[ə'merɪkə] 英国、Britain
[ˈbrɪtn] 日本、Japan
[dʒəˈpæn] 法国、France
沙特阿拉伯、Saudi Arabia 南非、South Africa 土耳其
[ˈdʒəməni] [ˈkænədə] [ˈɪtəlɪ] [ˈrʌʃə] [ɔˈstreljə] [ˈtʃaɪnə] [brəˈzɪl]
[ˌɑrdʒənˈtinə] [ˈmɛksɪˌko] [kə'rɪr]
Many of the problems in the world requires international collaboration, especially between the big powers, as well as the coordination of the multinational and nontraditional, such as tax, such as fighting international crime and to deal with environmental degradation.Since the 20th century, the world continues to face these problems, these non-traditional issues also brought some safe hidden trouble, at the same time, is also closely related to our economic prosperity.For example, the international criminal court is committed to carry out to crack down on illegal immigration, because this group will impact a country's internal labor markets, so, need for immigrants to have strict registration system, prevent the system from leaks.The United Nations will strengthen the management, for example, through the G20 to take some strict measures, or complementary with other organizations, to strengthen the safety of the international community.
Hangzhou is lucky enough to be one of the first group of cities open to the world。
Because Nixon and Mao Zedong signed the Agreement。这源于尼克松和毛泽东推动签署的中美《联合公报》。So they made Hangzhou open to the world。是他们的努力让杭州向世界敞开了大门。
1972,when Mao Zedong and President Nixon had decided to make China and USA agree to work together to be the bright futre。
1972年,毛泽东与(时任)美国总统尼克松达成共识,中美将携手开创美好未来。Both leaders actually had a lot of wonderful negociations done in Hangzhou。
The document was made in Hangzhou and announced in Shanghai。而《联合公报》也是在杭州起草并最终在上海发布。
This is historically the meaningful。。。a very meaningful city,a great city that made the West and the East meet together,made the great leaders of the East and the West sit down together and discuss for the future。这是一座富有历史意义的城市,一座让东西交融的城市。让东方和西方的领导人们坐在一起,共商未来。
I think this G20 Meeting has high expectations from the world。Especially at this moment of the world economy。
我认为全球对这次G20峰会抱有很高期望。尤其是对当下的世界经济而言。A lot people don‘t like globalization。许多人不认同全球化。
And I personally believe globalization is a great thing for the world。而我认为全球化对世界而言是一件伟大的事情。
The only thing is that: how we can improve globalization to enable more small business,more young people to get involved。
唯一的问题是要如何提升全球化来让更多中小企业和更多年轻人参与其中。What if we can use a new mechanism,a new technology to enable 1 billion,or 2 billion,or 3 billion people to do trade。
I think the EWTP should be sponsored and enforced by the business,and supported by the government。
If we can build up a platform that can enable small business and young people to do a free trade in a open,a fair trade globally。因此,如果我们可以打造出一个平台,让中小企业、年轻人能够在全球进行自由、开放和公平的贸易。
This‘s gonna be very foundamental for the next 20 or 30 years of World Economy and for the century。
这会让全球经济在未来20年或30年,甚至在本世纪发生根本性的变化。And I think we are very proud to get involved for this G20 and B20 for our ideas。
It is an idea and we‘ll continue to work,to move forward by this great event。
People keep on asking me why Alibaba is not in Beijing,why not in Shanghai。(But)in Hangzhou。
人们总是在问我,阿里巴巴为什么不把总部放在北京或者上海,而是在杭州。Not because it is a city that is my hometown。是因为这座城市不仅是我的家乡。
Because this city has entrepreneurship。It‘s so friendly to private sectors。
它还拥有创业精神,包容民营企业的发展。In our city,we like entrepreneurship。我们所在的这个城市喜欢创业精神。We like people from nothing,building it up。尊重白手起家的人。
So I think we got great talents。我们有优秀的人才。
We got good environment。我们有良好的环境。
We are a pretty small city with only close to 9 million people。杭州规模不大,只有近900万人口。
But Hangzhou is so powerful,so influential to China Economy,to China Culture。
Because in Song Dynasty,1000 years ago,we were the capital of China。早在1000年前的宋朝,杭州曾是中国的首都。
And at that time we were the most splendid and prosperous city in China。在那个时候,杭州就是中国最辉煌、最辉煌的城市。
Hangzhou,today,has become the driving force of China New Economy because of e-commerce,because of Alibaba。
今天,杭州已经成为中国新经济的推动力量,这得益于电子商务的发展。And because of the e-commerce development,the Internet development,there are a lot of young people who are interested in e-commerce,interested in Internet business。They all come to the city。由于电子商务的发展、城市互联网的发展,许多对电子商务和互联网感兴趣的年轻人纷至沓来。
This city has become the center of inspiration,the center of innovation and the center of the “New Economy Entrepreneurship”。这座城市已经成为灵感中心、创新中心和新经济中心。
Because of G20, I want Hangzhou to be a city more friendly to the world, and people come in here, bring new ideas and benefit from this culture and understand China better.因为G20峰会,我希望杭州变成一个对世界更为开放友好的城市。人们来到这里,带来新的灵感,并从这里的文化中受益,从而更好地了解中国。
G20峰会宣言全文(中英文)2009-04-12 15:351、在世界经济和金融市场遭遇严重挑战时,我们即二十国集团领导人于2008年11月15日在美国华盛顿举行了一次初步会议。我们决定增强相互合作,努力恢复全球经济增长,实现全球金融体系的必要改革。
鼓励世界银行(World Bank)和其他多边开发银行(MDB)全力支持开发计划,我们对世界银行最近在基础设施和贸易融资领域所推出的新措施。
·改革国际金融机构。我们承诺,推进布雷顿森林机构(Bretton Woods Institutions)改革,以便他们在全球经济中能够更加充分地反映不断变化的经济权数,提高其正确性和有效性。在这方面,新兴市场和发展中国家经济体,其中包括最贫穷国家,将有更多的话语权和代表权。金融稳定论坛(Financial Stability Forum,FSF)成员急需向新兴经济体扩展,其它主要标准制定机构必须迅速重新审定他们的会员组成。国际货币基金组织要同FSF及其它机构合作,更好地认识脆弱,预测潜在压力,迅速采取行动在应对危机中发挥重要作用。
13、我们强调,在金融不稳定时期反对保护主义至关重要。未来12个月,我们将反对抬高投资或货物及服务贸易新壁垒,反对设置出口新限定或实施有违世界贸易组织规定的措施来刺激出口。另外,我们将努力在今年达成协议,使得世界贸易组织多哈发展议程(Doha Development Agenda)有一个圆满结果。我们将指示我们的贸易部长实现这一目标,推进最终协议的达成。
1.We, the Leaders of the Group of Twenty, held an initial meeting in Washington on November 15, 2008, amid serious challenges to the world economy and financial markets.We are determined to enhance our cooperation and work together to restore global growth and achieve needed reforms in the world’s financial systems.2.Over the past months our countries have taken urgent and exceptional measures to support the global economy and stabilize financial markets.These efforts must continue.At the same time, we must lay the foundation for reform to help to ensure that a global crisis, such as this one, does not happen again.Our work will be guided by a shared belief that market principles, open trade and investment regimes, and effectively regulated financial markets foster the dynamism, innovation, and entrepreneurship that are essential for economic growth, employment, and poverty reduction.Root Causes of the Current Crisis
3.During a period of strong global growth, growing capital flows, and prolonged stability earlier this decade, market participants sought higher yields without an adequate appreciation of the risks and failed to exercise proper due diligence.At the same time, weak underwriting standards, unsound risk management practices, increasingly complex and opaque financial products, and consequent excessive leverage combined to create vulnerabilities in the system.Policy-makers, regulators and supervisors, in some advanced countries, did not adequately appreciate and address the risks building up in financial markets, keep pace with financial innovation, or take into account the systemic ramifications of domestic regulatory actions.4.Major underlying factors to the current situation were, among others, inconsistent and insufficiently coordinated macroeconomic policies, inadequate structural reforms, which led to unsustainable global macroeconomic outcomes.These developments, together, contributed to excesses and ultimately resulted in severe market disruption.Actions Taken and to Be Taken 5.We have taken strong and significant actions to date to stimulate our economies, provide liquidity, strengthen the capital of financial institutions, protect savings and deposits, address regulatory deficiencies, unfreeze credit markets, and are working to ensure that international financial institutions(IFIs)can provide critical support for the global economy.6.But more needs to be done to stabilize financial markets and support economic growth.Economic momentum is slowing substantially in major economies and the global outlook has weakened.Many emerging market economies, which helped sustain the world economy this decade, are still experiencing good growth but increasingly are being adversely impacted by the worldwide slowdown.7.Against this background of deteriorating economic conditions worldwide, we agreed that a broader policy response is needed, based on closer macroeconomic cooperation, to restore growth, avoid negative spillovers and support emerging market economies and developing countries.As immediate steps to achieve these objectives, as well as to address longer-term challenges, we will:
Continue our vigorous efforts and take whatever further actions are necessary to stabilize the financial system.Recognize the importance of monetary policy support, as deemed appropriate to domestic conditions.Use fiscal measures to stimulate domestic demand to rapid effect, as appropriate, while maintaining a policy framework conducive to fiscal sustainability.Help emerging and developing economies gain access to finance in current difficult financial conditions, including through liquidity facilities and program support.We stress the International Monetary Fund’s(IMF)important role in crisis response , welcome its new short-term liquidity facility, and urge the ongoing review of its instruments and facilities to ensure flexibility.Encourage the World Bank and other multilateral development banks(MDBs)to use their full capacity in support of their development agenda, and we welcome the recent introduction of new facilities by the World Bank in the areas of infrastructure and trade finance.Ensure that the IMF, World Bank and other MDBs have sufficient resources to continue playing their role in overcoming the crisis.Common Principles for Reform of Financial Markets
8.In addition to the actions taken above, we will implement reforms that will strengthen financial markets and regulatory regimes so as to avoid future crises.Regulation is first and foremost the responsibility of national regulators who constitute the first line of defense against market instability.However, our financial markets are global in scope, therefore, intensified international cooperation among regulators and strengthening of international standards, where necessary, and their consistent implementation is necessary to protect against adverse cross-border, regional and global developments affecting international financial stability.Regulators must ensure that their actions support market discipline, avoid potentially adverse impacts on other countries, including regulatory arbitrage, and support competition, dynamism and innovation in the marketplace.Financial institutions must also bear their responsibility for the turmoil and should do their part to overcome it including by recognizing losses, improving disclosure and strengthening their governance and risk management practices.9.We commit to implementing policies consistent with the following common principles for reform.Strengthening Transparency and Accountability: We will strengthen financial market transparency, including by enhancing required disclosure on complex financial products and ensuring complete and accurate disclosure by firms of their financial conditions.Incentives should be aligned to avoid excessive risk-taking.Enhancing Sound Regulation: We pledge to strengthen our regulatory regimes, prudential oversight, and risk management, and ensure that all financial markets, products and participants are regulated or subject to oversight, as appropriate to their circumstances.We will exercise strong oversight over credit rating agencies, consistent with the agreed and strengthened international code of conduct.We will also make regulatory regimes more effective over the economic cycle, while ensuring that regulation is efficient, does not stifle innovation, and encourages expanded trade in financial products and services.We commit to transparent assessments of our national regulatory systems.Promoting Integrity in Financial Markets: We commit to protect the integrity of the world’s financial markets by bolstering investor and consumer protection, avoiding conflicts of interest, preventing illegal market manipulation, fraudulent activities and abuse, and protecting against illicit finance risks arising from non-cooperative jurisdictions.We will also promote information sharing, including with respect to jurisdictions that have yet to commit to international standards with respect to bank secrecy and transparency.Reinforcing International Cooperation: We call upon our national and regional regulators to formulate their regulations and other measures in a consistent manner.Regulators should enhance their coordination and cooperation across all segments of financial markets, including with respect to cross-border capital flows.Regulators and other relevant authorities as a matter of priority should strengthen cooperation on crisis prevention, management, and resolution.Reforming International Financial Institutions: We are committed to advancing the reform of the Bretton Woods Institutions so that they can more adequately reflect changing economic weights in the world economy in order to increase their legitimacy and effectiveness.In this respect, emerging and developing economies, including the poorest countries, should have greater voice and representation.The Financial Stability Forum(FSF)must expand urgently to a broader membership of emerging economies, and other major standard setting bodies should promptly review their membership.The IMF, in collaboration with the expanded FSF and other bodies, should work to better identify vulnerabilities, anticipate potential stresses, and act swiftly to play a key role in crisis response.Tasking of Ministers and Experts
10.We are committed to taking rapid action to implement these principles.We instruct our Finance Ministers, as coordinated by their 2009 G-20 leadership(Brazil, UK, Republic of Korea), to initiate processes and a timeline to do so.An initial list of specific measures is set forth in the attached Action Plan, including high priority actions to be completed prior to March 31, 2009.In consultation with other economies and existing bodies, drawing upon the recommendations of such eminent independent experts as they may appoint, we request our Finance Ministers to formulate additional recommendations, including in the following specific areas:
Mitigating against pro-cyclicality in regulatory policy;
Reviewing and aligning global accounting standards, particularly for complex securities in times of stress;
Strengthening the resilience and transparency of credit derivatives markets and reducing their systemic risks, including by improving the infrastructure of over-the-counter markets;
Reviewing compensation practices as they relate to incentives for risk taking and innovation;
Reviewing the mandates, governance, and resource requirements of the IFIs;and
Defining the scope of systemically important institutions and determining their appropriate regulation or oversight.11.In view of the role of the G-20 in financial systems reform, we will meet again by April 30, 2009, to review the implementation of the principles and decisions agreed today.Commitment to an Open Global Economy
12.We recognize that these reforms will only be successful if grounded in a commitment to free market principles, including the rule of law, respect for private property, open trade and investment, competitive markets, and efficient, effectively regulated financial systems.These principles are essential to economic growth and prosperity and have lifted millions out of poverty, and have significantly raised the global standard of living.Recognizing the necessity to improve financial sector regulation, we must avoid over-regulation that would hamper economic growth and exacerbate the contraction of capital flows, including to developing countries.13.We underscore the critical importance of rejecting protectionism and not turning inward in times of financial uncertainty.In this regard, within the next 12 months, we will refrain from raising new barriers to investment or to trade in goods and services, imposing new export restrictions, or implementing World Trade Organization(WTO)inconsistent measures to stimulate exports.Further, we shall strive to reach agreement this year on modalities that leads to a successful conclusion to the WTO’s Doha Development Agenda with an ambitious and balanced outcome.We instruct our Trade Ministers to achieve this objective and stand ready to assist directly, as necessary.We also agree that our countries have the largest stake in the global trading system and therefore each must make the positive contributions necessary to achieve such an outcome.14.We are mindful of the impact of the current crisis on developing countries, particularly the most vulnerable.We reaffirm the importance of the Millennium Development Goals, the development assistance commitments we have made, and urge both developed and emerging economies to undertake commitments consistent with their capacities and roles in the global economy.In this regard, we reaffirm the development principles agreed at the 2002 United Nations Conference on Financing for Development in Monterrey, Mexico, which emphasized country ownership and mobilizing all sources of financing for development.15.We remain committed to addressing other critical challenges such as energy security and climate change, food security, the rule of law, and the fight against terrorism, poverty and disease.16.As we move forward, we are confident that through continued partnership, cooperation, and multilateralism, we will overcome the challenges before us and restore stability and prosperity to the world economy.Action Plan to Implement Principles for Reform
This Action Plan sets forth a comprehensive work plan to implement the five agreed principles for reform.Our finance ministers will work to ensure that the taskings set forth in this Action Plan are fully and vigorously implemented.They are responsible for the development and implementation of these recommendations drawing on the ongoing work of relevant bodies, including the International Monetary Fund(IMF), an expanded Financial Stability Forum(FSF), and standard setting bodies.Strengthening Transparency and Accountability
Immediate Actions by March 31, 2009
The key global accounting standards bodies should work to enhance guidance for valuation of securities, also taking into account the valuation of complex, illiquid products, especially during times of stress.Accounting standard setters should significantly advance their work to address weaknesses in accounting and disclosure standards for off-balance sheet vehicles.Regulators and accounting standard setters should enhance the required disclosure of complex financial instruments by firms to market participants.With a view toward promoting financial stability, the governance of the international accounting standard setting body should be further enhanced, including by undertaking a review of its membership, in particular in order to ensure transparency, accountability, and an appropriate relationship between this independent body and the relevant authorities.Private sector bodies that have already developed best practices for private pools of capital and/or hedge funds should bring forward proposals for a set of unified best practices.Finance Ministers should assess the adequacy of these proposals, drawing upon the analysis of regulators, the expanded FSF, and other relevant bodies.Medium-term actions
The key global accounting standards bodies should work intensively toward the objective of creating a single high-quality global standard.Regulators, supervisors, and accounting standard setters, as appropriate, should work with each other and the private sector on an ongoing basis to ensure consistent application and enforcement of high-quality accounting standards.Financial institutions should provide enhanced risk disclosures in their reporting and disclose all losses on an ongoing basis, consistent with international best practice, as appropriate.Regulators should work to ensure that a financial institution’ financial statements include a complete, accurate, and timely picture of the firm’s activities(including off-balance sheet activities)and are reported on a consistent and regular basis.Enhancing Sound Regulation Regulatory Regimes
Immediate Actions by March 31, 2009
The IMF, expanded FSF, and other regulators and bodies should develop recommendations to mitigate pro-cyclicality, including the review of how valuation and leverage, bank capital, executive compensation, and provisioning practices may exacerbate cyclical trends.Medium-term actions
To the extent countries or regions have not already done so, each country or region pledges to review and report on the structure and principles of its regulatory system to ensure it is compatible with a modern and increasingly globalized financial system.To this end, all G-20 members commit to undertake a Financial Sector Assessment Program(FSAP)report and support the transparent assessments of countries’ national regulatory systems.The appropriate bodies should review the differentiated nature of regulation in the banking, securities, and insurance sectors and provide a report outlining the issue and making recommendations on needed improvements.A review of the scope of financial regulation, with a special emphasis on institutions, instruments, and markets that are currently unregulated, along with ensuring that all systemically-important institutions are appropriately regulated, should also be undertaken.National and regional authorities should review resolution regimes and bankruptcy laws in light of recent experience to ensure that they permit an orderly wind-down of large complex cross-border financial institutions.Definitions of capital should be harmonized in order to achieve consistent measures of capital and capital adequacy.Prudential Oversight
Immediate Actions by March 31, 2009
Regulators should take steps to ensure that credit rating agencies meet the highest standards of the international organization of securities regulators and that they avoid conflicts of interest, provide greater disclosure to investors and to issuers, and differentiate ratings for complex products.This will help ensure that credit rating agencies have the right incentives and appropriate oversight to enable them to perform their important role in providing unbiased information and assessments to markets.The international organization of securities regulators should review credit rating agencies’ adoption of the standards and mechanisms for monitoring compliance.Authorities should ensure that financial institutions maintain adequate capital in amounts necessary to sustain confidence.International standard setters should set out strengthened capital requirements for banks’ structured credit and securitization activities.Supervisors and regulators, building on the imminent launch of central counterparty services for credit default swaps(CDS)in some countries, should: speed efforts to reduce the systemic risks of CDS and over-the-counter(OTC)derivatives transactions;insist that market participants support exchange traded or electronic trading platforms for CDS contracts;expand OTC derivatives market transparency;and ensure that the infrastructure for OTC derivatives can support growing volumes.Medium-term actions
Credit Ratings Agencies that provide public ratings should be registered.Supervisors and central banks should develop robust and internationally consistent approaches for liquidity supervision of, and central bank liquidity operations for, cross-border banks.Risk Management
Immediate Actions by March 31, 2009
Regulators should develop enhanced guidance to strengthen banks’ risk management practices, in line with international best practices, and should encourage financial firms to reexamine their internal controls and implement strengthened policies for sound risk management.Regulators should develop and implement procedures to ensure that financial firms implement policies to better manage liquidity risk, including by creating strong liquidity cushions.Supervisors should ensure that financial firms develop processes that provide for timely and comprehensive measurement of risk concentrations and large counterparty risk positions across products and geographies.Firms should reassess their risk management models to guard against stress and report to supervisors on their efforts.The Basel Committee should study the need for and help develop firms’ new stress testing models, as appropriate.Financial institutions should have clear internal incentives to promote stability, and action needs to be taken, through voluntary effort or regulatory action, to avoid compensation schemes which reward excessive short-term returns or risk taking.Banks should exercise effective risk management and due diligence over structured products and securitization.Medium-term actions
International standard setting bodies, working with a broad range of economies and other appropriate bodies, should ensure that regulatory policy makers are aware and able to respond rapidly to evolution and innovation in financial markets and products.Authorities should monitor substantial changes in asset prices and their implications for the macroeconomy and the financial system.Promoting Integrity in Financial Markets
Immediate Actions by March 31, 2009
Our national and regional authorities should work together to enhance regulatory cooperation between jurisdictions on a regional and international level.National and regional authorities should work to promote information sharing about domestic and cross-border threats to market stability and ensure that national(or regional, where applicable)legal provisions are adequate to address these threats.National and regional authorities should also review business conduct rules to protect markets and investors, especially against market manipulation and fraud and strengthen their cross-border cooperation to protect the international financial system from illicit actors.In case of misconduct, there should be an appropriate sanctions regime.Medium-term actions
National and regional authorities should implement national and international measures that protect the global financial system from uncooperative and non-transparent jurisdictions that pose risks of illicit financial activity.The Financial Action Task Force should continue its important work against money laundering and terrorist financing, and we support the efforts of the World Bank-UN Stolen Asset Recovery(StAR)Initiative.Tax authorities, drawing upon the work of relevant bodies such as the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development(OECD), should continue efforts to promote tax information exchange.Lack of transparency and a failure to exchange tax information should be vigorously addressed.Reinforcing International Cooperation
Immediate Actions by March 31, 2009
Supervisors should collaborate to establish supervisory colleges for all major cross-border financial institutions, as part of efforts to strengthen the surveillance of cross-border firms.Major global banks should meet regularly with their supervisory college for comprehensive discussions of the firm’s activities and assessment of the risks it faces.Regulators should take all steps necessary to strengthen cross-border crisis management arrangements, including on cooperation and communication with each other and with appropriate authorities, and develop comprehensive contact lists and conduct simulation exercises, as appropriate.Medium-term actions
Authorities, drawing especially on the work of regulators, should collect information on areas where convergence in regulatory practices such as accounting standards, auditing, and deposit insurance is making progress, is in need of accelerated progress, or where there may be potential for progress.Authorities should ensure that temporary measures to restore stability and confidence have minimal distortions and are unwound in a timely, well-sequenced and coordinated manner.Reforming International Financial Institutions
Immediate Actions by March 31, 2009
The FSF should expand to a broader membership of emerging economies.The IMF, with its focus on surveillance, and the expanded FSF, with its focus on standard setting, should strengthen their collaboration, enhancing efforts to better integrate regulatory and supervisory responses into the macro-prudential policy framework and conduct early warning exercises.The IMF, given its universal membership and core macro-financial expertise, should, in close coordination with the FSF and others, take a leading role in drawing lessons from the current crisis, consistent with its mandate.We should review the adequacy of the resources of the IMF, the World Bank Group and other multilateral development banks and stand ready to increase them where necessary.The IFIs should also continue to review and adapt their lending instruments to adequately meet their members’ needs and revise their lending role in the light of the ongoing financial crisis.We should explore ways to restore emerging and developing countries’ access to credit and resume private capital flows which are critical for sustainable growth and development, including ongoing infrastructure investment.In cases where severe market disruptions have limited access to the necessary financing for counter-cyclical fiscal policies, multilateral development banks must ensure arrangements are in place to support, as needed, those countries with a good track record and sound policies.Medium-term actions
We underscored that the Bretton Woods Institutions must be comprehensively reformed so that they can more adequately reflect changing economic weights in the world economy and be more responsive to future challenges.Emerging and developing economies should have greater voice and representation in these institutions.The IMF should conduct vigorous and even-handed surveillance reviews of all countries, as well as giving greater attention to their financial sectors and better integrating the reviews with the joint IMF/World Bank financial sector assessment programs.On this basis, the role of the IMF in providing macro-financial policy advice would be strengthened.Advanced economies, the IMF, and other international organizations should provide capacity-building programs for emerging market economies and developing countries on the formulation and the implementation of new major regulations, consistent with international standards.
10:15–10:25 致开幕词
致辞嘉宾:郭戈平中国连锁经营协会会长 10:25–10:30 致欢迎词
致辞嘉宾:王 填 中国零售领袖峰会董事会主席
步步高商业连锁股份有限公司董事长 10:30-12:00 互联网时代的多渠道发展
麦肯锡公司全球董事 对话嘉宾:孙为民
天虹商场股份有限公司首席执行官、董事总经理 于
一号店电子商务有限公司创始人、董事长 Janet Hoffman 埃森哲全球零售业总裁
14:00-14:20 资本协助提炼连锁企业的核心竞争力 演讲嘉宾:钟
14:20-15:30 资本运作助力企业战略发展
银泰百货(集团)有限公司执行董事、首席执行官 梅思勰
15:30-15:50 为店铺创造差异化
TCC亚洲区区域业务拓展总监 15:50-16:10 创新、发现 提升商业价值 演讲嘉宾:唐希勇
16:10-16:30 茶歇
16:30-18:00 商业模式的转型与升级
是回归本质,还是不断创新,抑或是兼而用之„„ 让我们聆听成功者的自诉和剖析。主持嘉宾:张智强
SPAR北京总裁 对话嘉宾:黄秀虹
首都经济贸易大学工商管理学院市场营销系主任、教授 荀振英
18:00-18:15 峰会总结
18:30–20:30 2011中国零售领袖峰会及中国连锁经营协会三届六次理事会交流暨颁奖晚宴