
时间:2019-05-14 20:17:17下载本文作者:会员上传


President Jiang Zemin,Premier Li Peng,Distinguished Guests,Ladies and Gentlemen 江泽民主席,李鹏总理,尊敬的各位来宾,女士们,先生们

This important and special ceremony marks a moment of both change and continuity in Hong Kong's history.It marks,first of all,the restoration of Hong Kong to the People's Republic of China,under the terms of the Sino-British Joint Declaration of 1984,after more than 150 years of British administration.这个重要而独特的仪式,标志着一个时刻的变化和连续性在本港的历史。这标志着,首先,恢复港人民共和国的中国,在中英联合申报1984,经过150年多的英国政府。

This ceremony also celebrates continuity because,by that same treaty and the many subsequent agreements which have been made to implement its provisions,the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region will have its own government,and retain its own society,its own economy and its own way of life.I should like to pay tribute this evening to those who turned the concept of “one country,two systems” into the Joint Declaration,and to the dedication and commitment of those who have worked so hard over the last thirteen years to negotiate the details of the Joint Declaration's implementation.But most of all I should like to pay tribute to the people of Hong Kong themselves for all that they have achieved in the last century and a half.The triumphant success of Hong Kong demandsto be maintained.这个仪式也标志着连续性,因为,根据上述条约和许多后来的协议已执行其规定,澳门特别行政区将拥有自己的政府,保留自己的社会,自己的经济、自己的生活方式。我要赞扬今天晚上变成了“一个国家,两制”的联合宣言,并奉献和承诺的那些辛勤工作在过去十三年中的细节进行谈判的联合声明的实施。但我最想赞扬港人自己所取得的最后一个半世纪。凯成功港要求,值得-保持。Hong Kong has shown the world how dynamism and stability can be defining characteristics of a successful society.These have together created a great economy which is the envy of the world.Hong Kong has shown the world how East and West can live and work together.As a flourishing commercial and cultural cross-roads,it has brought us together and enriched all our lives.港向世界展示了如何动态稳定、可定义性特征的一个成功的社会。这些一起创造了重大的经济是世界羡慕。港向世界展示了东方和西方是如何能在一起生活和工作。作为一个繁华的商业和文化的十字路口,它给我们带来了一起,丰富了我们的生活。

Thirteen years ago the Governments of the United Kingdom and the People's Republic of China recognised in the Joint Declaration that these special elements which had created the crucial conditions for Hong Kong's success should continue.They agreed that,in order to maintain that success,Hong Kong should have its own separate trading and financial systems,enjoy autonomy and an elected legislature,maintain its laws and liberties,and be run by the people of Hong Kong and be accountable to them.Those special elements have served Hong Kong well over the past two decades.Hong Kong has coped with the challenges of great economic,social and political transition with almost none of the disturbance and dislocation which in other parts of the world have so often accompanied change on such a scale.十三年前,联合王国政府和中华人民共和国中国在联合声明,这些特殊元素创造了重要条件,本港的成功应该继续。他们一致认为,为了保持成功,港应该有自己独立的贸易和金融体系,享有自治权,选举产生的立法机关,维护其法律和自由,并由港人和负责人。这些特殊元素为港在过去二十年。本港的应对挑战的巨大的经济,社会和政治转型几乎没有的干扰和脱位,在世界其他地区也经常伴随如此规模的变化。

The United Kingdom has been proud and privileged to have had responsibility for the people of Hong Kong,to have provided a framework of opportunity in which Hong Kong has so conspicuously succeeded,and to have been part of the success which the people of Hong Kong have made of their opportunities.联合王国一直自豪和荣幸有责任为港人,有提供了一个框架的机会,本港有显著的成功,并已部分成功,港人的机会了。

In a few moments,the United Kingdom's responsibilities will pass to the People's Republic of China.Hong Kong will thereby be restored to China and,within the framework of “one country,two systems”,it will continue to have a strong identity of its own and be an important international partner for many countries in the world.过了一会儿,联合王国的责任将通过向中华人民共和国。港将归还中国,框架内的“一个国家,一国两制”,它将继续有一个强大的它自己的身份,是一个重要的国际伙伴在世界许多国家。

Ladies and Gentlemen,China will tonight take responsibility for a place and a people which matter greatly to us all.The solemn pledges made before the world in the 1984 Joint Declaration guarantee the continuity of Hong Kong's way of life.For its part the United Kingdom will maintain its unwavering support for the Joint Declaration.Our commitment and our strong links to Hong Kong will continue,and will,I am confident,flourish,as Hong Kong and its people themselves continue to flourish.女士们先生们,今晚的中国会承担责任,地方和人,我们都很重要。郑重承诺在世界的1984个联合声明,保证连续港的生活方式。它的一部分,英国将保持其坚定支持联合宣言。我们的承诺和我们强大的链接到港将继续,并将,我相信,繁荣,为港人民自己继续蓬勃发展。

Distinguished Guests,Ladies and Gentlemen,I should like on behalf of Her Majesty the Queen and of the entire British people to express our thanks,admiration,affection,and good wishes to all the people of Hong Kong,who have been such staunch and special friends over so many generations.We shall not forget you,and we shall watch with the closest interest as you embark on this new era of your remarkable history.尊敬的各位来宾,女士们,先生们,我谨代表女王陛下和整个英国人民表达我们的感谢,赞赏,情感,和美好的祝福港人,谁是坚定的和特殊的朋友太多代。我们不会忘记你们,我们将以最大的兴趣是看你上这一非凡历史的新时代。

















Speech by Prince of Wales at Hong Kong's Handover Ceremony


President Jiang Zemin, Premier Li Peng, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen:

This important and special ceremony marks a moment of both change and continuity in Hong Kong's history.It marks, first of all, the restoration of Hong Kong to the People's Republic of China, under the terms of the Sino-British Joint Declaration of 1984, after more than 150 years of British administration.This ceremony also celebrates continuity because, by that same treaty and the many subsequent agreements which have been made to implement its provisions, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region will have its own government, and retain its own society, its own economy and its own way of life.I should like to pay tribute this evening to those who turned the concept of “one country, two systems” into the Joint Declaration, and to the dedication and commitment of those who have worked so hard over the last thirteen years to negotiate the details of the Joint Declaration's implementation.But most of all I should like to pay tribute to the people of Hong Kong themselves for all that they have achieved in the last century and a half.The triumphant success of Hong Kong demandsto be maintained.Hong Kong has shown the world how dynamism and stability can be defining characteristics of a successful society.These have together created a great economy which is the envy of the world.Hong Kong has shown the world how East and West can live and work together.As a flourishing commercial and cultural cross-roads, it has brought us together and enriched all our lives.Thirteen years ago the Governments of the United Kingdom and the People's Republic of China recognised in the Joint Declaration that these special elements which had created the crucial conditions for Hong Kong's success should continue.They agreed that, in order to maintain that success, Hong Kong should have its own separate trading and financial systems, enjoy autonomy and an elected legislature, maintain its laws and liberties, and be run by the people of Hong Kong and be accountable to them.Those special elements have served Hong Kong well over the past two decades.Hong Kong has coped with the challenges of great economic, social and political transition with almost none of the disturbance and dislocation which in other parts of the world have so often accompanied change on such a scale.The United Kingdom has been proud and privileged to have had responsibility for the people of Hong Kong, to have provided a framework of opportunity in which Hong Kong has so conspicuously succeeded, and to have been part of the success which the people of Hong Kong have made of their opportunities.In a few moments, the United Kingdom's responsibilities will pass to the People's Republic of China.Hong Kong will thereby be restored to China and, within the framework of “one country, two systems”, it will continue to have a strong identity of its own and be an important international partner for many countries in the world.Ladies and Gentlemen, China will tonight take responsibility for a place and a people which matter greatly to us all.The solemn pledges made before the world in the 1984 Joint Declaration guarantee the continuity of Hong Kong's way of life.For its part the United Kingdom will maintain its unwavering support for the Joint Declaration.Our commitment and our strong links to Hong Kong will continue, and will, I am confident, flourish, as Hong Kong and its people themselves continue to flourish.Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, I should like on behalf of Her Majesty the Queen and of the entire British people to express our thanks, admiration, affection, and good wishes to all the people of Hong Kong, who have been such staunch and special friends over so many generations.We shall not forget you, and we shall watch with the closest interest as you embark on this new era of your remarkable history.



Prince Charles gave a warm, emotional and often witty speech in praise of his mother at the close of the Diamond Jubilee Concert.6月4日,庆祝伊丽莎白女王登基60周年音乐会在伦敦举行。查尔斯王子在音乐会上发表了一场温情而又诙谐的演讲,来赞扬他伟大的女王母亲。

Just his opening word – 'Mummy' – earned him rapturous cheers from the crowd as the Queen, dressed in a gold lame gown dotted with crystals, looked on plainly delighted.王子演讲的开场词“妈妈”,就使现场观众爆发出惊天的欢呼声。女王穿着点缀水晶的金色斜纹礼服,看起来也非常高兴。

The pair, accompanied by the Duchess of Cornwall, had minutes earlier made their way down to the stage encircling the Queen Victoria Memorial, to a standing ovation.Celebrities including Kylie Minogue and Cheryl Cole jostled to stand as close to the royal party as possible.伊丽莎白女王和查尔斯王子在卡米拉夫人的陪伴下,提前几分钟来到环绕着维多利亚女王纪念碑的舞台上,接受现场观众们长时间的起立鼓掌。包括歌星凯莉·米洛和谢丽尔·科尔在内的名人都挤撞着试图站在离皇室尽可能近的地方。The prince gently warmed his audience up by making a joke about the terrible weather for Sunday's river pageant.'If I may say so, thank God it turned out fine!' he said.查尔斯王子还拿上周日泰晤士河上巡游时的坏天气来开玩笑,活跃了现场气氛。“恕我直言,谢天谢地今天天气终于变好了!”查尔斯王子说。

He also made a poignant reference to the Duke of Edinburgh who was in hospital, just a few miles away.同时他也沉痛地提到了生病住院的父亲爱丁堡公爵,医院离庆典现场只有几英里。'The only sad thing about tonight is that my father cannot be here with us because, unfortunately, he's been taken unwell.' And he added to tumultuous applause: 'If we shout loud enough he might just be able to hear us in hospital.' “今晚上唯一让我伤心的事情就是我的父亲不能来这里,因为很不幸,他的身体不好。” 在观众的掌声中王子继续说:“如果我们喊得够大声的话,可能我的父亲可以在医院里听见我们。” Turning to his mother, he paid tribute to 'the life and service of a very special person'(although he appeared to make a mistake when he referred to her being 26 when she acceded to the throne.In fact she was 25.)转身面对他的母亲时,查尔斯王子表达了他对“这位特殊人物的生命和她做出的贡献”的感谢之情。不过查尔斯王子犯了一个小错误,他说女王在她26岁时继承王位,而实际上伊丽莎白女王是在25岁时继承王位的。

Charles told the Queen: 'A Diamond Jubilee is a unique and special event, some of us have had the joy of celebrating three jubilees with you, and I have the medals to prove it.查尔斯王子告诉女王陛下:“登基60年纪念日是一个极为特殊的活动,我们中的一些人已经和你一起分享了三次十周年纪念日的喜悦,其中包括我自己。” 'I was three when my grandfather George VI died and suddenly, unexpectedly, you and my father's lives were irrevocably changed when you were only 26.So as a nation this is our opportunity to thank you and my father for always being there for us.“当我的祖父乔治四世去世时,我只有3岁。同时,在你只有26岁时,你和我的父亲的生命发生了不可逆转的改变。借着这个机会,现在我代表全英国,来感谢你和我的父亲60年来一直陪伴着我们。” 'For inspiring us with your selfless duty and service and for making us proud to be British.'At this point there were huge cheers from the crowds and many members of the Royal Family applauded, including the Duke of Cambridge and Prince Harry.“你用你的无私付出感动我们,并让我们为自己是英国人而感到自豪。” 这时观众们爆发出热烈的欢呼,许多皇室的成员包括剑桥公爵和哈里王子都开始鼓掌欢呼。

The prince went to say how proud the jubilee celebrations had made the country at a time when so many were suffering from 'hardship and difficulty' and paid tribute to the members of the public lining the banks of the Thames on Sunday in the wind and the rain.王子接下来感谢了那些在周日冒着风雨在泰晤士河边参加巡游的民众,并且他表示,在如今许多民众都经历着一个困难时期的情况下,这场登基60周年的庆典让整个国家都感到自豪。

As he drew to a close, he led the audience in giving three cheers for the Queen, before kissing her hand affectionately and adding: 'So Your Majesty we offer you our humble duty and with it three resounding cheers for our Majesty The Queen!' 随后他走向前,领着现场观众向女王陛下欢呼三次,之后他深情地亲吻了女王陛下的手,说:“卑职向女王殿下致敬,我们的三次欢呼都献给您!”




















也许你也没有忘记,小燕子在受快乐王子之托为女裁缝送去一枚红宝石,并且他还用羽翅替裁缝生病的女儿降温之后,他这样说道: "虽然天气很冷,可我现在觉得好暖和"。







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