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新丰县遥田中学:张桂英 人教版九年级英语上册,Unit 7



1.教学内容:人教版教材九年级 Unit7 where wound you like to visit ? 2.学生情况分析




在学习完Unit 7 Where would you like to visit ?之后,通过学习旅游和度假的文章,掌握用英语写游记的基本技能。








五、教学过程: Pre-writing Activity 1 show the students some sentences from the reading in this module to remind them of the travel experience Wang Wei and Wang Kun 1,I had dreamed about taking a great bike trip 2,she loves to go for long bike trip she gave a determined look--the kind that she wound not change her mind

4.when she was leaving when are we coming back ?

5.at first the river is small ,clean and cold ,then it begins to moved quickly.It becomes a rapids as it passes though deep valleys „At last ,the rivers delta enters the South China sea

6.To climb the mountain road was hard work but going down the hills was great fun

7.we are reaching Dali in Yunnan Province where our cousins will join us.We can hardly wait to see them At the same time ,the teacher asks the students to pay attention to the words ,from which they could learn ways to describe their trips and share their afterthoughts with us.(本教学环节具有承上启下的作用,学生脑海中可以呈现本模块游记的场景,通过回忆词语和句型,即可复习巩固,又为新的写作架起“引桥”。)Activity 2.Travel around our country

T : Do Wang Wei and Wang Kun enjoy their bike trips?(Ss :Yess!)

And have you take a trip in our country |our cityour areas? Or have you ever had such experiences as them ?(most students will say Yes!)For me ,traveling around is exciting and there are a lot of places of interest to see in our motherland.Look at the pictures and guess where it is(show some slides and pictures)

Hainan island Hongkong The Great Wall Mounttain tai



Activity 3 talk about the writing topic.(hand out)

假如你是小明,今年国庆节,你们班组织了集体登山活动,请你根据当时的情景写一篇游记,记述你们班为什么选择登丹霞山?在登山前做了哪些准备?如何到达目的地?途中观察到什么?有什么感受? Do you want to go traveling around these places ?(Yes)So do I.If we had enough time and enough money ,we go to Danxia Mountain in Internation Day would some of you share the ideas with me Brainstorming:

Get the students ask and answer the questions: Why did you choose to go to DanXia ?

The students may give the answers as follows:

A DanXia Mountain is a beautiful placefamous close to nature B We want to have an interesting trip there.C Durling the climbing ,we can help each other, which will strengthen the friendship

D We had dreamed about going there for long E It is our province,and we feel proud of it F We want to make a study of the wildlife there

G We should try to overcome any difficulty , no matter how hard it is

H Mountain climbing is really exciting „„

(For the above questions, the teacher asks the students to give as much information as possible and do the same as the following ones.)What did you do before your trip? How did you get to the top of the mountain „„(本阶段属于本节课的核心内容,由景而入激发学生的兴趣,通过“大脑风暴”活动,既可活跃课堂气氛,拓展学生的思维,又可以锻炼学生开头表述和交流信息的能力,为下一步的写作做好了语言上的准备。同时,本环节也体现了读写一体的原则,既每个句子的正确性为整篇文章的写作打下了良好的基础。)

Activity 4 Put the ideas into sentences and then into passages First,ask the students to write down some sentences about their climbing ,ask them to make out an outline ,topic sentences of the paragraphys, and some key words and phrases.They can also combine the answers to the above questions and then revise them with the advice from others.Next, get the students to put their sentences in order, and share their writing with their partners.(Before getting the students to start , remind them of the differences between the diary and a journal)Then ,students write the travel journey ,using linking words and relative pronouns.While carrying this work ,the teacher may walk around the students to give some help when necessary.(由问题的互动,学生积累了写作素材,同时,学生写作技能在这里得到集中体现。从整理思路,组织素材,到列出提纲,遣词造句,写出文章,整个过程都是连贯的。是一体的。在这个环节中运用任务型教学法,通过学生的班级活动,小组活动,促进了学生之间的交流,合作能力,在小组交流过程中,老师参与到讨论中,并能适时加以指导。也就是说教师的身份是活动的组织者,学生的指导者和启发者。学生才是活动的主体,一切活动围绕学生展开。)


Activity 5 Get the students to evaluate their compositions in groups.1.Exchange their writing with other members in the groups(two or four in a group

(1)Basic skills(spelling capitalization punctuation)(2)Key points

(3)Suitable words

(4)Grammars(tense,voice , sentences structures)(5)Logical problems(conjunctions,orders)

2.Get each groups to recommend one or two passages and share it with the rest of class.and the teacher chooses one or two of them to mark them with the help overhead projector and gives some comments.)

3.Ask the students to make necessary changes in their writing and copy them in their exercise book for hurther correction.(同伴评价实际是合作学习的一种形式,其重要理论基础就是考卡夫最早提出的“群体动力理论”。通过组内讨论交流,小组评选,学生对自己所写作文的要求与要点以及注意事项都有了大体的印象。老师再利用实物投影仪选择不同层次的代表性文章进行点评。对于学生作文中比较容易出现的问题,讨论出合理化建议并加以纠进,比如时态错误,他们在写作中出现比较深层次的认识,及时加以表扬,从而培养了学生的写作热情,提高评价和欣赏文章的水平。)Homework







双沙中学 李育新 2011.6.2 课型:专题复习课


教学目标: 1.指导学生掌握书面表达语篇结构的组织技巧。


教学重点: 1.帮助学生学会使用常用的连接词、过渡词和过渡句,提高文章的连贯性。2.培养学生在有限的时间内快速构思、罗列提纲及扩展成文的能力





1.书面表达是写的一种途径,是英语交际的重要组成部分。初中阶段对于英语写作的要求,实际上是“有指导的写作”(guided writing)。它通过提供情景(文字、图画、表格),让学生用学过的英语语言来描述事物或事件并表达一定的思想,以此达成和检验对所学英语语言知识的实践应用能力。客观地说,书面表达一直是我们英语教学的一个难点,也是学生应试的一个难点。


2.学生分析 我校学生生源较差,学生英语学习两级分化严重,因此尽管经过3年的学习与训练,仍有相当一部分学生作文得分在6-7分之间甚至更低。书面表达中式英语较多,连贯性较差。很多学生对书面表达中快速构思和罗列提纲能力较差。本堂课希望通过指导、帮助提高学生学会使用常用的连接词、过渡词和过渡句,提高文章的连贯性,帮助学生在有限的时间内快速构思、罗列提纲能力。










书面表达是写的一种途径,是英语交际的重要组成部分。初中阶段对于英语写作的要求,实际上是“有指导的写作”(guided writing)。它通过提供情景(文字、图画、表格),让学生用学过的英语语言来描述事物或事件并表达一定的思想,以此达成和检验对所学英语语言知识的实践应用能力。客观地说,书面表达一直是我们英语教学的一个难点,也是学生应试的一个难点。

从去年对中考英语试卷的抽样调查情况来看,英语写作是得分最为薄弱的一个题项,平均分只有4.7分(满分为12分)。究其原因,一是学生写作练习的时间少,二是教师平时缺乏对学生进行系统的写作知识的指导。(比如,如何用词、句、组段、谋篇等)。这些原因造成了学生从最初不会写盲目写到不愿写。惧怕写,直至最后拒绝写的恶性循环。针对这一现象,我在教学过程进行了一次如何提高学生写作能力的课堂实践。教师旨在通过与学生谈论他们熟悉的话题“making friends”, 搜索学生头脑中有关朋友的消息,通过阅读两则e-pal广告,获取e-pals的一些信息,指导如何写e-mail,从而达到给e-pals 写信的目的。


1.warm-up活动:通过听一首英语歌:“the more we get together, the happier we’ll be.”目的是活跃气氛,为引出今天的话题做准备。

3.pre-reading 通过提问,how can you know your friends, if you haven’t seen each other for a long time? 联系朋友有很多方法,但是 one of the best ways is sending e-mails to them.do you know why?过渡今天话题的材料,快速看完两则e-pal广告,找出答案。

4.while-reading,读两则广告,了解mary和jack完成表格 name age hobbies looks personality e-mail added wish where she? 5.post-reading 引导学生讨论:do you like to make e-pals with mary or jack? why? 当大部分学生都持肯定观点时进一步思索,what will you write in you e-mail to them? 为下面事实写作埋下伏笔,提供铺垫。6.while-writing.教会学生正确使用e-mail格式,同时提供关于朋友和友谊的一些精彩句子,为学生写作提供素材。


要求学生根据这个标准,修改自己的e-mail.1.do you use the tense(时态),spelling(拼写),punctuation(标点),capitalization(大写字母)correctly? 3.is your e-mail coherently(连贯地)written? 4.can you describe yourself in a concise(简洁的)way? 5.are there any 目的是通过自改,有助于他们提高书面表达中的语言准确性,提高了学生通过自己独立思考,来解决问题的能力。8.share the writing.点评两篇学生习作,选自一位基础较好的同学和一位基础一般的同学的作文。教师根据上述提供的写作标准,详细点评两篇习作的篇章结构和句法功能。目的是使学生尽力领会教师对文章的点评,培养学生选词和用词的能力,指导学生多模仿好文章的优点。


就整节课而言,这无疑是一堂令人喝彩的课,无论是从学生参与课堂实践的积极性来看,还是从学生出色完成教师布置的任务后而展示的成果来看,都给听课的老师留下了一种意犹未尽的印象。而我自己觉得其中有两个精彩片段更值得与同行们分享。☆使用brainstorming培养学生在英语写作中自主学习的能力。brainstorming 这种外语教学中常用的教学技巧可直评为“头脑风暴法”是一种通过小型会议的组织形式,让所有参加者在自由、愉快、畅所欲言的气氛中自由交换观点,并以此诱发集体智慧,激发学习者创意与灵感的学习方法。在英语课中的 pre-writing阶段,使用brainstorming对促进学生的自主学习,发展学生写的能力起着积极的促进作用。

brainstorming在本堂写作一课中的应用实例。1.围绕话题:“friends and friendship”进行brainstorming。教师使用web-spider在黑板的一侧写下学生能够想到的单词、词组和句子,friends and friendship 结合学 生思维一下子开阔起来,下面是学生讨论后呈现出来的词和短语:good friends, boy friends, girl friends, pen friends, friends are important, my friends are handsome/ugly, i want to make friends with you, friends in need are friends indeed?.在这个阶段,教师引导和鼓励学生积极参与讨论,并把每个学生的发言要点写在黑板上,出现有个学生用英语表述“患难之交才是真正的朋友”对允许其先说出中文,然后向全班同学或老师求助。2.当学生完成careful reading之后,围绕话题:write an email to one of the e-pals.教师通过



注意多种训练方法相结合。与任务(task)相结合。有目的的写作常能更好地调动学生的积极性,所以在培养学生这方面的能力时,应尽量与教学的多种任务相结合,而不是纯粹布置一篇作文。贯穿这节写作课的也是一系列的任务: activity1: write out some words, phrases and sentences about friends and friendship.activity2: please introduce your friend to us.activity3: read the two ads(广告).get to know mary and jack activity4: write an e-mail to mary or jack 组织多样的小组活动。新世纪中,我们很重视培养学生的合作精神,而小组活动就是培养其合作精神的捷径。这堂写作课中在pre-writing时采取二人小组活动,四人小组活动,组织学生在小组活动中共同完成教师呈现的任务,从而降低其难度,使基础好的同学在写作时起点更高,基础较差的同学也能言之有物,互相启发,共同提高。如资料、信息的搜集,材料关键点的把握,文章完成后的修改等。.2平时注重解题技巧的养成: 1.准备工作



①.开门见山,紧扣主题。如写参观农场的日记,就可用“last sunday we visited the west hill farm.” 直接说明时间及地点。如写的是关于度假的,则可以“we had a happy holiday in jiaxin last sunday.” 来开头等等。

②.语言正确,规范地道。尽量使用学过的、最熟悉也最有把握的句型、结构,应尽量避免中国式英语。要养成正确运用标点符号的好习惯,切忌一点到底的错误方法。(i spent 10 yuan buy the book.he by bike to school.)

③.重短轻长, 就易避难。重短轻长——写短句忌长句,由写简易句子开始,即“主语(谁)谓语(做/是)宾语/表语(什么),应尽量写出自己最有把握,最熟悉的句子,避免写长句,以写正确、通顺为最基本要求。就易避难——多用简单句少用复合句,首先在写好简单句的基础上然后可逐步过渡到较为复杂的复合句,例如用when, before等连词引导的从句。整个句子越长,出错的可能性就越大。




③.符合习惯——说英语的国家有自己民族的文化、习俗、情感、思维方式、生活习惯等。受母语思维定式的影响,应避免在练笔当中受母语的干扰,要注意语言表达地道。例如汉语“我的工作很忙。”就不能用英语my work is very busy.来表达,而应当说i’m very busy with my work.又如:有的同学在表达很常用的“我很喜欢它”时,会说“i very much like it.”, 而其正确表达应是 “i like it very much.”





--外研版九年级上module 10-how to keep healthy大庆五十五中学刘春英 本节课是以九年级上module 10以“健身”(fitness)为话题展开,要求学生写一篇“如何保持健康(how to keep healthy)”的说明文来表达提倡健康的建议,合理的饮食以及健康的生活理念。在生活质量普遍提高的今天,健康已经成为十分重要的生活质量指标,人们对之给予了极大的关注。因此,在中学阶段的英语教学活动中倡导健康的生活理念,对中学生的成长具有现实指导意义。









第三篇:九年级 Unit7


九年级Unit 7


1.go on vacation 去度假2.trek through the jungle 徒步穿越丛林

3.some day 有朝一日4.one of the liveliest cities 最有活力的城市之一 5.be supposed to do sth.应该干6.pack light clothes 带薄衣服

7.take a trip 去旅行8.provide sb with sth = provide sth for sb为了某人提供某物 9.be away 离开,远离10.the answer to the question 问题的答案 11.according to 根据,按照12.work as tour guides 做导游的工作 13.dream of 梦想,想到14.less realistic dreams 不现实的梦想 15.be willing to do sth.愿意干16.achieve one’s dreams 实现梦想

17.sail across the pacific 横渡太平洋18.hold on to 保持,不要放弃(卖掉)19.take it easy 从容 轻松 不紧张20.Niagara Falls 尼亚加拉大瀑布 21.Eiffel Tower 艾菲尔铁塔22.Notre Dame Cathedral 巴黎圣母院 23.this time of year 一年中的这个时候 24.in general 通常 ,大体上, 一般而言

【辨析】1.achieve, come true

I wish all my dreams could_____________________.I wish to ___________all my dreams._________one’s dreams needs hard work.All his dreams will __________ sonner or later.2.Would like sth./ to do sth./ sb to do sth.I’I’I’3.through穿过,含有“in”的意思;across横过,含有“on”的意思We like trekking_______the jungle to challenge our life.The beautiful sunshine got into the room_______ the windows.A small boat went ________ the bridge and down the river.We walked _______ the bridge and arrived at the other side.His dream is to sail ________ the pacific.4..expect to do sth / sb to do sth / that从句(不用虚拟语气)

wish to do sth / sb to do sth / that从句(用虚拟语气)hope to do / that 从句(不用虚拟语气)(没有hope sb to do sth结构)5.light①(可数)灯 ②(不可数)光线 ③adj.轻的/明亮的/浅色的.The ______in the living room are very expensive.The ______ from the lights is very strong, it’s harmful to our eyes.The plastic box isn’t heavy at all, it’s very_________.④ 点燃 照亮(过去式,过去分词lit,lit 或lighted,lighted)Please ________ the candle when it’s getting dark.She ______ the lamp to bring _______ into the room.6.some day=someday 只指将来某一天

one day 既可指将来某一天,也可指过去某一天。I hope that I can achieve my dream______________.__________, a friend of mine came to visit me.7.Plan 计划,打算

(1)plan to do sth----We are planning to visit London this summer.(2)跟名词或者代词Have you planned your trip? We have been planning this visit for months.(3)plan for 为„做计划

He planned for a picnic if the next day were fine.(4)plan on 打算(做某事)

She had not planned on so many guests.They are planning on an/for an outing.II.Key Sentences

1.where would you like to go on vacation? I’d like to trek through the jungle.2.l like places where the weather is always warm.3.I like to go somewhere relaxing 我喜欢去休闲的地方 4.For your next vacation, why not consider visiting Paris? 你下次度假为什么不考虑去巴黎?

5.Traveling around Paris by taxi can cost a lot of money.乘坐出租车游览巴黎要花费很多钱

6.So unless you speak French yourself, it’s best to travel with someone who can translate things for you.因此,除非你自己会讲法语,否则最好与一个能为你翻译的人一起去。7.We’d like to be away for three weeks.我们大约要去三个星期.8.The person has a lot of money to spend on the vacation.度假中这个人有很多钱可以花.9.I hope you can provide me with some information about the kinds of vacations that your firm can offer我希望能给我提供一些贵公司能经营的旅游项目的信息.10.Could you please give me some suggestions for vacation spots? 你能给我一些有关度假地的建议吗?

11.You need to pack some warm clothes if you go there.你如果去那里,需要带一些暖和的衣服。

12.I’d love to sail across the Pacific.我想横渡太平洋。

7.somewhere 在本句中有双重性,对go 来说是副词,对relaxing 来说是不定代词。I’d like to 8.consider 考虑,认为。后面只跟动词的“ing”形式。9.else 用在特殊疑问词及不定代词的后面,other 用在名词前,两者都意为“别的,其他的”

what else/ who else/ something else/anything else/nothing else.单 选 精 练

()1.She likes the music ______has great lyrics.A.whatB.thatC.who

()2.The movie reminded him______the life in the past.A.forB.ofC.with

()3.______honest, he didn’t pass the exam.A.BeB.To beC.Doother things/other animals/other people.(在范围内的某方位。范围之外的某方位(隔山、海相望)在两地边界接壤的某方位。

(11.mind介意:mind doing sth;mind one’s doing sth.12.any用在肯定句中,“任一”(13.so that引的状语从句,“以便,为了”,从句往往有can/may/will/could/might/would等情态动词;so„that„如此…以至于…that„引导结果状语从句。(14.continue to do sth=go on to do sth.继续干另外一件事。continue doing sth=go on doing sth.继续干同一件事

(15.在英语中,有although/ though 就不能有but;有because就不能有so.补全句子:


__________you do, don’t ________this exhibition.(2.比起看书,我更喜欢打篮球。

I prefer playing basketball _________ __________ books.(3.你想要去哪里度假?

Where would you________ to go ________ vacation?(4.如果你想买新单车,你就应该攒钱。

You should _______ _______ if you want to buy a new bike.(5.房间需要足够大,可以住三人。

The room needs to be ________ ________for three people.(6.不断努力,你的梦想会实现的。

Keep trying and your dream will _______ _______(7.我希望有一天去法国。

I hope to go to France _______ _______(8.对于你来说,保持身体健康有多重要?

How important is ________________ to you?(9.上海市世界上最大的城市之一。

Shanghai is _______ of the biggest ________ in the world.(10.说实话,我只吃好吃的食物。

To be _______, I only eat food that _______ good.()4.Is there______in the newspaper?

A.new somethingB.anything newC.new anything)5.This shop is about _______walk.A.ten minutesB.ten minute’sC.ten minutes’)6.I ______you a good luck in the new year.A.wishB.wantC.hope)7.There is going to ______ a meeting tomorrow afternoon.A.isB.beC.have)8.I love places ______people are friendly.A.whoB.whatC.where)9.______to have dinner with me? Yes, I’d love to.A.Would you pleaseB.Would you likeC.Could you please)10.I’d like to trek _______the jungle because I like exciting vacationsA.amongB.acrossC.through)11.My parents don’t allowed me ______out alone at night.A.goB.wentC.to go)12.You can save money by _______books from the library.You needn’t buy many books.A.lendingB.borrowC.borrowing)13.The film ______him _____ a car.A.provided, withB.offered, withC.provide, for)14.He has ______away from Beijing ______five years..A.gone, forB.been, forC.been, since)15.Japan is ______the east of China.A.inB.toC.on)16.We want to buy a house ______a big garden.A.hasB.withC.there is)17.She has much homework ______every night.A.to doB.doingC.do.)18.He is considering ______a letter to her next week.A.writeB.writingC.writes)19.They ______willing______build a factory in Changsha.A.are,toB.have, toC.are, for

()20.She often dreams ______ ______an actress in the future.A.of, becomeB.of, becomingC.for, becoming

()21.---How are you_________ ?

---______ , thank you.A going ,GoodB getting,BetterC doing ,FineD feeling , Nicely

()22.----Please ________ your father.-----I will.Thank you.A say thank toB say thanks toC speak thankD speak thanks for

()38.----_____ did he go home________?----I don’t know.AWhy ,forB what ,forC why, aboutD What;about

()39.A boy ________the river and died at last.A fell intoB fell behindC fell fromD fell down

()40.I can’t find out the right answer ________ the question.A.toB.ofC.withD.in

()41.This is ______ song I’ve talked to you about.Isn’t it_______ beautiful one?A.the, theB a, aC.the, aD.a, the()23.Going to the West Lake _______ interesting.A soundB soundingC sounds()24.Lucy looked so _______ when she heard the bad news.A happyB sillyC cruel()25.Mary felt_______, so she looked __________.A.happy , happyB happily ,happyC happy ,happily()26..This kind of apples tastes ________ and sells___________

A well, wellB good , goodC well, good()27.He _______ half an hour on his homework every day.A spendsB takesC pays()28.It will ________ us a week to travel to Mount Tai.A.takeB.costC.spent()29.It will _________us 3000 yuan to travel to Mount Tai.A.takesB.costC.spend()30.----I want to see the movie , but I have no tickets.-----_________.A what shame!B what a shame!C How shame!()31.One of my friends ________ from Fuzhou.A isB areC come()32.Betty didn’t come to my party.I felt _____.A happyB madC disappointed()33.The little boy is bored ________ math class.A withB ofC about()34.We Chinese people are ________ of Liu Xiang.A pleasedB proudC angry()35.I’ll ________later today.A ring him upB ring up himC call him to()36.It seemed that his words ________ her

A pleasingB pleasedC pleasant()37..She is very happy ________ her good exam results

A whyB becauseC andD to sound

D sad

D happily , happily

D good, well

D costs

D.payD.payD How a shame!

D am

D cruel

D at

D tired

D call up him

D pleasure

D because of()42.----It’s hot here.Would you mind opening the window a little bit ?-----____________.A.Go aheadB.SureC.Of couse notD.Please do it()43.I know many stars, but I think______of them are good.A.a fewB.fewC.a littleD.little()44.----Which do you like better, chemistry or physics?-----________of them.I prefer biology.A.EitherB.NeitherC.NoneD.Both()45.----Good morning, sir.What would you like?----Two pieces of cake_______ a coffee,please.A.inB.withC.toD.for()46.In fact, _________not difficult to become good at action sports.A.itB.it’sC.he isD.its()47.Football is a popular _______around the world.A.matchB.goalC.gameD.play

()48.Women in this country each _______ about two children.A.haveB.hasC.areD.is

()49.“________drink from a bottle while walking about”.Mother told us.A.NotB.NeverC.AlwaysD.Often()50.We saw him_______ the building and go upstairs.A.to enterB.enterC.enteringD.entered

1-5BBBBC6-10ABCBC11-15CCABB 16-20 BABAB21-25 CBCDA26-30DAABB31-35 ACABA36-40 ADBAA41-45CCBBB 46-50 BCABB

第四篇:Unit7 A 教学设计


Unit7 A 教学设计

I.Teaching goals 1.学习Would you mind doing sth? 这一句型,学会恳请对方。2.学习如何表达歉意,培养学生的交际能力。

II.Important points A: Would you mind doing sth? B: I’m sorry.I’ll do it right away.A: Would you mind not doing sth? B: Sorry.We’ll go and play in the park.III.Difficult points 比较: Would you mind(not)doing sth?

Could you please do sth?

Please do sth.You have to do sth.IV.Teaching procedures Step 1 Assign the task Write the following requests on the Bb: Can you cut the apples? Please cut the apples.Would you mind cutting the apples? Explain that the last example is a very polite way of making a request.Step 2 Warm up Section A(1a-1c)SB Page 52,1a.Would you mind cleaning the yard? Would you mind not playing baseball here? Would you mind moving your bike? Would you mind turning down the music? 人教版英语八年级下Unit7 1.Point to the four requests above.Read each phrase to the class and ask the Ss to repeat it.2.Point to the picture.Ask Ss to write the letter of each request in the correct place in the picture.3.Correct the answers.SB Page 52, 1b.1.Point to the list of requests in activity 1a.Play the recording for the first time.Ss only listen.2.Play the recording a second time.Correct the answers.SB Page 52,1c.1.Ask two students to read the sample dialogue in activity 1c.Then let them make requests with their partners.2.Ask two pairs to say their conversations to the class.Step 3 Pre-task Section A(2a-2c)SB Page 53, 2a.1.Read the instructions with the students.Play the recording for the first time.Ss only listen.2.Play the recording for second time.Ask Ss to write the number of each conversation.3.Correct the answers.SB Page 53, 2b.1.Point out the five responses in activity 2b.Ask different Ss to read each one to the class.2.Play the recording.This time ask Ss to fill in the letters of the pictures in front of the responses.3.Correct the answers.SB Page 53, 2c.Ask two Ss to read the sample dialogue.Tell them: make conversations about the information above like this.Step 4 Grammar Focus 1.Review the grammar box.Ask students to read the statements and responses.2.Ask students to talk about the differences among the different sentences.Exercise:




1.I ______(ran out of/run out of)money.What should I do? 2.Would you mind ______(close/closing)the door? 3.Could you______(turning down/turn down)the music, please? 4.His hobby is collecting old______(coins/cousins).5.How long have you been______(watching/listening to)music videos? 6.The more Leo learns about Chinese, the ______(more/most)he enjoys himself in China.7.—Would you mind keeping your voice down? —______.(OK, I’ll do/Sorry)

8.Would you mind______(not very close to me/not standing very close to me)? 9.It’s so cold.Could you ______(closing/close)the door?

10.I______(asked/ordered)a hamburger for my friend.But the clerk gave me French fries.答案:

一、a)---Would you mind closing the door?

---OK.I’ll do it right away.b)---Would you mind turning down the radio?---No, not at all.c)---Could you please not speak loudly in the classroom?---I’m sorry.二、1.ran out of


3.turn down


5.listening to

6.more 7.Sorry

8.not standing very close to me




Unit 7Where would you like to visit?单元试题



1.Notre Dame Cathedral is one of the famous ________ in the world.(教堂)

2.It is very ___________(方便)to go shopping in the supermarket.3.I’d like to Qufu.It’s very ____________(有教育意义的)

4.I hope my dream will _______________ some day.(实现,达到)

5.In summer the beaches are very _____________.(游客很多的)


1.Here are some of the _________(find).of a survey about hopes and dreams.2.Are you really _______(will)to go to work in the western China after finishing school.3.The _______(report)said that they would achieve their dreams soon.

4.What would you like to do after finishing your ______(educational)?

5.The most popular choice of jobs is computer_____(programme)in the future.6.My grandfather hopes ______(visit)Paris one day.7.Would you like ____(cook)supper for us tonight?.My mother always has too many clothes ____(wash)every day.9.You dislike your job.Why not consider ____(change)it.10.What about ____(work)with me in Xinjiang ?

11..Paris is considered as one of the ___________ cities in the world.(lively)

12.I’d like to go on vacation at a ___________ place(peace).二、选择填空(20分)

()1.--Would you like to come to my house for dinner tonight?

--I’d love to, _________ I can’t.I have lots of work to do.A.soB.butC.andD.or

()2.The team trekked__________ the jungle to look for tigers.A.throughB.crossC.intoD.across

()3.We are going to visit Ocean Park _____ it rains.A.unlessB.thoughC.ifD.because

()4.Our country provided the people _____ plenty of things after the earthquake.A.inB.toC.ontoD.with

()5.The Wangs want to go _____ on vacation.A.somewhere peacefulB.anywhere fasinating C.somewhere boringD.dangerous somewhere

()6.Could you please ____ the blackboard now? It’s your duty.A.not cleanB.not to clwanC.to cleanD.clean

()7.I hope ___________ the moon some day.A.visitB.visitingC.to visitD.will visit

()8.I still remember the village ______ I lived at five years old.A.thatB.whichC.whereD./

()9.Xiamen is a very _____ city, and he wats to visit it this spring.A.tiringB.fascinatingC.outgoingD.boring

()10.You look tired, why not ________ a short rest?

A.haveB.havingC.to haveD.will have

()11.Guangdong is _________the southeast of China.A.inB.onC.toD.at

()12I have dreamed of ______________all over the world in the future.A.travelB.will travelC.to travelD.traveling

()13.They are willing __________ in my firm.A.workB.workingC.to workD.worked

()14.Please _____ your dreams, and maybe they will come true one day.A.give upB.get along withC.hold on toD.care about

()1---I’m sure he must be in trouble now.What should I do?---______.He will be OK.A.Congratulations.B.Have a good time.C.Take it easy.D.Wish you good luck.()16.---Would you like to go out for a walk with us ?---________.A.Of courseB.That’s all rightC.I’d love toD.Yes, I would

()17.Why not consider _________ Kunming next holiday?


()18.There are ____ stars in the sky and you can see them at night.A.thousand ofB.two thousandsC.thousands ofD.two thousands of

()19.The dictionary ________ me $ 5.A.paidB.costC.spentD.took

()20.()19.----HE said he would go to the park with you tonith.---What _____ did he say?

A.otherB.elseC.anotherD.the other


Mr and Mrs Smith had always spent their summer holiday in New Fersey, staying in a small inn at the

foot of a hill.One year, however, Mr Smiththey decided to go to London and

stay at a really good hotel while theyaround that famous city.They flew to London and at their hotel late one evening.They had expected that they would have to

go to bed when the waiter asked whether they would “Are you still serving

dinner?”asked Mr Smith.“Yes , certainly, sir,” answered the waiter.“half past nine.”

“ are the meals served every day then?”asked Mr Smith.“ Well, sir, “ answered the waiter, “we serve

breakfast from seven to half past eleven in the morning, lunch from twelve to three in the afternoon, from four to five, and dinner from sixto half past nine.”

“But that hardly leaves any time for us to see the sights of London,” said Mr Smith.()1.A.lostB.spentC.ranD.made











(A)A Trip to the Forest(15分)

One day Bob took two of his friends into the mountains.They put up their

tents and then rode off to a forest to see how the trees were growing.In the afternoon when they were about ten kilometers from their camp(营地).it started to snow.More and more snow fell.Soon Bob could hardly see his hands before his face.He could not find the road.Bob knew there were two roads.One road went to the camp, and the other went to his house.But all was white snow.Everything was the same.How could he take his friends back to the camp?Bob had an idea.The horses!Let the horses take them back!But what would

happen if the horses took the road to his house? That would be a trip of thirty-five

kilometers in such cold weather!

It was getting late.They rode on and on.At last the horses stopped.Where

were they? None of them could tell.John looked around.What was that under the tree? It was one of their tents!

()31.John and his two friends went to the forest to ________.A.build their campB.find their way home

C.enjoy the mountains in the snowD.watch the trees in the forest

()32.They could not find their way back because ________.A.there was only one road to their camp

B.they couldn’t decide which of the two roads led to their tents

C.there were no roads in the mountains at all

D.everything was covered by the white snow

()33.It is clear that they wanted the horses to take them to _______.A.John’s houseB.the campC.the forestD.the mountains

()34.A.The horses stopped because _______.A.it was getting lateB.they were tired after running for a long way

C.they knew that they had got to the campD.they had seen John’s house

()35.The story happened _______.A.on a cold winter dayB.on a dark snowy evening

C.in a cold camp far from villagesD.at night when nothing could be seen


I have always heard that walking under a ladder brings bad luck, but I’ve never thought so.I have walked under ladders many times, but I have never met anything bad before.It’s the damn with black cats.People say if a black cat crosses before you, it_____2______bad luck.I have never thought that until this

afternoon.But ever since I heard my student Sam’s story, I’ve begun thinking about whether it was true.This afternoon, Sam was walking down the street thinking about something, so he wasn’t ____3_____ attention to where he was going.He walked right under a ladder standing against a building.A black cat all over.()1.判断正(T)误(F)At first, the writer believed that walking under a ladder would bring bad luck.2. 2 和3处填入合适的词是:2._____________ 3._____________

3. 翻译划线的句子__________________________________________________

4.In fact , what brought bad luck to Sam in your opinion?



They’re ____________ _____________ Paris next time.一般而言,我们心甘情愿帮助他。(in general & be willing to)


你应该尽快完成你的工作。(as soon as possible)



__________ ________ ___________ , we have enough time to catch the train

他想要在太平洋上远航。(go sailing)________________________________________




1.beautiful , modern city

2.there be , tall building ,clean street , everywhere , Beijing

3.environment , plant , as many , flowers and trees , as possible , protect , them.



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