2014八年级下册人教版英语练习册第一单元课时 一答案

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第一篇:2014八年级下册人教版英语练习册第一单元课时 一答案


课前导学 1<1—5> footeyesmouthnecksback2 <1---5>headacheliewellstormache matter sore backthroatdrinkhavetoothache课后导练<1—5>BACBC

<1----5> should notwhat..withshould….getwhat’swrongsee..doctor

第二篇:英语综合练习册八年级下册 答案

英语综合练习册八年级下册Unit 1 答案 Vocabulary A 1-6 serious , illness , organize , friendship , pay , community , B 1-6 express , in need , lonely , in order to , offered , raised my spirits Grammar A1 2-8 fail to stop , agree to let , tried to solve , wish to have , know....to get , remember to send , wanted to take A2 1-8 to park , leave , to read , to join , to pass , to buy , clean , to carry A3 2 b We use chopsticks to pick up food 3 d We use a dictionary to look up new words 4 c We use cotton to make cloth 5 a We use a knife to cut things 6 f We use paint to make pictrues B 2-9 wanted to do , played...to bring , taught...to dance , help raise loves to dance , started to sing , hopes to become , want to continue Listening A 1-8 Home,5000 , 3000 , 56 , member , 21 , 19 , 4(请忽略)B 1-8 sick people , save their lives , safe , short time , test , the hospital , someone in need , find C 1 Because the Spring Bud Project helped her go toschool when she was a little girl 2 She teaches 100 students 3 She teaches them to read and write 4 She teaches them how to raise animals and make clothes 5 Because in this way , they will get a job more easily in the future Reading A 1-7 Rainbow School , South-East Asia , 2000 people , 30 stands , the game and the food stands , school rock band and guest musicians , over 4500 B 1-6 FFTTTF 1 The young volunteers acted as “grandsons” and “granddaughters” to the people at the Home for the elderly.2 The young volunteers planted some trees in the community garden in March 6 The young volunteers held a charity food fair in November to help those in need C 1 Because there aren't enough organs for transplants 2 It took place in 1954 3 Because their hearts are no longer strong enough to keep sending blood around the body 4 They will live for fifteen years or more 5 You can get one at your local hopital.Writing Omit Integration A 1-10 New Youk , sixteen , kind ,teacher , her experiences , popular film , small country , six , had no food , book , his country B 1 They don't eat any food at all , and they can only drink water , tea and clear fruit juice 2 Because they wanted to raise money for UN projects to help the poor in Africa 3 Many farmers in Africa haven't been able to grow food , and people are going hungry and even dying 4 The students themseelves organized the fast 5 She might fast for forty-eight hours 6 Omit C 1-8 cadbb dac 英语综合练习册八年级下册Unit 2 答案 Vocabulary A 1-6 dfcabe B 1-6 make a good impression on , nod , shake , towards , expression , accept Grammar A1 2 c Driving fast is dangerous and can cause accident

b Owning a business is a big responsibility 4 a Playing sports daily keeps you fit f Parking cars is a problem for drivers in big cities

d Going to bed late is not good for your health A2 1-6 Flying , Climbing , smiling , Opening , Moving , Nodding B1 1-6 spending , staying , writing , swimming , fishing , playing B2 2 I am afraid of taking the exam on friday

Kitty is interested in learning Spanish

Ben apologized for being late for class again C 1-7 using , Learning , Understanding , watching , switching/turning , turning , stopping , recording ,moving , operating Listening A 1-6 TTFFTT B 1-8 1-6 TTFFTT B 1-8 traffic lights , busy corners , an accident , out , gestures ,left hand , direction , patient C 1 Hunans are just like any other kind of animal.Animals show their feelings with their faces and bodies.We can tell whether someone is happy,angry,nervous or proud.they will stand very tall and put their noses into the air.Both touch each other's hands.because we can learn a lot about ourselves.Reading A 1-8 hold your head up , nervous or afraid , greeting , look at you , the local people , walking slowly , looking lost , people around you B a-d 4 , 1, 2, 3 C 1-8 in the eye , sit up straight , turned towards , a cold fish , strange , laze way , hold your arms , legs Writing A 1-8 14 October , Dear , remind , badminton match , meet you , 10:a.m , remember , Regards B omit Integration A 1-9 comfortable , smart tie , in the eye , sigh , stand up straight , natural smile , too long , get boring, cross B 1 Ninety per cent of people in the world are right-handed they do better at sports where people use their hands Because parents used to punish left handed children until they began using their right hands like other children They look down upon them or thought them strange Many products are only for right handed people.C 1-8 adcba cbd 英语综合练习册八年级下册Unit3答案 Vocabulary A 1-6 set off , ready , reach , attract , all the time , simple , B 1-6 tools , lovely , characters , luck , Although , requires Grammar A1 2 a Fast trains are found in China,France and Japan.3 e English is spoken in many counties 4 c The claass is divided into two groups 5 b Mount Fuji in Japan is covered in snow for most of the year A2 2 Two thieves are caught by a bank customer.3 Our city is visited by the guests.4 Two small villages are cut off by a flood.5 A 10,000 prize is won by a taxi driver.6 Higher bus fares are not allowed by the government.7 Valuable stoned are stolen by an English woman 8 Sunhill Road is repared by workers A3 2 too many books were put on it 3 it was not switched on 4 it was not cooked properly 5 they were not cleaned after the night market closed 6 it was not cut to his size A4 2 Will they be cleaned soon , they will be cleaned 3 Will it be emptied this morning;it won't be emptied 4 Will it be done this afternoon;it will be done 5 Will it be filled up soon;it will be filled up B1 2 Are the animals fed by the children? 3 the letters are delivered by the postman every day 4 the chair was broken by James 5 A new bridge will be built by the workers B2 1-6 will be completed , will not finished , was broken , was flooded , will be used , are broken Listening A 1-7 invented , square , dragons , wood , size , paint , difficult B 1-7 FTFTFFT C 1 It means “work” or “skill”.2 Because we want to warm the teapot 3 Because this washes the tea leaves,and warms the tea cups 4 We should empty the hot water from the tea cups 5 They should enjoy the lovely smell of the tea first Speaking omit Reading A 1-7 his hands , his oven , three , almost an hour , rise , 40 minutes , in time , warm fresh bread B 1 Because it is a great way to learn to control their bodies,protect themselves and keep healthy 2 He tries to move like he is floating through the air 3 It is a useful way to protcet oneself 4 Because he thinks it is beautiful 5 Because it helps her develop a strong and healthy body C a-g 3641725 Writing omit Integration A 1 We can see it on TV or in theatres 2 People in crosstalk tell a story while they just tell jokes in American comedy shows 3 It started during the Ming Dynasty,up to 400 years ago 4 They sometimes sing operas 5 No,sometimes there are a group of people and sometimes there is just one man alone B 1 They are more than two thousand years old 2 Buildings are usually not seen 3 Because everything is painted in great detail 4 Because the painter is trying to get across the impression of the scene with just a few brush strokers 5 Most gongbi style painters were professionals, while ink-wash painters often painted as a hobby C 1-8 cadbc daa 英语综合练习册八年级下册Unit4答案 Vocabulary A 1-6 recorder , pleasant,appear,match,play against,life jacket B 1-6 basic,decide on,separately,detailed,program,thought Grammar A1 2 Must the work be done at once

Some trees can be planted to make our school greener

Rubbish shouldn't be thrown on the ground

the second point needn't be siscussed at this meeting

the sketch maybe drawn in pencil A2 1-6 should be swept,can be brought,may be given , must be hung,must be cheked , can be seen B 3 In class Three, the floor hasn't been repaired In Class Four ,the new blackboard has been fixed to the wall

In Class Five, the new lock to the door hsan't been changed In Class Six,the old windows have been taken away.The new windows haven't beeb put in In Class Seven , the old furniture been taken out.The new furture hasn't been put in In the teachers' room,the new computers have beeb put on the desks In the library,the books haven't beeb put in order

in the playground, new trees and flowers have beeb planted C 1-10 have beeb caught , is shut , is completed , Weren't...told , has been given , should be warned , has been told, has been wasted , should be improved , should be repaired Listening A a-d 4321 1-6 half,half , price , twelve , dinosaurs , enoughB1 1-8 trains , railway, bells , animals , planes, fish , sea , strong B2 c Reading A 1-4 abac B omit c 1-6 1901 , Oswald the Rabbit , a mouse in Disney's office, cartoon with sound , star , provided the voice Integration A a-g 4512673 B f, Comic books first became popular in the United State in the 1940s and 1950s 3 T T F ,Watchmen has appeared on time magazine's list of the best 100 books F , Graphic novels are written for adults c 1-8 cbaaa bdc

英语综合练习册八年级下册Unit5答案 V a 1-6 population,central , curel,close to , face,weighed, b 1-6 at birth,weigh,danger,adult,on its own,wild G a1 2 It is impossible for her to see the dentist at 3;30

It is difficult for her to complete her English homework in haff an hour It is important for her to swim often It is convenient for him to pick up his car It is necessary for her to take medicine three tims a day It is ok for them to stay at beach for several hours a2 2 diffucult for me to cook

important for him to have possible for us to repair impossible for you to come convenient for us to do easy for me to be ok for him to arrive fine for him to start B 2-7 Omit C 2-7 omit D 2-9 omit Listening A 1-10 bamboo , kilograms , spend , own , difficult , protect , wild , 1600 , danger , important B 1-8 yellow,black,4000,forests,hunt,live,food,danger C 1 Because they have short front legs and very strong back legs 2 They eat grass and other small plants 3 They look like small bears 4 They spend most of the time in trees and move very slowly 5 they live on the northern coast of Australia Reading A1 They are all products of rainforest,and come from different kinds of rainforest plants

2-5 omit B 1-6 omit Writing omit Integration A 1 He became interested in snakes at the age of eleven 2-5 omit B 1-2 TT 3 Many kinds of birds migrate because of the change of the length of the day

4-5 TT Afew animals use the earth's magnetic field to find their way C 1-8 bcbac daa 英语综合练习册八年级下册Unit6答案 V a 1-6 badefc b 1-6 responsibility , caused , attention , cute , care for , responded G a1 2 First,put the birds safety in another cahe

then,close the door securely

Next , clean the empty cage very carefully

Finally,put the birds back in the clean cage

Make sure you close the door really tightly

Get up early to give the dogs some water and food

Be carefull because dogs can bite suddenly

Feed the dogs safely A2 1-8 patiently , hard , beautiful badly,late , well , fast , quickly , incorrectly B1 2-5 better the best.fast the fastest.harder the hardest.worse the worest B2 3-8 more confidently , the most confidently,better , the best , more clever , the most clever C 1-7 well,faster than , the worst, more quickly than , farther , more carefully , carelessly Listening A 1-10 cute , responsibility, care , faithfully , happiness , hair , noisy , bark , attack , spaces B 1-10 FTTTT FTFFT C Omit speaking omit Reading A 1-5 omit B 1-10 Pet , invisible,no , visible,lays,beautiful,happy,looking,friends sold C 1-2 TT 3 F omit 4F omit 5 T Writing

I love dogs and they always bring us a lot of fun

small we live in a small flat,and there is not much room for a large dog

my bedroom

There is a space there for a bed for him,and plenty of roomfor him to run around

walk and feed him every day,and to brush him and wash him mum INTEGRATION a 1 Snowy is a white cat No,he doesn't.Because they sometimes scratch you 3 His black and white dog 4 No,Some of them sleep allday 5 Because to him,fish are not interesting.They do nothing all day 6 Fish don't scratch your legs like cats and they don't bite like dogs B1 Her mother died and she was found and taken care of by George and Joy 2 They had to either set Elsa free or send her to a zoo 3 Because they believe that Elsa was born free,and deserved to live free and not in a zoo 4 They looked for Elsa everywhere 5 They saw Elsa come to visit them with her three little cubs 6 It was made into a book and a film C 1-8 cbbca add 英语综合练习册八年级下册Unit 7答案 V A 1-6 received , Keep quiet , wonder , refused , explain , pleased B 1-6 unknown , creatures , discovered , damaged , as soon as possible , in fear G A1 2 b Patrick moved to Singapore as he got a good job there

c Cindy bought a new pair of running shoes because her old one were worn out

f Sylvia had to take her driving test again since she failed it the first time a As Mr Wang didn't pay his bill , his phone was cut off

d Because Tommy forgot to save the file,he had to type his report a second time

h Since Oliver and Keven wanted to get more exercise,they decided to join the sports club

e As Karen's new coputer didn't work well , she took it back to the shop A2 2-5 baed

Since;enjoys meeting people and is good with numbers;apply for the job of shop assistant apply for the job of assistant zookeeper because he enjoys working outdoors and likes anlmals 4 apply for the job of waiter since he has a lot of energy and can work quickly As;is very shy and prefer to work alone;apply for the job of mailroom helper B 2 because of her illness because of last night's storm because of a car accident because of its high price because of his broken leg C 1 as/since because the batteries were used up because of a bad cold because of her carelessness as/since/because she has to take piano lessons as/since/because he has been there before as/since/because I knew no one there Listening A 1-10 midnight , mentioned , explore , alien , frightened , bushes , fear , refused, spread , marks B 1-8 pushed down , alien spaceship , the late 1970s , forms , cartoon characters , 1991 , have fun , companies C 1 Yes , they did 2 The Invisible Man 3 A scientist builds a time machine and travels to the future 4 New medicines are more useful 5 He would use it to go to the future and buy new medicines Reading A a-f 512634 B 1-8 the forest,lend it to his bedroom,a plnet faraway,good friends,lock E.and the family up,the flying bicycle,E.T.'s magic finger , the actor C 1 He wrote about people going to the Moon Because many of his books were about the new promise of science He wrote about travel in space,through the air and under the water His works encouraged a larged number of scientists to invent new machines like those in his book they got their ideas from Verne's books Writing when I saw a spaceship land.The door opened , and I saw two aliens very friendly.they asked me to go with them and show them around the town we took off.We flew over the town,and I showed them the buildings and my home got out of their spaceship and I said goodbye.Then they colesd the door and flew away scared and wanted to run away.However,after my trip in their spaceship,I was no longer afraid of them.They were very friendly.Now,I want to learn more about their world Integration A 1 It is called Is There Anyone out There It was reported in 1878 in the USA 3 Most come from the USA Because they wanted to get into the newspaper 5 They have been popular since the 1930s and 1940s They are living all around us B 1-4 dbca C 1-8 aaadb cad 英语综合练习册八年级下册Unit 8答案 V A 1-6 apology,wide , shape , recently , satisfy,in a second, B 1-6 prepare,technology,relax,electronic,mix,while G A1 1-10 was playing,wre...having , was making , was examining,were playing,were listening,was travelling,were working A2 2 They were watching TV

He was reading the newspaper

She was telling the robot to cook dinner

She was playing computer games

He was listening to music and dancing A3 2 While Liz was drinking tea,she was writing a letter

While Liz was watching TV,she was eating sandwich

While Liz was sitting in a taxi,she was reading a book

While Liz was listening to the radio,she was making a shopping list

While Liz was looking at a cookery book,she was cutting vegetables A4 2 some students were playing football,others were running around the track 3 Cindy was washing the outside of the car,Wendy was cleaning the inside of the car 4 they were singing,Mary was dancing 5 The men were digging the holes, the women were planting trees 6 Susie and Roy were fishing , I was swimming with Karl 7 My mother was looking for meat in the supermarket , I was getting a bag of rice 8 She was paying the cashier, I was putting the food in the bags B 1-9 was walking,were acting,watched,were fighting,arrived , were watching , were making , left , were watching Listening A 1-10 Internet,shape , cafe , smart , energy , connected , hydrogen , mixed , electricity , driven B 1-7 the moon,glass house,better hospital care , have holidays , faster , planes , protect the environment C 1 You can shop from your home 2 You can get the best price by looking on different websites 3 Because the Internet never closes 4 You can't check things before you buy them 5 It is difficult to return things and get your money back.Reading A 1T

F;The EO robot only had a pair of legs and feet

F;The P1 was much too heavy to be a help around the house

4-5 TT B 1 They find the train old,slow, and not very comfortable they find the train fast and quite comfortable More than 500 kilometres an hour Yes,Because they run on electricity It opened on January 2001 and it connected to the Pudong International Airport to an underground station They went to the airport by taxi or by bus C 1-9 a bookshop or library,the Internet , 50000 , 2 million , any space, easy to read ,e-dictionaries or e-encyclopaedias , friendly , cheaper Writing B Omit Integration A 1 Because he thinks it is good for her to spend more time with her friends Her robot flies her there Because there are many flying cars He examines her to see if she needs to go to the doctor he is connected to the internet B 1 F;Many people live in capsule hotels because they are cheap F;The Osaka Capsule Hotel was popular among businessmen when it opened T F;You can send and receive amails in the lounge in the hotel F;Snacks and drinks can be bought from vending machines on each floor of the hotel C 1-8 cdbaa aa


A)请根据句意及首字母提示完成下列句子。21.There is a big tree in f_______ of Jim's house.22.The bus will take you there.You can't m_____ it.23.I'll wait for you u______ you come back.24.My mother is cooking dinner in the k_______.25.There is a car a_____ on the road.Many policemen(警察)are around it.B)请用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空,完成下列句子。26.I like _____(read)English stories after school.27.The bookstore is on the ______(three)floor.28.When you drive you must be _______(care)and obey the traffic rules.29.Many ______(child)are playing games on the playground.30.The movie is _______(real)wonderful.C)请根据中文提示,用词组的适当形式完成下列句子,每空一词。31.My classmates are _____ _______(谈论)Han Geng.32.Let's go ______ _______(立刻), or we'll be late.33.The train station is _______ _______(离......远)my home.34.He often _______ __________(受伤)in P.E.classes.35.Don't stop and ______ ________(继续行走).You'll get to the hospital in five minutes(分钟).Ⅵ.单项选择


()36.There _________ an old clock, a computer and some books on the desk.A.have B.be C.has D.is

()37.-How can I get to the museum?

-Walk _____ this street and it's about two hundred meters _____ on the left.A.with, up B.down, along C.at, up D.from, down()38.The keys are on the desk.Please __________.A.put them away B.put away them C.put them on D.put on them

()39.-Don't drive so fast, or the policeman will give you a _____ for speeding.-OK.A.ticket B.photo C.card D.cost()40.She's ________ her purse, but she can't _____ it.A.look for, find B.looking for, find C.finding, look for D.find, looking for

()41.We often see the sign “________” in a busy street. So don't park your car there.A B C D

()42.-What's the matter?

-There is ______ with my bike.A.something wrong B.wrong something C.anything wrong D.wrong anything

()43.The post office is ______ the bookstore and the hospital.A.from B.between C.in D.on

()44.My computer doesn't work, so I must ____ someone ______ it.A.let, to check B.call, checking C.get, to check D.ask, check()45._________.A.Thank you very much B.Thanks for your help C.Thank you all the same D.You are welcome Ⅶ.完形填空


When you are in England, you must be very careful in the streets because the traffic keeps on the left.Before you 51 a street, you must look 52 the right first and then to the left.In the morning and in the evening, when people go to or come back from work, the streets are very 53.Traffic is the most dangerous(危险的)at that time.When you go 54 bus in England, you have to be careful, too.Always remember(记住)the traffic 55 on the left.Have a look first, or you may go the 56 way.In 57 English cities, there are big buses 58 two floors.You can sit(坐)on the 59 floor.From there you can see the city very 60.It's very interesting.()51.A.cross B.go C.across D.turn()52.A.after B.from C.for D.to()53.A.long B.busy C.difficult D.small()54.A.on B.take C.by D.to

()55.A.works B.walks C.tries D.drives()56.A.wrong B.right C.left D.straight()57.A.much B.many C.little D.few()58.A.at B.for C.like D.with()59.A.two B.second C.one D.first()60.A.good B.nice C.much D.well Ⅷ.阅读理解 A


3-bedroom house about ¥ 350 per month.Call Mrs.Tang at 8:00 in the evening.Tel: 2891-6863 LOST

I lost my school ID card.My name is Steve.Please call 685-3320.WANTED

Looking for a quiet double room about ¥300 per month.Please call Maria at ***.WANTED

Can you work 10 hours a day? If you can, come and work for us.We need a waiter(服务员)!Call Rong's Restaurant at 555-6539.请根据材料内容判断下列说法正(T)误(F)。

()61.If you want to rent a house with three bedrooms, you should call Mrs.Tang at 8:00 in the morning.()62.Steve lost his school ID card.He is looking for it.()63.John has a quiet double room for rent.He can call 2891-6863.()64.Maria will pay 350 yuan per month for a room.()65.If Jack wants to be a waiter in Rong's Restaurant, he should work 10 hours every day.B

It's 8:30 in the morning.Miss Green goes into the classroom and finds Jane isn't in.Then she begins her lesson.She asks the students to do the math problems on the blackboard.“May I come in, madam?” a girl asks at the door.“Come in, please,” says Miss Green.“You're ten minutes late, Jane.”

The girl is often late and every time she makes an excuse.“I'm sorry, madam,” says Jane.“I'm late because the traffic is bad, and I have to wait for the lights to turn green.” “But why don't you catch an earlier(更早的)bus?” asks Miss Green.“I just take the earlier bus.But the later bus often overtakes(超过)the earlier one!” answers Jane.请根据短文内容从所给的选项中选出最佳选项。()66.It's ______ when Jane comes.A.8:10 a.m.B.8:20 a.m.C.8:30 a.m.D.8:40 a.m.()67.Miss Green is a(n)________ teacher.A.history B.Chinese C.math D.English

()68.What's the meaning(意思)of “make an excuse” in Chinese? A.找借口 B.请假 C.不在意 D.旷课()69.Jane comes to school _______.A.by car B.on foot C.by bus D.by bicycle()70.下面哪项说法不正确? A.Jane is often late for school.B.The class begins at 8:30 in the morning.C.Jane's bus is broken(坏的)on the way.D.Miss Green may not believe(相信)Jane.Ⅸ.情景交际


()71.Mary, where is your bedroom?()72.Don't play on the street.()73.Are there any shoes under the desk?()74.What's your home like?

()75.Excuse me, is there a bank near here? Ⅱ A.OK.B.It's a farmhouse.C.It's next to my study.D.Sorry, I don't know.I'm new here.E.Yes, there are some.B)请选出恰当的选项完成下列对话。A.How far is it from here? B.I think you should take a bus.C.Then you will be there.D.Yes, there is.E.How can I get to the post office? A: Excuse me.76_________

B: Sorry, I don't know.You can go and ask the policeman.A: Thank you all the same....A: Excuse me.Is there a post office near here?

C: 77________ Walk down this street and turn right at the first street.A: 78________

C: It's about 3 kilometers away.Oh, It's too late.79________ A: Which bus should I take?

C: You need to take the No.20 bus and then change to the No.8 bus at Shengli Bridge.80________ A: Thanks a lot.Ⅹ.遣词造句

请根据每题所提供的图画情景和提示词语,写一个与图画情景相符的句子。81.there be, desk

82.Peter, like, make, model 83.not, play, street 84.corner, street

85.wait for, your turn, red Ⅺ.综合填空


Bill lives on the second floor of a building.One Sunday morning while he and his friends are playing games at 86___, Uncle Wang comes 87_____ and knocks(敲)at the 88_______.He lives on the first floor.He 89_______, “I'm sorry to trouble(打扰)you, but I work at 90_______, so I have to sleep in the daytime(白天).If you are too 91________, I can't sleep at all.Would you please keep 92______?” Bill says 93_____ to Uncle Wang.After that, when they want to play, they go 94_______.He doesn't trouble Uncle Wang any more.Bill is getting on(相处)well 95______ his neighbors.Ⅻ.书面表达


Ⅴ.A)21.front 22.miss 23.until 24.kitchen 25.accident B)26.reading 27.third 28.careful 29.children 30.really

C)31.talking about 32.right now 33.far from 34.gets hurt 35.walk on Ⅵ.36-40 DBAAB 41-45 CABCB 46-50 DBABC Ⅶ.51-55 ADBCD 56-60 ABDBD Ⅷ.A)61-65 FTFFT B)66-70 DCACC Ⅸ.A)71-75 CAEBD B)76-80 EDABC Ⅹ.81.There is a computer on the desk.82.Peter likes making model planes.83.Don't play soccer on the street./ The children should not play soccer on the street.84.The bookstore is on the corner of the street.85.Wait for your turn when the lights are red./ You should wait for your turn when the lights are red.Ⅺ.86.home 87.up / upstairs 88.door 89.says 90.night 91.noisy 92.quiet 93.sorry 94.out 95.with Ⅻ.One possible version:

Jane: Excuse me.Can you help us? Policeman: What's wrong with you?

Amy: I hurt my foot.And I must see a doctor right now.Jane: Is there a hospital near here?

Policeman: Yes, there is.Just go straight and turn left at the second street.It's next to the bank.Jane & Amy: Thank you very much




一、1.fēi jì pá jié

sù dìng pōu qī piē 2.鉴蔼畸逊寓匿疾诲聊3.(1)借口。







(2)《朝花夕拾》<阿长与(山海经)》《从百草园到三味书屋》 《呐喊》《彷徨》《野草》










一、1.shù Shù bó shi zhōu zhì shù























——、1.shāi cǎn lài shú

zhòu ju hōng tiáo wǎng fù

yǎtiáo 2.(1)温和宽厚。






(3)抒情 4.(1)、、,《






































一、1.yì Fàn dòn nì chuán lǒng yù jiào 2.更伶仃楣徒髓噩噩碱腌穗蹿脊

















五年级-下册-英语练习册-答案 一.按要求改写句子

1.The boy is playing basketball.否定句: 般疑问句: 肯定回答: 否定回答:

对is playing basketball提问: 对The boy提问:

2.They are singing in the classroom.否定句: 一般疑问句: 肯定回答:


对“are singing”提问:____

对’in the classroom”提问:

3.仿照例句造句:Model: read a book ——What are you doing?

--I'm reading a book.l).read a new book________ 2).clean the blackboard 4.she, the

window, open, now.(用现在进行时连词成句.)5.The birds are singing in the tree.(就划线部分提问)6.is, who, the window, cleaning?(连词成句)

7.The children are playing games near the house.(就划线部分提问)8.She is closing the door now.(改成否定句)

9.You are doing your homework.(用”I”作主语改写句子)10.they, the tree, sing, now, under.(用现在进行时连词成句.)

11.The Young Pioneers are helping the old woman.(改成一般疑问句)________



(A)I am looking after the baby.(B)I'm look aftering the baby.(C)I look am aftering the baby.(D)I looking after the baby.2.___friend's making

a kite.(A)l,me(B)My,my(C)My,me(D)His,his 3.1s the woman____yellow your teacher?(A)in(B)putting on(C)wearing(D)having()4.Look!The twins____their mother do the housework.(A)are wanting(B)help(C)are helping(D)are looking()5.____are the birds doing? They are singing in a tree.(A)Who(B)What(C)How(D)Where()6.Is shesomething?

(A)eat(B)eating(C)eatting(D)eats()7.你在干什么?(A)What is you doing9(B)What are you do?(C)What are you doing?(D)What do you do? 8.What are you listening


(A)I listening to him.(B)I'm listening to him.(C)I'm listen to him.(D)I'm listening him.10.They are____their clothes.(A)makeing(B)putting(C)put away(D)putting on 11.Listen!She____in the classroom.(A)is singing(B)sing(C)to sing(D)is sing 12.Today Jim

his white shirt and brown trousers.(A)is putting on(B)wear(C)put on(D)is wearing 13.____are you eating?l'm eating

meat.(A)What,some(B)Which,any(C)Where,not(D)What,a 14.They_TV in the evening.They do their homework.(A)are watching(B)can't watching 5(C)don't watch(D)don't watching 15.The children____football.(A)is playing(B)are playing(C)play the(D)play a 16.They are flying kites.(A)他们喜欢放风筝.(B)他们在放风筝吗?(C)他们在放风筝.(D)他们常放风筝. 17.Here are many books.Please____them.(A)look(B)write(C)count(D)taking()18.Look, They are swimming in the river.1 want___you.(A)to go with(B)go with(C)helping(D)help 19.The man

(work)mear the house now.20.Look.Lucy is___a new bike today.(A)jumping(B)running(C)riding(D)takeing III.用现在进行时完成下列句子: l.What _you____(do)? 2.I____ 一(sing)an English song.3.What



4.He________(mend)a car.5.___


_(fly)a kite?Yes,____.6.____she_

_(sit)in the boat? 7.___


(ask)questions? 8.We_____(play)games now


一、听音,选出你听到的信息,将序号写在提前括号内(10分)l、A.women B.children C.people

2、A.draw B.

sleep C.hurt

3、A.cow B.tree C.school

4、A.slow B.quick C.quickly

5、A.tea B milk C water

二、听音,填入所缺单词,使句意完整(10分)l、The children walk____.to Wangfujing.2、The baby is____.3、____to it please, Jenny.4、Let's____ inside the window.5、May I take your



1、A.I see a big mountain.B.I see a big city.2、A.These are men.B.These are women.3、A.Would you like a cup of tea?B.Would you like a glass of milk?

4,A.1 want to take a picture.B.1 want to take my camera.5、A.They are quick.B.They walk quickly.四、听音,判断你所听到的句子,是否与所给句子意思相符,相符的打“√”不符的打“×” l、The tea is too hot to drink.2、The Palace Museum is very beautiful.()

3、Mrs.Li and Danny walk quickly to Wangfujing.()

4、I'm playing with the baby.5、There are many people on the street.笔答部分









六、填入单词所缺字母并译成汊语(10分)l.hrd()2.wman()3.s me()4.drw()5.d ink()

七、用所给单词的适当形式填空(7分)1.Who is

(talk)? 2.Everyone

(be)tired and hungry.3.There are many

(woman)in the room.4.Look, she

(read)the newspaper.5.Danny

(hurt)his arm.6.Jenny(shop)quickly.7.These are

(boy).八、选择正确答案,将其字母标号填入提前括号内(20分)1.1 want gifts for my family.A.buy B.to buy C.buys D.buying

2.The children loud.A.amB.is C.are D.isn't()3.Can Danny a kite9A.fly B.flies C.f'lying D.to fly()4.The baby like loud talking.A.don't B.doesn't C.isn't D.aren't()5.Jenny is looking out the window the train.A.in B.on C.to D.of()6.“ Danny, please sing,,my mother says.A.no B.not C.doesn't D.don't()7.1 woulcl like dumplings for lunch.9 A.some B.the C.a D.many()8.The cars and bicycles go.A.quick B.quickly C.to quick()9.Everyone to go shopping.A.want B.wants C.to want D.wanted()10.is singing? Li Ming is singing.A。What B.Who C.Where

九、连词成句(6分)1eat what you to would like? 2 who thirsty is? 3.help may you I一____? 4doing are you what________? 5.street they down walk the________.6.are Jenny hungry and Danny 十.Read and choose.阅读并判断对(T)错(F).(7分)

Mike and Tom are good friends.They often play together.Today is Sunday.“It's a sunny day.”They will go on a trip to Beijing with their parents(父母亲).They are happy.On the train, they see many people.Some people are talking loudly.Some 10 people are talking quietly.Some are sleeping.”Look, I see a goat!“ Mike says loudly.”Where? Please point to it.” Tom asks.“There.” Mike says.”I see.Not one goat.Five goats.” Tom says.Mike says, “I like to take a train.It's fun.“Me, too.I like to go on a trip., Tom says.They have a happy Sundayo

()1.Mike and Tom are good brothers.()2.1t's sunny today,()3.They go on a trip with their mother and father.()4.They see one goat.()5.They have fun today.()6.Mike doesn't like to take a train.()7.There are many people on the train 冀教版五年级英语下册第一单元测试题 听力部分(共五大题,计40分)


1.singing sleeping 2.behind beside 3.quiet quick 4.some same 5.glass glasses、6.thirty thirsty 7.say says

8、snack snake 9.man woman 10.red read、二、听录音,和图片相符的在括号内打“√”,不相符的打“×”。(10分)



三、听录音,选择正确的答语。(10分)()1.A.Yes,I can.B.No,I can't.()2.A.Tea.B.Bananas.()3.A.No,thanks.B.Sure.()4.A.Danny is quiet.B.Danny is quick.()5.A.They are talking.B.They are teachers.四、听录音,排序号。(10分)

()Iam thirsty.()1 would like some tea.()Would you like a glass of

milk? 11()No,thanks.()Who is thirsty? 笔试部分(共七大题,计60分)

一、补全单词。(5分)()1.l____d A.uo B.ou C.au()2.qu—et A.o B.i C.a()3.w--m-n A.a,o B.o,u C.o,a()4.n_w A.o B.u C.a()5.sl_p A.ee B.ea C.ae


(5分)()l、A.tea B.pop C.milk D.chicken()

2、A.singing B.talking C.crying D.tired()

3、A.tall B.green C.brown D.pink()4.A.quick B.loud C.quiet D.sleep()()

5、A.singB.draw C.dance D.park





5、they are(缔略形式)____

四、单项选择(10分)1.Would you like some water some tea?A、of B、at C、or 2.The woman is the train.A、at B、on C、in()3.Danny sits me.A、to B、on C、behind()4.lvty sister is looking of the window.A、out B、off C、at()5.Their tea is too hot drink.A、at B、to C、in()6.May I have grapes now9A、a B、an C、some()7.1 would like____orange.A、at B、to C、an()8.May I play the baby9A、at B、with C、to()9.I see tree.A、tall a green B、a green tall C、a tall green()10.He isn't.A、cries B、crying C、cry


l、What is Danny doing?

A.Jenny is hungry.2、Who is hungry?

B.He is sleeping.3,Would you like some soup?

C.No, thanks.4、Is he quiet?

D.My pop is in my stomach.5、Where is his pop?

E.Yes, he is.六、连词成句(10分)

1、are you doing what

2、drawing am I a picture

3、he singing is to my mother

4、do point please not

5、you would like what


()1.1 like dumpling very much.A B C()2.Please look on your book.A B C()

3、This woman is siting on the chair.A B C()

4、He father is aman.A B C()

5、LiMing does

not a baby.A B C

八、快乐阅读。(10分)Today is Saturday.There is no class.But many students are in the school.Look!Danny is looking at a map of China with his friends.Jenny is writing English words with some girls.Li Ming and Tom are doing theirhomework carefully.Lucy is reading a book.Everyone is quiet.根据据短文内容判断正误(正确“T”,错误“F”)

()1.It is Sunday today.()2.Lucy is writing English words.()3.Danny is looking at a map of China.()4.Tom is reading a book.()5.The students are studying quietly.冀教版五年级英语下册第二单元测试题听力部分(共40 分)


1、A、man B、woman

2、A、men B、women

3、A、quick B、quiet

4、A、camera B、film

5、A、take B、gift

6、A、down B、slow

7、A、he B、him

8、A、child B、children

9、A、walk B、talk 10.A、quickly B、slowly




三、按照你所昕到的句子顺序写上1、2、3?6?7()Then Liming,Danny and Jenny go for a walk.

()The street has many cars and buses.()Mrs.Li, Danny, Jenny and Li Ming take a cab to their hotel.()They walk down the street.()The cars go quickly.笔试部分 c共计 60分)一.补全单词o

()l.h_ lp A.a B.e C.o()2.h

t A.er B.arC.ur()3.pe_ _le A.op B.up C.ep()4.cam

a A.re B.ir C.er()5.p_ _tureA.ac B.ic C.ec()6.f_ Im A.i B.e C.a()7.e_ sy A.o B.a C.u()8.m_ _yA.am B.en C.an()9.qu_ _k A.ic B.ac C.ie()l0.w_ _k A.ol B.al C.el 二.选择填空o


l.May I your picture? A.cake B.take C.desk D.do()2.Boys and girls are.A.men B women C.children D.people

3.They are quick.They walk.A.slowly B slow C.quickly D.quick()4.This is.Jenny can fly a kite.A.loudB.quiet C.hard D.easy()5.armis hurt.A.Danny' sB Dannys'


一、单项选择,选出最佳答案填在括号内。(20分)Jim has ____ curly hair.A.a



D./ 2.How is the weather in Beijing ? ______.A.Rain and wind

B.Cloud and sunny.C.Sunny and windy

D.Rain and cloudy.3.There___many people here___ vacation.A.have, on B.are, at C.are , on D.have ,for 4.Thank you for ____me with my English.A.help

B.helps C.helping D.is help 5.It’s rainy.But everyone ___a good time.A.is having

B.are having C.having.D.has 6.Tom with his friends ______ computer games now.A.is playing B.are playing C.plays

D.play 7._____ are they shopping ?-At the mall.A.What

B.Where C.When D.Who 8.He is eating ____ dinner _____ his parents.A.a, to B.a ,at C./ ,with

D./ ,for 9.Do you know___? What does_____look like ?A.she, she B.her, her C.her, she D.she, her 10._____ is the weather like in Jinan ? A.How


C.How a

D.Why Listen!She ___ in the classroom.A.sing B.sings

C.singing D.is singing 12.----What does your friend look like?-----___________.A.He is thin

B.She is a kind girl

C.She likes music

D.She has good-looking

13.----Is he heavy?----No, he is a little bit __________.A.tall

B.thin C.short D.quiet

14.----Lucy doesn’t have curly hair.----Yes, we can say she has _______hair.A.black

B.blonde C.short D.straight

15.---Is Miss Gao tall?---No, she isn’t tall, and she isn’t short, too.She is _________.A.medium height

B.medium build

C.a little heavy


16.----Tom is not very heavy.----Yes, I think we can say he is _________ heavy.A.a little

B.a bit C.a little bit D.A, B and C

17--Hi.How’s it going?--

.A.I don’t like it

B.I will go to school

C.Not bad D.No 18.Her mother is.She her students now.a teacher, teach

B.teacher, teachesC.a teacher, teaching

D.a teacher, is teaching 19.I like koalas they’re cute.A.but

B.because C.so

D.why 20.Mrs Green has _______ hair.A.black long beautiful

B.beautiful black long C.beautiful long black

D.a beautiful long black





D.food 22.A.always B.stop C.tall D.mall 24.A.beard

B.year C.really D.hai 25.A.joke B.nobody C.now

D.know 三.阅读理解(15分)A

Here is a form of the average temperature(平均温度)of four Chinese cities.Beijing Summer Autumn Winter Spring Shanghai 32℃ 15℃ 8℃ 15℃ Xi’an 28℃ 18℃ 6.3℃ 13℃ Yunnan 20℃ 12℃ 9℃ 18℃

Xinjiang 25℃ 10℃—3℃ 17.5℃

Choose the correct answers.(选择正确的答案)26.The average temperature of Xi’an in December is __ A 8℃



D 12℃.What is the weather of Yunnan like in autumn?

A It is cold B It is cool

C It is hot

D It is warm 28 Which city’s temperature is usually about 15℃ in spring? A Shanghai

B Xi’an

C Yunnan

D Xinjiang 29Which city is the coldest(最冷的)in winter? A Shanghai B Xi’an

C Yunnan

D Xinjiang 30 Which city has the best weather all the year round? A Shanghai

B Xi’an

C Yunnan

D Xinjiang B It’s a fine day today.Now it’s 9:00 in the morning.There’s a sports meeting(运动会)in the forest.Look!A panda(熊猫), a dog and a cat are running.Near the river, two tigers(老虎)are jumping.Three monkeys are climbing a tree and five birds are singing in the tree.There are some other animals in the forest, too.A bear(熊)is sitting on the back(背部)of an old elephant(大象).The elephant has a flag in his trunk(象鼻).Oh, look!Polly is sitting in the tree.She is watching the sports meeting.How happy the animals are!根据短文内容,回答下列问题 31.Who are running?

32.Are the tigers jumping?

33.How many(多少)monkeys are there?

34.What are the birds doing?

Where is Polly?


1-5 __________________ 6-10 __________________ 11-15 __________________ 16-20 _______________ 21-25 __________________ 26-30 ___________________ 31___________________________________________________

___________________________________________________ 33 ___________________________________________________ 34.___________________________________________________ 35 ___________________________________________________


36.He and his mother go _________(购物)in the supermarket.37.Look!My brother ________(游泳)in the pool.38.The boys often(swim)at the pool.39.Who is your favorite ________(音乐家)? 40 She’s a good singer.She’s very_________(受欢迎的).41.The little dog has white_________(卷曲的)hair.42 He likes telling_________(笑话)after class.43.What are you doing now? I ___________(clean)the windows.44.Is she __________(listen)to the teacher? 45 I like _________(swim)very much.46.Miss Li wants _________(eat)some rice and two eggs.47.Look at the picture.The children __________(fly)kites.48.What is the weather like? It’s r.49.I think Zhao Wei is _(相当)beautiful.50.I’m _(惊讶)Yao Ming is so tall.51.In winter people like wearing sweaters and(围巾)52.Look at the boys ______(play)football now.53.Do you r

Liu Dehua the pop singer? 54.Do you c______ your room every day ? 55.Are you t_____

about the movie? 56You can take photos for me with this c____.五.选词填空(用所给词的适当形式填空。)10分

A.has B.know




F.says G.with H.often I.but


Do you ____1____George Jackson, the rock singer_____2_____ sunglasses? Now George Jackson has

3__new look.He always ____4____curly blonde hair,____5___ now he is bald(秃头).He is kind of ___6___ , but now he has medium build.He likes to ___7___jeans and glasses, but now he always wears glasses.When the reporter __8___ him about his new look, George Jackson __9__, “It’s great!I like to change my look_____10___.That’s fun.”


六、汉译英-将下列汉语句子翻译成英语。(20分)1 我父母正在看电视。

______________________________________________ 2学生们正在谈论这本书

__________________________________________________ 3 威海的天气如何?阴天

_________________________________________________ 4 你的学习如何?相当好。

_______________________________________________ 5这儿有一张我家的照片?

__________________________________________________ 6 这里有很多人度假

__________________________________________________ 7没有人认识我。

__________________________________________ 8 她长得什么样?她高瘦留着长长的,金黄色的头发。

_______________________________________________________________________ 9 她从来不会停止说话 _______________________________________________________________________ 10 他穿一件蓝色的外套和一条黄色的围巾。

_______________________________________________________________________ 七.书面表达(10分)


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