八年级英语教案Lesson 102 教学设计方案

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第一篇:八年级英语教案Lesson 102 教学设计方案

八年级英语教案Lesson 102 教学设计方案

Lesson 102 教学设计方案

Teaching objectives:

Grasp the story and new words and useful expressions.Language focus:

New words and expressions

set off(from...to), on the first trip, over, enjoy oneself, iceberg, here and there, on watch, look out, sink, there is a hole in....lifeboat, make room for, thankful, join

Properties: Tape-recorder, Overhead projector

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Revision

Answer questions.1.Which subject do you like best? why?

2.Who is the most popular movie star at the moment?

3.What’s the most interesting story you know about?

Step 2 Leading-in

Show the students some facts about the Titanic.Say: Did you see that film? What do you think of the film?

Students talk about the film Titanic, and share information about the ship Titanic.Step 3 Reading

Play the video: Miss EVANS

Answer Who was Miss Evans?(She was a woman on the Titanic, who got out of a lifeboat to save a mother)

Play the tape for the students to listen and repeat.Answer the questions.1.When was the ship’s first trip?

2.Where was it from? Where was it?

3.How many people were on the ship?

4.How was the trip at first?

5.What happened the second night of the trip?

6.What did people do to escape?

7.What was the problem when people were in the lifeboat?

8.What did Miss Evans do?

9.What happened to the ship at last?

10.How many did people lost their lives?

Teach the new words: Titanic, set, set off, pleasant, iceberg, here and there, on watch, hole, and so on.Explains some new words and useful phrases.sink=go down, pleasant=happy, look out=be careful, make room for=give one’s seat to, take one’s place=sit in one’s seat.Step 4 Discussion

Get the students to talk about:

What do you think of Miss Evans?

What would you have done if you were on the Titanic when it sank?

What shall we learn from Miss Evans?

Step 5 Exercises in class

Fill in the blanks with the best answer.Mr.Swift was a sailor on a big ship.It went to China and Japan,___1__Swift was often on the ship for several months at a time.When he woke up in the morning and__2__out, he only saw the sea, or sometimes a port.When he was 23, Swift got___3___and bought a small house with a garden__4___his wife’s town.It was far away from the sea.Then he had to go back to his___5___, and he didn’t come home for two months.He went from the port to the__6__by bus, and was very happy to see his wife___7__.The next morning he___8__until nine o’clock.Then he woke up suddenly and looked out of the window.There were trees a few metres away.He was very__9__and jumped out of bed, shouting, We’ve___10__land.”





()2.A.started B.looked




B.worried C.married






()5.A.home B.ship



()6.A.station B.sea












B.frightened C.angry






Keys: 1.D 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.D 7.C 8.A 9.B 10.D

Step 6 Homework

1.Write about the ship Titanic.2.Make sentences with following phrases.set off, enjoy oneself, here and there, make/have room for, be on watch

3.Look up the new words in the article “WE LIVE IN AN ICEBOX!”.

第二篇:初三英语教案Lesson 72 教学设计方案

Lesson 72 教学设计方案

Properties: Recorder, Overhead Projector and a map of world.Teaching Objectives: 1.Practise listening ability.2.Revise the grammar: the Comparative Degrees of Adjective and Adverbs The Past Perfect Tense Language Focus: Checkpoint 18 Teaching Procedures: I.Showing the teaching aims II.Revision Check homework, then ask the students to read the partners' homework to share with each other.Revise the use of the Infinitive III.leading in T: Today we'll learn something about Coco.Do you know where she is from? IV.Listening practice Play the tape or for the students to listen and find the answer, then look at the workbook, Exercise 1, go through the questions with the students and make sure they can understand what they mean.Play the tape again, let the students discuss their answers in pains before the teacher checks the answers with the whole class.V.Presentation Show the students a map of the world, and ask: What map is it? Help the students find “China” and “India” on the map.Let the students discuss the two countries: They are developing countries.They have a large population in the world.Ask: What’s the population of China and what’s the population of India? Let the students read Part 2 and answer the questions.(China's population is 1 328 000 000 and India's population is 1 000 000 000).That’s to say India’s population is smaller than China’s.Ask the students to use the words in the box to complete the passage, then read together, finally ask the students to retell the text.VI.Practice Revise the Grammar: The Past Perfect Tense, give some examples: 1.He had left before his wife came back.2.I remembered that Peter had already got a bike.3.By the end of last month, he had learned 2000 new words.4.When I got to the cinema, the film had begun.Then ask the students to do Exercise 3.The answers are: 1 C 2 E 3 A 4 B 5 D.Let the students read these sentences together.VII.Practice Ask the students to do Exercise 4 first, then check the answers.The answers are: had, in, is, more, the, had, to, in, had, that, to, us, and, to VIII.Workbook Give the students five minutes to finish workbook.Do Exercises 1, 3 and 4.Then check the answers.The answers to Exercise 1 are: took, went, found, was, called, told, had happened, said, would go, came, was found, checked, founded, said, stole, went, enjoyed, came, found, had stolen, had The answers to Exercise 3 are: I worn out 2 try on 3 slow down 4 made up my mind 5 am pleased with 6 were angry with, deserve to 7 at least 8 as if 9 carried on IX.Summary Exercises in class Fill in the blanks according to the text in this unit.Lucy and Lily are___1___.They are living together___2___.But sometimes they fight.It doesn't last too___3___.They___4___very well with each other again.They look___5__, so it's hard for people to recognize them: Who is Lucy___6__Lily.We always___7___mistakes.They feel___8__.They like most of the same things, for example: music, food and___9__.But Lily likes to___10__, Lucy likes to___11__, they don’t like the same colour,____12___.So they have some___13____Sometimes they disagree, but they never___14__.They love each other and they are___15___happy that they are twins.Answers: 1.twins 2.most of the time 3.long 4.get on 5.the same 6.or 7.make 8.the same 9.books 10.dance 11.sing 12.either 13.differences 14.fight 15.both X.Homework Prepare for the final examination.

第三篇:LESSON 82 教学设计方案高中英语教案

teaching aims

1.study this lesson and know the way how learn foreign languages karl marx.teaching procedures step 1 pre-reading activity

let the students talk about the picture and say something about karl marx.step 2 fast reading

1.ask the students, to read the text quickly and do some true or false questions according to the text:

(1)karl marx was horn in belgium.(f)

(2)he was forced to leave his homeland when he was young.(t)

(3)marx made such rapid progress in english that engels telephoned him and praised him for it.(f)

(4)marx was good at learning foreign languages.(t)

(5)in one of his books, marx gave some advice on how to learn english.(f)step 3 intensive reading

1.listen to the tape.2.answer the questions in workbook lesson 82, part 1.step 4 deal with some difficult sentences

1.he made such rapid progress that before long he began to write articles it english for an american newspaper.2.however, he went on to explain that he was not sure about two things — the grammar and some of the idioms.3.in the 1870s, when marx wag already in his fifties, he found it important to study the situation in russia, so he began to learn russian.4.when they use the foreign languages, they should try to forget all about their own.step 5 practise

read the text and choose the best answer to each question.1.marx was forced to leave germany __________.a.when he was in his fifties b.when he was young

c.in the year 1849 d.because he made london the base for his revolutionary work.2.when mars.came to england, he ____________.a.knew little english b.knew some english

c.didn't know any english, but he knew french

d.knew english quite well

3.engels wrote to marx and praised him for his good english after he __________.a.read marx’s letters to him

b.received marx’s letters to him

c.read marx’s articles in an american newspaper

d.read the great works the civil war in france

4.choose the right order of the following events.a.marx received his doctor s degree.b.he and his wife had to move from one country to another

c.he went to high school.d.he began writing articles for a newspaper.e.he mole the civil war in france.f.he learned russian by himself.a.a, c, b, d, e, f b.(;, a, d, b, e, f

c.c, a, b, d, f, e 1).b, a, c, d., e, f

5.the last paragraph of the passage mainly tells us ________.a.that london was marx s revolutionary base

b.how marx began hi revolutionary work when he was young

c.why marx began to work hard at foreign language

d.why marx lived an unsettled life in his early life

6.which of the following best shows us that marx was able to use english freely?

a.he once worked and lived in london for a long time.b.he wrote the civil war in france in english.c.he had been able to write to engels in english.d.he had written articles in english for an american newspaper.7.if we want to use a foreign language freely, we must _______.a.learn by heart as many new words as we can

b.first make it clear how to use the grammar and idioms

c.always translate it into our native language first

d.try to forget our native language while we are using it

[bbcbdbd] step 6 deal with the language points.step 7 workbook

finish the exercises in workbook lesson 82, parts 2, 3.step 8 homework

1.retell the text with your own words.2.preparation the lesson 83.

第四篇:高中英语教案:《Mainly revision》教学设计方案


高中英语教案:高一英语《Mainly revision》教学设计方案

教学设计方案Lesson 29 Teaching Aims 1.To train the students’ ability of listening and improve their spoken English.2.To learn how to make an offer of food.3.To learn how to use the following useful words and expressions: offer a piece of help oneself to.4.To get the Ss to know some table manners.Teaching procedures Step I Presentation 1.T: We are going to learn some table manners and new words.(Write these on the blackboard).2.Competition: Write these columns on the Bb.The Ss work in groups.They have to write down the names of as many items of food as they can think of in English.See which group can write down the most items for each category.3.Teach the names of food, using some pictures on the projector or the real things.Then ask the Ss what kind of food they like to eat most.Step 3 Listening Tell the Ss that we are going to learn a dialogue.In the dialogue Jim and Bob are at Li Jia’s house for dinner.http://www.xiexiebang.com

1.Get the Ss to listen to the tape.2.After listening, ask the Ss to answer the questions.3.Get the Ss to listen to the tape again.This time listen and repeat.Step 4 Reading Ask the Ss to see how Li Jia offers food to the guests.T: Please listen to the tape carefully with your books closed.After that, you are to answer some questions.1)How many kinds of food do the friends talk about in the dialogue?(five)2)What are they?(beancurd, beef, chicken, pancake, soup)Step 5 Language study T allow the Ss enough time to discuss the difficult phrases or sentences.After that, ask some Ss to explain them.If they have any problems, the T explains them.1)Do you like...?(in general)Would you like...?(It’s more polite than “Do you want...now?”)2)How about some more beef?(There is no main verb here.This is acceptable in speech, but not usually in written English.)3)There’ s plenty more.=There’s plenty more beef.4)Next time you must come to us.=We will invite you to have supper at our house next time.5)Help yourself to...==Please take...for yourself.6)another piece of =one more piece of Step 6 Practice http://www.xiexiebang.com

1.Get the Ss to read the dialogue in pairs.Then ask some Ss to read it.2.Do Talking and Oral Practice on Page 29.3.Watch the video-taped performance of the dialogue.Step 7 Summary and further practice 1.Summary Go over the useful words and expressions and ask some Ss to make up sentences.2.Communicative activities Allow the Ss enough time to make a similar dialogue using the expressions and structures.3.Ask one or two pairs to act their dialogues out.Step 8 Homework Ask the Ss to finish the exercises on Page 92.教学设计方案Lesson 30 Teaching aims 1.To train the ability of skimming the text to find the general idea and scanning the text to locate the information quickly.2.To learn how to use the following words and expressions: room ,discover, arrive, make into 3.To review the Attributive Clauses.4.To let the Ss know some farm products.Step 1 Revision http://www.xiexiebang.com

1.Check the homework in the workbook first.2.Revise some new words suiting the pictures.Step2 Presentation 1.Ask the Ss the following questions 1)What’s your favorite food? 2)What food do people like in Shanghai/Sichuan/Tibet/the USA, etc.? 3)Do you like corn? Step3.Listening T play the tape to the Ss, then try to ask them the below.1)When was corn first brought to China? 2)Can you name some of the plants that were found in America? Answers: 1)Corn was first brought to China about 450 years ago.2)For example, beans, potatoes and other different fruits.Step 4 Reading T will give the Ss a few minutes to read it, then say something about the useful plant corn.2)Ask the Ss to skim the text to find the general idea.Answers: The passage talks about the food in the world.It tells us how corn, tomatoes and other plants were discovered.It mainly tells us how corn was discovered and taken to the other parts of the world and the my of making corn food.http://www.xiexiebang.com

Step 4.Language study Get the SB to look through the text and explain some language points and difficult sentences, if necessary the T can explain them again.1)There was not enough room.2)discovered the tomato 3)an open fire =a fire that bums in the open air 4)got angry =become angry Step 5Workbook Get the Ss to do Ex.2 &3 on Page 31 and Ex.1 &2 on Page 94.Step 6 Summary and further discussion 1.Retell the text.2.Discussion: 1)Do you think the agriculture is important? 2)How can you make contributions to the agriculture? 3)What have you learnt from the text? Step 7 Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in the Wb on Page 93 & 94.2.Read the text aloud and recite the third paragraph of the text.探究活动


1.play a role: What’s the favorite food? 教师拿出图片给学生看,组织学生两个人一组编写对话,说出自己喜欢的食物,教师与其他学生进行评定。

2.Discussion 教师给学生话题,How to be polite if you are invited to a dinner? 学生可分成几组进行,讨论完之后,教师进行总结,然后告诉学生更多有关餐桌礼节的有关知识。T: There are some differences in table manners between the western countries and China.If an American or Englishman invites you to dinner, you’d better arrive on time.You can arrive a few minutes late but you can’t arrive early.While eating, you’ d better put your table napkin on your knees not around your neck if there is any.In China, we usually serve dishes first and then soup, while in the West, people prefer to serve soup before dishes.In China, hosts are always toasting wine and picking up food for their guests again and again but in the west especially in America, hosts only offer food once.If you want to have more, just help yourself to it.Don’t pretend to be refined.The host won’t offer a second time.Hosts like their guests to help themselves.If you don’t know the taste of a dish, you can taste a little.You mustn’t refuse what your host offers you.If you don’t like it indeed, you can honestly say;Sorry.I’m not used to that.Thank you.But you must eat up all the food put in your plate, finish all the wine put in your glass.Don’t make any noises while eating.Don’t put your plate close to your mouth or put you mouth into the plate.You should help your host/ hostess to set the table before the dinner.After the meal you ought to offer your host the help to clear the table.来源:中师教育 www.xiexiebang.com

第五篇:LESSON 86 教学设计方案初中英语教案

1.掌握重点单词和词组:take an active part in, catch up with, neck and neck, go on doing sth,2.熟练掌握as„as 句型的用法.3.能读懂课文的短文并能回答问题。



step 1 revision.1.写出下列形容词、副词的比较级和最高级形式:good, far, long, short, slow.出示图片,根据图片提问:

what are the girls doing?

does zhang ping run faster than helen?

who win the game?

what are the boys doing?

who swims highest?

does jack swim as quickly as xiao an?

2.revise the vocabulary of sports meetings.a: which kinds of sports are there in a sports meeting?

b: there are 100-metre race, 400-metre race, 800-metre race, long jump and high jump, and so on.step2 presentation



ask the students to discuss the questions on page 37.then ask the students to discuss what is happening in the pictures on page 37.step3 reading

1.let the students read the passage to find the answer to the question: which two classes were in front?(class 1 and class 3)

2.ask the students to draw a chart of the race like this: valign=top width=54> valign=top width=67>lap1 valign=top width=81>lap2 valign=top width=103>lap3 valign=top width=103>lap4 valign=top width=54>class 1 valign=top width=67> valign=top width=81>yu yan valign=top width=103>wu peng valign=top width=103> valign=top width=54>class 2 valign=top width=67> valign=top width=81> valign=top width=103>dropped stick valign=top width=103>jiang honglin valign=top width=54>class 3 valign=top width=67>li lei valign=top width=81>jim valign=top width=103> valign=top width=103>lin tao valign=top width=54>class 4 valign=top width=67> valign=top width=81> valign=top width=103>fell hurt leg valign=top width=103>

who ran lap 1 for class 3?

3.listen to the tape, and answer these questions:

where did mr.hu stand?

who passed the stick to yu yan?

did he catch up with jim?

which class runner dropped the stick when he was passing it on to the last runner?

who hurt his leg and stopped running?

4.explain the language points.1)get ready to do/be ready to do 准备做„„ 例如:



i will get ready to leave for shanghai.i’m ready to help you.get ready/be ready + for sth.i'm ready(= i have got ready)for the exam.are you ready for the spelling? yes, we are all ready.2)but he quickly got up and went on running.但他迅速爬起来继续赛跑。

go on doing sth.意为:继续做某事。如:he went on talking about the film after the guest left.客人走后,他继续谈论那场电影。


he went on to talk about a film after the guest left.客人走后,他(改变话题)开始谈论一场电影。

这个句子的形式是:to go on to do sth.与go on doing sth.意思相近的有go on with sth., 例如:please go on with your work.请继续干你的工作。

3)he began to catch up with jim.他开始赶上吉姆了。

catch up with是追赶,赶上的意思。如:

1)you have to work hard in order to catch up with the others.你得努力学习,赶上别人。

2)you walk on and i'll catch up with you later.你接着走,我一会儿会赶上你的。

这一句也可写成:you walk on and i'll catch you up later.在朗读这个短语时,注意将短语中的副词up读得稍重一些;而将介词with读得稍弱一


4)pass„on to sb.把„„传给某人 on是副词,表示“继续,接着”,强调动作发生的连续性。pass的宾语是名词可位于on前或后,pass的宾语是代词必须位于on前。例如:

i’ll read the story after you, and then i'll pass it on to lucy.they both passed on their sticks/passed their sticks on at the same time.after you read the note, please pass it on.5.教师板书以下短语,要求学生用动作表演:

6.学生讨论: which class will win the match? and what happened in this match at last?

a: 学生先将比赛最后的过程写下来.(三五句话就可以)

b: 分小组进行讨论.c: 选出每小组写的比较好的同学读自己写的段落.step 4 summary


step 5 exercises in class


1.lily did _________ of all in the 200-metre race.bad luck!

2.walk down the road and you will see a large hospital ________ the end of the road.3.it's about supper time and they won't stop.they just work ________.4.look at the two dogs!one is sitting on _________.5.let's get ________ for the spelling!

6.what sports will you be ________ tomorrow?

7.we all know sam studies _________ carefully in our class.8.mary didn't run fast enough, but she ran _________ than lucy.9.jame sits ________ me and often pulls my hair in class.10.the two runners passed their sticks ________ the same time.keys: l.worst 2.at 3.on 4.the other 5.ready 6.in 7.most 8.faster 9.behind 10.at

step 6 homework

1.copy the words and the phrases.2.do the exercises 2.3 on page 104.3.retell lesson 86.4.finish the work book exercise.writing on blackboard valign=top>lesson 86the relay racelanguage points1.get ready to do sth./get read for sth.2.pass...on to sb.3.go on doing sth.= go on with sth.4.as...as at the end of the second lap class 3 runner and class i runner were neck and neck.

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