。第一段主要讲的是一个人早晨起来心情不错,认为美好的一天即将开始,可是接到了一个电话,对方心情很沮丧,和他交流之后,本来美好的心情荡然无存。作者由此来引入本文的主题。

6.解析:选A。细节理解题。从文章第二段的首句以及“communicating long enough with them will make you feel depressed for a moment or a long time”可知答案。


8.解析:选D。细节理解题。从文章倒数第二段中的“In this case,say what needs to be said as little as possible.”可知答案。


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