
时间:2019-05-14 18:00:35下载本文作者:会员上传


安妮海瑟薇支持同性恋演讲稿 My dear friends

You‟ve honored me this evening to a degree I feel I don‟t yet deserve.When I read about the work of my fellow honorees, I felt humbled and certain that among us I am the one with much to prove I believe I‟ve received this award not so much because of what I‟ve done but because of the way I was born and raised.I was born the younger sister of a gay man.My older brother Mike and the daughter of parents who were both empathetic to and loving of the LGBT community.In my household, being gay was and is no big deal.When my brother came out, we hugged him said we loved him, and that was that.When he brought his first boyfriend, now husband home for a couple weeks one Christmas my father‟s only comment to my mother was: please try not to mix up our underwear.We had no idea that I would become recognizable because of my work and that we would become publicly labeled as having an “alternative family lifestyle”.Just for the record, we don‟t feel that there is actually anything alternative about our family values.So for semantic reasons only it‟s with some hesitation that I accept the HRCLI award.I don‟t consider myself just an ally to the LGBT community.I consider myself your family and so.I‟m doing, what we should all do, with our families.I‟m loving you, I support you, I completely accept you as you are, as I hope you do me and if anyone, ever, tries to hurt you.I‟m gonna give them hell.There are people who„ve said that.I‟m being brave for being openly supportive of gay marriage, gay adoption…basically of gay rights, but with all due respect, I humbly dissent I‟m not being brave.I‟m being a decent human being and I don‟t think I should receive an award for that or for merely stating what I believe to be true that love, is a human experience, not a political statement.However, I acknowledge that sadly we live in a world where not everybody feels the same.My family and I will help the good fight continue until what long awaited moment arrives when our rights are equal and when the political limits on love have been smashed.This award dose not in any way represents the pinnacle of my relationship with the LGBT community rather, it is a triumphant roar to announce that we are just beginning our fight together.In closing to paraphrase Enis Del Mar, who was unforgettably embodied by the late, the great Heath Ledger.I swear, HRC, I swear, I have not yet done enough to deserve this award but don‟t worry the best is yet to come.Thank you so much!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart!I love you all!

Thank you so much!Kiss each other!


My dear friends

You’ve honored me this evening to a degree I feel I don’t yet deserve When I read about the work of my fellow honorees I felt humbled and certain that among us I am the one with much to prove I believe I’ve received this award not so much because of what I’ve done but because of the way I was born and raised I was born the younger sister of a gay man My older brother Mike

and the daughter of parents who were

both empathetic to and loving of the LGBT community In my househood

being gay was and is no big deal

When my brother came out, we hugged him said we loved him, and that was that

When he brought his first boyfriend, now husband home for a couple weeks one Christmas my father’s only comment to my mother was: please try not to mix up our underwear We had no idea that I would become recognizable because of my work and that we would become publicly labeled as having an “alternative family lifestyle” Just for the record, we don’t feel that there is actually anything alternative about our family values So for semantic reasons only it’s with some hesitation that I accept the HRCLI award I don’t consider myself just an ally to the LGBT community I consider myself your family and so I’m doing, what we should all do, with our families I’m loving you, I support you, I completely accept you as you are, as I hope you do me and if anyone, ever, tries to hurt you I’m gonna give them hell There are people who‘ve said that

I’m being brave for being openly supportive of gay marriage, gay adoption…basically of gay rights but with all due respect, I humbly dissent I’m not being brave

I’m being a decent human being

and I don’t think I should receive an award for that or for merely stating what I believe to be true

that love, is a human experience, not a political statement However, I acknowledge that sadly we live in a world where not everybody feels the same

My family and I will help the good fight continue until what long awaited moment arrives when our rights are equal

and when the political limits on love have been smashed This award dose not in any way represents

the pinnacle of my relationship with the LGBT community rather, it is a triumphant roar

to announce that we are just beginning our fight together In closing to paraphrase Enis Del Mar, who was unforgettably embodied by the late, the great Heath Ledger I swear, HRC, I swear, I have not yet done enough to deserve this award but don’t worry the best is yet to come Thank you so much!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart!I love you all!Thank you so much!Kiss each other!


(she dreamed a dream, and accepting her oscar, says: “it came true”.she thanks les miserables director tom hooper, the film's cast and her friends and family.)“i must thank you hugh jackman-hugh you're the best.my husband, by far and away the greatest moment of my life was the one where you walked into it.i love you so much.here's hoping that one day not too soon, the misfortunes of fantine will only be found in stories, and never in real life.”

第四篇:演讲 安妮海瑟薇:扮得了公主演得了女王还在联合国为女权发声(视频 全文)


安妮·海瑟薇:扮得了公主,演得了女王,还在联合国为女权发声(视频 全文)

Paid Parental Leave Is About Creating Freedom to Define Roles– Keynote Address by UN Women Goodwill Ambassador Anne Hathaway at the UN Official Commemoration of International Women’s Day New York8 March 2017 Thank you so much for those words.Wow.President of the General Assembly, United Nations,UN Deputy Secretary-General,Executive Director, UN Women,Distinguished ladies and gentlemen,When I was a very young person, I began my career as an actress.Whenever my mother wasn’t free to drive me into Manhattan for auditions, I would take the train from suburban New Jersey and meet my father – who would have left his desk at the law office where he worked – and we would meet under the Upper Platform Arrival(s)and Departure(s)sign in Penn Station.We would then get on the subway together and when we surfaced, he would ask me, “Which way is north?” I wasn’t very good at finding north in the beginning, but I auditioned fair amount and so my Dad kept asking me, “Which way is north?” Over time, I got better at finding it.I was struck by that memory yesterday while boarding the plane to come here – not just by how far my life has come since then, but by how meaningful that seemingly small lesson has been.When I was still a child, my father developed my sense of direction and now, as an adult, I trust my ability to navigate space.My father helped give me the confidence to guide myself through the world.In late March, last year, 2016, I became a parent for the first time.I remember the indescribable – and as I understand it pretty universal – experience of holding my week-old son and feeling my priorities change on a cellular level.I remember I experienced a shift in consciousness that gave me the ability to maintain my love of career and also cherish something else, someone else, so much, much more.Like so many parents, I wondered how I was going to balance my work with my new role as a parent, and in that moment, I remember that the statistic for the US’s policy on maternity leave flashed in my mind.American women are currently entitled to 12 weeks unpaid leave.American men are entitled to nothing.That information landed differently for me when one week after my son’s birth, I could barely walk.That information landed differently when I was getting to know a human who was completely dependent on my husband and I for everything, when I was dependent on my husband for most things, and when we were relearning everything we thought we knew about our family and our relationship.It landed differently.Somehow, we and every American parent were expected to be “back to normal” in under three months.Without income? I remember thinking to myself, “If the practical reality of pregnancy is another mouth to feed in your home, and America is a country where most people are living paycheck to paycheck, how does 12 weeks unpaid leave economically work? The truth is: for too many people, it doesn’t.One in four American women go back to work two weeks after giving birth because they can’t afford to take any more time off than that.That is 25 per cent of American women.Equally disturbing, women who can afford to take the full 12 weeks often don’t, because it will mean incurring a “motherhood penalty” – meaning they will be perceived as less dedicated to their job and will be passed over for promotions and other career advancement.In my own household, my mother had to choose between a career and raising three children – a choice that left her unpaid and underappreciated as a homemaker – because there just wasn’t support for both paths.The memory of being in the city with my Dad is a particularly meaningful one since he was the sole breadwinner in our house, and my brothers’ and my time with him was always limited by how much he had to work.And we were an incredibly privileged family – our hardships were the stuff of other family’s dreams.The deeper into the issue of paid parental leave I go, the clearer I see the connection between persisting barriers to women’s full equality and empowerment, and the need to redefine and in some cases, destigmatize men’s role as caregivers.In other words…thank you.In other words, in order to liberate women, we need to liberate men.The assumption and common practice that women and girls look after the home and the family is a stubborn and very real stereotype that not only discriminates against women, but limits men’s participation and connection within the family and society.These limitations have broad-ranging and significant effects for them and for the children.We know this.So why do we continue to undervalue fathers and overburden mothers? Paid parental leave is not about taking days off work;it’s about creating the freedom to define roles, to choose how to invest time, and to establish new, positive cycles of behavior.Companies that have offered paid parental leave for employees have reported improved employee retention, reduced absenteeism and on-training costs, and boosted productivity and morale.Far from not being able to afford to have paid parental leave, it seems we can’t afford not to.In fact, a study in Sweden showed that per every month fathers took paternity leave, the mothers’ income increased by 6.7 per cent.That’s 6.7 per cent more economic freedom for the whole family.Data from the International Men and Gender Equality Survey shows that most fathers report that they would work less if it meant that they could spend more time with their children.And picking up on the threat the prime minister mentioned, I’d like to ask: How many of us here today saw our Dads enough growing up? How many of you Dads here see your kids enough now? We need to help each other if we are going to grow.Along with UN Women, I am issuing a call to action for countries, companies and institutions globally to step up and become champions for paid parental leave.In 2013, provisions for paid parental leave were in only 66 countries out of 190 UN member states.I look forward to beginning with the UN itself which has not yet achieved parity and whose paid parental leave policies are currently up for review.Oh, you’re going to see a lot of me.Let us lead by example in creating a world in which women and men are not economically punished for wanting to be parents.I don’t mean to imply that you need to have children to care about and benefit from this issue – whether or not you have – or want – kids, you will benefit by living in a more evolved world with policies not based on gender.We all benefit from living in a more compassionate time where our needs do not make us weak, they make us fully human.Maternity leave, or any workplace policy based on gender, can – at this moment in history – only ever be a gilded cage.Though it was created to make life easier for women, we now know it creates a perception of women as being inconvenient to the workplace.We now know it chains men to an emotionally limited path.And it cannot, by definition, serve the reality of a world in which there is more than one type of family.Because in the modern world, some families have two daddies.How exactly does maternity leave serve them? Today, on International Women’s Day, I would like to thank all of those who went before in creating our current policies – let us honour them and build upon what they started by shifting our language – and therefore our consciousness – away from gender and towards opportunity.Let us honor our own parents sacrifice by creating a path for a more fair, farther-reaching truth to define all of our lives, especially the lives of our children.Because paid parental leave does more than give more time for parents to spend with their kids.It changes the story of what children observe, and will, from themselves, imagine possible.I see cause for hope.In my own country, the United States – currently, the only high income country in the world without paid maternity, let alone parental leave – great work has begun in the states of New York, California, New Jersey, Rhode Island and Washington, which are currently all implementing paid parental leave programs.First Lady Charlene McCray and Mayor Bill de Blasio have granted paid parental leave to over 20,000 government employees in New York City.We can do this.Bringing about change cannot just be the responsibility of those who need it most;we must have the support of those in the highest levels of power if we are ever to achieve parity.That is why it is such an honor to recognize and congratulate pioneers of paid parental leave like the global company Danone.Today, I am proud to announce Danone Global CEO, Emmanuel Faber, as our inaugural HeForShe Thematic Champion for Paid Parental Leave.As part of this announcement, Danone will implement a global 18 weeks’, gender-neutral paid parental leave policy for the company’s 100,000 employees by the year 2020.Monsieur Faber, when Ambassador Emma Watson delivered her now iconic HeForShe speech and stated that if we live in a world where men occupy a majority of positions of power, we need men to believe in the necessity of change, I believe she was speaking about visionaries like you.Merci.Imagine what the world could look like one generation from now if a policy like Danone’s becomes the new standard;if 100,000 people become 100 million, a billion, more… Every generation must find their north.When women around the world demanded the right to vote, we took a fundamental step towards equality.North.When same-sex marriage was passed in the US, we put an end to a discriminatory law.North.When millions of men and boys, and prime ministers, and deputy directors of the UN…sorry, the President of the General Assembly, that’s what happens when I go without script, when men in this room and around the world – the ones we cannot see, the ones who support us in ways we cannot know but we feel – when they answered Emma Watson’s call to be HeForShe, the world grew.North.We must ask ourselves, how will we be more tomorrow than we are today? The whole world grows when people like you and me take a stand, because we know that beyond the idea of how women and men are different, there is a deeper truth that love is love, and parents are parents.


Film Review 1

I watches a movie and a little boy catches my attention.He is T.J..T.J.is a boy who chases a broken red car crazily at the very beginning of the movie, but I can not know why he does it.The mystery catches my eyes.Then the camera brings me into T.J.'s house and tells me that T.J.lost his mother two months ago.His father cares less about him because he is too sad and addicted to medicine.The movie becomes depressed by a dark color.Suddenly, T.J.meets Hesher.That guy causes troubles for T.J and adds some fun of film.However, when Hesher uses violence to threaten T.J , he is like a bad man from the hell.(tag)With messy hair and short height, T.J.is always bullied in school and outside.In that case, Nicole becomes a angel for T.J.She saves tj even though she is not strong.Once T.J.is peeping Nicole, Hesher finds tj's secret love of Nicole.They go into a house for sale and Hesher destroys the swimming poor, which shows his anger and contempt about social rules.After that, T.J has a talk with Nicole, knowing more about her poor life.T.J tries his best to get the red car back, so he begins to steal money to buy the car.He fails again.What's worse, T.J.'s grandmother dies and Nicole falls in love with Hesher.T.J.is alone now.He is tend to violence and losing control.He does not calm down until he sit in the red car.In his memory, his mother dies in a car accident.T.J watches the process of cutting the red car.In the end, he attends the funeral of grandmother and takes a walk with the coffin.His new life starts.In Hesher, T.J experiences a painful growing process.Being beaten by Hesher and a classmate, being ignored by father and being betrayed by Nicole are all cruel things that a ten-ear-old T.J has undergone.Luckily, he never gives up.T.J is success

the fact about wife's death.He sells the broken red car just after the accident.I feel that red car is both the happy and sad memory of the mother.The father thinks it only has trying experience.He says it is ominous instead of accept the bad feeling.However, T.J tries to get the car back because the car has important happy memories of the whole family.T.J uses any methods he has to see his mother again.He goes to junkyard alone and argues with adults with no fear.He saves and steals money to buy it.He climbs the old vehicles to find it.Of cause, he fails many times, but he never gives it up.When he sees the car being cut, he cries because he knows he must be brave to accept it and say goodbye to past.The father is also addicted to medicine and does nothing all day.During the sharing meeting, he positions himself as a poor man, feels sorry about himself and knows they are all loser.He also tells T.J it is helpful but in the film he does not change at all after the meeting.He is just like a hurt curly hedgehog that puts himself apart from the outside world.On the contrary, T.J has a positive brave attitude toward his life.He continues to go to school to live in a normal life and fights to protect the

car and home.He would rather to struggle to get the car back than act like a loser gaining sympathy by talking about sad experience in meeting.When both of them meets Hesher in home, T.J wants help from the father as a child.However the father is absent and T.J begins to fight with big evil Hesher by himself.T.J is brave to face the things happened in home and tries his best to deal with them.a man who is strong and crazy.Hesher thinks T.J is a sheep, so he wants to make fun of him.But Hesher is wrong.In one scene, Hesher wants to pick up T.J but T.J refuses.He threatens T.J if T.J doesn't get on the car he will drive into T.J.T.J is standing there, looking at the running car until being collided 5 inches away.Never does Hesher think T.J is so brave.Without help, T.J stands again and gives Hesher a big hit.Sometimes, I feel T.J is really brave.It is not only because T.J dare to resist Hesher, but also because T.J is brave to take his responsibility and to facing the life itself.In Hesher, Hesher is a person out of the social rules.He bombs police car, burns the car and destroys other people's house.He does things crazily but not thinking about results or taking the responsibilities.I feels that Hesher is escaping something.Maybe he has a miserable past but he does not walk pass it.The crazy behavior is a way of him to relieve himself, just like the father needs the sharing meeting.Different to Hesher, T.J knows what he should do and not.He thinks about results and responsibilities he has.T.J is not an adult, but he goes with police, facing the serious warning at age of 10 with no excuse because he knows that is not right.In my opinion, the red car symbolize the past and school may be society environment.Before seeing the red car being cut, T.J never gives up to chase it.Even though the process is hard and the result is painful, T.J is brave to face it.And he faces the life itself.T.J goes to school, keeps himself in control and maintain a normal life.He can be crazy like Hesher when he hands up scissors, but he does not hurt his enemy in the end.The life is cruel.T.J bravely chooses to adopt to it and change it.As a child, T.J needs protection and love from parents, but he doesn't get any of it.He feels disappointed about father.In the scene that they eat dinner, father even blams him severely.Nonetheless, when his father wants to come back to home and life, T.J accepts him without hesitation, as if they had not been apart.I thinks it is really need courageous to forgive someone if I was deeply hurt.T.J does it after undergoing a hard time.He also forgives Nicole who he deeply likes.When Nicole thinks there is no body cares her, T.J says I am willing.To T.J.'s surprise, he sees Nicole making love with Hesher.At that time, he hates Hesher.T.J also shouts at Nicole.It is raining and thundering to show T.J's sadness and anger.There are also many rocking shots and close-up show the extreme shocking.Then he calms down.When Nicole arrives to his house, he says:'Hesher is not here.' instead of just closing the door.It shows he still cares her after being hurt.T.J may know he has lost her but he still forgives her.He is

bravely to apologize too because he realizes his rude and hopes not hurt her.I see many comments about Hesher that says Hesher is the saver of T.J's family and is soul of whole movie.The film is also named Hesher.However, in my point of view, I cares more about T.J..The whole movie from the angle of T.J., so I can feel his feelings more.With the development of film, his is growing.At the beginning, his is weak and helpless.He makes mistakes and fears sometime, but this makes him more like a real man.The painful growing of him touches me, and I feel really happy when he becomes strong in heart finally.He teaches me never stop fighting and care others at the same time.He is little but very brave.



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