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新华社社长李从军在世界媒体峰会上的演讲时间:2009-10-09 21:58来源:口译网 作者:口译网 点击:722次




Media's Social Responsibility and Role in Public Welfare —Speech at the World Media Summit(WMS)

Li Congjun, Xinhua president

Beijing, October 9, 2009


Respected guests, ladies and gentlemen, dear friends,今天,我们欢聚一堂,隆重召开世界媒体峰会。请允许我再次对大家的到来表示热烈欢迎和诚挚谢意!

Today, we are delighted to gather for the grand opening of the World Media Summit(WMS).I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you warmly and express my sincere gratitude to all of you.刚才,胡锦涛主席发表了重要演讲,表达了对与会世界各地传媒界朋友们的热烈欢迎,分析了当前国际形势,宣示了中国政府对媒体交流合作的一贯政策,阐释了媒体的社会责任,对本次峰会寄予殷切期望,充分体现了中国国家领导人对于本次峰会和世界传媒业的高度重视。演讲内容十分深刻、精辟。我认为,这个演讲不仅对于本次峰会,而且对于世界传媒业今后发展都具有十分重要的意义。

President Hu Jintao has just delivered an important speech, to warmly welcome friends from worldwide media organizations, analyze the current international situation, demonstrate the Chinese government's persistent policy in support of media exchanges and collaboration, elaborate on the social responsibilities of media organizations and express ardent expectations of this Summit.These fully demonstrate the high attention Chinese leaders attach to this media summit and the global media industry.President Hu's speech is profound and penetrating.I believe it will be of important significance to this summit, as well as the future development of the world media industry.面对今天媒体的盛会,我十分感慨,油然想起与媒体报道有关的一件往事。20多年前,当我还在攻读博士学位的时候,在报上看到一则消息:在渤海湾,我的学校就在那个地区,有一只鲸鱼搁浅了,奄奄一息。当地村民闻讯蜂拥而至,为的是能得到一块鲸鱼的肉。等救护人员赶到时,可怜的鲸鱼只剩下了残骸骨架。看到这则报道,我十分震惊,内心被深深地刺痛。中华民族自古推崇“天人合一”,一向对万物生灵怀有怜悯和爱惜之心,为什么会出现这样一种让人不可理解的现象呢?当时我就想,如果我是做媒体的,一定要竭尽全力,通过新闻报道,唤醒民众的生态和环保意识。

I feel rather emotional today.This summit somehow reminds me of a long-past, news-reporting incident.More than 20 years ago, when I was studying for a doctor's degree, I read in a newspaper a whale had been stranded in shallow waters off Bohai Bay near my university.Local villagers flocked to the beach in order to snatch a piece of flesh from the dying creature and--when rescuers arrived--only a carcass was left.I was shocked by the story and felt a stabbing pain in my heart.How had such an incredible tragedy happened in China, where people--since ancient times--believed in harmony between man and nature, and cherished every life? Back then, I thought, that if I were to be a journalist, I would do everything I could to arouse awareness of ecology and environmental protection.20多年后,我成为新华社的负责人。今年3月,我看到一则电视报道:在杭州湾,那是我曾经工作过的地方,同样发生了鲸鱼搁浅的事情。那只搁浅在滩涂上的庞然大物,尽管奋力挣扎,想游回大海,但却越陷越深。当地渔民发现后,一方面及时向有关部门报告,一方面积极组织营救行动。最后,大小两艘渔船、18位警民冒着船毁人亡的危险,齐心协力,想尽办法,争分夺秒奋战了两个多小时,终于使那只搁浅的鲸鱼起死回生,重归大海。看到这则报道,我真是感慨万千,不禁又回想起20多年前那令人伤心的一幕。在渤海湾和杭州湾,两只同样搁浅的鲸鱼却遭遇了完全不同的命运,这意味着什么?它反映了社会在进步,民众的观念实现了重大跨越,生态和环保意识逐渐成为社会共识和自觉行动,人与自然和谐相处理念深入人心。勿庸置疑,在此进程中,媒体功不可没。

More than two decades after that tragic incident, I became president of the Xinhua News Agency.In March this year, I saw on TV another whale had been washed ashore, this time at Hangzhou Bay where I used to work.The whale struggled to get back into deep water but all its efforts were in vain.When local fishermen saw the whale, they immediately reported it to the authorities and then quickly began rescue work.It eventually took 18 people more than two hours to get the whale back out to deep waters.The rescuers, including police and fishermen, raced against time to save the whale, putting their own lives at risk on two boats in danger of capsizing at any time.This report deeply touched me, and reminded me of the sad scene 20 years earlier.What was different now about the fates of the two stranded whales? I would say the difference mirrors social progress.The past two decades have witnessed great changes in peoples' mindsets.China's society has reached a consensus on ecology and environmental protection and is now taking initiatives in these areas.The idea of “man and nature in harmony” is now deep-rooted.Media have undoubtedly played an important role in this process.曾荣获“联合国环境大奖”的中国著名环境科学家曲格平先生说,“中国的环境保护事业是靠媒体传播起家的。”在中国,媒体是环保的重要推手。始于1993年的大型环保活动“中华环保世纪行”,16年来通过千余人次记者的深入采访和报道,使全社会节约资源、保护环境的意识得以大幅提高。同时,中国媒体通过各种手段加大环保传播力度,积极倡导构建和谐社会、营造美好地球环境,全面报道中国各级政府所采取的各种环保措施及取得的成效,揭露和抨击各种严重污染环境、浪费和破坏资源的行为,密切关注、充分报道国际环保动态,促使了一些环境资源问题有效解决,极大地推动了中国环保事业的发展。如今,环保在中国已成为时尚,绿色已成为流行色。

Renowned Chinese environmental scientist Qu Geping, a winner of the United Nations Environment Programme's Sasakawa Prize, says China's environmental protection drive has actually been initiated by the media.Indeed, the media have been a driving force for environmental protection in China.The Centennial Movement for Environmental Protection, a large-scale program launched in 1993, has improved China's awareness of resources conservation and environmental protection through in-depth interviews and reporting by more than 1,000 reporters over 16 years.Meanwhile, the Chinese media have stepped up publicity work calling for the building of an harmonious society and a beautiful global environment.They have kept the public informed about environmental protection measures taken by China's governments at all levels and their achievements, exposed and widely publicized notorious cases involving pollution, and waste and damage of resources.They have also closely watched and covered the international community's progress in environmental protection.In so doing, the Chinese media have prompted the effective settlement of a number of environmental and resource issues and promoted environmental protection in China.Today, environmental protection has become the vogue in China, and green the most popular color among its people.关注环保是媒体社会责任和公益使命的重要内容,但媒体的社会责任和公益使命远不止于此。我以为,媒体的价值在于运用真实、客观、公正、公平的新闻信息服务,推动求和平、谋发展、促合作理念广泛传播,推动全球经济健康持续发展,推动各种文明在相互交流、包容、借鉴中共同提高,全面促进人类的进步和社会的发展。为此,我们应不遗余力。

Environmental protection is an important part of media's social responsibility and its mission to improve public welfare, but the media's role does not end there.I believe one of the true values of the media is in its use of accurate, objective, fair and balanced news and information services--to popularize ideologies pursuing peace, development and cooperation--to promote sound and sustained growth of the global economy--to facilitate common development of all civilizations through exchanges, tolerance and experiences drawn from one another And--eventually to accelerate human progress and social development in an all-encompassing manner.We should spare no efforts in these matters.在去年四川汶川特大地震报道中,中国媒体和记者作为一种特殊的救灾力量,第一时间奔赴现场,克服余震不断等困难,冒着生命危险,一边流着眼泪,一边记录灾难,报道救灾进展,监督灾后重建,充分体现了对人的生命的关爱,对人的生命的尊重,以崇高的人文关怀和高度的职业精神,展现和弘扬了媒体的社会责任和公益使命。在这里,我特别要强调的是,与此同时,世界各国新闻媒体也迅速作出反应,连续大量报道中国地震灾情以及中国政府的救援情况,表达真诚同情、提供宝贵支持,表现出了高尚的人道主义情怀。这些都是媒体社会责任和公益使命最充分、最鲜明的体现。

In the wake of the devastating magnitude 8 earthquake that shook Wenchuan County in China's Sichuan Province last year, Chinese media and reporters were among the first to arrive at the quake zone and served as a special rescue force.Amid constant aftershocks, they put their lives at risk, shedding tears of sympathy and grief while covering the disaster, rescue progress and monitoring rebuilding.By so doing, they showed love, care and respect for lives;Humanely and professionally, they manifested and covered in glory the media's social responsibility and its role in improving public welfare.At this point, it is noteworthy, media organizations from across the world all responded promptly in the wake of the Wenchuan disaster.In humanitarian gestures, they published ongoing, lengthy reports about the quake and the Chinese government's rescue efforts, voiced their heart-felt sympathy and rendered valuable support.All these amply and vividly demonstrated the media's social responsibility and role in public welfare.本次峰会后,我们将与联合国儿童基金会一起,会同国际知名媒体,在11月20日“国际儿童日”当天,联合开展一场24小时全球报道活动,旨在更广泛地引起国际社会对儿童生存环境的关注,有益于儿童健康成长。

After the World Media Summit, we, together with the United Nations Children's Fund(UNICEF)and globally-known media, would launch a 24-hour global media coverage on children on Nov.20 which is the Universal Children's Day.The project is aimed at promoting global attention to livelihood of children in the world and helping them grow more healthily.女士们,先生们,朋友们!

Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends!


Nowadays, the global media industry is feeling the dire impact of the worst financial crisis in a century--and it is taking time and pain to shake off the pressure of the economic downturn.Meanwhile, information technology, led by digital and networking technologies, have brought about unprecedented opportunities as well as immense challenges in media development.In the current situation, we need to work even harder to remove obstacles and overcome difficulties in our road to development.But, despite changing situations and all the difficulties, we must always adhere to, and never abandon the media's social responsibility and its role in public welfare.为此,世界媒体应加强沟通,在沟通中形成共识;世界媒体应加强合作,在合作中发挥更大的效应;世界媒体应加快发展,在发展中集聚更大的能量。只有这样,我们才能更好地履行社会责任、完成公益使命。星移斗转、沧海桑田,时代在进步,社会在发展,我相信,20多年前搁浅在渤海湾的那只鲸鱼的悲剧,在任何时候、任何地方都不会再上演了。

For this purpose, worldwide media organizations should enhance communication between themselves to reach consensus, cement cooperation and play a larger cooperative role, and accelerate development so that our respective organizations become more vital.Only then can we live up to our social obligations and play well our role in improving public welfare.Society is advancing with the passage of time.I trust the tragedy of the stranded whale at Bohai Bay more than 20 years ago will never repeat itself at any time, anywhere.最后,衷心祝愿本次世界媒体峰会取得圆满成功!

Finally, I wish the World Media Summit great success.谢谢大家!

Thank you all!


第二篇:全球经济再平衡—新华社社长 李从军


















新华社社长 李从军(2012年7月6日)




如今,世界媒体峰会机制正在发挥着重要的协调作用。我们高兴地看到,经过世界媒体峰会主席团及其秘书处的不懈努力,《世界媒体峰会与媒体成果相关的知识产权保护公约》在取得一致共识的基础上,于6月28日正式公布于世!这是国际传媒界第一个关于知识产权保护的公约,具有划时代的意义。此外,峰会秘书处还于2010 年10月和2012年6月,成功举办了世界媒体峰会亚非青年记者培训班和世界媒体峰会全球记者安全培训班。这些都标志着国际媒体的合作进入了一个新的阶段。

第二届世界媒体峰会的主题是“世界媒体:21世纪的挑战”。是的,如今世界传媒业呈现着“重大变革、剧烈竞争、深度整合、局部洗牌”的大趋势,媒体面临着严峻的挑战。在这种形势下,我们应该作出怎样的历史选择?世界媒体峰会应该发挥怎样的作用? 各位同行,各位朋友!










在各位同行的热情参与和大力支持下,世界媒体峰会有望成为一个常态化、机制化的全球性媒体合作平台。我曾于去年在北京举行的 世界媒体峰会主席团会议上提出,未来的世界媒体峰会机制应该在以下三个方面发挥积极作用:一是不断改进和完善行业规则,逐步建立一种非政府性的全球媒体协调长效机制。二是继续秉持媒体的社会责任和公益使命,在行业内外开展更多的公益活动。三是为主席团成员以及全球媒体搭建沟通、交流与合作的平台。希望本届峰会能在推动峰会机制等方面取得新的进展。新华社以及我本人愿与各国同行一道,为促进全球媒体间的交流与合作竭尽所能,共同谱写世界传媒业繁荣发展的崭新篇章!


Этот мир,в котором мы сейчас живем,один из вечных миров,который прекрасен,радостен,и который мы не только можем,но должны нашими усилиями сделать прекраснее и радостнее для живущих с нами и для всех,которые после нас будут жить в нем.(这个世界美丽、欢快。我们不仅能够、而且应当使它更加美丽、更加欢快,为了我们的同时代人,也为了以后的世世代代。)

Благодарю за внимание!(谢谢大家!)


新华社社长李从军全球媒体儿童日直播活动致辞时间:2009-11-20 15:40来源:口译网 作者:口译网 点击:719次

朋友们,Dear friends,11月20日是一个特殊的日子。20年前的今天,联合国大会通过了有关儿童问题最重要的国际公约——《儿童权利公约》。

November the 20th is a special day.Twenty years ago on this day, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the most important international convention for the future of the world's children--the Convention on the Rights of the Child.20年后的今天,在全球媒体儿童日的主题下,新华社和联合国儿童基金会共同发起了此次国际儿童日大型公益活动和24小时环球直播报道。

Twenty years have since passed and today Xinhua News Agency and UNICEF are co-sponsoring under the theme of Global News Day for Children the Universal Children's Day publicity campaign and around-the-clock worldwide live coverage on children.首先请允许我代表新华社向联合国儿童基金会,向参与此次活动和报道的世界各类媒体表示衷心的感谢,并祝全世界的儿童健康成长。

Please allow me to express on behalf of Xinhua a heartfelt thank-you to UNICEF and to all the media that have joined us in this campaign.I also wish children all around the world a happy and healthy path to maturity.儿童,是人类的未来。保护和关爱儿童,本应是人类的天性。中国古代思想家孟子曾说过:“老吾老以及人之老,幼吾幼以及人之幼。”令人痛心的是,在人类进入21世纪的今天,在世界许多地方,儿童的生活中仍然笼罩着战争、暴力、贫困、剥削、压制、侵害、恐惧、歧视的阴影;在各种天灾人祸面前,儿童最是天真无辜,又最易受到伤害。

It is in children that lies the future of mankind.It therefore should be human nature to protect and care for children.Mencius a great thinker in ancient China said “Please extend the respect of the aged in one's family to those of other families.Please extend the love of the young ones in one's family to those of other families.” However, it is an affront to our humanity that today in the 21st century children in many parts of the world are still living in the shadows of war, violence, poverty, exploitation, violation, fear and discrimination.It is children who are most prone to the harm of natural and man-caused disasters.此刻,我想到北奥塞梯别斯兰市的人质事件。在那次令人心碎的恐怖事件中,有186名儿童死于非命。得知这一噩耗,我悲愤不已,用自己的画笔控诉这一罪恶,创作了《北奥塞梯认知悲剧》。画面中心,一位妇女悲恸欲绝,而他罹难的儿子静静地躺在那里,上面覆盖着一层冰冷的塑料薄膜;他的玩具,一只布熊被弃置一旁,两只大眼睛是那么悲伤,是那么无助。这幅画作在《美术》杂志上发表,著名的文艺理论家王仲先生为这幅作品撰写了评论《中国艺术家要关注世界》。此前,画作在北京世纪坛美术馆展出,观众为之动容,中国对外文化集团公司张宇总裁是被感动的观众之一,他要求代公司收藏这幅画作,被我婉拒了,我要永久珍藏它。

At this moment, I recall the hostage incident at Beslan in North Ossetia in 2004, a tragedy in which 186 children lost their lives among heart-breaking terror.As soon as I heard of the incident, I was so full of grief and indignation that I resorted to my brush-pen and painted a painting entitled “The North Ossetia Hostage Tragedy”.In the painting, a woman is in deep grief and her deceased son lies at her side with a thin plastic membrane as his cover.The boy's toy, a teddy bear, is left beside with wide open eyes looking helpless and full of sorrow.The painting was published by the Arts Magazine which was accompanied by an article by noted arts commentator Mr.Wang Zhong entitled “Chinese Artists Need to Concern Themselves with the World”.That painting when on display at the Beijing Century Altar Gallery touched and moved many visitors.The president of the China Arts & Entertainment Group Zhang Yu was so moved that he asked this painting to be included in his company's collection.I declined because I wanted to keep it forever.7岁小男孩鲁斯兰是这次恐怖事件的幸存者。2004年,在他背上书包的第一天,就遇上了这次震惊世界的人质事件,52个小时的煎熬,他永远失去了妈妈和妹妹,自己也留下了精神和肉体的创伤。2006年5月,鲁斯兰被接到中国美丽的海滨城市三亚接受康复治疗,中国的医护人员为他针灸、按摩,教他学游泳、绘画和武术,使鲁斯兰的身体和心理得到了很好的恢复。在人们的关爱下,他现在已逐渐走出恐怖的阴影。不久前,他在妈妈的墓前放飞了一个白气球,上面系着一张小纸条,写着“妈妈,我不再害怕”。

Seven-year-old Ruslan is a survivor of that tragedy.In 2004 he encountered this terror that shocked the world on his first day of school.During the 52-hour torment he lost his mom and little sister and he suffered mental and physical trauma.In May 2006, Ruslan was taken to China's southern seaside resort of Sanya for medical rehab where he received acupuncture treatment and was taught swimming, painting and martial arts.Ruslan recovered a lot both physically and mentally.Thanks to the care and love, Ruslan has been gradually emerging from the shadow.Not long ago, he set free a white balloon in front of his mom's tomb and on the note attached to the balloon he wrote “Mom, I no longer feel afraid.”


As the head of a news media organization, I often ask myself the question “what can the media do for the child?” Isn't it the duty and responsibility of the media to arouse the attention of the international community to caring about children, about child safety, survival and development, about the environment in which children live and grow up?


At the World Media Summit held just over a month ago, Chinese President Hu Jintao expounded the responsibility the media should have for the society.He pointed out that the media should take up its responsibility for society, should keep in mind and stick to that responsibility and should disseminate news and information in a true-to-fact, accurate, comprehensive and objective way.正是在世界媒体峰会上,我向与会的各国媒体负责人发出倡议,在11月20日国际儿童日当天,联合开展一场大型公益活动和24小时环球直播报道。

It was during the media summit that I proposed to the heads of all the media institutions present that a large-scale publicity campaign and around-the-clock worldwide live coverage on children's issues be conducted on November the 20th, the Universal Children's Day.让我感动的是,我的倡议得到了联合国儿童基金会的全力支持,联合国儿童基金会要求它在150多个国家和地区的常驻办事机构为新华社的新闻报道提供采访线索、背景信息和多媒体资料档案等。今天,我们还共同举办《世界儿童状况》中文版发布仪式。

What moved me is that UNICEF has offered its full support to my initiative by asking its offices in more than 150 countries and regions to provide support to Xinhua's multimedia news coverage.Today, we are jointly holding this ceremony to issue the Chinese version of UNICEF's special edition of the State of the World's Children report for the 20th anniversary of the Convention.同样让我感动的是,我的倡议得到了世界各类媒体的积极响应,目前已有数百家世界各类媒体和机构以各种形式参与了这一全球行动。今天,24小时环球直播报道正式拉开帷幕,在这个特殊的日子里,从北京时间8时起,新华社联合参与媒体,在世界六大洲开展24小时多媒体环球直播报道。

What also moved me is that several hundred media institutions worldwide have so far echoed my initiative by taking part in the global campaign via various activities.Today, the around-the-clock worldwide live coverage is officially launched.On this special day Xinhua along with all participating media institutions are conducting non-stop coverage about children on the six continents of the world.今年的11月20日,我们把它称作“全球媒体儿童日”,这是全球媒体首次在同一时间就同一主题共同进行大型公益活动和新闻报道。我相信,在世界儿童权益保护史上,今年的11月20日将会被永远铭记。

We whould like to call this year's November the 20th the Global News Day for Children because it is the first time in history that media institutions all around the world have joined hands to focus on a shared coverage subject.I believe that this year's November the 20th will be remembered in the history of global children protection.最后,衷心祝愿本次大型公益活动和环球直播报道取得圆满成功。祝愿世界各地的孩子有着更加美好、更加幸福的明天。

I wish the publicity campaign and the around-the-clock worldwide live coverage a great success and I also wish children around the world a more beautiful and happier tomorrow.谢谢大家!

Thank you!




李 从 军











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