Good morning,ladies and gentlemen!I’m very honored to stand here and give you a short speech!To begin with.I want to ask two questions.Do you think men and women are equal?And have you heard feminism? I started questioning fender-based assumption when at ten I was told to be a tender girl because I always play the gun with boys intead of those beautiful dolls.When I was 14, I started to be sexualized by certain elements of the media.At 15, my girlfriends started dropping out of a lot of sports teams because they didn’t want to appear masculine.So today I’d like to talk to you about feminism.What is feminism? Feminism is a collection of movements aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal political, economic, and social rights and equal opportunities for women.But sadly, I can say that there is no one country in the world where all women can expect to receive these rights.No country in the world can yet say that they have achieved gender equality.These rights, I considered to be human rights, but I am one of the lucky ones.My life is a sheer privilege because my parentsdidn’t love me less because I was born a daughterMy school did not limit me because I was a girl.My mentors didn’t assume that I would go less far because I might give birth to a child one day.These influences were the gender equality ambassadors that made me who I am today.They may not know it but they are the inadvertent feminists who are changing the world today.We need more of those.We don’t want to talk about men being imprisoned by gender stereo types but I can see that theyare.When they are free, things will change for women as a natural consequence.If men don’t have to be aggressive in order to be accepted, women won’t be compelled to be submissive.If men don’t have to control, women won’t have to be controlled.Both men and women should feel free to be sensitive, both men and women should be free to be strong.It is time that we all see gender as a spectrum instead of two sets of opposing ideals.If we stop defining each other by what we are not andstart defining ourselves by who we are, we can allbe freer and this is what “HeForShe” is about.It’s about freedom.I want men to take up this mantle, so their daughters, sisters and mothers can befree from prejudice.But also so their sons have permission to be vulnerable and human, too.We claim those part of themselves they abandoned, and in doing so, be a more true and complete version of themselves.
Feminism 袁
Good morning, everyone.It’s my honor to stand here to give a presentation to you all.As you know, recently, Hillary Clinton has just announced that she would campaign for 2016 president of America.So that we find out the status of women in politics increased significantly.So there comes a new conception, feminism.And today, our group will introduce you this, maybe to you,strange topic.So our presentation has 3 parts, and I’m in charge of the first.Perhaps you would ask,why we talk about feminism? What’s the importance of that? I want to tell you a story.In 2012,December 16th,a college girl named Joyti Singh from new Delhi, the capital of India, went in a personal bus at 9 o’clock, after watching a movie, with a male friend.Just in this horrible bus , unfortunately, she was raped by 6 men and they even tortured her.Then she died soon in a hospital.After she died, however, one of criminal said like that, you can’t clap with one hand.It takes two hands to clap.A decent girl won’t roam around at 9 o’clock at night.A girl is far more responsible for rape than a boy.This girl was only 23 years old.This event set off a huge protest.People prayed for her and fight for the justice and woman’s right.Joyti Singh was then called India’s daughter.We can’t help thinking, why could such a thing happen in this civilized world? What’s exactly the meaning of a woman? Moreover, a more inhuman act still exist in some parts of Africa, which is female circumcision.This brutal act brings a lot of hurt to young women.That’s why we talk about feminism.So what’s the feminism? Please have my partner continue.Thank you.王
Now, as you see, this symbol represents feminism.It is based on Venus symbol.A Venus symbol is just like this.And there is a fist in the central, which means woman’s right.So how does feminism develop in history? Firstly, let’s look at western feminism.In the history of human society, the concept of human rights has been 200 years of history, but it does not include the feminist.We all know that there is quite a lot empresses in western history.So maybe status of women in the west is higher.In 1971, a great woman, Olympe de Gouges who wrote thedeclaration of rights of woman appealed for feminism initialy.And then, there came more feminist literatures.As known, Jane Austin and Bronte sisters.They are female writers and wrote books about women mainly.Jane Austin wrote Pride and prejudice.Jane Eyre, Gone with wind and Wuthering Heights by brontes.Until 19,20 century,women started the feminist movement and to fight for political rights.Many countries won the rights of vote for women.And now, we are all familiar with the iron lady, Margaret Thatcher and Hillary Clinton.While back in China, feminism has a tougher development.This is our ancient women and what they believed in.Maybe ridiculous for now, right? We did have some powerful women, like 吕后,武则天,慈禧.But they were not accepted by the traditional views of society.After 1912, as society developed, feminism improved a lot, too.Women started to aquire education and advanced ideas.So we know such a lot progressive females, such as Song sisters, Qiujin and so on.And then, how is feminism like today? I’d love to let my another partner to introduce.Thank you all.贾
Thank my partners for paving the way for me.From their presentation, you may get a general idea about feminism.However, you may ask, we are living in this relatively stable community, we girls don’t really worry about go out at night or horrible bodily harm.And historic great women have strived for lots of rights.Maybe we are satisfied.We don’t need feminism at all.But does not female discrimination really exist in China? Actually, our fights for women are not enough yet.Since ancient times, women are not allowed to take part in politics.Even now, men has an absolute advantage in politics.Furthermore, woman’s career is harder than men’s all the time.What’s more, the social status of woman is always below that of man.In our culture, while a high-educated woman is under the pressure of public opinion.Why do people have a total different attitude towards a man and a woman who are in the same situation.We always pay attention to leftover women but never say leftover men.Similarly, social perspective to a woman who has a successful career is more in her personal life, maybe her unsuccessful marriage, instead of her work.Are women only able to help the husband and take care of children at home? I think it is right that women should get as same respect as men.But sadly I can say that there is no one country in the world where all women can expect to receive these rights.Do you guys know her? This is Emma Watson.Perhaps you don’t.But you must know this.And now, she is a UN Women Goodwill Ambassador.And she launched a campaign called “HeForShe” in 2014,which is a wide feminism movement.She points out that the definition of feminism is: “The belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities.It is the theory of the political, economic and social equality of the sexes.”
In my opinion, the biggest obstacle of Chinese feminism is women ourselves.We girls are supposed to clearly recognize the importance of struggle for feminism and really do something for it.Also, boys—I would like to take this opportunity to invite your join.Gender equality is your issue too.We want to try and encourage as many men and boys as possible to be advocates for gender equality.I suppose you guys, boys or girls, would believe the equality and freedom.You are going to be fathers and mothers.You are going to teach your children.You have the responsibility to tell next generation that whether you are a boy or a girl, you should fight for a uniting and equal world!That’s all what I want to say.Thanks for your listening.Thank you all.
女性的发展,是在自我认同和社会身份认同,从而在社会上获得应有的地位和在社会中立足。女性的解放、自由和发展,是女权主义发展的三部曲,归结在女性的发展,创造女性的文化,从而对整个人类走出危机境遇获得广阔的发展前景而做出贡献。Evaluation feminism
Feminism, derived from the west, with the female experience for the source and motivation of the social theory and political movement.The word feminism, first appeared in France, means that the women's liberation, then to the British and American, gradually popular.In a modern philosophy and social movement point of view, feminist usually in the age of enlightenment thinkers 18 th century for the origin.Feminism in the 19 th century gradually into organized society movement, because when people are more and more believe women in a male in the center of the society by not equal treatment.Most of the female activists in politics take whole to the concept of the action line.Feminism in western society made a lot of important influence, including women suffrage;More equal wages;Divorce the initiative, a college education rights, etc.Feminists wants to change the use of language, is not expected to ask women have equal rights or in the political discussion get influence.The development of women, is in the identity and social identity, and thus in the society of the status and deserved in society based on.Women's liberation, freedom and development, the development of the feminist trilogy, concluded on women's development, create the women's culture, and to the human situation out of crisis for the prospect of and make contribution.
第一次女权运动主要有三个目标:①争取女性选举权。世界各国妇女在争取选举权的过程中遇到了强大的阻力,例如,美国男权主义者曾宣称:“如果给妇女选举权,你就得在每个县建立疯人院,在每座城镇建立离婚法庭。女人太神经质和歇斯底里,不能介入政治。”尽管遇到了强大的阻力,妇女运动还是取得了胜利。自1848年7月,美国女权运动发表了《妇女伤感宜言》后,美国女权主义者全力组织妇女参加争取参政权的运动。1917年,美国妇女运动团体“妇女国会同盟”和“妇女党”组织了连续24小时对白宫的示威。1920年,美国国会通过了宪法第19号修正案.明确规定妇女享有选举权和被选举权,妇女获得了完全的选举权。在英国,妇女的选举权是分两步获得的,在1918年,30岁以上妇女获得选举权,到1928年妇女最终获得同男子同等的选举权。②争取女性受教育的权利。各国妇女纷纷提出实现受教育的要求,女子学校大量涌现。一些女权主义者们曾就女童的教育内容应不应与男童一样,男女学生的考试内容应不应该相同等间题展开辩论。在1868年,剑桥大学为女生提供了单独的考试。这一做法在女权主义者当中引起激烈的争论,有的赞成,有的反对。③争取女性就业权。在 19世纪,人们普遍认为,生育和抚养子女是女人的天性,因此女人的天职就是留在家里生育和抚养子女。妇女到社会上就业之后,工作和婚姻的矛盾变得突出起来,已婚女人的就业问题引起了激烈的争论,许多希望出来工作的妇女对于必须在工作和家庭中选择一项感到不公平,她们提出,男人可以同时拥有工作和家庭,为什么女人就不可以?女权主义者认为,妇女应当在劳动市场上与男人平等竞争,同工同酬,这样才能保持经济独立。第一次女权运动取得了丰硕的成果,到第一次世界大战结束时,欧美不少国家的妇女底得了选举权、财产继承权和接受高等教育的权利。
在20世纪60年代的第二次女权运动高潮前后,自由主义女权主义仍然十分活跃,涌现出大批理论著作,其中美国妇女B·弗里丹的著作《女性的奥秘》起了运动先声的作用,她发起的“NOW"(National organization for Woman,全国妇女组织)后来达到240多万人,成为西方最大的妇女团体。继《女性的奥秘》之后,自由主义女权主义相继出版了一系列经典作品,如:理查兹的《怀疑一切的女权主义者》1982,G·斯蒂奈姆的《愤怒的行动和日常的反抗》(1983)欧金的《性别、正义与家庭》1990)等,她们的思想代表了当代自由主义女权主义的主要观点,归纳起来主要有;(一)继续坚持男女两性具有相同理性
Women throughout the ages have protested the limitations imposed on their lives by social, political, and religious institutions.In the fifth century, Hypatia, an influential Roman scholar, sought a reawakening of female dignity and power;in the fifteenth century Christine de Pisan chronicled the achievements of women and instigated a debate across Europe on women’s equality;two centuries later Anna van Schuman, a Dutch woman, wrote books in support of women’s education.In the American colonies, Abigail Adams lobbied her husband, John, to “remember the ladies” as the American Revolution raged on in the name of equality for all men.Soon after, in England in 1792, Mary Wollstonecraft was writing the feminist tract A Vindication of the Rights of Woman.But the first wave of modern feminism is usually declared to have begun in 1848, with 100 women and men at the Seneca Falls Convention.There, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott threw down the gauntlet for women’s suffrage;afterward, feminist Susan B.Anthony joined Stanton to lead the movement.Neither womanas well as long-term active feminists themselves—is bringing an ever-broadening perspective to the bargaining table of women’s rights.These women have been delving into some of the early feminist thoughts on the patriarchal structure underlying all modern political, social, and cultural constructs, and they include the problems of racism and classism in their analyses.This generation too, accustomed to contemplating systems(such as ecosystems)and not just the individual factor, is looking at the entire system, from home to work to voting booth to religious institution.Many are questioning why women are expected to adapt to a world created by men.Many are lobbying for an adaptation that goes both ways.And many are rejecting society’s old definitions of what it means to be a woman and replacing them with their own definitions, remembering feminist Mary Daly’s admonition that the right to define is power.In this generation, women are studying at West Point and winning Rhodes scholarships, and they expect to earn equal pay for equal work.This is the Title IX generation, women who grew up with the opportunity to join Little League teams, to play in soccer leagues, and who had access to school basketball and volleyball courts and to softball diamonds.This generation looks out at a world of women surfing alongside men, a powerful third wave.在整个年龄的妇女提出抗议给他们的生活带来的限制社会、政治和宗教的人们。在第五世纪一个有重大影响的人物,Hypatia罗马学者,找了再度活跃的女性的尊严和力量