七年级上测英语Unit 1教案

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第一篇:七年级上测英语Unit 1教案

初一英语外研版(上)教案 Module 6 A trip to the zoo

一、学习目标: 1.重点单词:

bear, elephant, giraffe, lion, monkey, panda, tiger, zebra, zoo, guide, animal, such, as, come, different, country, other, dangerous, ugh, also, plant, look, tall, leaf(pl.leaves), sure, bamboo, cute, shall, them, which, over, funny, call, Africa, Asia, Europe, little, only, about, kilo(= kilogram), people, African, grass, large, usually, alone, strong, catch, even 2.重点短语:

such as, come from, look at, over there, a little, all over the world, as well as, be good at, many kinds of 3.重点句子: 1.— That’s a giraffe.— Yes, and there are some giraffes 2.—Do lions eat meat? —Yes, they do.3.—Does it eat meat? —No, it doesn’t.It eats plants.4.—Do pandas eat plants and leaves? —Sure.They love bamboo.5.Shall we go and…? 6.That’s very funny.7.It doesn’t eat meat.8.The tiger lives in Asia.二、重点及难点: Present simple questions.三、教学设计:

Unit 1 Does it eat meat? ⅠTeaching model Listening and speaking

ⅡTeaching method Interactive approach ⅢTeaching aims 1.To find specific information in the listening.2.To recognize the third person singular endings –s.3.To ask and answer questions about animals.4.To enable students to talk about animals.ⅣTeaching Objectives

Key vocabulary: bear, elephant, giraffe, lion, monkey, panda, tiger, zebra, zoo, guide, animal, such, as, come, different, country, other, dangerous, ugh, also, plant, look, tall, leaf(pl.leaves), sure, bamboo, cute, shall, them, which, over, funny, call Key structures:

1.— That’s a giraffe.— Yes, and there are some giraffes 2.—Do lions eat meat? —Yes, they do.3.—Does it eat meat? —No, it doesn’t.It eats plants.4.—Do pandas eat plants and leaves? —Sure.They love bamboo.5.Shall we go and…? 6.That’s very funny.ⅤTeaching aids

Tape recorder , OHP , video , a clock ⅥTeaching Steps Step 1 Warming-up 1.Lead in

T: Hello, boys and girls!

Ss: Hello, Mr.Zhang.T: Today, we are going to learn Module 6 A trip to the zoo.Have you been to the zoo? Ss: Yes.T: Do you know Beijing zoo? S1: Yes, I went there last year.I saw many animals… S2:…

T: OK.Today I’ll take you to visit Beijing zoo.Are you happy? Ss: Yes.T: Please look at the screen and get to know some information about Beijing Zoo.Ss: …(Look at the screen and try to know some information about it.)2.Show some pictures to ask and answer: What can you see? 3.Call back the answer from the whole class and check the answer.Step 2 Practice

1.Show some pictures of the animals.2.Introduce the new words.3.Look at the pictures.Ask and answer: What can you see? 4.Call back the answers from the whole class and check the answer.5.Read the words.Step 3 Work in pairs

1.Listen and check(√)the words in Activity 1 you hear.2.Now work in pairs and say what you can see.—That’s a giraffe.—Yes, and there are some giraffes Step 4 Listen and read.1.Ask the students to read the conversation silently.2.Play the recording and ask the students to listen and read the conversation.3.Read the conversation.4.Act it out.5.Ask the students to complete the table in Activity 3.6.Call back the answer from the whole class and check the answer.Keys: 1.meat, other animals 2.meat, plants 3.plants 4.bamboo Step 5 Underline the correct words.1.Ask the students to read through the passage.2.Underline the correct words.3.Call back the answer from the whole class and check the answer.Keys: 1.many 2.countries

3.such 4.dangerous 5.plants 6.different 7.tall 8.plants 9.bamboo 10.panda’s Step 6 Listen and repeat.1.Play the recording once without stopping.2.Play the recording again and stop at the end of each line.Ask the whole class to repeat.3.Play the recording again and stop at the end of each line.Ask individual students to repeat.4.Ask the students to practice the sounds in pairs.Step 7 Listen and choose / s/ or / z / 1.Play the recording once without stopping.2.Play the recording again and stop at the end of each line.Ask the whole class to repeat.3.Play the recording again and stop at the end of each line.Ask individual students to repeat.4.Ask the students to practice the sounds in pairs.Step 8 Work in pairs.Talk about your lessons.1.Go through the language in the substitution table with the class.2.Pair them to ask and answer.A: What’s your favourite animal? Does it eat plants? B: Yes, it does.A: Does it come from China? B: Yes, it does.A: Is it the panda?

3.Circulate and monitor their production.Step 9 Do exercises: A.首字母填空:

1.Beijing Zoo has many kinds of a______.2.The lions are d__________ because they eat meat.3.Pandas are black and white and eat b__________.4.The b_______ eat meat and plants.5.An e__________ is tall and eats plants.Answers:

1.animals 2.dangerous 3.bamboo

4.bears 5.elephant B.翻译下列句子:



__________________________________? 3.熊猫喜欢吃竹子吗?

__________________________________? 4.长颈鹿是我最喜爱的动物。

__________________________________.Keys: 1.These animals come from many different countries.2.Do the tigers like eating meat? 3.Do the pandas like eating bamboo? 4.A giraffe is my favourite animal? Step 10 Homework Learn the new words by heart.2 Read and act out the dialogue.



 单元音(12个):


eat /i:t/

feel /fi:l/


sit /sit/

big /big/


for /fɔ:/

more /mɔ:/


hot /hɔt/

oil /ɔil/


girl /ɡə:l/

service /’sə:vis/





cool /ku:l/

who /hu:/


put /put/

book /buk/


car [kɑ:]

hard /hɑ:d/


bus [b∧s]

sunny /’s∧ni/


and /ænd/ carry /’kæri/


tell /tel/

bread /bred/

 双元音(8个):


bike /baik/

write /rait/


wait /weit/




boy /bɔi/

enjoy /in’dʒɔi/


idea /ai ’diə/




hair /heə/

where /weə/(h不发音)


tour /tuə/

flower [’flauə/


boat /bəut/

know [nəu]


town /taun/

how [hau]

 辅音:(28个):(有气无声)清辅音


park /pɑ:k/

pack /pæk/


tea /ti:/

talk/tɔ:k/ [k]

keep /ki:p/ bank [bæŋk/ [f]

face /feis/

free /fri:/ [∫]

shirt /∫ə:t/

action /'æk∫ən/ [s]

sit /sit/

say /sei/ [θ]

think /θiŋk/

nothing/n∧θiŋ/ [ts]

cats /kæts/

lots /lɔts/ [tr]

tree /tri:/

try [trai] [t∫]

such /s∧t∫/

match /mæt∫/



be /bi:/

baby /’beibi/ [d]

dog /dɔɡ/

dad /dæd/ [g]

bag /bæɡ/

go/ɡəu/ [v]

give /ɡiv/

above /ə’b∧v/ [ʒ]

job /dʒɔb/

join /dʒɔin/ [z]

zoo /zu:/

amaze /ə’meiz/ [ð]

father /’fɑ:ðə/

together/tə’ɡeðə/ [dz]

beds /bedz/

birds/bə:dz/ [dr]

address /ə’dres/

draw /drɔ:/ [dʒ]

object /ɔb’ dʒikt/

age /eidʒ/ [m]

map /mæp/

me /mi:/ [n]

win /win/

thin /θin/ [l]

let /let/

lead /led/ [ŋ]

pink /piŋk/

thing /θiŋ/ [r]

red /red/

reach/ri:t∫/ [h]

hi /hai/

he /hi:/ [w]

wedding /’wediŋ/ water /’wɔ:tə/ [j]

yes /jes/

year /jiə:/

weather /’weðə/


Lesson plan

Background information:

Students: 40 junior middle school students, Grade1 Lesson duration: 45 mins Teaching objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1.introduce themselves in English;2.ask and answer questions about one’s personal information(name, hometown, identity, etc.)3.use the present tense of Be verb to describe the present situation;4.learn to be a good cooperator and brave express their own opinions.Teaching contents: text about personal information in Unit 1 the First English Lesson What is your name? My name is … Where are you from? I’m from … Teaching aids: tapes, blackboard, and chalk Type of the lesson: listening, speaking Teaching procedure: Step1.Lead-in(5 mins)a)Question1: Is the beginning of your time in junior middle school? b)Question2: Can you introduce yourselves in English? Step2.Learn the Activity I(5 mins)a)Students listen to the tape.b)Students volunteer to share their answers.Step3.Learn the Activity II(10 mins)a)Students are divided into 8 groups to discuss which words can be used to describe the picture? b)The representatives of some groups to speak the result of their discussion.c)Teacher summarizes.Step4.Learn the text in Activity III(20 mins)a)Students listen to the tape.b)Students read the text after the teacher.c)Teacher explains the grammar of the present tense of “Be” verb.d)Students learn the text again and realize the principle that the predicate must fit the subject among the sentence.e)

Teacher summarizes.Step5.Finish the exercises of the text in the Activity IV(5)a)Students listen to the tape and finish the exercises.b)Students volunteer to write down the answers on the blackboard.Optional activities and homework: Optional activities: Read the text in role.And work in pairs to make new dialogue to introduce a friend to your partners.Homework: Design a creative name card for yourselves.Reflection:(to be written immediately after the lesson)2

第四篇:七年级英语下册Module2 Unit1

七年级下册英语 Module1 Unit2Are they yours? 导学案 P4

Name:Group:Class:Grade: 学习目标





 学习重难点

重点词汇:play, tennis, ride, term, would like, all, that’s all, worry, worry about, teach, then Can you…? Yes, I can./ No, I can’t.Which club can…?


 课前预习


①弹钢琴 ②打乒乓球 ③骑自行车

④would like ⑤that’s all⑥worry about

⑦参加饮食俱乐部 ⑧真的很好

⑨那是我的最爱 ⑩汉语讲的很好

 自主学习

1、阅读课本P8 短文,完成下列填空。

①.我想加入音乐俱乐部I’d ________ _______ join the Music Club.②.—你会做饭吗。—不会—_______ you cook?—No, I_______.③.我汉语说得不太好。I can’t _______Chinesevery ______?

④.—她能弹钢琴吗? —是的,她能 —Can she ________________________?—Yes, ________________.⑤.不要担心你的英语。________________________ your English.2、完成课文P8 第1,第3,P9第4的练习

 探究学习


 课堂作业


 自我总结




第五篇:仁爱七年级英语Unit1 Topic3 SectionB 教案(精选)

七年级英语Unit1 Topic3 SectionB 教案



Ⅰ、Teaching aims:

1.Learn how to identify singular objects in English.2.Master the usage of “a”

and “an”.3.Learn the spelling of words.Ⅱ、Teaching difficulties:

a/an Ⅲ、Teaching tools:

Some things around us, recorder, multi-media.Ⅳ、Teaching procedure: step1.Review 1.Review the numbers from one to twenty。

2.Chain drill.Review the sentence patterns in SectionA.What’s your name? How old are you? What class are you in? Where… from? Is he/she…years old? Are you in Class Four Grade Seven? Is he …? 3.Take out an English book and introduce a new topic.Learn and master the new words.New words: a, book, an, English, eraser, map, pencil, spell, can, try, desk.Phrase: in English

For example: This is a book.This is an English book.What’s this in English?

Step2 Presentation 1.Use objects or pictures to teach new sentence patterns and words.T: What’s this in English? Ss: It’s an orange/egg/apple.2.Use the same way to teach and let students master the new words.New words: map, pencil, toy, desk, pen, ruler, car, blackboard 3.Sum up the usage of and differences between “a” and “an”.4.Learn to the new words “spell” and “double”.I Key sentences:

How do you spell it?

Can you spell it, please? 5.Learn 1a.1)Listen to 1a.2)Find out the sentences with rising tone or falling tone.Imitate them.What’s this/ that in English?(降调)

How do you spell it?(降调)Can you spell it, please?(升调)3)Read 1a aloud in roles.Step3: Consolidation 1.Complete 1b.Check the answers.Explain the usage of and the differences between “this” and “that”.2.Use objects or pictures to practice 1a in pairs.S1: Excuse me, what’s this /that in English?

S2: It’s a/ an…

S1: How do you spell it?/ Can you spell it, please?


S1: Thanks / Thank you.S2: You’re welcome./ That’s OK.Step4: Practice

Listen to 2a and follow it.Finish 2a.Step 5: Project

Have a class activity.Touch and guess things with eyes covered by a piece of cloth.Use the sentence patterns of identifying objects.Ⅴ、Conclusion: 本堂课的新知识点较多,所以偏重于教师的讲解学习,另外班级活动也是本堂课的一个亮点,很好的活跃了气氛,增加学生的学习兴趣,也辅助了学习。


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