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人教版(PEP)小学英语三年级下册 Unit 4 Where is my car Part A 同步测试(一)(I)卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 小朋友们,经过一段时间的学习,你们一定进步不少吧,今天就让我们来检验一下!一、单选题。


共12分)1.(2分)Our school starts _______ half past seven.()A.at     B.in     C.on     2.(2分)What do you do ________ autumn? A.in     B.on     C.at     3.(2分)Look,there is a nice bird ____ the tree.A.on     B.in     C.at     4.(2分)The Music book is _______ the living room,________ the desk.A.on;in     B.in;on     C.at;on     5.(2分)I am talking ________ the old woman behind ________.A.in;

you     B.to;

your     C.to;

you     6.(2分)My birthday is ______ September 5th.A.in     B.on     C.at     二、读一读,选择正确的答案,将字母代号写入前面的括号内。


共2分)7.(2分)I play in the computer.________→________ 三、抄写句子。



(1)Row a boat.(2)Read a map.(3)Bounce a ball.四、填空。



⑴go ________           A.flowers ⑵plant ________         B.for a walk ⑶help ________         C.my mun ⑷read ________         D.on the computer ⑸work ________        E.books 10.(1分)She can ________(find)them.参考答案 一、单选题。









第二篇:新版PEP小学英语三年级下册 Unit 4 Where is my car教案

UNIT FOUR Where is my car?

(lesson 1)一.Teaching contents and analysis:

1、能听懂会说:日常用语Where’s...? 及其 It’s in/on/under...2、让学生学会提问和回答物品所在的位置能在实际情境中运用.二.Teaching main points:

能够运用本课所学的重点词语进行简单描述,用Where is...?/It’s in/on/under...来询问和回答物品所在的位置.三.Teaching difficulties:

under的发音,需要多次练习;Where is my...一句与后面表示某物的单词的连贯朗 读,并能熟练询问物品所在位置。

四.Teaching aids:单词卡片,学习用品,教学挂图,录音机

五.Teaching design Step 1, Warm-up


Good morning,boys and girls.How are you?

评价:Very good,you are very clever.I like you.2、Let’s do

Show me your....Put your...on/in/under....Step2, Presentation Let’s learn


Boys and girls,Let’s begin our English class now.Uh-oh!Where is my English book? I can’t find it.Can you help me?

师做找的动作:Where is my English book?On the desk ?

生:No.In the desk ?

生:No.师:Uh-oh!Look,It’s under the desk.拍拍自己的头:silly me.2、教育学生正确放置物品

Where are your English book?On the desk ? Yes,you are good boys and girls.You put your things in the right places.3、教师把一些学习用品放在不同的地方,如:铅笔盒放在讲桌内,铅笔放在书本下面等。然后教师对学生说:I can’t find my pencil box.Where is it?引导学生回答“在桌子里”,教师说:Yes.It’s in the desk.教师板书并教读句子Where is my pencil box?和It’s in your desk.4、教师把找到的铅笔盒打开,拿在手上,说:Uh—oh!Where is my pencil?引导学生回答出“在书下面”。教师按照学生提示移开书本,说:Oh,yes!It’s under the book!教师板书并教读句子Where is my pencil?和It’s under your book!


T:Where is my book?

S:It’s in your desk.T:Where is my ruler?

S:It’s under your book!

6、展示学习Let’s talk。

(1)出示Let’s talk 图片:Shool is over.Zhang Peng and John will go home.板书“Let’s go home.”领读。

Just then ,something happen.Please,listen carefully and answer the questions.Where is Zhang Peng’s pencil box? Where is Zhang Peng’s pencil?

(2)听Let’s talk并跟读。

(3)学生自读、集体分角色读、小组内分角色读Let’s talk。


A:Where is my pencil? B:It’s in the pencil box.)Step3, Practice

完成A部分Let’s play活动。教师准备三个夹子,第一个夹子装有文具类图片,第二个夹子装有in,on,under三个词,第三个夹子装有desk,chair图片。教师自己在第一个夹子中抽出一张图片贴在黑板上Where is my„?句子中的省略号的位置上,然后请两位学生分别从第二个箱子和第三个箱子抽出一张图片,分别放在It’s„the„中省略号的位置上,请全班读出这些奇怪的句子。

Step4, Assessment



Step5, Blackboard Writing

Unit4 Where is my car?

(lesson 1)

Where is my pencil box?

It’s in your desk.Where is my pencil?

It’s under your book.Step6, Teaching postscript

UNIT FOUR Where is my car?

(Lesson 2)一.Teaching contents and analysis:

1、能听说认读以下单词及句型:on, in, under, chair, desk, Where is the ruler?

2、能听懂指令,并根据指令作出相应的动作。二.Teaching main points: 掌握三会单词及句型。

三.Teaching difficulties: on, in, under的正确运用。

四.Teaching aids:单词卡片,学习用品,录音磁带

五.Teaching design Step 1, Warm-up(1、Guess: Where is my...?

一个孩子藏起一样东西,孩子们猜测:In your bag...?


2、Where is it? 教师拿出一个球,随意抛到不同的位置,让孩子根据情况描述一下:“Where is it?”(It’s under the desk...)Step2, Presentation

1、出示主题图(把单词去掉),提问:“What can you see?”


2、让孩子根据图自由的提问:“Where is the pencil/„?”,请其他孩子回答。





Step3, Practice

(1、Listen and point Point to the lamp...Step4, Consolidation Talk about the picture.Step5, Blackboard Writing

Unit4 Where is my car?

(lesson 2)Let's learn

on in under chair desk Step6, Teaching postscript

UNIT FOUR Where is my car?

(Lesson 3)

一.Teaching contents and analysis:

能够听、说、读 Where is my…?Is it in your bag? Is it...?” Yes,it is./No,it isn’t.Have a good time!二.Teaching main points:

句型:Where is my„Is it in your bag? Is it„?”Yes,it is./No,it isn’t.Have a good time!三.Teaching difficulties: 理解并在具体情境中运用新句子

四.Teaching aids:图片,录音磁带

五.Teaching design Step 1, Warm-up

1、A部分Let’s do的歌谣。


2、listen and do

教师发出口令:“put your book on the desk;put your pencil on you book;put your ruler in your pencil-case„”、show me your book/„

Teacher:“ show me your book/„”(引导孩子回答):“No problem.Here you are.”(教师走到教室中,提问多个孩子,让孩子们都能理解含义,并对答句基本掌握。)

Step2, Presentation

1、Let’s practice

guess, where is my car...?(学生运用自己的单词小卡片,巩固复习A部分Let’s learn 部分的单词。)Step3, Practice


Step4, Assessment

四、请读出下列字母的发音: 各小组展示

Step5, Consolidation1、听磁带,跟读课文!

Step6, Blackboard Writing

Unit4 Where is my car?

(lesson 3)

Where is my…?Is it in your bag? Is it...?”

Step7, Teaching postscript

UNIT FOUR Where is my car?

(Lesson 4)一.Teaching contents and analysis:

1.认读新词:cap ball car boat map通过听听做做的活动,让学生练习并运用所学的词汇。

2、了解一些简单的指示语,要求学生能听懂并按照指令做出相应的动作。二.Teaching main points: 掌握三会单词。

三.Teaching difficulties:

灵活运用所学句型来询问,回答物品所在位置。四.Teaching aids:单词卡片,录音磁带

五.Teaching design Step 1, Warm-up(1)用游戏来复习Let's do 的指令活动

(2)全班分两大组来唱第一单元的let’s chant。

Step2, Presentation(1)教师cap的图片教cap,并带读,并将图片和词卡贴在黑板上。用同样的方法教 ball,car, boat ,map。

(2)让学生听Let’s learn的录音,一边听,一边指着书上相应的图,力求做到“眼到,手到,口到,心到。”

(3)让小学生站起来,一边听Let’s do 的录音,一边做动作。教师通过动作示范,强调bounce fly hold drive blow up的动作。

Step3, Practice




每次请一个同学在黑板上画一种刚学的物品,他每画一笔,就请班上的同学用英语猜他画的是什么。如猜得对,就请下一位同学再重新开始画另一种物品。让学生听录音,边说边做Let’s do部分的活动。教师将Let’s do 中的图卡打乱顺序,贴在黑板上,教师说一个指令,请学生指出正确的图片。

Step4, Assessment

(1)听录音,仿读会话,(2)将所学的有关物品,用英语说给家长听 Step5, Consolidation


Step6, Blackboard Writing

Unit4 Where is my car?

(Lesson 4)





map Step7, Teaching postscript

UNIT FOUR Where is my car?

(Lesson 5)一.Teaching contents and analysis:


2、会场英语歌曲:Where is the toy car? 二.Teaching main points:


三.Teaching difficulties:

Start to read 四.Teaching aids:单词卡片,录音磁带 五.Teaching design Step 1, Warm-up(1)复习对话

Where is my„Is it in your bag? Is it„?”Yes/No,„ Have a good time!。



(3)放A部分Let’s chant的录音,学生有节奏地跟唱歌谣。

Step2, Presentation 1.放Start to read部分的录音,学生画出正确的句子。

2.做书上Let’s check检查学习情况。3.复习所学的单词及句型 进行对话练习

Step3, Practice

Story time

(1)本故事表现的是Zip, Zoom的故事。


Step4, Assessment



Step5, Consolidation 播放Let’s sing 学生听后反复跟唱 Step6, Blackboard Writing

Unit4 Where is my car?

(lesson 5)

z Let's check Where is my...?

Is it in your bag?

Is it...? Yes/No...Have a good time!Step7, Teaching postscript

第三篇:PEP小学英语三年级下册Unit 4 Part A全英文说课稿

Part A ,Unit4, PEP Primary English, Book 2


Today I’m going to talk about Part A of Unit4, PEP Primary English, Book 2.This lesson includes two parts: Let’s talk and let’s practice.In section 1, it mainly deals with the dialogue about Do you like……?Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.I like……very much.What about……?And in section 2, it provides a real situation for the Ss to practice the pattern: Do you like +n.(pl.)fruits? And the answer: Yeah, very much.Here you are.Thanks.II.Teaching aims

1.Aims on the knowledge:

(1)To enable the Ss to master the new words: pear, peach, orange, apple, banana, grape and some.(2)To enable the Ss to understand and speak : Do you like……?Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.I like……very much.What about……?

Make sure that Ss can use these sentences in real situations.2.Aims on the ability:

(1).To develop Ss’ abilities of listening and speaking.(2).To train the Ss’ ability of working in groups.3.Aims on the emotion:

To foster Ss’ consciousness of good cooperation and proper competition.III.Key points and difficult points:

The key-points of this lesson is:

(1)To help Ss ask and answer the question: Do you like…?and the answer: Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.(2)To enable Ss to study in groups and co-operate skillfully.(3)To develop Ss’ interest in English.Difficult points here:

To help the Ss ask and answer the question “Do you like…?” and make sure they can use these sentences in real situations..IV Teaching methods:

As we all know, the main instructional aims of learning English inprimary school is to cultivate pupil’s basic abilities of listening and speakingand their good sense of the English language.So in this lesson I’ll mainly use “Task-based” teaching method.That is to say, I’ll let the Ss learn in realsituations, finish a task by making a survey to help the Ss to get a betterunderstanding of the key structure of the dialogue.I will arrange four kinds of activities: singing, guessing game, finishing a survey and having a competition.And in this lesson a recorder, CAI, school things and a printed form will be needed.V.Teaching procedures and purposes of my designing.I’ll finish this lesson in five steps.Step 1.Warm-up and preview

1.Free talk between T and Ss about food and fruits.2.Do some TPR activities, for example: Show me the hamburger.Drink some tea.3.Review the numbers by asking: “How many crayons do you have?”Step 2.Presentation

Now I’ll mainly talk about this step.1.I show the pictures about different fruits.Encourage students to say the names of the fruits.List the fruits on the blackboard and write the plurals of the words.Focus on the pronunciation of the words.Make sure everyone can read the words fluently.Invite some students to come to the front to read.Then in order to guide students to state their likes, I express the fruit Ilike.The teacher can use the key structure “What about……?”“ I like ……very much.” Explain the sentences in detail.Ask students to use them to ask and answer.Let students recall the sentence “Do you like hamburgers?” Then askstudents to make replacement practice.Encourage the students who have done a good job.Say, are you tired? Let’s watch a cartoon, OK? Let us have a look what kinds of fruits Amy likes? Play the cartoon.After finishing the cartoon, let them answer.Encourage the students who gave the correct answer first.Show the dialogue, let students read it in different forms.Give a few minutes to prepare the conversation, then act out the conversation.Help the students to correct their pronunciation if it’s necessary.Step3 Let’s Practice

Show the dialogue, explain the sentences.Invite some students toread the conversation, make sure everyone can read and understand.Invite some students to come to the blackboard and make their own dialogues using the pictures according to the target language.Step4 Consolidation and extension

1.Do a survey.In this part, I’ll divide Ss into groups of four children.Each one wouldfinish the survey form by asking and answering: Do you like…? What about…? Find out which fruit does your group like best.Purpose: Task-based teaching method is used here to develop Ss’ abilitiesof communication and co-operation.Revision in this part plays a importantrole in consolidation.2.Homework

Listen and read the dialogue to ours parents.Purpose:Revision is so important that Ss should speak English as much as they as in class or after class.It is necessary for the Ss to do some extensive exercises after class to consolidate the knowledge they learned.It’s my great honor to share my teaching idea with you.Thank you foryour attention!

第四篇:新版PEP小学英语三年级下册Unit4 Where is my car教案

Unit 4 Where is my car?

(第1课时)一.Teaching contents and analysis:

1、能听懂会说:日常用语Where’s...? 及其 It’s in/on/under...2、让学生学会提问和回答物品所在的位置能在实际情境中运 二.Teaching main points:

能够运用本课所学的重点词语进行简单描述,用Where is...?/It’s in/on/under...来询问和回答物品所在的位置.三.Teaching difficulties:

under的发音,需要多次练习;Where is my...一句与后面表示某物的单词的连贯朗 读,并能熟练询问物品所在位置。

四.Teaching aids:单词卡片,学习用品,教学挂图,录音机

五.Teaching design Step 1, Warm-up


Good morning,boys and girls.How are you?

评价:Very good,you are very clever.I like you.2、Let’s do

Show me your....Put your...on/in/under....Step2, Presentation Let’s learn


Boys and girls,Let’s begin our English class now.Uh-oh!Where is my English book? I can’t find it.Can you help me?

师做找的动作:Where is my English book?On the desk ?

生:No.In the desk ?

生:No.师:Uh-oh!Look,It’s under the desk.拍拍自己的头:silly me.2、教育学生正确放置物品

Where are your English book?On the desk ? Yes,you are good boys and girls.You put your things in the right places.3、教师把一些学习用品放在不同的地方,如:铅笔盒放在讲桌内,铅笔放在书本下面等。然后教师对学生说:I can’t find my pencil box.Where is it?引导学生回答“在桌子里”,教师说:Yes.It’s in the desk.教师板书并教读句子Where is my pencil box?和It’s in your desk.4、教师把找到的铅笔盒打开,拿在手上,说:Uh—oh!Where is my pencil?引导学生回答出“在书下面”。教师按照学生提示移开书本,说:Oh,yes!It’s under the book!教师板书并教读句子Where is my pencil?和It’s under your book!


T:Where is my book?

S:It’s in your desk.T:Where is my ruler?

S:It’s under your book!

6、展示学习Let’s talk。

(1)出示Let’s talk 图片:Shool is over.Zhang Peng and John will go home.板书“Let’s go home.”领读。

Just then ,something happen.Please,listen carefully and answer the questions.Where is Zhang Peng’s pencil box? Where is Zhang Peng’s pencil?

(2)听Let’s talk并跟读。

(3)学生自读、集体分角色读、小组内分角色读Let’s talk。


A:Where is my pencil? B:It’s in the pencil box.)Step3, Practice

完成A部分Let’s play活动。教师准备三个夹子,第一个夹子装有文具类图片,第二个夹子装有in,on,under三个词,第三个夹子装有desk,chair图片。教师自己在第一个夹子中抽出一张图片贴在黑板上Where is my„?句子中的省略号的位置上,然后请两位学生分别从第二个箱子和第三个箱子抽出一张图片,分别放在It’s„the„中省略号的位置上,请全班读出这些奇怪的句子。

Step4, Assessment



Step5, Blackboard Writing

Unit4 Where is my car?


Where is my pencil box?

It’s in your desk.Where is my pencil?

It’s under your book.Step6, Teaching postscript

Unit 4 Where is my car?

(第2课时)一.Teaching contents and analysis:

1、能听说认读以下单词及句型:on, in, under, chair, desk, Where is the ruler?

2、能听懂指令,并根据指令作出相应的动作。二.Teaching main points: 掌握三会单词及句型。

三.Teaching difficulties: on, in, under的正确运用。

四.Teaching aids:单词卡片,学习用品,录音磁带

五.Teaching design Step 1, Warm-up(1、Guess: Where is my...?

一个孩子藏起一样东西,孩子们猜测:In your bag...?


2、Where is it? 教师拿出一个球,随意抛到不同的位置,让孩子根据情况描述一下:“Where is it?”(It’s under the desk...)Step2, Presentation

1、出示主题图(把单词去掉),提问:“What can you see?”


2、让孩子根据图自由的提问:“Where is the pencil/„?”,请其他孩子回答。





Step3, Practice

(1、Listen and point Point to the lamp...Step4, Consolidation Talk about the picture.Step5, Blackboard Writing

Unit4 Where is my car?

(第2课时)Let's learn

on in under chair desk Step6, Teaching postscript

Unit4 Where is my car?


一.Teaching contents and analysis:

能够听、说、读 Where is my…?Is it in your bag? Is it...?” Yes,it is./No,it isn’t.Have a good time!二.Teaching main points:

句型:Where is my„Is it in your bag? Is it„?”Yes,it is./No,it isn’t.Have a good time!三.Teaching difficulties: 理解并在具体情境中运用新句子

四.Teaching aids:图片,录音磁带

五.Teaching design Step 1, Warm-up

1、A部分Let’s do的歌谣。


2、listen and do

教师发出口令:“put your book on the desk;put your pencil on you book;put your ruler in your pencil-case„”、show me your book/„

Teacher:“ show me your book/„”(引导孩子回答):“No problem.Here you are.”(教师走到教室中,提问多个孩子,让孩子们都能理解含义,并对答句基本掌握。)

Step2, Presentation

1、Let’s practice

guess, where is my car...?(学生运用自己的单词小卡片,巩固复习A部分Let’s learn 部分的单词。)Step3, Practice


Step4, Assessment

四、请读出下列字母的发音: 各小组展示

Step5, Consolidation1、听磁带,跟读课文!

Step6, Blackboard Writing

Unit4 Where is my car?


Where is my…?Is it in your bag? Is it...?”

Step7, Teaching postscript

Unit4 Where is my car?

(第4课时)一.Teaching contents and analysis:

1.认读新词:cap ball car boat map通过听听做做的活动,让学生练习并运用所学的词汇。

2、了解一些简单的指示语,要求学生能听懂并按照指令做出相应的动作。二.Teaching main points: 掌握三会单词。

三.Teaching difficulties:

灵活运用所学句型来询问,回答物品所在位置。四.Teaching aids:单词卡片,录音磁带

五.Teaching design Step 1, Warm-up(1)用游戏来复习Let's do 的指令活动

(2)全班分两大组来唱第一单元的let’s chant。

Step2, Presentation(1)教师cap的图片教cap,并带读,并将图片和词卡贴在黑板上。用同样的方法教 ball,car, boat ,map。

(2)让学生听Let’s learn的录音,一边听,一边指着书上相应的图,力求做到“眼到,手到,口到,心到。”

(3)让小学生站起来,一边听Let’s do 的录音,一边做动作。教师通过动作示范,强调bounce fly hold drive blow up的动作。

Step3, Practice




每次请一个同学在黑板上画一种刚学的物品,他每画一笔,就请班上的同学用英语猜他画的是什么。如猜得对,就请下一位同学再重新开始画另一种物品。让学生听录音,边说边做Let’s do部分的活动。教师将Let’s do 中的图卡打乱顺序,贴在黑板上,教师说一个指令,请学生指出正确的图片。

Step4, Assessment

(1)听录音,仿读会话,(2)将所学的有关物品,用英语说给家长听 Step5, Consolidation


Step6, Blackboard Writing

Unit4 Where is my car?






map Step7, Teaching postscript

Unit 4 Where is my car?

(第5课时)一.Teaching contents and analysis:


2、会场英语歌曲:Where is the toy car? 二.Teaching main points: 灵活运用三会单词及句型

三.Teaching difficulties: Start to read 四.Teaching aids:单词卡片,录音磁带

五.Teaching design Step 1, Warm-up(1)复习对话

Where is my„Is it in your bag? Is it„?”Yes/No,„ Have a good time!。



(3)放A部分Let’s chant的录音,学生有节奏地跟唱歌谣。

Step2, Presentation 1.放Start to read部分的录音,学生画出正确的句子。

2.做书上Let’s check检查学习情况。3.复习所学的单词及句型 进行对话练习

Step3, Practice

Story time

(1)本故事表现的是Zip, Zoom的故事。


Step4, Assessment



Step5, Consolidation 播放Let’s sing 学生听后反复跟唱 Step6, Blackboard Writing

Unit4 Where is my car?


z Let's check Where is my...?

Is it in your bag?

Is it...? Yes/No...Have a good time!Step7, Teaching postscript

第五篇:PEP人教英语四年级Unit 5 My clothes教案

Unit 5 My clothes


教学内容:A Let‟s talk

教学目标: 知识与技能:


2.能够在情景中运用句型Are these yours? Yes, they are./ No, they aren't.Is this John's? Yes, it is./ No, it isn't.确认物品的主人。能在情景中运用巨型It‟s Mike‟s.They are Chen Jie‟s 3.能够在语境中理解新词yours的意思,并能正确发音。过程与方法:能在课堂的活动中运用所学的语言进行交际。



教学重点:句型:Are these yours? No, they aren't.Is this John's? No, it isn't.教学难点:指导学生正确使用名词所有格。教学过程: Step1.Warm up 1.Greeting 2.Enjoy a song.“This old hat” P54 3.Take out some the school things or clothes and ask(bag, pencil, book, shoes...)--This is....--These/Those are....Step2.Presentation& Practice 1.Show a picture of Chen jie‟s shoes and ask: T: These are...shoes.T: Are these yours,...? S: No, they aren‟t

2.Let Ss guess who's the owner of it, Guide the student to use the sentence: T: Whose shoes are those? S1:--Are they...‟s? S2:--Are they...‟s? T: They are Chen jie‟s.Let Ss pronunce the word yours according to the hint of phonics.eg: four-pour-your-yours 3.Presents several items of students, Let Ss make the new dialogue: S1:Are these yours? S2:No, they aren‟t.They are..‟s 3.Present a picture of a hat.T: What‟s this in English? T: Whose hat is this? Is this...‟s Ss: No, it isn‟t.It‟s Mike‟s.Let Ss pronunce the word yours according to the hint of phonics.eg: bad-fat-dad-hat 5.Presents several items of students, Let Ss make the new dialogue(schoolbag, storybook...)S1: Is this yours? S2: Yes, it is.S1: Is this yours? S2: No ,it isn‟t.It‟s...‟s 6.Let‟s talk

Watch and answer the question Whose shoes are they? Whose hat is this? 作业布置


Unit 5 My clothes Are these yours? Yes, they are./ No, they aren't.Is this John's?

Yes, it is./ No, it isn't.教学反思



教学内容:A Let‟s learn

教学目标: 知识与技能:

1.能听、说、认读单词:clothes, hat, skirt, dress, pants。

2.学习衣物名词与表示颜色的形容词连用, 能够简单描述自己喜爱的衣物的性质,如:颜色。

3、运用句型I like that green skirt/those pants.表达自己对某件衣服得喜好。过程与方法:能在课堂的活动中运用所学的语言进行交际。





2、帮助学生理解this-these,that-those的区别。教学过程: Step1.Warm up 1.Let‟s sing “colour song” 2.Speak out the words you hear.To review what we have learned about colours.3.To produce color card, students read the words 4.Show some pictures and introduce with the colour.This is a green/blue....These are white/yellow....Step2.Presentation& Practice 1.Present a picture and say: T:Amy and Sarah are at a shop.What kind of shop is it? Is it a bookstore? S:No, it isn‟t.It‟s a clothes shop.(引导学生回答)Teach the word of clothes.(Say out the name of the clothes)2.Show a picture of skirt.Ask T:What colour isn‟t? S1:It‟s......T:What‟s this?

T: It‟s a skirt.A green skirt.Look at the picture and listen, Recognizing clothes by color.Let Ss pronounce the skirt according to the hint of phonics.eg: skirt-skate-sky--bird-girl

Do together with the students: Wash your skirt.T:I like that green skirt, How about you? S1:I like....3.Show a picture of dress, T:What colour is it? S1:It‟s......T:What‟s this? Teach the new word, T: It‟s red dress.A red dress.Look at the picture and listen, Recognizing clothes by color.Let Ss pronounce the dress according to the hint of phonics.eg: dress-driver Do together with the students: Hang up your dress.T:I like this red dress, How about you? S1:I like....Teaching words in the same way: hat 4.Read these words Skirt ,hat, dress, pants,5.Let‟s do

The students listen to the instructions and do the action.Team relay to complete the let 's do.作业布置


Unit 5 My clothes clothes, hat, skirt, dress, pants。I like that green skirt/those pants.教学反思

本课利用多种教学手段,通过创设真实的情景,让学生在情景中学,在情景中练,采用„ 听、说、唱、演‟等多种形式,全提高学生的综合素质。教学中,注重文化知识的渗透。


教学内容:A Let‟s spell

教学目标: 知识与技能:


2、能听、说、读、写 apple, people, table三个单词。过程与方法:能在课堂的活动中运用所学的语言进行交际。



教学重点:能听、说、读、写apple, people, table 三个单词。

教学难点:正确书写apple, people, table三个单词。教学过程: Step1.Warm up 1.Greeting

2.Let‟s chant page 40 3.Free talk A:Are these yours? B:Yes,they are.No, they aren‟t....Step2.Presentation& Practice 1.Greeting 2.Let‟s chant

Or [ɔ:][ɔ:][ɔ:] horse, fork, world, homework Or [ɔ:][ɔ:][ɔ:] door, more, floor, nor, order 3.Show some words with or: Horse, fork, homework, world ,born 4.Draw an apple On the board and ask: T:What do you see? Ss: An apple.(Guide the student to spell)/æ/-/p/-/l/--/ æpl/ 5.Draw a table under the apple ,ask: T:Where is the apple? Ss :It‟s on the table./t/-/ei/-/b/-/l/----/teibl/ 6.Show two apples, and say: T:This is a big apple.This is a little apple.Who is looking at the apple? Present the word: people./p/-/i:/-/p/-/l/----/ 'pi:pl/ 7.Let‟s chant.8.Guide the student to inductive le pronunciation rules

9.Produce some words with le:

Uncle ,little ,table ,smile, vegetable,...10.Ss find out more words with le.Presents some of the words, both of which are located in le words, let Ss read.eg: leg, uncle ,let, apple ,led, people, left ,table, lens 11.Read, listen and chant 12.Read, unserline and listen.A little bike uncle Dan a green apple Nice people a big table 13.Look, listen and write.作业布置


Unit 5 My clothes apple, people, table 教学反思

在单词的学习中, 单词的呈现方式为Show the picture.本课情景的设计, 练习的形式等等,都调动了学生的积极性,是教学环节Warm环节必不可少的一部分, 应把教学框架稍做调整;Let‟s chant部分应让学生多做几遍, 以更好的调动学生的积极性.第四课时

教学内容:B Let‟s talk

教学目标: 知识与技能:


2.能在情景中恰当运用句型Whose pants are those? They're your father's.Whose coat is this? It's mine.询问物品的主人。



掌握本课时的主要句型:Whose pants are those? They're your father's.Whose coat is this? It's mine.教学难点:引导孩子在情境中理解主句型。教学过程: Step1.Warm up 1.Greeting 2.Let‟s do:P49

Let the Ss review the words of the clothes.4.Show some clothes, to review the words and sentence patterns: What are they?—They are...Step2.Presentation& Practice

1.Show a coat, let the Ss guess who is it.T:“Whose coat is it?” S:It‟s....‟s.Show some clothes: skirt, hat ,dress.Let Ss practice the sentence pattern.“Whose coat is it?” It‟s....‟s.2.Show a pair of shoes, let the Ss guess who are they.T:“Whose shoes are they?” S:They are...‟s.3.Show a picture of Sam wearing a coat and let Ss guess

T: Whose coat is it ?

S1:It‟s father‟s.S2:It‟s mother‟s.4.Present the word: coat, Let Ss pronounce the pants according to the hint of phonics.让学生根据发音自己拼读coat.eg: coat-goat-boat-load 5.Listen to the video, and answer.Whose coat is it? Whose pants are those? 6.Teachers play the courseware, let the children watch the story, understand the content.Let the students imitate the tone of characters in the story by watching them say.7.分角色朗读对话 表演对话 8.Let‟s find out



Unit 5 My clothes hose pants are those? They're your father's.Whose coat is this?

It's mine.教学反思

在单词的学习中, 单词的呈现方式为Show the picture.本课情景的设计, 练习的形式等等,都调动了学生的积极性,是.教学环节Warm环节必不可少的一部分, 应把教学框架稍做调整;Let‟s chant 部分应让学生多做几遍, 以更好的调动学生的积极性.第五课时

教学内容:B Let‟s learn

教学目标: 知识与技能:

1.能听、说、认读单词:coat, shirt, jacket ,sweater, shorts, socks。

2.能熟练运用句型Where are my new socks? What colour are they? White.就衣服得位置和颜色等展开问答。



教具准备:教学光盘、单词卡片、PPT。教学重点:单词pants socks的复数形式。教学难点:在情境中应用单词的复数形式。教学过程: Step1.Warm up 1.Greeting 2.Let‟s sing: This old hat 3.Let‟s do:P49

Review the words of the clothes ,colours.4.Show some clothes, ask and answer.T:Whose hat is it? S1:It‟s....‟s

T:Whose pants are these? S2:They are...‟s.T:What colour are they? T:They are....Step2.Presentation & Practice 1.Show a picture of Let‟s learn

Sarah are going on a trip.What does she want to wear? Guess!S1:I think she wants to wear....Let the students say some names of clothes.2.Where is/are the skirts/hats/dress..? Let the students point out on stage.3.Present the words: jacket.Where is the jacket? Let Ss pronounce the jacket according to the hint of phonics.eg: jacket-John-black T:What colour are the jackets? S:They are....Let the students pay attention to the end of the “s” 4.Where is the sweater? Present the words: sweater.Where is the sweater? Let Ss pronounce the sweater according to the hint of phonics.T:What colour are the sweaters? S:They are....5.Teach the new words in the same ways.(coat ,shirt, socks, shorts)6.Listen and read these new words.7.What does Sarah want to wear? I think she wants to wear....8.Listen and say.We are going on a trip, What do you want to wear? Choose and colour in groups.I want wear my blue pants....作业布置


Unit 5 My clothes coat, shirt, jacket ,sweater, shorts, socks。

.Where are my new socks? What colour are they?


句子教学由一个简单的情景导入, 让学生在真实的语言环境中课堂中运用游戏教学可以激发学生学生学习英语的兴趣。


教学内容:B Read and write

教学目标: 知识与技能:






教学重点:掌握两个重点句子:“This is...These are....”的正确书写。教学难点:在四线格中的正确书写This is...These are...教学过程: Step1.Warm up 1.Greeting 2.Let‟s sing: This old hat 3.Let‟s do:P49

Review the words of the clothes, colours.Step2.Presentation& Practice 1.Clothes display Review the sentence pattern.区分服装单词的单复数并复习句型。T: Today let‟s pack the clothes.教学pack, 并理解意思。A: Look!This is a....B: What colour is it? A:It‟s....A: Look!These are....B: What colour are they? A:They‟re....B: Are those your...? A: Yes, they are.2.Ss look at the picture ,Listen and circle.听音,圈出正确选项。

3.Read the passage and follow the tape.4.Draw clothes and write a sentences.These are John‟s shoes.This is Chen Jie‟s dress.书写注意:句子第一个单词首字母要大写


注意标点符号。5.Let‟s check

(1)Listen and tick or cross.(2)Look and match 6.Story Time.作业布置


Unit 5 My clothes

This is...These are....教学反思

句子教学由一个简单的情景导入, 让学生在真实的语言环境感知语言, 理解语言, 自由发挥, 但在对话的练习中,缺少一个Model, 有了则会一目了然.在教学中应让学生掌握正确的语音,语调,应变老师的领读为学生的模仿,注意Where is the canteen? It‟s on the first floor.的落实。



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