Strategic and Economic Dialogue Closing Statement Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner
Beijing, China May 25, 2010 在战略与经济对话闭幕式上的讲话
中国北京 2010年5月25日
I would like to begin by offering my appreciation to our Chinese hosts for their gracious hospitality.我首先感谢我们中国东道主的盛情款待。
Our economic relationship is strong, and it will get stronger.It rests on the recognition by Presidents Hu and Obama that we have shared interests and shared responsibilities.我们两国有强健的经济关系,今后还会更强健。胡锦涛主席和奥巴马总统都承认我们拥有共同利益和共同责任,双方的经济关系正是以此为基础。
Over the past year, we have acted together to help restore financial stability and economic growth to a world in crisis.Because we stood together, and because our Presidents were willing to act quickly and decisively, the world is in a much stronger position to successfully overcome the challenges ahead.在过去的一年里,为使陷入危机的世界恢复金融稳定和经济增长,我们采取了共同行动。由于我们共同努力,还由于两国首脑都愿意采取迅速果断的行动,目前全世界的状况更加稳固,有利于成功地应对未来的挑战。
When people write the history of this economic crisis, they will point to the decisive role played by international cooperation, in stark contrast to much of the pattern of past crises, where division delayed action and nations turned inward.And in writing that story, historians will point to the critical role played by the United States and China and the remarkable story of two nations, with such different traditions and such different stages of development, coming together with common objectives and a commitment to action.人们在书写这段经济危机的历史时将指出国际合作发挥的决定性作用,与过去处理危机的模式形成鲜明的对比。以往,相互间的分歧延缓了行动的步伐,各国转而闭关自守。在记录这段历史的时候,历史学家将指出美国和中国发挥的关键作用,记载两个传统迥异和发展阶段如此不同的国家相互合作,以共同的目标和付诸行动的决心谱写的卓越篇章。
Last July, when we met in Washington, China and the United States first made the case for a broad rebalancing of economic growth.The G-20 embraced the cause, and now it is a global imperative.Since that time, China and the United States have acted on that commitment.Americans are saving and investing more and borrowing less from the rest of the world, and China is consuming and importing more.去年7月,当我们在华盛顿会晤时,中国和美国首次论证了为经济增长进行更广泛的重新平衡的问题。20国集团采纳了这个意见,现在这个问题已经成为全球性的当务之急。自那时起,中国和美国根据各自的承诺采取行动。美国逐渐增加储蓄和投资,减少从国外的借贷。中国则日益扩大消费和进口。
We worked together to mobilize a substantial increase in financial resources for emerging markets and developing economies, through the International Monetary Fund(IMF)and the Multilateral Development Banks(MDBs), and to restore trade finance.These commitments were essential to arresting the free fall in global economic activity and averting much greater damage to the livelihoods of hundreds of millions of people around the world.我们通过国际货币基金组织(IMF)和多边开发银行(MDB)共同努力,为新兴市场和发展中经济体大幅度增加金融资源并恢复了贸易融资。这些承诺对于遏制全球经济活动的急剧下滑,避免全世界亿万人民的生计受到更大的损害,都是不可或缺的。
And quietly but surely, we are building a very strong network of cooperative arrangements on a range of goals, from boosting access to trade finance facilities for small and medium-sized enterprises to fighting money laundering and terrorist financing, from strengthened cooperation on financial reforms to helping Haiti repair the damage from its devastating earthquake.为了实现更大范围的目标,我们正默默地但坚定地建设非常强大的合作机制网络,从拓展中小企业获得贸易融资的途径,到打击洗钱及制止恐怖分子筹资活动;从加强金融改革的合作,到帮助海地弥补破坏性地震造成的损失等等。This second meeting of the Strategic and Economic Dialogue takes place against the backdrop of a promising improvement in the pace of growth in China and the United States and across much of the world economy, tempered by a recognition of the challenges faced by countries in Europe in restoring fiscal sustainability and promoting more balanced growth.美中两国举行第二轮战略与经济对话之际,中国和美国及世界经济的诸多方面在增长速度上出现了改善的希望,但也应该承认欧洲国家在恢复财政稳定和促进更平衡的增长的问题上面临着挑战。
We agreed to renew our efforts to strengthen and reinforce the global economic recovery.And we agreed to support the strong programs of policy reforms and financial support now being undertaken by the nations of Europe.我们同意继续努力,巩固和加强全球经济复苏。此外,我们同意支持欧洲国家正在实施的强有力的政策改革和财政支持方案。
We welcome the strong commitment of President Hu to the process of economic reforms to expand domestic demand and increase household consumption;expand market access in keeping with established international economic and trading rules, and advance trade and investment liberalization.我们欢迎胡锦涛主席坚定地承诺进行经济改革,致力于扩大内需,增加家庭消费;按照现行国际经济和贸易规则扩大市场准入并推进贸易和投资自由化。We welcome the fact that China's leaders have recognized that reform of the exchange rate is an important part of their broader reform agenda.Allowing the exchange rate to reflect market forces is important not just to give China the flexibility necessary to sustain more balanced economic growth with low inflation but also to reinforce incentives for China's private sector to shift resources to more productive higher value added activities that will be important to future growth.This is of course China's choice.中国领导人认识到汇率改革是更广泛的改革议程中一个重要部分,我们对此表示欢迎。允许汇率反映市场力量的作用具有重要的意义,不仅可以给予中国维持经济更平衡的增长和低通货膨胀所需要的灵活性,而且还能进一步激励中国民营部门将资源向生产力和附加值更高的活动转移,这些对未来的经济增长非常重要。当然,这取决于中国的选择。
And we welcome the progress we achieved to provide a more level playing field for U.S.firms in China.China has taken a series of steps to modify its policies to promote innovation and technological advancement.China has revised certain aspects of its product accreditation system, such as the requirement that products be patented or trademarked in China.It has affirmed its commitment to abide by the principles of non-discrimination;market competition;open trade;intellectual property protection;and leaving the terms of technology transfer and production processes to agreement between enterprises.我们欢迎我们为美国在华公司提供更公平的竞争环境取得的进展。中国采取了一系列步骤修改其政策,以促进创新和技术进步。中国修改了产品认证制度的某些环节,如要求产品必须在中国获得专利或注册商标。中国已确认致力于遵守不歧视、市场竞争、公开贸易、知识产权保护、技术转移和生产程序条款由企业之间协议解决等原则。
And we have agreed to a process of dialogue over the coming weeks and months, led by my colleagues Ambassador Kirk, Secretary Locke, and Science and Technology Director Holdren to find ways to address our remaining concerns.我们已经同意在今后数星期和数月内由我的同事柯克(Kirk)大使、骆家辉(Locke)部长和科技事务主任霍尔德伦(Holdren)率团参加有关对话,为我们关心的其余问题找到解决的途径。
We also welcome China's commitment to submit a revised offer on joining the WTO Agreement on Government Procurement by July 2010, as well as its commitment to reduce barriers to foreign investment in services, high-technology goods, high-end manufacturing, and energy saving products and facilitate foreign investment by decentralizing review and approval processes.This is progress.It does not fully resolve our concerns, but it gives us a set of basic principles on which to move forward.I want to thank Vice Premier Wang in particular for his personal role in advancing this agenda.我们还欢迎中国承诺在2010年7月前提交关于加入《世界贸易组织政府采购协议》(WTO Agreement on Government Procurement)的修订文本,以及承诺降低服务业、高技术商品、高端制造和节能产品等领域对外国投资设置的壁垒,并通过下放审批权方便外国投资。这就是进步。这样做并未完全解决我们关注的问题,但向我们提供了一套向前推进的基本原则。我特别感谢王副总理本人在推进这一议程中所发挥的作用。
The relationship between our two countries is strong and beneficial for both sides.American exports to China are growing much more rapidly than exports to the rest of the world.Compared to the first quarter of 2009, our exports to China went up by almost 50 percent while exports to the rest of the world went up by 20 percent.我们两国关系稳固,对双方都有益。美国对中国出口的增长速度超过对世界其他地区的出口。与2009年第一季度相比,我国对中国的出口几乎增长50%,而对于世界其他地区的出口仅增长20%。
These developments demonstrate the strength and dynamism of the American economy, as well as the importance of the process of rebalancing underway in China to promote stronger growth in domestic demand.And this shows that our economic strengths are complementary.Just as America benefits from China's growth, so too does China benefit from growth in the United States.这些进展表明了美国经济的强盛和活力,也说明中国为促进内需增长采取的重新平衡进程是多么重要。这还表明我们两国的经济实力相得益彰,彼此互补。美国受惠于中国的增长,中国也受惠于美国的增长。
American companies are leaders in innovation in the goods and services the world needs to grow.We are seeing a promising rise in private investment in the United States, dramatic ongoing gains in productivity supported by a stronger financial system, and a carefully designed and very substantial commitment by the U.S.government to promote investments in innovation and basic research.对于全世界增长所需的产品和服务,美国公司的创新活动居于领先地位。我们看到美国民间投资上升的大好趋势,生产力在更强大的金融体系支持下持续获得巨大收益,同时美国政府为促进对创新和基本研究的投资审慎规划了十分重大的实质性方案。
We bring to this Dialogue respect for China's interests and a commitment to closer cooperation on all the major global challenges.And a recognition of the special responsibility of the United States to contribute to the stability of the global financial system.在这次对话的过程中,我们表示尊重中国的利益并承诺为应对所有重大的全球挑战进行更密切的合作。我们也认识到美国对世界金融体系的稳定肩负着特别的责任。
I want to close by once again expressing my sincere appreciation to President Hu and Premier Wen and to the Chinese delegation for their leadership and hospitality.I am looking forward to continued progress at the forthcoming G20 meetings, first with Finance Ministers and Governors in Korea and then with Leaders in Toronto in June.在结束这次发言之际,我谨对胡主席和温总理以及中国代表团的主办和接待工作再次表示诚挚的谢意。G20即将举行会议,首先是在韩国举行的财政部长和央行行长会议,然后六月份在多伦多举行领导人会议。我期待有关会议继续取得进展。
SECRETARY CLINTON: Good morning.I want to thank State Councilor Dai and Vice-Premier Wang for their very warm hospitality.It is a pleasure for our entire delegation to be here in Beijing.And it is an honor to join my colleague, Secretary Geithner, and the many officials from across our government in representing the United States at this second round of the strategic and economic dialogue.国务卿克林顿:早上好。感谢国务委员戴秉国和副总理王岐山非常热情的接待。我国代表团的全体成员十分高兴来到北京。我与我的同事盖特纳部长及我国政府各部门的众多官员一起代表美国出席第二轮美中战略与经济对话,为此感到十分荣幸。
I first visited China in 1995, and I have been privileged to return since then.Every trip to China offers fresh insights and images of the dynamism of this country and its people, the pace of change, and the possibilities for the future.Back in 1995, trade between our two nations was measured in the tens of billions of dollars.Today it is counted in the hundreds of billions.Few people back then had cell phones, and almost no one had access to the Internet.Today China has the world's largest mobile phone network, and more Internet users than any other country on earth.我于1995年初次访问中国,此后又很荣幸地多次前来访问。每次来到中国都使我对这个国家,对中国人民旺盛的活力,对中国的变化之快及中国未来的发展前途产生新的了解和新的印象。早在1995年,我们两国间的贸易额仅有数百亿美元,如今两国贸易额已达数千亿美元。那时,极少有人拥有手机,几乎没有人使用因特网。今天,中国拥有全世界最大的移动电话网络,使用因特网的人数高于全世界任何国家。
In 1995, both our countries signed on to the Beijing platform for action to advance equality and opportunity for women.And while there is still much to do in both of our countries, I know that Chinese women have made real progress in education, health care, and employment.Hundreds of millions of men, women, and children have been lifted out of poverty.And China has flourished in so many ways.Freer trade and open markets have created jobs in both our countries, and given Chinese consumers access to new goods and to higher standards of living.1995年,我们两国政府签署了北京行动纲领,要求采取行动促进妇女的平等权利与机会。虽然我们两国仍有很多工作要做,但我知道中国妇女在教育、卫生保健和就业领域都取得了切实的进步。千百万男女老少摆脱了贫困。中国在很多方面都获得了蓬勃的发展。促进自由贸易和开放市场为我们两国创造了就业岗位,并使中国消费者获得新的商品和更高的生活水平。
The United States welcomes China's progress and its accomplishments.And by establishing patterns of cooperation, rather than competition between our two countries, we see the opportunity, as we have just heard from Vice-Premier Wang, for win-win solutions, rather than zero-sum rivalries, for we know that few global problems can be solved by the United States or China acting alone.And few can be solved without the United States and China working together.美国欢迎中国取得的进步和成就。通过建立两国间的合作模式,而非相互竞争,我们看到了王副总理刚才所说的实现互利共赢的机会,而非互不相容的对抗,因为我们知道,全球性问题无法仅靠美国或者中国得到解决。但没有美国和中国的共同参与,有关问题也不可能得到解决。
With this in mind, I would like to read a few lines of a letter from President Obama that I will be personally handing to President Hu Jintao.President Obama wrote: “Our relationship with China is guided by the recognition that we live in an inter-connected world.One country's success need not come at the expense of another.Our progress can be shared.Indeed, the United States welcomes China as a strong, prosperous, and successful member of the community of nations.” 考虑到这种情况,我在此宣读我将亲自向胡锦涛主席转交的奥巴马总统信中的几句话。奥巴马总统写道:“我们生活在一个相互联系的世界上,我们与中国的关系正是以这样一种认识为指导。一个国家的成功不必以另一个国家的利益为代价。我们可以共享进步。美国真诚地欢迎中国成为国际大家庭中一个强大、繁荣和成功的成员。”
Over the past 16 months, we have worked together to lay the foundation for that positive, cooperative, and comprehensive relationship that President Obama and President Hu have committed our nations to pursuing.We launched the strategic and economic dialogue last year in Washington, as the premier convening mechanism in our relationship.And this year we have assembled an even broader and deeper team, here in China, to address our growing agenda.We have built avenues of cooperation and identified areas of mutual interest.奥巴马总统和胡锦涛主席要求两国建立积极、合作和全面的关系,过去16个月来我们共同努力,为双方的关系奠定了基础。去年,我们在华盛顿启动了战略与经济对话,为两国关系建立了主要的对话机制。今年,我们派出代表性更广泛和更深入的团队,前来中国讨论日益增多的议程。我们构建了合作的平台,确定了拥有共同利益的领域。
Our job, moving forward, is to translate that common interest into common action and, in turn, to translate that action into results that improve the lives of our people, and contribute to global progress.Over the long term, these results are how our relationship will be measured.着眼未来,我们的工作是把我们的共同利益转变成共同行动,进而将这种行动转化为改善两国人民生活,促进全球进步的结果。从长远来看,这些结果是衡量我们关系的标准。
We are conscious that meaningful progress against great global challenges is the work of years, not days.We know that this gathering, in and of itself, is a foundation for ongoing cooperation that has to take place every day at every level of our government.And so, we will blend urgency and persistence in pursuit of shared goals.我们认识到,应对全球性的挑战取得有意义的进展需要经过多年的努力,并非指日可待。我们知道,这次会议本身为我们政府各级日常必须进行的持续合作奠定了基础。因此,为了实现共同的目标,我们既需要有紧迫性又需要有持久性。We have already begun to see progress on some of the key areas of common concern that we laid out in our first dialogue last year.But there is much work to be done.我们已经开始看到,对于去年双方第一轮对话期间确定的共同关心的问题,在主要领域的某些方面取得了进展。但还有许多工作需要做。
First, on international security challenges, the United States and China have consulted closely on the challenge posed by Iran's nuclear program.The prospect of a nuclear-armed Iran concerns us all.And to address that threat, together we have pursued a dual-track approach of engagement and pressure, aimed at encouraging Iran's leaders to change course.The draft resolution agreed to by all of our P-5+1 partners and circulated at the Security Council sends a clear message to the Iranian leadership: Live up to your obligation, or face growing isolation and consequences.As we continue to cooperate in New York, the burden is on Iran to demonstrate through its actions that it will uphold its responsibility.首先,对于国际安全方面的挑战,美国和中国就伊朗核项目构成的挑战进行了密切协商。伊朗拥有核武器的可能性受到我们大家的关注。为了消除这个威胁,我们共同采取了接触与施压的双轨方式,目的是促使伊朗领导人改弦易辙。我们 “5常+1”的伙伴一致达成的决议草案已在安理会分发,此举向伊朗的领导层发出了一个明确的信息:履行你的义务,否则将日益受孤立,面临更严重的后果。我们在纽约继续进行合作之际,伊朗有责任通过自己的行动表明将承担本身的责任。
Now, beyond these pressing challenges there are other shared security concerns that I look forward to discussing, including the fight against violent extremism in Afghanistan and Pakistan, counter-piracy efforts, and deeper military-to-military cooperation.现在,除了这些紧迫的挑战之外,我还期待着讨论其它有关共同安全的问题,其中包括在阿富汗和巴基斯坦打击暴力极端主义,以及打击海盗的行动和更深入的军方与军方的合作。
Second, on climate and energy, we have built on the memorandum of understanding signed at the last round of the dialogues, collaborating on new, clean energy research, including a center.We have committed ourselves to an electrical vehicle initiative, and a renewable energy partnership, and more.At Copenhagen, for the first time, all major economies, including both the United States and China, made national commitments to curb carbon emissions and transparently report on their mitigation efforts.Now we must work to implement the Copenhagen accord with balanced commitments that are reflected in the ongoing negotiation.其次,在气候和能源方面,我们在第一轮对话期间签署备忘录的基础上继续努力,为研究新的清洁能源进行合作,包括建设一个中心。我们已对电动汽车计划、可再生能源伙伴关系等给予承诺。在哥本哈根,所有主要经济体,包括美国和中国,第一次以国家的名义承诺限制二氧化碳排放并就各国缓解气候变化的努力提供透明的报告。现在我们必须努力实施哥本哈根协定,坚持正在进行的谈判所反映的实现整体平衡的承诺。
And on behalf of Secretary Steven Chu, I extend his regrets.He was unable to be with us, because he had to stay and work very urgently on the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.我代表朱棣文部长表达他的遗憾。他无法与我们一起出席会议,因为他需要留在墨西哥湾,完成有关石油泄漏的紧迫工作。
Third, on education, health, and development, tomorrow I will meet with State Councilor Lio to launch a new dialogue on educational and cultural exchanges that will deepen understanding and cooperation between our people.I am very pleased that Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius has joined us this year to expand cooperation on infectious diseases and other international health challenges.Our ambassador for global women's issues, Melanne Verveer, is also here because we recognize that the roles and rights of women are central to many of the issues we face, including devising a global strategy for development that is both sustainable and effective.第三,教育、卫生与发展问题。明天我将会晤刘国务委员,开始新的关于教育和文化交流的对话,加深两国人民的相互理解和合作。我很高兴卫生与公众服务部部长凯瑟琳·西贝利厄斯今年加入我们的行列,为应对传染病和国际卫生领域其它方面的挑战扩大相互间的合作。我国全球妇女问题大使梅拉妮·弗维尔也在座,因为我们认识到,妇女的作用和权利对于解决我们面临的许多问题都举足轻重,其中包括制定可持续和切实有效的全球发展战略。
The Obama Administration has worked to advance a long-term investment-driven approach to development.And Administrator Raj Shah is leading our efforts.We have elevated development as a core pillar of our foreign policy, and we seek to coordinate with China and other donors to meet country-led needs and to comply with internationally-agreed standards.对于发展问题,奥巴马政府努力促进长期投资驱动的模式。拉吉夫沙赫署长负责主持这方面的工作。我们已经把发展提升为我国外交政策的一个核心支柱,我们正争取与中国和其他捐助方进行协调,以满足国家主导的需求,同时遵循国际公认的标准。
Finally, we have worked together and seen progress on promoting global economic recovery and growth.Secretary Geithner, Secretary Locke, Ambassador Kirk, Chairman Bernanke, and the rest of our economic team will be talking in greater depth about how we can develop a more balanced global economy that will produce prosperity that reaches further and deeper for both the Chinese and American people.最后,我们已为促进全球经济复苏和增长进行了共同努力并且已经看到了进展。盖特纳部长、骆家辉部长、柯克大使、伯南克主席以及我们经济团队的其他成员将就我们如何促进全球经济的平衡进行更深入的讨论,为美中两国人民创造进一步的更大繁荣。
Now, our discussions in these few days are unlikely to solve the shared challenges we face.But they can and should provide a framework for delivering real results to our people.We will not agree on every issue.But we will discuss them openly, as between friends and partners.And that includes America's commitment to universal human rights and dignity, and so much else that is on both Chinese and American minds.当然,我们短短几天进行的讨论不可能解决我们共同面临的挑战,但我们能够而且应该提供一个有利于为两国人民带来实惠的框架。我们不可能在每一问题上达成一致,但我们能够像朋友和伙伴一样坦率地讨论这些问题,其中包括美国对普遍人权和尊严的承诺,以及中方和美方关心的许许多多其它问题。There is a Chinese proverb that speaks of treading different paths that lead to the same destination.Our two nations have unique histories.China is home to an ancient civilization, as I saw in the Chinese Pavilion when I visited, with the scroll that has been made to come alive, showing life in this city 1,000 years ago.America is a young nation.But we know that our future, both our challenges and our opportunities, will be shared.We have traveled different paths, but that shared future is our common destination and responsibility.And, ultimately, that is what this dialogue is about.中国有个成语,殊途同归。我们两国都有着独特的历史。中国是古代文明的发祥地之一。我在上海参观中国馆时看到的图像栩栩如生地展示了一千年以前的城市生活场景。美国是一个年轻的国家,但我们都知道,我们的未来,包括我们的挑战和机遇,都将是共同的。我们行进在不同的道路上,但共有的未来是我们共同的目的地和责任所在,归根结底也是这场对话的目的。
So, again, let me thank State Councilor Dai and Vice-Premier Wang, and I look forward to our discussions in an open and candid exchange of views.Thank you very much.因此,我再次感谢戴国务委员和王副总理。我期待着我们通过公开、坦率的讨论交换意见。非常感谢诸位。
Remarks at Plenary Session of the U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue Hillary Rodham Clinton, Secretary of State
Washington, DC July 27, 2009 希拉里·克林顿国务卿在美中战略与经济对话全体会议上发表的讲话
华盛顿哥伦比亚特区 2009年7月27日
Good morning.And Zhongxing Huanyin.早上好。[用中文说]衷心欢迎。
It is a privilege to open this inaugural meeting of the Strategic and Economic Dialogue between the United States and China.I am especially pleased to join my co-chair, Secretary Geithner, and to welcome State Councilor Dai and Vice Premier Wang.I look forward to resuming the productive discussions I had with Councilor Dai, President Hu, and Premier Wen on my trip to China in February, and to build on President Obama and President Hu’s meeting in London.十分荣幸能在美中两国之间的战略与经济对话首次会议开幕式上致辞。我特别高兴能与盖特纳(Geithner)部长共同主持会议,并欢迎王岐山副总理和戴秉国国务委员。我期待着继续我2月访华期间与戴秉国国务委员、胡锦涛主席和温家宝总理进行的富有成果的讨论,并在奥巴马总统和胡锦涛主席伦敦会晤的基础上取得更多成果。
This is both a culmination, and a beginning.A culmination of actions taken by our predecessors 30 years ago, when the United States and China established formal diplomatic relations.What followed was a blossoming of Chinese economic growth and diplomatic engagement that has allowed our nations to reach this place of opportunity today.这一对话既是一个结果又是一个开端。作为结果,它源于我们的前任们30年前所采取的行动。那时,美中两国建立了正式外交关系,邓小平发起了中国的经济改革并实行对外开放。随之而来的是中国经济的蓬勃发展和使我们两国到达今天机遇之地的外交接触。
This dialogue also marks a beginning – the beginning of an unprecedented effort to lay the foundation for a positive, cooperative, and comprehensive U.S.-Chinese relationship for the 21st century.这一对话也标志着一个开端——一个为建立21世纪积极、合作、全面的美中关系奠定基础而作出前所未有努力的开端。
That so many members of President Obama’s cabinet are here reflects our belief that a stronger relationship will yield rewards, not only for our two nations, but for the world beyond.奥巴马总统内阁的众多阁员今天与会反映了我们的一个信念,即更牢固的美中关系不仅会使我们两国受益,而且会使整个世界受益。
For in the decades ahead, great countries will be defined less by their power to dominate or divide than by their capacity to solve problems.It is this reality – and the fact that no country can solve today’s challenges alone – that demands a new global architecture for progress.因为在未来数十年内,伟大国家的特征将不是其控制和分割他国的力量,而是其解决问题的能力。正是这一现实——以及没有任何国家能单独应对今天面临的挑战这一事实——要求建立一个新的争取进步的全球架构。
Although past relations between the United States and China have been influenced by the idea of a balance of power among great nations, the fresh thinking of the 21st century can move us from a multi-polar world to a multi-partner world.And it is our hope that the dialogue we initiate today will enable us to shape that common agenda.尽管美国和中国以往的关系受到大国间权力平衡的观点的影响,但21世纪全新的思维能使我们从一个多极世界走向一个多伙伴世界。我们希望今天启动的对话将使我们能够确立这个共同议程。
Our nations face common global threats, from the economic crisis, to non-proliferation, climate change and clean energy, pandemic disease and global poverty, North Korea, Iran, and extremism in Afghanistan and Pakistan.我们两国面临着同样的全球性威胁,从经济危机到防扩散,从气候变化到清洁能源,从大规模流行性疾病到全球贫困,从北韩到伊朗,还有阿富汗和巴基斯坦的极端主义势力。
To meet these threats, we must find common ground and work together in common purpose, even as we may disagree on certain issues.为了应对这些威胁,我们必须找到共同之处并向着共同目标一起努力,即使我们可能在某些问题上存在分歧。
As we’ll hear from the President later this morning, the Obama Administration is committed to broader engagement – to using robust diplomacy and development and working with and beyond government to solve regional and global problems.今天上午我们将会听到总统阐明,奥巴马政府致力于更广泛的接触——利用有力的外交和发展手段,同政府及非政府人士合作解决区域性和全球性问题。
When I was in China in February, it was my first time back in almost a decade.And I was struck, as many visitors are, by the transformation that had taken place.Driving on the third ring road in Beijing, I felt like was watching a movie in fast-forward.From a few high rise buildings on my last trip, to a gleaming Olympic complex and corporate skyscrapers today.From millions of Flying Pigeon bicycles navigating the streets, to cars of every model traversing modern thoroughfares.And for those traveling to Shanghai, an already cosmopolitan city soon to add the Shanghai Expo.我今年二月访问中国时,距我前一次访问已有将近十年之久。我像很多来访者一样,被今昔的变化所震撼。驱车行驶在三环路上,我感到仿佛是在观看一部快进的电影。我上次来时高楼大厦屈指可数,如今奥林匹克场馆和摩天商务大厦令人眼花缭乱。过去有千百万辆飞鸽牌自行车在大街小巷穿行,如今有各种型号的汽车在现代化公路上行驶。那些去上海的人还会看到上海世博会将为这个已经发展成型的大都市增添光彩。
All are testaments to China’s dynamism and growth.And we welcome these signs of progress.这些都是中国蓬勃发展的见证。这些进步的气象令我们感到高兴。
We also welcome China’s role in promoting peace and stability in the Asia Pacific.Over the past 30 years, the United States has helped foster security in the region – a critical factor in China’s growth, and an important strategic interest of our own.In the future, we will remain actively engaged in promoting the security of Asia.When misunderstandings or disagreements arise, we will work through them peacefully and through intensive dialogue.我们还欢迎中国为促进亚太地区的和平与稳定所发挥的作用。过去30年来,美国帮助建立该地区的安全,这对中国的增长至关重要,对我们自身的战略利益也意义重大。未来,我们将继续积极参与促进亚洲的安全。出现误解或分歧时,我们将以和平方式并通过积极对话来予以解决。
This Strategic and Economic Dialogue differs from past dialogues in scope, substance, and approach.It is comprehensive by design, meant to enlist the full range of talent within our governments and to include cross-cutting challenges that are neither bureaucratically neat, nor easily compartmentalized.本届战略与经济对话在广度、实质乃至方法上均不同于过去的对话。其形式结构力求全面,以便充分利用两国政府内部的聪明才智,解决那些在行政体制上无法按部门截然划分的问题。
With this dialogue we are laying, brick by brick, the foundation of a stronger relationship – improving lines of communication;increasing understanding;setting priorities;and creating a work plan.通过这一对话,我们正脚踏实地为加强关系而奠定基础,改善交流途径,增强理解,制定重点目标和工作计划。
Our agenda will focus on several areas: 我们的议程将侧重于以下几个方面:
First, the economic recovery.Repairing the global economy is a priority for both the United States and China.We have taken aggressive action at home to stimulate our economy and stabilize our financial institutions.China has taken similarly bold steps and we both agree that further economic and financial cooperation is necessary for global recovery.第一,经济复苏。修复全球经济是美中两国的首要目标。我们已在国内采取果断行动,以刺激经济和稳定金融机构。中国已采取类似的大胆措施,而且我们双方均认为,进一步的经济和金融合作对全球复苏是必要的。
Second, climate change and clean energy.As the world’s two biggest emitters, we must demonstrate to the developed and developing world that clean energy and economic growth can go hand-in-hand.We are already involved in promising partnerships.In Beijing, I toured a geo-thermal plant that is a true U.S.-Chinese collaboration.General Electric has provided high-tech equipment to produce heat and power with half the emissions, and far less water usage than the coal plants that are typically relied on.And Chinese businesses build the steam turbines that help to power the plant.This plant saves costs and provides clean energy – including heat for the U.S.Embassy.第二,气候变化和清洁能源。作为世界上两个最大的排放国,我们必须向发达和发展中国家表明,清洁能源和经济增长能够同步进行。我们已在进行充满希望的合作。在北京期间,我参观了一家地热工厂,这是名副其实的美中合作。通用电气公司提供的高科技设备被用于产热发电,与通常燃煤的火力发电相比,排放减少了一半,用水量也大大下降。中国公司则制造了工厂发电用的燃气轮机。该厂在节省成本的基础上提供了清洁能源,包括为美国大使馆提供热能。
Third, security challenges.I just attended the ASEAN conference in Thailand, where the North Korean regime’s recent provocations were a subject of great concern.China and the United States both appreciate the dangers of escalating tensions and a prospective arms race in East Asia;and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.第三,安全挑战。我刚刚出席了在泰国举行的东盟会议,北韩政权最近的挑衅行动成了大会十分关注的议题。中国和美国均认识到紧张局势升级以及东亚可能发生的军备竞赛所导致的危险以及大规模毁灭性武器扩散的危险。
Already, China and the United States have worked together to contain dangerous actions on the part of North Korea.We are grateful for the Chinese government’s leadership in establishing the Six Party Talks and for its close cooperation in response to North Korean missile launches.中美两国已经在进行合作,以遏制北韩方面的危险行动。我们感谢中国政府为设立六方会谈所发挥的主导作用以及在应对北韩导弹发射问题上所进行的密切合作。
We will also discuss our common concerns about the nuclear weapons capability of Iran, and explore ways to address violent extremism and promote stability in Afghanistan and Pakistan.我们还将讨论我们对伊朗核武器能力的共同关注,并探讨清除暴力极端主义、促进阿富汗和巴基斯坦稳定的方法。
Fourth, development.Under President Obama, development, like diplomacy, is an equally important pillar of American foreign policy.Many of the world’s threats stem from lack of opportunity which, in turn, leads to poverty, social erosion, and political instability.By addressing global scourges such as hunger, illiteracy, disease, and economic marginalization from the bottom up, and by insisting on accountability and adherence to the rule of law, we can widen opportunity and prosperity for more people in more places.第四,发展。在奥巴马总统领导下,发展同外交一样,是美国对外政策的重要支柱。世界上许多威胁的根源来自机会的缺乏,而机会缺乏进而导致贫困、社会解体及政治动荡。通过自下而上地消除饥饿、文盲、疾病以及经济边缘化等全球性灾难,坚持问责制和法治,我们能够为更多地区的更多人带来机会和繁荣。
None of these problems will be easy to solve, and results won’t happen overnight.We will not always see eye-to-eye, as is the case with human rights, where the United States will continue to be guided by the ideal that the rights of all people must be respected.Still, solutions to many of today’s global challenges are within reach if we work cooperatively where our interests intersect, and are honest with each other when they don’t.这些问题无一能轻易解决,也不会一夜之间就产生结果。我们的观点并非全部一致,人权便是一例。美国将继续恪守这样的理念:所有人的权利都必须得到尊重。尽管如此,如果我们在利益一致的领域进行合作,并且在利益不一致时能做到开诚布公,那么我们就能够成功应对当今的许多全球性挑战。
A well-known Chinese saying speaks of a sacred mountain in northern China near Confucius’ home.It says: ―When people are of one mind and heart, they can move Mt.Tai."
We cannot expect to be united at every turn, but we can be of one mind and heart on the need to find common ground as we confront the shared challenges of the 21st century.The Obama Administration has embraced this dialogue with China early and energetically because we want to see it to fruition.This is an issue of great importance to me as Secretary of State, and I know the same is true for my colleagues and for our President.我们无法期待事事处处都保持一致,但就面临21世纪的共同挑战有必要找到共同立足点而言,我们能够齐心协力。奥巴马政府上任伊始就决定大力与中国展开对话,因为我们希望看到它结出硕果。作为国务卿,这对我本人是一个十分重要的问题,并且我知道对我的同事们和奥巴马总统也是如此。
And now, it is my great honor to introduce Vice Premier Wang.现在,我非常荣幸地向大家介绍王副总理。
原 则
美利坚合众国 代表
第五篇:第四轮中美战略经济对话 希拉里讲话
Remarks at U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue Opening
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Secretary of State 美国国务卿
Diaoyutai Villa 17, Beijing, China 中国北京钓鱼台国宾馆第17号楼
May 3, 2012 2012年5月3日
(In progress)– Strategic and Economic Dialogue, and I know that both Secretary Geithner and I greatly appreciate all the work done by both of our delegations and the months of preparation for this meeting.I’ve read readings from President Obama and a letter from him expressing how important the Strategic and Economic Dialogue is to the U.S.-China relationship and how important this relationship is to the United States.(正在讲话)--战略与经济对话,而且我知道盖特纳部长和我对于双方代表的所有工作以及连月来的会议筹备都表示十分感谢。我已读到欧巴马总统的声明以及一封信函,其中表明战略与经济对话对于美中关系的重要性,以及这一关系对于美国的重要性。
As President Obama says, the United States remains committed to building a cooperative partnership based on mutual benefit and mutual respect.Since we launched this dialogue three years ago, high-ranking officials from both our governments have criss-crossed the Pacific dozens of times.Our relationship has grown closer and more consequential, and the web of connections that link our nations is increasing.如同欧巴马总统所言,美国继续致力于建设一种基于互惠与互相尊重的合作关系。自从我们在三年前启动这项对话以来,双方政府的高级官员已在太平洋两岸往返了数十次。我们的关系更加密切也更富成效,联系我们两国的纽带也与日俱增。
As a result, this dialogue is even more necessary today than it was when it began, and the eyes of the world are once again upon us.The Chinese people and the American people looking for us to work together for their benefit, and the international community looking to us to work together for the world’s benefit;in today’s world, no global player can afford to treat geopolitics as a zero-sum game, so we are working to build a relationship that allows both of our countries to flourish without unhealthy competition or conflict, while at the same time meeting our responsibilities to our people and to the international community.因此,这项对话在今天比当年启动时更为必要,世人的目光也再次注视着我们。中国人民和美国人民都希望我们共同为他们谋福利,国际社会也希望我们共同为世界谋福利;在今天的世界中,没有任何全球大国能将地缘政治视为零和游戏,所以我们正在努力建立一种关系,使两国能够繁荣兴盛,而且没有不健康的竞争或冲突,同时满足我们人民和国际社会的需求。
We both know that we have to get this right because so much depends upon it.We also both know that our countries have become thoroughly, inescapably interdependent.As President Obama and I have said many times, the United States believes that a thriving China is good for America, and a thriving America is good for China.So we have a strong interest in China’s continued economic growth and if China’s rising capabilities means that we have an increasingly able and engaged partner in solving the threats we face to both regional and global security, that is all good.我们都知道我们必须做得正确,因为这的确事关重大。我们都知道两国已经完全地、不可避免地互相依赖。正如欧巴马总统和我本人多次谈到的,美国相信兴盛的中国对美国有益,而兴盛的美国同样对中国有益。所以,中国持续的经济增长关系到我们的重大利益,如果中国日益加强的能力意味着我们拥有一个越来越强大并投入的合作伙伴以解决我们双方面临的地区和全球安全威胁,那是非常好的事情。
Now, having said that, we understand too that building a cooperative, resilient, mutually beneficial relationship is not easy.That’s why this dialogue is so critical as well as the Strategic Security Dialogue that took place here yesterday.We are discussing how the talks are opening economic activity to advance prosperity, support innovation, and improve the lives of people, how to promote greater military transparency to avoid misunderstandings, to build trust and maintain mutual stability, how to tackle some of the world’s most urgent crises from climate change to proliferation.在此基础上,我们也理解要建立一种合作、坚韧、互惠的关系并不容易。这就是这一对话以及昨天在此举行的战略安全对话如此重要的原因。我们讨论了对话如何开启经济活动以促进繁荣、支持创新并改善人民生活,如何提倡提高军事透明度以避免误解,建立信任并维护共同稳定,如何应对全世界从气候变化到核扩散的一系列最紧迫的危机。
The United States welcomes China’s increased engagement on the highest priority regional and global issues, and in our strategic track, we will be discussing these.For example, on Iran, the United States and China share the goal of preventing Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon.And we had a productive first meeting as members of the P-5+1 in Istanbul, and are looking forward to the next meeting in Baghdad because we both understand it is critical to keep pressure on Iran to meet its international obligations, to negotiate seriously, and prove that its nuclear program is solely for peaceful purposes.美国欢迎中国日益投入于最重要的地区和全球事务,我们将在战略会谈中对此进行讨论。举例而言,在伊朗问题上,美国和中国都抱有制止伊朗获得核武器的目标。作为5常加1的成员,我们已在伊斯坦布尔召开了富于成效的第一次会议,并期待下一次会议在巴格达召开,因为我们双方都理解,继续对伊朗施压以使它履行其国际义务、严肃地进行谈判、并证明其核项目完全用于和平目的,都是至关重要的。
In Syria, we are absolutely committed to end the brutal violence against civilians, and therefore, it is essential that the international community work together to hold the regime and the others involved in violence accountable, because regrettably, the Security Council on which we both serve as current members is at stake.在叙利亚,我们坚定不移地致力于结束伤害平民的野蛮暴力行为;因此,国际社会协力追究实施暴力行为的叙利亚政权及其他人的责任至关重要;因为令人遗憾的是,我们目前都是其成员的安理会面临信誉危机。
Regarding North Korea, the missile launch seems to suggest that Pyongyang actually used improved relations with the outside world not a goal, but as a threat.And we recognize the role that China is playing and are continuing to work together to make it clear to North Korea that strength and security will come from prioritizing the needs of its people, not from further provocation.至于北韩,它进行的导弹发射似乎暗示,平壤实际上不是把与外部世界关系的改善作为一项目标,而是作为一种威胁。我们了解中国正在发挥的作用,继续协作,向北韩明确表示:北韩的力量与安全将来自优先考虑其人民的需求,而不是来自进一步的挑衅。
In Sudan and South Sudan, China and the United States are working together.In fact, with me today is the U.S.special envoy to Sudan who is in regular contact with the Chinese special representative for Africa.And I’m pleased that China and the United States joined with a unified international community just hours ago to support a strong UN security resolution that provides unambiguous support for the African Union roadmap.在苏丹和南苏丹,中国和美国正在共同努力。事实上,与中国驻非洲特别代表保持经常接触的美国驻苏丹特使今天与我一起出席会议。我感到高兴的是,中国与美国就在几个小时前与团结一致的国际社会一道支持联合国关于安全问题的强有力决议,向非洲联盟的路线图提供明确无疑的支持。
Our countries are addressing everything from cyber security to the changes and reforms going on in Burma to piracy and so much else, because we know that we are working to better the lives of our people and a better future for all humanity.Now of course, as part of our dialogue, the United States raises the importance of human rights and fundamental freedoms because we believe that all governments do have to answer to citizens’ aspirations for dignity and the rule of law, and that no nation can or should deny those rights.我们两国正在应对网络安全、缅甸发生的变化与改革、盗窃知识产权以及许许多多的其他各种问题,因为我们知道我们正在努力改善我们两国人民的生活,使全人类有一个更美好的未来。当然,作为我们对话的部分内容,美国提出人权与基本自由重要性的问题,因为我们认为各国政府都必须回应公民对尊严与法治的愿望,任何国家都不能也不应该拒绝这些权利。
As President Obama said this week, a China that protects the rights of all its citizens will be a stronger and more prosperous nation, and of course, a stronger partner on behalf of our common goals.The conversations we have here in Beijing reflect how much the U.S.-China relationship has grown in the 40 years since President Nixon came to China.Then, we had hardly any ties to speak of;now, we work together.I think it’s fair to say China and the United States cannot solve all the problems of the world, but without our cooperation, it is doubtful any problem can be solved.And so we are working as we go forward with our dialogue, seeking opportunities for engagement, building ties that are not only between governments but family, friends, entrepreneurs, students, scholars, artists, and so much else.正如奥巴马总统在本周内所说,一个保护其所有公民权利的中国将是一个更强大和更繁荣的国家,当然也是一个代表我们共同目标的更强有力的合作伙伴。我们在北京这里举行的对话反映出自从尼克松总统访华后40年来美中关系已经取得的巨大进展。那时,我们几乎没有任何联系可言;现在,我们共同工作。我认为,可以公平地说:中国和美国无法解决世界上的所有问题,但如果没有我们之间的合作,就很难解决任何问题。所以我们正在努力推动我们之间的对话,寻求接触与联系的机会,这种联系将不限于政府之间,而是包括家庭、朋友、企业家、学生、学者、艺术家和其他各类人士。
Tomorrow, I will attend the annual meeting of U.S.-China Consultation on People-to-People Exchanges, and we will discuss the progress we’re making, including for our 100000 Strong Education Initiative that will increase significantly the numbers and diversity of American students studying in China.明天,我将参加美中人文交流高层磋商会议。我们将讨论我们取得的进展,其中包括“十万人留学中国计划”,该计划将大幅度增加在中国留学的美国学生的人数与多样性。So I wish to thank our hosts for their gracious hospitality once again, and pledge that we will continue to work together in a true spirit of partnership and mutual respect for the mutual benefit of our two nations.Thank you very much.(Applause.)