
时间:2019-05-11 23:01:18下载本文作者:会员上传



12.we have seen your advertisement in china’s foreign trade and would be glad if you will send us the particulars of bed sheets and pillowcases.我们已经看到贵公司的广告,在我国对外贸易中,会很高兴的 如果你能寄给我们关于床单和枕套的详情。

17.we have an importer inquiring for woolen blankets and would like to obtain a catalogue, and price list together with the samples as soon as possible.我们有一个进口商询问毛毯,想尽快获得目录,价格清单,连同样品。

18.we would be much obliged if you could quote us the best cifc5% shanghai and indicate the respective quantities and various sizes that you could supply for prompt shipment.我们将非常感谢,如果你能给我们报最好的成本加运保费至上海5%的折扣,并告知数量和各种尺寸,及时装运。

4.the offer will remain firm until march 31, 2007 beyond which date the terms and prices should be discussed anew.此报价将会保持不变,直到2007年3月31日,超过此期限条件及价 格需重新讨论。

5.as requested, we are offering you the following, subject to our final confirmation.按你方要求,我们为您提供以下产品报价,我们的最终确认。

6.as our market is now somewhat slow and prices are generally low, you are very fortunate in making purchase at this time.由于我们的市场现已经有所放缓,价格一般都较低,你非常幸运,在此时购买。

10.we are glad to have received your letter dated november 14 for our bicycles.in reply to your inquiry, we are pleased in making you the following offer.我们很高兴收到你11月14日来信我们自行车的询价,们很高兴并报盘如下

16.we regret to inform you that we do not have in stock the goods in the desired quality.我们遗憾地告诉您,我们没有存货是贵方要求的货物质量。

2.unfortunately we cannot accept your offer.the prices you quoted are much higher than those of other manufacturers.不幸的是,我们不能接受你方报价。你定 的价格都多高于其他厂家。

5.owing to a shortage of stock, we regret that we are unable to accept your repeat order.由于存货短缺,很遗憾,我们无法接受您的再次续单。

with your request for any further reduction.我们已经将价格到极限了。我们很 遗憾,因此,无法执行与你的要求任何进一步降价。

9.although we are anxious to open up business with you, we very much regret that we cannot reduce our price to the level you indicated 虽然我们渴望与您开拓业务,我们非常非常遗憾 我们不能将价格降到你所说的水准

11¥the price we quoted is quite reasonable.it has been accepted by other buyers at your end.我们的报价是比较合理的。其它买家已最终接受。

14.may we suggest that you should make some allowance on your quoted prices that would help to introduce your goods to this market? 我们可以建议你所报价格打些折扣吗?这将有助于介绍贵方的货物到这个市场。

19.as a token of friendship, we accept as an exception your counter-offer for5000 pairs of leather shoes at us$26 per pair.作为友谊的表示,我们破例接受贵方的还盘,皮鞋5000双,每双26美元。

20.our price has been narrowly calculated and it is impossible to make any further reduction.我们的价格是经过精确计算过的,不可能作出任何进一步降价。1.with reference to the faxes exchanged between us in the last few days, we are pleased to have been able to finalize the following transaction with you.在过去的几天中,我们经双方的传真往来很高兴已经能够完成以下与您交易。conclusion.由于交换之间的通信交流的记过,我们现在来了结论。

5.it is only in view of our long established business relationship that we accept your counter-offer.只是鉴于我们长期的业务关系,我们接受了你方的还盘。

10.we have been able to confirm the following order with you at your revised price我们已经能够在你修改后 的价格下您确认订单

11.our bankers are the hong kong &shanghai banking corporation in hong kong.who can provide you with the information about our business and finances 我们的业务银行是香港汇丰银行,他们可向你方提供有关我方的业务及资金情况。

13!although your price is below our level, we accept, as an exception, your order with a view to initiating business with you.尽管贵方价格低于我方报价,为了启 动我们之间的业务,我们还是破例接受你方订货? 17!it is in view of our long-standing business relations that we make you such a counter-offer.鉴于我们之间长期的贸易关系,特向贵方作如下还盘

6!a good beginning makes a good ending.we hope that from now on we will enjoy business relations that are profitable to both of us.“良好的开端意味着良好 的结束”。我们希望从现在起,我们将有一个对双方有益的贸易关系。

9.will you please send us your catalogue together with a detailed offer﹖ 请您发送给我们一个详细的报价与您的目录好吗?

10.please inform us of the prices of the products that you can supply.请告知我们产品的价格,你能供应的产品。

11.it shall be glad if you will send me your catalogue together with quotations 如能寄送产品目录及报价单将非常感谢。

12.this offer is firm subject to your immediately reply , which should reach us not later than the end of this month.there is little likelihood of the goods remaining unsold once this particular offer has lapsed.上述报盘,以你方答复在不迟于本月底前到达我方为有效。一旦此报盘过期,此货物不可能存留不售。!our terms are early delivery and cash payment after receipt of the material at our works,and verification of weight and quality 我方条件是尽早交货,并与我方工厂收到材料及核实质量和重量以现金付款。

18!a booklet including a general introduction, the scope of business and other topics is enclosed for your reference。随函附上公司概况、业务范围和其他方面的小册子一本供您参考.2!we cannot consider these prices firm for an indefinite period because of the situation on the coffee market.鉴于咖啡市场行情,我们无法长期保持这一价格不变 1!it is our usual practice to supply new customers with our goods for payment within one month from date of invoice, in the first instance, and later to extend this term to three months.我们通常的做法是:新客户首次订购我们的货物从结算 日起一个月内付款交货。之后则宽限至3个月。

6.!owing to heavy bookings, we cannot accept fresh orders at present.由于我们订单量过大,很遗憾不能接受新的订单。

7.we need the goods urgently and it is imperative that the ordered goods reach us by the end of this month.我们急需此货,因此所定货物务必于本月底之前运到。

8.we assure you that we shall effect shipment on the specified date in your order.我们保证将按贵方订单规定的期限装运。6.we have the pleasure ourselves to you with a view to building up business relations with your firm.我们有幸自荐,以期与你公司建立业务关系。

8.we are sending you by airmail a small sample.a copy of the relative description leaflet is enclosed.我们用航空邮件寄给你一个小样本。一份相对的随函附上说明书描述 9.since this is our first order, we hope you will do everything possible to ensure punctual shipment.既然这是我们的初次订货,望贵方尽一切可能,确保按期装运。

5.you may rest assured that this order will have our careful attention.请放心,本批订货定将妥善办理!

9.we would be pleased if you would let us have a list of items that are imported by you.我们非常希望您能给我们一份你方进口产品的清单。will you please let us have a list of items that are imported by you? 13!you must take into consideration when quoting a price that we may place regular orders for large quantities.你们在报价时要考虑到我们会经常性地大量订购? 14!kindly let us know the prices and quantities of the best refined sugar you are able to deliver to us.惠请告知大量购买优质白糖的价格。

this is our rock-bottom price;we can’t make any further reduction.这是我方的最低报价,我们不能再降价了?!there is great demand for this quality and our stock is exhausted.it will be 3 months before it is available again.此货需求量大我方库存已告罄。3个月后才能供货 illustrated catalogue 带有图片说明的目录表long-standing business relations 长期业务关系the price fixed at a reasonable level合理的定价place/book a trial order with sb.向„„试订货initial order 首次试订 initiate business with sb.开始与某人的贸易on the same terms as before 按照以往的条件

international/current market is weak 国际/目前市场疲弱meet sb.half way各让一半,折中处理

out of line with the market 与市场不一致in line with the market 与市场一致market price 市价

cancel an offer 撤销一项发盘withdraw an offer 撤回一项发盘;favorable price 最优惠价;dear sir or madam: we are pleased to accept your offer and confirm this order with the following particulars2: price: us$80 per dozen cfr seattle specification: s, m, and l equally assorted3 quantity: 2000 dozens packing: half a dozen packed in a cardboard box, six dozens to a carton payment: by irrevocable l/c at sight delivery: within 50 days after receipt of the covering l/c insurance: to be covered4 by the buyer please prepare the sales contract in both english and chinese versions.after signing the contract we will apply for the issuing5 of the l/c in your favor6 and trust you would receive it soon.we hope this initial deal will result in future transactions between us.your quick answer will be appreciated.sincerely yours, yang lei 得知贵公司的行名和地址,我们要感激英国驻北京大使馆商务参赞处,他们告知我们你公司拟购买牛仔裤。




期待早日收到你方询盘。dear sirs i engaged in a clothing import and export business.as you understand the scope of our business, have the honor to transmit herewith you shopped goods we import and export price list.our trade policy is equality, mutual benefit and exchange of needed goods on the basis of doing business with other countries, through joint efforts, both to promote trade and enhance friendship.look forward to receiving your inquiry yours faithfully,篇二:外贸函电上机实验报告及心得体会《trading correspondence》 实 验 报 告篇三:外贸英语函电实验报告 广东财经大学华商学院实验报告

实验项目名称 外贸英语函电课程名称 外贸英语函电成绩评定 良好 实验类型:验证型□综合型?设计型□ 实验日期 2014.2.25—2014.6.19指导教师 学生姓名 学号专业班级



12.We have seen your advertisement in China’s Foreign Trade and would be glad

if you will send us the particulars of bed sheets and pillowcases.我们已经看到贵公司的广告,在我国对外贸易中,会很高兴的如果你能寄给我们关于床单和枕套的详情。

15.We have ready buyers of these commodities and if your prices are com-petitive we have every reason to believe that we can place large orders with you.我们已准备好这些商品的买家,如果你的价格有竞争力,我们有充分的理由相信,我们可以提供贵方大订单。

17.We have an importer inquiring for woolen blankets and would like to obtain a

catalogue, and price list together with the samples as soon as possible.我们有一个进口商询问毛毯,想尽快获得目录,价格清单,连同样品。

18.We would be much obliged if you could quote us the best CIFC5% Shanghai

and indicate the respective quantities and various sizes that you could supply

for prompt shipment.我们将非常感谢,如果你能给我们报最好的成本加运保费至上海5%的折扣,并告知数量和各种尺寸,及时装运。

4.The offer will remain firm until March 31, 2007 beyond which date the terms

and prices should be discussed anew.此报价将会保持不变,直到2007年3月31日,超过此期限条件及价


5.As requested, we are offering you the following, subject to our final


6.As our market is now somewhat slow and prices are generally low, you are

very fortunate in making purchase at this time.由于我们的市场现已经有所放缓,价格一般都较低,你非常幸运,在此时购买。

10.We are glad to have received your letter dated November 14 for our bicycles.In reply to yourinquiry, we are pleased in making you the following offer.我们很高兴收到你11月14日来信我们自行车的询价,们很高兴并报盘如下

16.We regret to inform you that we do not have in stock the goods in the desired


2.Unfortunately we cannot accept your offer.The prices you quoted are much

higher than those of other manufacturers.不幸的是,我们不能接受你方报价。你定的价格都多高于其他厂家。

5.Owing to a shortage of stock, we regret that we are unable to accept your

repeat order.由于存货短缺,很遗憾,我们无法接受您的再次续单。

7.We have cut the price to the limit.We regret, therefore, being unable to comply

with your request for any further reduction.我们已经将价格到极限了。我们很


9.Although we are anxious to open up business with you, we very much regret

that we cannot reduce our price to the level you indicated

虽然我们渴望与您开拓业务,我们非常非常遗憾 我们不能将价格降到你所说的水准

11¥The price we quoted is quite reasonable.It has been accepted by other buyers

at your end.我们的报价是比较合理的。其它买家已最终接受。

14.May we suggest that you should make some allowance on your quoted prices

that would help to introduce your goods to this market?


19.As a token of friendship, we accept as an exception your counter-offer for

5000 pairs of leather shoes at US$26 per pair.作为友谊的表示,我们破例接受贵方的还盘,皮鞋5000双,每双26美元。

20.Our price has been narrowly calculated and it is impossible to make any

further reduction.我们的价格是经过精确计算过的,不可能作出任何进一步降价。

1.With reference to the faxes exchanged between us in the last few days, we

are pleased to have been able to finalize the following transaction with you.在过去的几天中,我们经双方的传真往来很高兴已经能够完成以下与您交易。

4.As a result of the exchange of letters between us, we have now come to the


5.It is only in view of our long established business relationship that we accept

your counter-offer.只是鉴于我们长期的业务关系,我们接受了你方的还盘。

10.We have been able to confirm the following order with you at your revised price我们已经能够在你修改后的价格下您确认订单

11.Our bankers are the Hong Kong &Shanghai Banking Corporation in Hong Kong.who can provide you with

the information about our business and finances 我们的业务银行是香港汇丰银行,他们可向你方提供有关我方的业务及资金情况。

13!Although your price is below our level, we accept, as an exception, your order

with a view to initiating business with you.尽管贵方价格低于我方报价,为了启


17!It is in view of our long-standing business relations that we make you such a


6!A good beginning makes a good ending.We hope that from now on we will

enjoy business relations that are profitable to both of us.“良好的开端意味着良好的结束”。我们希望从现在起,我们将有一个对双方有益的贸易关系。

9.Will you please send us your catalogue together with a detailed offer﹖


10.Please inform us of the prices of the products that you can supply.请告知我们产品的价格,你能供应的产品。

11.It shall be glad if you will send me your catalogue together with quotations


12.This offer is firm subject to your immediately reply , which should reach us not later than the end of this month.There is little likelihood of the goods remaining unsold once this particular offer has lapsed.上述报盘,以你方答复在不迟于本月底前到达我方为有效。一旦此报盘过期,此货物不可能存留不售。!Our terms are early delivery and cash payment after receipt of the material at our works,and verification of weight and quality 我方条件是尽早交货,并与我方工厂收到材料及核实质量和重量以现金付款。

18!A booklet including a general introduction, the scope of business andother topics is enclosed for your reference。随函附上公司概况、业务范围和其他方面的小册子一本供您参考.2!We cannot consider these prices firm for an indefinite period because of the

situation on the coffee market.鉴于咖啡市场行情,我们无法长期保持这一价格不变

1!It is our usual practice to supply new customers with our goods for payment within one month from date of invoice, in the first instance, and later to extend

this term to three months.我们通常的做法是:新客户首次订购我们的货物从结算


6.!Owing to heavy bookings, we cannot accept fresh orders at present.由于我们订单量过大,很遗憾不能接受新的订单。

7.We need the goods urgently and it is imperative that theordered goods reach us by the end of this month.我们急需此货,因此所定货物务必于本月底之前运到。

8.We assure you that we shall effect shipment on the specified date in your order.我们保证将按贵方订单规定的期限装运。

6.We have the pleasure ourselves to you with a view to building up business relations with your firm.我们有幸自荐,以期与你公司建立业务关系。

8.We are sending you by airmail a small sample.A copy of the relativedescription leaflet is enclosed.我们用航空邮件寄给你一个小样本。一份相对的随函附上说明书描述

9.Since this is our first order, we hope you will do everything possible to ensure punctual shipment.既然这是我们的初次订货,望贵方尽一切可能,确保按期装运。

5.You may rest assured that this order will have our careful attention.请放心,本批订货定将妥善办理!

9.We would be pleased if you would let us have a list of items that are imported by you.我们非常希望您能给我们一份你方进口产品的清单。Will you please let us have a list of items that are imported by you?

13!You must take into consideration when quoting a price that we may place

regular orders for large quantities.你们在报价时要考虑到我们会经常性地大量订购。

14!Kindly let us know the prices and quantities of the best refined sugar you are

able to deliver to us.惠请告知大量购买优质白糖的价格。

This is our rock-bottom price;we can’t make any further reduction.这是我方的最低报价,我们不能再降价了。

!There is great demand for this quality and our stock is exhausted.It will be 3

Months before it is available again.此货需求量大我方库存已告罄。3个月后才能供货

illustrated catalogue带有图片说明的目录表long-standing business relations长期业务关系the price fixed at a reasonable level合理的定价place/book a trial order with sb.向……试订货initial order 首次试订 initiate business with sb.开始与某人的贸易on the same terms as before按照以往的条件

make any further reduction再次降价(make a)Chambers of Commerce商会net price 净价

international/current market is weak国际/目前市场疲弱meet sb.half way各让一半,折中处理

net price without commission不含佣净价in duplicate 一式两份;in two originals 原件两份

out of line with the market 与市场不一致in line with the market 与市场一致market price 市价

Commercial Counselor’s Office商务参赞办公室without engagement无约束firm offer实盘lowest/best price 最低价counter-offer还盘make any further reductionas per attached list见附页 reference to 关于

cancel an offer 撤销一项发盘withdraw an offer 撤回一项发盘;favorable price 最优惠价;

rock-bottom price 底价a jump/slump(in price)(价格)飞涨/暴跌quotation sheet报价单set forth 规定buying price 买价竞争价;reasonable price 合理价competitive price 竞争价specifications规格date of delivery 交货期 regular order 定期购买;regular supply 定期供应as per sample按照样品reduce the price by 8%价格降低8%special discount特别折扣bulk buying大量购买retail price 零售steady demand稳定的需求ready market现成熟的市场(make an)offer, submit an offering 发盘alter an offer变更发盘 current price 现价selling price 卖价wholesale price 批发价offer from stock 供现货in view of...鉴于……;考虑到……as agreed 按照约定as requested 按照要求;as stated 如所述current price现行价格价Comprehensive illustrated brochure综合性带图解的小册子 date of delivery 交货期 quotation sheet 报价单 commercial counsellor 商务参赞

Dear Sir or Madam:

Thank you for your letter of May 13, 2007 concerning1 our order for T-shirts.We are pleased to accept your offer and confirm this order with the following particulars2:

Commodity: T-shirt

Price: US$80 per dozen CFR Seattle

Specification: S, M, and L equally assorted3

Quantity: 2000 dozens

Packing: half a dozen packed in a cardboard box, six dozens to a carton

Payment: by irrevocable L/C at sight

Delivery: within 50 days after receipt of the covering L/C

Insurance: to be covered4 by the buyer

Please prepare the sales contract in both English and Chinese versions.After signing the contract we will apply for the issuing5 of the L/C in your favor6 and trust you would receive it soon.We hope this initial deal will result in future transactions between us.Your quick answer will be appreciated.Sincerely yours,YangLei 得知贵公司的行名和地址,我们要感激英国驻北京大使馆商务参赞处,他们告知我们你公司拟购买牛仔裤。




期待早日收到你方询盘。Dear Sirs

Learned that the line of your company's name and address, and we should be grateful for the Commercial Counsellor's Office of the British Embassy in Beijing, they inform us about your company intends to buy jeans.Take this opportunity to sent a letter to your hopes to establish business relations with your company.I engaged in a clothing import and export business.As you understand the scope of our business, have the honor to transmit herewith you shopped goods we import and export price list.Our trade policy is equality, mutual benefit and exchange of needed goods on the basis of doing business with other countries, through joint efforts, both to promote trade and enhance friendship.Look forward to receiving your inquiry

Yours faithfully,


14.We are one of the largest food trading companies in Japan, and have

offices or representatives in all major cities and towns in Japan.我们是日本最大的食品贸易公司之一,并已在日本所有主要城市城镇的都有办事处和代表

18.Taking the quality into consideration, we accept your offer although your price

is somewhat higher than those of other manufacturers


19.This transaction, though small in amount, marks the beginning of our formal

business relationship.这笔交易金额虽不大,却标志着我们双方正式开始业务关系。

20.We thank you very much for your initial order and hope that this may be the

beginning of long and friendly relations between us.我们非常感谢您的第一


15.Your letter of November 21, 2007, addressed to our sister corporation in

Shanghai has been transferred to us for attention.你在2007年11月21日发到我们位于上海的兄弟公司的邮件/信件已经转到我们这里了

16.Our mutual understanding and cooperation could result in future business.我们之间的相互了解与合作可能会促进以后的合作。

17.We are striving to expand economic cooperation and exchange of

technology with foreign countries.We utilize common and reasonable

international practices in a flexible way.我们利用常见的和合理的以灵活的方式的国际惯例。我们正


19.If you are interested in establishing business relations with us in this line,

please let us know your specific requirements.We’ll be pleased to forward

samples, catalogues as well as detailed information.如果贵司有兴趣与我们建立业务关系,在此行中,请让我们知道您的具体要求。


20.We assure you that we will give our best attention to any inquiries from you.我们向你方保证我方将竭尽全力注意您的任何询问。

1.Will you please send us your illustrated/latest catalogue and full details of your

prices and terms of payment, together with samples﹖请寄给我们贵公司将附有


2.Please send me a description of your electric hedge trimmers.请寄给我描述一下贵方的电容器。

3.We would be pleased if you send us your lowest quotation for the following


4.A client of ours is interested in securing a certain quantity of Chinese Cotton

Piece Goods, as specified below, for which you are requested to make an


5.We have pleasure in informing you that we are interested in your plastic

kitchenware and would like you to make us an offer.我们很高兴地通知您,我们对您的塑料厨房用具感兴趣并希望您能给我们一个报价。

6.We have an inquiry in hand for a large quantity of Bitter Apricot Kernels.我们有大量苦杏仁的询价单提供

7.We understand that there is a good demand for glassware in your market,and take this opportunity of enclosing our quotation No.1338 for your


8.We are sending you by airmail a small sample.A copy of the relative

description leaflet is enclosed.我们用航空邮件寄给你一个小样本。一份相对的随函附上说明书描述。

9.Will you please send us your catalogue together with a detailed offer﹖


10.Please inform us of the prices of the products that you can supply.请告知我们产品的价格,你能供应的产品。

12.We have seen your advertisement in China’s Foreign Trade and would be glad

if you will send us the particulars of bed sheets and pillowcases.我们已经看到贵公司的广告,在我国对外贸易中,会很高兴的如果你能寄给我们关于床单和枕套的详情。

15.We have ready buyers of these commodities and if your prices are com-

petitive, we have every reason to believe that we can place large orders

with you.我们已准备好这些商品的买家,如果你的价格有竞争力,我们有充分的理由相信,我们


16.!We would be pleased if you would let us have a list of items that are

imported by you.我们非常希望您能给我们一份你方进口产品的清单。

17.We have an importer inquiring for woolen blankets and would like to obtain a

catalogue, and price list together with the samples as soon as possible.我们有一个进口商询问毛毯,想尽快获得目录,价格清单,连同样品。

18.We would be much obliged if you could quote us the best CIFC5% Shanghai

and indicate the respective quantities and various sizes that you could supply

for prompt shipment.我们将非常感谢,如果你能给我们报最好的成本加运保费至上海5%的折扣,并告知数量和各种尺寸,及时装运。

2!We cannot consider these prices firm for an indefinite period because of the

situation on the coffee market.鉴于咖啡市场行情,我们无法长期保持这一价格不变

4.The offer will remain firm until March 31, 2007 beyond which date the terms

and prices should be discussed anew.此报价将会保持不变,直到2007年3月31日,超过此期限条件及价


5.As requested, we are offering you the following, subject to our final


6.As our market is now somewhat slow and prices are generally low, you are

very fortunate in making purchase at this time.由于我们的市场现已经有所放缓,价格一般都较低,你非常幸运,在此时购买。

10.We are glad to have received your letter dated November 14 for our bicycles.In reply to yourinquiry, we are pleased in making you the following offer.我们很高兴收到你11月14日来信我们自行车的询价,们很高兴并报盘如下

13.We recommend that you take prompt advantage of this offer, which is firm for

three days until July 31, 2007

14.We are making you a firm offer of 30 metric tons Walnut meat at Euro¢2500

per metric ton CIF European main ports for November shipment.我们向你方报实盘30吨胡桃肉¢欧元2500每公吨CIF欧洲主要港口为十一月装船。

16.We regret to inform you that we do not have in stock the goods in the desired


17.Owing to the increased demand for this type of car, our stocks have run very


2.Unfortunately we cannot accept your offer.The prices you quoted are much

higher than those of other manufacturers.不幸的是,我们不能接受你方报价。你定的价格都多高于其他厂家。

5.Owing to a shortage of stock, we regret that we are unable to accept your

repeat order.由于存货短缺,很遗憾,我们无法接受您的再次续单。

7.We have cut the price to the limit.We regret, therefore, being unable to comply

with your request for any further reduction.我们已经将价格到极限了。我们很


9.Although we are anxious to open up business with you, we very much regret

that we cannot reduce our price to the level you indicated

虽然我们渴望与您开拓业务,我们非常非常遗憾 我们不能将价格降到你所说的水准

11¥The price we quoted is quite reasonable.It has been accepted by other buyers

at your end.我们的报价是比较合理的。其它买家已最终接受。

14.May we suggest that you should make some allowance on your quoted prices

that would help to introduce your goods to this market?


19.As a token of friendship, we accept as an exception your counter-offer for

5000 pairs of leather shoes at US$26 per pair.作为友谊的表示,我们破例接受贵方的还盘,皮鞋5000双,每双26美元。

20.Our price has been narrowly calculated and it is impossible to make any

further reduction.我们的价格是经过精确计算过的,不可能作出任何进一步降价。

1.With reference to the faxes exchanged between us in the last few days, we

are pleased to have been able to finalize the following transaction with you.在过去的几天中,我们经双方的传真往来很高兴已经能够完成以下与您交易。

4.As a result of the exchange of letters between us, we have now come to the


5.It is only in view of our long established business relationship that we accept

your counter-offer.只是鉴于我们长期的业务关系,我们接受了你方的还盘。

7.Though our negotiations have been lengthy and on-and-off, we have finally

reached a satisfactory agreement.10.We have been able to confirm the following order with you at your revised price我们已经能够在你修改后的价格下您确认订单

18!A booklet including a general introduction, the scope of business and

other topics is enclosed for your reference。随函附上公司概况、业务范围和其他方面的小册子一本

供您参考.13!Although your price is below our level, we accept, as an exception, your order

with a view to initiating business with you.尽管贵方价格低于我方报价,为了启


11.!We’d like to have your lowest quotations CIF Vancouver.我们希望有贵方的最优惠的温哥华到岸价

17!It is in view of our long-standing business relations that we make you such a


6!A good beginning makes a good ending.We hope that from now on we will

enjoy business relations that are profitable to both of us.“良好的开端意味着良好的结束”。我们希望从现在起,我们将有一个对双方有益的贸易关系。

1!It is our usual practice to supply new customers with our goods for payment

within one month from date of invoice, in the first instance, and later to extend

this term to three months.我们通常的做法是:新客户首次订购我们的货物从结算


6.!Owing to heavy bookings, we cannot accept fresh orders at present.由于我们订单量过大,很遗憾不能接受新的订单。

13!You must take into consideration when quoting a price that we may place

regular orders for large quantities.你们在报价时要考虑到我们会经常性地大量订购。

14!Kindly let us know the prices and quantities of the best refined sugar you are

able to deliver to us.惠请告知大量购买优质白糖的价格。

1!It is our usual practice to supply new customers with our goods for payment

within one month from date of invoice, in the first instance, and later to extend

this term to three months.我们通常的做法是:新客户首次订购我们的货物从结算


This is our rock-bottom price;we can’t make any further reduction.这是我方的最低报价,我们不能再降价了。

!There is great demand for this quality and our stock is exhausted.It will be 3

Months before it is avaiable again.此货需求量大我方库存已告罄。3个月后才能供货

illustrated catalogue带有图片说明的目录表long-standing business relations长期业务关系the price fixed at a reasonable level合理的定价place/book a trial order with sb.向……试订货

initiate business with sb.开始与某人的贸易on the same terms as before按照以往的条件

make any further reduction再次降价(make a)Chambers of Commerce商会net price 净价

international/current market is weak国际/目前市场疲弱meet sb.half way各让一半,折中处理

net price without commission不含佣净价in duplicate 一式两份;in two originals 原件两份

out of line with the market 与市场不一致in line with the market 与市场一致market price 市价

Commercial Counselor’s Office商务参赞办公室without engagement无约束firm offer实盘lowest/best price 最低价counter-offer还盘make any further reductioninitial order 首次试订as per attached list见附页cancel an offer 撤销一项发盘withdraw an offer 撤回一项发盘;favorable price 最优惠价;rock-bottom price 底价a jump/slump(in price)(价格)飞涨/暴跌quotation sheet报价单set forth 规定buying price 买价竞争价;reasonable price 合理价competitive price 竞争价specifications规格date of delivery 交货期 regular order 定期购买;regular supply 定期供应as per sample按照样品reduce the price by 8%价格降低8%

special discount特别折扣bulk buying大量购买retail price 零售steady demand稳定的需求ready market现成熟的市场(make an)offer, submit an offering 发盘alter an offer变更发盘

current price 现价selling price 卖价wholesale price 批发价offer from stock 供现货in view of...鉴于……;考虑到……as agreed 按照约定as requested 按照要求;as stated 如所述current price现行价格价Comprehensive illustrated brochure综合性带图解的小册子

Dear Sir or Madam:

Thank you for your letter of May 13, 2007 concerning1 our order for T-shirts.We are pleased to accept your offer and confirm this order with the following particulars2:

Commodity: T-shirt

Price: US$80 per dozen CFR Seattle

Specification: S, M, and L equally assorted3

Quantity: 2000 dozens

Packing: half a dozen packed in a cardboard box, six dozens to a carton

Payment: by irrevocable L/C at sight

Delivery: within 50 days after receipt of the covering L/C

Insurance: to be covered4 by the buyer

Please prepare the sales contract in both English and Chinese versions.After signing the contract we will apply for the issuing5 of the L/C in your favor6 and trust you would receive it soon.We hope this initial deal will result in future transactions between us.Your quick answer will be appreciated.Sincerely yours,YangLei


1.We intend to expand our business.我们打算扩大业务。2.Please let us know their financial status and reputation.fəˈnænʃəl [ˈsteitəs][ˌrepjuˈteiʃən]请告知该公司的财务状况和声誉。3.We will be much obliged for your introduction.对于你们的介绍,我们将不胜感激。4.We owe your name to the First Commercial Bank at your end.[kəˈmə:ʃəl]承蒙贵地第一商业银行告知贵公司名称。5.We take this opportunity to introduce ourselves …[ˌɔpəˈtju:niti][ˌɪntrəˈdju:s] 今借此机会向贵方自我介绍…… 6.We understand that you are well experienced in the export of engineering equipment with service.[ɪkˈspɪəri:ənst][ˌendʒiˈniəriŋ][ˈsɜːvɪs] 得知贵方对经营工程设备及售后服务等出口业务有丰富的经验。7.We are in the hope of opening an account with you.希望能和贵方开启交易关系。8.They are enjoying an excellent reputation.[ˈeksələnt] [ˌrepjuˈteiʃən]该公司享有极佳的声誉。9.You will be satisfied with our services.对本公司的服务你们会感到满意的。10.We enclose herewith a pamphlet introducing our business[ˈpæmflit] standing and outline, the complete catalogue of our goods, and some samples.[kəmˈpli:t] [ˈkætəlɔɡ]兹随函附寄一本介绍本公司业务声望及概况的小册子、完整的产品目录及一些样品。11.We wish to introduce ourselves as a reliable importer of textiles.[ˈtekstail]兹自我介绍,我们是一家可信赖的纺织品进口商。12.Be glad to enter into business relations with you.兹欣告,我方愿与贵方建立商务关系。13.We are sending you under separate cover our latest catalogue and pricelist covering our exports.[ˈsepəreit][ˈkætəlɔɡ]现另信封寄上我方出口产品的最新目录和价目表。14.Payment should be made by an irrevocable and confirmed letter of credit.[ˈkredit][ɪˈrevəkəbəl][kənˈfɜ:md]付款采用不可撤销报兑信用证。



TO :




Dear 对方联系人名称,Thank for your inquiry by fax of ________.We are pleased to quote you our best price with our terms as follows:




MEAS: ___cm(L)X ___cm(W)X ___cm(H)FOB PORT PRICE:REMARK:



Price can be negotiated according to different quantity.THANKS & BEST REGARDS.公司名称 CO., LTD.



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