课堂八分钟小测(八上UNIT 5)

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第一篇:课堂八分钟小测(八上UNIT 5)

Unit 5章节小测第1页

Unit 5章节小测第2页

Unit 5章节小测第3页

Unit 5章节小测第4页

Unit 5章节小测第5页

Unit 5章节小测第6页

第二篇:八上UNIT 2课堂八分钟小测

Unit 2

Unit 2

Unit 2

Unit 2

Unit 2

Unit 2

Unit 2

第三篇:Unit 1–2 过关小测

禺山高级中学高三Unit 1 – 2 过关小测

姓名______________ 班级________ 学号 _______


()1.We wrote a letter of thanks to _______ had helped us.A.whoB.whoseC.whomD.whoever

()2.______ you don’t like him is none of my business.A.WhatB.IfC.ThatD.Whether

()3.----The exam was easy, wasn’t it?

----Yes, but I don’t think _______ could pass it.A.somebodyB.anybodyC.nobodyD.everybody

()4.They live on a busy main road.______ must be very noisy.A.ThereB.ItC.ThatD.They

()5.I’m sure the Olympic Games will be held in 2008 in China, _______?

A.won’t itB.won’t theyC.shall weD.shouldn’t I

()6.Jack, as well as his friends who ______ football games, ________ traveled with the team.A.likes;hasB.likes;haveC.like;hasD.like;have

()7.Along the road _______ many newly-built buildings.A.liesB.hasC.haveD.are

()8.All that can be done _______.A.has been doneB.have been doneC.have doneD.has done

()9.Music is not air, _______.But for many Senior High students music is an important and

enjoyable part of life.A.Neither it is waterB.It is not water, neither

C.Neither is waterD.Neither is it water

()10.Mr Smith _______ in school for twenty years by July.A.has workedB.worked

C.has been workingD.will have worked

()11.----My father will be here tomorrow.----Oh, I thought that he _______ today.A.was comingB.is comingC.will comeD.comes

()12.He is too careless and he ______ his key to the door.A.always lostB.is always losingC.was always losingD.never loses

()13.It was seven o’clock ______ I got to school this morning, _______ made our teacher

very angry.A.when;thatB.that;thatC.that;whenD.when;which

()14.I’d like to do something for you _______ everything you’ve done for me.A.in exchangeB.in turnC.in return forD.in terms of

()15.Captain Cook commanded his men ________ into the sea.A.jumpB.jumpedC.had jumpedD.would jump

()16.As a result of destroying the forest, a large ________ of desert ________ covered the


()17.The old _______ good care of in our country today.A.is takenB.are takenC.have takenD.has taken

()18.Billy has difficulty _______ the rest of the class.A.to keep up withB.to keep up

C.keep up withD.keeping up with

()19.----Did you have trouble with your car this morning?

----Yes, but I finally managed ________.A.to get it startedB.to get starting it

C.it to get startedD.getting started it

()20.----When ________ again?

----When ________, I’ll let you know.A.he comes;comesB.will he come;will come

C.he comes;will comeD.will he come;comes

()21.Believe it or not, Levy’s sister suddenly _______ crying when we were eating.A.burst outB.burst inC.burst intoD.burst on

()22.There is no point in even ____ an explanation---he will never listen.A.being attemptedB.attemptingC.having attemptedD.attempt

()23.__________ she is, she has not much inside.A.Intelligent girl asB.An Intelligent girl as

C.Intelligent a girl asD.Girl Intelligent as

()24.Johnny is a great dancer, he ______ above the rest for his perfect performance.A.stand byB.lives onC.stands outD.makes out

()25.Last summer I went to Tsingtao.This summer I’m going to Weihai____.A.thereforeB.yetC.alreadyD.instead

()26.What surprised me was not what he said but ____ he said it.A.the wayB.in the way thatC.in the wayD.the way which

()27._____ the meeting himself gave them a great deal of encouragement.(上海2003 春)

A.The president will attendB.The president to attend

C.The president attendedD.The president’s attending

()28.Jack has been out of work for a long time,.So he wants to _____ a job in this factory.A.care forB.apply forC.wait forD.prepare for

()29._______, I have never seen anyone who is as capable as John.(上海2001)

A.As lone as I have traveledB.Now that I have traveled so much

C.Much as I have traveledD.As I have traveled so much

()30.——What do you think made Mary so upset?(上海 1997)

A.As she lostB.LostC.LosingD.Because of losing


1.It is Saturday afternoon and a group of _______________(青少年)are trying new tricks on the park’s skating ramp.2.After talking to his friends, he ______________(推论)that a book which answered such questions might be popular.3.The X Games are like the Olympic Games for sports that are less _______________(熟悉的)to us than sports like football and basketball.4.Without your teacher’s __________________(允许), you can’t leave the school.5.Whether to continue the project will depend on the _______________(评估)by a group of experts.6.All of our ______________(校友,同学)were here, as well as many of our parents and other kids from the neighbourhood.7.You can learn that the longest moustache reached a ___________(长度)of 1.6 metres.8.To people of early civilizations, the world map was a great _____________(迷惑).9.After a long journey ____________(徘徊)through Arabic countries, he returned to the motherland.10.Among the brilliant ____________(运动员的)achievements, a few records stand out because of the moving life stories behind them.11.There were even some ______________(祖父母)who came to see what it was all about.12.I was ____________(使高兴)to read your novel.13.All the riders wear helmets and other ________________(设备)to protect themselves.14.Under the _______________(指挥)of Zheng He, the fleets set sail across the Indian Ocean to the mouth of the Red Sea.15.The ____________(交换)of goods had a symbolic meaning far more important than the value of the goods themselves.16.The editors will decide if your idea is ___________(适合的)and then send you rules and the form you need to apply for the record.17.I ______________(建议)his paying a visit to the Great Wall.18.Are you certain one of the top officials will _____________(视察)the construction site of Three Gorges Dam?

19.The king of Ceylon showed no respect for the __________________(大使)from China, so Zheng He left the island quickly.20.The young man was ______________(赞扬)for having saved a boy’s life.21.Between 1405 and 1433, the _____________(财宝)fleet set sail across the Indian Ocean seven times.22.The young man ___________(提到)to just now is a thief.23.No accurate maps of the countries around the Indian Ocean ____________(存在)at that time.24.It is quite entertaining to read these _______________(叙述)of strange and unusual feats and facts.25.Skateboards have been around since the 1970s, but they have ____________(近来)become popular again.三.翻译

1. 下午三时,全体学生在校门口集合,欢迎美国学生。2.美国学生将参观图书馆,校办厂,实验楼,教学楼和游泳池。3.我们对英语越来越感兴趣。


Keys:– 5 DCDBB6 – 10 CDADD11 – 15 ABDCA16 – 20 BBDAD 21 – 25 ABBCD26 – 30 ADBCC







1.All of the students will meet at the school gate at 3 this afternoon, and give the American

students a warm welcome.2.The American students will visit the library, the school factory, the lab building, the

teaching building and the swimming pool.3.We are becoming more and more interested in English.4.She will try her best to improve her spoken English.She will do all that she can to improve her spoken English.She will do what she can to improve her spoken English.5.With the help of the teachers, I have made great progress this term.

第四篇:八上Unit 1 课文背诵

八上Unit 1 课文背诵
















4.贝蒂是我最好的一位朋友。她苗条,留着短发。贝蒂很慷慨。她总是乐于和她的朋友们分享东西。她也乐于助人,随时愿意帮助别人。她帮助我写作业 还经常在公交车上让座给需要的人。贝蒂有一副好嗓子。她长大了想成为一名歌手。












第五篇:八上Unit 4 课文填空

八上Unit 4 课文填空

1.----That’s your new house, Hobo.----Great._____ _____ ______ ______?

----Here are _______ ___________.Read them first.----All right.What’s _________?

----You’d better ________ some tools.----_______ ________!

----Shall we start?

----No.I can’t help you.It ________, “Do it yourself.”

2.----What’s __________________ , Suzy?

----It _______ ______ “do-it-yourself ”.When you do DIY, you make, ________ or __________ things yourself ________ ______ ________ someone to do it.----What ______ you ______ ____ ____ then?

----I’m going to make some _______ _______.----It ________ ________.What do you need for that?

----I need some papers, glue and ____ ______ ____ ________.----Do you like DIY?

----Yes, I do.I _______ _______ _______ ________.That’s fun.3.My cousin and DIY

My cousin Andrew _____ _______ ______ DIY.He loves to ___________ things and __________ his house.But when he ___________, the house always looks _______!He once ________ _____ put in a brighter light in his bedroom,but he ______ a mistake.Then his _________ house had a _________ cut.Another time, he wanted to ______ ______ a picture on his bedroom wall, but he ______ a pipe and _______ the room with water.Last month, he _________ the living room in his house was _________, so he painted it blue.His mum said, “Stop it.” But he ________ ______ ________.Now the living room has _____ _______ blue walls ______ ______ a blue ceiling and floor.Even his cat is blue now!

When I wanted a _______ above my bed, he said, “No problem!” He then _______ five hours _______ up the shelf on the wall.Then I put my books on the shelf.Whoops!They couldn’t stay there because one end of the shelf was ________ ______ than _______ _______.I ________ some books about DIY for him and I also _________ him to take a course in DIY.But this just made him angry----he says he already knows everything about it.So _________ , I am reading all the books myself and _________ lessons every Saturday.Now I know ______ ______ about DIY than my cousin!

4.----It’s time _________ lunch, Mum.Can we _______ _______ the house and some food? I’m ________.----OK.Let’s make some _______________.----Sure.Look ______ me.First, pick a _______ of bread.Then put some tomato sauce on it.----That’s ________.----Is that all right?

----Well, just put ________ piece of bread on the top of it._________!

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