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们吆喝作势,打得他们几乎倒地不起。没有人幸免。生了病的、上了年纪的、幼童、婴儿、怀孕的妇女,都被押去送死”。13岁的她心怀一颗悲悯之心:“我们在这里,远离那些**,真是幸运。我们不必多想这种种苦难,然而还是担心我亲爱但无能为力的那些人的命运。睡在温暖的床上,我感到自己真邪恶,外面某个地方,我一些最亲爱的朋友正不支倒地、或者正被打倒在地。”“要是现在一切都结束了,那该多好!”惊惧、忐忑、烦闷、等待、期盼,除了不能享受阳光下的生活外,安妮和密室中的其他人经过了近两年的幽闭生活后,已经身心俱疲。1944年4月,她在自己的日记中不由得发出一声无奈的呐喊。多亏了父亲的朋友,几位真心帮助他们的好心人,密室中的人们不至于衣食无着。然而,一些偶然的小事件往往使密室中的人们提心吊胆。许多次,他们和他们藏身的密室几乎被人发现——果真如此,等待他们的只有死亡。每到这种时候,人们的惶恐就会达到顶点。“人人只顾忙着和自己的心情搏斗!”小安妮用自己细腻的笔触刻画着这种惶恐。日记是安妮真正的可以倾诉的朋友,她珍爱自己的日记。安妮写道:“我希望在我死后,仍能继续活着。”“在战争中,第一个倒下的是真理。”这是古希腊三大悲剧作家之一的艾斯奇勒斯的名言。对于目睹纳粹疯狂行径的安妮来说,在这场罪恶的战争中,第一个倒下的是人性和正义。1944年5月25日,曾经帮助过他们的凡·贺文先生被捕了。安妮无法抑制自己的仇恨:“这世界真是倒行逆施。最正派的人被丢进集中营、监狱和孤独的囚室里,最卑鄙的人统治着老幼贫富!”1944年6月6日,密室中的人们通过收音机听到了盟军诺曼底登陆的喜讯。就像久旱的秧苗见到雨滴,他们用心在欢呼——剩下的就是等待,等待久违了的黎明曙光!然而,他们终未等来光明。1944年8月4日因遭检举,密室中的人们被德军逮捕,并被送往奥斯威辛集中营。安妮和姐姐随后被转往德国北部的贝尔根-贝尔森集中营。由于卫生条件奇差,爆发斑疹伤寒,夺走数以千计营囚生命,安妮和她的姐姐也未能幸免。密室中的八人除安妮父亲得免大劫外,其余人均惨死于纳粹集中营。1947年,安妮父亲将日记整理出版,迄今为止,《安妮日记》已有50多种文字的版本,销售2000万册以上。因为有她感动世界的日记,即使在二战结束60周年的今天,安妮“仍在继续活着”。篇二:英语必修一unit1 安妮日记2,孩子 们阅读历史书,阅读《安妮日记》的兴趣被大大激发。汉斯介绍说,在二战结束 60 周年之际,他们举办了“安妮·弗兰克的历史 和今天”的巡回展览,这个展览的内容被翻译成 45 种语言。汉斯说,除荷兰外,有 3 个国家有专门的组织正在传播“安妮文化”,它们 是美国、英国和德国。“他们承担了大量的日常工作,这样我们能够集中精力在 一些比较困难的地区进行宣传,如在乌克兰以及南美,去年我们在菲律宾、印度 等国家举办了展览,我们还要到中国去。”汉斯说。篇三:_unit1_friendship安妮日记_教案








not long ago i just read the english version of diary of anne frank.in fact, this is not the first time i read this book.when i first read it in elementary school, and read the chinese version.then still small, still can not read, that means nothing.now it seems there feeling very deeply.from her diary, i can imagine she was helpless, fear, but a more leisurely and calm.this is a great girl.after reading the diary of anne frank, my heart is very heavy.nazi racial discrimination, maiming and killing innocent pretty much the same as annes children.war is always nasty, it makes human experience is a market catastrophe.thank you diary of anne frank and let people see the ugliness of war, to get people to think about and condolences for the unfortunate people.以上这篇安妮的日记英文读后感。就为您介绍到这里,希望它对您有帮助。如果您喜欢这篇文章,请分享给您的好友。


The Diary of Anne Frank

After reading The Diary of Anne Frank, I was deep in thought with a heavy heart.I was shocked not only by the atrocity of Nazis but also by Anne‟s intelligence and the rich resources of her inner life.Anne Frank „s wish –“I want to go on living even after my death.” Luckily, her dream was achieved.Her voice was preserved.A great number of people read the diary, entering her true world with her.In the book, Anne Frank was a Jewish girl.She has could be ordinary girl, living a happy life, but she had to hide herself with her family at a small attic.Anne hided at the little dark attic all day to escape the Nazi's killing.She could not get close to nature, can not make friends like before play.In the shadow of the death, Anne could only keep a diary to get through tough every day.For her, the diary is her best friend, her only friend who can rely on and talk.She wrote in her diary a lot, there are silent on the racial discrimination complaint, more of the outside world, the natural yearning for thinking about life.1,About The Diary of Anne Frank, war and peace are the leading topic we talked about all the time.For most people, we all felt leaden.We can‟t imagine how we live to hide at a small attic.And at long day, they must be pretty quiet and even a little noise was forbidden.In addition, windows were just at there, but they couldn‟t open the curtains to look outside and breathe fresh air.they must observe the orders every day : no taps to be turned on;therefore, no washing, silence, everything to be finished by eight o‟clock and no lavatory.If we were them, we would have gotten crazy.In the book, a detail was impressive.When the families were going to move the new shelter, they did a lot of preparing work.They put on heaps of clothes as if they were going to the North Pole.For example, Anne, she had on two vests, there pairs of pants, a dress, on top of that a skirt, jacket, summer coat, two pairs of stocking, lace-up shoes, woolly cap, scarf ,and still more.She was nearly stifled but no one inquired about that.Everyone was busy at their own business.They had no time to care others.Only from the detail, we could find out the difficult circumvents.Jew at that situation wouldn‟t have dreamed of going out with a suitcase full of clothing.If not, the Jew must want to end up his life or be foolish.In order to take the clothing as much as they could, there was no choice.For keeping living, it was only a little challenge.For continuing to stay at the world, nothing can not be overcome.Only a little hope, they tried to catch it.Except the tough living condition, they were all at the fear that they might be found out and they are forced to afford air attack now and then.Anne in her diary wrote, “We had a short circuit last evening, and on top of that the guns kept banging away all the time.I still haven‟t got over my fear of everything connected with shooting and planes, and I creep into Daddy‟s bed nearly every night for comfort.‟ And the Mrs.Van Daan was nearly crying and said in a very timid little voice.Even as a adult, she still couldn‟t stop expressing her dear.As a matter of fact, everybody were afraid that their only shelter was spotted.At another air attack, Anne said she clasped her “escape bag” close to me, more because she wanted to have something to hold than with an idea of escaping, because there was nowhere we can go.If ever they come to the extremity of fleeing home here, the street would be just as dangerous as an air raid.In general, facing the danger, we always make some treasures to save

ourselves.But for them there was nothing they could do.They can only stayed at the shaking house, praying for God and fortune blessing them.It is a painful process both at physiology and psychology.However, if they had known the tragic ending, they would have done the same thing for surviving.(At the second point, I will put my own views.)

We are all known the Hitler‟s violence, and the heavier was nearly abnormal.Anne said,” I‟ve only got dismal and depressing news for you today.Our many Jewish friends are being taken away by the dozen.These people are treated by the Gestapo without a shred of decency, being loaded into cattle trucks and sent to Westerbork, the big Jewish camp in Drente.Westerbork sounds terrible: only one washing cubicle for a hundred people and not nearly enough lavatories.” We don‟t experience it, so it‟s really beyond our imagination.Like this, we always associate Nanjing massacre in China.So much atrocity happened.It was indelible shadow for sufferers.However, kindness and humanism still exit.In the book, Elli and Miep helped the Anne‟s family.They collected their rations for them and sent information.At the troublous surroundings, most people believe “the less trouble the better“.But some others thought they should try their best to save Jews.Although many Jews were caught, saving a person even one was better.In the book, when Dussel, a new number came to the attic, they were all willing to welcome him.Anne‟s father said” If we can save someone, then everything else is of secondary importance.” We must know the famous movie Schindler‟s List.At first, Schindler was only a merchant who want to profit from the war.But at the ending, he changed his mind and save Jews.He would rather help others r than making money.It‟s original humanity that makes he do it.2.A man without spirit world hardly live.Two families came to the small house.They couldn‟t do anything at day.So doing reading was the best choice for them.In book, Anne said, “Mr.Koophuis brings a few special books for me every other week.I‟m thrilled with the Joop ter Heul series.I‟ve enjoyed the whole of Cissy van Marxveldt very much.And I‟ ve read Een Zomerzotheid four times and I still laugh about some of the ludicrous situations that arise.” She read many books to rich her life.In fact, reading is enjoyful and good for many aspects.If they couldn‟t do reading, they can also pass the time in all sorts of crazy ways: asking riddles, physical training in the dark , talking English and French, criticizing books, peering through a powerful pair of field glasses into the lighted rooms of the house at the back..Something we thought boring in general may be interesting sometimes.What‟s more, the diary, called Kitty, was the best gift for the whole of Anne‟s life.It was given by her father.He wanted Anne to be a thoughtful girl and rich the daily life.Actually the diary was not only a notebook but also a kind of spiritual sustenance.Anne‟s diary is an appropriate monument to her fine spirit and to the spirits of those who have worked and are working still for peace.At the above, I put forward a question:if they had known the tragic ending, they would have done the same thing for surviving.In my opinion, they would still do the same thing.They were a kind of group who wouldn‟t abandon their lives easily.Only the tragic ending didn‟t come, did they believe there was a little hope.3.Anne is a distinctive girl.She had her own mind.Maybe in the views of others,she is a naughty girl.Especially, she has a quiet sister.Comparing with Margot, she was not favorable.At the beginning, her general appearance, her character, her manners were discussed from A to Z.But with the time going by, she were becoming sensible.One must apply one‟s reason to everything, earning to obey, to hold our tongue, to help, to be good, to give in.Life has the great power to change us to adapt it.In addition, Anne started afresh and tried to get to the bottom of it all.As she said, we should examine the whole matter carefully ourselves and find out what is true and what is exaggerated.In our daily life, we often meet arguments with parents.We can stick to the Anne‟s principle.If parents are wrong, we shall try first of all to make them alter their ideas and if we don‟t succeed we shall stick to our own opinions and judgement.Although she lived in a small room, she still had a brightful heart.She believed that it was spiring within her, she felt that spring was awaking, she felt it in her whole body and soul.And in the book, she wrote and thought much of the time about things which very sensitive.For example, she described a lot about the affair with Peter.It‟s normal for a teenager.I think parents should read this book, so they can regard this question correctly.Anne said, “One certainly could not call us rich now, but all my hopes are pinned on after the war.” Now we are in the peaceful world, hope is full of our life.So there is no reason putting off achieving dreams, we should treasure everyone, everything, every moment that we have.


How can we become good learners ?


Ask....for....Asksb to do sthlisten tohave conversation witha littlelittleafewfewatfirstto begin withso thatso....that....Because ofbecausefall in love with

look uplook through look atlook forlook afteras welltake noteshow oftenhow longhow soonhow fartalk to/with sb

Talk about sthdepend onhave......in commonbe interested inPay attention to doingconnect withconnect....to.....Even if =though=althoughthink aboutthink ofbe afraid of

be afraid to dobe afraid thateach other=one anotherfind outinstead ofinsteadworry about


By doing sthWhat/Howabout doing sth ?It’s +adj+(for sb)+ to do sthfinish doing sthpractice doing sthtry to dotry doing sththe+比较级,the+比较级find it +adj+to do sthHelp sb(to)do sth.Help sb with sthwant to do sth

want sb to do sthneed to do sthneedn’tdosthdoen’t need to doneed doing sthkeep doing sthremember to do sthremember doing sthforget to do sthforget doing sth


Unit1 My school 教学反思

本节课是四年级下册第一单元第四课时,是对话课,主要讲Chen Jie向参观者介绍自己学校的事情。要求学生能够听懂并会说句子Is that…? No, it isn’t.并且能够用句子来询问和回答情况Do you have a/an...Yes, we do。学生基本能够用这两个句子进行交流。对于this和that 的区分,有个别学生还易搞混。创编对话是考查学生的合作能力和语言的运用能力,对于学差生的帮助还有待提高。小组合作学习还需强化练习。通过本节课的教学让我意识到,学生是一个个鲜活的个人体,每个人的知识基础都是不一样的。所以,在设计教案时一定要有易有难,让每个学生都能在这一节课中有所收获。让学生的知识学习从易到难,让学优生更能运用所学进行交谈,进行输出。要做到以下几点:




Guide:(1)Welcome to our school.(2)This is my …./ That is my ….(3)This way, please.Visitor:(1)Is this/ that the …?(2)Do you have a/an …?

(3)Where’s the …?(4)How many … are there in …?4.创编对话,进行表演:让学生在小结归纳的基础上,运用这些重点句型进行对话创编,进行表演。




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