
时间:2019-05-14 13:48:15下载本文作者:会员上传


旅游口语从头学 Chapter 1 行前事宜

第一讲:计划旅行Planning a Trip计划旅行

Tom: I am going to visit the Netherlands alone.Jane: Alone? Tom: Yes, I prefer DIY traveling to package tours.Jane: What are you planning to do during your stay there? Tom: Just tour around the city by bicycle.Jane: That sounds cool.How much is your budget? Tom: I'm not going to spend too much money on accommodation.Jane: Then maybe you could stay at a hostel like many backpackers do.Tom: What a good idea!汤姆:我打算独自去荷兰游玩。简:独自一人?

汤姆:是的,比起组团游我更喜欢自助旅行。简:你打算在那里做什么? 汤姆:骑车游览那座城市。

简:这听起来很酷。你的预算是多少? 汤姆:我不打算在住宿方面花太多钱。

简: 那么也许你可以像那些背包客一样,住在青年旅社。汤姆:好主意!

第二讲:咨询旅游信息 Asking about Travel Information Sam: Hey, Nick I'm going to visit Thailand.You have been there before,right? Nick: Yes, do you want some suggestions? Sam: Yes.Nick: It's better to go to the seaside but try to avoid the peak season.Sam: I see.I don't want to be one of the dumplings boiling in the sea.Nick: That's what I said.Don't forget to have your room booked in advance.Sam: Of course.Nick: Be careful of the girls you meet at the pub.Sam: Why? Is it because they are gorgeous and dangerous? Nick: There is a chance that the girl you are kissing might be a guy.山姆:嘿,尼克。我打算去泰国游玩。你之前去过那里,对吧? 尼克:是啊,你想听一些建议吗? 山姆:好啊。






第三讲:申请签证Applying for a Visa

Visa Officer: Why are you going to the U.S.? Lucy: I'm taking a trip to Los Angeles.Visa Officer: Do you have relatives in the U.S.? If yes, who? Lucy: Yes.My uncle lives in Los Angeles.Visa Officer: What does your uncle do for a living? Lucy: He works for Starbucks.Visa Officer: OK.We'll let you know once your visa is granted.Lucy: Thanks.签证官:您为什么要去美国? 露西:我要去洛杉矶旅游。

签证官:您在美国有亲戚吗?如果有,是谁? 露西:有。我叔叔住在洛杉矶。签证官:您的叔叔做什么工作为生? 露西:他在星巴克工作。


第四讲:旅行物品Articles Jane: Hey, Amy, I'm going to Thailand.What should I take? Amy: Sun block and your own toiletries are needed.Jane: I prefer to buy them at a local store.Amy: Then take some medicine in case of an emergency.Jane: What's the weather like in Thailand in summer? Amy: It is hot and rains a lot.An umbrella is a must when you are outdoors.Jane: There are so many items to take.How can I remember all of them? Amy: You'd better make a checklist.简:嘿,艾米,我要去泰国旅行。我应该带些什么呢? 艾米:防晒霜和你自己的洗漱用品都是必备的。简:我宁愿在当地的商店购买这些东西。艾米:那就带点药品以防发生紧急情况。简:泰国夏天天气如何?

艾米:炎热多雨。你在户外时,雨伞是必备物品。简:要带的东西好多啊。我怎么可能全部记得住? 艾米:你最好列个检查清单。

第五讲:订酒店 Hotel Reservation

Staff: Hello, this is Mercury Hotel.May I help you? Tom: I'd like to book a double room.Staff: Which dates would you like to reserve? Tom: I am thinking about arriving on June 21.Staff: How many nights do you wish to stay? Tom: Two nights.Staff: OK, that's a double room for two nights.Tom: Yes, that's right.职员:您好,水星饭店。我可以为您效劳吗? 汤姆:我想预订一间双人房。职员:您想预约哪一天的双人房? 汤姆:我打算在6 月21 号到达。职员:您打算住几晚? 汤姆:两晚。


第六讲:兑换外币 Currency Exchange Teller: Hello, sir.How may I help you? James: I'd like to change Chinese Yuan into Euros.Teller: We can do that here.How much do you want to change? James: Only CNY¥ 10,000 for now.My bank card will work in Germany, right? Teller: It should.If you change CNY¥ 10,000, you will get EUR€ 1,375.Please hand me the money so I can put it in the money counting machine.James: Here you go.Do I need to sign anything? Teller: Yes, here is your receipt.James: Thank you very much.出纳员:先生,您好。有什么我可以为您效劳的吗? 詹姆斯:我想把人民币兑换成欧元。


詹姆斯:现在只换 10,000 元人民币。我的银行卡在德国也能用吧?

出纳员: 应该是可以的。如果您兑换 10,000 元人民币,将会换到 1375 欧元。请把钱递给我,好让我可以把钱放入点钞机。

詹姆斯:我这就给你。有什么需要我签字的吗? 出纳员:有,这是您的收据。詹姆斯:非常感谢。

第七讲:乘出租车 Taking a Taxi

Jane: Taxi!Driver: Where are you going? Jane: Take me to Hyde Park, please.Driver: Would you mind if I turned off the air conditioning? Jane: No, please turn it off and open the window.Driver: Are you in a hurry? Jane: Yes.How long will it take to get there? I have to meet somebody there in 10 minutes.Driver: You can never tell.At this time of day, we would probably get stuck in a traffic jam.Jane: That's terrible.Driver: I can drive you to the nearest subway station.You can take Line 4 to the park.Jane: Thanks.简:出租车!

司机:您要去哪里? 简:请载我到海德公园。司机:您介意我关掉空调吗?


简:是的。到那里要花多长时间? 10 分钟后我得在那儿和某人碰面。司机:这可说不准。每天到这个时候我们都有可能遇上堵车。简:那太糟了。司机:我可以把您载到最近的地铁站。您可以搭 4 号线到该公园。简:谢谢。

第八讲:问路Asking for Directions

Lucy: Excuse me, sir, but can you show me the way to the Central Park? Tony: Oh, of course.Do you want to walk or take the subway? Lucy: What about taking the subway? Tony: It takes about ten minutes by subway.Lucy: Can you tell me where the subway station is? Tony: Please look at your right side.There is an avenue leading to a shopping mall.You enter it and then follow the directions sign.Lucy: Which Line should I take? Tony: Take Line 4 and get off at Central Park station.Lucy: Thank you so much!Tony: You're welcome!Bye!露西:先生,不好意思,您可以告诉我去中央公园的路吗? 托尼:哦,当然。您想走路去还是坐地铁去? 露西:坐地铁要多久?

托尼:坐地铁大约要 10 分钟。

露西: 您可以告诉我地铁站在哪里吗?

托尼: 请看您的右边。那儿有一条通往购物中心的大道。您进入购物中心后再跟着方向指示走。露西:我该搭乘哪一号线?

托尼: 乘坐4 号线,在中央公园站下。露西:非常感谢!托尼:不客气。再见。

Chapter 2 乘飞机出行

第九讲:机票预订Flight Ticket Reservation

Jane: Hi, I'd like to reserve a flight ticket to Tokyo.staff: When would you like to fly out? Jane: At the end of the month, if possible.staff: Which airline would you like to fly on? Jane: It doesn't matter.I'd like to choose the cheapest flight.staff: All right.I'll have to check the system, and I'll get back to you this afternoon.Jane: Thanks for your help.staff: No problem.I'm just doing my job.简:你好,我想订一张去东京的机票。职员:您想何时出发呢? 简:可以的话,就这个月底。职员:您想搭乘哪家航空公司?




第十讲:航班延误Flight Delay

Airline Employee: I'm sorry, sir.Your flight has been delayed until tomorrow.James: What? Airline Employee: There has been a mechanical malfunction with the landing gear.James: Can't we just get on the next flight? Airline Employee: I'm afraid not.This evening's flights are all booked.James: Well.Whatever.地勤人员:先生,抱歉。您的航班被延迟到明天了。詹姆斯:什么?



第十一讲:登机和托运 Boarding and Check-in

Staff: May I have your passport and ticket, please? Jane: Here you are.May I have an aisle seat, please? Staff: One moment.OK.Here's your ticket and boarding pass.Please put your luggage on this scale.Jane: No problem.Staff: Your luggage is two kilos overweight.Jane: How much should I pay for the extra weight? Staff: For excess luggage we charge 1.5% of the ticket fare per kilo.So, your total is 14 dollars.Jane: OK.Here you are.And what time does boarding start? Staff: It's printed on the boarding pass.Jane: Thank you.职员:麻烦请让我看一下您的护照和机票好吗? 简:这就是。我可以坐在靠走道的座位吗?




职员: 超重部分的行李,每超出一公斤我们收取机票费用的1.5%。所以,您总共要支付14 美元。简:好的。这就是。什么时候开始登机呢? 职员:登机时间印在登机牌上。简:谢谢。

第十二讲:赶不上飞机Missing the Flight

Tony: Excuse me, I've missed my flight.What can I do? Ground staff: Take it easy, sir.Is your flight ticket covered by travel insurance for missing it? Tony: No.Ground staff: We are sorry to inform you that we can't return the ticketfare.Tony: Can I change to the next flight? Ground staff: No, there are no open seats on it.What about the flight departing at 4 PM today? Tony: OK, I will take that.Ground staff: You will have to pay a rebooking fee.Tony: Well, this is not my day!托尼:不好意思,我没赶上航班。我该怎么办?

地勤人员:先生,别紧张。您的机票有投保误机的旅游保险吗? 托尼:没有。


地勤人员: 不行,下一趟航班上已经没有空位了。您觉得今天下午四点起飞的航班如何? 托尼:好的,我就订那个航班吧。


第十三讲:找座位Finding One's Seat

Tom: Excuse me, I can't find my seat.Can you help me, please? Flight Attendant: With pleasure.May I see your boarding pass? Tom: Yes, here you are.Flight Attendant: It's a window seat in the third row.Please come this way.Tom: Thank you.Flight Attendant: Excuse me, Sir.I'm afraid you are sitting in the wrong seat.Bob: Oh really? Isn't it 32F? Flight Attendant: It's 32G.Bob: Sorry.Tom: Never mind.汤姆: 不好意思,我找不到我的座位。可以请你帮个忙吗? 空乘:当然可以。我可以看一下您的登机牌吗? 汤姆:好的,这就是。


空乘:不好意思,先生。恐怕您坐错了座位。鲍勃:哦,是吗?这个位子不是32F 吗? 空乘:这是32G。鲍勃:抱歉。汤姆:没关系。

第十四讲:免税店购物Shopping at a Duty-free Store

Clerk: May I help you, sir? Tom: Yes, I'd like to take a closer look at that pen.Clerk: Certainly.It really is a good buy.Here.There's only one left.Tom: Can I get it duty-free? Clerk: Sure, but you must show me your passport.Tom: Oh, it's not the latest model, is it? Clerk: No, I'm afraid it isn't.That's why it's such a bargain.No other store could beat this price.店员:我可以帮你什么忙吗,先生? 汤姆:可以,我想仔细看看那支笔。



店员: 不,恐怕不是。那也是它卖得如此便宜的原因。没有哪一家商店给的价能比这个价格更便宜了。

第十五讲:安检Security Check Customs Officer: Please place your bags in the basket.Jane: Can I take my drinks through security? Customs Officer: You can take no more than 100 ml of liquid.Jane: What about a lighter? Customs Officer: Flammable items are not allowed to be taken onto the aircraft.Jane: May I have a female officer do the body check? Customs Officer: Yes, you may.Please remove your shoes and raise your arms.Jane: OK.Customs Officer: Now, lower your arms and step through the metal detector, please.海关人员:请将您的包放入篮子中。简:我可以带我的饮料过安检吗?

海关人员:您可以携带少于100 毫升的液态物品。简:打火机呢?




第十六讲:海关通关Going through Customs

Officer: Good Morning.Your passport and visa, please? Jane: Here you go.Officer: What's the purpose of your visit? Jane: I'm here on vacation.Officer: How much money do you have with you? Jane: About $800.Officer: Do you have anything to declare? Jane: No, I don't.Officer: Would you mind opening your bag for me? Jane: Not at all.Officer: That will be all, thank you.Enjoy your stay.Jane: Thanks.官员:早上好。请出示您的护照和签证。简:这就是。

官员:您这趟旅行的目的是什么? 简:我是来这里度假的。官员:您身上带了多少钱? 简:大约800 美元。

官员:您有什么物品要申报吗? 简:没有。

官员:您介意把袋子打开给我看吗? 简:一点也不介意。

官员:那就这样了。谢谢。祝您玩得愉快。简:谢谢。第十七讲:机舱服务Plane Service

Flight attendant : What can I do for you? Jane: Can you bring me a blanket? Flight attendant : Sure, here you are.Jane: May I have something to drink? Flight attendant : Of course.We have tea, coffee and juice.Jane: Coffee, please.And what is the landing time? Flight attendant : This flight is scheduled to land at 5:00 PM.Jane: Thank you.Flight attendant : My pleasure.空服员:我可以为您做些什么呢? 简:你可否给我拿条毯子来? 空服员:可以,这就给您。简:我可以喝点什么吗?

空服员:当然。我们有茶水、咖啡和果汁。简:请给我咖啡。请问着陆时间是什么时候? 空服员:这趟航班预计在下午五点着陆。简:谢谢。


Chapter 3 住宿 第十八讲:酒店入住

Receptionist: Welcome to the Freemont Hotel.Guest: Thank you.I'd like to check in, please.Receptionist: Yes, sir.What name is the reservation under, please? Guest: The reservation is under the name of Jenkins.Receptionist: Mr.Jenkins, yes, I have the record right here.OK.Can you fill out this form? And may I see your passport? Guest: Sure.Here you are.Receptionist: Thank you.Here is your keycard.Your room number is 2125 on the 21st floor.前台:欢迎光临福莱蒙特酒店。

顾客:谢谢。我想办理入住手续,麻烦你。前台:好的,先生。请问您用什么名字订的房? 顾客:用詹金斯的名字订的房。

前台: 詹金斯先生,谢谢。我这儿有您的预订记录。好的。可否请您填 写这张表格? 顾客:可以。给你。

前台:谢谢您。这是您的房卡。您的房间在21 楼,房号是2125。

第十九讲:订房失败Reservation Failure

Staff: Sir, I'm afraid there's no reservation made under your name.Guest: How could that be? Do you have any vacancies now? Staff: We can put you on the waiting list.There's a single room checking out in half an hour.Guest: But I would like to stay in a double room.Staff: I'm afraid you'll have to wait until 6:00 PM.Shall I find you another hotel? Guest: Yes, please.Staff: With pleasure, sir.前台:先生,恐怕我们这儿没有以您的名字订房的记录。顾客:那怎么可能呢?你们现在有任何空房吗?


前台:恐怕您得等到晚上六点以后了。要不要我另外给您找一家酒店? 顾客:好的,麻烦你了。


第二十讲:客房服务 Room Service

Jack: Hello.This is Jack Bradshaw in room 404.I'd like to order a hamburger and a Coke from room service.Clerk: Yes, Mr.Bradshaw.Would you care for anything else from room service? Jack: No, thanks.I also want to ask about your laundry service.Clerk: There's a laundry bag in your closet.Please put your dirty clothes in the bag for pick-up by 10:30 AM.Jack: OK.Do you have a hairdressing salon? Clerk: Yes.We have one on the third floor.Jack: Do I need to make an appointment? Clerk: Yes, it's advisable to do so.杰克: 你好。我是404 号房的杰克·布拉德肖。我想向客房服务部点一份汉堡和一份可乐。客服:好的,布拉德肖先生。您还想从客房服务部点些别的什么吗? 杰克:不了,谢谢。我还想要咨询洗衣相关服务。

客服: 没问题。在您的衣柜里有一个洗衣袋。请把您要换洗的衣服放置袋内,隔天早上10 点半之前会有人来收取。

杰克:好的,贵饭店有美发沙龙吗? 客服:有的。在三楼有一家。杰克:我需要预约吗?


第二十一讲:问题与投诉 Problems and Complaints

Guest: Hi.I have a problem in my room.Clerk: What seems to be the problem? Guest: The room has quite a few cockroaches!Clerk: Really? I'm sorry.I will look into the matter at once.Would you like to transfer to a different room? Guest: Yes, most definitely.Is it possible for me to get a free room upgrade for the inconvenience? Clerk: Please allow me to report this to my manager.I'll discuss it with him and will get back to you very shortly.Guest: Thank you.客人:你好,我的房间出了个问题。前台:出了什么问题呢? 客人:房间里有好多蟑螂。

前台: 真的吗?我很抱歉。我会立刻调查此事。您愿意换到另一间房间吗? 客人:是的,当然愿意。因为这些不便,我的客房能否免费升级? 前台:请让我将此问题向经理汇报。我会和他商讨并尽快答复您。客人:谢谢。

第二十二讲:寄宿家庭At Homestay

Nancy: Hi, I'm Nancy.Nice to meet you.Sam: Hi, I'm Sam, Nice to meet you.Welcome to my place.Nancy: I have a small gift for you.Sam: Wow, it's really amazing.Would you like something to drink? Nancy: No, thanks.Sam: Let me show you around the house.Here's the kitchen.Please note that scraps should be dropped into the sink.Nancy: OK.So where's the bathroom? Sam: Your bedroom has one.Help yourself to the shampoo and body wash.Nancy: That's so nice.Sam: Your bedroom is on the second floor.Come this way, please.Nancy: Thank you.南希:你好,我是南希。很高兴认识你。


山姆: 哇,真棒。你想喝点什么吗? 南希:不用了,谢谢。

山姆: 让我带你看看这个房子。


山姆: 你的卧房里有一间。洗发乳和沐浴乳可以随意使用。南希:那太棒了。

山姆: 你的卧室在二楼。请往这边走。南希:谢谢。

第二十三讲:在寄宿家庭应有的礼仪Manners at Homestay

Nancy: Hi, Sam.Sam: Hi, Nancy.There are a few things I want you to know.Nancy: OK.I'm listening.Sam: First, please come back before 10:30 PM and shut the door quietly.Nancy: OK, I can do that.Sam: Good.We do the laundry on Wednesdays.You may place your clothes in the basket right outside your door.Nancy: No problem.Can I use your kitchen? Sam: We prefer you not to cook but making tea and toasting bread are OK.Nancy: So where's the public area? Sam: The public area includes the balcony and living room.That's all.Please make yourself at home.南希:你好,山姆。






第二十四讲:在寄宿家庭会发生的问题Problems at Homestay

Jane: Mrs.Brown, please come over here.Mrs.Brown: What's happening? Jane: The air conditioning isn't working.Mrs.Brown: OK, let me take care of it.Do you have any other problems? Jane: The water isn't hot enough and I don't know how to adjust it.Mrs.Brown: Let me see.Jane: And I have run out of the shampoo.Can you provide some more? Mrs.Brown: Yes, but I'm afraid you have to pay for it.Jane: That's OK.简:布朗太太,请过来一下。布朗太太:发生了什么事? 简:空调发生故障了。

布朗太太:好的,让我来处理这个问题。你还有其他问题吗? 简:水不够热,我不知道怎么调整水温。布朗太太:让我看看。

简:还有,洗发乳用完了。您可以再提供一些吗? 布朗太太:好的,恐怕你得付钱购买哦。简:那没问题。


第二十五讲:租车Car Rental John: Hello, I'd like to rent a car.Clerk: Hi, what size are you looking for? John: What size do you have? Clerk: We have compact, medium, and full-size.John: A compact will be fine.What is the daily rate? Clerk: For the compact, the rent is $30 per day for periods less than a week.John: I'm going to rent it for two weeks.Clerk: In this case, you'll need to pay $25 per day.John: Fair enough.I'll take it.Clerk: Good choice.May I see your international driver's license and credit card, please? John: OK.Here you are.约翰:你好,我想要租一辆车。

服务人员:您好,请问您想租什么规格的车呢? 约翰:你们有什么规格的车?


服务人员: 如果是小型车,租期又少于一星期的话,日租金是 30 美元。约翰:我要租两周。

服务人员: 这样的话,您的日租金是25 美元。约翰: 蛮公道的价钱。那么我要租这辆。

服务人员: 选得好。我可以看看您的国际驾照和信用卡吗? 约翰:好的,这就是。

第二十六讲:加油Refueling a Car

Clerk: May I help you? John: Yes.Fill it up, please.Clerk: Premium or regular? John: Regular, twenty dollars' worth, please.Clerk: OK, the tank is full now.Shall I check the tires? John: No, thanks.I'm in a hurry.Clerk: Have a nice day, sir.John: Have a nice day.店员:可以为您效劳吗? 约翰:好的。请把油箱加满。店员:精品汽油还是普通汽油?

约翰:普通汽油,请加20 美元的量。

店员:好的,油缸现在满了。需要我检查一下轮胎吗? 约翰:不必了,谢谢。我在赶时间。店员:祝您有愉快的一天,先生。约翰:也祝你有愉快的一天。

第二十六讲:加油Refueling a Car

Clerk: May I help you? John: Yes.Fill it up, please.Clerk: Premium or regular? John: Regular, twenty dollars' worth, please.Clerk: OK, the tank is full now.Shall I check the tires? John: No, thanks.I'm in a hurry.Clerk: Have a nice day, sir.John: Have a nice day.店员:可以为您效劳吗? 约翰:好的。请把油箱加满。店员:精品汽油还是普通汽油?

约翰:普通汽油,请加20 美元的量。

店员:好的,油缸现在满了。需要我检查一下轮胎吗? 约翰:不必了,谢谢。我在赶时间。店员:祝您有愉快的一天,先生。约翰:也祝你有愉快的一天。

第二十七讲:停车 Parking

Sam: No, you can't park your car here.Nick: Oh, really? Sam: Didn't you see the traffic signs? You will get a parking ticket if you park your car here.Nick: I find them confusing.Could you tell me where to park my car? Sam: See that sign over there.You can park your car there but keep in mind the time limit for parking.Nick: But I am not sure whether the parking meter accepts credit cards.Sam: Don't worry.I have some coins in my wallet.山姆:不,你不能把车停在这儿。尼克:哦,真的吗?

山姆:你没看到那些交通标志吗?你若把车停在这儿,会被开罚单的。尼克:我觉得那些交通标志令人很困惑。你可否告诉我能把车停在哪儿? 山姆:看那边的标志。你可以把车子停在那里,但是要记住停车的时限。尼克:但是我不知道那个停车计时器能不能刷信用卡。山姆:别担心。我口袋里有些硬币。

第二十八讲:上错车Getting on the Wrong Bus

Mary: Excuse me, but where should I get off for the Empire State Building? Jane: I'm afraid you got on the wrong bus.Mary: Really? I thought this bus was going there.Jane: No, it isn't.I'd advise you to get off at the next stop and transfer to Q32.Just listen for the stop on the intercom.Mary: Good, thank you.Jane: You're welcome.玛丽:不好意思,请问我要去帝国大厦,应该在哪里下车? 简:我想你恐怕搭错了公交车。


简: 不,这不是。我建议你在下一站下车并转乘Q32 路公交车。注意听到站广播。玛丽:好的,谢谢。简:不客气。

第二十九讲:购买火车票Buying a Train Ticket

Taylor: Hi, one ticket to Istanbul, please.Clerk: When are you going to depart? Taylor: I am thinking about tomorrow.Clerk: There are two express trains heading for Istanbul: one departs at 8:30 AM and the other at 5:00 PM.Taylor: I'll take the former one.Clerk: Unfortunately, all the seats on this train have been booked up.Would you care for the one at 5:00 PM? Taylor: How long does it take to get to Istanbul? Clerk: About four hours.Taylor: OK.I think I will take it.泰勒:嗨,请给我一张去伊斯坦布尔的票。售票员:您打算什么时候出发? 泰勒:我打算明天出发。

售票员: 开往伊斯坦布尔的特快列车共有两班,一班在早上八点半出发,另一班在下午五点。泰勒:我要搭前面那一班。

售票员: 不巧的是,这班车上的所有座位都被订满了。您想要下午五点的那一班吗? 泰勒:到伊斯坦布尔要多久呢? 售票员:大约四小时。


第三十讲:在地铁换乘站At a Transfer Station

Rooney: Hi, excuse me, could you tell me how I can get to Hyde Park? Emma: There's a map of London Underground.You can find it on your own.Rooney: Could you please point it out? Emma: OK.Look, that's where you are: Warren Street Station.Rooney: Which Line should I take? Emma: Take the Victoria Line, the blue one and transfer at Green Park Station.Rooney: Wow, it's an interchange station of a few lines.Emma: Yes, take the Picadilly Line and get off at Hyde Park Corner.Listen to the train broadcast.Rooney: Thanks a lot.鲁尼:嗨,不好意思,您可以告诉我怎么去海德公园吗? 艾玛:这里有一张伦敦地铁的地图。你可以自己找找看。鲁尼:可以请您指出来给我看吗?





第三十一讲:预订餐厅 Booking a Restaurant!

Receptionist:Good evening.This is the Castle Restaurant.How may I help you? Brown:Hi, I'd like to make a dinner reservation for Friday night.Receptionist:Yes, sir.How many people are in your party? And for which time would you like to make a reservation? Brown:There will be six people — four adults and two children.Receptionist:Would 7:30 PM be suitable for you? Brown:Yes, I guess that's OK.Receptionist:And which name should I put the reservation under? Brown:It's Mr.Brown Receptionist:OK, that's Mr.Brown, a party of six for Friday at 7:30 PM.We look forward to seeing you.接待员:晚上好。这里是城堡餐厅。有什么可以为您效劳的吗? 布朗 :你好,我想预订星期五晚上的晚餐。

接待员:好的,先生。请问您们共有几位呢?您又打算预订在几点呢? 布朗:一共有6人,4个大人和2个小孩。接待员:晚上七点半合适吗? 布朗:好的,我想那应该可以。

接待员:那么我应该以谁的名义预订呢? 布朗:布朗先生。

接待员:好的,那就是布朗先生一行 6人,周五晚间七点半。我们期待您的光临。世界那么大,没有一口流利的英语你怎么走得完呢?

第三十二讲:更改订位 Changing Reservation!

Waiter:Good afternoon, the Castle Restaurant.How can I help you? Brown:Hello.I'm sorry, but I need to change my reservation for tomorrow.Waiter:OK.What change would you like to make? Brown:Well, originally, there were six people in our party.I want to make the reservation for four instead.Waiter:And may I have the name the reservation is under? Brown:Sure.It's Brown.Waiter:OK, I have made the change to your reservation.Thank you for informing us of the change, Mr.Brown.Brown:You are welcome!See you tomorrow.服务员:下午好,这里是城堡餐厅。有什么能为您效劳的吗? 布朗:你好,我很抱歉,但我需要更改我明天的预约。服务员:好的。您想要怎么改? 布朗:这个嘛,起初我们一共有 6 位。现在我想改成 4 位。服务员:可以麻烦您告诉我预订人的姓名吗? 布朗:当然。我叫布朗。


第三十三讲:餐厅等位 Waiting for a Table!

Waiter:Good evening.Welcome to the Hungry Bird.Customer:Good evening.A table for two, please.Waiter:Do you have a reservation? Customer:No, we don't.Is it possible for you to fit us in? Waiter:I'm sorry, we are overbooked tonight.Allow me to take you to the reception area.Customer:Fine.(Five minutes have passed)Customer:Excuse me, sir, are we next in line to be seated? Waiter:I'm sorry.There are four people ahead of you.I have to seat them first.I'll let you know as soon as a table is empty.Customer:Alright.服务员:晚上好。欢迎来到饥饿鸟餐厅。顾客:晚上好。请给我们一张两人座的桌子。服务员:您有订位吗?


服务员:很抱歉。今晚我们的桌位都被订光了。请让我带您们到接待区。顾客:好的。(5 分钟后)



第三十四讲:推荐菜肴 Recommending Dishes!

Waiter:Hello, may I take your order now? Customer:I'm not sure what to order.What's this restaurant's specialty? Waiter:The seafood pizza is very good.I heartily recommend it.Customer:Seafood pizza? What's that like? Waiter:It consists of shrimps, crabs, and some vegetables.Customer:Sounds delicious!I'll order that.Waiter:Great.Would you like to order anything else? Many people enjoy the wonton soup.Customer:OK, I'll get wonton soup as well.服务员:您好,请问准备好点餐了吗?

顾客:我不确定要点些什么。贵餐厅的特色菜是什么? 服务员:海鲜披萨相当棒。我衷心向您推荐这道菜。顾客:海鲜披萨?那是什么?



第三十五讲:餐厅用餐 Eating at a Restaurant!

Waiter:Good evening, sir.Are you ready to order? Customer:Almost.What do the barbecued ribs come with? Waiter:The dish comes with two types of vegetables.Customer:OK, I'll give it a try.Waiter:Would you like to order any side dishes? Customer:Sure.I'd like a green salad as well.Waiter:What type of salad dressing would you like? We have Ranch and Thousand Island.Customer:Ranch, please.服务员:晚上好,先生。您准备好要点餐了吗? 顾客:差不多了。请问烤肋排会搭配些什么东西呢? 服务员:烤肋排会搭配两种蔬菜。顾客:好,那我就试试看这道。

服务员:您还想要点什么作为配菜吗? 顾客:当然,我还想要一份蔬菜沙拉。


第三十六讲:用餐中 During a Meal!

Waiter:How is your meal? Customer:Just fine, thanks.When you get a chance, can I get another soda?Refills are on the house, right? Waiter:Yes, they are.Is there anything else? Customer:When you return, can you also bring a few extra napkins? There is some coffee spilt on the table.Waiter:All right.Customer:Just a minute.Can you re-heat my sandwich? Waiter:I'm happy to help.Customer:Thanks.服务员:请问您的餐点还行吗?

顾客:还不错,谢谢。你有空的时候,可以再给我一杯汽水吗?可以免费续杯,对吧? 服务员:是的,续杯是免费的。还需要其他东西吗?


顾客:稍等一下。你可以把我的三明治重新加热好吗? 服务员:我很乐意效劳。顾客:谢谢。

第三十七讲:抱怨食物 Food Complaints!

Customer:Excuse me.Waitress:Is there anything I can help with? Customer:I found a hair in my food.Waitress:My apologies.I'll have the chef prepare another one.Customer:And the chicken is not how I wanted it.Waitress:Could you be more specific? Customer:It's overdone.Waitress:I'm terribly sorry.Allow me to replace it.Customer:Thank you.That would be appreciated.顾客:不好意思。

服务员:有什么可以为您效劳的吗? 顾客:我在菜里发现了一根头发。

服务员:抱歉。我会请厨师再为您重做一份。顾客:还有这道鸡肉料理也和我预想的不同。服务员:您可以具体说明一下吗? 顾客:它煮得太老了。


第三十八讲:结账 Paying the Check!

Waiter:Can I bring you anything else? Customer:No, thanks.Just the bill.Waiter: Would you like separate checks, or shall I put everything on one bill? Customer:One bill is sufficient.We don't need to split it.Waiter: OK, the total comes to $44.Here's the bill.Customer: The bill doesn't seem right.We ordered a chicken and two salads which only cost $40.Waiter: There is a 10% service charge included in the bill.Customer:Oh, OK.Here you go.Thanks for your service.服务员 : 可以让我再替您拿些什么来吗? 顾客 : 不用了,谢谢。只要给我账单就行了。

服务员 : 您想要分开付的账单,还是要我将餐点全都列在同一张账单上? 顾客 : 一张账单就够了。我们不需要分摊账单。服务员 : 好的,总额是 44 美元。账单在这儿。

顾客 : 这账单似乎不对呀。我们点了一份鸡肉和两份沙拉,应该只要 40美元而已。服务员 :账单还包含了 10% 的服务费。顾客 : 哦,好的。给你。谢谢你的服务。


第四十讲:观光咨询Sightseeing Consultation!

Travel consultant:Good morning.What can I do for you? Mike:I want to get some information on sightseeing.Travel consultant:Here you are.There are lots of tourist attractions in this brochure.Mike:Can I take two more for my friends? Travel consultant:Certainly.Take as many as you like.They are all free.Mike:Really? Thanks very much!By the way, we are not familiar with the USA, so could you recommend some scenic spots? Travel consultant:Personally, I'd recommend you to visit the White House, the Statue of Liberty and the Academy of Sciences Museum.Oh, you can also visit the Disneyland and you'll have great fun there.Mike:Wow, that sounds good.Thank you for your recommendations.旅游顾问:早上好!有什么可以为您效劳的吗? 麦克:我想要一些观光资料。






第四十一讲:买票 Buying Tickets!

Clerk:Welcome to King's Point Amusement Park.Larry:I'd like to get two adult tickets and one child ticket.Clerk:How old is the child? Larry:13.Clerk:I'm afraid you'll have to pay for a full-price ticket.Only children 12 and under can get tickets at the reduced rate.Larry:Sorry about that.I guess I'll take three adult tickets.Clerk:OK, your total comes to $150.Larry:Here you go.Clerk:Thank you and enjoy your day at King's Point Amusement Park.售票员:欢迎来到欢乐王国游乐园。拉里:我要买两张成人票和一张儿童票。售票员:请问小朋友几岁了? 拉里:13 岁。

售票员:恐怕您得买全票了。只有 12 岁及 12 岁以下的小朋友才可以买优惠票。拉里:抱歉,我想我要买 3 张成人票了。售票员:好的,一共是 150 美元。拉里:钱给你。


第四十二讲:插队Cutting in Line

Larry: I hope this line moves a bit faster.It feels like we've been waiting forever.Tina: It's only been 10 minutes.We're almost at the front.Larry: I know, but it feels like a long time to me.(A woman steps in front of Tina)Tina: Excuse me.What are you doing? Woman: You don't mind, do you? Tina: Yes, I do.I've been waiting here for 10 minutes.Woman: But I'm in a hurry.My family really wants to get into the theme park.Tina: I'm sorry, but that's too bad.You'll have to wait like the rest of us.拉里:我希望队伍可以移动得稍微快一点,感觉我们已经等好久了。蒂娜:才10 分钟而已。我们快到前面了。拉里:我知道,只不过感觉好像很久了。(一名女子站到蒂娜前面)蒂娜:请问一下,你在干什么? 女子:你不介意,对吧? 蒂娜:当然介意啊,我已经在这里等10 分钟了。女子:但我在赶时间。我家人真的很想进到园区中。蒂娜:很抱歉,但真遗憾,你得像我们其他人一样排队。

第四十三讲: 主题乐园At a Theme Park!

Ivy: Come on, Grandma.Let's ride the roller coaster.Grandma: I don't think that would be a good idea.Ivy: Why not? You'll love it.Grandma: No, no.You go ahead and enjoy screaming your lungs out.Ivy: Why don't you want to ride the roller coaster? Grandma: I'd like to, but I'm afraid my heart condition won't allow it.Women that are pregnant and people with health problems shouldn't ride fast rides like that one.Ivy: That's too bad.I was really hoping you'd enjoy yourself at the theme park with me today.Grandma: I will.I can't wait to enjoy all the shows and parades.艾薇:来嘛,奶奶,我们去坐过山车吧。奶奶:我觉得这不是个好主意。艾薇:为什么?你会很喜欢的。

奶奶:不,不。你尽管自己去尽情尖叫吧。艾薇:你为什么不想坐过山车呢? 奶奶: 我想坐啊,但恐怕我的心脏状况不允许我这么做。怀孕妇女和身体 不好的人都不应该乘坐像过山车那么快的游乐设施。

艾薇: 那真是太可惜了。我原本真的希望你今天能和我一起在主题乐园里 玩得很开心。



Joy: Everybody line up!Today we're visiting the zoo, and I hope you all stay out of trouble.The zoo is very big;I don't want any of you out of my sight except for the one hour of free time, OK? Alice: This is my first time to the zoo.I was too excited to sleep last night!I want to see those giant dinosaurs!Joy: Oh, I'm sorry, there's no dinosaurs any more.Dinosaurs died many years ago.Alice: What?!But I saw them on TV last night.They are not real? Oh, my brother lied to me.Joy: Don't be sad, my dear.We can see many other interesting animals today.What's your favorite animal besides dinosaurs? Alice: I love rabbits!They are so adorable.When can I see them? Joy: In the afternoon, we will visit the Rabbit Land.You can feed them grass and carrots.We will stay there for half an hour.Alice: It's so exciting.I can't wait any longer.Let's go.乔伊:大家排好队!今天我们要参观动物园,我希望你们全都别惹麻烦。动物园很大,除了那一小时的自由活动时间,我不要你们任何一人离开我的视线,好吗? 艾丽斯: 这是我第一次来动物园耶,我昨晚太兴奋了睡不着。我想看那些巨大的恐龙!乔伊:噢,很遗憾的是,现在已经没有恐龙了。它们很多年前就灭绝了。艾丽斯: 什么?!但我昨晚在电视上看到它们了呀。它们不是真的吗?天哪,我哥哥骗我。

乔伊:不要难过,亲爱的。我们今天会看到很多有趣的动物。除了恐龙,你最喜欢什么动物? 艾丽斯:我喜欢兔子!它们好可爱哦!我什么时候可以看到它们? 乔伊:下午我们会去兔子乐园。你可以喂它们吃草和胡萝卜。我们会在那里待半小时。艾丽斯:我真是太兴奋了。我等不及啦。咱们快走吧。

第四十五讲:剧院 Going to the Theater Eddie:Hi, Julie.Are you available tomorrow evening? Julie:Hi, Eddie.Let me check my schedule first.Just give me a few seconds.OK, yes, I'm free tomorrow evening.What do you have in mind? Eddie:My friend gave me two tickets to see the opera Don Juan at the National Theater.I was wondering if you would give me the chance to ask you out.Julie:Sure.So when will the opera begin? Eddie:It starts at 7:00 PM.Where shall I pick you up? Julie:Just pick me up after work.I will be waiting for you at the company's front gate.Eddie:It's a black-tie event, so you need to dress up and wear a gown.I will wear my suit.Julie:Oh, in that case, I will have to go home and get changed.Can you pick me up at my apartment at 6:30 PM? Eddie:Of course.See you tomorrow.Julie:See you.艾迪:嗨,朱莉,你明晚有空吗?

朱莉:嗨,艾迪。让我先看一下我的时间表,几秒钟就好。好的,没错,我明晚有空。你有什么盘算吗? 艾迪:我朋友给了我两张戏剧《唐璜》的票,地点在国家大剧院。我刚在想你可否给我个机会让我约你出去。朱莉:当然可以。那么歌剧几点开始啊? 艾迪:晚上七点开始。我要在哪里接你呢? 朱莉:下班后来接我吧,我会在公司门口等你。

艾迪:这是要求穿着礼服的场合,所以你需要打扮一下并穿上礼服。我会穿上西服的。朱莉:哦,这样的话,我要先回家换衣服。你可以六点半到我的公寓接我吗? 艾迪:当然可以,明天见。朱莉:明天见。

第四十六讲:参观博物馆 Visiting a Museum!

Tour guide:Good morning, everybody!Welcome to the Metropolitan Museum of Art.Today I'll be your tour guide, and I hope you enjoy your day.Stacy:Good morning.Can you tell us which one is the museum's most famous painting? Tour guide:Most paintings here are world-famous.But my personal favorite is Self-Portrait with Straw Hat, an 1887 masterpiece by Vincent van Gogh.It hangs in Gallery 826.Stacy:I can't wait to see it.This place is so breathtaking that I want to take photos of everything.Tour guide:Sorry, madam, taking photos is prohibited.Stacy:That's alright.I'm starving, and I just want to finish my breakfast.Tour guide:Eating is not allowed, either.Sorry!If you want to grab a bite to eat, you can go to the cafeteria on the second floor.Stacy:Fine.I will go to the cafeteria to finish my breakfast first, then I will catch up with you guys later.Tour guide:Just go straight to the end of the hall, turn left, and then you'll see the cafeteria.导游:早上好,各位!欢迎来到大都会艺术博物馆,我是你们今天的导游。希望大家会喜欢今天的导览。史黛西:早上好。可以请你告诉我们这儿哪一幅画最有名吗?

导游:这里的大多数画作都是举世闻名的。但我个人的最爱是文森·梵高在 1887 年时画的那一幅名作《带草帽的自画像》。这幅作品挂在 826号画廊。




第四十七讲:一日旅行团 One-day Tours!

Tourist:Excuse me.This is my first time to London.Can you tell me something about this city, please? Travel consultant:Sure.London is the capital of the UK.It is one of the world's three largest financial centers and there are many places worth visiting.Tourist:Do you have any one-day sightseeing tours around London? Travel consultant:Of course.We have a one-day package that includes Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey, and so on.Tourist:It sounds great.What is the cost of the tour? Travel consultant:It's 50 pounds per person, including lunch.Tourist:Will there be any free time? Travel consultant:Certainly.We arrange for free time that can be used for resting or shopping.Here is a brochure.It introduces the places I mentioned and the schedule of the tour.Tourist:Thank you very much.游客:不好意思。这是我第一次到伦敦,可以请您告诉我一些关于这个城市的事情吗?


旅游顾问:当然。我们有个一日游的套票行程,参观的景点包括大本钟、白金汉宫、西敏斯特教堂等。游客:听起来真棒。团费是多少呢? 旅游顾问:每人 50 英镑,含午餐。游客:有自由活动的时间吗?



Chanter7 购物

第四十八讲:购物地点Shopping Places!

(Gina and her friend Emily are discussing where to go for clothes shopping)Gina: I need to do some clothes shopping.But I can't decide where to go.Emily: How about Macy's? Gina: I don't know.I don't feel like spending a fortune.Emily: Well, in that case, let's go to Nordstrom, they have a big sale going on.Gina: How sweet!Emily: Oh, and Bloomingdale's is not far from there, either.We can go window shopping afterwards.Gina: Good idea, and you will never know what you are going to get.(吉娜和她的朋友艾米莉在讨论去哪儿买衣服)吉娜:我需要去买一些衣服了。但是我决定不了去哪儿好。艾米莉:梅西百货怎么样? 吉娜:不知道。我不想花那么多钱。

艾米莉: 好吧,这样的话,我们去诺德斯特龙百货公司吧。他们那儿正在进行清仓大甩卖哦。吉娜:太棒了!


第四十九讲:试衣间 Fitting Room!

(Gina and Emily are now in the shop)Gina: I really like the design of this dress.It's very unique.But I don't know if it's right for me.Emily: I think you can try it on and see.Gina: OK, where are the fitting rooms? Emily: I don't know.Let's check with that clerk over there.吉娜: 我真的很喜欢这条裙子的设计。它真的很独特。但我不知道它适不适 合我。

艾米莉:我觉得你可以试穿看看。吉娜:好的,但试衣间在哪儿呢? 艾米莉:我不知道。我们去问问那边的店员吧。(艾米莉走到店员身边)艾米莉:不好意思。你能告诉我试衣间在哪儿吗?我朋友想试穿这条裙子。店员:它们就在那边的楼梯旁。


第五十讲:排队Queuing up!(Gina and Emily are looking for the checkout counter)Gina: Wow, there are quite a lot of clothes we've got here.Emily: Yes, we'd better find the checkout counter fast.My arms are getting sore and I can't feel my legs.Gina: OK, the checkout counters are normally located near the exit.Emily: Let's go.I really need to sit down after all this.(When they get to the exit)Emily: Oh, no!Look at the crowd.We are not getting out of here in a hurry!(Turn to the clerk standing next to Gina)Emily: Excuse me, is there anywhere else we can check out? Clerk: There are checkouts on the top floor.The elevator can take you right down to the car park once you are finished.Gina: That sounds like a much better option.(吉娜和艾米莉正在找收银台)吉娜:哇,我们挑了好多衣服哦。


艾米莉:咱们这就走吧。结完账以后我真的需要坐下来休息一下了。(当她们到出口的时候)艾米莉:啊,糟了!看看这人群,我们肯定不能马上出去了!(向站在吉娜旁边的店员询问)艾米莉:打扰一下,请问我们还可以在其他地方结账吗? 店员: 顶楼设有收银台。结完账以后你们可以直接乘电梯直达停车场。吉娜:这个提议听起来好多了。

第五十一讲:退货Returns and Refunds!

(Emily is not very happy with her purchase of a pair of shoes the other day, so she goes back to the store to try and return them)Emily: Hello.I'd like to return these shoes.Clerk: What's wrong with them? Emily: They're a bit too tight.Clerk: Do you have your receipt? Emily: Yes, it's in the box.Clerk: I'm really sorry, you can't return these because they were on special.Special offers are not refundable.Emily: Then can I exchange them for something else with the same price? Clerk: I think so.But let me double-check with my manager.Could you wait here for a moment? Meanwhile, could you please fill out this Returns and Refunds Form? Emily: Sure, no problem.(艾米莉对她前几天购买的一双鞋不是很满意,所以她回到商店想把鞋子退掉)艾米莉:你好,我想把这双鞋子退掉。店员:它们有什么问题吗? 艾米莉:鞋子穿起来有点太紧了。店员:您有收据吗? 艾米莉:有的,在盒子里。店员: 我真的很抱歉,您不能退掉这双鞋,因为您是在特价的时候购买的。特价商品是不能退款的。

艾米莉:这样的话,我可以用它们换相同价位的其他商品吗? 店员: 应该是可以的。但让我跟我的经理再确认一下。可以麻烦您在这儿稍 等一会儿吗?同时,请您把这张退货和退款表填一下好吗? 艾米莉:好的,没问题。


Vivian:That's a huge TV you've got on display.Shop Owner:Yes, that's the biggest one in the store.Vivian:How much do you want for it? Shop Owner:I'm selling it for $1,000.Vivian:Seriously? That can't be right.Shop Owner:That actually is the going price for that particular TV.Vivian:I can't afford that.That's way too much money.Shop Owner:It's a very high quality 60-inch plasma TV.Vivian:I'll give you $800 for it.Shop Owner:$900.That's the best I can do.Vivian:How about we split the difference? I'll take it if you can knock another $50 off the price.Shop Owner:OK, $850 is my final offer.Take it or leave it.薇薇安:你们展示的那台电视真大啊。店主:是啊,那是我们店里最大的一台了。薇薇安:那你们要卖多少呢? 店主:它的售价是 1000 美元。

薇薇安:你认真的吗?不可能那么贵吧。店主:实际上这就是这台电视的售价。薇薇安:但我负担不起。这也太贵了吧。店主:它可是台高级的 60 吋等离子电视。薇薇安:我出 800 美元。

店主:900 美元。这是我能给你的最低价了。

薇薇安:要不我们折衷吧?如果你的报价再便宜 50 美元我就买了。店主:好吧,850 美元是我的最终报价,买不买随你。

第五十三讲:电子产品Electronic Products!

Clerk:Hi, welcome to iFuture Digital World.Can I help you with anything? John:Yes, thank you.I am looking for a new laptop, one that is lightweight and easy to carry around.Clerk:Oh, I guess you are looking for a netbook.How about a Lenovo 100S? John:But I do a lot of photo and video editing.Also, I sometimes play computer games.Clerk:Then you need something more powerful.I recommend the ASUS FX.It's the latest model with plenty of RAM and a decent processor.But you'll need to make some compromises, as it's a bit heavier and thicker.The price is $1,199.John:It sounds great, but is there any chance of discount? Clerk:Let me see.As you are a regular customer, I can offer you a preferential price of $1,099.John:OK, I think I'll take it.店员:您好,欢迎光临未来数码世界,有什么能为您效劳的吗?

约翰:有的,谢谢。我正在找一台新笔记本电脑。我要那种轻便又容易携带的款式。店员:噢,我想您要找的是上网本。这台联想 100S 你看如何? 约翰:但我要编辑很多照片和视频。而且,我有时还会玩电脑游戏。

店员:那么你需要一款功能更强大的。我推荐华硕 FX。它的款式最新,内存容量大,且有相当好的处理器。但您需要做一些折衷,因为这款更厚重一些。价格是 1199 美元。约翰:听起来挺棒的,不过有可能打个折扣吗?

店员:让我看看。既然您是我们的常客,我可以为您提供一个1099 美元的优惠价。约翰:好的,我决定要了。


Jane: Excuse me, miss.I would like to take a closer look at this lipstick.Clerk: Sure.This lipstick comes in the most popular color of the season.Jane: What's the texture of the lipstick and how long does it last? Clerk: It has a creamy texture and it will last for about six hours.Jane: OK.And what about that foundation? What skin type does it apply to? Clerk: It's designed for oily skin.What's your skin type? Jane: I have dry skin.Do you have any foundation ideal for me? Clerk: I suggest you try this one.If you want to apply a nude look, it would be the best choice.Jane: Can I try it on? Clerk: Sure.Here's the sample.简:小姐,不好意思。我想仔细看一下这支口红。店员:好的。这支口红的颜色是本季最流行的。


店员:它的质地如奶油般顺滑,妆效能维持大约6 小时之久。简:好的。那款粉底怎么样?它适用于什么类型的肌肤? 店员:这款粉底专为油性肌肤设计。您的肌肤是什么类型? 简:我是干性肌肤。有没有适合我的粉底呢?



第五十五讲:护肤品Skin Care Products!

Mira:Excuse me.I'm looking for a cleanser for combination skin.Clerk:How would you describe the skin on your face? Mira:My T-zone is oily while my cheeks are dry and flaky.Clerk:This mild foaming cleanser is perfect for you.It doesn't contain any irritants or fragrance.Mira:Thanks.I need a sunscreen as well.My skin burns easily.Clerk:This one is ideal.It has an ultra-high SPF, and is sweat resistant.Mira:OK.I'll take these two.米拉:不好意思,我在找一种适合混合肤质的洗面乳。店员:可以请您形容一下您脸上的肤质状况吗?

米拉:我的 T 字部位是油性的,但我的脸颊是干性而且会脱皮。


第五十六讲:食物Food Shopping!

Phil:Excuse me, I'm having a hard time deciding what to get for my friends.Can you help me out? Clerk:Yes, of course.What do you think they will like? Phil:I was thinking about getting them some food-related products because they are fond of that kind of thing.Clerk:OK, our food section is over there.Phil:That's lovely.Can you show me what my options are? Clerk:How about these chocolates? They are very popular among people from other countries.Phil:No, thank you.I don't want to get more chocolates.I have plenty at home.Clerk:Can I interest you with some shortbread or tea? The tea is quite unique;you can only get it here.Phil:That's a good idea.I think I'll take some tea.菲尔:不好意思,我很难决定要买什么回去送朋友。你可以帮我一下吗? 店员:当然可以。你觉得他们会喜欢些什么呢?


菲尔:好极了。你可以告诉我有什么可选吗? 店员:这些巧克力怎么样?它们很受外国人欢迎。



Timmy:Wow!This is a really big bookstore.How many floors are there? Suzy:I'm not sure.I think there are five.It's been quite a while since the last time I was here.Timmy:OK, let's go get some books.Suzy:Sure, what kind of books are you looking for? Timmy:I figured I should look for some fantasy books 'cause my friend is a huge fan of this kind of book.Suzy:How about the Harry Potter series? I heard that they have the limited edition with the author's autograph.Timmy:That sounds great.He likes the Harry Potter movies but hasn't read the novels.Suzy:No problem.I think the fantasy books are on the 4th floor.Timmy:This is very exciting.Let's go and see what they have to offer.蒂米:哇!这家书店真大。他们有几层楼啊?


蒂米:我觉得应该找一些 奇幻类的书,因为我朋友是这类书的超级粉丝。苏西:哈利波特系列怎么样?我听说他们这儿有卖作者的签名限量版。蒂米:听起来很棒耶。他确实喜欢哈利波特的电影,但是还没看过小说。苏西:没问题。我想他们的奇幻小说类在四楼。蒂米:这真是棒透了。咱们去瞧瞧他们有哪些书吧。


第五十八讲:失物招领处Lost and Found

(At a lost and found office at the Airport)Dina:Hello, I think I left my purse in the waiting lounge this morning.Is it possible to know if anyone has turned it in to your office? Employee:Yes, it's possible.Can you describe it? Dina:It's a small black leather purse with a blue button on it.Employee:I see.But you need to prove ownership if you want to claim it back.Dina:Well, besides some cash, I have a Citibank credit card in it.Employee:Let me check.Hmm…, anything else? Dina:Oh, there is a driver license in it.The name is Dina Jobs.And you can check the photo on the card.Employee:I think it does belong to you.Well, you only need to fill out a form before you can have it back.Dina:Sure, no problem.虚线分割系



职员:可能有送来了。可以请您能形容一下包包长怎样吗? 蒂娜:它是个小的黑色皮质包包,上面有颗蓝色纽扣。



第五十九讲:遗失护照Lost Passport!

John:Excuse me, I lost my passport.Officer:When and where did you lose it? John:I'm not sure.Last night I opened my bag, only to find it had disappeared.Officer:Please provide copies of your passport, visa, and proof of identity.John:Yes, here you are.Officer:OK.Please complete these forms.John:What are my next steps? Officer:Go to the Chinese Embassy and apply for a replacement.Here is your Police Report.John:Thank you.约翰:不好意思,我弄丢我的护照了。官员:您是在何时何地弄丢护照的呢?




第六十讲:走失Becoming Lost!

Mr.Li:Excuse me, can you do me a favor? Staff:Sure.How can I help you? Mr.Li:I lost my son outside the spook house.Can you help me find him?

Staff:Certainly.May I have your name and can you tell me your son's name and age, please? Mr.Li:Yes.My name is Li Lang.His name is Li Ming.He's nine years old.Staff:What does your son look like? Mr.Li:I have a picture of him in my mobile phone.He's about 1.4 meters tall and very thin.Staff:And what's he wearing? Mr.Li:He's wearing a black jacket with an Eagle pattern and a pair of navy blue jeans.Staff:OK.We will broadcast a missing person announcement via the public address system.李先生 : 不好意思,可以请你帮我一个忙吗? 工作人员 : 当然。有什么能为您效劳的吗?

李先生 : 我和我儿子在鬼屋外走散了。你可以帮我找他吗?

工作人员 : 当然。可以请您告诉我您的大名,以及您儿子的名字和年龄吗? 李先生 : 好的。我叫李朗,我儿子叫李明。他 9 岁。工作人员 : 您儿子长什么样呢?

李先生 : 我手机里有他的照片。他大1 米 4 高,非常瘦。工作人员:那么他穿什么呢?

李先生 : 他穿着一件有老鹰图案的黑夹克和一条海军蓝的牛仔裤。工作人员 : 好的。我们会通过我们的公共广播系统广播一则寻人启事。

第六十讲:求助Asking for Help Tom:Help!Please!Jane:What's the problem? Tom:My friend just fainted.Jane:Was he hit by anything? Tom:No.Jane:Calm down, please.I can drive him to the nearest hospital.Tom:Thanks a million.Jane:Don't panic.He'll be fine.汤姆 : 请帮帮忙!简 : 出了什么问题吗?

汤姆 : 我的朋友刚刚晕倒了。

简 : 他是不是被什么东西撞到了呢? 汤姆 : 没有。

简 : 请冷静。我可以开车送他到最近的医院。汤姆 : 万分感谢。

简 : 不要紧张。他会没事的。

第六十一讲:看诊预约Making an Appointment with a Doctor!

Nurse:Hello, Doctor Lawrence's office.May I help you? Rose:Hello, this is Rose Smith.I'm calling to make an appointment with Doctor Lawrence.Nurse:OK.When would you like to see the doctor?

Rose:Is he available this afternoon?

Nurse:I'm sorry.Doctor Lawrence has appointments with three patients this afternoon.I'm afraid he can't spare the time.Rose:Is he available at around 10:00 AM tomorrow morning? Nurse:Yes, he is.Would 9:30 AM be suitable for you? Rose:That would be fine.Thanks.See you then.护士 : 您好,这里是劳伦斯医生的诊间。有什么可以为您效劳的吗? 罗丝 : 你好,我叫罗丝·史密斯。我打电话来预约劳伦斯医生的门诊。护士 : 好的。您打算什么时候来看诊呢? 罗丝 : 他今天下午有空吗?

护士 : 我很抱歉。今天下午劳伦斯医生要替三位病患看诊。恐怕他抽不出时间。罗丝 : 明早 10 点左右他有空吗?

护士 : 有的,他有空。早上 9 点半您方便吗? 罗丝 : 没有问题。谢谢。再见。第六十二讲:就诊 Seeing a Doctor Doctor :What can I do for you, Miss Lawrence? Daisy:I fainted when I was taking a walk with my friend.Doctor : Was it the first time you have fainted? Daisy : Yes.I got dizzy just before I fell down.Doctor: Let me examine you carefully.Daisy : What's wrong with me? Doctor : Fear not, you are just dehydrated.Daisy : That's are lief!I was afraid of being diagnosed with some kind of fatal illness.Doctor : No need to be worried.But I have to give you an intravenous.医生:劳伦斯小姐,有什么能为您效劳的吗? 黛西:我和朋友散步的时候晕倒了。医生 :这是您第一次晕倒吗?

黛西:是的。我倒下去前感到头很晕。医生 :让我替您做个详细检查。黛西:我得了什么病啊?


黛西:那我就放心了。我还怕我会被诊断出什么致命的疾病呢。医生:不用太过担心。不过我还是要帮您进行静脉注射。pass out 晕倒 pass way 去逝 faint dizzy头晕 fell down跌倒 examine 检查 Fear not别担心 dehydrated脱水 relief 减轻

lief n.疏解 宽心

revived a.松了一口气

diagnose诊断 being diagnosed with被诊断有某疾病 No need to be worried.不用担心。fatal 致命

intravenous通过静脉的 简写IV infusion注射

What’s thing your problem? 你哪不舒服? take medicine吃药

第六十三讲:受伤 Injuries!

Doctor:Hi, what seems to be the problem? Tom:I have injured my left leg.Doctor:Were you hit by a car or something? Tom:No, I stumbled over a banana peel.Doctor:Let me examine your leg.Hmm, it has stopped bleeding.Tom:But it's still sore.Doctor:You will need to have an X Ray.I suspect that you have broken a bone.Tom:Oh, no!I'm going skiing tomorrow!injure受伤 stumble跌倒 peel水果皮 bleeding流血


医生 : 你好,哪里不舒服呢? 汤姆 : 我左腿受伤了。

医生 : 你被车子或其他什么东西撞到了吗? 汤姆 : 不是,我被一块香蕉皮绊倒了。

医生 : 让我检查一下你的腿。嗯,已经没有再出血了。汤姆 : 但还是很疼。

医生 : 你得照个 X 光。我怀疑你把骨头给摔断了。汤姆 : 哦,糟了!我明天还要去滑雪呢!

第六十四讲:买药 Buying Medicine!

Judy:Excuse me, I'd like some medicine for a cold.Pharmacist:Do you have a prescription? Judy:No, I don't.Can you suggest any OTC medicine? Pharmacist:Is there any medicine you are allergic to? Judy:Only Aspirin.Pharmacist:Then I suggest you take this one but don't take it with any other medicine.Judy:Are there any side effects? Pharmacist:No.But you should stop taking it as soon as you are feeling better.Judy:OK.I really appreciate your help.茱蒂:不好意思,我想买些感冒药。药剂师:您有医师处方签吗?

茱蒂:不,我没有。你可以推荐我一些非处方药吗? 药剂师:您有对任何药物过敏吗? 茱蒂:我只对阿斯匹林过敏。



第六十五讲:通报劫案 Reporting a Robbery!

Ben:Sir, I need to report a robbery.Officer:Please tell me when and where it occurred.Ben:It was when I was sightseeing in Dam Square, a man robbed me.Officer:What was in your bag? Ben:A wallet and a mobile phone.Luckily I locked my passport in the safe at my hotel.Officer:Can you describe the man who mugged you? Ben:He's a tall guy and very skinny.It happened in a flash so I can't remember his face.Officer:Is there a witness that we can contact? Ben:No.I came here right after the robbery.But many people witnessed what happened.Officer:OK.Please give me your phone number and we'll phone you if we receive any information.But don't get your hopes up.班:警官,我需要通报一起劫案。







第六十六讲:退房准备Checkout Preparation!

Mike:Hello, what“s the latest checkout time? Clerk:Normally, it”s 12 o“clock.But you may check out earlier or later than that time.Mike:Will there be a fee if I check out a bit later? Clerk:Yes.It is charged on an hourly basis.Mike:OK.Can someone come to pick up my luggage when I”m about to leave? Clerk:Sure thing.By the way, shall I book you on an airport shuttle bus? Mike:I haven“t decided when to leave.Thanks.Clerk:Not a problem.迈克:你好,请问最晚什么时候要退房?

前台:通常是中午 12 点。但是提早或延后退房也可以。迈克:如果我稍微晚点退房要多收钱吗? 前台:是的。收取费是以小时为单位计算。


前台:当然可以。对了,需不需要我帮您预订前往机场的接驳车? 迈克:我还没决定什么时候离开。谢谢。前台:不客气。

第六十七讲:退房Checkout Clerk: Hello, how may I help you? Alice: I want to check out.My name is Alice Smith-Room 1128.Clerk: Miss Smith, certainly.The total comes to $60.Please go over the bill.Alice: What is the charge for?(pointing at the bill.)Clerk: It is a service fee charged by the hotel.Alice: Well, it looks like everything else is in order.Clerk: May I have your room key, please? Alice: Yes, here you go.前台:您好,有什么可以为您效劳吗?

艾丽斯:我要退房。我叫艾丽斯·史密斯,我住1128 号房。前台:没问题,史密斯小姐。总额为60 美元。请检查一下账单。艾丽斯:这一笔是什么费用?(指着账单)前台:这笔钱是酒店收取的服务费。

艾丽斯:好吧,那么看起来一切都妥当了。前台:我可以向您取回房卡吗? 艾丽斯:好的,我这就给你。

第六十八讲:道别Saying Goodbye Nancy: Sam, I'm returning the key to you.I'll be leaving tomorrow.Sam: Oh, do you need help moving out? Nancy: No, thanks.I've packed everything.I had a really good time.Sam: Great to hear that.You are welcome to visit again.Nancy: Thank you for your hospitality.I'm going to miss you.Sam: Of course.I'm going to miss you, too.Have a safe journey home.Nancy: Thanks.南希: 山姆,钥匙还你。我明天就要离开了。山姆:哦,你需要我帮你搬吗?

南希: 不用了,谢谢。我东西都打包完了。我在这儿玩得很愉快。山姆: 很高兴听你这样说。欢迎你再次来访。南希: 谢谢你的热情招待。我会想念你的。


第六十九讲:海关没收物品 Confiscation!

Officer:Sir, could you open your bag, please? Mike:Of course.Officer:Oh.An eight ounce can of mosquito repellent spray.Mike:Is it a prohibited item? Officer:Yes, it is.You can't take it on board.Mike:What if I packed it in my checked bag? Officer:I'm afraid you can't.You can only check in mosquito repellent spray if it is less than four ounces.I'm sorry, I'll have to confiscate it.Mike:If you must, well, take it away.The rules are the rules.官员 :先生,可以请您打开您的袋子吗? 麦克 :当然可以。

官员 : 噢。有一瓶 8 盎司的驱蚊喷雾剂。麦克 :这是违禁品吗?

官员 : 是的,驱蚊喷雾剂是违禁品。您不能把它带上飞机。麦克 : 如果我把它装进托运的行李呢?

官员 :恐怕您不能这么做。您只能托运少于 4 盎司的驱蚊喷雾剂。很抱歉,我不得不将它没收。麦克 :如果您必须这么做,好吧,那就没收吧。规矩毕竟还是规矩。

第七十讲:海关申报Customs Declaration

Daisy: Here is my passport.Officer: Do you have anything to declare? Daisy: Yes, a durian and a Chopard watch a friend gave me.Officer: I'm sorry, no fruits can be taken across the border.Daisy: Come on, a durian won't hurt.Officer: A durian may carry an infectious virus.We'll have to destroy it.Daisy: What a pity!I should have finished it before I left the hotel.Officer: Please fill out the Customs Declaration Form and hand it in to the customs agent.Daisy: How much duty should I pay on the watch? I don't know how much it costs.Officer: We will determine how much by assessing the duty at the current rate.黛西:这是我的护照。

官员: 您有什么需要申报的物品吗?

黛西: 有的,我要申报一个榴莲和朋友赠送的萧邦手表。官员: 我很抱歉,但水果不能带入境内。黛西: 别这样嘛,一个榴莲没什么大不了的。




第七十二讲:送纪念品Giving Souvenirs

Mike: Good morning, darling.Anna: You said good morning when it's 2:00 PM!Mike: I slept until I woke up naturally.I'm so jet-lagged.Anna: I know.That's why I let you sleep in.But tomorrow, not a chance.Mike: OK.Let's drop the subject.Here's a little something for you.Open it.Anna: Oh, it's a piggy bank.Why didn't you bring me a better souvenir? Mike: Come on, it's a token of my love.And I needed something that was easy to carry.Anna: If you say so, forget it.迈克:早上好,亲爱的!


安娜: 我知道。这也是我让你晚起的原因。但是明天要起这么晚的话,门儿都没有。迈克:好啦。咱们就别谈这个了。我有个小礼物要送你。打开吧。安娜:哦,是个存钱筒。你为什么不帮我带个更好的纪念品回来呢?


第七十三讲:分享旅游经验Sharing Travel Experiences

Cassie: How was your trip to Los Angeles? Tony: It was great!I went to Hollywood and happened to witness the filming of a movie.Cassie: That's amazing!Do you know what movie they were shooting? Tony: I couldn't really tell.But it looked like a corny romantic story.Why don't I show you the photos I took outside a retro coffee shop there? It's so cool!Cassie: Dear me!Carrie Underwood was standing right behind you while you were taking a selfie!Tony: I know!I should have asked her for an autograph.Is she your favorite country music singer? Cassie: No, that's Taylor Swift!What were you thinking when you took these photos in Disneyland? You barely smiled in most of them.Tony: I thought I would be excited when I met Baymax.But I failed to convince myself Baymax is anything other than a guy disguised in a costume.Cassie: Don't be too serious about these things or you will lose your sense of fun.凯西:你的洛杉矶之旅如何啊?


托尼: 我说不上来。不过看起来像一部老套的爱情故事。要不我还是给你看看我在好莱坞一家复古咖啡店外拍的照片吧。那家店酷得要命!


凯西: 不,我最爱的是泰勒·斯威夫特!你在迪士尼乐园拍照时都想些什么呢?大多数照片里都很难看到你笑。

托尼: 我原本以为我看到大白时会很兴奋。不过我无法说服自己大白其实只是某个穿着戏服的人而已。凯西:不要对这些事太认真,不然你就会失去乐趣了。

第七十四讲:不愉快的经历 Bad Experiences!

Lisa:Hi, stranger!Where have you been hiding? Lewis:I”ve been staying in Amsterdam for a month.Lisa:Really? How was it? Lewis:Well, actually, it was not as good as I thought it would be.Lisa:Oh, no!What happened? Lewis:First, my flight was overbooked, so I got bumped to a flight the next morning.Then my hotel was in a really seedy area.What“s more irritating is that the weather was miserable – the rain didn”t let up for almost two weeks.Lisa:That"s really unfortunate.I hope you did have some fun for the rest of your time there.Lewis:Yes, I did.The air was very fresh after raining for such a long time.莉莎 : 嗨,久违了!这些日子你都在忙些什么啊? 刘易斯 : 我在阿姆斯特丹待了一个月。莉莎 : 真的吗?你在那儿过得怎么样?

刘易斯 : 这个嘛,其实没有我原本想象中的美好。莉莎 : 哦,不妙!发生什么事了吗?

刘易斯 : 首先,我的班机都被订光了,所以我被调到隔天早上的班机。然后我的酒店位在一个很破烂的地区。更气人的是天气非常糟糕 ——两星期以来,雨几乎都没停过。

莉莎 : 那真是太不幸了。我希望你还在那儿时,其他的时间都过得还不错。刘易斯 : 是的,都还不错。毕竟下了那么长时间的雨,空气还是挺清新的。

第七十五:美好的旅行经历 What a Wonderful Experience!

Paul: Where have you been in Australia? Daisy: I visited the Sydney Opera House, Taronga Zoo, the Great Barrier Reef, and many other places.Paul: Wow, you went to a zoo!Daisy: I saw many kinds of animals that I couldn't see elsewhere.The koalas were so adorable that I couldn't take my eyes off them.Paul: What about the Great Barrier Reef? Daisy: The Great Barrier Reef is a fairy land!Its beauty just took my breath away.Paul: Sounds appealing.Daisy: Travel is not only a lot of fun but also enriches one's knowledge.Next time I will go to Africa.Do you want to join me? Paul: Why not? 保罗:你去了澳大利亚的哪些地方啊? 戴西: 我去了悉尼歌剧院、塔隆嘉动物园、大堡礁和很多别的地方。保罗:哇哦,你去了动物园!

戴西: 我看到了许多在别的地方都看不到的动物。考拉实在是太可爱了以至于我不能把视线从它们身上移开。

保罗:那么大堡礁又如何呢? 戴西: 大堡礁根本就是个仙境!它美得令人叹为观止。保罗:听起来就让人心生向往呀。

戴西: 旅游不仅能带来很多乐趣,还能丰富个人知识。下次我打算去非洲。你要和我一起去吗? 保罗:何乐而不为呢?


Hello.Teachers.Today my topic is travelling.Travelling is full of expectations and surprises.Maybe you travelled a lot of places.Which one is the best? Where will you remember forever? I think travelling with different people has different feelings.You can travel with your friends.You can travel with your parents.You also can travel alone.But I enjoy the family travelling.This is a photo of me.I was in Guilin City Guangxi Province.I went there with my parents in summer holiday.People say “The water and mountains of Guilin are the best in the world ” Guilin is really a wonderful place.The mountains here are beautiful and amazing.The water here is quiet, clear and green.The sky here is blue.The clouds here are so white.The people here are kind and pretty.The most memorable is that I took the Yulong River rafting.We sit on the bamboo raft along the Yulong River.We sang together and play with water together.At first the river was slow, but the farther it came, the more urgent it was.On the first descent, I shouted.After that, I was wet through but I was very happy.I'm so happy about this trip.This is a trip of my family.It left us a lot of memories in Guilin.I will remember it for a long time, and I can’t forget it for a long time.












第一节 工程建设概预算概述




































第二节 我国注册造价工程师和工程造价咨询制度



















第二章 建筑工程定额原理

第一节 定额的概念


第二节 定额的产生和发展



第三节 定额的特性





第四节 定额的种类























第五节 工时研究










































第三章 施工定额
















































小三班 达红伟







师:看,谁也想来和我们一起玩呢? 师:它是怎么做的?我们学学看?


三、出示生活中的动物图片,请幼儿上前展示模仿。师:“看看图片上的动物,你认识吗?”师:“它会做什么” 师请小朋友上来学一学,其他小朋友也跟着一起边说边做。





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