
时间:2019-05-12 00:04:42下载本文作者:会员上传


How time flies!A term will come to an end.This is the first semester for me to learn English in class in the university since I admitted to the PHD.To be honest, I gained some harvest, but also find a lot of shortcomings in this semester.I deeply know that when we are not stick to learning English, it always goes from bad to worse.However, to my relief, my attitude towards English is positive.At least, I was never late for the class, let alone be absent of the class.Generally speaking, I always had previewed the text before the teacher taught it.Not only would I write down the explanations of the new words, but I would also finish the exercise all by myself.Sometimes it was difficult for me to translate Chinese into English correctly.But when I didn’t know how to translate the sentence in the exercise, I would turn to the dictionary for help rather than seek the answers from the internet.Besides, thanks to the morning reading, I could often learn the lesson thoroughly before the class.Frankly, I listened to the teacher carefully.Because the teacher did not just teach us the knowledge in the textbook, He also made some suggestions for our life.He recommended that we should learn some liberal arts to enrich our life due to the science we are major in.Moreover He reminded us to prepare for the employment in advance.I enjoy learning English in this way.However, sometimes I was yet absent-minded in the class.Sometimes I couldn’t help talking with others.(this phenomenon is rare)To make matters worse, I seldom answered the questions the teacher asked.As a matter of fact, sometimes even if I knew the answer or I had made the preparations, I would not put up my hand to answer the question.In a word, I lack the confidence and courage and this let me down.I have tried to stand up several times but I didn’t make it at length.That is to say, my performance in the class wasn’t so well.Worse still, in this term, I didn’t get involved in so many English competitions.To me, I lost a great many opportunities to improve myself.In a way it is my loss.Through such a term of learning English, in some aspects maybe I have improved my English.But what I find is that I’m getting more pessimistic.From the bottom of my heart, I prettily understand that I should attribute everything to my English pronunciation.As a result, I dare not to stand up to answer any questions.It is obvious that the inferior emotion leads to everything.Towards this problem, I must find a solution to tackle it.Fortunately we will have English class next term, I will still insist on studying English on my own, especially improving my pronunciation.Whatever the trouble I will confront with, under no circumstance will I give up.



Short words, carrying the full memory...Time flies, half a semester of freshman has been quietly flow away from our fingertips.Look back, the freshman semester still has a feeling.Next, I talk about two aspects of life and learning to talk about the harvest and experience of my last semester.The little birds just freed from that stressful high school, and they were filled with joy and excitement for the new life.Into university life to everything is so strange, but after a few weeks of the environment around the familiar, strange feeling disappear hide, began to enter the normal mode of learning life.Several societies have been added to add some color to the plain life.I joined the folk custom society, which gave me a deeper understanding and experience of folk customs.The activities carried out at one time increased the interaction between strange students.Come to the 2 class of the family planning department, a lot of tasks given by the counselor at the beginning, and sometimes go to her office after the late study.During that period, I felt tired and happy.The task that counselor taught me was very difficult, but it also taught me many things and made me understand a lot.This is an improvement in all aspects of your own, for example, the ability to communicate and communicate.When a thing is not properly done, the counselor will point me out in time, so it is very grateful to the counselor to give me the opportunity to exercise.I also feel a lot of the post in my class.Every time the group life theme class meeting is a workout for me, from the planning of the activities to the development of the activities and the presiding activities.Time and time activities are a challenge and exercise, at the same time, it also increases the cohesion of the students.The enthusiastic participation of the students made me feel the enthusiasm of life.I know that sometimes there is an incompetent place, I hope to improve in the next job, so that the ability to improve all aspects of their own.At the same time also attended lectures lectures and school grade two senior school that in which I also learned a lot of things, let me have a more profound understanding of the Communist Party, a party member to learn the identity of the strict demands on themselves.I have a lot of life for the first time in this half semester.The first time to donate blood 200ml is to donate blood before, which is distant and unfamiliar to me.Blood donation also marks our entry into the ranks of adults, indicating that we have the obligation to dedicate to the society.Volunteering for the first time.We volunteered in a new mood.But volunteering is not so easy.But we still persevered.Our classmates made us feel the joy of volunteering.For the first time, it represented the school of information technology and participated in the competition.The representative school took part in the “Yi Ban knowledge knowledge”, which made us feel a lot of pressure.But we won the first prize in the competition.After entering the University, the model of learning has changed, and we have also learned to adapt.We have added some new subjects, and we are slowly getting into it.Listen to the teacher carefully in class, the class to complete the learning method which the teacher assignments seriously let not fail the exam this semester.But in the university study is not confined to not fail the exam on the professional course, something even more in-depth understanding of some, this is a great help to our future work.I am also very grateful to my roommates, who have given me a lot of help in life and study, so that I can quickly integrate into the new life.


learning summary

a month had gone, but i felt that my gains were very little.in this month, i read some documents whose topics were labor relations, i found that a lot of were very similar, and some of them were so difficult that i could not understand them.at present, the labor relations in our country is not very harmonious, especially when the contract law had changed.i think the main problems the about labor relations are as follows: firstly, it is that the quality and legal awareness of the bosses and staffs were not very high, because of these a lot of disputes had happened.secondly, the laws in our country were not overall, as a result, the numbers of the contradictions were increased.thirdly, the government did not respect for the law enforcement, in some provinces, the government did not given the enterprises who had did some wrong things in order to their rapid economic development.i will spend a lot of time on them next month.


in this month, i got up at 6:40am and read english about an hour every morning.besides this, i spent more than an hour on listening to the new concept english.my english is very poor, i hope that i can improve my oral and listening english according to these.at last, i think that i have not found a correct way to carry out my study, i must change this situation timely.


The end of the year is often a time of many events--wrapping up business for the year while also wrapping holiday presents.This article presents something you can give to yourself--something that you can get done during the holiday lull or over some vacation days--a quick and easy process for examining what you've accomplished in your career this year and where you want to go with it next year.Of course, you may have already done at least some preliminary work on reviewing the year--especially if your employer hands out year-end bonuses or conducts year-end performance reviews--and if so, that's a good place to start your year-end review.But unlike your on-the-job performance review, the purpose of this article is to suggest you consider conducting an even more important assessment--taking stock of your career.Now is the perfect time to review where you are, where you've been, and where you want to go.Before you begin your assessment, take a moment to ask yourself the most important question: Am I happy and fulfilled by my job and career? No matter how successful you've been in the past 11 months, if you are fundamentally unhappy with your work, spend the vast majority of Don't rush your review.Consider using a weekend or one or more of your vacation days to reflect on your career.You don't need to--and probably shouldn't--complete all six steps in one sitting.Break it up over several days if you like.Step One: Review Career Goals.Did you set any goals for your career this year--formally or informally? Most people have some idea of what they want to accomplish next in their careers, such as getting a promotion and/or raise or perhaps achieving better work/life balance.Setting some goals is an important activity because goals help provide the focus you need to move your career forward--and to avoid distractions or activities that may slow your career progress(or worse, devalue you).So, if you had any goals for this year, answer these questions: * Did I achieve my career goals? * Am I satisfied with what I did relative to my goals? * Did anything happen to change my goals over the course of the year? * How should I modify my goals for next year? Step Two: Review Your Career Year.What have you done this year? This step is about documenting your career progression and identifying key achievements.Thinking about all you've done over the past 11 months or so, ask yourself these questions: * What have I accomplished? * What new skills have I acquired? * What have I learned? * What opportunities were gained and lost? * How am I better today than I was at the beginning of the year? Step Three: Develop Your Career Synopsis.Where are you in your career? Review all aspects of your career and examine where you stand at this juncture.Some questions to ask yourself: * Am I where I should be in my career? * What has helped or hindered my progression? * Am I happy with my current employer? * What are my strengths and weakness? Step Four: Envision Your Future.What's your next career step? Take some time to plan for next year(and perhaps beyond), picturing the path you want your career to take.Again, here are some questions to help you: * What do I want to be doing more of in my career? * What do I want to be doing less of in my career? * What's the next step in my career? * When should I be taking this next step? * What's my ideal/ultimate career dream? Step Five: Action Steps for Your Future.How will you get to that future career? Make a list of what you need to do--career goals for the coming year--to get to where you want to be next in your career.These might be things such as building your network, gaining additional experiences, changing employers, strengthening your career brand, or pursuing additional training/education/certifications.Questions to ask yourself: * What do I need to prepare myself for this next step? * Do I need to find a new employer to make the next step? * How do I position myself for this next step? Step Six: Share Your Career Vision.Are your career goals and action plans feasible? Schedule a meeting with your mentors and to get reactions to your plan, as well as advice for achieving it.Final Thoughts Once you've completed these six steps, you should not only know yourself and your career better, but have some specific goals and action steps to help you progress along a career plan.Another benefit from completing this year-end review is that the results from part of the analysis should assist you in updating your resume if you have not been keeping it current as the year progressed.Even if you are extremely happy with your employer, it makes sense to have a current resume for that once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, or worse, if your employer decides its time to downsize the workforce.年底事情多,一边忙着节日送礼,一边还要忙着做年终总结。你可以把这篇文字作为送给自己的一份礼物。你可以挑个节日空闲时间,或者干脆用几天假期对过去一年的工作做个回顾,同时展望一下明年的计划。



your year-end review focusing on self-assessment and discovering your career passion.在你开始评估之前,花点时间扪心自问一下这个最重要的问题:我的工作和职业能让我感到快乐和满足吗?如果你工作得不开心,那么无论过去一年你取得了多少成就,你都应该在年终总结中,花大力气去做自我评估并找寻你的工作热情。






我该怎么样去完善我明年的职业目标? 第二步:回顾一年工作。你今年都做了些什么?这一步是用来理清你的职业发展过程的,并且明确你都取得了哪些重要成绩。仔细想想你过去的11个月里都做了哪些工作,或者回答下列问题:

























Guangzhou Fashion Trade Co.Ltd.fifteen years celebration planning book The first will be the introduction, Guangzhou Fashion Trade Co., Ltd.from several aspects such as company profile,brand positioning, product image etc.The next fifteen years anniversary of objective, purpose, background, the theme, the total flow of activities, according to the general process of formulating relevant strategies.The fifteen years celebrations include three aspects: One, press conference Time: May 10, 2013 Two, fifteen anniversary celebration party Time: May 25, 2013 Three, “FF love” theme activities Time: June 1, 2012 Other promotional activities...Planning of the brand development strategy: We were together, together, together into fashion in the Chinese market brilliant tomorrow



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