
时间:2019-05-12 20:34:10下载本文作者:会员上传




村长:“本村计划-生育工作的难度一直很大。” 记者:“为什么?”























(二)非谓语动词使用条件:一个句子当中,已经存在一个主句(谓语动词),又没有连词的情况下, 还有别的动词出现时。

She got off the bus, leaving her handbag on her seat.She got off the bus, but left her handbag on her seat.(三)非谓语动词大都可在句中作主语、宾语、宾语补足语、表语、定语、状语等.(四)动词不定式(The Infinitive)


肯定式:to do sth 否定式:not to do sth.被动式:to be done 完成式:to have done 2.动词不定式的句法作用法:动词不定式有副词,形容词和名词的特征,因此在句中可作主语、宾语、宾语补足语、表语定语、状语等成份。①.动词不定式作主语:

To teach English is my favorite.动词不定式作主语时可以放在后面,而用 it 作形式主语放在原主语的位置上。

It's necessary to find the witness.有必要找到目击者。

②.动词不定式作宾语: 某些及物动词可以用动词不定式作宾语,这些动词有decide, begin, help, begin, want, wish, like, forget, learn, ask.等。

What I wish is to learn English well.练习:

1.They wanted ____(get)on the bus, didn’t they? 2.He said he wished ______(be)a professor.3.I agreed______(go)there with the doctor.4.My daughter preferred ______(dance)when she was in her twenties.5.He had promised ______(give)me a hand.常跟疑问词+不定式作宾语的动词:tell, advise, show, teach, find out, decide, discuss, learn, explain„ know, show, discover, see(understand)• He taught us how to use the tool.• No one could tell me where to get the book.• I hope you’ll advise me what to do.③.动词不定式作宾语补语(与宾语之间的关系实际上是逻辑上的主谓关系)。

Please ask him to come here quickly.请叫他快过来。


1.Mother told me ___ come back before 10 o’clock.2.I’ll get someone ___ repair the recorder for you.3.What caused him ___ change his mind? 4.I wish you ___ come as soon as possible.5.He asked me ___do the work with him


advise allow ask beg cause expect encourage force get hate invite order wish want warn remind promise permit persuade request…

+ sb.to do B: see watch look at hear listen to feel notice + sb.+ do doing done C:

make let have + sb.+ do D: seen watched looked at sb.be + heard + to do listened to felt noticed

Did you notice anyone(come)in ? I would have him(wait)for me for a long time.[注意]: 当这类动词转为被动语态时,其后的不定式则要加上“ to” 如:

He is often heard ____to sing____ the song· He was seen ___to enter____ the room.④.动词不定式作表语 :

What I should do is to finish the task soon.我应该做的是赶快完成任务。


I have something important to tell you.我有重要的事情要告诉你。

[注意]: 如果不定式是不及物的,它后面就应有必要的介词。如:

He is looking for a room to live in .

Please give me a knife to cut with.

⑥.不定式作状语: We went to the hospital to see our teacher.我们去医院看了我们的老师。

(五)动 名 词

动名词是由动词原形 + ing 构成,同现在分词形式一样,在句中可作主语,宾语,表语和定语。


Talking like that is not polite.(注:动名词可以象动词不定式一样,用 it 先行祠代替,而把动名词写在后面。

It's no use waiting here, let's go home.2)动名词作表语

Seeing is believing.3)动名词作宾语

有些动词须用动名词来作宾语,它们是begin, mind, suggest, finish, stop, need, enjoy, miss, keep.Please stop smoking in the house.4)动名词作定语

She is studying in the reading room.(动名词的否定形式:not + 动名词

He pretend not knowing it at all.他假装全然不知。

动名词的被动形式 :

(当动名词和它的逻辑主语是被动关系时,用动名词的被动形式来表示。)His being looked down upon made him sick.四、巩固练习:


1.We are so glad ________(hear)the news.2.I saw him ________(cross)the road safely and ________(run)away.3.You can’t make him ________(do)what you want.4.I don’t know where ________(meet)him.5.What makes you ________(think)I’m a farmer? 6.Did you see him ________(go)upstairs? 7.It is better ________(put)your money in a bank.8.It is difficult for the boy ________(swim)across the river.9.I let him ________(go)early as he wanted ________(meet)his uncle at the station.10.Will you help me ________(move)the bed? 11.If he doesn’t know, how ________(use)the recorder, you’d better ________(show)him.12.He is the last one ________(leave)the office every day.13.It’s bad manners ________(shout)in public.14.The boy is old enough ________(dress)himself.15.She is too ill ________(go)to school.1.I’m thirsty.Will you get me something ____?


B.to drink


D.eating 2.It was great fun _____ a picnic on the hill.A.to have

B.of having


D.had 3.It’s bad for your eyes ____ computer games for a long time.A.plays

B.to play


D.played 4.----Do you often hear John ____ in his room?

----Yes.Listen!Now we can hear him ____ in his room.A.sing;to sing



D.to sing;singing 5.Why not ____?

A.let him to go home

B.to let him go home

C.let him go home

D.to let him to go home



1.Boys, don't forget _____ the windows before you leave the classroom.A.closing B.closed C.to closing D.to close 2.She reached the top of the hill and stopped _______ on a big rock.A.to have rested B.resting C.to rest D.rest 4.Remember _______ the lights when you leave the office.A.to turn off B.turning off C.turn off D.to turning off 1.Let me ______(help)you _______(water)the flowers.2.Little Sandy would love _______(take)to the cinema this evening.3.Though he often made his deskmate ______(cry), today he was made _______(cry)by his deskmate.4.I saw him _______ into the small store.A.went


C.to go

D.has gone 5.Tell the boy _______ out of the window.A.not to look

B.to not look

C.don't look

D.not look 1.The house is not big enough for us all_______.A.to live in

B.to be lived in

C.to live

D.for living in 2.Would you please pass me the knife _______? A.to cut the fruit with

B.to cut the fruit

C.cutting the fruit

D.cutting the fruit with 4



A.① I want one magazine ______.(read)

② He wanted me ______this question.(answer)

③ She wanted her son______ at once.(examine)

④ My bicycle wants _______.(repair)

B.① What made you ______ so ?(think)

② The girl was made _____ a man she didn't love at all.(marry)③ The show made me _______ in the study of science.(interest)

④ He raised the picture to make everyone _______ clearly.(see)⑤ He raised his voice to make himself _______.(hear)

⑥ My father himselfmade some candles _______ light.(give)⑦ The boss made the workers _______ day and night.(work)

C.① You'd better get your own room _______.(clean)

② Yesterday he got his wallet _______.(steal)

③ You should get your friends _______ you.(help)

④ The lecture got us _______.(think)

⑤ Don't get ________ in the rain.(catch)

D.① Did you see somebody _______ into the room ?(steal)

② I saw him _______ in the room at that time.(read)

③ She was glad to see her child ________ good care of.(take)④ I saw her _______ at the windows , thinking.(seat)

⑤ She was seen ________ here.(come)

E.① I like _______ very much.(swim)

② I don't like _______ TV at this time.(watch)

③ He never likes _______ at the meeting.(praise)

④ I feel like _______ to the cinema.(go)

⑤ Would you like ______ with me ?(go)


F.① The man ______ at the meeting now is from the south.(speak)

② I don't know the professor ______ at the meeting.(speak)③ He is the professor _______ to dinner.(invite)

G.① It was so cold and he had the fire _______ all night long.(burn)

② I have a lot of exercises ________ today.(do)

③ “Do you have nay clothes _______ today ? ”asked Mother.(wash)④ You'd better have that bad tooth _______ out.(pull)

⑤ I want to have him _______ a car for me.(find)

H.① He doesn't do anything but _______ all day.(play)

② We have no choice but _______.(obey)

③ I'm thinking of how _______ my English.(improve)

④ He made an apology for _____ late.(be)

I.① He told us about his trip in an _______ voice.(excite)

② He told us his story in a _______ voice.(tremble)

③ At the sight of a snake , the little girl was very _______.(frighten)

④ The boy was _______ , so I didn't believe him again.(disappoint)

J.① He is looking forward to ______ college.(enter)

② He is looking forward to _____ nothing.(see)

K.① When he heard the news , he couldn't help ________ with joy.(jump)② I couldn't help ______ by the beauty of nature.(strike)

③ Sorry , I can't help ______ the housework today.(do)

L.①______ enough time , we'll do it better.(give)

②______ a candle , he went on reading.(light)

③______ from the hill , the park looks more beautiful.(see)

④______ the people well , we must work hard at our lessons.(serve)


A.1.to read2.to answer3.(to be)examined4.repairing/ to be repaired

B.1.think2.to marry3.interested4.see5.heard6.to give7.working

C.1.cleaned2.stolen3.to help4.thinking5.caught

D.1.steal2.reading3.taken4.seated5.to come

E.1.swimming2.to watch3.being praised4.going5.to go

F.1.speaking2.to speak3.invited

G.1.burning2.to do3.to be washed4.pulled5.find

H.1.1.play2.to obey3.to improve4.being



K.1.1.jumping2.being struck3.(to)do

A.1.Given2.Having lit3.Seen4.To serve


1.There ____ no classes yesterday, we paid a visit to the Great Wall.A.wasB.beingC.wereD.had been

2.He rushed into the room only ___an old lady lying on the ground.A.foundB.findC.findingD.to find

3.The boy lay on the ground, his eyes ______ and his hands ______.A.closing;tremblingB.closed;trembling


4.______, the girls raced on to the second runners.A.Stick in handB.With a stick in her hand

C.Sticks in handD.Sticks in hands

5.Each of them got up early ______ to catch the early bus.A.to hopeB.hopingC.so thatD.and

6.How pleased the Emperor was ______ what the cheats said!

A.hearingB.heardC.hearD.to hear

7.We should prevent pollution ______ happily.A.from livingB.livingC.to livingD.to live

8.I am busy now, so I can’t help ______ the machine.A.repairB.to have repairedC.repairingD.fixing

9.Jane came very close ___ a gold medal for Britain in the Olympics.A.to winB.winningC.to winningD.to be won

10.The boy seated himself in the corner with his back ___ to his father.A.turningB.to turnC.to be turnedD.turned

11.----When did you get your bedroom ______?

----Last week.A.to paintB.paintedC.paintingD.to be painted

12.He likes __, but hedoesn’t like ___ today because it is too cold.A.to swim;to swimB.swimming;swimming

C.to swim;swimmingD.swimming;to swim

13.There is ______ what the weather will be like.A.not knowingB.no knowingC.not knowD.no known

14.The novel is said ______ into many languages.A.to translateB.being translated

C.to have been translatedD.having been translated

15.I’m examining the composition he has just finished ____ thepossible mistakes in it.A.correctingB.to correctC.correctedD.correct


16.They would not allow him ______ across the enemy line.A.to risk goingB.risking to go C.for risk to go D.risk going

17.He spent as much time as he could _____ the child.A.teachingB.to teachC.teachD.for teaching

18.----Alice, why didn’t you come yesterday?

----I ______, but I had an unexpected visitor.A.hadB.wouldC.was going toD.did

19.How pleased the Emperor was ______ what the cheats said!

A.hearingB.to hear C.heardD.hear

20.______ the room, a letter was laid on the ground.A.Entering B.Having entered C.He entered D.Mrs Green entering

21.They set out ______ for the ______ boy.A.searching;losingB.searching;lost

C.to search;lostD.to search;missed

22.______ her mother had come, her face lit up.A.HearingB.Having heard C.When hearingD.When she heard

23.They arrived at their university very late, __the gate closely shut.A.foundB.to findC.findD.finding

24.----Do you have anything more ______, sir?

----No.You can have a rest or do something else.A.typingB.to be typed C.typedD.to type

25.He promised to keep me ___ of how our business was going on.A.to be informedB.on informing C.informedD.informing

26.With a lot of difficult problems ___, he felt worried all the time.A.to settleB.settlingC.settledD.being settled

27.Will those ____ the children from abroad come to my office?

A.teachingB.teachC.who teachesD.who teaching

28.After ____ for the job, you will be required to take a language test.A.being interviewedB.Interviewed

C.interviewingD.having interviewed

29.They apologized for ______ to attend the meeting.A.their not being ableB.their being not able

C.them not ableD.them being able not

30.They would not allow him ______ across the enemy line.A.to risk goingB.risking to go C.for risk to go D.risk going


31.______ to nuclear radiation, even for a short time, may

produce variants(变异体)of genes in human bodies.A.Being exposedB.Having exposed

C.ExposedD.After being exposed

32.China became the 143rd member of the World Trade

Organization on December 11, 2001, thus ___ its 15-year

wish to join the global trade body.A.having realizedB.realized C.realizingD.to realize

33.Tom looked at Jenny, tears ___ his eyes, and shouted out thewords ____ in his heart for years.A.filling;having hiddenB.filled;hidden


34.They apologized for ______ to attend the meeting.A.their not being ableB.their being not able

C.them not ableD.them being able not

35.Which will you enjoy ___ your vacation, traveling abroad orworking in the countryside?

A.to spendB.spendC.spendingD.spent

36.----Will you please tell us how you can seize the robbers?----I will spend a week ___ in your room to wait for their coming.A.lockingB.to lock C.locked D.being locked

37.I regret ___ you that they are unable to come to your wedding tomorrow.A.informingB.having informed

C.to have been informedD.to inform

38.He wondered if he could slip out of the lecture hall without anyone ___.A.noticingB.noticedC.to noticeD.being noticed

39.After ___ for the job, you will be required to take a language test.A.being interviewedB.interviewed

C.interviewingD.having interviewed

40.He spoke in such a high voice ______ out in the street.A.as to be heardB.to be heardC.as to hearD.to hear

41.As early as 1647 Ohio made a decision that free, tax-supportedschools must be set up in every town ______ 50 households or more.A.havingB.to have

C.to have hadD.having had


42.The building project ___next year is, I think, not easy ____ in time.A.being carried out;to complete

B.carried out;to be completed

C.to be carried out;to complete

D.to be carried out;to be completed

43.The reason ___ she gave for her not coming is that her motherwouldn’t allow her to.A.thatB.whatC.whyD.because

44.Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the Grand Hotel? Ithought it was on this corner, but I seem to ______ a mistake.A.makeB.be making C.having made D.have made

45.----Here’s a new pair of shoes for you.----Thank you, but there’s no need ______ a new pair for me.A.to have boughtB.to buyC.buying D.to be buying

46.What worried the boy most was ____ to visit his father in the hospital.A.his not allowingB.his not being allowed

C.having not been allowedD.his being not allowed

47.To do a bit for the motherland, ______.A.working hard is necessary

B.to learn a foreign language is needed

C.it is important to master science

D.one should serve the people whole-heartedly

48.Everything __ into consideration, they ought to have another chance.A.to takeB.takenC.to be takenD.taking

49.They discussed the plan that they would like to see ___ the next month.A.carry outB.carrying out

C.to carry outD.carried out

50.With a lot of problems ___, the manager felt worried all the time.A.to settleB.settlingC.settledD.being settled

51.----Do you have anything more ______, sir?

----No, you can have a rest or do something else.A.typingB.to be typedC.typedD.to type

52.The manager promised to keep me ______ of how our businesswas going on.A.to be informedB.on informing












一. 后面可跟动词的ing形式的情况

like/love/ enjoy doing喜欢做某事

finish doing sth.完成做某事

practice doing sth.练习做某事

avoid doing sth.避免做某事

consider doing sth.考虑做某事

suggest doing sth.建议做某事

mind doing sth.介意做某事

keep doing sth.持续做某事

feel like doing sth.喜欢做某事

be busy doing sth.忙于做某事

be worth doing 值得做某事

spend time(in)doing sth.花费时间(金钱)做某事

have difficult/trouble in doing sth做某事有困难

have fun doing.做某事高兴

介词后(on, in, of, about, at, with, without, for, from, up, by等)也用doing

be good at doing sth.thank you for doing sth.give up doing sth.stop sb.from doing sth.be afraid of doing sth.be interested in doing sth.be proud of doing sth.instead of doing sth.be fond of doing sth.to作介词的情况也用doing

look forward to doing sth期望做某事

prefer doing sth.to doing sth与…相比较更喜欢…

pay attention to doing注意做某事

be/get used to doing sth.习惯于做某事

make a contribution to为…做贡献


agree to do同意去做afford to do买得起decide to do决定去做hope to do希望去做wish to do希望去做fail to do做某事失败去 plan to do打算去做pretend to do假装去做refuse to do拒绝去做 would like to do想要去做want to do想要去做某事learn to do 学做 prefer to do sth.喜欢(爱)做某事sb.seem to do sth好像做某事 used to do sth.过去常常做某事

allow sb.to do sth.允许某人去做某事

asked sb.(not)to do sth.叫某人做事某事(叫某人不要去做某事)

tell sb.(not)to do sth.叫某人去(不要)做某事

follow sb.to do sth.跟随某人去做某事

get sb.to do sth.让某人做某事

warn sb.(not)to do sth.警告某人做某事(或不要做某事)

be amazed to do sth.对做某事感到惊讶

be afraid to do sth.害怕做某事

be excited to do sth.对做……感到兴奋

be frightened to do sth.害怕去做某事

be glad/happy to do sth.高兴去做某事

be/get ready to do sth.准备做某事

be sorry to do sth.对做某事感到抱歉

be surprised to do sth.对做某事感到惊奇

can’t wait to do sth.迫不急待地去做某事

get/have a chance to do sth.得到一个做某事的机会

It’s + adj.+(for sb.)to do sth.(对某人来说)做某事是…

It’s +adj.+(of sb.)to do sth.做某事你是…的It takes sb.some time/money to do sth.花费某人多长时间做某事

It’s best for sb.to do sth.对某人来说做某事是最好的It’s time for sb.to do sth.是某人做某事的时候了

too…(for sb.)to …太……以致不能…… ==not… enough to do

prefer to do sth.rather than do sth.宁愿……而不愿……(常考)

something to eat/drink一些吃/喝的东西(词不定式放在something等后修饰这些 Sth.is hard/difficult/easy to do 做好某事很难/容易

take turns to do sth.轮流做……

There is no time(for sb.)to do sth.对(某人来说)没时间做某事了

There is no need(for sb.)to do sth.对某人来说没必要做某事

try/do one’s best to do sth.尽力去做某事



有些动词接doing和to do意义相近像like(喜欢),love(喜欢),hate(憎恨),prefer(宁可),begin(开始),start(开始),continue(继续)。如:等词后加不定式或动名词区别不大:如:like to do表示想要做某一具体的动作 like dong表示一般或抽象的多次动作 它们在实际使用中区别很小。


remember to do(记住去做)remember doing(记得做过)

forget to do(忘记去做)forget doing(忘记做过)

try to do(设法做)try doing(试着做)

go on to do(接着做另一事)go on doing(继续做同一事)

stop to do(停下来去做)stop doing(停止做)

can’t help to do(不能帮助做)can’t help doing(情不自禁做)



feel,hear,listen to,watch,look at,see,notice,make,let,have等后跟动词原形。



do, did, does, will, shall, would, should, can, may, must等后面接动词原形。


1)Will(Would)you please(not)do...?请(不要)做某事好吗?

2)had better do…最好做某事

3)Why not do...?为何不做某事

4)would rather(not)do...宁可(不);宁愿(不)此句型也可以扩展成:rather...than...=would...rather than...。



see/watch sb.do sth.看到某人做过(经常做)某事

see/watch sb.doing sth.看到某人正在做某事

hear sb.do sth.听到某人做过(经常做)某事

hear sb.doing sth.听到某人正在做某事



1.I’m thirsty.Will you get me something ____?

A.drinkB.to drinkC.eatD.eating

2.It was great fun _____ a picnic on the hill.A.to haveB.of havingC.haveD.had

3.It’s bad for your eyes ____ computer games for a long time.A.playsB.to playC.playD.played

4.----Do you often hear John ____ in his room?

----Yes.Listen!Now we can hear him ____ in his room.A.sing;to singB.singing;singingC.sing;singingD.to sing;singing

5.Why not ____?

A.let him to go homeB.to let him go home

C.let him go homeD.to let him to go home

6.It ____ Jack twenty minutes ____ the math problem yesterday.A.took;to work outB.takes;worked out

C.has taken;work outD.is taking;working out

7.When you leave, don’t forget ____ off the light.A.to turnB.turningC.turnD.turned

8.Although Jeff loves KFC, he tries ____ it too often.A.to eatB.not eatC.to not eatD.not to eat

would 3

9.----Hi, Betty.Shall we go swimming this Sunday?

----This Sunday? I am sorry, I have a lot of homework ____ this Sunday.A.to doB.doneC.doD.to be done

10.Sally had no pen ____ yesterday morning.A.to writeB.to write withC.writingD.writing with

11.John asked David how ____ Christmas.A.celebratingB.to celebrateC.to be celebratedD.celebrate

12.We all considered Mr Zhao ____ teacher.A.be the bestB.to be the bestC.being bestD.being the best

13.It’s very kind ____ you to ____ me ____ the heavy bag.A.for;tell;to takeB.of;thank;forC.to;speak;to haveD.of;help;carry

14.Have you decided ____?

15.The meeting room is big enough ____ one hundred people.A.holdingB.holdC.to holdD.holds

16.The policeman warned the young man____ after drinking.A.never to driveB.to never driveC.never drivingD.never drive

17.My grandfather is used ____ a hat in winter.A.to wearB.for wearingC.wearingD.to wearing

18.The old man seems ____ in a great hurry.A.beB.to beC.beingD.to being

19.You are not expected ____ such long hours.20.His father agreed ____ $ 4,000 for the car.A.with payingB.to payingC.to payD.on paying


1.Thank you for __________(give)me so much help.2..It’s not easy(climb)the hill.3.They enjoy__________(listen)to music.4.Would you like__________(go)with us ?

5.Mrs Smith tells her students __________(clean)the classroom every day.6.Why not __________(go)shopping?

7.She didn't mind _______ overtime.(work)

8.Let's __________(take)a walk in a park.9.Granny is very ill and she doesn’t feel like ___________(eat)anything.10.He came to the party without _______(invite)

11.Can she __________(speak)a little English?

12.They are all afraid of__________(lose)their jobs.13.Class begins!Stop __________(talk).14.It’s time __________(have)lunch.Let’s go!

15.Rose asked you__________(call)her back.16.Don’t keep me __________(wait)for a long time.17.There are many people __________(exercise)in the park.18.We need __________(wear)cool clothes in summer.19.The boss made him __________(work)12 hours a day.20.Jane is good at__________(sing).21.We are looking forward to Mary's________.(come).(look)after her.23.She is too young ________(go)to school.24.He spends two hours(finish)the work.26.Can you tell me how__________(get)to Beihai Park?

__(make)snowmen.28.We saw him ________(cross)the road safely and ________(run)away.29.She would like to go for a walk instead of ______(play)computer games.30.We couldn’t help _________(laugh)after we heard the funny story.根据句意改写句子

1.The old man is so old that he can’t work.The old man is too old2.I don’t know how I can get to the TV factory.I don’t knowto the TV factory.3.Mr.Green went back to England for a holiday.Mr.Green went back to Englanda holiday.4.Mike hopes he can visit the Great Wall on day.Mike hopesthe Great Wall one day.5.Does he say anything for himself at the meeting?

Does he have anythingfor himself at the meeting?

6.He is so strong that he can carry the heavy box.He is strongthe heavy box.7.He spent two hours doing the work.Ithim two hoursthe work.8.It’s time for school.It’s timeschool.9.It seems that she is an English teacher.Shean English teacher.10.His father said to him, “listen to the teacher carefully.”

His father told him the teacher carefully.





Being short of money/Not having enough money, I can't buy the house.2、我比你强,我会跑得比你快。

Being stronger than you,I can run faster than you.3、发现屋里没人,他便留了一张纸条。

Finding no one in the room, he left a note.4、经理设法用蹩脚的英语让别人明白了他的意思。

The manager managed to make himself understood with his broken English.5、你觉得不舒服就别去游泳了。

Not feeling well, you'd better not go to swim.6、吃太多的肉,你会变胖的。

Having too much meat, you'll get fatter.7、我们这儿禁止抽烟。谁让你抽烟来着?

We forbid smoking here.Who has permitted you to smoke here?


Seeing me dressed in rags, the assistant showed me the cheapest suit.9、浇太多的水花会死的。

Watered too much, the flower will die.10、我昨天挨雨淋了,感冒了。

Caught in the rain,I got a bad cold now.11、他们说说笑笑地向我们走来。

They went to us ,talking and laughing.12、身在异国他乡,一个人会很快改变旧习惯。

Being in a foreign country, one may soon change his old habits.13、在那跳舞的那个女孩也很会唱歌。

The girl dancing there sings well.14、在警察包围之下,绑架者无路可走只得放弃。

Surrounded by the police, the kidnappers had nothing to do but give up.15、今天他病了,没来学校。

Being ill,he doesn't come to school today.(B)


My fahter walked up and down the room for ten minutes, with his hands clasped behind him.2、因为在又大有拥挤的超市里迷了路,可怜的Jack突然大哭起来了。Lost in a big and crowded supermarket, poor Jack burst out crying.3、两个战犯进入了那间废弃的屋子,后面有两个手里拿枪的士兵紧跟着。The two prosoners of war came into the abandoned house, followed by two soldiers, gun in hand.4、在英国讲的语言在其他讲英语的国家也使用。

The language spoken in Britain is also used in som other English-speaking

countries.5、现在在会议上讨论的问题过两周表决(vote)。(be to do)

The problem being duscussed at the meeting now is to be voted in two weeks’ time.6、不要把脸暴露在寒风里,这常被人们引用,作为对孩子的提醒。(leave)

Don’t leave your face exposed to the cold wind, which is often quoted by people as a warning for children.7、这位老农空闲时喜欢在田里走走,不喜欢呆在家里。

The old peasant preferred walking around in the field to staying at home in his free time.The old peasant preferred to walk around in the field rather than stay at home in his free time.8、Jane决没有想到在这个南方城市有这样一个好的工作机会。(dream of)

Jane never dreamed of there being such a good job opportunity in the sourther city.9、一旦失去,这样的好机会不会再现。(机不可失,时不再来。)

Once lost, such a good chance will never come again.10、从他的表情看,他肯定撒了善意的谎言,指望由于上课迟到而得到原谅。(judge)

Judging from his look, he was sure to tell a white lie, hoping to be excused from his being late for the class.11、人们最终发现珍妮独自一人坐在后院的凳子上,凝望着天上的一轮明月。

People at last found Janet seated on a bench in the back yard alone, watching the bring moon in the sky.12、秋天来了,叶子开始掉了。走在宽阔的林荫大道上,你可以看到许多落叶。

Autumn coming, the leaves are beginning to fall.Walking along the boulevard,you can see many fallen leaves.13、学生会要求学生讨论一下这些下一个月就要生效的规章制度是否需要修改。(require)

The Student’s Union required the students to discuss whether the rules which would take effect next month needs changing/to be changed.14、你觉得我们队有赢这场篮球比赛的可能吗?(expect)

Do you expect there to be a possibility of our team’s winning the basketball game?

15、如果再让我逮着你在街坊闹事,我会让你抓进去的。(catch / get)

If I catch you making trouble again in the neighborhood, I’ll get you arrested.1.增加农民的收入是我们现在面临的主要问题之一。(face)

2.成功的语言学习者善于抓住一切与说这种语言的人(native speakers)交流的机会而不是等待机会。(instead of)



5.在高考中遇到难题时,冷静和自信是成功的关键。(meet with)








12.从他的表情来看,他一定已经知道结果。(judge from)


14.为了拯救那些禽流感患者,医生们日夜工作,废寝忘食。(bird flu)






20.孩子需要照顾,由你来决定谁留下来。(up to)

21.看来他们家可能发生了一些出人意料的事情。(seem to)




25.我认为这次失败不该怪我;相反,应当谴责经理玩忽职守。(blame, accuse)

1.To increase farmer’s income is one of the main issues/problems we are faced

with now./ To increase farmer’s income is one of the main issues / problems facing us now.2.A successful language learner is good at catching all the chances to

communicate with native speakers instead of waiting for a chance.3.Buying insurance is way(in which/ that)people can protect themselves

against great losses./ Buying insurance is a way for people to protect themselves against great losses.4.He assured me that he would never delay handing in his homework.5.When you meet with difficult problems in the college entrance examinations,being calm and confident is the key to success.6.He wrote me a letter saying that there was no possibility of his setting out in

the given time.7.Everyone of us is looking forward to the 2010 World Expo.to be held in

Shanghai with great eagerness.8.A moment of hesitation cost him the chance of winning / to win the Olympic

gold medal.9.The library being built will open to the public at the beginning of the next

year.10.After repeated experiments, the scientists found that the way the brain

works is far more complicated than they had thought.11.Written in simple English, the essay is easy to understand.12.Judging from his expression, he must have known the result.13.Finding students sleepy in the afternoon, the teacher did everything he could

to arouse their interest.14.In order to save those who suffered from bird flu, the doctors worded day

and night, forgetting/ neglecting their meals and sleep.15.To tell you the truth, I really regret not helping him overcome the difficulties.16.The aim of these advertisements is to appeal to customers to buy goods./

These advertisements aim at appealing to customers to buy goods.17.He happens to have done the exercise before.18.His plan sounds quite good, but we are sure to have much difficulty in

carrying it out.19.Modern communication technology has made it more convenient for people

to keep in touch with each other.20.The baby needs to be looked after / looking after.It is up to you to decide

who is to stay behind.21.Something unexpected seemed to have happened to their family.22.He apologized to all the people present for having done something wrong.23.The Internet makes it possible for us to be informed of what is going on

outside the worked without leaving home.24.I am terribly sorry to have given you a lot of trouble / have troubled you a lot

in the past few months.25.I don’t think I am to blame for the failure.Instead, the manager should be

accused of having neglected his duty.





1)可以有宾语: He bought a house.He was considering buying a house.He wanted to buy a house.2)可以被状语修饰:

He always gets up very early.He is used to getting up early.3)可以有“体”式和语态的变化: She has finished her job.Having finished her work,she went home.She is treated fairly.She insisted on being treated fairly.4)可以有自己的逻辑主语: My wife often works late.I dislike my wife’s working late.It was a hot day.It being a hot day, we stayed home.2.不同之处:

1)可以起名词作用(如:不定式和动名词),在句中作主、宾、表语。Your duty is to look after the children.Complaining is no use.2)可以起形容词作用(如:不定式和分词),在句中作表语、定语和宾语补足语等。The vase is broken.He is the a nice person to work with.We found the story amusing.3)可以起副词作用(如:不定式和分词),在句中作状语。They are working hard to win still greater victory.The sick man came in, supported by two nurses.二.不定式:

1.作主语(常置于句末,而用代替其做形式主语)To learn a foreign language is not easy.It is not easy(for me)to learn a foreign language.2.作表语

My job is to look after the babies.What I would like you to do is to keep silent about it.3.作宾语

He offered to go with us.I want to see him.He considered it his duty to support his family.作宾语补语(在see, hear, observe, watch, feel, notice等感官动词以及let, make,have等动词后面,作宾补的不定式 to均省去)They asked him to sing a pop song at the concert.They heard him sing a pop song in the meeting room.He was heard to sing a pop song in the meeting room.4.作定语

Do you have anything to eat in your bag? He is always the first to come and the last to leave.5.作状语

In order to save the the child, he dived into the river.We are overjoyed to see you.6.不定式的逻辑主语:

I found it impossible for him to do the job alone.7.连接词+不定式

He will tell me how to use the dictionary.Where to get the book is what I want to know.He didn’t tell us where to go and when to set out.8.不定式的否定形式

They decided not to give up trying.9.不定式的时态

We are happy to be with you on this trip.She is sure to succeed in the election.I’m sorry to be troubling you at such a time.I’m glad to be working with you.I’m sorry to have kept you waiting.The enemy was reported to have surrendered two days before.10. 不定式的语态

This book is said to have been translated into many languages.It is an honour for me to be asked to speak here.三.动名词:


Saying so much is useless/no good/(of)no use It is useless/no good/(of)no use saying so much.Reading French is easier than speaking it.2.作表语

My hobby is collecting stamps.My great pleasure is learning English.3.作宾语

(下列动词只能接动名词avoid, consider, deny, enjoy, escape, finish, mind, keep, practise, miss,regret, insist on, give up, put off, object to)He enjoys listening to classical music.We must avoid making such mistakes again.I wouldn’t mind waiting for another ten minutes.(有些动词后面可接动名词,也可接不定式:begin, start, continue, like, hate, prefer但动名词表示的意义是在一般情况下的行为,而不定式则表示某个具体的、一次性的行为。)

I like swimming, but I don’t like to swim this afternoon.4.介词宾语

Are you used to eating American food? She went to school without having breakfast.5.动名词的逻辑主语

Do you mind(my)opening the window.Tom insisted on my brother’s going with him.动名词和不定式作宾语,意义不同的几组词: stop to do sth

(停下一件事去做另一件事)stop doing sth

(停止做某事)Remember to do sth.(记住要做某事)Remember doing sth(记得曾做过某事)Forget to to do sth(忘记要做某事)Forget doing sth(忘记曾做过某事)

Regret to do sth(因要做某事而感到不安)Regret doing sth(因做了某事而感到后悔)Go on to do sth(接着做另一件事)Go on doing sth(继续做某事)Try to do sth(尽力做某事)Try doing sth(尝试做某事)Need to do sth(需要做某事)Need doing(需要被做)Want to do sth(想做某事)Want doing


Used to do sth(过去常常做某事)Be used doing sth(习惯做某事)


He was praised for having made a great contribution to his country.His having been elected chairman of the club surprised us greatly.Jane like being read to when she is ill.He did it without being asked.四.分词

分词有两种:现在分词和过去分词。现在分词表示的意义是主动的、进行的;过去分词表示的意义是被动的、完成的。The developing countries The developed countries


The story is very interesting.I am interested in English.The film is moving.We were moved by the film.2.作定语:

It is an interesting book.We must learn from the working people.The boy singing on the stage is my brother.This is a book written by a famous scientist.3.作宾语补足语:

(see, hear, feel, notice, watch, 分词说明动作正在发生;不定式说明动作发生的全过程。)I saw him going into the room.I saw him go into the room.4.作状语:


working in the open air,he often sings songs.Having finished his work, he went to bed.Knowing that it was going to rain, he decided not to go out.2)作伴随状语:

They stood there waiting for the bus.He lay in bed reading a novel.



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