
时间:2019-05-14 14:26:46下载本文作者:会员上传




1).________ difficult homework we had yesterday!2).________cute dog it is!3).________ interesting the story is!4).________ bad the weather in England is!5).________ honest boy Tom is!

6).________ tasty smell the cake gave off!7).________ good time we had on the beach yesterday!8).________ exciting news you've brought us!9).________cool your new car is!10).________ scary these tigers are!


1._______ fast the boy ran!A.How B.How an

C.What D.What an 2._______ well you sing but _______ badly he dances!A.How, how B.What, what C.How, what D.What, how 3.________ delicious the soup is!I’d like some more.A.How B.How an

C.What D.What an 4._______ fools they were!They believed what the man said.A.How B.How an

C.What D.What an 5._______ foolish they were!They believed what the man said.A.How B.How an

C.What D.What an 6._______ difficult questions they are!I can’t answer them.A.How B.How an

C.What D.What an 7.I miss my friend very much._______ I want to see her!A.How B.How an

C.What D.What an 8._______ lovely weather we are having these days!A.How B.How an

C.What D.What an 9._______ beautiful your new dress is!A.How B.How an

C.What D.What an 10._______ interesting work it is to teach children!

A.How B.How an

C.What D.What an


1.The boy swam very fast.(同义句)_______ _______ the boy swam!2.The school trip is very exciting.(同义句)_____ ______ the school trip is!3.Hei Longjiang looks very beautiful in winter.(同义句)_______ _______ Hei Longjiang looks in winter!4.It is a very useful dictionary.(同义句)_______ _______ _______ dictionary it is!_______ _______ _______ dictionary is!5.The students are listening very carefully.________ ________ the students are listening!


一、What,What a, How, How,What an,What, What a, What, How, How



三、1.How fast

2.How exciting

3.How beautiful

4.What a useful, How useful the

5.How carefully What a funny time to eat breakfast!吃早饭多么有趣啊!



1.These flowers are very beautiful.(改为感叹句)_______ _______ these flowers are!2.The little boy is very clever.(改为感叹句)_______ _______ the little boy is!3.It’s a funny story.(改为感叹句)______ _______ _______ story it is!4.What a good girl she is!(改为同义句)_______ _______ _______ girl she is!5.How delicious the food is!(改为同义句)_______ _______ food it is!6.They are running fast.(改为感叹句)_______ _______ they are running!7.Her sister is a very lovely girl.(改为感叹句)_______ _______ lovely girl her sister is!_______ _______ her sister is!8.I have read a very interesting book.(改为感叹句)_______ _______ _______ book I have read!9.Your dictionary is very useful.(改为感叹句)_______ _______ your dictionary is!10.The children are singing and dancing happily.(改为感叹句)_______ _______ the children are singing and dancing!


()11.What a friendly person _______!We all like talking with him.A.is it B.is he C.it is D.he is()12._______ swimming in this river!A.How great fun B.What great fun C.How a great fun D.What a great fun()13._______ sad news it is!We must try our best to help them out of trouble.A.What a B.What C.How a D.How()14.What _______ fine weather we have these days!A.a B.the C./ D.an()15._______ lovely day!Let’s go for a walk.A.What B.What a C.How D.How a()16._______ dangerous it is to ride on a busy road!A.What B.What a C.How D.How a()17._______ great time we had last week!A.How B.How a C.What D.What a()18._______ man he is!A.What strange a B.How a strange C.What a strange D.What strange()19._______ interesting it is to swim in the sea.A.How B.What a C.What D.How a()20._______ the soup tastes!A.How good B.How well C.What good D.What well Ⅰ.1.How beautiful 2.How clever 3.What a funny 4.How good a 5.What delicious 6.How fast 7.What a;How lovely 8.What an interesting 9.How useful 10.How happily Ⅱ.11-15 DBBCB 16-20 CDCAA



1.The play begins at 6: 40 pm.So we have to be at the theatre ____ 6:30 pm at the latest.A.after



D.by 1.D。从“戏剧在下午6:40开始”可知到达剧院的时间最迟不应晚于6:30。A项表示“下午6:30后到剧院”,C项表示“在剧院呆到下午6:30为止”,均不合题意。B项干扰性最强,around意为“左右,大约”, 但在6:30 pm后有at the latest“最晚”,二者相矛盾。C项by是not later than(不迟于)之意,整合题意。

2.They held a ceremony ________ those killed in the battle.A.in honor of

B.instead of

C.in favor of

D.by means of 2.A。in honour of意为“为庆祝(为向...表示敬意,为纪念”;instead of意为“代替;而不是”;in favor of意为“赞成;支持”;by means of意为“通过;用;借助于”。根据句意“他们举行了纪念阵亡战士的仪式”可知答案为A(from www.xiexiebang.com)。

3.After finishing middle school, my sister did nothing ________ at home.A.but to read

B.but read

C.besides reading

D.except to read 3.B。but, except 和besides都有“除„之外”的意思,但没有”,相当于not including.另外,but后面可接不定式to do,但如果but前面有实义动词dbesides是“除„之外,还”的意思,等于in addition to;而except, but 是“除„之外,o的任何形式,不定式省略to。

4.Write your name and address on your bag ________ you lose it.A.in any case

B.in case

C.in no case

D.in that case 4.B。in any case意为“在任何情况下”;in case意为“以防万一,如果”;in no case意为“决不”;in that case意为“如果那样的话”。句意为“在你的包上写上名字和地址以防丢失”。

5.— ________ did the professor give you much advice?

— The choice of a career.A.On what

B.In what


D.For what


6.I made coat ______ my own hands.It was made ______ hand not with a machine.A.in;in




6.C。by hand意为“用手工”;with“用”, 表示使用的工具, 手段,如He hit it with a hammer.7.He is running ________ the wind towards the east of the station ________ Tom running ________ the right.A.down;and;on



D.with;while;to 7.B。against the wind“逆风”;on the right意为“在后边”;介词with与一个复合结构构成短语,用作状语,说明状态、方式等。

8.Not all of us know the difference ________ wheat, oats and barley.A.among




8.B。一般说来,between用于两者之间,among表示三者和三者以上之间。但有时说的虽然是三个以上的人或东西,如果强调的是两两相互间的关系,适用于between.如:The soldier is hidden between the trees.在谈论事物间的差别时总是用between.9.The young singer is quite popular ________ the public.She’s made a remarkable achievement ________ a girl of her age.A.with;to



D.for;to 9.C。词组be popular with意为“受„欢迎”,for“就„而论,比较„而言”。

10.The apple trees have lots of big apples __ them.And some birds are singing __ the trees.A.in;on



D.with;through 10.C。介词on意为“在„之上,依附于”;in意为“(表场所,位置)在„„之内 / 上”in the tree 译为“在树上”。

11.That woman will quarrel ________ everybody ________ anything.A.about;about



11.C。quarrel with sb.about / over意为“和某人争论某事”。句意为“那个女人无论碰到什么事儿, 总是和别人争吵不休”。

12.The weather this month has been good ________.A.on the whole

B.generally speaking

C.above all

D.on one hand 12.A。on the whole意为“总的来说;从总体上看”;generally speaking“一般说来”;above all意为“首先,最重要的”;on one hand意为“一方面”。句意为“这个月的天气基本上是好的”(from www.xiexiebang.com)。

13.We should divide all the potatoes ________ two piles and separated the good ones ________ the bad ones.A.from;by



D.from;into 13.B。divide„into和separate„from都有“把„„分开”的意思。但前者指“把整体分成若干部分”,后者指“把连在一起的分开”。

14.They said the building would be completed ________ a year.A.after



D.about 14.C。in, after这两个介词都可以用来表达“在若干时间之后”。in 可以用于将来时态或一般过去时态的句子中;after 用于一般过去时,如果表示某时刻之后或某件事之后,则不受时态的限制。

15.— These boxes are too heavy for me to carry.— Here, I’ll give you a hand ________ them.A.for



D.by 15.C。答语中的them指前一句的boxes。Give sb.a hand with sth./ in(at)doing sth.意为“帮助某人做某事”。

第四篇:初中英语感叹句练习及其 答案

感叹句 由what 或How 来引导

(一)How 修饰形容词或者句子

1.How interesting the movie is!2.How funny he is!3.How handsome the boy is!4.How nice the weather is!

5.How time flies!6.How I miss you!(二)What


What a/ What an 修饰可数名词

a/an 是由修饰名词的形容词决定 What delicious food it is!

What lovely animals they are!What a cool boy he is!

What an exciting movie I have seen!练习(感叹句攻略,去掉主谓,确定修饰的词为形容词还是名词

形容词或句子用how 名词确定用what 在判断名词是可数名词还是不可数名词

可数名词用what a 或者what an

a/an是由修饰名词的形容词觉得)填入适当的词完成下列感叹句(How/ What/ What a/ an)。

1).__What_ difficult homework we had yesterday!2)._____ What a___cute dog it is!3).___How_____ interesting the story is!

4).___How___ bad the weather is!5)._____ What an___ honest boy Tom is!

6).___ What __ tasty smell the cake gave off!7)._ What a__ good time we had on the beach yesterday!8).____ What ____ exciting news you've brought us!9).___How_____cool your new car is!

10).____How____ scary these tigers are!11.___ What ___ a pretty girl she is!

12.____How____ quickly the boy is running!1 3.__ What ____ kind teachers they are!

14.____How____ clever the baby is!15.__How____ I miss my hometown!6.___How___ happy I am!17.____ What a____ sad child he is!8.____ What __ hot water it is!19._____How___ hard they study!

20.__ What an ____ able young man he is!21.Look!___How____fast the boy is running!

22.____ What a ___cold day it was yesterday!23.____How___heavy the box is!I can’t carry it

24.__ What an_____interesting story he told us!25.__How_____nice the moon cakes are!

26.____ What ___bad weather!

27._What______clever children all of you are!

28.___ What ____important news that is!29.___How____time flies!

20.____ What ___beautiful flowers you bought me!选择题

1._____C__ fine the weather is!

A.What a



D.How a

2._____D________ exciting film we saw yesterday!A.What a

B.How a

C.How an

D.What an 3.____B___ great fun they had!A.What a



D.How a 4.__B___ heavy rain it was!

A.What a



D.How a 5.____A_______ fun place to go Shanghai is!

A.What a



D.How a 6.___A___ happy life the old live!A.What a



D.How a 7.________B____ nice fish they cooked!

A.What a



D.How a 8._______C__ blue the sky is!

A.What a



D.How a 9.______C______ dangerous the animals are!

A.What a



D.How a

10._A___ good time we are having!

A.What a



D.What an 11.__A_____ fast the boy ran!

A.How B.How an

C.What D.What an 12.__A____ well you sing but _______ badly he dances!A.How, how B.What, what C.How, what D.What, how 13.____A____ delicious the soup is!I’d like some more.A.How B.How an

C.What D.What an 14.____C___ fools they were!

They believed what the man said.A.How B.How an

C.What D.What an 15.___A____ foolish they were!They believed what the man said.A.How B.How an

C.What D.What an 16.___C____ difficult questions they are!I can’t answer them.A.How B.How an

C.What D.What an 17.I miss my friend very much.___A____ I want to see her!A.How B.How an

C.What D.What an 18.__C_____ lovely weather we are having these days!A.How B.How an

C.What D.What an 19.___A____ beautiful your new dress is!A.How B.How an

C.What D.What an 20.___C____ interesting work it is!

A.How B.How an

C.What D.What an


英语感叹句练习题 Question:()1._______a clever boy he is!A.What B.How C.What’s()2._______she dances!AHow good B.How well C.What well()3._______quiet the park is!AWhat a B.How C.How a()4._____his father works!AHow careful B.How carefully C.What careful()5._____noisy they are making!AWhat B.How C.How a()6.______delicious soup!How B.What C.What a()7.______heavy snow!AWhat a B.What C.How()8.____old bike Li Lei is riding!AWhat a B.What an C.How()9.______exciting moment it is!AHow B.How an C.What an()10.______supper we’re having today!

AWhat a delicious B.How delicious C.What delicious()11.________fine weather it is today!AHow B.What a C.What()12._____fast the boys are running!AWhat B.What a C.How()13._______the mooncakes are!AHow delicious B.What delicious C.What a delicious()14.____surprising news it is!AHow B.What C.What a()15.____time we’re having today!

AWhat a good B.How good C.What good()16._______I miss you!AWhat B.How C.How do()17.Look!______beautiful that lake is!

AHow B.What C.What a()18.________ slowly Tom runs!AHow B.What C.What a()19._____lovely the snow looks!AWhat B.How C.What a()20.________useful information it is!AWhat an B.How C.What()21._______beautiful flowers they are!AHow B.What C.What a()22._______lovely a girl she is!AWhat B.How C.What a()23._______they love their country!AWhat B.How C.What a()24._______long hair she has!AWhat a B.What C.How()25._______beautiful music we are listening to!AHow B.What a C.What()26._______exciting a football match it is!What B.How C.What an()27._______hard-working Chinese people!AHow B.What C.How do()28._______a lovely view!AIs it B.Isn’t it C.Aren’t they

()29._______time they had yesterday!AHow wonderful B.What wonderful C.What a wonderful()30.______worried they looked!AWhat B.How C.How are



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    英语感叹句练习题 ( )1._______a clever boy he is ! A. What B. How C. What’s ( )2._______she dances! A How good B. How well C. What well ( )3._______quiet......


    英语感叹句练习题及答案 ( A )1._______a clever boy he is ! A. What B. How C. What’s ( B )2._______she dances! A. How good B. How well C. What well ( B )3.__......


    Question: ( A )1._______a clever boy he is ! A. What B. How C. What’s( B )2._______she dances! A. How good B. How well C. What well( B )3._______q......


    (十二感叹句 一、感叹句用法:表示说话人的强烈的感情。 二、结构: 1.△What引导的感叹句的中心词是名词。该名词前常有形容词修饰,句中的主语和 谓语一般可省去。 ★★★句......


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