
时间:2019-05-14 17:30:13下载本文作者:会员上传


英国女王2009 圣诞致词



但我们应该为我们的士兵与盟友一道作出的积极贡献而感到骄傲。英国和包括加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰和新加坡在内的英联邦国家眼下共有超过1.3 万名士兵在阿富汗服役。我们对这些年轻士兵以及先前在阿富汗服役过的士兵表示深深感激。

今年是英联邦成立60 周年,今天其成员国25 岁以下人口超过10 亿,为它保持长久的强大和实力提供了力量源泉。










美国第一夫人米歇尔· 奥巴马在英国伦敦伊斯灵顿伊丽莎白· 安德森女校的演(节选)






我也在自己的丈夫身上寻找到同样的品质,他就是巴拉克· 奥巴马。在我们最初相识的时候,我记得,他带我出去约会,而约会内容是和他一起去开一个社区会议。是啊,够浪漫的吧。我们相识的时候,巴拉克是一个社区组织者。他的工作是帮助人家找工作,以及努力把资源带给有困难的邻里。当他同那个社区中心里的居民交谈的时候他谈到两个概念:“现实世界”和“理想世界”。我在竞选的整个过程中也谈到这些。他说,我们常常接受了这两种观念之间的差距;有的时侯我们满足于现实世界,即使它没有反映我们的价值观和愿望。但是那天巴拉克提醒了我们,包括在那间屋子里的所有人,我们都知道世界应该是什么样子的。我们都知道公平、正义和机会是什么样子的,我们全都知道。他敦促到会的人们,那个社区里的人们,使他们献身于缩小那两种观念之间的差距,一起努力把现实世界变成和理想世界一样。

我今天想起这些是因为我确信,在这所学校里,你们所有人都是缩小这差距非常重要的因素。你们是要建立理想世界的女性。你们将写出历史的下一个篇章,不只是为你们自己,而且是为你们这一代人以及未来的几代人。这就是为什么得到良好的教育是这么的重要。这就是为什么你们正在这经历的所有这一切—— 一切的成功与失败,所有的老师,无论你喜欢与否——都很重要,因为社区和国家,还有归根结底这个世界,它们的强大取决于其中女性的健康。记住这一点很重要。


在“2009 金融与重庆可持续发展研讨会”上的开幕致词



今天很高兴跟各位一道启动“2009 金融与重庆可持续发展研讨会”。非常感谢重庆市金融办和诺实公司的曹平先生对本次研讨会的赞助!几周前,我与全国人大外事委员会的几位委员进行了会晤,并聆听了全国人大环资委的资深委员杨庚宇先生讲述中国正在采取的节能减排措施。在实现可持续的低碳复苏方面,我们一致认为经济滑坡给了我们大家投资绿色技术并出台相应政策的机会,同时,我还要指出,这次机遇也肯定会给中国和英国创造大量的就业。


●“英中可持续城市行动计划”,该计划是去年温家宝总理访问英国的时候签订的; ● 2009 年英中峰会达成的在气候变化、低碳示范区和气候变化技术转让方面的协议; ● 中国“十二五”规划中的环境目标;

● 最近英国政府和重庆市政府签署的备忘录;

● 同时,英国政府还致力于跟中国政府紧密合作,解决任何突出的知识产权问题。

因此,我们非常希望利用这个契机让重庆成为21 世纪世界版图上致力于环保的中心城市。我们知道,一个重视提高能效和推广可再生技术的绿色财政刺激方案,在全球愈发认识到我们必须走向绿色的时候,肯定能有效地推动就业、刺激经济,并带来竞争优势。正如英国外务大臣几周前指出的一样:“绿色不再是议事日程上的一项议题,它就是整个议程。” 虽然接下来要采取的措施需要这次研讨会讨论决定,但这里我想说,英国非常愿意尽可能地为重庆提供必要的融资和技术上的支持,并且已经在这么做了。渣打银行与亚洲开发银行的能效提升计划就是诸多例子之一。




斐济总理沃雷恩盖· 姆拜尼马拉马上海世博会电视致词 致2010 年中国上海世博会:

很高兴斐济可以和其他太平洋国家一同参加2010 年上海世博会。2010 年上海世界贸易博览会是一个极好的机会,它将227 个参加这次世界文化盛会的国家聚集在一起,探索并分享各国的宝贵创新与经验。毫无疑问,今天世界正见证着一个巨大的成功,一个至少会吸引全球七千多万访客的盛大博览活动,一个以视觉、嗅觉、味觉、听觉、感觉来呈现各国文化魅力的展示平台。




能够参加2010 年上海世博会是斐济以及其他太平洋岛国的骄傲,我们觉得我们也为此次博览会的成功作出了贡献。我相信2010 上海世博会必将长久地留存于我们的记忆。



如今回首1979 年的那个冬日,就可以明显地看出,在那之前的30 年里,我们两国彼此隔绝疏远;而其后的30 年,是我们不断交流和理解增长的年代;这次访问可以为今后30年打下基础。







Minister Cheng Deming’s Opening Address at the 6th China-ASEAN Expo Your Excellency Vice Premier Li Keqiang, Ladies and gentlemen, Today, we are gathered in the beautiful city of Naning to welcome a magnificent exposition, to enjoy the fruits of our partnerships and envision a promising common future.On behalf of the Ministry of Commerce of China, I would like to extend a warm welcome and heartfelt gratitude to the many old and new friends who have been supporting and participating in the 6th China-ASEAN Expo.China and the ASEAN are good friends, good neighbors and good partners.Recent years have seen our bilateral economic and trade ties breaking successive new grounds.We have worked together to build this platform of the China-ASEAN Expo, bringing benefits of investment and trade facilitation to the enterprises and people of this region and accelerating construction of the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area.We shall be very happy to see the launching of the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area as scheduled in the beginning of next year.This FTA, as one of the largest of its kind in the world and benefiting 1.9 billion people, will push the China-ASEAN partnership to new heights.This year’s Expo, taking advantage of this strategic timing, will be more pragmatic in contents, more in-depth in cooperation and more wide-ranging in communication.It will surely contribute to the efforts of all parties to deal with the international financial crisis, promote investment and trade facilitation, tide over current difficulties and achieve mutual win-wins.I wish the 6th China-ASEAN Expo a full success and thank you all very much!Governor Jiang Jufeng’s Remarks at the Welcoming Banquet for the South Asia-Sichuan Regional Business Promotion Seminar Your Excellency Vice Chairman Yu Ping of CCPIT, Your Excellency President Annisul Huq of SAARC Chamber of Commerce, Ladies and gentlemen, Good evening!The Sichuan Provincial People’s government is hosting a reception banquet here tonight to welcome the distinguished leaders and guests attending the South Asia-Sichuan Regional Business Promotion Seminar.As a major province in West China, we in Sichuan will spare no efforts in promoting the friendly exchanges and common development between Sichuan and South Asian countries.I am convinced that the ever more wide-ranging and sincere and mutually beneficial cooperation between our two sides will be conducive to the regional common development, bringing more rewards to the people in Sichuan and South Asia.Presented at tonight’s welcoming banquet are leaders of the chambers of commerce of the eight South Asian countries, diplomats from your embassies and consulates and representatives of the business communities.May I wish you all pleasant conversations and new friendships at the banquet, and a wonderful stay in our beautiful province!To conclude, may I wish the South Asia-Sichuan Regional Business Promotion Seminar a great success, and all the guests here great health and good appetite!Thank you!Chief Executive Ho Hau Wah’s Toast at the Dinner Marking the 10th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Macao SAR Your Excellency President Hu Jintao and Madame Liu Yongqing, Distinguished guests, friends, Ladies and gentlemen, On the eve of the 10th anniversary of the Macao Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China, I am honoured to welcome again our leader President Hu Jintao to Macao and join us here tonight.First of all, on behalf of the Government and the citizens of the Macao Special Administrative Region, I would like to extend our warmest welcome and highest respect to President Hu and Madame Liu, as well as all leaders from the Central Government’s delegation.At the same time, let me extend our cordial greetings and heartfelt gratitude to all guests and friends present.In the past ten years, under the leadership and support of the Central Government, and with the coordinated efforts of our citizens, the Macao SAR Government rigorously upheld the Basic Law of Macao in the course of our governance, and was fully committed to the implementation of the principle of “one country, two systems”.Today, the stability of our society in Macao is ensured.Overall strength of our city is raised.The livelihood of our residents continues to improve.The building of our institution is gradually enhanced.The tradition of patriotism is passed on through generations.The successful implementation of “one country, two systems”, “Macao people governing Macao” and a high degree of autonomy has achieved early results.This has demonstrated the objective correctness and ample vitality of these principles.Dear guests, ladies and gentlemen, On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Macao Special Administrative Region, we deeply feel the wisdom and bold vision of Mr.Deng Xiaoping who founded the great cause of “one country, two systems”.We also remember the encouragement entrusted to us by President Jiang Zemin on the first anniversary of Macao’s return to our Motherland.We will also never forget the arrival to Macao of President Hu Jintao on the fifth anniversary of the Macao SAR and his important four-point suggestion which has been giving us fundamental guidance.The ten-year course of development of the Macao SAR vividly shows that the successful implementation of “one country, two systems” in Macao relies on the unswerving concern and support from the Central Government and people all over the country.Here, I would like to extend our profound appreciation to President Hu Jintao, the Central Government and all Chinese people.I would also like to take this opportunity to thank President Hu and the Central Government for the trust and support bestowed on me.At the same time, allow me to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all citizens and civil servants in Macao for their understanding and support.The history of the Macao SAR will turn a new page tomorrow.I truly believe that under the leadership and support of the Central Government, our third term Chief Executive, Mr.Chui Sai On, will lead the new administration and the people in Macao to uphold the Basic Law and strive in unity in order to create a new wave of prosperity and harmony in Macao, and to bring the successful implementation of “one country, two systems” to the next new level.Ladies and gentlemen, May I now propose a toast, to the health of President Hu and Madame Liu, to the health of all guests and friends, to the prosperity of our motherland and the bright future of Macao.Cheers!President Xie Heping’s Introductory Speech Before Pakistan Prime Minister Aziz’s Talk at Sichuan University Your Excellency Prime Minister Aziz of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Your Excellency Vice Governor Huang Xiaoxiang of the Sichuan Provincial People’s Government, Your Excellency Mr.Luo Zhaohui, ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Faculties, students, Ladies and gentlemen, Today, we are extremely honored to have with us His Excellency Mr.Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan and an old friend of the Chinese people.On behalf of Sichuan University, I would like to extend our most sincere gratitude and warmest welcome to Prime Minister Aziz and the other distinguished guests presenting here.Mr.Shaukat Aziz is a legend in both political and financial circles.He spent over 30 years in banking and finance in a number of countries including Jordan, the Phillipines, Malaysia, the United States and the UK.Since 1992 he served as Vice President of Citibank of America for 7 years.He was appointed as Pakistan’s Minister of Finance and in 2004, he became the Prime Minister of Pakistan.His rich experience and great wisdom in handling complicated problems have played a critical and profound role in promoting Pakistan’s social and economic development.During his tenure of office, Pakistan has enjoyed basic social stability.Pakistan’s industrial growth soared from 3.8 percent in 2001 to 14 percent in 2004.With an unprecedented annual economic growth rate of 8.4 percent, Pakistan ranks second in Asia, next only to China.With the new strategy of “open and moderate development” implemented in recent years, the Pakistani government has also made significant contributions to the international anti-terrorist campaign, world peace and stability and regional economic advancement.China-Pakistan friendship dates far back and runs a long course.The two countries have been treating each other with all sincerity and cooperating in a mutually beneficial manner, and this has set a good example to the state-to-state relations in the world.We are proud of our friendship, and cherish every moment of the communication and cooperation between the two countries.I believe Mr.Aziz’s speech today will open our eyes and broaden our minds, and will be of great significance to promoting our opening-up and regional social and economic cooperation.Now ladies and gentlemen, please join me in welcoming our honorable guest, His Excellency Prime Minister Aziz.Remarks by President HuJintao at the White House at the Official Arrival Ceremony Mr.President, Mrs.Obama, ladies and gentlemen, dear friends, it gives me great pleasure to come to Washington and pay a state visit to the United States at the beginning of the new year, at the invitation of President Obama.At this point in time, let me extend, on behalf of the 1.3 billion Chinese people, sincere greetings and best wishes to the people of the United States.I have come to the United States to increase mutual trust, enhance friendship, deepen cooperation, and push forward the positive, cooperative, and comprehensive China-U.S.relationship for the 21st century.Over the past 32 years, since the establishment of diplomatic ties, the China-U.S.relationship has grown into one with strategic significance and global influence.Since President Obama took office, with concerted efforts of the two sides, our cooperation in various fields has produced fruitful results and our relations have achieved new progress.This has brought real benefits to our two peoples, and contributed greatly to world peace and development.As we enter the second decade of the 21st century, the people of both China and the United States want to see further progress in our relations and people around the globe want to see greater prosperity in the world.Under the new circumstances, and in the face of new challenges, China and the United States share broad common interests and important common responsibilities.We should adopt a long-term perspective, seek common ground while resolving differences, and work together to achieve sustained, sound, and steady development of our relations.I hope that through this visit, our two countries will advance the positive, cooperative, and comprehensive relationship, and open a new chapter in our cooperation as partners.Ladies and gentlemen, our world today is undergoing major development, major changes and major adjustments.To pursue peace, development and cooperation is the irresistible trend of our time.Let us seize the opportunity to forge ahead, hand in hand, and work together to enhance cooperation as partners, and let us work with all other countries to build a harmonious world of lasting peace and common prosperity.Thank you once again, Mr.President, for your warm welcome.

第二篇:中级口译教程 4-4 音乐天才 整理译文

4-4 音乐天才A Gifted Musician Q: 海伦,你对媒体有什么忌讳吗?

Q: Helen, is there anything that you wish the media wouldn’t ask you? A: 没什么忌讳的。我喜欢新闻记者的提问,因为只要记者问有题要问我,那就说明我还干得不错。

A: No, I like inquiries from the press people, because as long as they are asking questions, I’m doing okay.Q: 你把自己的首张专辑献给你的母亲,请问她对你的艺术生涯产生了什么样的影响? Q: You dedicated your debut album to your mom.In what way did she impact your art career? A: 我的母亲是一位歌唱家,也是我的挚友。我很崇拜她。她非常了不起,在很多方面都非常优秀,在精神和音乐两方面都很出色。

A: She was a vocalist and one of my best friends.I adored her.She was a tremendous induividual in so many ways, spiritual and musical in particular.Q: 你在歌曲创作方面有没有一种不同寻常的写作方式? Q: Do you have a particular method for songwriting? A: 嗯,我不知道有没有特殊的歌曲作词方法。我先作曲。先思考一下歌曲的旋律,然后再看看有没有灵感,歌词会不会冒出来。一般而言,旋律出不来,十之八九歌词也不会出来。A: Well, I don’t know if I have.I start with the music.I try to be melodic first and I go ahead and see if the words will come.Generally, if the music isn’t happening, nine out of ten times the words aren’t happening.Q: 你的专辑有没有中心思想?

Q: Is there any common message in the album? A: 我不知道有没有中心思想,我觉得这张专辑讲的是真诚,这是我自己的一种感悟。我只是在表达自己的思想。歌曲创作如同欣赏绘画一样,是自我体验的一种表白。如果人们觉得有意思,那就是锦上添花了。

A: I don’t know if there is a message.I think it’s just honesty.It’s just the way I’ve experienced it.I’m just expressing myself.Songwriting is like looking at a painting.It is an expression of my personal experiences, and if people find that interesting, then that’s the icing on the cake.Q: 歌曲创作有助于你从个人经历中解脱出来吗?

Q: Does song writing help you get through personal experiences? A: 我觉得任何一种创造途径,任何一种创造方法,都可以成为解决自身问题或走出伤感阴影的一剂良药。很多人都得到这样的鼓励去从事创造性的活动,我肯定也会鼓励他人去从事这样的创造活动。不管是艺术、音乐、诗歌还是新闻,都一样。创造性很重要。没有创造性天赋的人只能欣赏他人的这种能力。人们对我说:“谢谢你!我本来不知道如何用语言来表达它。”那就是我的经历。创造性无疑是从容面对人生的一种本领。

A: I think any creative avenue, any creative outlet, is a way to sort out your issues or emotional distress.A lot of people are encouraged to do that, and I definitely encourage that.Be it art, music, poetry, or journalism.Creativity is important.People who lack that gift appreciate others’ability.People say to me.“Thank you, but I didn’t know how to put that in words.” That’s been my experience.Creativity is definitely a great element in coping with life.Q: 海伦,你有什么爱好?

Q: Do you have any hobbies, Helen? Q: 你还记得你的第一次演奏会吗? Q: Do you remember your first show? A: 从前我住在一个小镇上,曾参加过一个乐队,我们还举办了一次演出。我记得两周以后那个乐队就解散了。我们没有出名,不过很好玩。来到纽约后,我便开始在一个叫做“老城”的地方参加演出,那才是我真正意义上的初演,那是我连吉他都不会弹,算是一种无伴奏演唱。我直到24岁才学会弹吉他。

A: I was in a band for a short time when I lived in a small town and we did a show.I think the band broke up two weeks later.We didn’t have a name, but it was fun.When I got to New York, I started playing at a place in an area known as the Old City.Those were really myfirest gigs, and I didn’t even play the fuitar then, I just sang a cappella.I didn’t know how to play the guitar until I was 2 A: I enjoy catching up with my friends, ’cause I’m rarely at home.With that said, my favorite recreational activity is playing pool.I also like to see my friends’bands play.I also enjoy paintiong or drawing, when I get around to it.Q: 你能用三个词来总结一下自己走过的人生道路吗? Q: Can you describe your lift in just three words? A: 这可不容易呀。让我想想„这样说吧,我蛮复杂的,我喜欢无拘 无束,我热爱音乐创作。这可有了,这三个词应该是“复杂”、“无拘无束”、“音乐家”。怎么样?可以吧?

A: That’s difficult.Let me think….Yeah, I’m comples, a free spirit, and I just love making music.That’s right.The three words are comples, free-spirited, musician.How’s that? Are they OK? Q: 很好呀!Q: very good.A: 你说很好,那是因为我不知所云。A: It’s good because I don’t make any sense.Q: 将得很清楚呀。那么你对那些希望当歌手或作曲家的年轻人有什么建议吗? Q: Yes, you do!Well, do you have any tips for aspiring singers or songwriters? Q: 讲得很清楚呀!那么你对那些希望当歌手或作曲家的年轻人有什么建议吗? A: 以积极的态度看待批评。受到批评虽然不是什么好事,但却有助 于你修养一种忍耐之心。要是你早点明白并不是所有的人都喜欢你的作品,遇事你就能更从容应对了。我建议你们要坚持创作,坚持写自己的音乐。一旦创作成功,那么使用自己的东西便会有意想不到的丰厚回报,当然这样做有时需要花些时间。我花了十年时间才做到,有些人所用的时间比我少的多,而另一些人则永远不会成功。如果你持之以恒地热爱音乐,便会渡过难关。不要把对音乐的热爱异化为对金钱和名誉的追求。我想这样事情才会变得容易的多。

A: Take criticism constructively.It’s not fun when you get criticized, but it does help you with endurance.If you learn early that not everyone is going to love what you do, it’s easier to cope.I would suggest that you keep writing and makin gyour own music.When it works out, it is incredibly rewarding to use your own material, which sometimes takes a while.For me it took ten years, for some people it takes significantly less, and for others it never happens.Maintain your love for music.That will carry you through.Don’t make it about money and don’t make it about fame.I think that will make it a lot easier.Q: 海伦,谢谢您的忠告,同时也感谢您接受我的采访。

Q: Thank you for your advice, Helen.And thank you for accepting my interview.A: My pleasure.A: 不用客气。

第三篇:口译教程 雷天放 8.1译文

8.1 A Toast at Reception by Mayor Honored leaders, Distinguished guests, Ladies & Gentlemen,Thank you very much for your kind attending this reception hosted by the People's Government of Municipality.Today, the 2.6 million People, with open arms and the grandest ceremony, extend welcome to all friends attending the 2nd China International Stone Fair.At this moment, we are so glad to make new friends and so happy to meet again the old ones, just as the old Chinese saying goes, “How happy we are, to meet friends from afar”!

I, hereby, on behalf of the Peoples' Government of Municipality, hail warm welcome to all those present!

During the past several years, aiming to develop faster, driven by deepening reform and more opening to the outside world, our city has been receiving the industrial transfer from the developed countries and regions, and greatly promoting the private economy.As a result, our city has developed its economy and social undertakings in harmony.The GDP of our city increased by 13.1% over the previous year, the total fixed asset investment of the whole society by 42.1%, total value of foreign export by 37.3%, foreign investment in actual use by 60%, and local financial revenue of general budget by 30.7%.Contracted investment projects and those under construction have reached a value of over 38 billion(RMB)Yuan.High efficient and upright government system has come into being.Great progress has been achieved in social and cultural undertakings.Distinguished guests, dear friends!

At present, our city is now quickening its pace in building itself a leading municipality economically.It needs support and concern as always from our friends at home and abroad.Let’s join hand in hand to create and usher in the much brighter future together!

Now may I propose a toast?

To the grand opening of the 2nd China International Stone Fair!To the prosperity of the stone industry of our city and that of the whole world!To our happy cooperation today and our everlasting friendly exchanges!And, to the excellent health, successful business and good luck of all those present and their families!



Lesson 1 1.3 美国副总统复旦演讲



1.4 Speech by Wang Guangya at Princeton University Ladies and Gentlemen, Good evening.I am honored to be invited to your seminar tonight.For me, for my colleagues and for many other Chinese, Princeton has long been a familiar name.With a history longer than the country, it has produced many outstanding people, Woodrow Wilson, the 28th US president, Albert Einstein, the great scientist, and T.S.Eliot, the famous poet, to name but a few.As former president Bill Clinton said in 1996 at the celebrations for the 250th anniversary of Princeton, “At every pivotal moment in American history, Princeton, its leadership, faculty and its students have played a crucial role.”

I am more pleased to learn that all of you have a keen interest in China.Though our two countries are geographically far apart, we have a great deal in common in the everyday life.While many Chinese enjoy Hollywood movies and McDonald’s fast food, many Americans find that their clothes and daily necessities are made in China.I hope that today’s seminar will help you gain a better understanding of China and its foreign policy, thus deepening further our friendship and cooperation.1.5 新工厂落成典礼上的讲话


欢迎大家前来参加我们公司在中国的首家新厂房的落成典礼!感谢各位拨冗光临,与我们共同庆祝这一盛大的活动!我谨代表公司对今天来参加典礼的各位供应商、客户嘉宾、各位员工和业务伙伴说声“谢谢!” 公司管理层深深为我们的新工厂感到骄傲,我们能干的员工感到骄傲,他们发展了工厂的业务,使之达到国际水平。新厂房标志着公司对中国业务的重视和承诺。




Lesson 2 2.3 大提琴家马友友




2.4 CNN interview with Jet Li  祝贺《英雄》取得了成功。请问您在《英雄》中扮演的角色是否与你通常演的角色很相似呢?  It’s a very special part and a very special movie.I think it’s one of the most important action films in my life. 为什么你会这样说呢?你演过近30部电影,而《英雄》与其他影片有何不同呢?  Usually action films have a formula: A child whose parents have been murdered by bad guys tries hard to learn martial arts and he grows up into an outstanding Kongfu master.He takes revenge and kills the bad buys.But “Hero” has a much broader them. 就比如象《卧虎藏龙》?  No, it’s totally different.I think Ang Lee is a very very talented director.He uses martial arts to talk about love, you know.But Zhang Yimou tries to tell about Chinese culture, Chinese thinking and their inspirations about the world. 含义的确很深。我们知道你的处女作是1979年拍摄的《少林寺》,那时你还是个十几岁的少年。影片在亚洲引起了轰动,并且还加拍了两部续集。我想问的是,你使如何从一位武术冠军成为一名好莱坞的动作明星的?

 I think the most important thing is that when I was young, I learnt martial arts.That is my special key.I can use my unique martial arts skills in the film.I have been thinking about doing something different, like using martial arts to talk about peace and to achieve peace. 这听起来似乎是矛盾的,对吗?你是一位打斗者,却要谈“和平”?


 That’s right, because Chinese culture is not just martial arts.That’s only the physical part.It’s not true that the Chinese people are all Kongfu masters and can just beat up people;and that they have no brains, no thoughts.As a matter of fact, we have a deep, strong and sophisticated philosophy.I feel I have the responsibility to share this information with the worldwide audience.Lesson 3 3.3 Steve Forbes on Forbes

我祖父二十世纪初来到美国,他离开苏格兰时身上没有什么钱。连他在内有兄弟姐妹10人,不过他自小受到很好的教育。像许多人一样,他也是满怀憧憬和理想来到美国的。** 他创办了《福布斯》杂志,报道那些实干家,那些给商业社会带来变革的人。


** 当前世界信息泛滥,足以将人淹么其中,人们迫切需要一本刊物来解读这些信息,告诉读者哪些重要哪些可以不必理会。这就是《福布斯》的价值所在。我们提供额外的视角和判断。我们从不停留于表面,总想看看公司到底如何经营的,正是当今芜杂繁多的信息使得《福布斯》日益重要。

3.4 Introduction to an arts and crafts company Distinguished guests, dear friends: I feel honored to have this opportunity to introduce our company to you through the platform provided by this conference.Founded 15 years ago, we are a company specializing in the design, manufacture and sales of handicrafts.Fifteen years ago our staff numbered 50;now the figure is 1,700.Fifteen years ago we rented a facility covering a floor space of 4,500 square meters;now our own facility covers a floor space of 24,000 square meters.These figures speak loudly and clearly of our success.Our leading products are various architectural models, including exotic European cathedrals, the Empire State Building, the White House, and the Pentagon in the U.S., along with cartoon animal toys and Christmas gifts with a variety of designs.Our designs have become trend setters in the industry.Today, our products are sold worldwide in more than twenty countries including Japan, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, America, the UK, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden, and Germany.They are well received by both local importers and customers.For fifteen years, our output value has maintained an annual growth rate of 30%.3.5 财富500强





Lesson 4 4.3 西敏斯特大学介绍






4.4 Preserve core values of the Lunar New Year To people of Chinese descent around the world, the Lunar New Year(also called Spring Festival)is undoubtedly the most important festival of the year.**Dating back 3,000 years, it celebrates the passing of a peaceful year and welcomes the new one.The reunion dinner, eaten on New Year’s Eve, is de rigueur, with members of the extended family gathering for the most


significant meal of the year.Even the absent members will endeavor to return home in time for it.It underscores the supreme importance of the family in Chinese culture, and aims at strengthening the sense of togetherness and cohesion.The way people celebrate the New Year embodies two important core values.*The first value is the sense of family togetherness;members of multi-generation families are all there to have a big reunion dinner.Everyone will follow this custom.The female members are usually held responsible for preparing the dinner, and some rich families may take on extra hands.*The second value lies in the happy visits mutually made between friends and relatives, a good way to strengthen kinship and friendship.However, economic development has resulted in some changes in lifestyles.After a busy year, people are tired of preparing for the reunion dinner, and would rather hold it in posh restaurants, despite the exorbitant costs.The festival door-to-door visits have given way to New Year greetings via telephone or text messages.Some families go away for a trip or even go to such extreme as to seek temporary refuge in a hotel so as to avoid being visited.* Some tradition-minded people regard the reunion dinner and visits to relatives and close friends during the New Year as where core values are embodied, without which the holiday would lose much of its significance.Some pessimists contend that, as the popularity of western culture grows, Chinese traditional festivals will gradually lose their original meaning and degenerate into commercial festivals like Christmas.The Spring Festival is an important part of the Chinese cultural heritage, and it will continue to be celebrated.The modes of celebration may change, but the core value should be sustained: that of respect for kinship and friendship.4.5 中英教育交流

Q:My question is about educational exchanges.You mentioned in your speech that there are large numbers of Chinese students studying in Britain.As we know, it is extremely difficult to get a scholarship at a British university.But the tuition fees for international students far exceed these for home students.So we can not help wondering about the motivation of British universities in enrolling Chinese students.Is it to promote educational exchanges with China and to liven up campus life in Britain, or just for a commercial purpose? Thank you.A: 这实际上是出于多种考虑。我不否认有商业考虑,办大学也要花钱,不过教育交流是主要目的。奖学金难申请是因为钱要由政府出,有时候纳税人有意见,说政府应该把奖学金给本国学生而不是外国学生,所以很困难。



Q: Mr.Blair, welcome to Tsinghua University.I was deeply impressed by your support for Sino-British educational exchanges, but I was also sorry to learn that some universities in northeastern Britain have decided to cancel the major of Chinese Culture and Language, among them the University of Durham.Will this affect cultural and educational cooperation between our two countries? If so, what is your solution?

A: 讲到学校的课程,既然我听说了这件事,我打算回去看看究竟,不过大学做出这样的决定原因很多,也许是经济原因,或者是他们面临某种困难,这也是时有的事情。要把想做的事情办成,钱总是不够的。不过我也可以向你保证,我们会一如既往地欢迎中国学生来英国学习,就算杜伦大学没有合适的专业,其他大学也肯定有。

Lesson 5 5.3 温家宝总理在世界旅游组织第15届全体大会上的致词

Mr.Francesco Frangialli, Secretary-General of the World Tourism Organization, Ms.Louise Frechette, Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations, All Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen,At this October time when Beijing is offering us its charming autumn scenery in the freshest air and clearest weather, the th15 General Assembly Session of the World Tourism Organization is officially opened here.On behalf of the Chinese government, I would like to extend our sincere welcome to all the guests here and to express our warm congratulations on the convening of this session.Tourism is a nice and pleasant activity that combines sightseeing, recreation and health care.Tourism has been developing with the times.Since the mid of the 20th century, modern tourism has been booming at a fast pace across the world.The number of tourists has been increasing, the scale of tourism industry has kept expanding, and the position of tourism in the economy has been rising.Increasingly, tourism serves as a channel for cultural exchanges, friendship development and varied communication.It exerts more and more extensive influence on human life and social progress.As a country with an ancient civilization and a long history, China is also a big oriental country full of modern vitality, blessed with a rich supply of unique and varied tourism attractions and resources.Besides the picturesque natural scenery,《口译教程》汉英翻译参考译文

profound history and extensive culture, China embodies the different folk customs of 56 nationalities/ethnic groups.Currently, 29 properties have been inscribed onto World Cultural and Natural Heritage List.With the reform and opening-up programs, China’s modern construction is surging ahead, and urban and rural areas are all experiencing daily changes.The ancient glory and modern boom combine most impressively to create favorable conditions for domestic and international tourism in China.The fist 20 years of the 21st century is a strategic period for China to accomplish the all-round construction of a well-off society and to speed up its socialist modernization.It also provides a favorable time for its further development of tourism industry.We shall promote tourism as an important industry in China’s national economy, properly protect and utilize our tourism resources and try to achieve sustainable development.The Chinese government welcomes all international friends to visit China.We shall do our best to protect their health and safety.Meanwhile, we will encourage more Chinese people to go abroad for visits.We are ready to develop extensive cooperation with other countries and contribute to global tourism growth.For many years, the World Tourism Organization has made active and effective efforts to gain tourism prosperity and development around the world.It has become a specialized agency of the UN.Here we would like to offer our sincere congratulations.We believe this WTO General Assembly session will give a major push to tourism in the world for greater prosperity and new development.Finally, I wish the 15th General Assembly Session of the World’s Tourism Organization every success.Thank you!

5.4 世界旅游组织简介






5.5 现代化与文化遗产的保护

主:Welcome to our studio.My first question is: how many years have you been in China? 宾:三年多了。我是2002年5月底来的。

主:3 years.I bet you have witnessed a lot of changes in China.Could you tell us your deepest impression of urban development in China? 宾:我恐怕只能就我所在的城市谈谈经验,不过从周边城市的所见所闻,我也会有同样的看法。所有的外国人都非常清楚地看到,中国和中国的许多城市都在快速地发展。我想在东部沿海城市更是如此。到处矗立着崭新的高楼大厦,马路变得更加宽敞。

主:What do you think of all these tall buildings and the widened roads? Do you think that these are signs of modernization? Are all these changes good?

宾:这个问题提得好,但是我觉得这是个相当复杂的问题。主:Why is it complicated? 宾:这个问题得从两个不同角度来谈。一方面是我作为一个外国人所期待的…… 我想看的,我感兴趣的和中国人想看的或者想让我看的肯定是不一样的。另一方面就是现代化与旧城文化保护相互冲突的问题。

主:Then let’s see what are the differences between a foreigner’s expectations and what the Chinese would like to see.宾:这个问题看来最好这么来谈,一般情况下,中国朋友带我们参观城市的时候,都是带我们去看现代建筑,比如机场、大桥、会展中心等等城市里最新的东西。但是外国人对老城区、小街小巷、古旧建筑更感兴趣,也就是那些使这个城市有别于我们所看过的其他城市的东西。一个外国人到过的其他地方可能比一般中国人多,所见过的机场和桥梁对他们来说没什么太大的不同,但是西安的庙宇他们就觉得有别于法国的教堂,更重要的是,中国城市的老房子更有别于英国城市里的老房子。

主:That is to say, foreigners are interested in the things unique in China, but there is a contradiction between modernization and preservation, as you mentioned just now from another perspective.The space of a city is limited;the old part of the city should be reconstructed, and in fact the new buildings are symbols of the prosperity of a city.Isn’t this a good thing?




主:You are quite right.People nowadays are starting to realize the importance of the preservation of heritage.Some local governments are making great effort to deal with the contradiction between development and preservation.Well, because of the limitation of the time, I’m afraid we have to stop now.Thank you ever so much for your coming to discuss this topic with us.We hope you’ll come again.Lesson 6 6.4.国际烟草控制公约



已经有160多个国家在公约上签字,签约国必须在各自国家批准该公约。迄今为止,已有近60个国家批准了该公约,** 然而只需40个国家批准即可生效。该公约在2005年2月27日生效。






我的话完了,谢谢大家!6.5 艾滋病的防治


B:Well, in China, HIV/AIDS has become a very serious problem related to social development.There’ve been cases of people being accidentally infected with HIV/AIDS, through accepting contaminated blood from hospitals, babies acquiring the disease from their mothers, having improper sexual relationships.From the time we discovered the first AIDS patient in 1985, our country has entered a period of rapid increase in AIDS infections.Experts estimate that more than 900,000 people had been infected with HIV by the end of last year.If we don’t take some efficient measures, this number will double by 2010.A: 您认为增长这么快的主要原因在哪里? B:First, because of poverty, people lack education and information about the prevention of HIV/AIDS.Second, ignorance.People do not pay much attention to this problem.Third, they lack proper resources, things like training, money and information.According to reports, we do not yet have an efficient medicine to cure HIV/AIDS.A: 政府已经采取了哪些具体的措施来控制艾滋病在中国的蔓延呢?有什么国际合作吗?

B:We have already got very strong support from the international community, especially on the technical side.And on the domestic front, we’ve recognized that making our people understand and raising their awareness is very important.So, common sense, health education and behavioral changes are the only way for people to avoid HIV infection.A: 贵国政府在发布警报以及增强公众对艾滋病传播危险性的认识方面一直都在怎么做?特别是在农村地区?您认为要解决这个问题还应该进一步做些什么?


B: Firstly, I think the government should improve our monitoring system, and secondly, NGOs should try their best to mobilize all the resources we can use to help the people, especially people at the grass roots and the rural areas, to let them know the terrible results of the spreading of the disease and how to prevent HIV/AIDS.I think we should do more advocacy work among the people.A: 非常感谢您回答我们这么多问题。预祝你们在与艾滋病的斗争中取得成功。B:Thank you.Lesson 10 10.3 中与欧盟的关系










我的话讲完了,谢谢大家!10.4 中国与东盟的关系

A: Excuse me, could you tell me when ASEAN was established? And how many member countries does it have now? B: 东盟于1967年8月8日成立,目前有10个成员国,它们是:文莱、柬埔寨、印度尼西亚、老挝、马来西亚、缅甸、菲律宾、泰国、新加坡和越南。

A: Besides these 10 member countries, ASEAN also always holds the 10+1, 10+3 meetings.Does it mean that ASEAN has some dialogue partners? B: 是的。东盟有10个对话伙伴,它们是澳大利亚、加拿大、中国、欧盟、印度、日本、俄罗斯、新西兰、韩国和美国。

A:What is the area that ASEAN covers? How many languages are spoken in this region? What is the total population? B: 东盟地区面积大约有450万平方公里,有14中官方语言和7种宗教。人口总数在2000年有5.12亿。

A: 4.5 million square kilometers is about half of China’s territory, such a big regional organization neighboring China.How is the relationship between ASEAN and China now?


A:Can you give some data?

B: 在中国与东盟的关系中,经贸。科技方面的合作是基本的组成部分。1994年的贸易总额从120亿增加到235亿美元,其中中欧广告的出口是109.2亿美元,进口123.6亿美元。双方的相互投资过去几年也不断增加。东盟在劳动力合作和项目开放方面已经成为中国的重要市场。中国和东盟已经同意用8年的时间创建世界人口最密集的自由贸易区。

A:The relationship is very good economically, but how about politically? B:东盟是一个非常活跃的地区性组织,在发展相互了解与互信、捍卫地区国家间的和平与发展起到非常积极的作用。中国与东盟的友好合作证明,国家无论大小,他们可能有不同的历史背景、社会制度、发展水平、文化传统以及价值观念,但是只要他们遵守和平共处五项原则,他们一定会和谐共处,共同发展。

10.5 Diplomatic work for the people

It is true that we have been making every effort to serve the purpose of doing diplomatic work for the people.On the international stage, in order to do good and practical things for the people, we have to rely on our friends.In this regard, Chinese leaders have played an exemplary role.They have made many good friends for China in the world.Last year, President Hu Jingtao, Chairman Wu Bangguo of the National People’s Congress, Premier Wen Jiabao and Chairman Jia Qinglin of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference visited a total of 34 countries.During their short yet tightly scheduled visits, they conducted extensive activities.Last year alone, we received 29 visiting heads of state, 23 heads of government and 42 foreign ministers.《口译教程》汉英翻译参考译文

In addition, different departments and industries across the country have been engaged in other diplomatic activities so as to make friends for the motherland and do practical things for the people.The inter-parliamentary, party-to-party and military-to-military diplomatic activities between China and other countries are fairly active, and a large number of Chinese NGOs are also active players in the international arena, such as the Chinese Youth League, the All China Women’s Federation and the All China Federation of Trade Unions.Many Chinese cities have also established twin-city relations with their foreign counterparts.At present, China has 235 diplomatic missions abroad staffed with over 5600 people, of whom 3200 are from the Foreign Ministry.Ambassador Sun Bian, who was recently named as one of the top 10 figures inspiring China most in 2004, is one of the best representatives of the Foreign Ministry.Recently, I came across a group of figures from a western newspaper.Let’s take a look at them together to see whether the “China threat theory” makes sense or is nothing but ridiculous nonsense.In 2004, the defense expenditure of the US was US$455.9 billion, accounting for 3.9% of its GDP, while that of China in the same year was only RMB 211.7 billion, making up 1.6% of China’s GDP.The US defense expenditure was 17.8 times that of China.In 2004, the per capita defense expenditure in the US was US$1540 while that of China was about US$20, with the US figure being 77 times that of China.In 2003, the US defense expenditure accounted for 47% of the global total, exceeding the total of the other 25 countries in the world with the largest defense expenditures.The figure was also 3.5 times the total sum of the defense expenditure of the other four permanent members of the Security Council.China follows the road of peaceful development.To maintain peace is both the starting point and the purpose of Chinese diplomacy.I believe that all those who respect the truth will see China a staunch force for peace in the world.


Unit 2 词汇预习2-1 人力资源经理 top-notch 能够成行 不辞辛苦 百忙中抽空

run into a storm be held up clear up attending service 倒时差 行李齐了 下榻宾馆 设宴洗尘 总裁 杂技表演

2-2 check-in 预定房间 确认函

travel agency itinerary accommodation 双人间 豪华套房 8折优惠价 morning call photo-copy express mail 总台 餐饮部 洗烫部 楼层服务台

fitness exercise 教练

2-3 敬业

contribute one's share maneuver 大自然所赐予的 cuisine

manager of Human Resources 顶尖的 make it

in spite of the tiring trip take time from busy schedule 下了暴雨 等待 天气转好 服务好 jet-lag

get all the luggage take to the hotel

host a reception in one's honor Chairman

acrobatic show


have a reservation letter of confirmation 旅行社 行程表 住宿

double room deluxe suite

rate with 20% off 叫醒 复印 快递

Front Desk

Catering Service Laundry Service Floor Service Desk 健身 coach

dedicated 尽自己的责任 使命

Mother Nature grants 菜系 色、香、味、形 调料

食物的质地 原汁原味 appetizing 特色点心 皮薄汁醇 皮脆肉嫩 酸甜适口 figure out 好戏还在后头 祝酒 干杯

2-4 高科技园区 业务经理 鸟瞰 走马观花 言归正传 项目审批权 优惠政策

与国际管理体制接轨 跨国公司 骨干企业 生物技术 高技术产业链 一条龙服务 生态型开发 可持续发展 绿草成茵 流水潺潺 鸟儿啁啾 四季花香 安保服务

color、aroma、taste、appearance seasoning

raw materials with quality texture original flavors 食欲

special snack

thin and translucent wrapper, rich tasty soup a crispy and tender meat sweet and sour source 想出来

have more surprises to expect drink to cheers

High-Tech Park Operation Manager

take a bird's-eye view of

cast a passing glance at flowers while riding on horseback

come back to our story

authorized to approve projects preferential policies

under the management system of international standards

multinationals pillar industries biotechnology

high-tech industry chains

a stream-line one-stop service ecological conservation sustainable development

boasts stretches of green grass streams murmuring birds chirping

fragrant flowers blossoming all years round security service



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    市长先生阁下, 中国朋友们, 女士们先生们: Your Honor Mr. Mayor, My Chinese friends, Ladies and Gentlemen, 这是我首次访问你们这座美丽的城市,我为此深感荣幸。 I feel ho......


    新东方口译:http://edu.21cn.com/kcnet440/ 第一单元 外事接待 第一篇 制药有限公司 pharmaceutical Co. Ltd 副总经理 deputy managing director 研究生 graduate student......


    中国常驻联合国代表 Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations 紧要关头 pivotal moment 业务伙伴 business associate 世界水平world-class status 顶尖......