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九年级英语Unit7 复习提纲


1.The book is very _____________(富有教育意义的).It teaches us many things.2.The hotel _________(提供)a shoe-cleaning service for guests.3.Could you give me some ___________(建议)?

4.There are some ___________(迷人的)toys in a children’s shop window.5.Will it be __________(方便的)for you to start work tomorrow?


1.我们想离开大约三个星期。(be away)






4.因此除非你自己会说法语,否则旅行时最好有人做你的翻译。(unless, translate---for---)______________________________________________________________________




For your next vacation, why not __________(consider)__________(visit)Paris? Paris is the capital of _________(French)and is one of ___________(lively)cities in Europe.It doesn’t _______(have)_______(some)beaches or ___________(mountain), but there are still many things _______(do)there.For example, it has some fantastic _______(sight), __________(include)the Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame Cathedral, one of the most famous ________(church)in the world.________(travel)around Paris by taxi can _________(cost)a lot of money, but it’s usually convenient __________(take)the underground train to most places.In general, though France is quite an expensive place.One thing is not expensive in France, however, ________(be)the wine!

Most people in France _____________(learn)English.But many people _________(not like)to speak English, especially in Paris.So unless you speak ________(France)1


yourself, it’s best ____________(travel)with someone who can _________(translate)things for you.四.听力训练:(Unit7 P52 1b)

()1.What would Sam like to do?

A.He would like to go on vacation.B.He would like to do something interesting.C.He would like to go somewhere warm.()2.Where would Sam like to go?

A.He’d love to go somewhere warm.B.He’d love to go trekking in the Amazon jungle in Brazil.C.He’d love to go to some places where people are really friendly.()3.What kinds of vacations does Sam like?

A.He likes exciting vacations.B.He likes interesting vacations.C.He likes fascinating vacations.()4.Wouldn’t that be dangerous?

A.No, not really.BYes, it would.CNo, it doesn’t.()5.What’s the matter with Gina?

A.She is stressed out.BShe is very well.CShe is outgoing.五.中考连接:

()1.---Look, a blind man is in the middle of the street.It’s too dangerous.---Let’s go and help him go ______ the road.A.throughB.alongC.acrossD.over

()2.---Why not _____ music club?---I’m sorry.I can’t sing or dance.A.to joinB.joinC.joiningD.to join in

()3.---What a hard life my parents live!

---So do my parents.When I grow up, I _______ to make them live more happily.A.tryB.triedC.will tryD.have tried

()4.It’s common ________ that the Japanese eat Sushi.A.informationB.knowledgeC.directionD.instruction

()5.In our city, ______ middle school students want to work as a teacher in the future.A.thousandB.thousand ofC.thousands ofD.two thousands of

()6.There is a red car parking in our neighborhood.Do you know ____ it is?


()7.---Would you like some _______?

---No, thank you.I’m not hungry at all.A.teaB.waterC.breadD.coffee

()8.Write _______ and try not to make any mistakes.A.as careful as possibleBas carefully as you can

Cmost carefulD more careful

()9.Advertisements are like air;they are _____.A.somethingB.everythingC.everywhereD.somewhere

第二篇:九年级 Unit7


九年级Unit 7


1.go on vacation 去度假2.trek through the jungle 徒步穿越丛林

3.some day 有朝一日4.one of the liveliest cities 最有活力的城市之一 5.be supposed to do sth.应该干6.pack light clothes 带薄衣服

7.take a trip 去旅行8.provide sb with sth = provide sth for sb为了某人提供某物 9.be away 离开,远离10.the answer to the question 问题的答案 11.according to 根据,按照12.work as tour guides 做导游的工作 13.dream of 梦想,想到14.less realistic dreams 不现实的梦想 15.be willing to do sth.愿意干16.achieve one’s dreams 实现梦想

17.sail across the pacific 横渡太平洋18.hold on to 保持,不要放弃(卖掉)19.take it easy 从容 轻松 不紧张20.Niagara Falls 尼亚加拉大瀑布 21.Eiffel Tower 艾菲尔铁塔22.Notre Dame Cathedral 巴黎圣母院 23.this time of year 一年中的这个时候 24.in general 通常 ,大体上, 一般而言

【辨析】1.achieve, come true

I wish all my dreams could_____________________.I wish to ___________all my dreams._________one’s dreams needs hard work.All his dreams will __________ sonner or later.2.Would like sth./ to do sth./ sb to do sth.I’I’I’3.through穿过,含有“in”的意思;across横过,含有“on”的意思We like trekking_______the jungle to challenge our life.The beautiful sunshine got into the room_______ the windows.A small boat went ________ the bridge and down the river.We walked _______ the bridge and arrived at the other side.His dream is to sail ________ the pacific.4..expect to do sth / sb to do sth / that从句(不用虚拟语气)

wish to do sth / sb to do sth / that从句(用虚拟语气)hope to do / that 从句(不用虚拟语气)(没有hope sb to do sth结构)5.light①(可数)灯 ②(不可数)光线 ③adj.轻的/明亮的/浅色的.The ______in the living room are very expensive.The ______ from the lights is very strong, it’s harmful to our eyes.The plastic box isn’t heavy at all, it’s very_________.④ 点燃 照亮(过去式,过去分词lit,lit 或lighted,lighted)Please ________ the candle when it’s getting dark.She ______ the lamp to bring _______ into the room.6.some day=someday 只指将来某一天

one day 既可指将来某一天,也可指过去某一天。I hope that I can achieve my dream______________.__________, a friend of mine came to visit me.7.Plan 计划,打算

(1)plan to do sth----We are planning to visit London this summer.(2)跟名词或者代词Have you planned your trip? We have been planning this visit for months.(3)plan for 为„做计划

He planned for a picnic if the next day were fine.(4)plan on 打算(做某事)

She had not planned on so many guests.They are planning on an/for an outing.II.Key Sentences

1.where would you like to go on vacation? I’d like to trek through the jungle.2.l like places where the weather is always warm.3.I like to go somewhere relaxing 我喜欢去休闲的地方 4.For your next vacation, why not consider visiting Paris? 你下次度假为什么不考虑去巴黎?

5.Traveling around Paris by taxi can cost a lot of money.乘坐出租车游览巴黎要花费很多钱

6.So unless you speak French yourself, it’s best to travel with someone who can translate things for you.因此,除非你自己会讲法语,否则最好与一个能为你翻译的人一起去。7.We’d like to be away for three weeks.我们大约要去三个星期.8.The person has a lot of money to spend on the vacation.度假中这个人有很多钱可以花.9.I hope you can provide me with some information about the kinds of vacations that your firm can offer我希望能给我提供一些贵公司能经营的旅游项目的信息.10.Could you please give me some suggestions for vacation spots? 你能给我一些有关度假地的建议吗?

11.You need to pack some warm clothes if you go there.你如果去那里,需要带一些暖和的衣服。

12.I’d love to sail across the Pacific.我想横渡太平洋。

7.somewhere 在本句中有双重性,对go 来说是副词,对relaxing 来说是不定代词。I’d like to 8.consider 考虑,认为。后面只跟动词的“ing”形式。9.else 用在特殊疑问词及不定代词的后面,other 用在名词前,两者都意为“别的,其他的”

what else/ who else/ something else/anything else/nothing else.单 选 精 练

()1.She likes the music ______has great lyrics.A.whatB.thatC.who

()2.The movie reminded him______the life in the past.A.forB.ofC.with

()3.______honest, he didn’t pass the exam.A.BeB.To beC.Doother things/other animals/other people.(在范围内的某方位。范围之外的某方位(隔山、海相望)在两地边界接壤的某方位。

(11.mind介意:mind doing sth;mind one’s doing sth.12.any用在肯定句中,“任一”(13.so that引的状语从句,“以便,为了”,从句往往有can/may/will/could/might/would等情态动词;so„that„如此…以至于…that„引导结果状语从句。(14.continue to do sth=go on to do sth.继续干另外一件事。continue doing sth=go on doing sth.继续干同一件事

(15.在英语中,有although/ though 就不能有but;有because就不能有so.补全句子:


__________you do, don’t ________this exhibition.(2.比起看书,我更喜欢打篮球。

I prefer playing basketball _________ __________ books.(3.你想要去哪里度假?

Where would you________ to go ________ vacation?(4.如果你想买新单车,你就应该攒钱。

You should _______ _______ if you want to buy a new bike.(5.房间需要足够大,可以住三人。

The room needs to be ________ ________for three people.(6.不断努力,你的梦想会实现的。

Keep trying and your dream will _______ _______(7.我希望有一天去法国。

I hope to go to France _______ _______(8.对于你来说,保持身体健康有多重要?

How important is ________________ to you?(9.上海市世界上最大的城市之一。

Shanghai is _______ of the biggest ________ in the world.(10.说实话,我只吃好吃的食物。

To be _______, I only eat food that _______ good.()4.Is there______in the newspaper?

A.new somethingB.anything newC.new anything)5.This shop is about _______walk.A.ten minutesB.ten minute’sC.ten minutes’)6.I ______you a good luck in the new year.A.wishB.wantC.hope)7.There is going to ______ a meeting tomorrow afternoon.A.isB.beC.have)8.I love places ______people are friendly.A.whoB.whatC.where)9.______to have dinner with me? Yes, I’d love to.A.Would you pleaseB.Would you likeC.Could you please)10.I’d like to trek _______the jungle because I like exciting vacationsA.amongB.acrossC.through)11.My parents don’t allowed me ______out alone at night.A.goB.wentC.to go)12.You can save money by _______books from the library.You needn’t buy many books.A.lendingB.borrowC.borrowing)13.The film ______him _____ a car.A.provided, withB.offered, withC.provide, for)14.He has ______away from Beijing ______five years..A.gone, forB.been, forC.been, since)15.Japan is ______the east of China.A.inB.toC.on)16.We want to buy a house ______a big garden.A.hasB.withC.there is)17.She has much homework ______every night.A.to doB.doingC.do.)18.He is considering ______a letter to her next week.A.writeB.writingC.writes)19.They ______willing______build a factory in Changsha.A.are,toB.have, toC.are, for

()20.She often dreams ______ ______an actress in the future.A.of, becomeB.of, becomingC.for, becoming

()21.---How are you_________ ?

---______ , thank you.A going ,GoodB getting,BetterC doing ,FineD feeling , Nicely

()22.----Please ________ your father.-----I will.Thank you.A say thank toB say thanks toC speak thankD speak thanks for

()38.----_____ did he go home________?----I don’t know.AWhy ,forB what ,forC why, aboutD What;about

()39.A boy ________the river and died at last.A fell intoB fell behindC fell fromD fell down

()40.I can’t find out the right answer ________ the question.A.toB.ofC.withD.in

()41.This is ______ song I’ve talked to you about.Isn’t it_______ beautiful one?A.the, theB a, aC.the, aD.a, the()23.Going to the West Lake _______ interesting.A soundB soundingC sounds()24.Lucy looked so _______ when she heard the bad news.A happyB sillyC cruel()25.Mary felt_______, so she looked __________.A.happy , happyB happily ,happyC happy ,happily()26..This kind of apples tastes ________ and sells___________

A well, wellB good , goodC well, good()27.He _______ half an hour on his homework every day.A spendsB takesC pays()28.It will ________ us a week to travel to Mount Tai.A.takeB.costC.spent()29.It will _________us 3000 yuan to travel to Mount Tai.A.takesB.costC.spend()30.----I want to see the movie , but I have no tickets.-----_________.A what shame!B what a shame!C How shame!()31.One of my friends ________ from Fuzhou.A isB areC come()32.Betty didn’t come to my party.I felt _____.A happyB madC disappointed()33.The little boy is bored ________ math class.A withB ofC about()34.We Chinese people are ________ of Liu Xiang.A pleasedB proudC angry()35.I’ll ________later today.A ring him upB ring up himC call him to()36.It seemed that his words ________ her

A pleasingB pleasedC pleasant()37..She is very happy ________ her good exam results

A whyB becauseC andD to sound

D sad

D happily , happily

D good, well

D costs

D.payD.payD How a shame!

D am

D cruel

D at

D tired

D call up him

D pleasure

D because of()42.----It’s hot here.Would you mind opening the window a little bit ?-----____________.A.Go aheadB.SureC.Of couse notD.Please do it()43.I know many stars, but I think______of them are good.A.a fewB.fewC.a littleD.little()44.----Which do you like better, chemistry or physics?-----________of them.I prefer biology.A.EitherB.NeitherC.NoneD.Both()45.----Good morning, sir.What would you like?----Two pieces of cake_______ a coffee,please.A.inB.withC.toD.for()46.In fact, _________not difficult to become good at action sports.A.itB.it’sC.he isD.its()47.Football is a popular _______around the world.A.matchB.goalC.gameD.play

()48.Women in this country each _______ about two children.A.haveB.hasC.areD.is

()49.“________drink from a bottle while walking about”.Mother told us.A.NotB.NeverC.AlwaysD.Often()50.We saw him_______ the building and go upstairs.A.to enterB.enterC.enteringD.entered

1-5BBBBC6-10ABCBC11-15CCABB 16-20 BABAB21-25 CBCDA26-30DAABB31-35 ACABA36-40 ADBAA41-45CCBBB 46-50 BCABB


Unit 7Where would you like to visit?单元试题



1.Notre Dame Cathedral is one of the famous ________ in the world.(教堂)

2.It is very ___________(方便)to go shopping in the supermarket.3.I’d like to Qufu.It’s very ____________(有教育意义的)

4.I hope my dream will _______________ some day.(实现,达到)

5.In summer the beaches are very _____________.(游客很多的)


1.Here are some of the _________(find).of a survey about hopes and dreams.2.Are you really _______(will)to go to work in the western China after finishing school.3.The _______(report)said that they would achieve their dreams soon.

4.What would you like to do after finishing your ______(educational)?

5.The most popular choice of jobs is computer_____(programme)in the future.6.My grandfather hopes ______(visit)Paris one day.7.Would you like ____(cook)supper for us tonight?.My mother always has too many clothes ____(wash)every day.9.You dislike your job.Why not consider ____(change)it.10.What about ____(work)with me in Xinjiang ?

11..Paris is considered as one of the ___________ cities in the world.(lively)

12.I’d like to go on vacation at a ___________ place(peace).二、选择填空(20分)

()1.--Would you like to come to my house for dinner tonight?

--I’d love to, _________ I can’t.I have lots of work to do.A.soB.butC.andD.or

()2.The team trekked__________ the jungle to look for tigers.A.throughB.crossC.intoD.across

()3.We are going to visit Ocean Park _____ it rains.A.unlessB.thoughC.ifD.because

()4.Our country provided the people _____ plenty of things after the earthquake.A.inB.toC.ontoD.with

()5.The Wangs want to go _____ on vacation.A.somewhere peacefulB.anywhere fasinating C.somewhere boringD.dangerous somewhere

()6.Could you please ____ the blackboard now? It’s your duty.A.not cleanB.not to clwanC.to cleanD.clean

()7.I hope ___________ the moon some day.A.visitB.visitingC.to visitD.will visit

()8.I still remember the village ______ I lived at five years old.A.thatB.whichC.whereD./

()9.Xiamen is a very _____ city, and he wats to visit it this spring.A.tiringB.fascinatingC.outgoingD.boring

()10.You look tired, why not ________ a short rest?

A.haveB.havingC.to haveD.will have

()11.Guangdong is _________the southeast of China.A.inB.onC.toD.at

()12I have dreamed of ______________all over the world in the future.A.travelB.will travelC.to travelD.traveling

()13.They are willing __________ in my firm.A.workB.workingC.to workD.worked

()14.Please _____ your dreams, and maybe they will come true one day.A.give upB.get along withC.hold on toD.care about

()1---I’m sure he must be in trouble now.What should I do?---______.He will be OK.A.Congratulations.B.Have a good time.C.Take it easy.D.Wish you good luck.()16.---Would you like to go out for a walk with us ?---________.A.Of courseB.That’s all rightC.I’d love toD.Yes, I would

()17.Why not consider _________ Kunming next holiday?


()18.There are ____ stars in the sky and you can see them at night.A.thousand ofB.two thousandsC.thousands ofD.two thousands of

()19.The dictionary ________ me $ 5.A.paidB.costC.spentD.took

()20.()19.----HE said he would go to the park with you tonith.---What _____ did he say?

A.otherB.elseC.anotherD.the other


Mr and Mrs Smith had always spent their summer holiday in New Fersey, staying in a small inn at the

foot of a hill.One year, however, Mr Smiththey decided to go to London and

stay at a really good hotel while theyaround that famous city.They flew to London and at their hotel late one evening.They had expected that they would have to

go to bed when the waiter asked whether they would “Are you still serving

dinner?”asked Mr Smith.“Yes , certainly, sir,” answered the waiter.“half past nine.”

“ are the meals served every day then?”asked Mr Smith.“ Well, sir, “ answered the waiter, “we serve

breakfast from seven to half past eleven in the morning, lunch from twelve to three in the afternoon, from four to five, and dinner from sixto half past nine.”

“But that hardly leaves any time for us to see the sights of London,” said Mr Smith.()1.A.lostB.spentC.ranD.made











(A)A Trip to the Forest(15分)

One day Bob took two of his friends into the mountains.They put up their

tents and then rode off to a forest to see how the trees were growing.In the afternoon when they were about ten kilometers from their camp(营地).it started to snow.More and more snow fell.Soon Bob could hardly see his hands before his face.He could not find the road.Bob knew there were two roads.One road went to the camp, and the other went to his house.But all was white snow.Everything was the same.How could he take his friends back to the camp?Bob had an idea.The horses!Let the horses take them back!But what would

happen if the horses took the road to his house? That would be a trip of thirty-five

kilometers in such cold weather!

It was getting late.They rode on and on.At last the horses stopped.Where

were they? None of them could tell.John looked around.What was that under the tree? It was one of their tents!

()31.John and his two friends went to the forest to ________.A.build their campB.find their way home

C.enjoy the mountains in the snowD.watch the trees in the forest

()32.They could not find their way back because ________.A.there was only one road to their camp

B.they couldn’t decide which of the two roads led to their tents

C.there were no roads in the mountains at all

D.everything was covered by the white snow

()33.It is clear that they wanted the horses to take them to _______.A.John’s houseB.the campC.the forestD.the mountains

()34.A.The horses stopped because _______.A.it was getting lateB.they were tired after running for a long way

C.they knew that they had got to the campD.they had seen John’s house

()35.The story happened _______.A.on a cold winter dayB.on a dark snowy evening

C.in a cold camp far from villagesD.at night when nothing could be seen


I have always heard that walking under a ladder brings bad luck, but I’ve never thought so.I have walked under ladders many times, but I have never met anything bad before.It’s the damn with black cats.People say if a black cat crosses before you, it_____2______bad luck.I have never thought that until this

afternoon.But ever since I heard my student Sam’s story, I’ve begun thinking about whether it was true.This afternoon, Sam was walking down the street thinking about something, so he wasn’t ____3_____ attention to where he was going.He walked right under a ladder standing against a building.A black cat all over.()1.判断正(T)误(F)At first, the writer believed that walking under a ladder would bring bad luck.2. 2 和3处填入合适的词是:2._____________ 3._____________

3. 翻译划线的句子__________________________________________________

4.In fact , what brought bad luck to Sam in your opinion?



They’re ____________ _____________ Paris next time.一般而言,我们心甘情愿帮助他。(in general & be willing to)


你应该尽快完成你的工作。(as soon as possible)



__________ ________ ___________ , we have enough time to catch the train

他想要在太平洋上远航。(go sailing)________________________________________




1.beautiful , modern city

2.there be , tall building ,clean street , everywhere , Beijing

3.environment , plant , as many , flowers and trees , as possible , protect , them.


九年级Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes 重点词组和句子 Section A 1.sixteen-year-olds 16岁的青少年

2.have a part-time jobs 做兼职工作 3.get one’s ears pierced 穿耳洞

4.choose one’s own clothes 选择自己的衣服 5.the shopping center


6.I don’t think sixteen –year-olds should be allowed to drive.我认为不应该允许16岁的青少年开车。

7.get one’s driver’s license

拿到驾驶执照 8.get sth.done = have sth.done 请人做某事

9.serious enough 足够稳重

10.cut one’s hair 理发 11.stop doing sth.停止做某事

stop to do sth.停下来做另一件事

12.be excited about


13.I’m really excited about seeing the famous paintings by Picasso.看到毕加索的名画我感到十分兴奋。

14.I’m glad Mr.Smith chose the art museum for our school trip this year.我很高兴史密斯先生今年选择艺术博物馆作为我们的学校旅行。

15.I’m going to bring my new camera to take lots of photos!


16.Do you think we may be allowed to take photos if we don’t use a flash?

你认为如果我们不使用闪关灯,我们可能被允许拍照吗? 17.I’ll bring my camera anyway.无论如何(反正)我会把我的相机带来。18.keep sb.from sth.使某人远离„„

19.lift up 举起;抬高

20.talk about 回嘴;顶嘴

21.I was a tiny baby crying all night, my mom sang to me and stayed by my side.当我还是一个整夜哭闹的小婴儿时,妈妈会给我唱歌,陪在我身边。

22.When I was tired and hungry, she gave me food and warm arms to sleep in.当我又累又饿时,她喂给我食物,用温暖的双臂抱着我入睡。

23.When I was two running through the field, she made sure I was safe and kept me from danger.当我两岁跑过田野时,她确保我是安全的,使我远离危险。

24.When I fell and hurt myself, she gave a hug and lifted me up.当我跌倒受伤时,她拥抱我,把我扶起来。

25.Please be back by ten.请在十点钟以前回来。26.Now I am an adult, thinking back to those times.现在我已长大成人了,回想起那些时光。27.I was late for school from staying out past ten.因为在外面待到十点以后,我上学迟到了。28.I regret talking about, not listening to Mom.我后悔顶嘴,后悔没有听妈妈的话。

29.Mom knows best, and for me she wanted only the best.妈妈最了解我,她只想把最好的给我。30.make one’s own decision

自己做决定 31.agree with sb.同意 / 赞同某人 32.manage to do sth.设法做成某事 33.keep..away from

避免接近;远离 34.give sb.a hug


35.Do you think teenagers should be encouraged to make their own decisions?


36.Teenagers are too young to make their own decisions.青少年太小了,还不能自己做决定。

37.Parents should encourage teenagers to do social work for their community.父母应该鼓励青少年为他们的社区做一些社会工作。

38.Do you think we must keep teenagers away from the Internet?


39.Their parents believe that they should be educated to take care of themselves from a young age.他们的父母认为他们应该从小被教育照顾自己。

40.Chinese parents believe that it is better for children to live with parents who can take care of them.中国的父母认为对孩子们来说和父母住在一起更好,父母可以照顾他们。41.But the young should then look after their parents as they get older.但是年轻人应该在他们的父母变老时照顾他们。

42.That is why many Chinese adults continue to live with their parents.那就是为什么许多中国的年轻人继续喝他们的父母住在一起。Section B 1.get to class late = be late for class


2.take the test 参加考试

3.pass the test 通过考试 4.be strict with sb.对某人严格要求

be strict in sth.对某事严格要求

5.succeed in(doing)sth.在(做)„„方面有所成就 6.have sth.against „


7.Peter should be allowed to take the test later.应该允许彼得稍后参加考试。

8.Parents should not be too strict with teenagers.父母不应该对青少年要求太严格。

9.But sometimes these hobbies can get in the way of their schoolwork.但是有时这些爱好可能会妨碍他们的功课/ 学业。10.Parents might worry about their success at school.父母可能会担心他们在学校成功。

11.Teenagers often think they should be allowed to practice their hobbies as much as they want.青少年经常认为应该允许他们尽可能多地练习他们的业余爱好。

12.Liu Yu is on his school team and has always wanted to be a professional runner when he grows up.刘宇是校队的一名成员,他一直想在长大时成为一名职业的赛跑运动员。13.We know how much he loves running.我们知道他有多么热爱跑步。14.We have nothing against running!


15.We think our son needs to think about other possible jobs.我们认为我们的儿子需要考虑其他可能的职业。

16.He’s getting older now, so he needs to think about what will happen if he doesn’t end up as a professional runner.他现在正在逐渐长大,所以他需要考虑如果他最终没有成为一名职业的赛跑运动员将怎么办。

17.I think I should be allowed to decide for myself.我认为我应该被允许我自己做决定。

18.My parents have always taught me how important it is to work hard at school and enter university.我父母总是告诉我在学校努力学习并且考上大学有多么的重要。19.I’m serious about running.我热衷于跑步。/ 我对跑步是很认真的。

20.He needs to spend more time on his schoolwork because it is difficult to become a professional sports star.他需要在他的功课上花更多的时间,因为成为一名职业的体育明星是很难的。21.I know my parents care about me.我知道我父母关心我。

22.I think I should be allowed to make this choice myself.我认为应该允许我自己做选择。

23.Only then will I have a chance to achieve my dream.这有那样我才有机会实现我的梦想。

24.How do you think the rule should be changed?


25.No matter how many difficulties we have, I believe all problems can be solved in the end.无论我们又多少困难,我相信最后所有的问题都可以解决。26.Mobile phones should be kept off during the meeting.在会议期间,手机应该保持关机状态。

27.Teenagers under eighteen must not be allowed to smoke or drink.十八岁以内的青少年禁止允许吸烟和喝酒。

28.Many parents think going to school must be put first, so teenagers should be encouraged to work part-time.许多父母认为上学必须放在首位,所以不应该鼓励青 少年做兼职工作。词汇辨析及用法

1.regret: 感到遗憾;懊悔;后悔

(1)regret + 名词 / 代词

If you don’t do it now, you’ll only regret it.如果你现在不做,以后一定会后悔的。

(2)regret + 动名词

regret doing sth.I now regret leaving school so young.我现在后悔那么早就辍学了。

(3)regret + that 从句

She began to regret that she had asked that silly question.她开始后悔问了那个愚蠢的问题。

(4)regret + to say / tell / inform …

We regret to inform you that your application has not been approved.我们很遗憾地通知您,您的申请未通过。2.be allowed to do sth./allow sb.to do sth./ allow doing sth.(1)be allowed to do sth.被允许做某事

Little kids aren’t allowed to play with fire.小孩子不允许玩火。

(2)allow sb.to do sth.允许某人做某事

Please allow me to water the flowers.请允许我给花浇水。

(3)allow doing sth.允许做某事

We don’t allow diving in the pool.游泳池内不准跳水。

3.in the way / on the way / by the way / in a way ⊙ in the way(挡路;妨碍)

Her social life got in the way of her studies 她的社会活动妨碍了她的学习。⊙ on the way(在路上)

Let’s wait a few moments.He’s on the way.咱们等一会儿,他正在路上。[快到了] ⊙

by the way 是个语气词,即“附带说一句”之意。By the way,has everybody arrived? 附带问一句,大家是否都到了? ⊙

in a way,是“某个方面”,“在某种意义上”。In a way, he was right.在某个意义上说,他是对的。

⊙ in this way


In this way,he has collected a great many stamps。用这种方法,他收集了大量的邮票。书面表达


There are many rules in my life.I agree with some of them and disagree with others.I agree that students are not allowed to use their mobile phones at school.But I think teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.If we can do that, we would feel more comfortable.We enjoy doing homework with friends.But parents don’t allow us to do that.Because they think we’ll talk instead of studying.I disagree.In fact, we learn a lot from each other.We also think that vacations should be longer.They would give us more choices to do things we like.




1.It’s t______ to work long hours.I always feel t_____ after work.2.I’d like to t_____ through the Taihang Mountains during my summer vacation.3.Many people come to Hainan to spend the winter, so it’s usually t______.4.What’s your plan for the vacation? I’m c______ traveling to Hong Kong.5.Paris is one of the l______ cities in Europe.6.Beijing has many fantastic sights, i_______ the Palace Museum and the Summer Palace.7.Parents p______ us with food and clothing.8.I’m looking forward to s______ across the Pacific.9.It is r_______ that a boy was killed in the traffic accident.10.Jim is always d_______ of becoming a famous actor.11.We’re leaving in an hour.Have you p_____ all your things?

12.I’d like to trek through the jungle because I like t______ vacations.13.I don’t want to go to Hawaii this summer.It’s too t______.14.How about Florida beach? I know you would like some where r______.15.I hope you can p______ us with some information about the newest computers.16.I’d like to go to Qufu.Confucius was born there.It’s very e_____.17.I hope to go t________in a jungle in Brazil.18.He hopes that I can p________him with some money.19.Parents should buy some e______ programs for children to study.20.Do you know C______? He’s an important Chinese thinker.21.Tom often s______ the Internet on weekends.22.I like going hiking.I can always e______ new places.23.The diamond ring is really f______.24.How p______ it is in the countryside!

25.My brother told me a t______ story of ghosts.26.Besides zoos, children should also visit some b______ gardens to see some plants in their spare time.27.This underground doesn’t go d______.28.How many official languages are spoken in S______?

29.Hawaii is a_________(tourist)place.30.Notre Dame Cathedral is one of the famous ________ in the world.(教堂)

31.He dreams of being a ___________ in the future.(翻译家)

32.It is very ___________(方便)to go shopping in the supermarket.33._______________(一般而言), American families often give a party at home.34.I really my dream will _______________ some day.(实现,达到)

35.I don’t care about your marks you had ago, but I pay more attention to your __________(态度)1

of study now.36.He is ______________ to buy a English-Chinese dictionary.(省钱)

37.All of us love ______________(和平)。

38.There is a supermarket near our house.It’s very ____________(方便)。

39.Would you like to go to the _____________________(公众注意的中心)to play?

40.Most of children in China can get __________________(教育)from schools.二、用所给单词的适当形式完成句子。

1.Beijing is an e_____________ place where you can learn a lot.(education)

2.The sea is sometimes______________(peace)and__________(fascinate).3.Thousands of _______________ come to visit Huangshan every year.(touristy)

4._____________ China is developing faster than middle China.(east)

5.My brother takes an interest in computer ______________,(program)

6.I want to be a ________________ after I leave university.(translate)

7.Here are some of the ___________ of a survey about hopes and dreams.(find)

8.I like __________ vacations, they always make me feel ___________.(excite)

9.I love places where the people are really __________(friend).10.I want to go there, because I like ___________(excite)vacations.11.Could you please __________(give)me some _________(suggest)for vacation spots?

12.Would you like ___________(drink)some orange juice?

13.You look tired, why not _____________(have)a short rest?

14.His brother is considering ___________(study)abroad.15.We need a ____________(peace)world.We hate wars.16.Sam likes Brazil because he likes ____________(excite)vacations.17.There’s not much ____________(do)in Mexico.18.I’d like to go somewhere ___________(relax).19.Why not ____________(consider)visiting Singapore?

20.Singapore doesn’t have any _____________(beach)or mountains.21.Singapore is a wonderful place for ____________(shop).22.________________(live)in Singapore is quite expensive.23.Hong Kong is very _______________(crowd).24.He is considering _________________(buy)a computer for his son.25.I hope _____________(visit)this place again.26.You'll be all fight to have a good rest in a _____________(relax)place.27.The bookstore was _____________(crowd)with people who wanted to buy books.28.(旅客).29.There are _____________(thousand)of people in the mall on National Day.30.I have dreamed of ______________(travel)all over the world in the future.31.They are willing _______________(work)in my firm.32.Some students reported that they were ____________(will)to work hard ____________(achieve)their dreams.33.Paris is one of the ________________(lively)cities in Europe.四、单项填空

()1.—There is a ticket on the floor, is it yours?

—Oh, yes, it’s mine.—Let me _____for you.A.to pick up itB.to pick it upC.pick up itD.pick it up

()2.The teacher asked the boys ____on the wall.A.to not drawB.don’t drawC.not draw toD.not to draw

()3.Exeuse me, would you please tell me ______buy a digital camera?

A.what toB.where toC.what I canD.where can I

()4.We want to play basketball after school.Would you like to ____us?


()5.The teacher told the students _____in class.A.notB.don’t talkC.didn’t talkD.not to talk

()6.—How about going hiking this weekend?

—Sorry, I prefer _____rather than _____.A.to stay at home, go outB.to go out, stay at home

C.staying at home, go outD.going out, stay at home.()7.Have you decided _________ Shanghai?

A.to visitB.visitC.visitingD.to visit to

()8.Can you provide us _________ some information _______ the computer?

A.for, withB.with, aboutC.about, withD.with, with

()9.Beijing is cold this time _________.You need _______ warm clothes if you go there.A.of the year, to packB.of year, packingC.of year, packD.of year, to pack

()10.They were _________ when they heard the _________ news.A.excited, excitingB.exciting, excitedC.excited, excitedD.exciting, exciting

()11.The two men walked _________ the forest and got to a small house.A.acrossB.throughC.crossingD.over

()12.Could you tell me the shop________ you bought the sweater last week?


()13I don’t know if she________ the work tomorrow.A.will finishB.finishesC.finishD.finished

()14He________ two thousand trees since 1990.A.plantsB.plantedC.will plantD.has planted

()15.—Would you like to go shopping with me?

—________.A.That’s rightB.Yes, I’d love toC.You’re welcomed.D.Yes, I like shopping

()16.He bought a T-shirt.It________ him 20 dollars.A.costB.spentC.tookD.paid

()17Mount Emei is one of _____________ in China.A.the most beautiful mountainsB.most beautiful mountians

C.the most beautiful mountainD.most beautiful mountain

()18There are ____ stars in the sky and you can see them at night.A.thousand ofB.two thousandsC.thousands ofD.two thousands of

()19.The dictionary ________ me $ 5.A.paidB.costC.spentD.took

()20.______ you live, I will find you at once.A.WhateverB.WheneverC.WhereverD.Whichever

()21.They are willing __________ in my firm.A.workB.workingC.to workD.worked

()22.I have dreamed of ______________all over the world in the future.A.travelB.will travelC.to travelD.traveling

()23.Taiwan is _________ south east of China.A.inB.onC.toD.at

()24.Yellow River is one of ____________ rivers in the world.A.the longerB.longerC.the longestD.longest

()25.They were _________ when they heard the _______ news.A.excited, excitingB.exciting, excited

C.excited, excitedD.exciting, exciting

()26.I still remember the village ______ I lived at five years old.A.thatB.whichC.whereD./

()27.The children are allowed ___________ games after an hour’s study.A.to playB.playingC.playD.to playing

()28.Our country provided the people _____ plenty of things during the flood.A.inB.toC.ontoD.with

()29.I would like to sail _________ the Pacific Ocean one day.A.throughB.crossC.intoD.across

()30.The team trekked __________ the jungle to look for tigers.A.throughB.crossC.intoD.across

()31.—I _________ being a policeman _________.What is yours?

—To be a teacher.A.dream;in the future

C.dream about;in future



B.dream of;in the future D.dream as;in futureD.in D.in()32.Don’t plan _________ driving a car in Singapore.B.onC.of()33.I’d like to visit Sydney _________ my next vacation.B.onC.at

()34.Jerry likes to go to the beach to relax himself, so he likes ________ vacations.A.excitingB.educationalC.dangerousD.peaceful

()35.My friend will go to ________ for his winter vacation.A.somewhere warmB.warm somewhere

C.places warmD.warm the places

()36.For your next vacation, why not consider ________ Paris?

A.visitB.visitingC.to visitD.visits

()37.Where would you like to visit ________ vacation?


()38.His father filled his stocking small presents when he slept.A.inB.overC.withD.by

()39.I spend 3 days this letter.A.to writeB.writingC.writeD.with write

()40.What do you want for supper?


()41.Mother was busy food and presents for her son’s birthday party.A.buyingB.buyC.to buyD.buys

()42.She doesn’t live here ____________

A.any muchB.any moreC.some moreD.any many

()43.Do you know why __________ today?

A.Tom hasn’t someB.hasn’t Tom comeC.didn’t Tom comeD.did Tom come

()44.I would like to sail ____ the Pacific Ocean one day.A.throughB.crossC.intoD.across

()45.Our country provided the people ____ plenty of things during the flood.A.inB.toC.ontoD.with

()46.This isn’t________ backpack.Perhaps it’s________.A.my;hersB.mine;Tom’sC.his;her’sD.yours;his

()47.The park is only________ walk from our school.A.ten-minutesB.ten minute’sC.ten minuteD.ten minutes’

()48.I will go to the library with you if I_________ have class this afternoon.A.didn’tB.don’tC.am notD.won’t

()49.Sammy prefers music that________ because he thinks that music with no lyrics is boring.A.has great lyricsB.is so loudC.he can listen to in bedD.is gentle and quiet

()50.Please turn down your radio.The music is too________.A.aloudB.loudC.loudlyD.quiet

()51.I like places ______ the weather is always warm.A.whoB.thatC.whereD.and

()52.-Where would you like to go ?

-I’d like to go ______.A.warm somewhereB.place warmC.somewhere warmD.warm place

()53.We have received several different answers ______ the question.A.ofB.toC.withD.on

()54.Peter works ______ a waiter in the restaurant.A.asB.forC.isD.to

()55.We walked ______ the forest and swam ______ the river.A.across, acrossB.through, throughC.through, acrossD.across, through

()56.We have already planted three ______ trees this spring.A.thousandB.thousandsC.thousand ofD.thousands of

()57.--______ is the natural park?--About thirteen ______ bus ride.A.How long, hoursB.How far, hoursC.How long, hours’D.How far, hours’

()58.The sports meet will continue ______ it rains this afternoon.A.ifB.sinceC.as soon asD.unless

()59.Singapore is also a wonderful place ______ shopping.A.onB.aboutC.toD.for

()60.It was at the railway station ______ we met each other.A.thatB.whichC.whereD.when

()61.Take ______ easy, or you can’t do it well.A.thatB.themC.itD.you

()62.He hopes ________ a trip to Shanghai with his wife some day.A.to takeB.takingC.takesD.took

()63.The young man is very friendly and often offers ________ other people.A.helpB.helpingC.to helpD.help for

()64.We will ________ for a week.Could you please look after my dog?

A.goB.be awayC.leaveD.go out

()65.My parents want to go ______ on vacation.A.somewhere peacefulB.dangerous somewhere

C.somewhere boringD.fascinating somewhere

()66.He wants to look for ________ for four people.A.a big enough roomB.a room big enough

C.a room enough bigD.an enough big room

()67.A group of young men spent half a month ________ the forest.A.trekking acrossB.trekking throughC.to trek overD.trekked through

()68.________ people had to stay at the airport because of the heavy fog.A.Several hundredB.Several hundredsC.Hundred ofD.Hundreds

()69.Mount Emei is one of _______in China.A.the most beautiful mountainsB.most beautiful mountains

C.the most beautiful mountainD.most beautiful mountain

()70.There are_____ stars in the sky and you can see them at night.A.thousand ofB.two thousandsC.thousands ofD.two thousands



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