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Infinitives 动词不定式




3.掌握动词不定式用法/功能 4.掌握运用动词不定式注意事项 教学难点:动词不定式用法



Step1.出示幻灯片让学生了解动词不定式的几种形式 1.动词不定式的基本形式

 to + 动词原形

有时可以不带to(秃头不定式)2.动词不定式的否定形式 not/never + to do not/never + do 3.不定式的逻辑主语

It’s good for you to do morning exercises.The question is too difficult for us to answer.It’s too dark for me to see anything in the room.It’s very kind of you to think of the others.如果要说明不定式表示的动作是谁做的,可以在不定式前加一个for(of)引起的短语。介词for(of)的宾语叫不定式的逻辑主语。

Step2.请学生思考:动词不定式在句子中可以作什成分? 学生得出结论:

1.作 主语 2.作宾语

3.作宾语补足语 4.作定语 5.作状语 5.作状语 6.作表语



To see is to believe.It’s exciting to surf on the Internet


I want to go home.The workers decided to get better pay.I found it necessary to talk to him again.常用动词不定式作宾语的动词有: want, hope, wish, refuse, learn, would like, choose, decide, agree, pretend, expect, plan …

He found it very difficult to get to sleep 不定式作宾语时,如带有宾语补足语,则要把不定式放到后面,用it作形式宾语,构成“主语+动词+it+宾补(形容词、名词)+不定式”结构。感官动词和使役动词等后接不定式作宾补 时,需省to。但在被动语态中要还帽子。The boss makes them work 15 hours a day.I saw the accident happen yesterday.He was made to do his work(by me).(3).宾补

The teacher told me to clean the blackboard.I expect you to give me some help.He often helps me(to)repair my bike.常用动词不定式作宾补的动词有: tell, ask, want, warn, wish, allow, encourage, expect, teach, help(4).定语

I have something to say.He has a lot of homework to do.He is looking for a room to live in.There is nothing to worry about.动词不定式若在句中作定语,常放在被修 饰的名词或代词后。如果不定式中的动词 是不及物动词,则要带上与之搭配的介词,构成及物动词短语。(5)状语

He got up early to catch the train.Let’s stop to have a rest.I’m very happy to see you.He’s too young to go to school.She is old enough to dress herself 动词不定式作状语主要用来表示目的,原因,或结果等。(6).表语

My job is to help the patient.Your task is to clean the classroom.不定式可以放在be动词后,形成表语。(7)与疑问词连用

He didn’t know what to say.(宾语)

How to solve the problem is very important.(主语)

My question is when to start.(表语)不定式与疑问词who, which, when, how, what



在与why连用时,只用于why或why not开头的简短疑问句中,后面紧跟的动词不定式不带to。

Why do sth.? Why not do sth.? Step5出示幻灯片让学生注意几个易错点。


remember to do


remember doing 记得曾经做过某事

forget to do


forget doing


stop to do


stop doing


go on to do


go on doing

继续做原来在做的事 I remember seeing you somewhere before.我记得以前在哪儿见过你。

Please remember to turn off the light when you leave.离开时请记得关好灯。I forgot to tell her about it.我忘记告诉她这件事。I forgot telling her about it.我忘记了曾把这件事告诉过她。

2.感官动词后既可跟不带to的不定式作宾补,也可跟v-ing作宾补,前者表示动作的全部过程已结束;后者表示动作正在进行。I saw him come downstairs.我看见他下了楼。(说明他下楼了这件事)I saw him coming downstairs.我看见他在下楼。(说明他下楼时的情景)I heard someone calling me.I heard my name called.Step6.通过练习来加强学生对本课知识的掌握。

Fill in each blank with the proper word from the brackets: 1.Mike wants ________(go)to a park on Sunday.2.The teacher often tells us ___________(not be)late.3.My brother is too young ________(join)the army.4.It takes me an hour _____(do)my homework every day.5.Do you have anything _________(say)?

6.His parents often make him _______(do)a lot of exercises.7.He took lessons _________(learn)how _________(sing).8.Mother told him ___________(not play)football in the street.9.I’m very glad ____________(pass)the exam.10.Your skirt is nice.Let me _________(have)a look.11.The students were made ___________(copy)the text three times.12.You’d better ________(not go)there because it is dark.13.I have a lot of homework _________(do)every day.14.The little boy likes _____________________(answer)

questions.15.Would you like __________(join)us? 16.Mr.Wang taught me ___________(play)basketball.17.My watch needs _______________________(repair).18.I find it important ________(learn)English well.19.It is difficult ______________(answer)this question.20.Yesterday I saw the accident _________(happen).21.The important thing is __________(save)lives.22.I often help my mother ____________(do)housework.23.We often hear Mary ___________(sing)in her room.24.We are tired.Let’s stop ____________(have)a rest.25.It’s very kind of you __________(think)so much of us.26.It’s easy for me ____________(repair)the bike.27.There is nothing ___________(worry)about.28.I am rich enough ____________(buy)a car.29.Why not __________(go)with me? 30.Don’t forget _________(close)the door when you leave.Correct the mistakes: 1.The man was tired enough to stop having a rest.2.What words can you use describe the beautiful scene? 3.The teacher told us to not make so much noise.4.They are often seen play on the playground.5.You’d better not to go out alone at night.6.I want to find a chair to sit.7.It’s very nice for you to help me.8.It’s good of you to do morning exercises.9.He found this difficult to learn Japanese.10.I often hear him singing in the next room.11.He needs seeing a doctor.




不定式和动词-ing 形式都可以作宾语,为了方便记忆,现总结一些技巧和口诀:

1.通常只能接动词-ing 形式作宾语的动词(或动词短语):

建议抵制享受——(suggest,advise; resist; enjoy)

考虑承认冒险——(consider; admit; risk)

避免推迟实践——(avoid; delay; practise)

期待成功完成——(look forward to; succeed in; finish)


agree(同意); offer(提出); intend,plan(打算,计划); demand,ask(要求); promise(答应); help(帮忙); prepare(准备); decide(决定); refuse(拒绝); dare(敢于); choose(选择); wish,hope,want,expect(希望,想要); fail(不能;忘记); pretend(假装); manage(设法); determine(决心)同意提出做计划,要求答应来帮忙。



3. 既能接不定式,又能接动词-ing 形式,但意思不同的动词或词组:

即“四„记‟”“力争”“不后悔”。四“记”指“记得、记住(remember)”;“忘记(forget)”“计划、打算(mean)”;“继续(go on)”;力争指“try”;“不”“后悔”指stop与regret。


请翻译下列句子,并用心体会动词不定式和动词-ing 形式的不同含义。

1.The doctor tried to cure the woman of her illness, so he tried treating her with a new medicine.2.The teacher asked us to go on reading the text instead of going on to do the exercises.3.What a poor memory!I forgot borrowing money from him yesterday.But today I forgot to return the money to him again.4.When the teacher said angrily, “Stop talking, children”, the pupils stopped to write their compositions.5.I regretted to tell him that he had been dismissed.To my surprise, he said to me, “I am not sad, I only regret having taken the wrong job.”

6.— Remember to return the bat to me.— But I remember having returned it to you.综合练习:


1.It was clever ______ you ______ this question.A.of;to answerB.of;answerC.for;to answerD.for;answer

2.Andy has ______ for five years.Five years______ a long time.A.come back home;isB.come back home;are

C.been at home;isD.been at home;are

3.I‟m hungry.I would like to have __________ nice to eat.A.anyB.somethingC.anythingD.some

4.I‟ve decided _________ it myself.A.doB.doingC.didD.to do

5.You ______ be late for class.You must get to school on time.A.canB.mustC.can‟tD.may

6.taking photos in the park this afternoon?

A.Let‟sB.You shouldC.Why notD.How about

7.We didn‟t hold the football match ________ the heavy rain.A.becauseB.sinceC.because ofD.about


A.Do, goB.Have , goneC.Did, goneD.Have, been

9.Have you finisheddinner, Mum?I‟m hungry now.A.cookingB.cooksC.cookD.cooked

10.So far, China up man-made satellites to space.A.sendB.sentC.have sentD.has sent

11.---do you clean your classroom?---Once a day.A.How manyB.How longC.How oftenD.How much

12.---have you lived in that old house?

---For nearly twenty years.(Or: Since nearly twenty years ago.)

A.How soonB.How farC.How oftenD.How long

13.Children‟s Day is coming.Mrs.Lee is going to buy some DVDs for her son, ?

A.isn‟t heB.isn‟t sheC.is sheD.ishe

14.Mr.Green has little time today, ?

A.have heB.hasn‟t heC.does heD.doesn‟t he

15.---What was he doing at this time yesterday?

---Heto sing a song in English.A.was tryingB.is triedC.is tryingD.was tried

16.Please stop ‟s time for class.A.talkB.to talkC.talkedD.talking

17.---How much do youfor your new bike?--About $300.A.costB.payC.takeD.spend

18.of your parents are teachers.A.AllB.BothC.NeitherD.Either

19.---Why does he look ?---He doesn‟t feel today.A.sad, wellB.sadly, wellC.sad, goodD.sadly, good

20.If you want to

A.buy some foodB.read booksC.have dinner D.call your friends

21.Let me tell you my house.A.the wayB.way toC.the way toD.way

22.We decided to the teahouse.A.goingB.wentC.goD.to go

23.the weather like today?It‟s rainy.A.How‟sB.HowC.WhatD.What‟s

24.It will be tomorrow.A.snowB.snowyC.snowsD.to snow

25.3.I have a garden _______ many flowers and trees.A.withB.ofC.inD.to

二、典型句型练习:根据所给汉语提示, 写出所缺的英文.A)完成句子


Thanks for your last message, it was great to _______________ you.2.我还喜欢运动,特别是打网球。

I enjoy sports ________________, especially tennis.3.但是想起那些濒危动物来,真让人伤心。

But it‟s sad to think about all those animals _______________.4.故事发生在老北京的一个茶馆里。

It ___________________ in a teahouse in old Beijing.5.带上你的照相机是个不错的主意。

It is a _________________ to bring your camera.B.句型转换


1.He likes classical music.(改为一般疑问句)

________ he like classical music?

2.He has never been to the USA.(完成反意疑问句)

He has never been to the USA, _________ he?

3.I have some bread for my breakfast.(对划线部分提问)

How ________ bread do you have for your breakfast?

4.The policemen haven‟t found anything in the room yet.(改为同义句)

The policemen have found _______ in the room yet.5.Because it‟s raining, we must stay at home.(改为同义句)

We must stay at home ____________________ the rain.三.完形填空。(20分)

Jane is a nice girl and likes small animals.On her way back from schoolafternoon, she always stopsthe animals in the pet(宠物)shop.She likes to see the dogs.One of them is a little white dog, and Jane likes it.Shethe dog in the pet shop.She often forgets(忘记)the time.So she comes home very.One day her parents asked she was late.Jane told them about the dog in the pet shop.The next day Jane stopped to lookthe window of the pet shop, but she could notthe dog.She was very sad and went home early.When she home, her mother showed her a big cake and her father gave her the little white dog from the pet shop.It was her birthday.Jane was very glad.From that day, she did not come home late.She ran home early to play with the little white dog every day.1.A.each oneB.everyC.thisD.×

2.A.looking atB.looks atC.to look atD.looked at

3.A.very manyB.very muchC.veryD.little


5.A.to playB.playC.playedD.plays




9.A.lookedB.looked atC.sawD.see

10.A.gotB.got toC.arrived inD.arrived at


“Cool”is a word with many meanings.Its old meaning is used to express(表达)a temperature that is a little bit cold.As the world has changed,the word has had many different meaning.

“Cool”can be used to express feelings of interest in almost anything.

When you see a famous car in the street,maybe you will say,“It‟s cool.”You may think,“He‟s so cool,”when you see your favourite footballer.

We all maximize(扩大)the meaning of“cool”.You can use it instead of many words such as “new” or “surprising”.Here‟s an interesting story we can use to show the way the word is used.A teacher asked her students to write about the waterfall(瀑布)they had visited.On one student‟s paper was just the one sentence(句子),“It‟s so cool.Maybe he thought it was the best way to show what he saw and felt.

But the story also shows a scarcity(缺乏)of words.Without “cool”,some people have no words to show the same meaning.So it is quite important to keep some credibility(可信性).Can you think of many other words that make your life as colourful as the word “cool”? I can.And I think they are also very cool.

1.We know that the word“cool has had ________.A.only one meaningB.no meanings

C.many different meaningsD.the same meaning

2.In the passage,the word“express”means“________”.A.seeB.showC.knowD.feel

3.If you are _______ something,you may say,“It‟s cool.”

A.interested inB.angry about

C.afraid ofD.unhappy with

4.The writer takes an example to show he is ________ the way the word is used.

A.pleased withB.strange toC.worried aboutD.careful with

5.In the passage,the writer suggests(暗示)that the word “cool”________.

A.can be used instead of many wordsB.usually means something interesting

C.can make your life colourfulD.may not(可能不)be as cool as it seems


The world itself is becoming much smaller by using modem traffic and modern communication means(通讯设备).Life today is much easier than it was hundreds of years ago, but it has brought new problems.One of the biggest is pollution(污染).To pollute means to make things dirty.Pollution comes in many ways.We see it, smell it, drink it and even hear it.Man has been polluting the earth.The more people, the more pollution.Many years ago, the problem was not so serious because there were not so many people.When the land was used up(用完)or the river was dirty in one place, Man moved to another place.But this is no longer true.Man is now slowly polluting the whole world.Air pollution is still the most serious.It's bad for all living things in the world, but it is not the only one kind of pollution.Water pollution kills our fish and pollutes our drinking water.Noise pollution makes us angry more easily.Many countries are making rules(法规)to fight pollution.They stop people from burning coal(煤)in houses and factories in the city, and from putting dirty smoke into the air.Pollution by SO2 is now the most dangerous kind of air pollution.It is caused(引起)by heavy traffic.It is sure that if there are fewer people driving, there will be less air pollution.The earth is our home.We must take care of it.That means keeping the land, water and air clean.And we must take care of the rise in population at the same time.1.Our world is becoming much smaller ___.A.because the earth is being polluted day and night.B.thanks to science development

C.because of the rise in population

D.because the earth is blown away by the wind every year

2.Thousands of years ago, life was ____ it is today.A.much easier thanB.as easy asC.as hard asD.much harder than

3.Pollution comes in many ways.We can even hear it.Here “it” means ____.A.water pollutionB.air pollutionC.noise pollutionD.rubbish(垃圾)

4.Air pollution is the most serious kind of pollution because ____.A.it's bad for all living things in the worldB.it makes much noise

C.it makes our rivers and lakes dirtyD.it makes us angry more easily

5.Which of the following is NOT true? ______

A.Many countries are making rules to fight pollution.B.The pollution of the earth grows as fast as the world's population does.C.If people could go to work by bus or bike instead of car or motorbike it would be helpful in fighting against the problem of SO2.D.The problem of pollution is not so serious because there are not so many people living on the earth.




1.学会什么是动词不定式 2.会使用动词不定式 重难点

1.能正确的使用动词不定式的各种用法 教学步骤

Grammar: 动词不定式 Ⅰ.不定式句法功能

1.作主语:The cat said, “To take roller coaster” is terrible.不定式短语作主语时,可以直接放在句首,但在很多情况下,尤其是在疑问句和感叹句中,往往放在谓语之后,而用先行代词it作形式主语。→ The cat said, “It’s terrible to take roller coaster.” How long did it take you to take roller coaster? How terrible it is to take roller coaster? 不定式作主语常见句型:

a)It is + adj.(easy, important, difficult…)+ 不定式

b)It is + n.(a pity, a pleasure, one’s duty, a shame)+ 不定式

eg.It’s my duty to teach you how to be a student of No.3 Middle School.c)It takes/needs/requires + some time(hours, months, days, patience…)+ 不定式 eg.It requires patience to be a good teacher.2.作表语:当句子的主语是aim, idea, policy, question, suggestion, wish, task, duty, job, purpose等或者主语是what引导的名词性从句时,后面可以用不定式做表语,用以说明主语所包含内容。

eg.Our most important task now is to make a plan.注:作表语的不定式都带to,但当主语部分有实义动词do时,to可以省略。eg.The only thing we can do now is wait and see.3.作宾语

The cat said “Remember not to take it next time!”.a)可以直接用不定式作宾语的动词很多,常见的有:agree, afford, tend, ask, decide, determine, expect, fail, hope, learn, intend, manage, offer, plan, promise, refuse, want, wish等 I don’t want _____ like I’m speaking ill of anybody, but the manager’s plan is unfair.A.to sound B.to be sounded C.sounding D.to have sounded 当不定式短语比宾补长时,往往将不定式放到宾补后,而用先行代词it作形式宾语,常用动词有feel, think, find, believe, consider, make等。The cat felt it terrible to take roller coaster.b)不定式一般不作介词的宾语,只有少数介词如but, except等后面可以跟不定式作宾语。一般情况下作介词宾语的不定式都带to,如果but或except所在句子里的谓语动词都是实义动词do, does, did时,通常省略to。Eg.We have no choice but to wait.Cf.We can do nothing but wait.4.宾语补足语


a)通常作宾语补语的不定式要带to,常用于以下动词之后:ask, tell, advise, allow, enable, expect, force, get, like, order, teach, want, invite, wish, beg等 You should get them to help you.但在谓语动词believe, find, think, feel, consider, suppose, imagine, prove等后面跟to be…作宾补,不跟to do…

eg.They believe him to be honest.b)以下两类动词后跟不定式作宾补时不能带to ①一些表示“致使”意义的动词,如:let, have, make等

②一些表示感觉的动词,如:hear, feel, see, watch, notice等 Don’t let the children trouble you.I heard someone open the door.但当这两类动词为被动态时,不定式就成了主补。作主补的不定式必须加上to His father made him go to bed early.→He was made to go to bed early by his father.5.作定语


①能带不定式作宾语的动词,其同源名词可以带不定式作定语。常见的有attempt, decision, promise, plan等

eg.He hasn’t kept his promise to write to his parents regularly.②常与不定式搭配的形容词,其同源名词一般可以用不定式作定语。常见的有ability, determination, anxiety, eagerness等

eg.His eagerness to finish his homework was quite clear.③序数词形容词最高级或被only, last, next等修饰的名词可以用不定式作定语: She was the only person to survive after the earthquake.Tips: 不定式在作定语时,有时与被修饰的名词有意义上的主谓关系、同位关系、动宾关系,如果该不定式是不及物动词,它后面需要加上适当介词。Eg.He’s always the first to come and the last to leave.主谓关系

I’ve no time to listen to your excuse.同位关系

She has a meeting to attend.(动宾关系=attend a meeting)

There’s nothing to worry about.(动宾关系=worry about nothing)6.作状语


①to…, in order to …, so as to …(不能放在句首)作目的状语

All these gifts must be mailed immediately _____ in time for Christmas.A.in order to have received B.in order to receive C.so as to be received D.so as to be receiving ②在so…as to, such….as to, only to …结构中不定式作结果状语,其中only to…用于表示意想不到的结果。

He hurried to the station only to find the train had gone.③enough to, too…to结构 eg.The boy isn’t old enough to go to school.= The boy is too young to go to school.④形容词(happy, glad, lucky, fortunate, surprised, angry, anxious, ready, quick, slow, cruel, clever等)+ 不定式结构 eg.I’m glad to meet you.The question is different to answer.He is hard to get along with.7.作插入语,用来说明说话人的态度、看法、对整个句子进行解释,如to be frank(坦白地说),to be sure(确实)等。Eg.To tell you the truth, I hate you.8.作同位语

eg.The order to start the general attack soon came.不定式的复合结构,以it为形式主语或形式宾语引导的复合结构,如果其前的形容词是指行为的性质就用:for sb.to do sth.这种复合结构在句中可作主语、表语、宾语、定语、状语等。

It is necessary for me to learn English well.如果该形容词是指行为的性质,同时又指行为的人,则用of sb.to do sth.。这种句式中的常用形容词有:right, wrong, brave, careful, careless, clever, wise, stupid, cruel, foolish, good, honest, kind, nice, silly等。

eg.It’s very kind of you to come to see me.连接代(副)词+不定式(包括whether, what, which, whom, where, when, how, 不包括why),在句中起名词的作用,通常跟在诸如tell, know, show, decide, learn, wonder, explain等动词后作宾、主语或表语。

Eg.No one can tell me where to find John.When to the exam is still unknown.The problem is how to get enough money.不定式的进行式、完成式和被动式

①不定式的进行式由to be + V-ing构成,用来表示谓语动词动作发生时,不定式的动作正在进行。

Eg.Some students pretended to be reading English when the teacher came in.②不定式完成式由to have + V-ed构成,用来表示动作发生在谓语动作之前。Eg.---Is Bob still performing?---I’m afraid not.He is said _______ the stage already as he has become an official.A.to have left B.to leave C.to have been D.to be left 答案是A ③不定式的被动式分为一般式被动to be V-ing和完成式被动to have been V-ed。当不定式的逻辑主语是不定式所表示的动作的承受者时,不定式要用被动语态。Eg.It is an honour for me to be invited to the party.The book is said to have been translated into many languages.All these gifts must be mailed immediately _____ in time for Christmas.A.in order to have received B.in order to receive C.so as to be received D.so as to be receiving





例如:To be a doctor is hard.做医生很难。

To learn English well is not easy.学好英语不容易。


It is hard to be a doctor.It is not easy to learn English well.如果动词不定式的动作是谁做的,可以在动词不定式前面加一个由介词for引导的短语,称为不定式的复合结构。例:

It’s good for us to read English aloud in the morning.对我们来说每天早晨大声读英语是很有益的。

It is important for students to use English every day.对学生来说每天使用英语是很重要的。



His work is to drive a car.他的工作是开车。

Her ambition is to be a doctor.她的理想是当医生。


动词不定式(短语)可以放在一些动词后面用作宾语,能以动词不定式作宾语的动词有:begin,start, want, forget, remember, show, learn, like, hate, love, ask等。例:

eg:They begin to work at eight every morning.他们每天早晨8点开始工作。

Don’t forget to lock the door.别忘了锁门。

Would you like to go and have a picnic with us tomorrow?



(1)He wants to go and have a swim with us.他想和我们一起去游泳。


He found it hard to catch up with others.他觉得赶上别人很困难。


The teacher asked us to read English for half an hour in the morning.老师让我们早晨读半小时英语。

Please let me help you.让我来帮助你。

动词不定式作宾语补足语,表示宾语所做的动作,可以用动词不定式作宾语补足语的动词有:tell, ask, want, like, invite, encourage, help等。但在let, make, see, watch, hear, feel, notice, have等感官听觉动词或使役动词后面作宾语补足语的动词不定式一般要省略动词不定式符号“to”,可以归纳为以下三种句式:


tell /ask / want / would like / wish / like / invite /encourage /teach sb.to do sth.例:I want you to go now.我想让你现在就走。

Her parents wish her to be a teacher.她父母亲希望她当老师。


Let / make / have sb.do sth.Let the boy go out now.让那个男孩出去。

The boy made the baby cry.男孩弄哭了这个小孩。

see / watch / hear / notice / feel sb.do sth.I saw the students play basketball on the playground yesterday.昨天我看见学生们在操场打篮球。

I often hear the girl sing in the next room.我经常听到女孩在隔壁唱歌。


help sb.(to)do sth.I often help my mother(to)do housework.我经常帮妈妈做家务。


(1)Tell them not to play football in the street.告诉他们不要在街道上踢足球。


Let the boy not go.让那个男孩别走。


The boy made the baby cry.The baby was made to cry by the boy.那个孩子被男孩弄哭了。



Who was the first one to arrive?


She has no paper to write on?


The best way to learn English is to use it.学英语最好的方法是使用它。

When is the best time to plant vegetables?



He has no house to live in.他没有房子住。


动词不定式作目的状语常用在go, come, hurry等不及物动词后,表目的。

They got up early to catch the early bus.他们早起去赶早班车。


To early English quickly and well, he went to England.为了更快更好地学英语,他去了英国。七.不定式和疑问词连用,可以作句子的主语、宾语、表语等。例:The problem is where to get a computer.(表语)

No one knows how to do it.没有人知道如何做这件事。(宾语)

I really don’t know which one to choose.(宾语)


When and where to have the party is not known.(主语)



I don’t know what to do next.我不知下一步该做什么?

I don’t know what I should do next.【模拟试题】(答题时间:30分钟)


6.The man refused(拒绝)_____ back his words.A.to take




11.My father was too angry _________ a word.A.to say

B.not to say

C.to saying

D.didn’t say

12.My brother was old enough ________ to school.A.went



D.to go

13.It is time ________ him ________ supper.A.of, to have

B.for, to have

C.of, having

D.for, to has

14.It’s very kind _______ you ______ me.A.of, to help

B.for, to help

C.of, help

D.of, helping

15.It’s important _________ our classroom clean every day.A.kept

B.to keep

C.to give


16.Before liberation(解放)they had no chance _______ to school.A.went


C.to go

D.to be gone

17.He said he had an important meeting ________.A.attend

B.would attend


D.to attend

18.Please give me a piece of paper ________.A.to write

B.to write on


D.to write it

19.I don’t know _______.A.what do

B.what will do

C.what to do

D.do what

20.Your radio needs ________.A.to be repaired

B.to repair


D.to repairing

21.My wish is ________ a teacher.A.becoming

B.to become



22.I want ________ him a letter now.A.to write

B.not write



23.It took us three days _________ the trees.A.plant


C.to plant


24.Why not ________ here _______ me?

A.to come, to see

B.come, to see

C.came, seeing

D.come, see

25.He wishes me ______ my best _________ hard at English.A.to do, to work

B.doing, working

C.to do, working

D.do, work

26.Please tell me ________ her.I have something _______ her.A.where to find, telling

B.where to find, to tell

C.where can find, to tell

D.where finding, telling

27.How happy they are ______ each other again!

A.to see



D.being seen

28.They decided(决心)_______ a letter ______ their thanks.A.to write, expressing(表达)

B.writing, express

C.write, expressed

D.to write, to express

29.The officer ordered(命令)him _______ down _________ a rest.A.lying, have

B.to lie, to have

C.to lie, having

D.lie, had

30.The headmaster called on(号召)us ______ hard for our country.A.to work



D.to working






















定语从句(Attributive Clauses)在句中做定语,修饰一个名词或代词,被修饰的名词,词组或代词即先行词。定语从句通常出现在先行词之后,由关系词(关系代词或关系副词)引出。

关系代词有:who, whom, whose, that, which等。

关系副词有:when, where, why等。18.1 关系代词引导的定语从句



1)who, whom, that


Is he the man who/that wants to see you?


2)Whose 用来指人或物,(只用作定语, 若指物,它还可以同of which互换)

3)which, that 它们所代替的先行词是事物的名词或代词,在从句中可作主语、宾语等,例如:


1)when, where, why

关系副词when, where, why的含义相当于“介词+ which”结构,因此常常和“介词+ which”结构交替使用,例如:Is this the reason why(for which)he refused our offer? 这就是他拒绝我们帮助他的理由吗?


that可以用于表示时间、地点、方式、理由的名词后取代when, where, why和“介词+ which”引导的定语从句,在口语中that常被省略,例如:

His father died the year(that / when / in which)he was born.他父亲在他出生那年逝世了。


This is the mountain village where I stayed last year.1.As far as...is concerned 至今...被认为是...2.It goes without saying that...不用说...(意思是:论述的内容是显而易见的)3.It can be said with certainty that...3.不用说...;...是肯定的。4.As the proverb says 4.有句谚语是这样说的...;常言道...5.It has to be noticed that...5.必须引起注意的是...6.It`s generally recognized that...6.通常认为...7.It`s likely that 7.很可能...8.It`s hardly that...8.hardly表否定,...不被经常说起;我们很少谈到...It’s hardly too much to say that...8.hardly表否定,...不被经常说起;我们很少谈到...What calls for special attention is that...9.需要引起特别注意的是...There’s no denying the fact that...10.事实不容否认...Nothing is more important than the fact that...11.没有比这更重要的是...what’s far more important is that...12.意思同上,更重要的是...As time goes by,.....随着时间的流逝 There is no doubt that...毫无疑问...As far as I'm concerned, I think....就我而言,我认为...It is said that...据说...Two heads are better than one.三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮。It is...that...强调句

It is important for sb to do sth.there be句型

Compared with A, B is more...与A相比,B更...in my opinion 在我看来

It is high time that we did sth.是我们做..的时候了。Only in this way, can wei solve this problem properly.只有这样我们才能妥善解决这个问题。sth is so...that...如此..以至于..not only...,but also...不仅...而且...To be honest

To tell the truth 老实说来 too..to 太..以至于不能..On one hand,..on the other hand,..一方面..另一方面...高考英语翻译(Jan..30)中译英常设考点









9、成语英译 一:形式主语或形式宾语it

1、It’s + adj.+ of/for sb.to do sth.Eg.It’s so careless of you to make so many spelling

mistakes in the English exam

2、It so happened that…

Eg.It so happened that I didn’t have any money on me.3、It’s reported/ believed/ estimated that…

It’s estimated that about 30 passengers were killed in the bus accident.4、在强调句it is + that 中

Eg.It’s because of his perseverance that led to his late success.5、在含有某些形容词的句子中,如important,necessary,impossible, natural, common, strange等。

6、It’s likely that…

Eg.It’s likely that John won’t come though he has promised do.二:动名词作主语

充分利用时间并不意味着从早到晚不停地看书。(make full use of time)Making full use of time doesn’t mean keeping on reading books from morning till night.三:句型结构

很多人身体有疾病时才认识到保持健康的重要性。(not…until)Many people are not aware of the importance of being healthy until they are ill.这部有关第一次世界大战的历史小说引人入胜,我简直爱不释手。(so…that)The historical novel about World War I is so attractive that I can’t bear to put it down.Practice

这个练习太难,没几个人能做对。(so…that)他下决心不再依赖父母,要靠自己用双手谋生。(not…but)玛丽把开门的钥匙丢了,只好在屋外等她妈妈。(do nothing but)她身体太弱,没法从事这样艰苦的工作。(too…to)与阅读一样,听力在语言学习过程中也起着重要作用。(as…as)人们普遍认为,用脑越多,智力越活跃。(the more…the more)正是在这个小城里,他度过了幸福的童年。(It is … that…)他是鉴定书法的高手,自己也写得一手好字。(not only…but also)过了若干年那个事件的真相才被揭示出来。(It…before…)


我们将作进一步的讨论,然后再作出最终结论。(before)We will have a further discussion before we draw a final conclusion)六:动词或动词短语

这张照片使我想起了我们在夏令营里度过的日子。(remind)The photo reminds me of the days we spent in the summer camp.说老实话,我真后悔没能帮助他摆脱困境。(regret)To tell the truth, I really regret not being able to help him out of the trouble.众所周知,成功来自勤奋,不努力则一事无成。

As we all know, success comes from hard work, without efforts nothing can be done.or It is known to all that success results from diligence;without efforts nothing can be achieved.他们应从这件事中吸取教训,玩火者必自焚。

They should learn a lesson from this incident;he who plays with fire will surely get burnt.这个地区的经济发展很快,可是某些市民的素质还不尽如人意。

Although the economy in this area is developing rapidly, the qualities of some citizens are still not satisfactory.当时,那位出租车司机别无选择,只能求助与游客。

At the time, the taxi driver had no choice but to turn to the tourists/traveler(for help).许多外国游客都想去长城一游,他们知道“不到长城非好汉”。

Many foreign tourists want to visit the Great Wall.They know that” He who doesn’t reach the Great Wall is not a true man.” 2003年:


Although she lives(alone)with no relatives or friends, all the/her neighboures offer her a helping hand/offer to help her.这个游戏的规则太复杂,三言两语解释不清。

The rules of the game are too completed to explain/be explained in a few words.我发现很难与那些一贯固执己见的人合作。

I find it is hard to cooperate with those who always stick to their own opinion.只要我们齐心协力,就能很快解决这个技术难题。

So long as/As long as/If we work co-operatively/with combined efforts/joint efforts, we will be able to solve/work out the technical problems.soon.他进公司后不久就开始独立完成了一项艰巨的任务,同事们对他刮目相看。


He finished a difficult task on his own / independently soon / shortly after he entered the company, so his colleagues looked at him with new eyes / regarded him in a totally different light/ treated him with increased respect.每次我向她请教,她总是有求必应。而且解释得令我十分满意。(satisfaction)Every time I ask her for advice, she is always ready to help, and explains to my full satisfaction.这小孩太调皮,使得他那忙于工作的父母常常心烦意乱。(So…)So naughty is the child that he often upsets his parents who are busy with their work.九:复合句(各类从句)

我第一次写英语作文时,犯了许多拼写错误。(make)(2002年上海)The first time I wrote the English composition, I made a lot of spelling mistakes.彼得每月留出一点钱以便在不久的将来购买一辆新汽车。(set aside)(1998上海高考)Peter sets aside some money every month so that he can buy a new car in the near future.这张照片让我们想起了在夏令营里度过的日子。(remind)(2000年上海)The picture reminds me of the days that were spent in the summer camp.不管天有多晚,他从不把今天的事拖到明天。(put off)(2002年上海)However late it is, he never puts off what should be done today till tomorrow.尽管遭受如此严重的自然灾害,但只要不灰心,我们终会克服暂时的困难。(Although…)Although we are suffering such a severe natural disaster, we will eventually overcome the temporary difficulty as long as we don’t lose heart.





To be a doctor is hard.做医生很难。

To learn English well is not easy.学好英语不容易。


It is hard to be a doctor.It is not easy to learn English well.再如:

It’s important to plant trees in spring.二.作表语:


His work is to drive a car.他的工作是开车。

My job is to feed animals.我的工作是饲养动物。

Her ambition is to be a doctor.她的理想是当医生。


动词不定式(短语)可以放在一些动词后面用作宾语,能以动词不定式作宾语的动词有:begin,start, want, forget, remember, show, learn, like, hate, love, ask等。例:

I want to tell you a story.我想给你讲个故事。

They begin to work at eight every morning.他们每天早晨8点开始工作。

Don’t forget to lock the door.别忘了锁门。

Would you like to go and have a picnic with us tomorrow? 明天和我们一起去野餐好吗?


(1)He wants to go and have a swim with us.他想和我们一起去游泳。


I find it’s interesting to learn English with you.我觉得和你一起学英语很有趣。

He found it hard to catch up with others.他觉得赶上别人很困难。


The teacher asked us to read English for half an hour in the morning.老师让我们早晨读半小时英语。

The teacher often tells Jim not to spend too much time playing computer games.老师常告诉Jim不要花太多时间玩电脑游戏。



Who was the first one to arrive? 谁第一个到的?

She has no paper to write on? 她没有纸写字?

The best way to learn English is to use it.学英语最好的方法是使用它。


动词不定式作目的状语常用在go, come, hurry等不及物动词后,表目的。

He went to see his sister yesterday.他昨天去看妹妹了。

They got up early to catch the early bus.他们早起去赶早班车。


To early English quickly and well, he went to England.为了更快更好地学英语,他去了英国。



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