
时间:2019-05-14 18:40:00下载本文作者:会员上传


D.lost 16.B.hope17.D.stick with18.A.measured19.B.struggles20.D.四、完形填空(每空1分,共20分)

butA little boy invited his mother1.B.disappointment2.A.would3.D.met4.D.tired

It was the night before the composition was due.As I looked at the list of topics(题5.C.covered 6.A.talk about 7.A.impressed8.D.in spite of 9.A.hid10.C.hearing11.A.carefully 12.B.When13.D.too 14.A.out of control15.C.目), 36 A.memory 37 A.when 38 B.served 39 B.those 40 A.none41 B.good senseless16.D.touched17.B.lasting18.D.regretted19.B.sense20.C.tightly at 42 D.argument 43D.sociall 44C.Suddenly 45 B.put 46 D.joy 47 C.As Americans travel by air same way as Europeans travel by train.for him 48 A.time 49C.hand in 50B.graded 51 A.loud 52C.Somebody 5336、A.much37、B.the Japanese38、C.left

39、A.although40C.by D.pleasure 54 B.for 55D.laugh train41、A.reach42、C.are


45、A.because It's very interesting to study names of different countries.21、B.from


47、A.No48、C.highly49、A.to love 50、C.only51、A.put





53、B.another54、A.has55、B.as wellClimate change is one of the most fundamental challenges ever to confront humanity.21、A.if22、B.as



29、C.essential 30、A.that

Did you sleep well last night? Maybe many people will answer: 21.C.If 22.B.may23.A.affected 24.B.make sure25.C.going to bed 26.D.had better not27.A.listen to

28.B.or 29.C.so 30.D.less

Do you find getting up in the morning so difficult that it's painful?1.A.might be 2.C.cycle 3.D.labor through 4.A.energetic 5.B.at 6.D.others 7.B.leads to8.C.temperature 9.A.Much10.D.what11.B.family12.A.fit 13.D.Habit 14.D.stay

up15.B.to some extent 16.A.early 17.A.rise 18.B.routine 19.C.save 20.C.sharper

Don't Take the Fun Out of Youth Sports36 C.team 37 A.playing 38 B.equal 39

D.pressure 40 B.private 41A.matches42C.run 43 D.training 44 A.necessary

45D.breathing46 B.intended 47 C.before 48 A.full 49 B.share50C.ended51A.sad52D.felt53B.rediscovered 54 C.for 55D.calmed

Eagle has the longest life-span of its' species.21、D.live up to22、A.In





27、D.more28、A.have to

29、B.get rid of 30、C.take advantage ofFrom Monday until Friday most people are busy working or studying, 1 D.take part in 2 C.interests 3 A.spare 4 A.some5 D.something6A.expensive 7B.cost anything 8A.worth9A.for10A.worth11D.reasonable12C.On the contrary13A.collects14A.for15C.valuable16D.happier17A.what18D.fun19C.but20A.is

It is always interesting to visit another country,21.A.travel22.D.but23.A.on24.B.order 25.C.for26.A.who 27.A.without 28.B.are 29.C.to 30.D.have

It was an early morning in summer.In the streets1A.jobs 2D.ordinary 3C.But 4D.above

5D.building 6B.walk 7C.step 8A.sure 9C.With 10A.distance11B.crowds 12C.wonder 13D.tiny 14C.trips 15A.walking 16B.even 17D.courage 18B.terrified

19A.show 20B.why

It was the district sports meet.1.C.earlier2 D.doubted3.C.ready 4.B.ahead

of5.A.ashamed6.A.cheer7.B.drop out8.D.However 9.C.in pain10..C.race 11.A.even if12.D.louder13.B.sure enough14.B.when 15.are 30、D.like

Many students find the experience of attending university lectures to be a confusing and frustrating experience.21.B.illustrating 22.C.distributing 23.C.wonders 24.D.which25.A.effective 26.A.enable 27.C.tackle28.A.in 29.D.overcoming30.C.with whom More and more teachers and parents have noticed another kind of pollution,21.C.which 22.B.made up23.B.others 24.B.in 25.B.whoever 26.D.asked27.B.the more28.C.another29.D.worried30.D.get rid of One day when Jamie came home after school, his mother had on her worry face.21.D.the weather22.D.the lights23.C.Troubles 24.A.sure 25.B.miss26.B.pulled 27.C.failed 28.C.had passed by 29.A.now 30.B.saveThere were once three sons of a wealthy businessman.21.B.whenever22.B.used 23.C.in the least 24.C.each 25.D.elder26.B.as27.A.joined 28.B.unpopular29.D.changing30.A.makingWe may look at the world around us.1.B.Take2.C.used3.A.what4.D.snowy5.B.brought6.A.Clearly 7.C.remembered 8.D.much 9.B.missed 10.B.worse 11.A.disappearance 12.C.known13.D.daily14.B.strangers15.regularly16.C.important

17.D.sense18.B.If 19.C.passing20.A.unnamed

When I joined a private football1.C.team2.A.playing3.B.equal 4.D.pressure5.B.private6.A.matches7.C.run8.D.training9.A.necessary 10.D.breathing 11.B.intended12.C.before 13.A.full 14.B.share 15.C.ended16.A.sad 17.D.felt 18.A.reconsider 19.C.for 20.D.calmed

Yesterday was(1 Jim's birthday).He got a lot of presents(2from)his friends and family.第1空答案C.Jim's birthday 第2空答案D.from 第3空答案A.in 第4空答案B.Some 第5空答案A.the packages 第6空答案B.are 第7空答案B.were 第8

空答案C.round 第9空答案B.was 第10空答案D.was not 第11空答案A.removed第12空答案D.another 第13空答案C.wrapped in 第14空答案C.covered with 第15空答案D.as 第16空答案A.said 第17空答案B.in 第18空答案C.went in 第19空答案B.opening 第20空答案D.before


We have quite a bit of information about ancient Egyptian medicine.Doctors' instruc-

tions have been found to tell us.56 they did for the sick and the injured.57 many of

the treatments included magic, ancient Egyptians used plant leaves and other methods to treat

many.58.Religion, magic and medicine were.59 related in ancient Egypt.Some priests(牧师)were specially.60 as doctors to.61 the sick and the injured.Doctors were held to a high moral standard.Patients was treated with 62 and their 63 information was highly secret.The highest--ranking doctors were priests of the goddess Sekhmet, 64 controlled illnesses.Doctors spent a part o{ each year 65 the goddess.Doctors were thought to be 66 to the gods and able to ask them for healing.Temples were centers for healing.67 a person was ill, he or she would come to the temple or 68 a doctor for a diagnosis(诊断).A(n)69 prob-lem was treated with medicine, prayer and magic.If a clear cause was not 70 , the diagnosis would be that the illness was caused by an evil spirit or curse.The doctor would use magic spells to 71 a cure.72, a diagnosis could not be reached.73 this case, a patient would be told to rest for a period of time 74 another ex-amination could be 75

56.A.what B.whyC.thatD.which

57.A.When B.Since C.Although D.After

58.A.damagesB.diseases C.disastersD.destructions

59.A.hardly B.closely C.mainly D.shortly

60.A.trained B.designedC.plannedD.studied

61.A.look to B.come toC.care forD.search for

62.A.reputation B.inspection C.fameD.respect

63.A.ill B.ownC.hidden D.personal

64,.A.that B.which C.who D.what

65.A.serving B.reading C.learning D.following

66.A.careful B.generous C.mean D.close

67.A.Before B.When C.Until D.Since

68.A.think over B.apply toC.call for D.make up

69.A.serious B.internalC.odd D.obvious

70.A.treated B.discovered C.cured D.aroused

71.A.bring aboutB.set out C.insist onD.make up

72.A.Subsequently B.Consequently C.OccasionallyD.Hopefully

73.A.With B.In C.For D.On

74.A.until B.when C.although D.because

75.A.decided B.performed C.carried D.discussed




59.B表示紧密联系closely related。


61.D本题考查动词短语,care for sb.照顾,照料„„。


63.D个人信息、隐私personal information。

64.C 本题考查定语从句引导词,前面是the goddess Sekhmet,指人,用who。

65.A serve the god/goddess侍奉神明。



68.C本题考查动词短语意思。call for a doctor邀请一个医生。



71.A本题考查动词词组。bring about带来,引起。


73.B本题考查固定搭配。in this case在这种情况下。



Of all the websites, one that has attracted attention recently is myspace, com.Most of this attention has come from the media and tells every reason 56 the web-site should be 57The threat of Internet predators(窃掠者)is indeed a tough re-ality, 58 shutting down the site is not the answer.If myspace, corn 59 shut down, another site would quickly 60 its place.Therefore, the right way is to teach teens how to use the site safely and educate them 61 who may be predators and how to 62 them.The key to 63 safe on the Internet is to make sure that your profile(个人资料)is secure.The 64 way is to change the privacy setting on your profile to “pri-vate”, which protects your information 65 only the people on your friend list can view it.Although this is 66 , it is not perfect.Predators can find ways to view your profile if they really want to, 67 through backing in(黑客入侵)or figuring out their way onto your friend list.Thus, you should never post too much personal 68.Some people actually post their home and school addresses, date to birth, and so on, often 69 predators know exactly where they will by and 70

The most information that is safe is your first name and province.Anything more is basically.71 a predator into your life.Another big problem is photos.[ suggest 72 skipping photos and never pos-ting a photo of a friend online without his or her 73 Most important, never, 74 any circumstances, agree to a real--life meeting with anyone you meet online, 75 how well you think you know this person.There are no guarantees that they have told the truth.58.A.what B.howC.whyD, which

57.A.shut down B.open upC.get intoD, turn on

58.A.but B.evenC.despite D, since

59.A.is B.are C.was D.were

60.A.get B.make C.takeD.push

61.A.as B.about C.for D.in

62.A.avoid B.get C.benefit D.hide

63.A.stay B.staying C.stayed D.staying

64.A.difficultB.simplestC.simple D.most difficuIt

65.A.as to B.no matter C.so that D.Because

66.A.efficientB.interesting C.effectiveD.impressive

67.A.if B.whetherC.howeverD.whatever

68.A.information B.documents C.filesD.messages

69.A.let B.make C.allow D.letting

70.A.what B.whyC.when D.how

71.A.introducing B.inviting C.investing D.interrupting

72.A.partly B.mostly C.lastly D.completely

73.A.favor B.ruleC.information D.permission

74.A.above B.under C.below D.at

75.A.no matter B.even if C.unless D.also

46.D应改为will you?考查祈使句的反意疑问句。当你读完那本书的时候,不要忘了把它放回原处,好吧?

47.C应改为should be。考查虚拟语气在宾语从句中应用,demand引导的宾语从句需要用should+动词原形。工厂的工人要求他们的工资应该提高20%。

48.B应改为to be seen。固定用法It remainsto be seen尚待分晓。还不知道吉姆是否适合参加决赛。

49.D应改为none of。三个人否定用none。我邀请了Joe、Linda和Tom,但是他们全都不来。


51.C应改为being spoken。这种语言在被非常少的人们使用的情况下,如何、为何存活了一千多年的问题很难解释。


53.B应改为on。Keep an eye on对某事密切注意。很多父母觉得,出于对犯罪和学校暴力的担忧,他们需要密切注意他们的孩子。



There 56 a king who had twelve beautiful daughters.They 57 in twelve beds all in one room and when they went to bed, the 58 were shut and locked up.59 , every morning 60 shoes were found to be quite worn through as if they had been danced in all night.Nobody could 61 how it happened, or 62 the princesses had been.So the king made it 63 to all that if any person could discover the 64 and find out where it was that the princesses danced in the 65 , he would have the 66 he liked best to take as his wife, and would be king 67 his death.But whoever tried and did not succeed, after three days and nights, would be 68 to death.A prince from a nearby country soon came.He was well entertained, and in the evening was taken to the chamber(大房间)next 69 the one where the princesses lay in their twelve 70.There he was to sit and 71 where they went to dance;and, in order 72 nothing could happen without him hearing it, the door of his 73 was left open.But the prince soon went to sleep;and when he 74 in the morning he found that the princesses had all been dancing, 75 the soles of their shoes were full of holes

56.A.was B.were C.is D.are

57.A.did B.slept C.washedD.kicked

58.A.chairsB.desks C.doors D.roofs

59.A.SoB.Therefore C.Then D.However

60.A.their B.your C.ourD.her

61.A.make outB.take out C.find out D.speak out

62.A.when B.what C.why D.where

63.A.knowB.knowing C.knows D.known

64.A.story B.secret C.news D.idea

65.A.nightB.day C.afternoon D.morning

66.A.one B.itC.some D.that

67.A.beforeB.after C.of D.below


69.A.by B.to C.atD.on

70.A.boxesB.buckets C.sofas D.beds

71.A.notice B.keep(2.watch D.hit

72.A.that B.whichC.who D.whose

73.A.kitchen B.classroom C.chamber D.restaurant

74.A.ate B.awoke C.slept D.ran

75.A.for B.soC.butD.though


47.B应把in his honor改成in whose honor。这里是一个定语从句,限定前面的主语,而whose可以实现这一功能。


49.A应将tO make改成having made,这一句是说“他之前已经做过多次努力„„”。

50.B应该将was改成were。In the town提前,句子倒装,句子主语many old people需要跟复数的谓语动词。

51.D应把to play改成playing。enjoy doingsth.为固定搭配。

52.B应把she was改成was she。因为在So„that„句型中,如果So引导的是一个完整的句子,主谓需要倒装。



55.A应把has去掉。本句有明显的过去时标志性短语ten years ago,应用一般过去时,故直接用died即可。


2009年学位英语完形填空全真模拟试题24(1))From http://wentong96.blog.163.com/ Stacy had recently moved from New York City to Stoneybrook, Connecticut.It was ___1____for her to make new friends but she finally had three when she joined the Babysitters Club to ___2____little children whose parents were busy.Claudia, Kristy, and Mary were in her class at school and also the other 3 of the club.The girls met at five o’clock on Fridays and waited for the 4 to ring.So far they had been busy, in spite of the 5 that they couldn’t stay out late and were under 13.___6___, the girls’ world was invaded(侵犯)by a second group 7 themselves the Babysitters Agency.They were 8 and the group also included a few boys.The Babysitters Club tried to think of ways to 9 with the older group.They could clean and work for less money, however, they 10 it would be difficult to compete.The shock was even greater than they had 11 _when most of their best customers started to call the new group.They 12 to get only a few jobs.To try a new 13 Kristy recruited(招收)a few older kids who told the club they didn’t want to 14 their money with the other group.The club 15 only too quickly that these older girls joined only as spies and didn’t 16 for their job assignments(分派).Thus, more parents were 17 with the club.Finally, the girls realized that the 18 in the other group were not good babysitters.They watched television, talked on the phone, and invited boyfriends to the house 19 they were sitting.When the children of the families started to 20 , and a near accident almost occurred, the club went to the parents to tell them what was happening.1.A.active B.thoughtful C.easy D.hard 2.A.take care of B.run into C.go through

D.take advantage of 3.A.children B.members C.circles D.players 4.A.alarm B.traffic C.phone D.neighbor 5.A.fact B.degree C.question D.demand 6.A.Therefore B.Suddenly C.Regularly

D.Unwillingly 7.A.attracting B.finding

C.calling D.matching 8.A.younger B.cleverer C.taller D.older 9.A.compete B.fight C.do D.meet 10.A.heard B.knew C.promised D.shot 11.A.damaged B.caught C.expected D.forced 12.A.hoped B.liked C.refused D.seemed 13.A.chance B.possibility C.power D.policy 14.A.share B.give C.provide D.mark 15.A.put down B.paid off C.found out D.come through 16.A.check up B.end up C.look up D.show up 17.A.satisfied B.unhappy C.curious D.helpful 18.A.kids B.adults C.systems D.situations 19.A.that B.when C.where D.how 20.A.blow B.complain C.appreciate D.spread 1.D。刚刚搬到一个新的地方,人生地不熟,同时从but she finally had three可知“虽然难但最终交了三位朋友”。

2.A。从后文来看the Babysitters Club是帮助人照看孩子的。3.B。在这个团体中,除了她们三个还有其他成员。4.C。帮他人照看孩子,从星期五下午五点钟就等着电话预约。5.A。他们不到13岁,比较小,不能在外面太晚,这是一种事实。6.B。另外一个照看孩子的组织侵犯了女孩们的世界是突然间的事情。7.C。他们自称为the Babysitters Agency.8.D。由句子The Babysitters Club tried to think of ways to ___9_____with the older group.可知,这个组织年龄比她们大。


10.B。it would be difficult to compete是女孩们已经料到的事情。11.C。虽然料到了情况不乐观,但是事态的发展比预料的还要坏。

12.D。由句子most of their best customers started to call the new group.可知“他们好像的工作不多”。






From the earlier time it was well ___1___to the Peruvians that when a cut ___2____made in the thick skin of a ___3____tree, a white liquid like milk came ___4___.From this fluid(流动的)a sticky ___5_____of rubber might be made.This rubber is ___6____and wax-like when warm so that it is ___7_____to give any form.The Peruvians ___8____the discovery that it is very good for ___9____out water.Then in the early ___10____of the century they made overshoes to ___11___their feet dry.Then a certain Mr Mackintosh ___12_____coats of cloth which were ___13____with rubber.Today Mackintosh raincoats are still ___14_____after him.But these first rubber shoes ___15______raincoats were unpleasantly soft and sticky in ___16___.They were also stiff and very ___17____in winter.They were like wax(蜡)although they ___18____a bit stronger.But the rubber ___19___use today has been improved.It is ___20____sticky but soft and elastic(弹性的)and strong enough for any season.1.A.talked B.heard C.seen D.known 2.A.has B.was C.may D.will 3.A.rubber B.apple C.orange D.oak 4.A.from B.through C.out D.up 5.A.raincoat B.shoes C.border D.mass 6.A.hard B.fast C.stubborn D.soft 7.A.important B.impossible C.possible D.uncertain 8.A.made B.found C.wrote D.neglected 9.A.finding B.keeping C.making D.pouring 10.A.kind B.part C.sort D.halves 11.A.clean B.clear C.keep D.prevent 12.A.made B.found C.appeared D.gave 13.A.full B.like C.lined D.applied 14.A.looked B.named C.made D.searched 15.A.or B.and C.with D.but 16.A.today B.summer C.winter D.rain 17.A.soft B.sticky C.elastic D.cold 18.A.felt B.made C.needed D.produced 19.A.Mr Mackintosh B.the Peruvians C.we D.is 20.A.also B.always C.neither D.not 1.D。be well known 是固定短语,表示“对„了解、熟悉”。

2.B。因为“切口(cut)”可知应该是被人去做,所以是 was made。3.A。根据下文两次出现的 rubber 可得出答案。


7.C。根据前面的warm 得出答案,当变暖或加热时“能”做出任何形状。8.A。因为“发现”是名词,不能选found,make a discovery是固定短语。9.B。根据常识,橡胶可以“防”水,其余选项不符句意。10.B。表示本世纪的“早期、前期”,不能选 halves,如果用 half不能用复数。11.C。根据前面的“鞋垫”和后面的“干燥”得出答案是“保持干燥”。12.A。根据后面的 coat 判断答案是“被做”。


14.B。根据前面的雨衣判断可知仍然还是以他的名字“命名的”,其余选项不符句意。15.B。根据句意,这是两个物质名词 shoes 和 raincoat 是并列的,但不能选or(或者)。16.B。夏天天气炎热,雨衣变软,故 summer 符合语境。

17.D。根据常识,橡胶在夏天温度高时变软,相反在冬天“冷”时变硬。18.A。根据前面的“像蜡”和后面的 stronger 得出答案是“摸起来”,表示感觉。19.C。根据句中的时间状语 today 判断是 we(我们)使用。




All(1)_______ things must fight to stay alive.They have to feed on something and at the same time avoid being(2)_______.Therefore they have to solve this big problem of staying alive in their own way.The danger of being eaten in the sea is great.Those plants and animals that do survive usually(3)_______ very fast and in great numbers.(4)_______ sea animals have defensive devices which help them to survive.The jelly fish have(5)_______ tentacles(触角)which are used for attack and defense.Another method of(6)_______ which sea plants and animals use is disguise.They usually have the same(7)_______ as their surroundings.In order to stay alive, animals need to have good senses.Fishes have sharp eyes.Almost all animals are sensitive to(8)_______.Fishes judge movements in the water by(9)_______ of their lines.Fishes and other sea animals can hear well and many of them can(10)_______ different types of warning sound.1.A.living



D.live 2.A.taken



D.eaten 3.A.produce B.reproduce C.run

D.swim 4.A.Any



D.Each 5.A.beautiful B.short C.poisonous

D.long 6.A.swimming



D.growth 7.A.color

B.body C.width

D.length 8.A.run away



D.move 9.A.way



D.approach 10.A.make


C.build D.produce 【解题导语】 本文是说明文,主要讲述了生物在特定的环境中如何学会去保护自己不受侵害。

【新词链接】 avoid doing sth.避免做某事 by means of 用„„的方法 make sound / noise 弄出声音 【试题解析】 1.A 根据四个单词的区别,“生物”应为living things。2.D 固定搭配:avoid doing sth.意为“避免做某事”。3.B 根据上下文意思,此处指动植物“再生”。4.C 由谓语动词形式可知,certain指“某些”。5.C 根据下文得知此处指“有毒的”触角。6.B 指海底动植物生存的另一种方法。7.A 这些动物有与周围环境相同的颜色,即保护色。8.C 所有动物对触摸很敏感。9.B 固定搭配,by means of 意为“用„„的方法“。10.A 固定搭配,make sound / noise意为“弄出声音”。


Getting plenty of exercise is very important.I enjoy swimming very much.Last summer I went to the(1)_______ every day.I plan to go there this summer too, but I may not be able to.I have a new(2)_______, sometimes I have to work until(3)_______ at night.Although I now work more hours than I used to, yet I do receive a larger salary.I didn’t receive much pay on my(4)_______ job.I like my new job, but had I know that it would take up so much of my free time, I would not have taken.I prefer(5)_______ to making more money.I have heard that riding a bike is good exercise.Maybe I will be able to(6)_______ enough money to buy a bike.My neighbor, Ms Wilson, has a bicycle that I could(7)_______, but I would rather own my own bike.If I used hers, I would worry about destroying it.Since I make more money now, I think that I can afford to buy my own.Getting a bike is really a good idea, because while I’m riding to and from, I will be getting(8)_______ at the same time.It is easier to get to the seaside on a bike, too.I might be able to go swimming every day after all.This new job is great!I’m very(9)_______.This will be a summer full of(10)_______.1.A.playground

B.shore C.seaside

D.sea 2.A.office



D.interest 3.A.far



D.lately 4.A.favorite B.new


D.old 5.A.swimming



D.working 6.A.save



D.cost 7.A.ride



D.borrow 8.A.enjoyment



D.money 9.A.moved

B.excited C.interested

D.disappointed 10.A.exercise

B.pleasure C.interest

D.imagination 【解题导语】 本文是一篇夹叙夹议的文章,主要讲述了锻炼的重要性,作者同时做到了工作和锻炼两不误。【新词链接】 take up 占据(时间、空间)

prefer… to… 喜欢„„胜过„„;宁愿„„而不愿„„ would rather do sth.宁愿去做某事 afford to do sth.有能力去做某事 【试题解析】

1.C 根据文章倒数第4句话可知。

2.B 由下文的 I like my new job 可知。3.C 根据上下文,应该是我工作到深夜。4.D 和new 相对比。

5.A 根据上下文可知,作者喜欢游泳。6.A 作者要“节约”钱去买自行车。

7.D 根据句意可知我可以向邻居Ms Wilson “借”自行车。8.C 在骑自行车中得到“锻炼”。9.B 由上文可知。10.A 由文章首句:getting plenty of exercise is very important可以知道。


Friendship is unconditional and uncritical, based only on mutual respect and the ability to enjoy each other's company.These authority figures never saw the way one of us could do something outrageous, and the rest of us would joke about it for days.We could have fun doing absolutely nothing at all—because the(1)_______ we provided each other with was enough.Rather than discussing operas, Lewinsky, or the weather, we enjoyed just(2)_______ each other without any one of us trying to outsmart the others.Still, I realize that these adults had a(3)_______ to be concerned about the direction my friends were(4)_______;I also was concerned for them, but I wasn't about to(5)_______ them.Many times I would advise my friends that some activity may be(6)_______ or to think things through before doing something, but I would never claim to hold the moral high ground and to condescend to them.When Marvin would begin rolling joints, when Alisa would tell me she skipped school because of a hangover, or when Merriam would tell me that her new boyfriend was in a street gang, I expressed my discomfort with their(7)_______.However, I never(8)_______ them with the threat of taking my friendship away.Contrary to the commercials on television, you can have(9)______ who use drugs.In fact, probably everyone does without(10)______ it.1.A.gift B.present

C.company D.friendship 2.A.hanging around

B.learning from C.communicating with D.joining in 3.A.prejudice B.point C.suggestion

D.situation 4.A.giving



D.facing 5.A.ignore



D.leave 6.A.crazy



D.important 7.A.action



D.thoughts 8.A.force


C.persuade D.cheat 9.A.friends

B.girlfriends C.classmates

D.brothers 10.A.hearing

B.recognizing C.realizing D.knowing 【解题导语】 本文是议论文,主要讲述了友谊的相关内容,友谊是无条件的,不带偏见的,彼此相互尊重,并且喜欢和对方在一起,这就是友谊。【新词链接】 base on 在„„的基础上 provided sb.with sth.给某人提供某物 be concerned about 关心 hang around 闲荡 【试题解析】 1.C 由首句可知,只要我们在一起(company)就已经足够了 2.A 由上下文可知,大家只是享受那份闲来荡去(hang around)的惬意。3.B 由其后作定语的不定式短语可知。4.C 因direction 后是定语从句,所以要填表示“朝着某个方向行进”的heading。5.D 从下文可看出,不管朋友有什么样的表现,我都不会和他们绝交(leave them)。6.B 由前文的“提醒(advise)”和后文“三思而后行”可知,有些活动是“危险”的。7.A 指上文列举的“吸大麻”、“逃学”、“交街上小混混做男友”等之类的不良“行为”。8.B 由语境可知,是用绝交来“威胁”他们。9.A 指任何人都有可能有不良行为的“朋友”。10.C 由前句可知本句意为每个人都有这类朋友,只是没“意识到”而已。


A boy is about to go on his first date, and is nervous about what to talk about.He asks his father for advice.The father(1)_______, “My son, there are three subjects that always(2)_______.These are food, family, and philosophy.” The boy picks up his date and they go to a soda fountain.(3)_______ ice cream sodas in front of them, they(4)_______ at each other for a long time, as the boy's nervousness builds.He remembers his father's advice, and chooses the first(5)_______.He asks the girl: “Do you like spinach?” She says “No,” and the silence returns.After a few(6)_______ uncomfortable minutes, the boy thinks of his father's suggestion and(7)_______ the second item on the list.He asks, “Do you have a brother?” Again, the girl says “No” and there is(8)_______ once again.The boy then(9)_______ his last card.He thinks of his father's(10)_______ and asks the girl the following question: “If you had a brother, would he like spinach?” 1.A.asks B.replies C.tells

D.talks 2.A.do B.help C.work D.affect 3.A.For

B.Besides C.Without D.With 4.A.stare B.glare C.smile D.laugh 5.A.advice

B.question C.word D.topic 6.A.more


C.other D.most 7.A.turns on B.turns to

C.turns away D.turns over 8.A.smile

B.nervousness C.silence D.anxiety 9.A.uses

B.takes C.asks

D.plays 10.A.lesson B.advice

C.promise D.order 【解题导语】 本文是记叙文,主要讲述了一个男孩子机械地使用父亲提议的话题,在第一次约会时闹出的笑话。

【新词链接】 ask sb.for sth.问某人要某物。stare at 凝视,长时间看

plays his last card 打出最后一张牌 【试题解析】 1.B 根据故事开头提供的情景:He asks his father for advice。2.C 此处的work意为“奏效”。

3.D 介词复合结构“with+宾语+宾补”可以表示状态、条件等。4.A 此题区别不同方式的“看”,stare at 意思是:凝视,长时间看。5.D 联系上下文,他父亲提供了三个话题。6.A 此题考察more的表达方式,意思是“又过了几分钟”。7.B 根据句意,turns to是“转向„„”的意思,最贴切。8.C 联系故事情节的发展,得到否定回答之后接下来是“没有人讲话”了。9.D 短语plays his last card意为“打出最后一张牌”。10.B 与文章开头的第二句话asks his father for advice相呼应。


There once was a blind man who decided to visit Texas.When he arrived on the plane, he(1)_______ the seats and said, “Wow, these seats are big!” The person next to him answered, “(2)_______ is big in Texas.”

When he finally arrived in Texas, he decided to visit a bar.Upon arriving in the bar, he(3)_______ a beer and got a mug(4)_______ between his hands.He exclaimed, “Wow these mugs are big!” The bartender replied, “Everything is big in Texas.” After a(5)_______of beers, the blind man asked the bartender where the(6)_______ was located.The bartender replied, “Second door to the right.”

The blind man(7)_______ for the bathroom, but accidentally tripped over and skipped the second door.(8)_______, he entered the third door, which(9)_______ to the swimming pool and fell into the pool by accident.(10)_______ to death, the blind man started shouting, “Don't flush, don't flush!” 1.A.saw B.felt


D.touched 2.A.Everything B.Nothing C.Something D.All 3.A.took

B.bought C.drank

D.ordered 4.A.placed


C.stood D.spread 5.A.few B.amount


D.pair 6.A.bathroom

B.living room C.waiting room

D.kitchen 7.A.looked

B.headed C.went

D.searched 8.A.As a result

B.In fact C.Instead

D.So 9.A.turns

B.opens C.gets

D.leads 10.A.Starved B.Scared C.Moved

D.Frozen 【解题导语】 本文是记叙文,主要讲述了一位盲人乘飞机去Texas进行访问时的笑话。最后要去厕所时却掉进了游泳池里,应了Texas人的一句口头禅:Everything is big in Texas。【新词链接】 a couple of 一双、一对 look for 寻找

lead to… 通往„„ 【试题解析】 1.B felt 是“摸”的意思。2.A 从第二段最后一句话可以得出此答案。3.D 是“点菜、要„„食品”的意思。4.A 此处意为“把啤酒杯放在两只手之间”。Placed是过去分词做get后的宾语补足语。5.C 只有couple在此表示具体的“量”。A few是“一些”的意思。6.A 啤酒喝多了应该是找“洗手间”了。7.A 短语look for意为“寻找”。8.C 此处instead 意为“代替、相反”。9.D lead to意为“通往”,get to“到达”,open to“朝„„敞开”,turn to 意为“转向”。10.B scared意为“害怕”,过去分词短语表示状态,他以为是掉进了“这么大的小便池里”,当然是“处于害怕的状态中”。


One day while a girl was walking in the woods she found two starving songbirds.She took them home and put them in a small(1)_______.She cared them and felt great love for the birds.One the(2)_______ and stronger of the two birds flew from the cage.Therefore ,(3)_______ he flew close, she grasped him(4)_______.She felt glad, but suddenly she felt the bird go limp.She opened her hand and(5)_______ in horror at the dead bird.She noticed the other bird moving back and forth on the edge of the cage.She could feel his great need for(6)_______.She lifted him from the cage and(7)_______ him softly into the air.The bird circled once, twice, three times.The girl watched delightedly at the bird's enjoyment.Her heart was no longer(8)_______ with her loss.Suddenly the bird flew closer and(9)_______ softly on her shoulder.It sang the sweetest melody that she had ever heard.The fastest way to(10)_______ love is to hold on it too tightly, the best way to keep love is to give it WINGS!1.A.cage B.box


D.room 2.A.weaker



D.shorter 3.A.Because B.As

C.If D.Since 4.A.gently


C.elegantly D.wildly 5.A.stared

B.glared C.glanced D.shouted 6.A.freedom B.food


D.space 7.A.dropped B.pulled C.seized D.tossed 8.A.packed

B.concerned C.marked D.lined 9.A.landed



D.stood 10.A.gain




【解题导语】 本文是一篇夹叙夹议的文章,通过一个爱鸟的小女孩的故事,表达了“若想令爱永恒,要将爱放飞”的主题。【新词链接】 long for 渴望得到某物 on the edge of 在„„的边缘 be concerned with 关注、注意、计较 【试题解析】

1.A 按常识判断,鸟应当养在“鸟笼”里。

2.C 根据下文中有the smaller bird,所以飞出鸟笼的鸟大一点。3.B as引导一个时间状语从句。

4.D 因为担心鸟儿会飞走,所以当鸟儿飞回时,她会紧紧地抓住它。5.A stare at是“盯着看”之意。

6.A 从前面描述的情况看,小鸟最需要的是自由。7.D toss意为“抛向„„”。

8.B be concerned with是“关注、注意、计较”之意。她的内心不再计较自己的得失。9.A 鸟儿轻轻地降落在她的肩膀上。

10.C while前后两句是对比关系,后一句讲到keep love,那么前一句应该是“lose love”。


A long time ago, a little boy loved to play around an apple tree.After eating some apples, he took a nap under the(1)_______.He and the tree loved each other.When the boy grew up, he(2)_______ played around the tree.One day, the boy came back to the(3)_______.The tree(4)_______ the boy to play with him.―I am no longer a kid, I don’t play around trees any more.“ The boy replied, ”I want(5)_______.I need money to buy them.“ ”Sorry, but I don’t have money, but you can sell all my apples and have money to buy." The boy was so(6)_______ that he picked all the apples and(7)_______ happily.The boy never came back after he picked the apples.The tree was(8)_______.Later, the boy needed a house for(9)_______, so he turned to the tree.And the tree asked himto cut off all his branches.So the boy did.The tree was glad to see him happy but the boy never came back since then.The tree was again(10)_______and sad.1.A.sunshine B.screen C.shadow

D.shelf 2.A.no longer B.no more C.no farther

D.no better 3.A.top



D.village 4.A.asked



D.added 5.A.pleasure B.help


D.fruits 6.A.shamed

B.excited C.embarrassed D.trouble 7.A.played



D.left 8.A.sad

B.happy C.concerned D.forgettable 9.A.shelter



D.preparation 10.A.angry

B.lovely C.friendly

D.lonely 【解题导语】本文讲述了孩子与苹果树之间的故事。一个孩子小时候总是在苹果树旁边玩耍,但是长大以后他把所有的苹果摘完卖掉,把树枝砍掉以后就再也不来理睬这棵树了。【新词链接】 no longer 不再 no better 不是更好 【试题解析】 1.C 他爬到树冠吃苹果,然后在树影下(shadow)打盹。2.A no longer“不再”,表时间上的不再延长;no more“不再”,表数量上的不再增加;no farther“别再说”;no better“不是更好”。随着时间的流逝,这个小孩子渐渐长大,不再每天都围着这 棵树玩了。3.C 有一天,孩子回到了树下,显得有点难过。4.A “过来和我玩玩吧!”苹果树邀请他说。5.C 根据下文句意可知。6.B 与倒数第2段第1行照应,他如此激动以致把所有的苹果都摘走,愉快地离开了。7.D 见上句解析。8.A 与前面第3空后he looked sad对应,他摘走了苹果,买了玩具,再也没有回来看望这棵苹果树,苹果树自然会感到难过(sad)。9.A shelter意为“遮挡,遮蔽物”。为家人盖一所遮风挡雨的房子。10.D 孩子砍掉所有的树枝愉快地离开了,苹果树在此陷入了孤独和悲伤之中。


Expressing gratitude is an important form of good manners.Nowadays more and more people in China have found it’s high time to cultivate a thankful heart for the good others(1)______.Everyone likes to get praised and appreciated.Gratitude is the greatest of virtues, which lets others smile and makes the world more beautiful.You just need several minutes to write down a thank-you note, but it bring much joy to the(2)______.We live in a society where we enjoy the different services of others.But(3)______ of them should be taken for granted.Gratitude is also a kind of(4)______ in life.In developing gratitude for every moment – for the simple joys and even for the(5)______ times—we come to truly enjoy and appreciate life.Then we are able to see the(6)______ that surrounds us.Try to write a thank-you letter to your parents for working hard to(7)______ you a happy life.Be grateful to your teachers because of their(8)______ with your studies and character building.Say thanks to your friends who(9)______ both your happiness and sorrow.We are sure it will bring them much joy and add(10)______ into your own life as well.1.A.have



D.like 2.A.doer

B.receive C.performer D.speaker 3.A.one

B.any one C.none

D.all 4.A.attitude

B.feeling C.emotion D.sense 5.A.managing B.challenging C.changing D.developing 6.A.truth

B.reality C.experience D.magic 7.A.offer

B.produce C.imagine D.try 8.A.study



D.co-operation 9.A.knew

B.shared C.realized D.recognized 10.A.reflection B.justice C.taste

D.color 【解题导语】 本文是议论文,阐述了“人要会感激”的道理。【新词链接】 do good to 对„„有益处、对„„有好处 take… for granted 对„„不以为然,轻视、认为„„无所谓 【试题解析】 1.B 固定搭配,do good to 意为“对„„有益处、对„„有好处”。2.B 感谢信能给接受者带来极大的愉悦。3.C 此处them指上文的“service”。take…for granted “对„„不以为然,轻视、认为„„无所谓”。此句意为“这种服务不应该被人藐视”。4.A 感恩也是一种人生态度。5.B even暗示前后对比。前面讲到“快乐时光”,后面应接“挑战的时刻(困难时期)”。6.D 这样我们就可以看到围绕在我们周围的魔力。7.A offer 在此意为“提供”。8.C 感谢老师在学业方面和性格磨练方面给我们的帮助。9.B 感谢朋友与我们同甘共苦。

10.D 感谢给我们带来快乐,也给我们的生活增加光彩。


I am discovering that many people want, above all else, to live life fully.But sometimes the past prohibits our living and enjoying life to the utmost in the present.A school teacher(1)______ his room a few minutes early and(2)______ a mealworm laboriously crawling along the floor.It had somehow been(3)______.The back part of the worm was dead and dried up, but still attached to the(4)______, living part by just a thin thread.As the teacher(5)______ the strange sight of a poor worm(6)______ its dead half across the floor, a little girl ran in and noticed it there.Picking it up, she said, oh, Oscar, when are you going to(7)______ that dead part so you can really live? What a marvelous(8)______ for all of us!When are we going to lose that dead part so we can really live? When are we going to let go of past pain so we can live(9)______? When are we going to drop the baggage of needless guilt so we can(10)______ life? When are we going to let go of that past resentment so we can know peace? Have you been dragging something that is dead and gone around with you? Are you ready to lose that dead part so you can really live? 1.A.entered


C.rushed D.slipped 2.A.saw B.searched


D.found 3.A.killed

B.injured C.hurt

D.damage 4.A.behind



D.front 5.A.studied

B.researched C.took

D.learned 6.A.pushing B.taking C.pulling

D.bringing 7.A.lose B.miss


D.place 8.A.problem B.question


D.puzzle 9.A.happily



D.fully 10.A.live


C.experience D.treasure 【解题导语】本文是一篇夹叙夹议的文章,主要通过分析生活中的一个现象,得出一个人生哲理:生活中我们要善于放弃包袱,轻装上阵,这样我们才能生活得精彩、充实。【新词链接】 above all 首先,尤其是,最重要的是 let go of sb./ sth.把某人(某物)放开,松开手 【试题解析】

1.A 老师在提前进入(enter)教室时发现了一条米虫在吃力地爬行,拖着已经死去的残躯。2.C 老师此时是不经意地注意到,所以用notice。

3.B 米虫还在爬,所以不能用dead,只是受伤了,要用injured;而hurt通常指心灵上的伤害。

4.D 虫的后半个部位已经死了,干了,依附在它身体的前部(front)。5.A 老师在观察这个现象,这个观察带有一定的研究(study)性。6.C 与前文相呼应,这个虫子拖着(pulling)死去的身体部分在爬行。7.A “要活命就得放弃死去的部分。”因此这个死去的部分就成了累赘,loss这里带有放弃的意思。miss“错过”,cut“切下”,place“放置”,均与句子意思不符。

8.B 这个问题恰恰也是值得我们思考的问题,需要回答的问题通常用question表示。9.D 我们把过去的痛苦忘掉,才能生活得精彩、充实(full)。

10.C 只有我们把不必要的负疚的包袱放掉,才能更好地体验(experience)生活。


In the dinning room of my grandfather’s house stood a heavy grandfather’s clock.Meals in the dinning room were a(1)______ for our four generations to become one.The grandfather’s clock always stood like a trusted old family friend,(2)______ us playing jokes and telling stories, which was already a(3)______ of our life.As a child, the old clock interested me.I watched and listened to it during(4)______.I was surprised how at(5)______ times of the day, the clock would strike three times, six times or more, with a wonderful great(6)______ that echoed throughout the house.The clock chimed year after year, a part of my(7)______, a part of my heart.Even more(8)______ to me was my grandfather’s special action each day.He meticulously(9)______ the clock with a special key each day.The key was magic to me.It(10)______ our family’s magnificent clock ticking and striking all year round.1.A.time

B.possibility C.problem D.pleasure 2.A.seeing

B.hearing C.watching D.looking 3.A.start


C.signal D.mark 4.A.stories


C.periods D.meals 5.A.busy

B.urgent C.happy D.different 6.A.shock

B.sound C.song

D.music 7.A.memories B.minds C.comfort D.information 8.A.comfortable B.hopeful C.wonderful D.skillful 9.A.opened

B.wound C.turned D.started 10.A.made

B.controlled C.kept

D.fixed 【解题导语】 本文主要讲述了餐厅里的闹钟在我的记忆中的印象。【新词链接】 a time 一段时光 interest sb.引起某人的兴趣 all year round 全年 【试题解析】 1.A 短语a time意为“一段时光”,下文的become one意为“成为一体,聚集一堂”。整句意为:在这个餐厅里,一日三餐是我们一家四代人聚集一堂的时候。2.C 爷爷的脑钟总是在那里,像一位可以信赖的家庭朋友一直看着(watch)我们开玩笑讲故事,这已经是我们生活内容的一部分。3.B 见上句解析。4.D 当我们还是个小孩子的时候,这座老钟使我感兴趣,在吃饭的过程中(during),我注视着这座钟,聆听着它的声音。5.D 根据下文和生活中有关闹钟的常识判断,我感到奇怪的是在一天当中不同的时候这座钟是如何敲响3下、6下或更多下的。6.B 闹钟发出的奇妙宏大的声音(sound)在满屋里回荡。7.A 闹钟年复一年地打点报时,留在我的记忆里,也留在我的心里。8.C 根据上下文,使我感到更加惊奇的(wonderful)是爷爷的习惯性动作。9.B 此处wind意为“(给闹钟)上发条”。他每天用一个专门的钥匙小心翼翼地给闹钟上发条。

10.C 这个钥匙是有魔力的,它能保证我们的神奇的闹钟一年到头滴答作响和打点报时。


1词语和语法.If you want to start a business, you must have some C A.income B.wealth C.capital D.treasure 2.The river, C banks are covered with trees, is very long.A.which B.that C.whose D.those 3.Here A the bus!A.comes B.came C.is coming D.has come 4.Mr.Wang D to a park twice a week when he in Hangzhou.A.goes...lived B.has been...lived C.went...had lived D.went...lived 5.The beef used to cost three dollars, but now the price C 50 cents.A.goes up B.went up C.has gone up D.had gone up 6.C plenty of furniture in the room when they lived here.A.There is B.There are C.There was D.There were 7.Your answers on these tests are too much C.You must have cheated.A.like B.liking C.alike D.likely 8.You need a good sense of C to ride a bicycle.A.level B.skill C.balance D.capacity 9.All the other rooms are occupied.May I use this C room A.bare B.blank C.vacant D.hollow 10.Here is A you'll need on your trip to New England.A.that B.those C.which D.what 11.The department's A didn't include money for electricity.A.budget B.estimate C.outcome D.scheme 12.The picnic was D because of the rain.A.called for B.called out C.called on D.called off

13.There is no beer left and the pubs are shut so you have to A.A.go without B.go off C.go over D.go for 14.Tom wants to borrow your tie, A was brought in Beijing.A.the one that B.one that C.the one who D.one which 15.You haven't told me C you'll go with us or not.A.whatever B.whenever C.whether D.however 16.When she was seven years old, she A the best jewels in the world when she grew up.A.wanted to own B.wants to own C.wanted to have owned D.wants to be owned 17.Don't forget C your umbrella with you.It might rain in the afternoon.A.taking B.have to take C.to take D.to be taking 18.Jack C at the red light and we stopped behind him.A.pulled through B.pulled down C: pulled up D.pulled off 19.He will respect you more if you A to him.A.stand up B.look forward C.hold on D.live up 20.Her only child D,she now has more free time to enjoy herself.1 / 57

A.growing up B.to grow up C.have grown up D.having grown up.Because of his excellent performance, he was B to a higher position.A.improved B.promoted C.increased D.raised 22.Researchers can't C the possibility that Earth may one day run out of its orbit.A.hand out B.drop out C.rule out D.keep out 23.I don't think you have ever heard of him,A ? A.have you B.haven't you C.do you D.don't you 24.About three-fourths of the surface of the earth A covered by the sea.A.is B.are C.have D.have been 25.I don't care whether he is A the plan or not.A.in favor of B.in his favor C.in the interest of D.on behalf of 26.Those people once had fame and fortune;now D is left to them is utter poverty.A.all what B.all which C.that all D.all that 27.They lost their way, B delayed them considerably.A.as B.which C.that D.but 28.Any donation you can give will help us D the suffering and isolation of the homeless this New Year.A.lift B.patch C.comfort D.ease 29.After I covered fifty kilometers that day, my legs under me C.A.gave in B.gave off C.gave out D.gave away 30.Abraham Lincoln was raised to farm work, C he continued until he was twenty-two.A.since B.what C.which D.that 31.The body B itself to changes in temperature.A.abandons B.adjusts C.abuses D.absorbs 32.We were C for half an hour in the traffic jam and so we missed the train.A.held out B.held on C.held up D.held down 33.I have a few A to take care of this week.A.affairs B.events C.incidents D.adventures 34.If he can A the speed, he will win the race.A.maintain B.contain C.make D.take 35.They D that the library be kept open during the holidays.A.convinced B.persuaded C.impressed D.urged 36.With her children A,she is now taking on more work responsibilities.A.growing up B.to grow up C.have grown up D.grown up 37.Some TV programs are interesting but some others are A and full of violence.A.frightening B.frightened C.to be frightening D.to frighten 38.Seven years old A Tom likes all kinds of games.A.as he is...puzzling B.as is he...puzzling C.as he is...puzzled D.as is he...puzzled

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39.All the evidence points to the fact C she is the murderer.A.who B.which C.that D.those 40.No sooner A his parents came back.A.had Mike cleaned up his room, than B.did Mike clean up his room, than C.Mike had cleaned up his room, when D.Mike cleaned up his room, when 41.C the storm, the ship would have reached its destination on time.A.In spite of B.In case of C.But for D.Because of 42.If you had studied hard before, you D about the coming exam now.A.could not have been worried B.would not have been worried C.could be worried D.would not be worried 43.D enter university one day, I would work hard.A.Would I ever B.Ever would I C.Ever should I D.Should I ever

44.But that he B short of money at the time, he could have come to help us.A.had been B.was C.has been D.would be 45.If only he B what I tell him, but he won't.A.had done B.would do C.would have done D.has done 46.The doctor insisted that the patient D for three months.A.not to work too hard B.to take some vacations C.took it easy D.should take it easy 47.It was urgent that he C her immediately.A.calls B: called C.call D.would call 48.He will surely finish the job on time D he's left to do it in his own way.A.in that B.in case C.as far as D.so long as 49.It is five years since I was C with them, so I don’t know how they are getting along.A.out of control B.out of the question C.out of touch D.out of sight 50.If people feel hopeless, they don't bother to B the skills they need to succeed.A.accumulate B.acquire C.adopt D.assemble 51.Little C that the police are about to arrest him.A.he knows B.he doesn't know C.does he know D.doesn't he know 52.It is high time we A something to stop road accidents.A.did B.are doing C.will do D.do 53.B what to do, the man telephoned the police.A.Not known B.Not knowing C.Don't know D.Knowing not 54.Jane D as soon as she recognized it was her former boy friend's

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voice.A.called up B.waited on C.took up D.rang off 55.C,the worse I seem to feel.A.When I take more medicine B.The more I take medicine C.The more medicine I take D.More medicine I take 56.I'm sorry to have spent so much money.I wish you A so.A.hadn't done B.didn't do C.haven't done D.won't done 57.It's no use B with him over the matter.He will not change his mind.A.you argue B.your arguing C.of you arguing D.you to argue 58.She cooked for a long time so as to make it D enough to eat.A.mild B.slight C.light D.tender

59.The government has C a committee to investigate his involvement in local election.A.set out B.set to C.set up D.set about 60.By the time he arrives in Shenyang, we A here for three days.A.will have stayed B.shall stay C.have been staying D.have stayed 61.The early pioneers had to B many hardships to settle in the new land.A.go into B.go through C.go back on D.go along with 62.The older New England villages have changed relatively little in recent decades, D a gas station or two in recent decades.A.except B.besides C.in addition to D.except for

63.Tryon was extremely angry, but cool-headed enough to D storming into the boss's office.A.prevent B.prohibit C.turn D.avoid

64.He wrote an article criticizing the Greek poet and won B and a scholarship.A.dignity B.fame C.faith D.courage 65.Are you going to the welcome party C tomorrow in honor of the French students? A.being held B.held C.to be held D.holding 66.He is said C two trips to China in the last two years.A.to be making B.to make C.to have made D.making 67.B in an atmosphere of simple living was what her parents wished for.A.The girl to be educated B.The girl's being educated

C.The girl educated’D.The girl was educated 68.Some members of the committee were opposed B the club members' money to redecorate the meeting hall.A.to use B.to using C.to have useD.to be used 69.Plastics are the best insulator of electricity, rubber C it closely.A.followed B.being followed C.following D.to follow 70.A,glasses can correct most sight defects in healthy eyes.A.When well fitted B.When fitting well

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C.When being well fitted D.If to be fitted 71.You will find that C,your roommate will turn out to be your best friend.A.after all B.for the most part C.in the long run D.at the end 72.The actual cost of the building was much higher than our original ___C___ A.consideration B.judgment C.estimate D.plan 73.The receptionist said he would see that he C the message.A.get B.would get C.got D.was getting 74.The United Kingdom B England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.A.is consists of B.consists of C.be composed of D.compromises 75.Never have I been to Shanghai, A

A.nor has he B.nor did he C.nor he has D.nor he did 76.Although David is older, he is actually D than his brother Ted.A.tall B.taller C.short D.shorter

77.The weather in Hangzhou is milder than B

A.in Beijing B.that in Beijing C.living in Beijing D.Beijing 78.There were then more than 200 children B music in the school.A.to study B.studying C.Study D.studied 79.Through the window B

A.did the fresh air come B.came the fresh air C.did come the fresh air D.the fresh air come 80.The children B many times not to go near the river.A.were being told B.have been told C.had been told D.told 81.I prefer this microphone D that one.A.than B.rather than C.better than D.to 82.It took Mary a long time to C from her illness.A.regain B.restore C.recover D.rebuild 83.I don't mind Joe's coming with us B he pays for his own meal.A.even though B.provided C.although D.so that 84.I'd rather the money went to a A cause.A.worthwhile B.value C.worth D.worthy of 85.Milk is a very good B of calcium(钙).A.origin B.source C.resource且basis 86.Law and medicine are C professions in most countries.A.respective B.respected C.respectable D.respectful 87.The general manager is very C about his secretary's appearance.A.unusual B.special C.particular D.peculiar 88.You won't be able to catch the last bus B you set out right now.A.until B.unless C.in case D.only if 89.With a master degree, you will earn A you do now.A.twice as much as B.much as twice as C.as much twice as D.as twice much as

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90.I suppose that when I come back in ten years' time all these old houses __A__down.A.will have been pulled B.will be pulling C.will have pulled D.will be pulled 91.She got a high score in the English exam;she D late last night.A.may have stayed up B.ought to have stayed up C.should have stayed up D.must have stayed up 92.His sense of A stopped him from leaving the post.A.responsibility B.duty C.obligation D.promise 93.C is generally accepted, economic growth is determined by the smooth development of production.A.Which B.What C.As D.While 94.You can't be A careful when you drive a car.A.too B.very C.also D.enough 95.1 would rather you B with me tomorrow.A.going B.went C.go D.gone 96.Everything we eat and drink contains some salt we can meet the body's need for it from natural sources without turning D the salt bottle.A.up B.over C.on D.to 97.What' the A for a day at the hotel? A.charge B.expense C.cost D.price 98.We C the cost of the holiday and decided that we could afford it.A.worked about B.worked off C.worked out D.worked up 99.D that China began to open up to the outside world.A.During the late1970's B.That it was in the late 1970’s C.It was the late1970's D.It was in the late1970’s 100.Their old house had been large and spacious;D the new London flat seemed small and dark.A.in addition B.as for C.let alone D.by contrast 101.His remarks left me B about his real purpose.A.wonder B.wondering C.wondered D.to wonder 102.I have heard both teachers and students A well of him.A.speak B.to speak C.spoken D.to have spoken 103.Don't get your schedule C;stay with us in this class.A.to change B.changing C.changed D.change 104.The match was cancelled because most of the members A a match without a standard court.A.objected to having B.were objected to have C.objected to have D.were objected to having 105.I appreciate D to your home.A.to be invited B.to have invited C.having invited D.being invited 106.A with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountain does not seesn high at all.A.When compared B.Compare C.While comparing D.Comparing

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107.The children went there to watch the iron tower D

A.to erect B.be erected C.erecting D.being erected

108.The manager promised to keep me C of how our business was going on.A.to be informed B.on informing C.informed D.informing 109.Jean did not have time to go to the concert last night because she was busy C for her examination.A.to prepare B.to be prepared C.preparing D.being prepared 110.In the course of a day, students do far more than just A classes.A.attend B.attended C.to attend D.attending 111.The basic features of the communication process are identified in one question;who says C through what channel to whom? A.how B.when C.what D.such 112.The mere fact C most people believe nuclear war would be mad does not mean that it will not occur.A.what B.which C.that D.why 113.Employees are slowly beginning to accept the idea D lifelong employment is not always in their best interest.A.what B.which C.it D.that

114.A is to select young people who have potential and who can be trained.A.What they do B.What do they do C.That they do D.How do they do 115.The manager told us never to put off till tomorrow B we can do today.A.that B.what C.which D.who 116.I told them not everyone could do it, C

A.did I B.could they C.didn't I D.couldn't be 117.No other quality is more important for a scientist to acquire B to observe carefully.A.as B.than C.and D.but 118.He moved away from his parents, and missed them A enjoy the exciting life in New York.A.too much to B.enough to C.very much to D.much so as to 119.Riding my bicycle home from school, B as I went around the corner.A.a car hit me B.I was struck by a car

C.I was struck in a car D.I was struck with a car 120.-1 slipped on the stairs.I think my arm is broken.-Oh!I D

A.don't hope that B.hope not so C.don't.hope so D.hope not 121.The old man has two daughters, C are doctors.A.both of them B.both who C.both of whom D.they both 122, The hotel B during the vacation was rather poorly managed.A.as I stayed B.where I stayed C.which I stayed D.what I stayed 123.The hours D the children spend in their one-way relationship with

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people on television people undoubtedly affect their relationships with real-life people.A.in which B.on which C.when D.that

124.I've never been to Beijing, but it's the place D.A.that I want to visit it most B.where I'd like to visit C.in which I'd like to visit D.I most want to visit

125.C is known to the world, Mark Twain is a great American writer.A.That B.Which C.As D.It 126.Helen was seriously injured in a car B.A.incident B.accident C.event D.campaign 127.The new B machine is a great help in the production of this factory.A.sufficient B.efficient C.effective D.beneficial 128.When C,this building will be the highest in Asia.A.completing B.it completes C.completed D.it completed 129.He worked very hard, B impressed me deeply.A.that B.which C.what D.this 130.D,he failed to find a solution to the problem.A.Whatever he tried hard B.Whatever hard he tried C.However he tried hard D.However hard he tried 131.The company A the chairman's new plan.A.adopted B.adapted C.carried D.elected 132.It is desired that she D to give us a lecture once a week.A.comes B.will come C.would come D.come

133.This problem is very difficult to deal with.It's really C.A.convincing B.serious C.tough D.impossible 134.Unless you do something really bad,A.A.your job here will be quite safe B.you'll soon find a new job C.you'll be in big trouble D.you'll be fired 135.The only thing B bothered Tom was whether he could pass the final exam.A.which B.that C.what D.as 136.When John paid the bill, he was given a C for his money.A.check B.ticket C.receipt D.label 137.We go back to our C dormitories after work.A.respectful B.respectable C.respective D.respecting 138.He explained in such a clear way that his idea D all the people.A.got on B.got through C.got.over D.got across 139.You are so lazy.The work A days ago.A.should have been finished B.must have finished C.must be finished D.should be finished 140.C was known to all, the book has been sold more than two million copies worldwide.A.That B.Which C.As D.What

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词语语法 Unit 1 I.Nobody was absent that day, C that naughty boy.A.include B.conclude C.including D.inclusion 2.The boss is very B _with what we did for the company.A.pleasing B.pleased C.pleasant D.pleasure 3.The police are offering a(n)D _for information about the murder.A.award B.praise C.rewarding D.reward 4.Do you agree that “A C _mind is in a healthy body”? A.humourous B.good C.healthy D.health 5.Young people sometimes complain of not being able to A _with their parents.A.communicate B.common C.commute D.communication 6.I D if we have time to meet sometime next week.A.wander B.know C.wonderful D.wonder 7.Don't C Austria with Australia.A.refuse B.confused C.confuse D.confusion 8.We should do something to clear up the B _between those two groups.A.understanding B.misunderstanding C.understand D.misunderstood 9.C_,Americans smile more often to the people they meet on the street.A.Any way B.General speaking C.In general D.In conclude 10.Those people help the poor C the same reason as we do.A.with B.at C.for D.on Unit 2 1.We need to take time in order to come to a C conclusion.A.stable B.strong C.sound D.sense 2.This dictionary is B---it’s exactly what I need.A.faultless B.ideal C.flawless D.correct 3.If you continue to steal,you’11_ A in prison one day.A.end up B.end off C.end D.end for 4.Their marriage came to an end because they were simply not D__with each other.A.accord B.agree C.amiable D.compatible

5.You have to A _a good excuse for not attending the conference.A.design B.mean C.intend D.plot 6.This new model is of high C and is not expensive either.A.trait B.quantity C.quality D.constitution 7.Why are you talking in such a strange B ? A.fashion B.manner C.mean D.kind 8.There was a B in the crystal that caused its price to be lowered.A.fault B.flaw C.weakness D.shortcoming 9.They stood at a C distance from the president.A.respective B.respectable C.respectful D.respecting 10.Love, hatred,and grief are A

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A.emotions B.sense C.consciousness D.unconsciousness 语法.He hasn't any money, so I D him some.A.will be lending B.will have lent C.would lend D.am going to lend 2.Send him to the hospital.The young man B

A.will die B.is dying C.dies D.died 3.I D my breakfast when the “Morning Post” came.A.had B.had been having C.have been having D.was having 4.While I C my bag,I my pen.A.was looking for„looked for B.was finding„found

C.was looking for„found D.was finding„looked for 5.If he B,don't annoy him.A.still works B.is still working C.still has been working D.will still be working 6.On the television last night,the newscaster said that Andy Lau_C__performance on Sunday.A.is giving B.will give C.would be giving D.will be giving 7.What a lovely girl!Her eyes B _with bright lights.A.shining B.shine C.shines D.is shining 8.She D supper when she someone knocking at the door.A.made„heard B.was making„was hearing

C.made„was heard

D.was making„heard 9.The road D _then, so we had to take another way.A.had been repaired B.was repaired C.would have been repaired D.was being repaired 10.-Will you come tonight?-No,C the boss at that time.A.I see B.I shall have seen C.I'll be seeing D.I can see 11.I'm sorry to have started the meeting,I thought C.A.you did not come B.you should not come C.you were not coming D.you are not coming 12.How nice it smells!Someone C next door.A.must cook B.must have been cooking C.must be cooking D.will cook 13.Tom was going out of the shop when he knocked into an old lady who __ B __in A.come B.was coming C.had been coming D.had come 14.What D you this afternoon? A.will„do B.will„have done C.will„be done D.will„be doing 15.I D my grandfather at four o'clock this afternoon.A.am visiting B.have visited C.will be visit D.will visit Unit 3 1.The best D of solving the problem is to show your good A.way...manner B.manners..manners C.manner„way D.manner。。manners 2.The White's family C to be at the airport two hours ago.10 / 57

A.were supposing B.was supposing C.was supposed D.were supposed 3.Many African-Americans have their D in Africa.A.homes B.bases C.sources D.roots 4.We ought to use the B of science for the good of mankind.A.principal B.principle C.printable D.privilege 5.We must have mutual A

and mutual trust in the course of our cooperation.A.respect B.request C.respectable D.respond 6.The young man is always D_to people.That is why everyone likes him.A.police B.polish C.policy D.polite

7.The little boy was smiling for the first time in such a warm and _B__room.A.comfort B.comfortable C.uncomfortable D.comforting 8.The women began to ask for B rights in the Movement of Women's Liberation.A.same B.equal C.equality D.total 9.The students D_turns writing down their answers on the blackboard.A.by B.in C.have D.take 10.A _of danger,we should save the women and children first.A.In times B.By time C.During times D.At time 语法

1.It's the first time I B to America.A.came B.have come C.are coming D.come 2.I D our breakfast when mum came in.A.just have had B.have just had C.just had D.had just had 3.When I arrived at the airport,the plane C

A.was leaving B.left C.had left D.had been left 4.She said that she D much progress since she came here.A.makes B.made C.have made D.had made 5.If the man wins tomorrow, he C 20 races in the past five years.A.will win B.would win C.will have won D.has won 6.The minute he saw the film,he was sorry that he C

A.came B.was coming C.had come D.having came 7.Today is Jane's wedding day.She C John.A.had just married with B.was just married to C.has just been married to D.just has been married to 8.He got the highest score in the exam;C hard.A.he should have studied B.he could have studied C.he must have studied D.he could study 9.The computer doesn't work very well.Something D _wrong.A.goes B.will go C.would have gone D.must have gone 10.The policeman told us that an accident A A.took place B.was taking place C.had been taking place D.have taken place 11.“Doctor, a man named James A _,and he's now waiting at the office.”

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A.has called B.calls C.has been calling D.called 12.If they D _earlier, they would have arrived in time.A.had been starting B.started C.were starting D.had started 13.I'm sorry, I B a cold.A.catch B.have caught C.am catching D.have been catching 14.By the time you get back,great changes D in this area.A.will take place B.will be taken place C.are going to take place D.will have taken place

15.The students D for one hour when the teacher asked them back to class.A.have been playing B.had played C.play D.had been playing Unit 4 词汇.They were lost at sea, at the C _of wind and weather.A.pity B.remorse C.mercy D.merciful 2.We should never bow A our enemies.A.down to B.out of C.before D.at 3.We watched in A as she tore up the contract.A.amazement B.surprising C.amazed D.amazing 4.Speak B,please.I can't hear you clearly.A.out B.up C.of D.on 5.With the B of Jane,all the girl students went to the party.A.exhibition B.exception C.except D.expect 6.The situation required that we A an immediate decision.A.make B.made C.would make D.needed make 7.A the traffic jam, the student would have gone to school on time.A.But for B.In case of C.In spite of D.Because of 8.I waited for him for two hours,but he never turned D A.in B.down C.off D.up

9.Areas where students have difficulty have been treated D particular care.A.by B.in C.under D.with

10.C the danger from enemy action, people had to deal with a severe shortage of al-most everything.A.As far as B.As long as C.As well as D.As soon as 语法.My aunt has already arrived, but I didn’t know she_ C until this morning.A.will come B.had been coming C.was coming D.comes 2.After he D for one hour,he knew that she was not coming.A.waited B.has waited C.was waiting D.had been waiting 3.I C _on this essay for 20 minutes but I haven't finished it yet.A.worked B.will be working C.have been working D.would have worked 4.Great as Chairman Mao was,many of his ideas D _today.A.are to use B.have been used C.may be using D.are being used

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5.It's reported that by the end of this month the number of persons involved in this event A by l0%.A.will have risen B.will be rising C.has risen D.has been rising 6.She B _for 2 hours,and her eyes have turned red.A.had cried B.had been crying C.has been crying D.is crying 7.Please come in.We C _ about your paper.A.talk B.had been talking C.have been talking D.would have talked 8.It D _almost every day this month.A.is snowing B.snowed C.snows D.has been snowing 9.He C _his bicycle all the time before the stranger came.A.had repaired B.had been repaired C.had been repairing D.was repairing 10.They C _for some time when a message came.A.had talked B.talked C.had been talking D.were talking 11.1 A _for 5 hours by 9 o'clock tonight.A.should have been working B.will work C.had been working D.worked 12.The company_ B a rise for wages,but nothing has happened yet.A.is promised B.has been promising C.is promising D.promised 13.He said he felt bad because he B _late the night before.A.set up B.had been sitting up C.should sit up D.is sitting up 14.He said he C _the piano since he was five.A.was playing B.has been playing C.had been playing D.has played 15.When we got off the train, it B _.A.rained B.was raining C.had been raining D.had rained Unit 5 词汇.He is in a state of deep B

because of his failure to pass the examination.A.impression B.depression C.frustration D.illustration 2.We C the fence and fixed it in position.A.rose B.aroused C.raised D.arose 3.The doctor says I must go on a C

A.food B.water C.diet D.rest 4.How can you keep the machine__C__when you’re away?

A.run B.to run C.running D.being run 5.He was tired of trying so hard,and then he fell ill and A died.A.eventually B.previously C.generally D.wonderfully 6.The members of the club have close C with fellow members.A.ties B.relations C.contact、D.connections 7.The demonstrators offered little or no B _to the police.A.resistible B.resistance C.resist D.resistant 8.She is A in her use of salt when cooking.A.economical B.economic C.economics D.economy 9.All the members of his family_A _to help him.A.united B.joined C.combined D.connected

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10.An unhappy home B can affect a child's behavior.A.community B.environment C.surrounding D.society 语法

1.It was made D _he wouldn't change his mind.A.that quite clear B.it quite clear C.quite clearly D.quite clear that 2.Does B matter much they go together or separately? A.that,that B.it,whether C.this,whether D.they,if 3.Is that A you put your umbrella? Why can't you find it? A.where B.the place C.there where D.in which 4.A_men have learned much from the behavior of animals is hardly new.A.That B.Those C.What D.Whether 5.D is hard to imagine that the boy might have stolen the money and fled.A.He B.This C.There D.It 6.It is during his spare time B _Anderson has been studying a course in history.A.when B.that C.which D.what 7.It is not your fault D _this has happened.A.what B.where C.if D.that 8.B makes mistakes must correct them.A.Who B.Whoever C.He D.Anyone 9.In some countries,B _is called“equality” does not really mean equal rights for all people.A.which B.what C.that D.one 10.C some mammals came to live in the sea is not known.A.That B.What C.How D.Since 11.A _that not all government officials are honest.A.It seems to me B.In my opinion, I believe C.My believing is D.I think in my mind 12.B is of no concern to us.A.It rains or not B.Whether it rains or not C.If it rains or not D.Will it rain or not 13.Some people say, “It is not important D you win or lose.What is important is how you play the game.”

A.before B.who C.as if D.if 14. D surprised me was he couldn't speak English.A.That,that B.What,what C.Who,that D.What,that 15.The reason why I didn’t go to school that day was B ill.A.due to B.that I fell C.because of falling D.because I fell 16.His first question was C Tom had arrived yet.A.if B.that C.whether D.what Unit 6 词汇.The secretary is very careful and never_ A any little points.14 / 57

A.overlooks B.notices C.errors D.oversights 2.Each_ B _boy in the class has his own personalities.A.private B.individual C.every D.one 3.That building is B because all the others like it were destroyed.A.single B.unique C.poor D.unfriendly 4.When will work on the highway be D ? A.ended B.finished C.fulfilled D.completed 5.Their school C ours to a football match.A.called B.intended C.challenged D.demanded 6.He got a(n)__D____ of$900 for catching the criminal.A.pay B.award C.thank D.reward 7.The captain should take all the B for the ship's safety.A.burdens B.responsibilities C.dependence D.guard 8.The boy accepted his own B _ without complaining.A.fault



D.shortcoming 9.These people_ B our help.A.are worthy B.deserve C.worth D.deserving 10.You must try to C your mind on work and study.A.pay B.adjust C.focus D.direct 语法.Can you tell me A the railway station? A.how I can get to B.how can I get to C.where I can get to D.where can I get to 2.Do you know C ? A.what is his name B.how is his name C.what his name is D.how his name is 3.I remember A _this used to be a quiet village.A.when B.how C.where D.what 4.No one can be sure A _in a million years.A.what man will look like B.what will man look like C.man will look like what D.what look will man like 5.Can you make sure C _the gold ring? A.where Alice had put B.where had Alice put C.where Alice has put D.where has Alice put 6.Can you tell me C ? A.who is that gentleman B.that gentleman is who C.who that gentleman is D.whom is that gentleman 7.We were overjoyed at the news A _our team had won.A.that B.which C.what D.from which 8.They have no idea at all A _.A.where he has gone B.where did he go C.which place he was gone D.where has he gone 9.A_we can't get seems better than_we have.15 / 57

A.What,what B.What,that C.That,that D.That,what 10.The news C he was kidnapped surprised us greatly.A.what B.why C.that D.when Unit 7 词汇.Which is the shortest air C from Beijing to London? A.way B line C.route D.root 2.--Would you please B _,Linda?--With pleasure!What can I help you? A.ask a favor of you B.do me a favor C.be in favor D.give me a favor 3.Many educators agree that parents are much B to their children than teachers at school.A.more influence B.more influential C.more influenced D.more affected 4.Many leaders suggest the job C by the expert.A.can be finished B.is finished C.be finished D.would be finished 5.Health is B because good health is more valuable than money.A.wealthy B.wealth C.weather D.whether 6.Is there any D of the team winning this week? A.opportunity B.luck C.occasion D.chance 7.The storm was finally over, so the oil-tanker went on with her A to the Far East.A.voyage B.journey C.travel D.trip 8.The young woman was well B in fine arts when she was in school.A.educating B educated C.education D.educator 9.If they B_the doctor earlier yesterday,the patient would have been saved.A.sent for B.had sent for C.have sent for D.would send for 10.The new economic policy C_great changes in the country since it was carried on.A.has brought out B.has resulted from C.has resulted in D.has brought on 语法.There are several storybooks, B Red Star is the best one I have ever read.A.whose, that B.of which, that C.which, that D.of which, as 2.Who is the man A is standing there? A.that B.which C.as D.whom 3.Mary,C everyone hoped,has won the first prize.A.who B.whom C.as D.that 4.Jack is the boy, A father works in a steel plant.A.whose B.that C.of which D.of whom 5.The river C a new bridge is being built is 180 meters wide.16 / 57

A.which B.on which C.where D.that 6.The manager is satisfied with D_you've done.A.that B.all what C.which D.all that 7.I was the only person in my office C _was invited.A.who B.where C.that D.whom 8.He is the only person B is never late.A.who B.that C.whom D.9.Oxygen is an important element,D _we cannot live.A.from which B.of which C.with which D.without which 10.The farm C my father works is far from here.A.that B.whose C.on which D.in which 11.I searched the entire town for the same coat C you are wearing now, but couldn't find any.A.which B.that C.as D.whose 12.I like the desk B surface is quite smooth.A.of which B.whose C.one's D.where 13.He made a desk, the surface D is quite smooth.A.whose B.which C.that D.of which 14.Here are players from Japan, A are our old friends.A.some of whom B.that C.some of them D.some 15.Is there anything more in this article D you think is wrong? A.where B.which C.that D.about which Unit 8 词汇.He managed to say hello to 10 people in five seconds without making eye C _with a single one.A.signal B.gesture C.contact D.sign 2.Owing to D _of time,we cannot do more than what we have done.A.short B.lot C.more D.lack 3.This style of cooking is B _to the South-Eastern provinces.A.curious B.peculiar C.strange D.critical 4.He C at his watch quickly and then looked at the sky.A.saw B.searched C.glanced D.stared 5.This restaurant separates the smokeless A _from the smoking one.A.zone B.district C.region D.department 6.The foreign visitors came from a B _country.A.long B.distant C.close D.distance 7.A beautiful view B _us when we arrived at the village.A.appeared B.greeted C.turned out D.displayed 8.You must get a C of 40 questions right to pass the examination.A.maximum B.uppermost C.minimum D.lowermost 9.I crossed the street to A meeting him but he saw me and came running towards me.A.avoid B.keep away C.avoid from D.get free

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10. C means being acceptable to every difficulty, no matter it’s fair or not in your life.A.Kindness B.Generosity C.Openness D.Freedom 语法

I.The girl came from Henan Province,A is far from here.A.which B.that C.where D.in which 2.The reason B I am writing to you is to tell you about a party on Saturday.A.because B.why C.for D.as 3.Do you remember one evening a week ago C I came to your room and borrowed a dictionary? A.that B.which C.when D.where 4.The beautiful village, A we spent our holiday last month, lies at the foot of a mountain.A.where B.that C.which D.what 5.She had two daughters,D _became doctors.A.all of them B.all of whom C.both of them D.both of whom 6.The two things_ B__they felt very proud were Jim's gold watch and Dell's hair.A.about which B.of which C.in which D.for which 7.The magazine C Betty paid one dollar was very good.A.that B.which C.for which D.to which 8.We admired him for the way A _he faced his difficulties.A.in which B.in that C.which D.how 9.The clever boy made a hole in the wall,B _he could see what was happening inside the house.A.in which B.through which C.at which D.on which 10.Is this museum D _they visited last month? A.that B.where C.which D.the one 11.The first birthday gift her parents B was a necklace.A.gave it to her B.gave her C.gave her it D.gave it for her 12.It is raining now,A means we can go on picnic today.A.which B.whether C.how D.if 13.D cleans the blackboard is to be praised.A.Anyone B.Those who C.However D.The one who 14.I shall be surprised if he does this the same way A I do.A.as B.like C.which D.what 15.Robert is good at languages,C_we all know.A.because B.for C.as D.since 16.One of the men held the view A the book said was right.A.that what B.what that C.that D.whether Unit 9 词汇.The interviewer will probably have a table A

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A.in front of him B.in his front C.in the front of him D.at his front 2.We must get the work finished A by tomorrow morning.A.somehow B.somewhere C.someday D.somewhat 3.How much did you have to D the car? A.pay down B.pay off C.pay out D.pay for 4.People who can neither hear nor speak talk to each other_ D the help of their fingers.A.by B.through C.for D.with

5.It is very C _that he was in the house when the crime happened.A.suspect B.suspicion C.suspicious D.suspiciously 6.I was startled by a loud knock A _ the window while I was deeply absorbed in reading.A.on B.in C.for D.with 7.How can I trust you if you keep C to me? A.lie B.lied C.lying D.lies 8.England fought B France Germany in the war of 1914-1918.A.with,with B.with, against C.for, against D.against,for 9.The duty of the doctors is to save the patients by every means B A.imagine B.imaginable C.imaginative D.imaginary 10.After hearing the joke,we couldn't help D _.A.laugh B.laughter C.laughed D.laughing 语法.No sooner D the news they rushed out into the street A.they heard,when B.they had heard,then C.did they hear,than D.had they heard,than 2.I didn't manage to do it A _you had explained how.A.until B.unless C.when D.before 3.She felt very silly B _everyone laughed at her question.A.as if B.when C.if D.until 4.D the teacher explained the text,the students listened attentively and took notes.A.As soon as B.If C.Whenever D.While 5.Tom likes to go to the movies D_Mary prefers to go swimming.A.at the same time B.as soon as C.because D.while 6.C _you talk to him,you'll know he is a good person.A.While B.As C.Once D.Where 7.I'm going to do the shopping C _I finish my housework.A.while B.after C.as soon as D.ever since 8.You see the lightening A _it happens,but you hear the thunder later.A.the instant B.for an instant C.on the instant D.in an instant 9.D the world began,nations have had difficulty in keeping pace

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with their neigh-hors.A.Although B.When C.Until D.Ever since 10.It was not until she had arrived home

B _she remembered her appointment with the doctor.A.when B.that C.and D.as 11.You won't know if the method works until you_ A it.A.try B.are trying C.will try D.have tried 12.We don't necessarily grow wiser A _we grow older.A.as B.when C.that D.while Unit 10 词汇.We chose a committee to B us.A.present B.represent C.display D.express 2.The police D the driver with careless driving.A.accused B.praised C.criticized D.charged 3.It rarely happened that people D the film from computer without paying the money to a certain service in America.A.take out B.input C.put in D.download 4.Can you provide any evidence that he was B of the crime A.clean B.innocent C.honest D.guilt 5.The driver was not A for the traffic accident.A.to blame B.to be blamed C.blaming D.blame 6.The students are allowed A two hours to finish the test.A.up to B.as many as C.long to D.until 7.They C their actions had nothing to do with the riot.A.refused B.persuaded C.argued D.discussed 8.This jacket is a real C at such a low price.A.trade B.deal C.bargain D.sell 9.She was very tired, B,she kept on working.A.then B.nevertheless C.regardless D.despite 10.Copying the other people's work without acknowledging them is a way to A the copyright laws.A.violate B.damage C.hurt D.keep 语法.When you read the book,you'd better make a mark D you have any question.A.at which B.at where C.the place where D.where 2.Although he knew little about the large amount of work done in the field,he succeeded A other more famous experimenters failed.A.where B.that C.what D.which 3.B you are leaving tomorrow, we can eat out tonight.A.For B.Since C.Before D.While 4.B that my head had cleared,my brain was also beginning to work much better.20 / 57

A.For B.Now C.Since D.Despite 5.Criticism and self-criticism is necessary C it helps us to correct our mistakes.A.by which B.to which C.in that D.so that 6.Government can't operate effectively D it’s free from interference.A.because B.so long as C.so that D.unless

7.He will surely finish the job on time B he's left to do it in his own way.A.in that B.so long as C.in case D.as far as 8.I'd get it for you C I would remember who last borrow the book.A.now that B.except that C.on condition that D.considering that 9.C nobody was very interested in it,they decided to cancel the trip.A.Not knowing that B.Say that C.Seeing that D.Providing that 10.He was hungry B nothing to eat for 2 days.A.ever since he had B.because he had had C.owing to he had D.for he has had 11.All workers will leave the work-site, D the fire spreads to the chemicals.A.in case of B.on condition that C.in the case of D.in case 12.You can fly to London this evening C you don't mind changing planes in Paris.A.unless B.except that C.provided that D.so far as 13.D we can't get him informed in advance, what should we do? A.Supposed that B.Unless C.On condition that D.Supposing that Unit 11 词汇.All agree that the carpet is very good D its price.A.except B.expect C.besides D.except for.Professor Li will work as a visiting scholar in an American university for A next year.A.some time B.sometime C.sometimes D.some times 3.Mr.Johnson died two years ago and left his wife D to support a family with three children.A.lone B.lonely C.along D.alone

4.Those new students will B on the campus soon, which is totally new life for them.A.be used to live B.be used to living C.used to live D.use to live 5.Little Tom C he were rich and that he such a dirty job.A.hoped„couldn't do B.hopes„can't do

C.wishes„weren't doing D.wished„wasn't doing

6.The teacher asked her students not to A the papers on her desk.A.disturb B.trouble C.messy D.distinct 7.The car would not stop so the driver had to D it into the big tree.A.cash B.rush C.dash D.crash

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8.A rumor is B that you have a second job and that you bought a much bigger house.A.going along B.going around C.going by D.going over 9.He has no interest in business and doesn't want to B the company from his father.A.take on B.take over C.take down D.take to 10.Nancy planned to finish her work in South Africa after she D her illness.A.got through B.got out C.got off D.got over 语法

I.B box can't be lifted by a boy of five.A.So a heavy B.So heavy a C.A such heavy D.Such heavy a 2.The professor spoke in a loud voice C every one of us could hear him.A.therefore B.as C.in order that D.if 3.The government introduced a freeze A inflation might be bought under control.A.so that B.although C.while D.because 4.He was punished D he should make the same mistake again.A.unless B.if C.provided D.lest

5.I was advised to arrange for insurance C I needed medical treatment.A.nevertheless B.although C.in case D.so that 6.There was such a long line at the exhibition B we had to wait for an hour.A.as B.that C.so D.hence 7.Jones has B that she is unable to get a job.A.such small education B.so little education C.a such little education D.so little educations 8.He made a wrong decision B , half of his lifetime was wasted.A.on condition that` B.so that C.on the ground that D.which 9.D radar is to planes and ships,eyes are to human body.A.Such„as B.Just like„so C.Such as„so D.Just as„so 10.I shall do the exercises D I have been taught.A.like B.what C.such D.as.I don’t know why she is looking at me B she knew me.I’ve never seen her before.A.as B.as if C.even if D.although 12.You won't make much progress B you are studying now.A.way that B.the way C.the way how D.way how 13.The living standards will be raised C production increases.A.so far as B.as for C.according as D.as many as 14.The temperature at the sun's center is A 15,000,0000C.A.as high as B.so high as C.such high as D.high enough as 15, D you work, you earn.A.The more„the many B.The many„the much

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C.The much.,.the more D.The more„the more Unit 12 词汇.She worked hard everyday, so there's a strong A that she passed the exam.A.possibility B.impossibility C.possible D.impossible 2.Even potatoes were B last year,so I always felt hungry.A.rare B.scarce C.unique D.rarely 3.You’d better go home early.There’s an increase D crime.A.out B.about C.of D.in 4.They're studying English in order to read the English novel in the A A.original B.copy C.translation D.origin 5.She budgeted B a holiday.A.at B.for C.of D.about 6.What an interesting story!It's worth A all my life.A.remembering B.to remember C.to be remembered D.being remembered 7.The house has been valued D $50000.A.with B.about C.in D.at.I' m reading a A novel about the Second World War A.historical B.historic C.history D.historically 9.You' ve really made a C hit her.A.to B.of C.with D.at 10.The government was short of money because of falling national D A.fees B.tolls C.money D.revenues 语法.I was late for the last train C

A.while I was hurrying B.while I was hurried C.though I hurried D.while I hurry 2.A born in Chicago,the author is most famous for stories about New York City.A.Although B.Since C.As D.When 3.Rod is determined to get a ticket for the concert C it means standing in a queue all night.A.as if B.provided C.even if D.whatever 4.The Foolish Old Man said,“ B,they can't grow any higher.” A.These two mountains are as high B.High as these two mountains are C.Though very high these two mountains D.As these two mountains are high enough 5.C,he does get annoyed with her sometimes.A.As he likes her much B.Although much he likes her C.Much as he likes her D.Much although he likes her 6.It is clear that,A self-awareness is a healthy quality,overdoing it is harmful.23 / 57

A.while B.as C.when D.since 7.All matter,A it is a gas,a liquid or a solid,expands as the temperature rises.A.whether B.as C.even if D.whatever 8.B difficulties we may come across,we'll help one another to overcome them.A.Wherever B.Whatever C.However D.Whenever 9.She's determined to finish the picture B long it takes.A.whenever B.however C.whatever D.no matter 10.D you have made great progress in the study of English,you should continue to study hard.A.Despite B.So that C.Seeing that D.Granted that Unit 13 词汇.Bats A with each other by making high-pitched noises.A.communicate B.passing C.communicating D.convey 2.In fifty years this place has A from a little village into a large town A.turned B.become C.moved D.turn 3.The police are D for the public order and security.A.response B.faithful C.respond D.responsible 4.Smoking and some alcoholic drinks are a(n)C taste and are not natural.A.natural B.acquire C.acquired D.basic 5.1 wrote a letter C my daughter's school examinations.A.thinking B.regard C.regarding D.regret 6.A this line into 20 equal parts.A.Divide B.Divine C.Separating D.Dividing 7.The monitor was A to take notes for the meeting.A.assigned B.appoint C.assigning D.appointing 8.The occasion calls A a cool head.A.for B.off C.up D.forth 9.He is a person who is employed.This means that he is an C A.employer B.employ C.employee D.empire 10.All other things are A to our need for steady profits.A.subordinate B.lower C.lowed D.subordinated 语法.If you promise C angry with me,I'll tell you what I did.A.get not B.not get C.not to get D.not getting 2.He moved away from the family and miss his family A enjoy his new life.A.too much to B.enough to C: very much to D.much so as to 3.The tree is too tall.It needs B

A.cut B.to be cut C.that we cut D.to cut 4.C pure water,the water is refined.24 / 57

A.Obtaining B.Being obtained C.To obtain D.It is obtained 5.Some who were famous in their own times would find it hard B A.to succeed successfully today B.to achieve success today C.at being successfully today D.on success 6.A,we have to go to the front row.A.To get a better view of the stage B.Getting a better view of the stage C.Having got a better view of the stage D.Got with a better view of the stage 7.The traveler needs to walk faster A.A.to arrive at the airport in time B.arriving at the airport on time C.having arrived at the airport on time D.reaching the airport on time 8 C.time and labor, painters always draw the hands of the persons with only three fingers and a thumb.A.Saved B.Saves C.To save D.The saving 9.I hope A home early.A.to drive B.to drive to C.drive to D.drive 10.B,one must understand maths.A.A good scientist B.In order to be a good scientist

C.It’s a good scientist D.Being a good scientist 11.C this work is not difficult.A.Having done B.Being done C.To do D.Done 12.There are several good students B.A.of choice B.to choose from C.to be chosen D.for choosing 13.Do you know B the maths problem? A.to do B.how to do C.to make D.how make 14.It's never too late A

A.to learn B.to learning C.to be learned D.to have learned Unit 14 词汇.I find the idea of going abroad very A.A.attractive B.attract C.charmed D.interested 2.If I C harder at school,I would be working in a better company.A.worked B.were to work C.had worked D.were working 3.He patterned himself D a man he admired.A.at B.for C.of D.on 4.All the mother's energies are D upon her children and she seems to have little time for her work.A.guided B.aimed C.directed D.focused

5.Many people like white color as it is a A of purity.25 / 57

A.symbol B.sign C.signal D.signature 6.Coal and oil are called B resources.A.inborn B.natural C.nature D.native 7.I decided to buy a ticket for the film C it means spending one third of my salary.A.provided B.no matter C.even if D.as if 8.Some soldiers were sent on D advance.A.for B.by C.on D.in

9.The happiness,sorrow, fears and desires D widely between men and women,between the rich and the poor.A.alter B.shift C.transfer D.vary

10.I've made my decision and I'm going to stick A it.A.to B.up C.around D.about 语法.I am not used A to like that.A.to being spoken B.to be spoken C.being spoken D.to speaking 2.-Where are the Smiths going to live? 一The Smiths are considering D to Chicago.A.moved B.move C.to move D.moving 3.一What did they struggle for? 一The two men resisted B

A.to be examined B.being examined C.examining D.by examining 4.一How can I turn on the TV? 一 B the button on the right.A.From pushing B.By pushing C.Your pushing D.To push 5.The squirrel was lucky that it just missed C.A.catching B.to be caught C.being caught D.to catch 6.They wouldn't allow him D across the enemy line.A.risk going B.risking to go C.going to risk D.to risk going 7.It is difficult to make money as an artist.Have you considered D a course in business for artists? A.to take B.about taking C.your taking D.taking 8.We insisted C by the manager.A.to be seen B.being seen C.on being seen D.on seeing 9.Sometimes when I look into the sky,I feel like B a trip somewhere.A.to make B.making C.to go for D.make 10,一What do you expect me to do?-The house needs A

A.painting B.painted C.being painted D.to be painting 11.I regret B harder while young.A.not have worked B.not having worked C.not work D.not to work 12.You always hear about planes B because of technical faults.A.be delayed B.being delayed C.delaying D.to be delayed 13.一What happens to your shoes

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一They want C

A.to mend B.being mended C.mending D.mended 14.She didn't remember A him before.A.having met B.have met C.to meet D.to having met 15.Don't forget D this book to John when you finish reading it.A.returning B.of returning C.having returned D.to return Unit 15 词汇.B the excitement of the film,Mary didn't notice anything else around her.A.Noticing B.Caught up in C.Bored by D.Set on 2.When he woke up early in the morning,he felt so C that he couldn't open his eyes wide.A.clumsy B.graceful C.sleepy D.bored 3.A pretty girl D a bunch of flowers the visiting professor.A.offered„to B.picked„for C.took„for D.presented„to

4.All of us enjoy Professor Smith's A and interesting lectures.A.lively B.living C.alive D.live 5.In the theatre,please turn off your beepers and mobile phones or set them to A mode.A.vibration B.shake C.quake D.shock 6.The young man talked C he had known everything about the whole accident.A.like B.as C.as if D.like that 7.The policeman asked him to A his lost bike among dozens of others.A.identify B.recognize C.know D.identity 8.What is the B temperature of the human body? A.formal B.normal C.informal D.normally 9.The boss asked the workers to D the vase carefully because it is very expensive.A.deal with B.swing C.slip D.handle

10.There are some technical problems to be C before the product can be put on market.A.accomplished B.inspired C.conquered D.tamed 语法.As soon as he entered the room,the boy caught sight of the gifts D by his mother.A.buying B.being bought C.were bought D.bought.The secretary worked late into the night,B a long speech for the president.A.to prepare B.preparing C.prepared D.was preparing 3.一Good morning,can I help you? 一I'd like to have this package D,Madam.A.be weighted B.to be weighed C.to weigh D.weighed

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4.A,they will go and visit the park.A.Weather permitting B.Weather permitted C.Weather being permitted D.Weather have permitted 5.D a reply,he decided to write again.A.Not receiving B.Receiving not C.Not received D.Having not received

6.You must follow the direction exactly and if you become D,you must take the time to go back again and reread them.A.to confuse B.confusing C.confuse D.confused

7.The electronic computers C in our factory will be exported.A.producing B.to produce C.produced D.to be producing 8.Any students A in chess can apply for membership.A.having a keen interest B.with a keen interesting C.who is keenly interesting D.when keenly interesting 9.When I caught him A _,I stopped buying things there and started dealing with another shop.A.cheating B.cheat C.to cheat D.to be cheating 10.We were greatly encouraged by the news of China D another man-made satellite.A.to have launched B.to launch C.launched D.having launched 11.B,she stood at the front door waiting for her husband to return.A.Being finished prepared dinner B.Having finished preparing dinner C.Finishing preparing dinner D.Having finished to prepare dinner 12.All flights D because of the snowstorm,many passengers could do nothing but take the train.A.had been canceled B.have been canceled C.were canceled D.having been canceled 13.A new technique C,the yields as a whole increased by 20 percent.A.working out B.having worked out C.having been worked out D.to have been worked out 14.In Australia the Asians make their influence C in business large and small.A.feeling B.feel C.felt D.to be felt 15.C this information,they sat down again to wait.A.After given B.On giving C.Having been given D.After having to give Unit16 词汇.The climate would C the amount of the rainfall.A.influent B.effect C.affect D.perform 2.All theories originate D practice and in turn serve practice.A.to B.after C.on D.from.The play was quite a D in New York.A.fair B.strike C.name D.hit

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4.In our English class,our English teacher pays great attention D conversational skills.A.on B.at C.for D.to 5.If you want to learn the language,you should communicate more with C speakers.A.national B.natural C.native D.naive 6.Such a thin coat gives little A from the cold.A.protection B.help C.use D.function 7.The B of people seem to prefer TV to radio nowadays.A.number B.majority C.minority D.lot 8.Years of protest finally D change in the law.A.brought around B.brought down C.brought up D.brought about 9,D helpful tips,the book also contains a guide to the city's restaurants.A.Rather than B.Instead of C.Due to D.Aside from

10.All A a few babies learn to walk by the age of two and to talk by the age of three.A.but B.only C.and D.from 语法.If I were to do it,I C it in a different way.A.shall do B.will do C.would do D.have done 2.Sorry,I can't go with you tomorrow.If I should go,I A him.A.would see B.shall see C.will see D.had seen 3.If I D you,I wouldn't call him back.A.be B.am C.was D.were

4.I could have done better if I C more money.A.have had B.had C.had had D.would have had 5.If I had hurried,I C the train.A.would catch B.could catch C.would have caught D.had caught 6.D the sun,nothing on earth could live.A.Were it not to B.If it were not to C.If it had not been for D.If it were not for

7.C you were coming today,I’d have met you at the railway station.A.Have I known B.If I have known C.Had I known D.Hadn't have 8.C today,he would get there by Friday.A.Would he leave B.Was he leaving C.Were he to leave D.If he leaves 9.If you D that movie last night,you wouldn't be so sleepy.A.haven't watched B.didn't watch C.wouldn't have watched D.hadn't watched 10.C,I would take an umbrella with me.A.Had I been you B.I were you C.Were I you D.I had been you

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11.What B if the weather had been fine yesterday? A.would you do B.would you have done C.did you do D.have you done 12.I B her to the party but I didn't know her well.A.should invite B.would have invited C.must have invited D.may have invited 13.Had he worked hard,he D A.would get through the exams B.could get through the exams C.had to have got through the exams D.would have got through the exams 14.If you had not helped him,they A in London now.A.would still be B.will still beC.would have still gone D.will have still gone 15.C he come,I tell him about the story.A.Should,will B.Will,should C.Should,would D.Should,will Unit 17 词汇.The specialists and C present at the conference come from all corners of the country.A.scholar B.scholarship C.scholars D.scholar people 2.They are planning a(n)D to stop people smoking.A.accident B.event C.incident D.campaign 3.Smoking is B in school.A.canceled B.banned C.gotten rid D.wiped off 4.The book was A with color photographs inside.A.illustrated B.appeared C.putting D.showing 5.The old headmaster's speech at the graduation C dwells in my mind.A.occasion B.period C.ceremony D.time 6.All the runners are ready to B for the first place in the 400-meter race.A.fight B.compete C.struggle D.gain 7.It’s wrong to destroy all the old castles and other historic interests in this town because they are well worth A A.preserving B.supporting C.taking D.storing 8.It rarely happened that people in the town B to the theatre to see the new opera.A.attended B.flocked C.jointed D.got along 9.We C tremendous changes in the city.A.looked B.glimpsed C.witnessed D.improved 10.The construction A of a new school was full of working people.A.site B.location C.situation D.area 语法.Mary insisted that Tom B her the ring back.30 / 57

A.gives B.give C.given D.will have given 2.The job would require that_ B at 7 o'clock every morning.A.he will be at the office B.he be at the office C.he was at the office D.he has to go at the office 3.The professor gave orders that the test A before 5:30.A.be finished B.will finish C.will be finished D.shall finish 4.The teacher demanded that her students B on time to every class.A.were B.be C.had to D.must 5.It is important that I A with Mr.Smith at once.A.speak B.spoke C.will speak D.to speak 6.It is strange that he C so.A.would say B.talk C.should say D.will speak 7.一You should have finished it sooner.一I know but I C time.A.don't have B.won't have C.didn't have D.hadn't have 8.I would have invited her to the party but I C her well.A.don't know B.doesn't know C.didn't know D.hadn't know 9.It is decided that no smoking B in the room.A.allowed B.be allowed C.will be allowed D.should allowed 10.It is essential that the application forms D back before the deadline.A.must be sent B.were sent C.would be sent D.be sent.It is highly desirable that a new president B for this college.A.appointed B.be appointed

C.is appointed D.has been appointed 12.But for the worker's help,we B.A.should succeed B.could not have succeeded C.will not succeed D.should have not succeeded 13.The traffic was very heavy, otherwise I C there 20 minutes earlier.A.would be B.should be C.would have been D.had been 14.It was very kind of you to do the washing-up,but you D it.,A.mustn't have done B.wouldn't have done C.mightn't have done D.didn't have to do 15.He must have had an accident,or he A then.A.would have been here B.had to be here C.should be here D.would be here Unit18 词汇.John Smith is a businessman, A is clear from the way he talks.A.as B.who C.that D.whom 2.If I D you,I wouldn't go to the movies.A.be B.was C.am D.were.You have to be patient D my grandmother-she is going rather deaf.31 / 57

A.about B.for C.at D.with

4.The seed fell on the A ground.A.fertile B.fertility C.fertilize D.fertilizer 5.I wish I A what to do.A.knew B.have known C.know D.would know 6.The manager tried to force his men B working harder by threatening them with dis missal.A.for B.into C.from D.with 7.They felt A when they reached the top of the mountain.A.exhausted B.exhausting C.exhaustible D.exhaustive 8.She complained A me his rudeness.A.to„about B.about„to C.to„with D.from„about

9.In order to develop independence,the mother trains her son to move away from her,C she keeps her daughter close to her.A.when B.as C.while D.because 10.The child deserved a good C

A.beat B.hit C.beating D.beated 语法.I A that Charlie were here.A.wish B.hope C.expect D.ask 2.I wish I A there yesterday.If so,I could have helped you with the problem.A.hadn't been B.weren't C.wasn't D.haven't been 3.I'd just as soon D rudely to her.A.that you won't speak B.you not speaking C.you not speak D.you didn't speak 4.It's high time B him a severe lecture for being often late.A.you give B.you gave C.you'll give D.you should give 5.At the thought he shook himself, as though he D from an evil dream.A.woke B.wakes C.would wake D.had woken

6.We all seemed afraid to say what was in our minds,for fear that it C trouble.A.will start B.started C.should start.D.starts 7.We C you came to visit our lab tomorrow than today.A.had better B.rather than C.would rather D.will rather 8.If only I D the answer,I would have told you.A.knew B.have known C.would have known D.had known 9.I'd get it for you B I could remember who last borrowed it.A.except that B.if only C.on condition D.considering 10.D the fog, we should have reached our destination.A.In spite of B.Because of C.In case of D.But for 11.I wish I B time to go with it next month.A.will have B.would have C.have D.had 12.It is high time you B

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A.stopped to smoke B.stopped smokingC.stop to smoke D.will stop smoking 13.He did his homework carefully for fear that he C A.makes a mistake B.made a mistake C.should make a mistake D.would make a mistake 14.Look at the terrible situation I am in!If only I B your advice!A.follow B.had followed

C.would follow D.have followed 15.I would rather you B anything about it for the time being.A.do B.didn't do C.did D.does Unit 19 词汇.The cooker isn’t working because of an B fault.A.electric B.electrical C.electricity D.elector 2.A is one of the most important parts of the doctor's work.A.Diagnosis B.Diagnose C.Identify D.Identity 3.We receive 20 letters a day on D A.medium B.center C.middle D.average 4.The movements needed to ride a bicycle soon become B.A.automation B.automatic C.automate D.automatically 5.Any driver who drives his or her car at a speed of 120km an hour on this highway will be B for$600.A.paid B.billed C.cashed D: profited 6.We all A to paint the house.A.volunteered B.happy C.glad D.active 7.There was no other A but to fight till the victory.A.alternative B.alternate C.alter D.alteration 8.We're rather C about his health.A.interested B.care C.concerned D.concerning 9.We've been receiving powerful radio C from a distant star system.A.launch B.fire.C.emission D.emissive 10.The car factory hopes to increase its C by 30%next year.A.producer B.product C.output D.produce 语法.Down over there B

A.power station stands B.stands a power station

C.a power station is standing D.a power station lies 2.Then A three days of heavy rain.A.followed B.follow C.following D.have followed 3.C you were coming today,I’d have met you at the airport.A.Have I known B.I have known C.Had I known D.I had known 4.A no gravity, there would be no air around the earth.A.Were there B.Was there C.There were D.There be 5.D the rain and the umbrellas.33 / 57

A.Down came,went up B.Came down, up went C.Came down,went up D.Down came,up went

6.Factory workers had to work very hard before,C A.farmers did so B.farmers work so C.so did farmers D.so do farmers 7.So instructive A that the student wanted to see it again.A.was the film B.it was the film C.the film was D.the film it was 8.Wood does not conduct electricity,B A.nor rubber does B.nor does rubber

C.also doesn't rubber D.so doesn't rubber 9.In winter,the closer to the North Pole,B A.the day is shorter B.the shorter the day is C.shorter is the day D.the shorter is the day 10.B a research student,I would at least master two foreign languages.A.Should I to become B.Were I to become C.Had I become D.I should become 11.So involved with their computers D that leaders at summer computer camps often have to force them to break off for sports and games.A.the children become B.the children do become B.become the children D.do the children become 12.D that his son had to run to keep up with him.A.So he walked B.So fast he walks C.So fast has he walks D.So fast did he walk

13.D from the third floor when his mother pointed at him.A.Jumped down the boy B.Down the boy jumped C.The boy down jumped D.Down jumped the boy

14.So loudly C that even people in the next room could hear him A.he spoke B.spoke he C.did he speak D.did he spoke 15.Often C foreign language is useful in every field.A.our teacher tells us that B.our teacher does tell us C.does our teacher tell us that D.have our teacher told us that Unit 20 词汇

1.一Would you like some wine 一No,I'll C beer,thanks.A.stick out B.stick on C.stick to D.stick in 2.The specific use of leisure varies from individual A individual.A.to B.for C.of D.with 3.The great_____A____living on a main road is the constant noise.A.drawback of B.disadvantage to C.problem to D.question of 4.Fireworks added_C____the attraction of the festival night.A.with B.for C.to D.in

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5.Because of his degree,he refused to do_B___he thought ”low“ work.A.that B.what C.which D.who 6.Do look out___B___spelling mistakes when you check your work.A.at B.for C.with D.in 7.My stand on this problem is just the same D it was four years ago.A.that B.what C.which D.as 8.You need money and time.C,you need diligence.A.In time B.In the end C.In addition D.In other words 9.In the 18th paragraph of the text,”deliberately“ means A A.intentionally B.generally C.dramatically D.wonderfully 10.He persuaded me B the idea of dropping the experiment.A.from B.out of C.with D.for 语法.No longer C to waste its natural resources.A.the world can afford B.the world could afford C.can the world afford D.would the world afford 2.Little B whether we live or die.A.she cares B.does she care C.can she care D.she would care 3.Not once A his view of life.A.did the gentleman mention B.the gentleman mentioned that C.the gentleman mentioned D.does the gentleman mentioned 4.Only by diligence and honesty D in life.A.one can succeed B.one will be succeeded C.can one succeeded D.can one succeed 5.Not only C,but also remembered what he had read.A.he had read the book B.had he read the book C.did he read the book D.he read the book 6.A had I gone out than I heard the sound of the subway train.A.No sooner B.Scarcely C.As soon as D.Hardly 7.Hardly B when the audience started cheering.A.he had finished his speech B.had he finished his speech C.he finished his speech D.did he finish his speech 8.Only recently C to deal with the problem.A.something has done B.has something done C.has something been done D.something has been done 9.Not until Columbus discovered America D to Europe.A.bananas were brought B.bananas brought C.are bananas broughtD.were bananas brought 10.Seldom D his homework in the morning.A.my brother does B.does my brother make C.my brother do D.does my brother do 11.Busy C he is,he can fulfill the task ahead of schedule.A.because B.no matter how C.as D.although 12.Neither D without practice,nor without theory.35 / 57

A.could theory do,practice would do B.theory could do,would practice do C.theory would do,practice would do D.would theory do,would practice do 13.By no means C create or destroy energy.A.we can B.we can't C.can we D.shall we 14.C,he remained honest.A.As poor as Paul was B.As poor Paul was C.Poor as Paul was D.Since poor Paul was 15.Under no circumstances_ C if the enemy didn't withdraw.A.can we stop fighting B.can we stop to fight C.could we stop fighting D.we could stop to fight

阅读 Page22 p1 BCDCD 莎士比亚的早期生活

1.In the early life of Shakespeare ,he ____ B.studied [Latin](拉丁)2.Why was he forced to leave native place according to the passage? C [No one] knows for certain.3.What is the reason why the world can be grateful(感谢)? D He worte many [famous plays] 4.In time , as he became a familiar figure to the actors in the theatre,they stopped and spoke him, in time means : C some time later 5.the best title is D.The [early life] of Shakespeare p2 ACADC 1.Behavior problems of dogs are believed to A.be just part of their [nature] 2.The primary purpose of obedience(顺从)training is to C make the dog aware of its owner's [authority] 3.Effective communication between a dog and its owner is A the [foundation] for dogs to perform tasks 4.Why do pet dogs love performing tricks(把戏)for their masters? D.To show their [willingness] to obey 5.When a dog has received Effective obedience(顺从)training, its owner _ C.can give the dog more [freedom] p3 ADCBC 1.the first paragraph tells us the author(作者童年对花和昆虫感兴趣)A.was interested in flowers and insects in his childhood 2.The author can't remember his relative clearly because__ D.he was fully occupied with observing nature 3.It can be inferred from the passage that the author was ____

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C.no more than a born naturalist 4.the author says that he is a naturalist rather than a scientist probably because he thinks he ___ B.lacks some of the qualities required of a scientist(品质)5.according to the author , a born naturalist should first of all be __ C.full of enthusiasm(热情)P4 DAAAC 1.scientists are puzzled by the guyots'__ D.curiously flat tops(奇特)2.most of the guyots are located __ A.in the Pacific Ocean 3.guyots were probably formed by __ A.under water lava spouts 4.the discovery of shallow-water fossils indicates that the guyots were __ A.once much nearer the surface of the ocean 5.The guyots are still a geographic puzzle because___ C.theories related to shapes have never been proved(有关形状的理论从来没有被证实)P5 ADBDC 1.Honey was highly valued by the ancients because__(蜂蜜被古人高度评价因为)A.it helped people keep healthy 2.The ancients believed in the following qualities of honey except__ D.killing germs of some diseases(杀死一些疾病的细菌)3.By saying ”Its production has defied analysis“(Para.2),the author means__ B.no one knows how bees produce honey(没有人知道蜜蜂如何产蜜)4.Honey is better than other types of sugar because___ D.it is easy for the body to absorb(容易被身体吸收)5.The selection is mainly about ___ C.honey's values and advantages(蜂蜜的价值和优势)P6 CBADC 1.The author felt __ when he saw the king cobra in the grass C.terrified 害怕

2.When shells from the enemy's guns were exploding around the snake,it ___ B.moved toward a big rock 3.The patrol(巡逻)was sent out __ A.to gather intelligence(情报)about the enemy 4.It may be inferred from the passage that __ D.the scouts(侦察兵)must have been found by the enemy 5.The phrase ”started 'home'“(Para,4)probaly means___(开始返回,在那里我们的部队驻扎的地方)

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C.began to return to the place where our troops were stationed P7 BABAB 1.According to the passage, the regular academic(学校的)year consists(组成)of ___ B.three 11-week terms 2.In the summer quarter,a student can __ A.have more than one course(有一个以上的课程)3.Classes for five-quarter hours of credit can meet on ___ B.Mondays and Tuesdays for two hours each day(星期一及星期二,每天两小时)4.Sheduled physical education activities meet for __ A.two hours once a week(每周一次两小时)5.The most suitable title of the passage should be __ B.the College Calendar(日历)P8 BADAD 1.Which of the following is the best title for the passage? B.An extensive(广泛的)collection of Glass Flowers 2.Which of the following statements about Leopold and Rudolph Blaschka is true? A.They were artists 3.It can be inferred from the passage that the goal of Leopold and Rudolph Blaschka was to __ D.make a copy of one member of each United states flower family 4.In Line2(Para.2)the word ”it“ refers to which of the following phrases? A.”The collection“(Line 1)5.Which of the following are NOT included in the display at the Botanical Museum of Harvard Unversity? D.Several species of native birds 原生种鸟 P9 BBCBA 1.The most possible reason for Israeli athletes being attacked and kidnapped is that_.B.the Arab guerrillas wanted to save the Palestinians held in Israeli jails 2.When the trouble took place, the Olympic Games_.B.were going on 3.The terrorists were told that they would be probably sent by air to_.C.Syria(叙利亚)4.How many Arabs were there as terrorists? B.Eight.5.What do you think Palestine and Israel would act next? A.They would begin another conflict.P10 CCBBB 1.According to the passage, the railroad industry preferred steel to iron because steel was

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C.stronger and more durable(耐用)2.According to the passage, how did Bessemer's method make the mass production of steel possible? C.It directed air at melted iron in a furnace, removing all impurities.3.According to the passage, where were large deposits of iron ore uncovered? B.In the Mesabi Range.4.The words”Barges and steamers“(Pares 4)could best be replaced by which of the following? B.Boats.5.It can be inferred from the passage that the mass production of steel caused_.B.a revolution in the industrial world P11 BAAAB 1.The phrase ”should be well on with“(Para.1)most probably means_.B.have achieved a great deal in 2.What is NOT mentioned as a part of the recycling process describe in Para.3? A.Sharpening metal bars.3.What's the main reason for big cities to build their own recycling plants? A.To deal with wastes in a better way.4.The first full-scale huge recycling plants_.A.will probably be in operation in fifteen years 5.The passage is mainly about_.B.new ways of recycling wastes P12 DBABA 1.According to the passage, short stories are popular in the US today primarily because they D.are well suited to a fast pace of living 2.According to the passage, a short story differs from a novel in that a short story_.B.is considerably more concise(简明的)3.The author of this passage implies that the horse and buggy is no longer a means of transportation because A.it is too long to travel that way 4.It can be informed from the passage that authors might choose to write short stories because the short stories would B.have a wider potential readership 5.The reason given on this passage for the popularity of the short story could be used to explain the popularity of_.A.television P13 CDCBC 1.According to the passage, movement occurs when a muscle_.39 / 57

C.shortens 2.The point at which a muscle is attached to the bone that moves is called the_.D.insertion 3.The phrase ”called upon“ in Line 6(Para 2)is closest in meaning to which of the following? C.required 4.The passage implies that reversing the muscle-bone movement used to bend an arm requires B.the use of different muscles 5.Why are some muscles attached to bones at an angle? C.To perform a turning action.P14 DDCAA l: What is the main point the author makes in the passage? D.Regardless of whom they supported in the Revolution, American Indians lost their land.2.According to the passage, Mary Brant's husband had been a D.government official 3.To which tribe did Nancy Ward belong? C.Cherokee.4.How did Nancy Ward gain her position of authority? A.By bravery in battle.5.According to the passage, what did Mary Brant and Nancy Ward have in common? A.Each influenced her tribe's role in the American Revolution.P15 BACDC 1.Which of the following is true of the introduction of tea into Britain? B.Tea reached Britain from Holland.2.This passage mainly discusses_.A.the history of tea drinking in Britain 3.Tea became a popular drink in Britain_.C.in seventeenth century 4.People in Europe began to drink tea with milk because_.D.Madame de Sevigne was such a lady with great social influence that people tried to copy the way she drank tea 5.We may infer from the passage that the habit of drinking tea in Britain was mostly due to the influence of C.the upper social class P16 CBAAA 1.The most often used English words to show good manners are C.thank you,sorry and please 2.The best kind of handshake is B.firm but gentle 3.Between close friends or relatives, a kiss embrace Is

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A.common 4.A man _ kisses or embraces other men.A.seldom 5.It is_for men to open doors for women.A.not always welcome P17 CDABC 1.Which of the following is meant by the ”priceless treasure“ mentioned in Line 2? C.Valuable information.2.The author compares a sunken ship preserved in the deep sea to which of the following? D.A tomb in Egypt.3.According to the passage,which of the following usually happens to a ship as it sinks? A.It breaks into pieces.4.Which of the following objects found on the 900-year-old wreck most surprised the author? B.Chicken bones.5.Which of the following features of an ancient ship is of most interest to the author? C.Contents.(内容)P18 CABDA 1.How long had Robert been blind? C.Since the traffic accident.2.Which of the following statements is true? A.One doctor thought a heavy blow blinded Edward but another heavy blow might restore his sight.3.What caused Edward to regain his sight? B.Being stuck by lightning.4.Which of the following statement is NOT true? D.Doctor believed that Edward was never really blind and deaf.5.Why was Edward a little deaf? A.Because he was old.P19 ABCCB 1.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage? A.The American Revolution: Evolution Not Revolution 2.In the first paragraph, what does the author suggest about the French and Russian Revolutions? B.They were explosive and abrupt(突然).3.In Line 5 of Para.2,what does the word ”squarely“ mean? C.firmly 4.What will the paragraph following the passage most probably discuss? C.The creation of new state governments.5.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

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B.During the War, a home grown governing class replaced British officials everywhere because they were reluctant(不情愿的)to work for a new country which broke away from Great Britain.P20 CADCB 1.According to the passage, what was the percentage of American adults doing regular physical exercises two years ago? C.Almost 50%.2.A growing interest in sports developed after_.A.research showed their health benefits 3.Which of the following is closest in meaning to the phrase ”leveled off“(Para.2,Line 6)? D.stopped increasing in popularity 4.It can be learnt from the passage that the health benefits of exercise_.C.are supported by scientific evidence 5.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage? B.Exercise-The Road to Health P21 CCCBC 1.The passage tells us that as a child grows up, C.he should be given different toys 2.According to the passage, the abilities a child has inherited from his parents_.C.partly determine the standard he is likely to reach 3.Who have the best chance of growing up successfully? C.Those who are given toys, talked to and played with.4.We learn from the passage that a child has boundless curiosity(好奇心)_.B.when he is around four 5.The passage is mainly about C.the role of play in a child's development P22 DABAC 1.To have a better understanding of a poem, one should D.practise reading it aloud 2.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a function of poetry? A.Extending your life.3.According to the writer, one of the purposes of teaching English is to get students_.B.to enjoy poetry 4.What does the last sentence in the third paragraph imply? A.More stress should be laid on the teaching of poetry.5.The phrase ”make room“ in the last paragraph could be best replaced by_.C.”leave a certain amount of time“ P23 ACDAB 1.According to the passage, which of the following has changed the most

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in the last 500 years? A.Food.2.In the last sentence of the first paragraph ”some“ refers to_.C.some shops 3.Thousands of Irish people starved during the ”Potato Famine“ because_.D.the potato harvest was bad 4.Which country is the largest coffee producer? A.Brazil.5.Which of the following statements is NOT true, according to the passage? B.Coffee is native to Colombia.P24 CBACD 1.We know that the word ”cool“ has had_.C.many different meanings 2.In the passage, the word ”express“(Para.1)means“_,.B.show 3.If you are_something, you may say;”It's cool.” A.interested in 4.The writer takes an example to show he is_the way the word is used.C.worried about 5.In the passage, the writer suggests(暗示)that the word “cool” D.may not be as cool as it seems P25 CCDAD 1.This passage mainly talks about_.C.the business careers of Mac and Dick McDonald 2.Mac and Dick managed all of the following businesses except_.C.a cinema 3.We may infer from this passage that_.D.Ray Kroc was a good businessman 4.The passage suggests that_.A.creativity is an important element of business success 5.As used in the second sentence of the third paragraph, the word “unique” means“_,.D.peculiar 阅读理解

Unit1.Passage_A ADCCC 1.Helen got some share of the shop because A.she had a remarkable ability to design clothes 2.To develop her own business,Helen did the following things EXCEPT that she didn't D.avoid spending any money 3.Which statement in the following is NOT true? C.The cashier gave Helen a wrong bill.4.“Paper„75p” means that

C.the paper costs 75p

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5.To Helen's surprise,C.she would pay for not only the bill,but also the paper it is written on Passage_B CACAD 1·The author could not help but examine her conscience before that poor woman because C.the author was moved by her smile and love 2.What is “the greatness of our people” according to the author A.They cursed nobody and desired nothing.3.According to the author,as social workers they should to overcome the evil in the world.C.get together and love each other 4.The author thinks the unbearable poverty is A.feeling unwanted 5.It can be inferred that the passage is taken from D.a prize speech Unit2 Passage_A BBDCB 1.The old couple seemed strange among the young families because____.B.they seemed to be poor 2.The crowd began to talk about the old couple in a low voice because___.B.the old couple seemed too poor to eat more 3.The little old lady did not eat for a long time because___.D.she had no teeth 4.The woman refused the offer of the young man because_·

C.she thought there was no need for him to do so 5.The tone of the story is__.B.humorous Passage_B DCACB I.The farmer,s wife wanted to use the magic ring to get all of the following EXCEPT__ D.a big house 2.Who made the wish with the magic ring? C.The merchant.3.The phrase “in vain” means A.for nothing 4.What's the fate of the merchant C.He was buried in gold.5.According to the story, the main purpose is that B.working hard can bring you everything you want Unit3 Passage_A DCCDA 1.Some people think that falling in love is a necessary part of college campus life because

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D.love is a kind of motivation for learning 2.“Love is a kind of motivation for learning”suggests that

C.steady, true love can make lovers help each other and study with more purpose 3.As love between two college students is not stable at first,C.they will spend much time dating 4.According to the author,D.college students should pay attention on study instead of unstable love 5.The whole passage suggests that A.loving and learning should be treated carefully Passage_B DBDCC 1.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT the reason why housewives who have jobs are happier than those don't have? D.They can have right to fight with their husbands.2.According to the passage, which of the following is true? B.Housewives make great efforts to work but get no recognition.3.It can be inferred that_.D.a job can give housewives social contact 4.The husbands' opinions are that_.C.housewives' duty is to stay home and keep house 5.In recent years housewives C have less chance to belong to networks because of the rising number of people moving Unit4 Passag_A BBDCB 1.Why was the farmer arrested? B.Because he didn't have any money to pay the taxes.2.According to the story,which of the following is true? B.The king needed the money to fight his wars.3.The farmer wrote to his wife not to dig the field,because_.D.he found a good way for the king's men to help his wife dig the fields 4.After reading the farmer's letter to his wife,the guards_.C.thought the farmer had hidden the pot of gold in his fields 5.According to the story,the farmer is_.B.clever Passage_B CBDAC 1.According to the passage,which is NOT true about the jackal? C.It is not一 easy for the jackal to satisfy the hunger.2.Why did the jackal ask the camel to go to the other side of the river with him? B.Because he could not swim very well.3.The camel was beaten mainly because_·

D.the jackal sang and shouted so loudly

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4.What does the phrase ”black and blue“ probably mean? A.Beaten badly.5.How did the camel punish the jackal C.He rolled over and made the jackal sink and drown.Unit5 Passage_A CBCAC 1.According to the author, under the influence of culture, Chinese response to praise may be mistaken to be _____ by Americans C.less sincere 2.It can be inferred from the passage that when a Chinese woman is praised for the lovely dress,in typical Chinese fashion, B.she will reply, ”Oh,it’s just an ordinary dress that I bought in China.”

3.If Jordan said,“Thank you very much.I really appreciate it!”,“it“ would refer to C.the praise he had received 4.The different ways of responding to praise between Chinese and Americans show that A.Chinese and Americans have different ideas on politeness 5.From the passage, we can say that C.different cultures have different ways of behavior Passage_B CABCB 1.According to Sara and Ryan,we can see that C.teenagers care more about taste than health when eating 2.Americans eat much fast food because A.it is easy and delicious 3.Overweight children___.B.are more likely to get ill 4.According to the passage, how can fat children become healthy? C.By eating healthy food.5.It can be concluded from the passage that B.fast food can cause many medical problems Unit6 Passage_A DDCA 1.You will spend a lot of money doing the following EXCEPT it won't cost you much to D.scan newspapers 2.If you want to find good entertainment at no cost at all, you can___according to the author's suggestion.D.go window shopping 3.Which of the free activities in the following is NOT mentioned in the passage? C.Going to a museum.4.We can learn from the passage that A.people with imagination can find more beauty in life

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Passage_B BCDDC 1.Which of the following is true according to the first passage? B.Having wealth doesn't mean having happiness.2.In the 1940’s,C.people were happier than today 3.According to the passage,why aren’t many Americans very happy after they become rich? D.Because people lack some spirit.4.Which statement of the following does NOT belong to ”the American paradox“? D.increasing crime rate and decreasing happiness 5.We can conclude by reading the passage that_.C.the relation between income and happiness is rather weak Unit 7 Passage_A CCDCC 1.Which of the following did Mr.Cowen NOT make? C.Answer the first electric motor.2.Which statement about Mr.Cowen's first toy train in the following is NOT true? C.It had several tracks.3.Which of the statements is NOT mentioned in the passage? D.A Lionel train is the best thing for children and men as Christmas presents.4.Which of the statements about Mr.Cowen's toy train is NOT true? C.There were no food cars in his train.5.It can be concluded from the passage that C.what men and children asked for made Mr.Cowen's trains better Passage_B CDAAC 1.According to the passage,Elias Howe was C.the first person to design a sewing machine that really worked 2.The problem Howe was trying to solve was D.how to prevent the thread from getting caught around the needle 3.When you fall asleep,A.your brain is still active 4.Dreams are sometimes called ”secret messages to ourselves“ because____ A.strange images are used to communicate ideas 5.It can be inferred from the passage that C.some inventors found their ideas in their dreams Unit 8 Passage_A CDDAB 1.If you are making a speech in your class in US, it is proper for you to C.look around at the whole class

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2.When you speak to an American,you'd better_.D.look at his eyes from time to time 3.Which of the following statements is NOT true? D.Audience use eye contact to get the speaker's attention.4.Which statement in the following is NOT the function of eye contact? A.To replace talk in a conversation.5.The main idea of the passage is that_.B.eye contact is an essential part in our daily life Passage_B BCDD 1.What is the best title of the passage? B.Attraction Of Books 2.According to the author,the main attraction of a bookshop is C.to escape the realities of daily life 3.What should a good book assistant do in a bookshop? D.He should remain in the background until you have finished looking through all the books.4.According to the passage, which of the following qualities may NOT attract you to buy a book? B.Interesting text.C.An attractive dust jacket.D.Both B and C.Unit9 Passage_A DABBD 1.With which of the following is the passage mainly concerned? D.Time travel and leaving imagination to the readers.2.Who is the bad-looking man? A.Count de Vaudreuil.3.Which of the following can NOT be inferred from the passage? B.Time travel can be caused by hot weather.4.The messenger ran to tell them to return to the house because_·

B.he was warning the Queen about the danger 5.To which day did the two ladies travel back? D.On 10th August,1789.Passage_B CBBAD 1.The reason why King John asked the Abbot three difficult questions was C.that he wanted to kill the Abbot and get all his riches 2.The shepherd used the saying ”A fool can teach a wise man“ to imply that B.he can help the Abbot 3.After hearing the shepherd’s reply,the king B.was very satisfied with the answers 4.According to the passage,the word“disguise” in paragraph 7 can be explained as A.pretend 5.At last,the shepherd

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B.got a bag of gold C.helped the Abbot get out of danger D.both B and C Unit10 Passage_A ACDDB 1.The culture tie between Britain and America is in A.literature and pop music 2.Which of the following statements is NOT true of the Beatles? C.They wrote words and music only for entertainment 3.The Beatles were popular with both the old and the young because_ D.their music was close to people's daily life 4.What great thing did the Beatles do? D.They made pop music become popular.5.Which of the following statements is NOT true? B.The big difference audience.between the Beatles and the famous solo stars is in their relationship with audience Passage_B CCDDB 1.According to the passage, which of the following is not a result of tourism? C.People can see remote ruins in deep forests.2.Which of the following statements is true? C.Many tourists destroy the treasures that they like best.3.Some European caves have already been closed because D.visitors didn't try to protect them 4.It can be inferred from the passage that____.D.tourists will be educated to pay attention to the treasures of the past 5.We can conclude from the last paragraph that_.B.the author wants to warn tourists not to destroy the treasures any longer Unit 11 Passage_A DBABA 1.Which of the following statements about motherly love is NOT true? D.Motherly love is given when a child does what is expected.2.According to the passage,unconditional love B.is the one that people deserve 3.For children in the early period, fatherly love is less important because A.father makes less contact with them 4.Children may lose fatherly love when B.they don't obey their father 5.Which statement in the following is NOT true? A.Motherly love and fatherly love can be both controlled by children.Passage_B BCB

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1.Which is the best title for this story? B.Honesty.2.When the young man found there was$9,000 in the bag, he_.C.took the money back and asked for his chicken 3.Why did the young man refuse to be reported by the local news station? B.Because he did not want his wife to know he had a date with his girlfriend.Unit 12 Passage_A DDBB 1.According to the passage, in America, the credit card has_on it.D: all of the above 2.Why are plastic cards increasingly used instead of paper money? D.All of the above.3.According to the passage,which of the following is NOT correct? B.It is difficult for salesmen to tell the difference in two signatures immediately.4.What's the main idea of the passage? B.The advantages of plastic money.Passage_B BCBDA 1.What problem is serious about the Internet according to this passage? B.Fraud on the Internet has increased.2.How can the thieves get the information of the credit card? C.They steal the information from Web sites.3.The passage gives us_pieces of advice to keep from being cheated.B.four 4.It can be inferred from the passage that D.the Mastercard firm will offer a safer credit card 5.If you are shopping on the site: http://u)ztw.shopping.com and want to buy a computer, what does this article suggest to do? A.Don't use your credit card to buy it.Unit 13 Passage_A CCD 1.According to the author,you should wear_on the first day for a new job.C.clean and neat clothes 2.According to tip 4,if your supervisor didn't tell you what to do,C.you can set daily work for yourself by asking for a list 3.Which of the following statements is NOT mentioned in the passage? D.Dress is the most important factor to make a good impression at a new job.Passage_B DDBDC 1.University students are classified into three groups by the author according to

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1.Modern business and industry demand that young men and women can speak and write Clearly.A、demand B、and C、can speak D、Clearly 2.Every one of the students had to do their own experiment, and then professor Brown judged the results.A、their B、own C、and then D、the results 3.Despite of the heavy rain, the party set out in the morning.A、Despite of B、heavy C、set out D、in the morning 4.A knowledge of several languages is essential to the study of comparative literature because without them one can read books only in translation.A、is B、them C、only D、in 5.Those of us who smoke should have their lungs X-rayed regularly.A、Those B、who C、their D、X-rayed 6.Now that the newspaper arrived we can see the scores of the tennis matches.A、that B、arrived C、can see D、of the 7.In Newtonian mechanics it is not difficulty to write down the basic equations that must be solved in order to describe the motion of an object.A、In B、not difficulty

C、basic D、must be solved 8.On the days that he's not busy, he liked to write poetry, or paint with watercolors, or cook an unusual dish.A、On the days B、liked C、to write D、unusual dish 9.Jim was upset last night because he had to do too many homeworks.A、upset B、because C、had to do D、many homeworks 10.The instructor had gone over the problems many times before the students will take the final examination.A、over B、many times C、before D、will take 11.After we had been surrounded by the enemy for three days and nights, we decided to fight their way out.A、After B、had been surrounded C、days and nights D、fight their way out 12.All that has been done have been done.A、All B、has C、have D、done 13.The reason why I refused his proposal is because that it is not practical A、The reason B、refused C、because D、is not 14.There were only four rich men.All the rest was poor.A、were B、All C、the D、was 15.If the policeman would have arrived earlier, he would

have seen the accident.A、would have B、arrived C、would have D、seen 16.Rain clouds and smoke caused by pollution look so much alike that one cannot hardly tell the difference between them.A、caused by pollution B、so much alike C、cannot hardly D、tell the difference 17.The tasks of the director are greater than that of his Assistant.A、tasks B、director C、greater than D、that of 18.She was said by women that they had husbands to protect their rights and that what she needed was a husband.A、said B、protect C、what D、was 19.He gazed at us, one by one, while we all smiled happily and a little proud.A、gazed B、one by one C、while D、proud 20.He said he was used to be going to bed late, didn't he? A、said B、used C、be going D、didn't 21.Neither his training nor his experience as a railway engineer qualify him for the job.A、Neither B、as C、qualify D、for 22.The reason why we didn't take his suggestion is because that it is not practical.A、The reason B、take C、because D、is not 正确答案:31123.22244.43341.3414333


1.The race was so close that everyone was _________ at the finish.A、holding his breath B、working out C、winning over D、thinking of 正确答案:A 2.By no means ____ to her parents.A.this is the first time has she lied

B.this is the first time does she tell a lie C.is this the first time she has lied

D.is this the first time she was lying 正确答案:C 3.The United Nations Conference on Global Environment, which took place earlier this year in Vienna, was a very ______ meeting.A、productive B、communicative C、aggressive D、protective 正确答案:A 4.You have failed two tests.You'd better start working harder,___you won't pass the course.A.and



D.so 正确答案:C 5.It was such a wonderful day that they decided to take a day _____ to the mountain.A、away B、voyage C、boat trip D、excursion 正确答案:D 6.His children are well-behaved, ___ those of his sister's are very naughty.A.and



D.while 正确答案:D 7.Sunglasses are used to _____ people's eyes from the light of the sun.A、prevent B、protect C、stop D、save 正确答案:B 8.How can you keep fit____ you smoke so much every day? A.but

B.however C.if

D.otherwise 正确答案:C 9 David may _______, but we must go at once.A、stay lately B、have stayed very late C、stay a little D、stay late 正确答案:D 10.The news has spread all over the country____the spaceship succeeded in returning to the earth.A.what



D.whether 正确答案:B 11.They were so far away that I couldn't _______ their faces clearly.A、see through B、make up C、make at D、make out 正确答案:D 12.Every means _______ been tried to solve the difficult problem.A、have B、has C、is D、are 正确答案:B 13.Since we can't hear you at the back of the hall, you'll have to __________ your voice.A、lift B、increase C、raise D、open

正确答案:C 14.I ran _______ Alice, who was on her way to see how I was getting along.A、up B、out of C、over D、into 正确答案:D 15.She has nothing to do with the murder case.She is not _______ it.A、concerned with B、related in C、involved in D、concerned in 正确答案:C 16.I didn't know what to do, but then an idea suddenly ________ to me.A、appeared B、happened C、occurred D、emerged 正确答案:C 17.Nobody knows how long and how seriously the shakiness in the financial system will _________ down the economy.A、put B、settle C、drag D、knock 正确答案:C 18._______ for my illness I would have lent him a helping hand.A、Not being B、Without being C、Had it not been D、Not having been 正确答案:C 19._______ that my head had cleared, my brain was also beginning to work much better.A、For B、Since C、Now D、Despite 正确答案:C 20.He didn't live up to ____________ had been expected of

him.A、what B、which C、that D、all 正确答案:A 21.It is desirable that the airplane _____________ as light as possible.A、is B、were C、be D、had been 正确答案:C 22.When Laura finally arrived she apologized _______ so late.A、for to come B、that she was coming C、for coming D、to come 正确答案:C 23.It seems very difficult _______.A、to stop the child to cry B、restraining the child to cry C、to keep the child from crying D、holding the child's crying 正确答案:C 24.______ is easily seen.A、The advantage of the economic reform B、The economic's reform advantage C、The reform of the economic advantage D、The economic reform's advantage 正确答案:A 25.Life insurance, _______ available only to young, healthy persons, can now be obtained for old people.A、before B、after C、former D、previously 正确答案:D 26.I didn't know your mobile phone number;otherwise I _____ you the moment I got to Washington.A.had rung

B.would ring C.have rung D.would have rung 正确答案:D

27.As they are retired, Mr.and Mrs.Scott prefer a house in the country to ____ their remaining years there.A.spend

B.spending C.spent

D.spends 正确答案:A 28.The girl has made up her mind to go abroad with her boyfriend despite her parents' _________.A、agreement B、allowing C、letting D、objection 正确答案:D 29.I can hardly believe my eyes.This _______ man is actually a scientist who once won the Nobel Prize.A、remarkable B、unusual C、magnificent D、unremarkable 正确答案:D 30.________ he works hard, I didn't mind when he finishes the experiment.A、As soon as B、So long as C、As well as D、So far as 正确答案:B 31.Applicants for the typist's job will be judged ________ how accurate and fast they are.A、in favor of B、in terms of C、in ways of D、in spite of 正确答案:B 32.I will repair this new TV set without charging because it is under _______.A、initial B、trial C、guarantee D、maximum 正确答案:C 33.After that they drove to the Guest House at ________ speed.A、top B、head

C、whole D、every 正确答案:A 34.It was difficult to guess what her ________ to the news would be.A、reaction B、comment C、impression D、opinion 正确答案:A 35._________ that may eventually reduce the amount of labor needed on construction sites by 90 percent.A、So clever are the construction robots B、Such construction robots are clever C、So clever the construction robots D、Such clever construction robots are 正确答案:A 36.She did not feel ______________ going out, as she had a slight headache.A、about B、like C、after D、for 正确答案:B 37.The observer's statement about the accident was very _____;we know almost every thing about it now.A、specific B、especial C、exceptional D、special 正确答案:A 38.Some of your suggestions have been adopted but others have been _______ as they are not workable.A、turned away B、turned down C、turned back D、turned out 正确答案:B 39.The escaped prisoner waited until _____ of night before leaving his hiding place.A、dark B、deep C、depth D、dead

正确答案:D 40.The speech _____, a lively discussion started.A、being delivered B、be delivered C、was delivered D、having been delivered 正确答案:D 41._____ by his grandparents, Jimmy wasn't used to living with his parents.A.To bring up

B.To be brought up C.Brought up

D.Being brought up 正确答案:C 42.I'd rather read than watch television;the programs seem _____ all the time.A、to get worse B、to be getting worse C、to have got worse D、getting worse 正确答案:B 43.We are not in favor of __________ without him.A、having a party B、have a party C、taking a party D、take a party 正确答案:A 44.Shall we request the chairman __________ our suggestion again? A、to consider B、considering C、consider D、considered 正确答案:A 45.The noise of the traffic _________ Paul from his work.A、prevented B、distracted C、annoyed D、upset 正确答案:B 46.We forgave his bad temper because we knew that his son's illness had put him under great _________.A、emotion B、excitement C、crisis D、stress

正确答案:D 47.Inquiries _________ the condition of the patients may be made personally or by telephone.A、revealing B、concerning C、affecting D、following 正确答案:B 48.Please remain ______until the plane has come to a complete stop.A.to seat

B.to be seated C.seating

D.seated 正确答案:D 49.I tried very hard to persuade him to join our group but I met with a flat _________.A、disapproval B、rejection C、refusal D、decline 正确答案:C 50.While watching television,______ A.the doorbell rang

B.the doorbell rings C.we heard the doorbell ring D.we heard the doorbell rings 正确答案:C 51.She _______ a new idea for increasing sales.A、came up with B、came up at C、came by D、came for 正确答案:A 52.The boy __________ the dog with a thick stick but the dog did not yield.A、came at B、came with C、won over D、won at 正确答案:A 53.The government will have to work hard __________ the confidence of the people after the terrible event.A、to win back B、to win through C、to come up with D、to come at

正确答案:A 54.Mary was going to a wedding so she brushed _______ well.A、her hair B、her hairs C、the hair D、the hairs 正确答案:A 55.The officials in the _______ at London Airport were very polite.A、Custom B、Customs C、custom D、customs 正确答案:B 56._____, the pay isn't attractive enough, though the job itself is quite interesting.A.Generally speaking

B.On the contrary C.In particular

D.To be honest 正确答案:D 57.The company offered him high pay as an ______ to accept the job.A、inducement B、aim C、invitation D、apple 正确答案:A 58.“Do you think that the labor bill will be passed?” “Oh, yes.It's _______ that it will.” A、almost surely B、very likely C、near positive D、quite certainly 正确答案:B 59.We were _______ for half an hour in the traffic and so we arrived late.A、put back B、broke down C、held up D、kept off 正确答案:C 60.Mr.Wang is an engineer _______ profession.A、with B、at

C、on D、by 正确答案:D 61.Unless he is ________ intense love, he hardly ever looks into someone else's eyes for very long.A、confessing B、refusing C、granting D、covering 正确答案:A 62.The robber had escaped and was nowhere to be found when the

police_____ A.arrived

B.had arrived C.arrive

D.have arrived 正确答案:A 63.Oh, I _______ for a friend from England at the airport.A、was waiting B、had waited C、am waiting D、have waited 正确答案:A 64.________ way as you please.A、Each B、Every C、Any D、Either 正确答案:C 65.It is _______ world of wonders, _______ world where anything can happen.A、a;the B、a;a C、the;a D、不填;不填 正确答案:B 66.How do we go to Beijing for our holidays?using the head.The findings show that contraction of the brain begins sooner in people in the country than in the towns.“Those with least possibility,” said Matsuzawa, “are lawyers, followed by university professors and doctors.White collar workers doing the same work day after day in government offices are, however, as likely to have contracting brains as the farm workers, bus drivers and shop assistants”.1、The team of doctors wanted to find out _______.A、the size of some people's brain B、why some people age sooner than others C、what kind of people are very clever D、how to make people live longer

2、The front and side parts of the brain relate to all of the following aspects EXCEPT ______.A、mental ability B、emotion C、character D、eating and breathing

3、The word “subjects”(in Paragraph 4)most probably refers to _______.A、persons or things that are being discussed or considered B、persons chosen to be studied in an experiment C、branches of knowledge studied in a school D、words in a sentence about which something is stated

4、According to the research findings, which kind of people seems to age most quickly? A、Doctors.B、Lawyers.C、Teachers.D、Farm workers.5、Which of the following sentences is NOT mentioned in the passage? A、Professor Matsuzawa suggested that people should use their brains more often because thinking can stop the brain from contraction.B、The research findings are based on the study of the brain sizes of different people.C、The team of doctors made these tests in order to show how the brain works.D、The professor's tests prove that old people's brains have contracted more quickly than other young people's.正确答案:BDBDC

4.As the school year kicks off, parents are once again straggling to cajole(哄骗)and, if need be, drag their exhausted teens out of bed.That image may make you laugh, but lack of sleep is no joke.(77)Teenagers who don’t get enough rest have more learning, health, behavior and mood

problems than students who get at least nine hours a night.Long-term lack of sleep is tied to heart disease, overweight, depression and a shortened life span in adults, indicating the importance of establishing good sleep habits early in life.Lack of sleep can be especially deadly for teens;car accidents are the leading cause of death among teenagers, and safety experts believe sleepy driving is a major factor.Unfortunately, few teenagers get the sleep they need.In a survey of middle-and high-school students, University of Colorado researchers found that 82 percent said they woke up tired and unrefreshed, and more than half had trouble concentrating during the day at least once a week.Blame multitasking for some of this.Many students are juggling after-school activities, homework and part-time jobs.Even when they manage to fulfill these obligations by a reasonable hour, television, the Internet, video games, phone calls and text messages to friends often keep them awake deep into the night.Taking soda and energy drinks late in the day and going to late-night parties on weekends add to sleep debt.Biology also works against teenagers’ sleep.The body’s internal clock, which controls when a person starts to feel tired, shifts after puberty(青春期), making it hard for most teens to fall asleep before 11 pm.Class usually begins before 8:15 am, with many high schools starting as early as 7:15 am.To get to school on time, most teens have to get up by 6:30 am, guaranteeing they’ll be sleep-deprived during the week.Teens often sleep much later on weekends to catch up, making it even harder to fall asleep on Sunday night and wake up Monday morning.Playing catch-up on weekends also doesn’t help teens stay refreshed when they need it most: during the week at school.Since the 1990s, middle and high schools in more than two dozen states have experimented with later school start times.(78)The results have been encouraging: more sleep, increased attendance, better grades and fewer driving accidents.But most schools still start early, meaning teens have their work cut out for them if they want to get enough sleep.6.According to the passage, poor sleep can be linked to all of the following EXCEPT______.A.heart disease B.car accidents C.skin problems D.poor concentration 7.The main idea of Paragraph 3 is______.A.how sleep deprivation(缺乏)can be treated B.what causes sleep deprivation C.who is most at risk for sleep deprivation D.why sleep deprivation is a serious concern 8.What does the word “juggling” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?

A.Dealing with at the same time.B.Striking a balance between.C.Applying for.D.Having difficulty in.9.Which of the following is NOT to blame for teenagers’ lack of sleep?

A.Multitasking.B.Biological clock.: C.Weekend catch-up sleep.D.Healthy diet.10.According to the passage, what have some schools done to help their students get enough sleep? A.Educating their students about the importance of sleep.B.Monitoring their students’ late-night activities.C.Delaying school start times.D.Setting strict rules.正确答案:CBADC 5.The world's population continues to grow.There now are about 6 billion of us on earth and 11 billion in a further 75 years.Experts have long been concerned about such a growth.Where will we find the food, water, jobs, houses, schools and health care for all these people? A major new study shows that the situation may be changing.A large and rapid drop in the world's birth rate has taken place during the past 10 years.Families generally are smaller now than they were a few years ago.It is happening in both developing and industrial nations.China is one of the nations that have made great progress in reducing its population growth.China has already cut its rate of population growth by about one half since 1970.Each Chinese family is now urged to have no more than one child.And the hope is to reach a zero population growth with the total number of births equaling the total number of deaths, by the year 2000.Several nations in Europe already have fewer births than deaths.Experts said that these nations would face a serious shortage of workers in the future.And the persons who are working would face much higher taxes to help support the growing number of retired people.1、The world's population could reach _____.A、6 billion in 75 years B、11 billion in 2075 C、11 billion by the end of this century D、600 million in 15 years 正确答案:B

2、The world's birth rate has dropped because _____.A、people get married at a much later time B、more birth control devices and methods have been used C、woman would rather go to study or work than have children D、all of the above 正确答案:D

3、China has reduced its population growth by _____ since 1970.A、about 50% B、exactly one half C、a lot more than 50% D、much less than one half 正确答案:A

4、By the year 2000, the number of births and the number of deaths in China will _____.A、be greatly different B、be equal C、drop a great deal D、become much larger


5、According to the essay, China's population control _______.A、should be considered a big success B、is not quite successful C、is far from being successful D、is a complete failure 正确答案:A 6.Every human being has a unique arrangement of the skin on his fingers and this arrangement is unchangeable.Scientists and experts have proved the uniqueness of fingerprints and discovered that no exactly similar pattern is passed on from parents to children, though nobody know why this is the case.The ridge structure on a person's fingers does not change with growth and is not affected by surface injures.Burns, cuts and other damage to the outer part of the skin will be replaced in time by a new one which bears a reproduction of the original pattern.It is only when the inner skin is injured that the arrangement will be destroyed.Some criminals make use of this fact to remove their own fingerprints but this is a dangerous and rare step to take.Fingerprints can be made very easily with printer's ink.They can be recorded easily.With special methods, identification can be achieved successfully within a short time.Because of the simplicity and economy of this system, fingerprints have often been used as a method of solving criminal case.A suspected man may deny a charge but this may be in vain.His fingerprints can prove who he is even if his appearance has been changed by age or accident.When a suspect leaves fingerprints behind at the scene of a crime, they are difficult to detect with the naked eye.Special techniques are used to “develop” them.Some of the marks found are incomplete but identification is possible if a print of a quarter of an inch square can be obtained.1、Scientists and experts have proved that the pattern of a human being's finger skin _____.A、is similar to his mother's B、is valuable to himself only C、is like that of others with the same type of blood D、is different from that of all others 正确答案:D

2、If your fingers are wounded by a knife, fire or other means, the structure of skin will_______.A、be changed partly B、be replaced by a different one C、be the same when the wound is recovered D、become ugly 正确答案:C

3、Some criminals remove their own fingerprints by _______.A、using printer's ink B、injuring the inner skin C、damaging the outer skin D、damaging the color 正确答案:B

4、Fingerprints have often been used as a method of solving criminal case because it _______.A、is complicated but reliable B、is simple and not expensive C、is expensive but easy to do D、can bring a lot of money 正确答案:B

5、It is _______ for a criminal to deny his crime when fingerprints are used to identify him.A、worth trying B、successful C、useful D、useless 正确答案:D 7.As any middle-class parent knows, unpaid work experience can give youngsters a valuable introduction to a secure job.The government has recognized it too, abandoning rules in 2011 that had formerly stopped 16-to 24-year-o!ds from doing unpaid work while claiming unemployment benefit.But moving from that to forcing them to work without pay in order to collect these benefits has proved a big step.(79)More than one million young people in Britain are unemployed, the highest number since the mid-1980s.Keen both to cut the welfare bill and to avoid the depressed future wages that may result from early unemployment, the government has introduced an ambitious program of reform to get youngsters off welfare and into work.A key part of it is ensuring that no one gets benefit from the government for long;ministers are keen to avoid what happened after the early-1980s recession(衰退), when unemployment continued in some parts of the country for a long time after the economy began to improve.To help young people into work, ministers had persuaded lots of employers, including bakery chains, bookshops, and supermarkets, to take on unemployed youths, who receive work experience but no pay, with the prospect of a proper job for those who shine.(80)Some 35,000 youngsters participated last year;half found paid work soon after finishing the scheme.The idea of getting young adults used to showing up for work is popular with voters: according to a survey published in February, about 60% of people support the program.Equally attractive was the option of compelling them to work: Under the existing arrangements youngsters could choose whether or not to accept a place, but if they dropped out after the end of the first week, they stood to lose up to two weeks’ benefits.Yet the scheme has also polarized(两极分化的)opinion: a third of people are consistently opposed.Following a noisy “Right to Work” campaign that accused employers of co-operating secretly with the government in “forced labor”, several firms dropped out of the program.To prevent this from getting worse, Chris Grayling, an employment minister, admitted that young people could leave their work experience at any time without being punished for doing so.This not only halted the flight of employers(for now, at least)but also enabled him to announce that new firms have agreed to take part in the program.11.According to the passage, young people in Britain.A.are used to showing up for work B.value unpaid work very much C.are always opposed to unpaid work D.could learn something about job security through unpaid work 12.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT TRUE? A.Most voters support the government’s effort to help young people to find work.B.Some people protest against the government’s attempt to force young people to work.C.There are more than one million young people who took part in the program.D.There are more than one million young people who are jobless.13.According to the author, the British government is trying to.A.punish young people if they are not cooperating with it B.reform the unemployed youngsters C.avoid the economic slowdown D.reduce welfare spending 14.The word “shine” in Paragraph 3 means “ “.A.do well B.reflect light C.look happy D.produce light 15.Which of the following is an appropriate title for this passage? A.Enjoy Work Without Pay B.Can Work, Won’t Work C.Should Work, Shouldn’t Play D.Hate Work or Love Work 15.Which of the following is an appropriate title for this passage? A.Enjoy Work Without Pay B.Can Work, Won’t Work C.Should Work, Shouldn’t Play D.Hate Work or Love Work 正确答案:DCDAA 8.What most people don't realize is that wealth isn't the same as income.If you make $ 1 million a year and spend $ 1 million, you're not getting wealthier;you just living high.Wealth is what you accumulate, not what you spend.How do you become wealthy? There, too, most people have it wrong.It's rarely luck or inheritance or even intelligence that builds fortunes.Wealth is more often the inexorable(无情的)result of a person's hard work, perseverance(坚定不移)and most of all, self-discipline.The most successful accumulators of wealth spend less than they can on houses, cars, vacations and entertainment.Why? Because these things offer little or no return.The wealthy would rather put their money into investments or their businesses.It's an attitude.The best wealth-builders pay careful attention to their money and seek professional advice.Those who spend heavily on cars, boats and houses, I've found, tend to skimp(节约使用)on investment advice.Those who skimp on the luxuries are usually more willing to pay top dollar for good legal and financial advice.The self-made rich develop clear goals for their money.They may wish to retire early, or they may want to leave an estate to their children.The goals vary, but two things are consistent: they have a dollar figure in mind-the amount they want or save by age 50, perhaps---and they work unceasingly toward that goal.One thing may surprise you.If you make wealth---not just income---your goal, the luxury house you've been dreaming about won't seem so alluring(吸引人的).You'll have the attitude.1、You are wealthy if you ______.A、earn a large income B、enjoy a high standard of life C、are able to spend large sums of money D、save up an amount of money 正确答案:D

2、Which is the most important factor to be wealthy? A、Good fortune.B、Intelligence.C、Hard work D、Self-discipline 正确答案:D

3、Why don't the wealthy spend much money on cars, vacation and entertainment? A、Because they cannot afford on these luxuries.B、Because they can not gain wealth form these things.C、Because they are busily engaged in their business and thus have no free time.D、Because they put their money into other investments, which leaves them no money for these things.正确答案:B

4、Which kind of the following people would be most likely seek professional advice? A、The people who intend to buy house.B、The people who have financial problem.C、The people who invest in business.D、The workers who build up a skyscraper.正确答案:C

5、Which of the following statement is TRUE? A、The rich people have the same goal of retiring at 50 when they have earned a certain sum of money.B、The wealthy people share two things-the amount of money they will make and diligence.C、The wealthy people usually retire at the age of 50 and then enjoy the rest of life happily.D、Luxurious home is a sign of people's wealth, so wealthy people are sure to buy it.正确答案:B

9.It seems like every day there’s some new research about whether our favorite drinks are good for us.(76)One day, science says a glass of red wine a day will help us live longer.The next day, maybe not.It seems journalists are pretty interested in wine research and the same might be said for coffee.Now, there’s been a lot of research into whether coffee’s good for our health.“The results have really been mixed”, admits Neal Freedman who led the coffee study and published his findings in a medical journal recently.“There's been some evidence that coffee might increase the risk of certain diseases and there’s also been maybe more recent evidence that coffee may protect against other diseases as well.”

Freedman and his colleagues undertook the biggest study yet to look at the relationship between coffee and health.They analyzed data collected from more than 400,000 Americans ages 50 to 71 participating in the study.“We found that the coffee drinkers had a modestly lower risk of death than the non-drinkers,” he said.Here's what he means by “modestly”: those who drank at least two or three cups a day were about 10 percent or 15 percent less likely to die for any reason during the 13 years of the study.When the researchers looked at specific causes of death, coffee drinking appeared to cut the risk of dying from heart disease, lung disease, injuries, accidents and infections Now, Freedman stressed that the study doesn’t prove coffee can make people live longer.A study like this can never prove a cause-and-effect relationship.(77)All it can really do is to point researchers in the right direction for further investigation.And even if it turns out that coffee is really good for you, scientists have no idea why.1.According to the first paragraph, reporters would like to know the research findings of ____.A.tea B.beer C.alcohol D.coffee 2.According to the passage, which of the following is TRUCE? A.Freedman and his colleagues hired 400,000 Americans to collect date.B.About four hundred thousand Americans worked for Freedman's team full time for 13 years.C.People who took part in Freedman's research are about 50 to 70 years old.D.People who are 50 to 70 years old seldom drink coffee.3.According to the author, scientists____.A.have already proved that coffee is good for human health B.have a long way to go before they find a way to study coffee C.have avoided the cause-and-effect approach to study coffee D.are still unable to figure out why coffee is good for us 4.The word “mixed” in the first paragraph means “_____”.A.both good and bad B.put together C.both sharp and soft D.confused 5.Which of the following is an appropriate title for this passage? A.Can Beer Help You Live Longer? B.Can Coffee Help You Live Longer? C.Can Wine Help You Live Longer?

D.Can Tea Help You Live Longer? 正确答案:DCDAB

10.We know the moon is about 380,000 kilometers away from the earth.It is always moving.It is moving round once a month.Or to be exact, once every 29 and a half days.The moon looks smaller than the sun.It looks the second biggest in the sky.But in fact it is one of the smallest.It is near to us, so it looks big.Once a month, or to be exact, once every 29 and a half days, the whole moon looks bright and this is the part turning to the sun.The part turning away from the sun looks dark.From this we know the moon has no light of its own.The light comes from the sun.But the dark part of the moon is not black.Usually we can just see it.We see “the old moon in the new moon's arms.” The light making us see the old moon does not come from the sun, but from the earth.We all know water or snow may reflect much of the sun's light to our faces.The whole earth reflects much of the sun's light to the face of the moon.So we can see the dark part of it.1、To be exact, the moon goes round the earth ______.A、once a month B、once half a month C、once every 29 and a half days D、once a day

2、Once every 29 and a half days _____ looks bright.A、the whole moon B、the part turning to the sun C、the part turning away from the sun D、no part of the moon

3、The moon has _____ to give out.A、much light B、little light C、no light D、too much light

4、The light making us see the old moon comes from_____.A、the sun B、the earth C、the moon D、all above

5、The moon can _____.A、reflect the light of the sun B、reflect the light of the earth C、give out its light D、borrow the light of the sun 正确答案:CACBA

11.When we’re learning a foreign language, making sense of what we hear is the first step toward fluency.It sounds obvious, but until recently, we didn’t know much about how listening works.New research demonstrates that effective listening involves more than simply hearing the words that float past our ears.Rather, it’s an active process of receiving information and making meaning.This kind of engaged listening is a skill that’s as critical for learning a range of subjects at school and work as it is for learning to understand a foreign tongue.(78)Studies of skilled language learners have identified specific listening strategies that lead to superior comprehension.Last year, for example, University of Ottawa researcher Larry Vandergrift published his study of 106 undergraduates who were learning French as a second language.Half of the students were taught in a conventional fashion, listening to and practicing texts spoken aloud.The other half, possessing the same initial(最初的)skill level and taught by the same teacher, were give detailed instruction on how to listen.It turned out that the second group “significantly outperformed”(胜过)the first one on a test of comprehension.So what are these listening strategies? Skilled learners go into a listening class with a sense of what they want to get of it.(79)They set a goal for their listening, and they generate predictions about what the speaker will say.Before the talking begins, they mentally review what they already know about the subject, and form an intention to “listen out for” what’s important or relevant.Once they begin listening, these learners maintain their focus;if their attention wanders, they bring it back to the words being spoken.They don’t allow themselves to be thrown off by confusing or unfamiliar details.Instead, they take note of what they don’t understand and make inferences about what those things might mean, based on other clues available to them: their previous knowledge of the subject, the context(语境)of the talk, the identity of the speaker, and so on.6.What is the main idea of this passage?

A.Effective listening means hearing the words that float past our ears.B.Developing your listening skills is the first step toward developing fluency.C.Skilled listeners use specific strategies to get the most out of what they hear.D.Listening is one of the most powerful tools we have to gain information.7.What does Vandergrift’s research show?

A.Learners who adopt specific listening strategies become better listeners.B.Learners taught in the traditional way are better at reinforcing what they learn.C.Learners are more confident if they make fewer mistakes.D.Learners who listen on a regular basis improve faster.8.Which of the following statements about Vandergrift’s research is TRUE?

A.The participants were postgraduates learning French as a second language.B.All the participants were taught using the conventional method, with the focus on listening strategies.C.The two groups were taught by different teacher.D.The participants were at the same initial skill level.9.The expression “thrown off” in the third paragraph is closest in meaning to “_____”.A.infected B.confused C.ruined D.Informed

10.According to the passage, which of the following strategies is NOT used by skilled learners?

A.Review their prior knowledge of the subject.B.Concentrate on the speaker’s words.C.Translate into their native language.D.Predict what the speaker will way.正确答案:CADBC 12.How do the American office men and women dress themselves when they go to work? In certain kinds of businesses the men wear only suits of a conservative nature with white shirts and dark ties;in others, men wear blazers and quiet-pattern sport Jackets.In some institutions women know instinctively to wear skirts(there are no rules posted saying they should not wear pants).In some other types of Jobs women wear pantsfreely, and in certain other jobs thatdemand physical activity pants are almost a necessity.In conservative business such as banks, insurance companies, and company headquarters, men and women should have one fashion and one only;to dress in good taste.Good taste does not need a major investment in designers' originals;good taste means dressing in an understated rather than overstated manner.The importance of grooming cannot be overemphasized.Without it, there is no successful fashion.It would be helpful if everyone were to go over their grooming check list in front of a full-length mirror before leaving home each morning.Career people can keep a full set of toiletries and make-up stored somewhere at the office.A woman going to an evening party should dress in the morning in one of her ”basic dresses“-the kind that can change into a different look with an added scarf or jewelry.She can metamorphose herself into another person with freshly cleaned teeth, combed hair, a new face, a different and dressier pair of shoes, and some sparkling jewelry.In addition to a razor and toothbrush, men should keep a change of shirt in their office so that they can go off in the evening looking refreshed.If the occasion is formal they too must store their black-tie paraphernalia and their dressy black shoes in their office.1、According to the text, some women have to work in pants because _______.A、pants are almost a necessity for their work B、there are no rules for them not to work in pants C、they know instinctively that pants are good for their work D、men like women working in pants

2、”dress in good taste"(in Paragraph 3)may refer to_______.A、dress in special quality B、dress in the designer's original



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