
时间:2021-02-02 12:00:00下载本文作者:会员上传





1.what if 如果…将会怎样

2.whether …or 是…还是,不管…还是

3.go wrong 发生故障,出毛病;出错,犯错误

4.and yet 可是,然而

5.cling o粘住; 依附;坚持

6.so that 以便,为使;所以,因此

7.so…that 如此…以致

8.such as 诸如,例如

9.adapt to 适应

10.adhere to 粘附;胶着;坚持

11.apologize(-ise)to,for 道歉,认错

12.such…that 那样的…以致

13.that is(=i.e.)就是说,即

14.as though 好像,仿佛

15.up to 胜任…的,适于…的;密谋…的;是…义不容辞的,是…的职责;取决于…的,须由…决定的;(时间上)一直到;(数目上)一直到,多达

16.what about [征求意见时用]…怎么样

17.at yet 至今

18.abide by 履行,遵守

19.collide with 抵触,冲突;碰撞,互撞

20.compensate for 补偿,赔偿

21.comply with 依从,服从,遵从

22.conceive of 设想,构思出


1.be absent from 缺勤,缺课

2.be abundant in 丰富的,富裕的3.be able to(do)能(做),会(做)

4.be about to(do)即将,正要

5.be accustomed to习惯于,适应于

6.be acquainted with 与…相识,熟悉,了解

7.be active in 积极于

8.be afraid of 恐怕,害怕,担扰

9.be bad at 拙于,不善于

10.be based on 根据,以…为基础

11.be beside oneself 极度兴奋,对自己的情感失去控制

12.be better off 生活优越起来,境况好起来

13.be bound to(do)一定会,不得不

14.be careful to(do)务必注意(做)

15.be alive to 注意到,对…敏感

16.be angry at 因某事生气

17.be angry with 对…发怒

18.be anxious about 担心,为…担忧

19.be anxious for 急切盼望,渴望

20.be anxious to(do)渴望(做)

21.be ashamed of 为…感到害臊

22.be aware of 意识到

23.be certain to(do)一定(做),必然(做)

24.be capable of 能够

25.be confident in 对…有信心


1.make the most of 充分利用,尽量利用

2.neither…nor (既)不…也不,(既)非…也非

3.every other 每隔一个的4.other than 不同于,非;除了

5.over and over(again)一再地,再三地

6.(every)now and then 时而,偶尔

7.just now 刚才,才不久;现在,眼下

8.more and more 越来越

9.more or less 差不多,几乎,大约

10.at most 至多,不超过

11.now (that)既然,由于

12.off and on 断断续续地,间歇地,有时

13.and so on 等等

14.all at once 突然,忽然;同时,一起

15.at once 立刻,马上;同时,一起

16.once (and)for all 一劳永逸地,永远地

17.once more/again 再一次

18.by oneself 独自地,单独地

19.all right 好,行;令人满意的,不错的;(健康)良好的,安然无恙的20.ever since 从那时起,自那时以来

21.ever so 非常,极其

22.or so 大约,左右


1.coincide in 2.coincide with 3.conceive of 4.conceive of...as...5.in essence 6.of the essence 7.be flushed with 8.be flush with 9.take it for granted 10.take...for granted 11.by analogy 12.on the analogy of 13.endow...with 14.be endowed with 15.be indignant with sb.16.be indignant at/about/over sth.17.linger over one’s work 18.linger on 19.on tow 20.in tow 21.transition from...to...22.in transition 23.be affiliated with/to 24.affiliate oneself to 25.with assurance 26.give sb.an assurance that...27.of/to no avail 28.avail oneself of 29.be in circulation 30.put...into circulation 31.lay claim to 32.make a claim for(damages)33.complaint and claims 34.abate/stir up discontent 35.voice one’s discontent 36.be discontented with sb.37.make an expedition to...38.go on an expedition 39.expenditure on education 40.grope for 41.grope one’s way 42.admit/confess one's guilt 43.deny one’s guilt

44.prove/establish sb’s guilt

在…方面一致 与…相符,与…一致 想象;考虑 认为…是… 本质上,基本上 极其重要的,必不可少的 因…脸红 与…齐平想当然地认视…为理所当然 用类推的方法 根据…类推

赋予;向…捐钱(或物)有…的特质,被赋予… 对某人愤怒 因某事而愤怒 磨洋工(人)苟延残喘(车辆等)被拖着走 紧跟在后 由…过渡到… 转变中的 隶属于… 成为…的会员 充满信心地 向某人保证… 毫无用处的 利用

在流通的,在传播的 使…流通,使…传播 声称对…有权利 要求赔偿(损失)抗议与索赔 和/煽动不满情绪 说出心中的不满 对某人不满 去…探险

去远征(或探险、考察)教育经费 摸着找 摸着走 认罪 否认罪行 证明某人的罪行 45.send/give/hand in one’s resignation提出辞呈 46.acceptsb’s resignation 47.withdraw one’s resignation 48.golden opportunity 49.let an opportunity slip 50.take the opportunity to do sth.51.as/so far as...be concerned 52.be concerned with 53.have no concern with 54.concern oneself about 55.be concerned about 56.show concern for sb.57.maintain one’s family 58.maintain oneself 59.maintain...onto...60.at risk 61.at the risk of 62.risk doing sth.63.conduct a concert 64.conduct oneself well/badly 65.contribute...to(doing)sth.66.contribute to(doing)sth.67.current English 68.go with the current of the time 69.in fashion 70.out of fashion过时 71.come into fashion 72.follow the fashion 73.set the fashion 74.budget plan 75.introduce the budget 76.on a budget 77.conflict with 78.in conflict with 79.the function of 80.function as 81.regard...as 82.give one’s regards/respects to 83.as regards 84.with/in regard to 85.one’s attitude towards/to 86.strike an attitude 87.stand guarantee for 88.offer sth.as a guarantee

准予辞职 撤回辞呈 绝好的机会 坐失良机 乘机做某事 就…而言 与…有关 同…无关 关心,挂念 关心,挂念 关心某人 养家 自立

把…固定在…上 处境危险 冒…的危险 冒险做某事 指挥一场音乐会(行为)表现好/坏 把…贡献给… 有助于…;导致 当代英语 顺应时代的潮流 流行,时髦

开始风行 赶时髦

树立新榜样;开创新时尚分期付款 提出预算案 节省费用 与…相冲突 与…相冲突 …的功能

起…作用,作…用 把…看作,看待 代某人向…问好 于,至于 于,就…而论 某人对…的态度 摆出一种姿态 替…担任保证人 以某物作担保 89.be satisfied with 90.be satisfied of 91.impose sth.on/upon sb 92.impose a fine on/upon sb 93.impose oneself on/upon sb.94.be inferior to 95.be sb’s inferior in 96.inferior by comparison 97.have a notion that 98.have no notion of 99.keep one’s promise 100.make/give a promise 101.worth one’s salt 102.worth of goods 103.abandon oneself to 104.abandon doing sth.105.attach sth.to sth.106.be attached to 107.attach importance to 108.blame sb.for sth 109.blame sth.on/upon sb.110.be above comprehension 111.be beyond sb’s comprehension.112.be low of comprehension.113.confirm a theory.114.confirm one’s belief.115.confirm a contract.116.be considerate of.117.be considerate of one’s feelings.118.at a rough estimate.119.by estimate.120.make an estimate of.121.an exception to.122.take exception to.123.with the exception of.124.on a...scale.125.scale down.126.account for.127.on account of.128.on no account.129.on any/all account.130.take...into account.131.acknowledge...as.132.admit/acknowledge/confess doing.对…满意 确信….把…强加于人.对某人处以罚金 硬缠着某人,打扰某人 劣于…,低于… 在…方面不及某人 相形见绌...认为

不明白;没有…的意思 遵守诺言 答应,许诺 称职,胜任 货物的价值 沉溺于 放弃做某事

将某事物与另一事物相联系 附属于…;依恋于… 重视…

.因某事而责备某人 把某事归咎于某人 难理解的

超出某人理解范围的 理解力迟钝的 证实一种理论 坚定信念 签合同

替…着想,考虑周到 体谅某人的感情 据粗略估计照估计 给…估计;评价 …的一个例外 反对,表示异议 除…之外

…规模地;在…规模上 缩减

说明(原因等);(数量、比例)占 因为,由于 决不 无论如何 考虑 认为…是 承认做… 133.come into collision with.134.in collision with.135.compensation for.136.compensation trade.137.make compensation for sb’s losses.138.complain that..139.complain of doing sth.140.complain to sb.of/about sth..141.by/in contrast.142.in contrast to/with.143.contrast...with.144.contrast with.145.deliver(oneself)of.146.deliver sb.from danger.147.deliver sth.to sb.148.descend from.149.descend to(doing)sth.150.descend on.151.live in misery.152.livea miserable life.153.exclusive of=excluding.154.exclusive to.155.have an insight into.156.gain an insight into.157.inspire sb.with sth.158.inspire sth.into sb..159.interpret for.160.interpret...as.161.by all means.162.by any means.163.by means of.164.by no means.165.in reserve.166.without reserve.167.resolve to do sth..168.resolve on(doing)sth.169.sacrifice oneself/one’s life for.170.at the sacrifice of.171.come to one’s senses.172.in a sense.173.make sense.174.talk sense.175.in stock.176.out of stock.和…相撞(冲突)和…相撞(冲突)...作为…的赔偿 补偿贸易 补偿某人的损失..抱怨….抱怨做某事 向某人抱怨某事 对比之下 与…对比起来 把…与…相对比 对比之下显出区别 讲,表达 救某人脱险 把某物交付给某人 起源(于),是…的后裔 下降到;堕落成 袭击

过悲惨的生活 过悲惨的生活 不计…在内 为…所独享,独有 对…具有洞察力 了解,熟悉;看透,识破.激励某人做某事 激励某人做某事 为…当译员 把…理解为 当然可以 无论如何 借助于,用 决不,一点都不 备用的

无保留地;无条件地 下决心做某事.决定、下决心干某事 为…而牺牲 牺牲…

(昏迷后)苏醒过来;(喻)醒悟过来,恢复理性 从某种意义上说

讲得通,有意义,言之有理 说话有理

有现货的,有库存的 无现货的,脱销的 177.take stock of.178.place/put sth.on the agenda.179.provisional agenda.180.on the alert.181.red alert.182.white alert.183.yellow alert.184.beyond debate.185.debate upon/on.186.suffice it to say(that).187.suffice for.188.to all appearances.189.at first appearance.190.by appearances.191.make an appearance.192.make a good appearance.193.compel sb.to do sth.194.be compelled to(do).195.compete with/against.197.make a conclusion.198.bring...to a conclusion.199.in conclusion.200.confront difficulties.201.be confronted with difficulties.202.confront sb.With 203.in the habit of.204.fall into the habit of.205.form the habit of.206.cope with.207.deal with.208.there's no denying...209.deny sb.sth.210.deny doing.211.deny oneself.212.a musical entertainment.213.hold a farewell entertainment.214.entitle sb.to do.215.entitle sb.to sth..216.in error=by mistake.217.amend one’s error.218.make a proposal(of marriage).219.offer proposals for/of.220.the exploiting class.对…估价,判断 把某事提上议程 临时议程 戒着,密切注意着 紧急警报 解除警报 预备警报 疑义,无可争辩 讨论(问题)只要说…就够了 足够

就外表看来,根据观察推断 乍看起来 根据外表

到场,出场;出头露面 显得一表人才.强迫某人做某事 不得不(做)与…竞争 下结论 使…结束 最后 面对困难 遇到困难

使…面临;使…与…对质有…的习惯 染上…的习惯 养成…的习惯 有效地或成功地应付 付,对付.无可否认….拒绝给予某人某物 否认做 制,克己;舍弃 音乐演奏会 举行欢送会 给某人做…的权利 使某人有权享受… 错误地 改过自新 求婚 提出…建议 剥削阶级 196.come to/arrive at/reach/draw a conclusion.得出结论 221.the exploited class.被剥削阶级

222.exploit every opportunity.利用每一个机会 223.do the hono(u)rs.尽地主之谊

224.in hono(u)r of.为了向…表示敬意

225.on/upon one’s hono(u)r.以名誉担保

226.impress sb.with....给某人留下…印象

227.impress sth.on/upon one’s mind.把…印在脑子里

228.be under the impression that.以为,认为 229.on impulse.一时冲动,一时心血来潮

230.have an irresistible impulse to do sth..有一股不可抵抗的冲动去做某事 231.be a match for.可以和…相匹配

232.match against with.使较量;和…相配,使相称 233.to strike a match.划火柴

234.owe obligations to=be under obligations to.对…承担义务

235.be obliged to do sth..被迫做某事

236.be obliged to sb.(for sth.).(因某事)感激某人 237.on occasion(s).有时,间或

238.on the occasion of.值…之际

239.by occasion of.由于,因为


241.reconcile oneself to.使适应

242.resign one’s position.辞去职务 243.resign oneself to one’s fate.听天由命

244.resign oneself to extinction.束手待毙

245.shrink from doing.畏缩不敢做… 246.shrink away.退;退缩

247.shrink back.退(畏)缩,害怕

248.in spite of=despite.不顾,不管 249.out of spite.为泄愤,为出气 250.on the spot.在场,到场;马上,当场 251.a spot on one’s fame.名誉上的污点 252.a scenic spot.风景胜地

253.a historic spot.古迹

254.submit to.服从…


256.feel sympathy for=have sympathy for.同情

257.in sympathy with.同情;赞成

258.be absorbed in.全神贯注于… 259.be absorbed by 被…吞并;为…所吸收

260.absorb sb’s attention.吸引某人注意

261.be adequate for.… 充足

262.be adequate to(doing)sth..胜任(做)某事 263.leave alone.不打扰,不惊动 264.let alone.更别提 265.leave sb.alone.别打扰某人

266.ask for comments.征求意见

267.make comments on sth..评论某事

268.be compatible with.与…和睦相处;与…兼容 269.compensate sb.for.因…而赔偿某人 270.compensate for.弥补

271.comprehensive knowledge.渊博的知识

272.comprehensive mind.宽大的心胸

273.be comprehensive of.包含…

274.in confirmation of.以便证实…

275.full confirmation.完全确认

276.deceive sb.into doing sth..骗某人去做某事

277.be deceived in sb.看错某人(指受骗)278.dependence on.依靠

279.dependent on.依靠的

280.enroll sb.in.使某人加入、注册、登记 281.enroll sb.as.某人以某身份加入、注册、登记 282.in excess of.超过

283.to excess.过度,过分,过量

284.an excess of expenditure over income.支出超过收入 285.gamble away.赌掉,输光

286.take a gamble.冒风险 287.gamble on.对…打赌 288.by instinct.出于本能 289.on instinct.凭直觉

290.be located=be situated in=lie in.落于,位于

291.come/go into operation.施行,实行,生效

292.put/bring...into operation.实施,运行 293.in operation.工作中,运转着;生效,实施 294.at one’s option.随意

295.leave to one’s option.任意选择

296.make one’s option.进行选择

297.develop originality.培养创意

298.lack originality.缺乏创意

299.display/show originality.表现创造力

300.overcome difficulties.战胜困难

301.overcome one’s shortcomings.克服缺点

302.be overcome with liquor.喝醉

303.in particular.特别,尤其

304.be particular about 对…讲究,对…挑剔 305.be particular to.为…所特有

306.proceed to do sth..继续做某事

307.proceed with sth..继续进行某事

308.the rank and file.普通士兵,普通成员 309.rank among.属于…之列 310.rank...as.把…看作

311.people of all ranks.各阶层人民

312.give first rank to.把…放在第一位 313.reckon on.靠,指望

314.reckon with.估计到,预料到;处理,对付 315.renew the heart and mind.使精神面貌焕然一新 316.renew one’s youth.恢复青春


318.be restricted to(doing)sth..只有…的权限

319.smash the record.打破纪录

320.smash into a wall.猛撞在墙上 321.scrape by.勉强维持生计,艰难度日 322.scrape through.勉强通过(考试)323.scrape together/up.费力地获得

324.(start)from scratch.从零开始,从头做起 325.up to scratch.合格,处于良好状态 326.settle down.定居,过安定的生活;平静下来 327.settle in/into.在新居安顿下来;适应新环境(新工作)328.settle on/upon.选定,决定 329.settle up.付清(欠账等),结清(账目)330.shield...from....保护…免于… 331.shield one’s eyes with one’s hand.用手遮护眼睛 332.let slip 偶然泄露(秘密等)333.slip up.失误,出差错

334.string along with.(为求方便而)随某人同行,追随 335.string out.(使)成行地展开

336.a string of questions.一连串问题(质问)337.switch off.(用开关)关掉 338.switch on(用开关)开启

339.have/gain access to.可以获得(或接近)… 340.give access to.接见;准许进入

341.be easy/hard of access 易于/难于接近342.free access.自由存取,自由入口 343.be accessible to....易受…影响的 344.in accord with.与…一致

345.of one’s own accord.出于自愿,主动地 346.with one accord.致地,一致同意地 347.in alliance with.与…联盟

348.economical alliance.经济同盟

349.assist sb.in doing/to do sth..协助某人做某事

350.assist sb.to sb’s feet.搀扶某人站起来 351.be bound to do 一定,必定

352.be bound for/to.准备前往,在前往途中 353.in bulk.大量,大批 354.bump into.偶然遇见,碰见;与…相撞 355.commission agent.代理人,经纪人

356.commission merchant.代销商

357.condemn sb.for sth..为某事谴责某人

358.condemn sb.to death.判某人死刑

359.confine...to/within....使局限于,限制 360.be confined to.(局)限于,(被)限制在 361.on the confines of 濒于,差一点儿就

362.within the confines of.在…(范围)之内

363.in consideration of.考虑到,顾及;作为对…的酬报 364.take into consideration.考虑到,顾及 365.consist of.由…组成 366.consist in.在于

367.be consistent with=consist with.与…一致

368.be a consistent friend to sb..是某人的忠实朋友 369.out of context.脱离上下文

370.in the context of.在…背景下


372.defend doing.为做…作辩护

373.a blood donation.献血

374.make/give a donation.捐赠 375.the drift of opinion.舆论的倾向

376.catch the drift of an argument.抓住争论的要点 377.on edge.紧张不安

378.on the edge of.处于…的边缘

379.encourage sb.to do sth..鼓励某人做某事

380.discourage sb.from doing sth..劝阻某人不要做某事 381.be engaged to sb..与某人订婚

382.be engaged to do sth..被雇用来做某事

383.be engaged in doing sth..忙于做某事,从事于某事

384.execute one’s duties/office.尽职

385.execute a plan.实施计划

386.execute a purpose.达到目的

387.a wedding reception.结婚喜宴

388.a reciprocal reception.答谢酒会 389.in faith 确实,的确

390.in good faith.真诚,善意 391.have faith in.相信…

392.lose faith in.不再信任…

393.sb.be familiar with sb.某人与…亲密

394.sb.be familiar with sth..某人通晓…

395.sth.be familiar to sb..某人熟知某物 396.at fault.有责任,出毛病 397.find fault with.抱怨,找岔子,挑剔 398.merits and faults.优缺点 399.on file.存档 400.in file.依次,鱼贯地 401.file in.鱼贯而入 402.file out.鱼贯而出

403.try one’s fortune.碰运气

404.make a fortune.发财,致富

405.a man of fortune.财主

406.at a glance.看一眼就知道;马上 407.at first glance.乍一看,最初看到时 408.in gear.搭上齿轮;处于正常状态 409.gear up.(使)准备好,(使)做好安排 410.gear...to.使…适应于 411.be geared to.适应于

412.gentle wind/rain 和风/细雨

413.gentle heart.仁慈的心肠 414.gentle slope.不太陡的斜坡

415.glow with enthusiasm.热情洋溢

416.glow with pride.得意扬扬

417.come to grief 失败,遭受不幸

418.bring sb.to grief.使…遭受失败(或不幸)419.off(one’s)guard.没有提防地


421.be immune to the disease.对该病有免疫力

422.be immune from taxation.免除捐税

423.inform sb.of sth.把某事告知某人

424.inform against/on sb 告发,检举某人 425.keep...informed.随时向…报告情况 426.the inner feelings.内心的感情 427.the inner life.精神生活

428.on receipt of 一收到就…

429.be in receipt of.已收到…

430.make inquiries of sb.about sth.向某人询问某事

431.inquiry into...对…的调查,研究 432.inside out.里面朝外;彻底地 433.inside facts 内幕,秘密

434.labor intensity.劳动强度

435.the intensity of the situation.局势紧张

436.in the interest(s)of 为了…(的利益)437.have no/an interest in 对…(没)有兴趣 438.interfere in.干涉,干预

439.interfere with.妨碍,干扰

440.interfere in sb’s private affairs.干涉某人的私事 441.lag behind 落后 442.jet lag.生理节奏的失调或时差反应 443.launch(out)into 开始从事,投身于;大发(议论)444.launch an artificial satellite.发射人造卫星

445.launch a new enterprise.创办一个新企业 446.launch an attack.开始攻击

447.lease sth.from sb..向某人租某物

448.lease sth.to sb..租某物给某人 449.in a mess.乱七八糟

450.mess about/around.闲荡;轻率地对待 451.mess up.把…弄糟;把…弄乱(或弄脏)452.mess with 预,介入

453.neglect one’s meals and sleep.废寝忘食

454.neglect one’s duties.玩忽职守


456.fall under sb’s observation.被某人注意到

457.escape observation 未被觉察,不为人所注意 458.mass observation.民意调查

459.by tradition.按照传统

460.true to tradition.名不虚传地

461.observe sb.do sth..观察到某人做某事

462.observe sb.doing sth..观察到某人在做某事 463.pattern oneself after 模仿(某人的)样子

464.pattern sth.on/upon.仿照…式样制造某物 465.penalty kick.(足球)罚点球 466.penalty area.罚球区

467.on/under penalty of.受…处罚

468.pension sb.off.发给某人养老金令其退休 469.draw one’s pension.领抚恤金;领养老金 470.win popularity.得人心

471.lose popularity.失人心

472.be under pledge of secrecy.誓不泄密

473.make a pledge 誓,宣誓 474.plug in.给…接通电源,连接 475.plug away(at).努力地干,坚持不懈地干 476.a preliminary trial 初审,初试

477.a preliminary exam.预考

478.preliminary remarks.开场白 479.press on.加紧进行

480.press sth.on sb..把…强加于

481.press sb’s hand 紧握某人的手 482.prevail over 压倒,战胜

483.prevail on/upon.说服,诱使

484.prevail in/among.普遍盛行于,流行于 485.push around.486.push on.487.when push comes to shove.488.in the raw.489.a raw soldier.490.a raw wound.491.refresh oneself with a cup of tea.492.refresh sbs memory 493.adhere to.494.cling to.495.stick to 496.restrain sb.from doing.497.restrain oneself.498.restrain sb.of sb’s/one’s liberty.499.be beyond restraint.500.in restraint of 501.with restraint.502.without restraint.503.rival sb.504.without a rival.505.rope in.506.on the ropes.507.the end of(one’s)rope.508.be the ruin of 509.bring ruin upon oneself.510.fall into ruin.511.for the sake of.512.for any sake 513.without sake 514.in sequence.515.a sequence of.516.in sequence of.517.steer clear of.518.steer by/past 519.steer for 520.have a stroke.521.at a/one stroke.522.a succession of 523.in succession.524.suck knowledge into one’s mind.525.suck up.526.surplus population.527.surplus value.528.tackle sb.about/over sth..摆布,欺负 匆匆向前,继续前进 在紧要关头

处在自然状态的;裸体的 新兵 刺痛的伤口 喝杯茶提神 唤起某人的记忆 黏附;坚持 黏附;坚持 黏附;坚持 阻止某人干… 克制自己 束缚某人自由 不能抑制 抑制,约束 以克制态度 无拘束地 与(某人)相竞争 无可匹敌 说服

即将完蛋,濒临失败或崩溃 忍无可忍;智穷计尽 成为毁灭(堕落)的原因 自取灭亡 破败不堪

为了…起见,看在…的份上 好歹,无论如何 无缘无故,毫无理由 依次,逐一 一系列… 按顺序 绕开,避开 躲过,避开,绕过 向…驶去;向…前进 中风

一击,一下子,一举 一连串的…,一阵… 连续地 吸收知识 奉承,拍马屁 过剩人口 剩余价值 为某事与某人交涉 529.tackle to.530.in view of.531.with a view to.532.view...as.533.an abundance of..534.in abundance 535.an appendix to the book.536.have one’s appendix out.537.a batch of.538.batch production 539.bias against.540.bias toward.541.in a blaze.542.blaze a trail.543.take a bribe.544.offer a bribe.545.in bud.546.in the bud.547.government bulletin.548.news bulletin.549.trade bulletin 550.carve...out of/from.用…雕出

劲头十足地开始工作 鉴于,考虑到 为了,为的是 把…看作.许多… 丰富,充足 该书的附录 切除阑尾 一批(组、群)批量生产 偏见,成见 偏听,偏爱 燃烧起来 开拓道路,作先导 受贿 行贿

正在发芽,含苞待放 未成熟或尚在发展的状态政府公报 新闻公报 业/贸易公报


^ | You have to believe, there is a way.The ancients said:“ the kingdom of heaven is trying to enter”.Only when the reluctant step by step to go to it 's time, must be managed to get one step down, only have struggled to achieve it.--Guo Ge Tech

一.首考与“with” 的搭配

comply with,coincide with, collide with, collaborate with,cope with, mingle with, furnish with, acquaint oneself with(be acquainted with)come up with, be identical with,get along with

in accordance with, find fault with, in association with, in line with, in harmony with, get away with, lose contact with ,with keen anticipation, be consistent with, be(in)compatible with, in collaboration with, reconcile with.二.与“to”的搭配关系也是考查重点

conform to, be apt prone liable to , be subordinate to, be superior to, be inferior to, be relevant to, be identical to, be indifferent to, resort to, dedicate to, in contrast to, in response to,in obedience to, be subjected to, adhere to, ascribe to, attribute to, subscribe to,be susceptible to, cater to, be secondary to, have access to, inaccessible to, cling to, in proportion to, do credit to(为-----带来光荣),show somebody to(引领)with reference to,be bound to ,get round to, live up to

三.与“for” 的搭配

compensate for, take the blame for, have tolerance for, display admiration for, revenge oneself for sth.go in for, show scorn for


on the threshold of, on the decline, on no account, on file, comment on, catch on, on the occasion, be intent on, have a profound effect on, look out on, look on as, heap praise on


deprive sb.of sth., be suspicious of, of no avail, in terms of, be critical of, in the vicinity of, make sense of, in honor of, at the height of, the array of, a fraction of, conceive of, a stack of, in quest of,by virtue of

六.与“in” 的搭配

in compensation, in a minority, in a dilemma, result in, in that, provided that , in between ,in case of, in memory of


at random, hang by a thread, keep off, look into, lay off, lose no time in doing sth., put away, regardless of, talk sb into doing sth.


F Face to face 面对面地 Face up to 大胆面对

In the face of 面对,不顾 Make a face 做鬼脸

To sb’s face 当着某人的面,公开地 Pull a long face 愁眉苦脸

Every facet of sb’s life 某人生活的各个方面 All facets of 方方面面 With facility 熟练地 In fact 其实,实际上 Matter of fact 实际情况,真相 Have a faculty for 擅长 Fade in 渐显 Fade out 渐隐

Fade away 逐渐消失

Fail to do 未能

Fair and square 正大光明的(地)Fair play 公平竞争 In faith 确实

Keep faith 忠于信仰,守信

Lose faith in 不再信仰

On the faith of 在……的担护下

Fake sb about 以欺骗、讹诈的手法胜过某人 Fall behind 落后 Fall back on 求助 Fall down 下降 Fall in with 符合,碰见 Fall out 争吵,结果是 Fall through 落空,失败

Give a false impression 给人以假象 False teeth 假牙 Come to fame 成名 Ill fame 坏名声

Be familiar to sb 为某人熟知

Be familiar with sth 精通(熟悉)Be famous for 以……闻名

Take a fancy to 爱上

Take the fancy of 吸引,使……喜欢 After one’s fancy 合某人的意

As far as=so far as 远至,到……程度 By far 最,……得多 Far from 远非,远离 So far 迄今为止 Few and far between 极少 Go far 成功

A farewell meeting 欢送会 Farewell speech 告别词 Farther on 更远些,再往前

After a fashion 或多或少,勉强;马马虎虎 after the fashion of 模仿,仿效 bring into fashion 使流行起来

go/be out of fashion 过时,不再流行 set a fashion 开创新时尚 follow the fashion 赶时髦 fast sleep 熟睡

fasten…to… 把……栓(绑)到……上 fasten in 关进去

fasten off 扣牢

fasten on 抓紧,把……强加于 fasten up 捆牢

at fat chance 不可能发生的事 live on one’s own fat 吃老本 meet one’s fate 送命

tempt fate 蔑视命运,冒险 as sure as fate 千真万确 find fault with 埋怨,挑剔

a fault in the right ride 因祸得福 at fault 感到困惑,有故障 in fault 有过错,有责任 to a fault 过分,过度

in favor of 赞同,支持;对……有利 find favor with 受某人青睐

in sb’s favor 得某人欢心;对某人有利 out of favor 失宠于,不受欢迎

be in fear of(为……而)提心吊胆 for fear of/that 生怕,以免

without fear or favor 公正地,公平地

a feast of reason and a flow of soul 富有教益的谈话,非常美好的谈话 in fine feather 精神很好,精神饱满 show the white feather 示弱

make a feature of 以……为特色

the Federal Bureau of Investigation(FBI)联邦调查局 the Federal Reserve Bank联邦储备银行 a membership fee 会费 a tuition fee 学费 feed in 输入

be fed up(with)感到厌烦 feel like doing sth 想要做 feel about 摸索着寻找 feel out 试探,摸清

feel one’s way 用手摸索着前进 feel for 同情

fence with 搪塞,回避 on the fence 抱观望态度 a festival atmosphere 节日气氛 fetch in 引进,招揽 fetch off 使摆脱困境 fetch up 引起,产生;弥补 run a fever 发烧 have a high fever 发高烧 a few 有些,几个 quite a few 相当多的 artificial fiber 人造纤维 synthetic fiber 合成纤维 a fierce pain 剧痛

a fierce storm 狂风暴雨 fight down 努力抑制,克服 fight off 击退,竭力摆脱

fight one’s way 奋斗开出一条生路,奋勇前进 show fight 显示斗志

figure in 把……包括在内 figure on 指望,推断 figure out 想出,计算出 figure up 把……加起来 in file 依次,鱼贯地 on file 存档

fill in/out 填写,填充 be filled with 填满,充满 fill up 填补,填满 go to the films 去看电影 filter through(消息)走漏

find out 查明

find oneself 发觉自己的实际能力;(在健康等发面)自我感觉 one fine day=once upon a time 有一天,有一次 in fine 最后,总而言之

impose a fine on sb 处某人以罚金 finish up with 结束,最后有 finish up 完成,吃光,用完

finish with 完成;断绝关系;停止使用 on fire 烧着 set fire to 点燃 catch fire 着火

firm ground 坚实的基础 as firm as a rock 稳如磐石 at first 最初,首先

first of all=first and foremost=in the first place 首先,第一 first or last 迟早,早晚 from first to last 自始至终 first and last 总的来说 go fishing 去钓鱼

like a fish out of water 如鱼离水;感到生疏,不适应 keep fit 保持健康 feel fit 感到身体很好 think fit to do 决心做 fit in 使适合 fit into 适应 fit on 试穿

fit up 设备齐全

fix up 修补,修理好;解决 the national flag 国旗 burst into flames 烧起来 flame forth(激情)爆发 flame out 突然冒火;突然失灵 flare up 突然燃烧起来;突然发怒 flare point 燃烧点

a flash in the pan 昙花一现 a flash of hope 一线希望 in a flash 一霎那 flatter oneself 自以为 all flesh 众生 gain flesh 发胖

lose flesh 消瘦

in the flesh 活着的,亲自,本人 one’s own flesh and blood 亲骨肉 in the first flight 领先,占主要地位 flip over 翻过来;翻过去

flip through 浏览,很快地翻阅 float down 漂下

float about 四处飘;四处传播 float bridge 浮桥

in flocks 成群地

flocks and herds 羊群和牛群

at the flood 在便利时

the flow of soul 推心置腹,融洽的交谈 flow chart 流程图 be in flower 开花

flowers of speech 华丽的辞藻 be flush with 齐平的

flutter about 飘落;飘舞;心烦意乱,激动不安;来回走动 on the fly 飞行期间 fly at 猛烈攻击

foam at the mouth 非常愤怒 foam with anger 生气 in focus 对准了焦点

out of focus 未对准焦点;模糊

focus one’s attention on 集中注意力于…… a dense fog 浓雾

be lost in a fog 困惑不解

a foil to/for ……的陪衬,衬托

fold up 垮掉,倒闭,放弃

folk music/dance/song 民间音乐(舞蹈、歌曲)country folks 乡下人 folk tale 民间故事 as follows 如下 follow after 追求 follow out 贯彻

follow up 探究到底 follow on 继续下去

It follows that 由……推断,结果是 Be fond of 喜好 Food for powder 炮灰 Be food for worms 死 Make a fool of 玩弄,愚弄 Be a fool to 不能同……相比 Play the fool 干傻事

On foot 步行

At one’s feet 在某人的支配下 For all 尽管 Be for…赞成

For oneself 独自

Forbid sb to do sth 不许某人做某事 Forbid doing/sth 禁止(做)某事 In force 有效,实施中

Come/go into force 生效,实施 By force of 优于,通过

Put into force 把……付诸实施 A weather forecast 天气预报 Foreign affairs 外交事务 Foreign aid 外援 Foreign exchange 外汇

Foreign loan 外债

First and foremost 首要的,首先

Head foremost 头向前地,冒冒失失地 A forerunner of …的先驱;预兆

A forest of chimneys/flags 林立的烟囱(旗帜)Forever and a day 极长久的 Forever and ever 永远,永久 Forge a signature 伪造签名 Forget oneself 忘我,忘乎所以 Forgive and forgot 不念旧忘 Forget to do sth 忘记去做某事 Forget doing 忘了曾经做过某事 A form of address称呼

In due form 正式地,按规定的形式 Lose one’s form 竞技状态不好

The former 前者 In former times 从前

Hold the fort(别人不在时)代照看一切

Hold the fort against enemy attacks 扼守堡垒抵御敌人进攻 And so forth 等等

Seek one’s fortune 寻出路,淘金 Tell one’s fortune 给某人算命 Tempt fortune 蔑视命运,冒险 Try one’s fortune 碰运气 By good fortune 幸运地

Backward and forward 来回地 Hunt for fossils 找化石

Foul up 把……搞乱,把……搞糟 Foul against/on 对……犯规 By fair means or foul 不择手段 Not by a fraction 一点也不 To a fraction 完全地,百分之百地 A complex fraction 繁分数 A proper fraction 真分数

To be frank with you 老实对你说 Be frantic with 因……而发疯 Expose a fraud 揭穿骗局 Set free 释放

Free…from/to 免去,使自由 Free from 不受……影响 Free of 无……的,摆脱了……的 Freeze to death 冻死

By freight 用普通货车运送 Freight forward 运货由提货人支付

High frequency 高频 Low frequency 低频

Break fresh ground 开辟处女地,开始新的工作 As flesh as paint 精神饱满的

Make friends 交朋友,友好相处

Be friends with 对……友好,与……交上朋友 Keep friends with 对……保持友好 Make friends again 言归于好

A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难朋友才是真朋友 Be frightened at 听(看)到……而吃惊 Be frightened of 害怕…… Be fringed with 以……为边缘的 From time to time 有时,不时 From end to end 从头到尾 In front of 在……前面 Early frosts 早寒,秋寒 Late frosts 晚寒,春寒 Hard frost 酷寒

Frown at/on/upon 表示不满,不赞许 Bear fruit 结出果实,取得成果

Feel frustrated 感到灰心丧气

Be frustrated in an attempt 企图遭到失败 Add fuel to flames 火上浇油

Fulfill one’s promise/duty 履行诺言(义务)Fulfill oneself 完全实行自己的抱负 At full length 极为详细地 Be full of 充满

In full 全部,详细地 To the full 极其,完全地 Make fun of 取消,嘲笑 For fun 开玩笑

Fun and games 吵闹,开玩笑 Function as…起……作用 Build up the funds 筹集资金 Attend a funeral 参加葬礼 Make the fur fly 引起骚乱

Be furious with sb/at sth 对某人(某事)大发雷霆 Furnish….with…向……提供…… For further detail 详情请…… Till further notice 另候通知

Further education 继续教育,成人教育

Fly into a fury 勃然大怒;大发脾气;暴跳如雷 In a fury 盛怒,狂怒,极端愤慨 Like fury 大力地,猛烈地

Blow a fuse 熔断保险丝;(口)勃然大怒 Make a fuss 大惊小怪

Make a fuss of 娇养(某人),过分关怀(某人)In the future 今后,将来 For the future 从今以后


考博英语词组, a matter of 几(分钟,里路,块钱等)的事;大约,左右;是个…问题,事关… about of 即将;打算 absent from 不在;缺席 absorbed in 吸引;专心于…

account for 说明(原因);解释;占…

adhere to 粘附在…上;坚持,遵守;依附 adjust to 调整以适应

after all 还是;终于;毕竟 aim of 瞄准;致力于…;旨在

all but 几乎,差点;除…之外的全部 all the while 一直地;始终 all the more 更加越发

all the same 尽管如此,仍旧 allow for 酌量;考虑到

and vice versa 反过来也一样

anything/nothing but 一点也不/只是;仅仅是 anything but 一点也不,决不是 nothing but 只是,只不过是 . apart from 除了;且不说

appeal to 要求;上诉;引起…注意 approve of 赞赏,同意;获准,认可 around the corner 在拐角处;即将到来

as a matter of course 当然,理所当然的(事)as a result/consequence 结果;因此 as fellows 如下

as for/to/regards 至于,说到就…而言/关于 as it is(was)实际上;按照原样

as it were 似乎;实际上可以这么说;简直是;可谓 as opposed to 和…相反;与…相对比 as well 也…;和

as/so far as 就…而言;至于;到…程度;在…范围内 ask after/for 问候,询问,探问/请求;找某人;要求 at a stretch 不休息地,一口气地 at a time 一次

at all 一点也不,完全不(用于否定句)at(the)best/worst 顶多,充其量也不过/最坏也就是 at(all)time 总是;无论何时,一直 at a loss 不知所措 at all/any cost 不惜一切代价

at all events 不管怎样,反正 at any moment 随时

at any rate 不管怎样;总而言之 at first 起初;开始

at first sight 乍一看,一见就

at intervals(of)不时,时时;每隔…

at large 一般的;普遍的;详尽地;在逃;逍遥自在地 at leisure 有空闲,闲着的;从容地,慢慢地 at liberty 自由,有权(做某事);闲着 at(the)most/least 至多/至少

at stake 关系到…的得失;在危险中 at that 就这样;而且 at sea 茫然,不知所措

at the mercy of 完全受…支配,听命于 at the moment 此刻 at the risk of 冒…的危险

attach to 附上;贴上;使隶属

attend to 处理,办理;照看,照料;注意,专心于 back up 支持;倒退

be bent on(upon)一心想做(某事)be better of 处境更好;情况转好

be bound to 肯定,注定;一定要;决心 be composed of 由…组成

be concerned with 关于…,与…有关;参与… be determined to 坚定;坚决;决心 be fed up with/about 对…厌烦了;讨厌 be fit for 适合

be inclined to 倾向于…;想要 be obliged to(do)被迫,不得不 be obliged to 感谢

be related to 与…相关的,同…有亲戚关系 be/get tired/sick of 对…失去兴趣;厌烦 be/get used/accustomed to习惯于 bear/keep in mind 记住;牢记

bear on/upon 对…施加压力;与…有关;对…有影响 before long 很快;不久以后

blow out(使火)熄灭;(轮胎)爆裂

blow up 炸毁;充气;放大(照片);勃然大怒

boil/narrow down(to)压缩成;归结为;简化为…

break down(机器)发生故障;(计划,谈判等)失败;分析;分解;破除;战胜;(感情)失控,(身体)垮了

break in 闯入;打断;训练;使驯服;使习惯于; break into 闯入;打断;突然开始…;突然…起来 break out 突然暴发;逃脱

break through 突破;冲破;克服;挤过

break up 使粉碎;弄破;解散;结束;解体解散;中断;终止;(学校)放假使苦恼;恳(地)bring down 使垮台;失败;击落,打下;降低(物价,温度等)bring forward 把…提前;提议;建议;(会计)把(账目)结转到(次页)bring in 带来;引进;提出;挣得(报酬等);生产,产生;收获;(陪审团)下(判决)bring out 出版;上演;显露出;现出;使人有勇气开口 bring up 抚养,教育;提出(问题等);呕吐

bring/come/put/carry into effect 开始生效;实行

build up 积累;聚集;增进(健康);增强(体格);确立(信誉);吹捧 burn down 烧光;把…烧成平地

burst out/into 突然发生;突然…起来,怒放 but for 除…以外;如果没有

by accident/chance(纯粹)偶然地;碰巧;无意 by all means 务必,一定,千方百计 by no means 决不,一点,也不

by and large 大体上;基本上;总的说来 by for 更加…得多;尤其;最…

by means/way of 用;以;依靠(某种方法,工具,工艺等)/作为;当作;经由 by reason of 因为;由于 by the way 顺便说一句

by virtue of 因;靠;由于;借助于 call for 去接人;取(物件);要求;提倡

call off 宣告终止;取消;(使注意力)转移开;放弃

call on/upon 指名要(某人)去干(某事);请求;号召;动用

call up 打电话;召集,召唤;征召(服役);使人回忆起;从计算机中调出(资料)calm/cool down平静下来;使(人)冷静下来

capable of(人)敢于;能…的;易于做出…的;(事)能…的;易…的 care for/about 照顾;关照;喜欢;喜爱/关心;在意 carry away 使激动得失去控制,使入迷,使倾倒 carry back(to)使回忆起

carry forward 发扬;推进;转入下一页下期等 carry off 夺走,诱拐;夺去…生命;获得(奖品等)carry on 继续;喧闹,起哄;从事;处理;经营;开展 carry out 完成;落实;贯彻;实现;执行

carry through 贯彻到底;度过难关;支持到底 cast doubt(on)使人怀疑

change for the better/worse 改进;改善;好转/恶化;每况愈下 change/speak one's mind 改变决定或主意/直抒己见 charge(sb.)with 使负…罪名;托付,使负担

check in/out 签到;报到;办理(住宿,乘机等)手续;退房登记;办清手续后离开;检查,核对

check up 体格检查;核对,检查

clean up 扫除,清洗干净;收拾干净;搬空;肃清;扫除;clear away 消除;收拾

clear up 整理;解决,澄清,说明白;转晴;变好 close up 关闭;阻塞;(人)互相靠紧;(伤口)愈合 come about 发生,(风等)改变方向

come across(无意中)碰到,找到,想到

come along/on 来呀;赶快;一道来;赞成;进步/赶快;登台;(病,痛苦)加重,加深;来临;接着开始

come back 回到原来的(地方,话题等);突然想起;重新流行;恢复,复原,复苏;复辟

come down 下降,跌价

come down to 归根结底;实质上是;实际意味着

come in 到来,出现;进入;兴起;到成熟期;上台执政;其作用 come/get/keep in(to)contact/touch 与…联系,接触;交往 come off 松开;脱落;剥落;(如期)发生;实现;奉行;应验

come out 现出,露出;出版;发行;结果是…;取得(第…名);罢工;解答出来;消失褪去;源于;来自;发表,讲出 come round 来访;转而同意某看法;恢复知觉;苏醒

come to(a standstill/an end/light/no harm/the rescue of)苏醒过来;恢复知觉(停止/结束/发现;显露/无害;无碍/营救;救援)come up with/to 提出;赶上;达到…标准;到达;不辜负(众望)compete with/against 同…竞争;与…相匹敌;竞赛;竞争 complain about/of 抱怨;叫屈;申诉;投诉/自诉有…病痛 concern about 关心;担心

count on 指望;期待(某人)相助

critical of 对…持批评态度的;对…苛求的 cross out 删除;划掉

cut down 削减;减少;砍伐

cut off 切断;截止;中断供应(疾病等)使(人)死亡;叫(人)闭口无言 cut out 割掉;删去;戒掉;省掉

cut short 剪短;削短;(突然)中止;打断;缩短;从简

deal/cope with 办理;处理;对付;论述;与…打交道,做买卖,妥善;处理;对应付

devote to 献身于…;致力于 die away 消逝;减弱;渐息

die down平息;平静下来;熄灭

die from/of 由于…而死/因(患)…而死,…死于 die for 迫切想要(某物);渴望 die off 相继死亡;绝种

die out 熄灭,绝种,不复存在

do away with 除去;废除;干掉;杀死 do/try one's best/utmost 努力;尽力而为 do/go without 没有也行

do wrong/justice(to)对待(某人)不公平;冤枉某人/逼真;出色;处置公道;公正对待

draw back 退回,往后退;不履行 draw in 拉入,吸人;(火车,汽车)进站,到达;吸收参加;(日子)逐渐变短;收(网);紧缩开支

draw on 接近;靠近;临近;利用;依赖;凭借;(紧身衣物)穿,戴

draw out 取出;拔出;(火车,汽车)缓缓开出;(白天)逐渐变长;拉长,延长;拟订

draw up 起草;拟订;(使车、马)停下 dress up 化装;装饰;打扮 drop in(over)顺访;串门

drop off 睡着;(客人)一个个地散去;(兴趣等)减弱 drop out 逃(学);离队出走

dry up 干瘪;干涸;(思路等)枯竭 engage in 从事;进行

equal to 相等;相同;敌得过;担得起;胜任 even if/though 即使;甚至

every other 每隔…一(天、周等);所有其他 except for/that 除…之外;只是

fall back(on)撤退;退缩(求助于;投靠;转而依靠)fall behind 落后;被甩在后面,拖欠

fall on/upon 碰到,看到;降临;落到;袭击;适逢(日期)fall out(头发,牙齿)脱落;掉;掉下来;掉队;(队伍)原地解散;不和;吵翻了 fall through 落空;失败

famous for 以…著称,闻名;驰名

far from 远离,远非;根本谈不上;决不是;差得远 feel like 想做(某事);感到像是…的样子

fill in 填写;填充;填满;对…提供最新情况;

fill out/up 填写;长丰满,长胖;变粗装满;填写;充满;占掉(地方或时间)find fault(with)找…岔子;挑剔

find out 发现;找出;弄清楚;认识到;查明 follow up 继而进行…;追踪,跟踪 fond of 爱好;喜欢

for all(that)尽管;如此, 还是 for ever/good 永久;永远

for/in fear(of)唯恐;以免为…而担心

for the sake of 为了;为了…的好处,利益 free of/from 不受…影响的;摆脱了…的

from time(door/side)to time(door/side)时时;不定期地(挨家挨户/左右摇摆;晃动)get across(使人)了解;讲清楚

get/go ahead 赶过;胜过;有进展/开始;进行中;继续下去;走在前面,先走

get around/round(to)克服(困难);避开;(消息)传开;(终于有时间)做某事 get at 够得着;拿得到;弄清,了解;意指,暗示

get away(with)逃脱;逃跑

get/learn by heart 牢记,熟记;背得出 get down(to)(使人)不快;沮丧;写下;咽下(to)开始认真做… get even(with)报复,和…算账

get/take/catch hold of 弄到手;掌握;了解;知道(去向)get in the way 妨碍,阻碍

get off(with)下车;出发;离去;不涉足,避开;脱下(衣服等);使免遭处罚 get on(with)相处;继续做;进行下去;顺利发展;上车;穿(衣);上年纪

get out/into 离去;逃走;退出;出去;取出;拿出;拨出;出版;谈话吃力;(消息)走漏;泄露/进入;穿上;成癖;陷于;研究;从事于;变成 get over 越过;恢复;完成,结束;克服(困难);解决难题 get rid of 除去;丢弃;扔掉;摆脱;消灭

get the better 胜过,超过;占上风;左右;支配

get through 完成;到达;渡过;用光;(使人)明白;通过;接通(电话)get together 集会;聚会

get up 起床;站起;举办;安排;化装;打扮 get up to 到达;赶上

give away 背弃;出卖;泄露;散掉,给掉(钱财)give in/way(to)屈服;让步;递交;交上;让位于,转变为;听任支配 give out 分发;分配;失灵;报废;用尽;耗光 give rise to 引发;导致;产生

given that 只要是,考虑到;假定,已知 go after 寻找;追求

go by 通过;经过;依照…行事;根据…的说法

go down 去某地;下去;***下;咽下;(日)落;(船)沉;病倒;垮台;(计算机)停机(故障)go down with 为…所接受,为…所相信,为…所心服

go for 去(做某事);去请,去找,去拿;想要,愿做,喜欢;可应用于;赞成;被认为

go in for 从事;参加(考试;竞赛);喜欢上(业余爱好)go into 调查;研究加入;从事;投入;进人…状态;撞车

go off 离开;消失;昏过去;睡着;爆炸;爆发出;开始;(食品)变质;进行 go out 出去;熄灭;公布,发表;过时,不再流行 go over 越,渡,转向;仔细检查;仔细推敲

go through 遭遇;经历;熬过;用光(钱);获准,通过

go up 升高;提高;涨高;增长;盖起;建造起;被烧(炸)毁;(舞台幕布)拉起 go with 连带;带有;伴随;与…匹配;同…协调 grow away from 与…疏远起来

grow from 由…长大,由…发展起来 grow in 在…方面成长;增加(力量等)grow into 成长为,发展为

grow on 使越来越感兴趣,渐渐成为习惯;加深对…的影响

grow out of 由…产生;长高大了(衣服等)穿不上;抛弃;戒除(恶习)grow up 长大成人;成长;发展

hand down(财产,技术或知识)往下传,传给(后人)hand in 交进来(去);交上去;递交;面呈 hand out 派送;分发;(乱)给(批评,处分,忠告等)hand over/on to 捐赠;移交;让与;将…移交给;交出;将…送交,依次传递 hang about/around 闲逛;转悠;观望/闲逛;缠(人);与…泡在一起 hang back 畏缩不前;迟疑(不肯做某事)hang behind 迟迟不离开,落在后面

hang on/to 稍等;坚持住;赖着不走;抱(推,抓)住不放 hang out 晾衣服;居住,呆(在某处);停留

hang together 团结合作,互相支持;一致,不矛盾 hang up 挂起来;挂上话筒;耽搁,搁置 have/give access to 得以进入;可以接近

have/give an/the advantage over 比…占上风;有利/优于… have to do with 与…有关系

hit on/upon 无意中找到;偶然想出

hold back 犹豫(该不该做某事);阻止;阻碍;隐瞒;忍住 hold in 抑制(情绪等),控制住

hold on(to)坚持下去;等一等;别挂电话 hold on to 抓住不放

hold out 坚持要求;坚持到底;守住;提出;伸出;主张;坚持;维持 hold out for 坚持(得到…)而不肯妥协 hold together(合在)一起;团结在一起

hold up 举起;托住;支撑;使停滞;耽搁;提出;阻挡;列举,推举;(理论等)经得住

hunt for 搜索;探求 hurry up 赶快;快点

if only 只要;哪怕;要是…就好了;真希望

in a sense/way 在某种意义上;有一点儿/在某些方面;有几分;稍微 in a word 总而言之;一言以蔽之

in accordance with 照;根据;与…一致;合乎 in addition(to)加之;另外;除…之外又

in advance(of)比…先进;提前;提早;预先;事先;在…之前 in any case/event 而且;总之;无论如何;好歹

in case(of)如果;万一;倘;以便;以防;以备;如有 in charge of 主持;领导;主管…的;照看…的 in common(with)共同;相通;与…同样 in conclusion 最后;总之

in confidence 私下里;秘密地;暗中

in conflict(with)和…矛盾;和…发生冲突;与…相抵触 in connection with 关于…;与…有关;有联系

in consequence(of)因此;结果;…结果;因为…的缘故 in/by contrast/comparison to/with 与…对比;对照;和…大不相同/和…比起来;与相比

in debt 负债;欠钱 in defense 保卫;保护 in detail 详细;详尽 in disguise 伪装;乔装;假装;隐瞒;掩饰;假象;貌似 in exchange for 交换;调换

in favor(of)支持;赞成;对…有利;偏向

in force/effect 有效;生效;在实施中在有效期中/实际上;事实上有效;生效;在实施中

in front of 在…的正对面;在…前边;对面;当…的面

in general/particular 总之;大体上;一般;普遍/尤其;特别 in honor of 向…表示尊敬;为祝贺… in(the)light of 考虑到;依照;根据

in line 排队;排列;同意;准备就绪;按顺序;受约束 in control 由…控制;管理 in office 执政;在位

in/within sight 看得见;在眼前;在望;不远了 in a way 有点;稍微;在某种意义上 in a big/small way 大/小规模地 in memory of 为纪念…

in need/want of 需要;急需 in order(that/to)以便;为了 in other words 换句话说;换言之

in place of 代替;而不是;更换;顶替 in progress 在进行中;尚未完工

in proportion(to/with)和…成比例;和…相关;和…相比 in question 讨论中的;谈及的;争论中的 in/with respect of/to 关于 in return 回报;付给

in search of 寻找;搜寻;查究

in secret/private/public 私下;暗地/不公开;私下;秘密地/当众;公开地 in short/brief/sum 简言之;总之 in spite of 虽然;不管;不顾;纵使 in support of 维护…;支持…;证实… in that 因为

in/under the circumstances 在这种情况下;考虑到这种情况 in the course of 在…期间;在…的过程中 in the end 最后;最终;结果;终归 in the face of 面临;不顾(反对等)in the first place 起初;首先;早先

(not)in the least/the least bit 一点(也不);丝毫(不);(常用于强调否定)in the long/short run 结果;最后/暂时:目前

in the name of 在…的名下;以…的名义;为…的缘故

in no/good time 立刻;马上,一转眼工夫;迅速地;恰好 in vain 徒劳;无益

in view of 鉴于;考虑到

independent of 独立于…之外;不依赖…的;不受…支配的 inform of 告诉;报告;通知 insist(on/upon)坚决主张;坚决要求;坚持认为;定要;坚持要 instead of 代替;而不是

interfere with 干涉;干预;妨碍;干扰;影响 involve in 涉及;卷入;陷入;使进入;使连累 join in 参加;加入

jump to a conclusion 草率决定;贸然断定 keep down 控制,限制,;低下;蹲下;躺下;压住;压制;镇压;忍住了呕吐;缩减

keep from 隐瞒,瞒住;避开;使免于

keep off 驱散;避开;防止,挡住;不接近keep on 继续…;不停地…

keep to 恪守;遵守;遵循;按…办;坚持(做)keep to the minimum 控制到最低限度;尽可能短(少)keep under control 控制(监视等)keep up(with)跟上;赶上;保持;不落在后面;及时了解(情况)knock down 拆除;拆卸;打倒,撞倒;使减价

knock off 下班,停止工作;减低,扣掉;匆忙做完(写完)knock out 敲出;击倒;击昏;使失效;匆匆做好;(药物)使入睡knock over 打翻

know of/about 知道;听说 lack of 不够;不足;没有

laugh off 一笑置之;把…当儿戏

lay down 放下;放弃(想法态度等);拟订(计划等);兴建;规定;制定 lay off 暂时解雇;休息;休养

lay out 展开;铺开;摆开;说明,表达(想法等);设计;布置;准备人殓 lead the way 向导;领路;引路

lead to 领;带;导向;通向;通往;导致;造成 leak out 走漏(消息等);(水,煤气等)泄露

lean on 对…施加压力;讹诈;逼迫;倚靠;依靠 leave behind 抛弃;忘记带;把…拉下;落后 leave out 遗漏;省去;删去;不考虑

lead to 把…借给;把钱贷给;使…增添了…,使…有了 let alone 更不用说;更别提

let down 使(人)失望;放下;放(长)衣服;不支持

let off 免除;放过;放掉(气);放(枪);引爆(炸弹);准许…暂时停止工作 let out 释放;放走;放(水,气);出租(房屋);把(衣服)放大 level off/out 稳定;持平;整平;弄平;水平飞行

line up 排队;列队;整顿;排列整齐;排成行;安排妥当;与…站在一起

live on/by 继续活着;靠…生活;以食…为生/按照或遵循…(准则)而生活;靠…过活

live through 渡过;熬过

live up to 配得上。不愧于;不负;按,…行事;使行为和…相符 live with 接(忍)受(令人不快的事物等)long for 渴望;向往 look after 照看;照管

look at 看;查看;考虑;对待

look down on/upon 小看…;蔑视… look for 寻找;寻求;期望;指望 look forward to 盼望;期待

look into 调查;深入了解;研究 look like 看上去像;似将;好像要

look out 当心;注意;警惕;查出;找出;挑选 look over 检阅;检查

look to 求助;有赖于;注意;照顾; look up to 尊敬

lose contact/touch(with)失去联系;联络中断

lose/save one's face 丢脸;失去自尊与别人的信任/保全名声;留面子

lose/keep one's head 发怒;慌张;失去理智,(头脑)发昏/保持镇静;不慌不忙

lose/keep trace/track(of)不知下落;失去联系/跟踪;密切注视…的动向 major in 主修;专攻

make away/off with 携…而逃;干掉。杀死;(钱)挥霍掉

make(a/an)effort/face/friends/fuss/living/move/no difference/noise 努力;尽力/做鬼脸;与…交朋友/大吵大闹 /谋生/动身;采取行动;无所谓:没关系/嚷嚷,胡搅

make for 往…走去;向…前进;有助于;促进

make good 成功;兑现诺言;实现;补偿;消除不良影响 make light/little of 不放在眼里;等闲视之/轻视;贬抑

make out 理解;看清楚;辨认;起草(文件等);假装;填写;开(票等)make room/way(for)给…让出(地方,路)make sense(love/money/peace/use)有意义;讲得通;有道理(做爱/挣钱/讲和/使用)make sure/certain 确保;确实;务必

make the best/most of 善于处理…;充分利用(使用)make up 化妆;配制;调制;整理床铺(房间);组成;构成; 编造,捏造;和解,言归于好;弥补;补偿 many(of)(…中的)许多

mark out 划出边线;标出界线

may/might as well 不妨…;还是…的好;最好… meet/satisfy the need 满足需要 mix up 把…搞混,混淆;搞乱 more often than not 通常;多半

no matter + what-word 不管…;无论…

no/none other than 不是别人,正是…;恰恰是 no wonder 难怪;不足为奇

not nearly 远非;远不及;相差很远

not to mention/speak of 更不用说;更不必说 now that 既然

object to 反对;抗议;不支持 occur to 突然想到(一个主意等)off and on 时而;断断续续地

on a large/small scale 大批量;大规模川、批量;小规模 on account of 因为


on behalf of 代表某人;为某人;以某人名义

on condition that 若…则;在…的条件下;只要…就

on earth 究竟;到底;全然,一点也(强调否定);世界上 on end 竖立着;立;连续不断

on guard/the watch 值班警戒;看守/密切注视 ;守候 on purpose 故意;意欲

on/for sale 出售;上市;廉价出售/出售(尤指私房,私车等物)on show/view 展览;展出/公展

on the basis/grounds/understanding that 基于…;以…为基础/因为/以…为条件,如果

on the contrary 正相反;然而;可是;相反地 on the point of 正要…(的时候);正打算

on the side/part of 支持;在…一边/代表…;就…而言 on the spot 在现场;当场;立即

on the whole 总体上;从整体来看;基本上 on trail 受审;在试验中;试行;试用

once and for all 最后一次;无疑地;彻底地;永远地 once in a while b时而;有时

one...after another/after the other 一个接一个;接连;挨次 or else 否则;要不然

or rather 毋宁说;更确切地说 or so 大约,差不多

other than 除…之外;不同于;非

out of(breath/condition/date/the question/work)呼吸急促/身体欠佳/过时的/不可能的/失业

over and over(again)一次又一次;反复 owing to 由于,因为

pass away 去世;死;消失;消磨(时间);停止;结束 pass by 从旁经过;忽略;回避;不予理会 pass for 被认为是,被当作…;冒充…

pass off 逐渐消失;不加理会,回避;顺利;进行;把…冒充为,假称是 pass on 传给;传下去;转入,往下谈;去世 pass out 失去知觉.晕倒:死掉

pass over 不管.略而不谈:不计较,不追究;过去;去世 pass through 穿过,通过;经历,经受;上完(大学)pass the way(for)为铺平道路;为…做好准备;使…更易 pay back 偿还;报复 pay for 付…的钱,赔偿;为…付代价;得到报应

pay off 偿还掉,付掉;把工钱付掉;付掉工资加以解雇;有利可图;有报偿;是值得的,合算

pay up 偿还(欠款),全部付清 pick out 认出;辨出;选择;挑出

pick up 拾起;拿起;慢慢爬起身来;(开车)去接;逮捕;偶然学得;得(病);恢复(健康等);挣一笔钱

pile up 堆集;成堆;积累;增集 play a part/role(in)在…方面起作用

play down 使(某事)显得不重要;贬低;缩小

play on/upon 利用(别人的情绪等以达到自己的目的)play out 演完,做完;用光;使破产;使精疲力竭;输光 play a trick(joke)(on)捉弄;恶作剧

play up 使…显得更重要;夸张;宣扬,鼓吹;开始奏乐;使恼火;(比赛中)加油,用劲

play with 玩,玩弄

point out 使注意;指出 prior to 在…之前

provide for/with 支持(提供生活必需品);为…做安排;约定;规定/提供;供给 pull down 拆毁;毁坏;把身体弄垮;使健康受损

pull in/out 进站;驶进;逮捕;挣(钱)/离站;摆脱困境;退出;抽出;撤出 pull off(将车)停靠;(成功地)实现…,执行… pull on 穿,戴;不停地划(船)或拉 pull through 恢复健康;渡过难关

pull up 减速停车;拔起;拔掉;阻止;指责 put an end/a stop to 停止;结束;摧毁;消除

put down 放下;放在…上;写下;记下;粉碎;镇压;贬低; 使难堪;停下来让旅客下车

put/lose faith in 相信;信托/对…失去信心 put forward 呈上;提出;提前;拨快(钟表)put off 延期;推迟;打消(疑虑);关上(电器等);劝阻;使扫兴; put on 穿上;演出;表演;装出(某种样子);增加体重;打开(电器等)put out 公布;播出;使熄灭,扑灭;生产;出版;使不高兴 put/lay/set aside 搁置一旁;不管;避开;排除;积蓄

put to(death/sleep/shame/use)使用;处死/使睡/使感到羞愧/用 put up 建起;支起;张贴,挂;修建;留宿;提出 put up with 忍受;容忍

refer to 提到;讲起;有关;涉及;参考;查阅 refer to… as 把…叫做…

relative to 有关;相对于;和…相应 remind of 提醒;使想起

result in/from 导致;致使;结果/由…引起;由…而发生 ring off/up 挂断电话/给某人打电话;用收款机记账 round about 周围;大约 rule out 排除;不考虑

run away 出走;离家;逃跑;抛下…而离去;逃避 run for 竞选,让…竞选

run into 遭遇;碰巧;撞见;达到;撞车 run out 用光;失效;到期

run over 碰倒;撞倒;(车)压死;溢出;排练;查阅 search for 寻找;搜查;竭力想;苦想 see about 照料;安排;留意;查看 see off 送行

see to it(that)注意做到;务必要;留心使…

send for 通知某人来;派人去请;请人送来;请人寄来 sever the purpose 适合目的;有用;有助于;解决问题 set about 着手(开始)做某事攻击,乱揍

set back 耽搁,延缓;推迟;使退步;阻碍;(把钟)往回拨 set fire/light to 放火引燃;纵火/点火 see free 放走;释放

set off 出发;开始(追跑);燃放(鞭炮);引起;触发;装饰,衬得好看 set out 着手做某事;装饰;整理;出发,动身;陈述;阐述 set up 树立;建起;安装;成立;修建;恢复疲劳,休养好

settle down 坐下来;安居下来;安家;安定下来;冷静下来;降临 short of 不足;缺乏

show off 卖弄;夸示;显眼;炫耀;展示;(在…衬托下)显得好看 show up 出现;露面;显露暴露,揭露;表现出 shut down 关闭;停业

shut up 使住口;闭嘴;禁闭;关在里面 sit back 放松,休息 sit by 袖手旁观

sit for(准备)参加(考试)sit in 旁听,参加;列席;出席;代理 sit out 耐心听完;耐心看完

sit/stay up(late)坐起来;端坐;熬夜/晚睡;熬夜

slow down/up 变缓;减速;慢下来;减弱活力;放松/慢下来,放慢速度 so to say/speak 可以这么说;打个比方说;可以说(是)speed up 加速;加快;催促;加紧

stand for 代表;表示;主张;支持;拥护;容忍;允许 stand out(显得)突出,鲜明;顶得住;抗得住 stick it out 坚持到底;顶下去;忍耐到底 stick out 突出;伸出;显眼

stick to 坚持;遵守;信守;不走题;坚定信赖… still less 何况;更不用说

stir up 掀起;搅起;煽动;激励;唤起

subject to 有…的倾向;易遭;易患;受制于;根据… succeed in 做成(某事);成功 succumb to 屈服于;死于 suffer from 患(病);受…之苦

sum up 总结;概括;总计;概述要点

superior/inferior to 好于;优于;高于/不及…;劣于;次于

take action/measures/steps 行动;采取行动/采取措施/设法;采取措施 take advantage of 占(人)便宜;欺骗某人;乘…之便;利用 take after 像…;学…的样;仿效 take charge of 主管;负责;接管 take effect 生效;起作用;见效 take…for 把…误认为;把…看作…

take(it)for granted 视为当然;想必是

take in 收留;使…上当;欺骗;领会;明白;包容;容纳;订阅(报刊)take into account/consideration 把…考虑进去/考虑

take off 起飞;突然走红;流行开;突然离开;脱掉;减价; 学样取笑;取消

take on 开始从事;负起职责;显露出;开始雇佣

take out 取出;割掉;拔去;取得;擦掉;洗掉;请人(吃饭,看戏等)take over 接收;接管;抢占;占领;接办;接任 take part(in)参加;参与

take sharp 成形;形成;有显著发展;初具规模

take to(很快)喜欢上;开始;从事;成为习惯;开始迷上 take turns 轮流换班;替换

take up 开始(学习或某种爱好);从事;提出;接受;占(时间,空间等);拿起;接纳(乘客等)talk about 谈论

talk into(out of)劝说做(不做)某事 talk of 谈到或谈起某事 talk over 商讨;商谈

talk round 说服(使同意某事);转变抹角地讲;得不出结论地讨论下去 tear up 撕碎;毁坏 thanks to 由于;因为

that is(to say)那就是;即;换言之

the more/sooner…, the better 越多(快)越好 the other way round/about 相反(地);反过来(看)think of 想到;想起;记起;为…着想;想起;企图;打算 think of… as 以为…;认为…;把…当作… think about 思索;考虑

think over/out 掂量;斟酌/琢磨透;想出;深思熟虑 throw away 扔弃;抛弃;白费;浪费

throw/shed light on 说明;解释;提供线索;使清楚起来 to advantage 有利;更加 to and fro 来回地;往复地 to excess 太多;过分

to some/a certain/a large extent 在某种/一定/很大程度上 to the contrary 相反地,正相反 to the effect that 大意是说;意思是 to the point 切题;中肯;简明扼要 touch down 降落;着陆 touch on/upon 谈及;涉及 try on 试穿;耍弄(花招)try out 试用

turn down 拒绝采纳;拒绝考虑

turn on 拧开;亢奋;上瘾;向…突然袭击;要看…而定;关键就在 turn off 分叉;关掉;引开;生产;解雇;使失去兴趣

turn out 结果是;原来是;(电)切断;制作;生产;培训;逐出翻出;翻转

turn over 再三考虑;交出;让出;移交;转换;周转;翻阅;翻到…(页);转到;向…求助;讨教;转向;改变 turn to 翻耕

turn up 出现;出席;被找到,发现;将(声,光等)调大;查字典;发生(情况)under way 正在进行之中

up to 多到;直到;等于;达到;适于;胜任;忙于;由…决定 upside down 颠倒

wake up 醒来;使醒悟;使振作;使觉醒;意识到

warm up 加热;变暖;(运动前)热身;(机器等)预热;激动 起来;活跃起来 warn of 警告(某人)wash up 洗碗碟等餐具;洗手脸;洗手不干,不再过问 wear off(病痛等)渐渐消失

wear out 穿旧;穿坏;磨损;磨破;使人疲惫不堪

well off/worse off 手头宽裕;生活好过/手头更拮据,日子更不好过 watch out 小心谨慎;留意,提防

what with…,(and)what with… 一方面因…,一方面因…;因…和… wipe out 歼灭;扫除;去除;消灭;擦净 with reference to 关于;有关

with/in regard/relation to 关于;有关 without exception 一概;全部;无一例外 work at 从事;在…用功

work on 对…起作用;对…发生影响;向…做工作;使兴奋;左右

work out 努力做好;刻苦完成;创立(理论);详细拟定(计划等);算出(总数);解决;开采完(矿山等);做工偿还(债务)work up 渐渐做成;刺激;激发;组成;揉合;煽动 worthy of 值得的;名副其实的

write off 勾消,注消,报废;当场写出,提笔就写(文章);减低资产账面额 yield to 让步



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