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(一)一般句式的构成:A + is / are+ 形容词比较级+ than + B

A 是主格B 是宾格

如:She is taller than me.主格+ be + 形容词比较级+ than + 宾格






【例】 原级 比较级 最高级

great greater greatest

clean cleaner cleanest 2)单音节如以e结尾,只加-r(比较级),-st(最高级)

【例】fine finer finest

nice nicer nicest

wide wider widest 3)闭音节单音节词如末尾只有一个辅音字母,须先双写这个辅音字母,再加-er(比较级),-est(最高级)

【例】big bigger biggest

hot hotter hottest

red redder reddest 4)少数以-y,-er,ow,-ble结尾的双音节词,末尾加-er(比较级),-est(最高级)。以-y结尾的词,如-y前是辅音字母,则变y为-i,再加-er和-est。以-e结尾的词只加-r和-st。

【例】clever cleverer cleverest

narrow narrower narrowest

able abler ablest

easy easier easiest 5)其它双音节和多音节词皆在前面加单词more和most。

【例】careful more careful most careful

difficult more difficult most difficult

delicious more delicious most delicious 不规则变化: 原级 比较级 最高级

good/well better best

bad worse worst

many/much more most

little less least

far farther/further farthest/furthest 注:有些形容词一般没有比较等级。如:right, wrong, woolen等。


【例】Li Ping is older than Wang Hai.李平比王海年纪大。

There are more students in Class One than in Class Two.一班比二班学生多。








(一)一般句式的构成: A + is / are+ 形容词比较级+ than + B

A 是主格 B 是宾格

如: She is taller than me.主格 + be + 形容词比较级 + than + 宾格





【例】 原级 比较级 最高级

great greater greatest

small smaller smallest

clean cleaner cleanest


【例】 fine finer finest

nice nicer nicest

wide wider widest


【例】 big bigger biggest

hot hotter hottest

red redder reddest


【例】 clever cleverer cleverest

narrow narrower narrowest

able abler ablest

easy easier easiest


【例】 careful more careful most careful

difficult more difficult most difficult

delicious more delicious most delicious


原级 比较级 最高级

good/well better best

bad worse worst

many/much more most

little less least

far farther/further farthest/furthest

注:有些形容词一般没有比较等级。如: right, wrong, woolen等。


【例】 Li Ping is older than Wang Hai.李平比王海年纪大。



1.形容词是用来描写或修饰名词或代词的一类词。在句中主要做定语和表语等成分。做定语时修饰名词或代词(一般为不定代词),修饰名词时常放于名词前,修饰不定代词时常放于不定代词后,做表语时和系动词(简称系词)连用,构成一个系表结构。例如: Can you hear the loud noise?(定语)The noise is very loud.(表语)The quiet girl is my sister.(定语)My sister looks very quiet.(表语)

2.常和形容词连用构成系表结构的连系动词有: look(看起来,看上去),feel(感觉),taste(尝起来),smell(闻起来),get(变得),turn(变),become(成为,变得),sound(听起来)等。

例如:The flowers smell sweet.这些花闻起来很香。The soup taste nice.3.副词是用以修饰动词,形容词,其他副词以及全句的词 例如: The men and the women walk quickly.这些男女走得很快。The children walk slowly.孩子们走得很慢。1.原级的构成和用法


2)用法:表示双方在程度,性质,特征等某方面相等时,用“ as 十原级形容词或副词十 as”的结构;表示双方不相等时,用“ not so(as)十原级形容词或副词十 as”的结构;表示一方是另一方的若干倍时,用“倍数十 as十原级形容词或副词十 as”的结构. 例如:This building looks not so(as)high as that one. Ms.Sun speaks English as well as you. This room is three times as large as that one.2.比较级的构成和用法 1)比较级和最高级的构成:

①单音节形容词以及少数以-er,-ow结尾的形容词和副词加“ er”/ “est” great greater narrow narrower fast faster clever cleverer ②以 e结尾的单音节形容词和副词后以及少数以-ble,-ple结尾的双音节形容词和副词后,加“ r”,.large larger able abler simple simpler ③以一个辅音结尾的单音节形容词,其前的元音字母发短元音时,该辅音字母要双写,然后加“ er”,“.hot hotter ④以辅音加 y结尾的形容词和少数不是形容词加 ly构成的副词要将 y改为 i,再加“ er”,easy easier early earlier happy happier ⑤一般双音节词、多音节形容词和副词在原级前

beautiful more beautiful carefully more carefully ⑥少数单音节形容词也加 more和 most构成比较级。tired more tired pleased more pleased ⑦下列形容词、副词的比较级可有两种构成方法.

cruel crueler more cruel often oftener more often strict stricter more strict friendly friendlier more friendly ⑧下列形容词,副词的比较级的构成不规则.

good,well better bad, ill worse many,much more little less far farther further old elder/older 2)比较级的用法

①双方比较,表示一方超过另一方时,用“比较级十 than”的结构表示. 例如: This pen is better than that one.②表示一方不及另一方时,用“ less十原级十 than”的结构表示.例如: This room is less beautiful than that one.

③表示一方超过另一方的程度或数量时,可在比较前加表示程度的状语,如:even,a lot,a bit,a little,still,much,far,yet,by far等修饰. 例如:He works even harder than before.

注意:英语的比较级前如无 even,still,或 yet等时,译成汉语时可用“较”或“„„一些”或不译出,一般不可用“更”,如: She is better than she was yesterday.她比昨天好些了. Please come earlier tomorrow. 请明天早点来. 注意:by far通常用于强调最高级.用于比较级时,一般放在比较级的后面,如在前面,应在二者中间加“ the”.如 He is taller by far than his brother He is by far the taller of the two brothers.④表示一方随另一方的程度而变化时,用“ the 十比较级(主语十谓语),the 十比 较级(主语十谓语)”的结构.

例如: The harder he works,the happier he feels.

⑤不与其它事物相比,表示本身程度的改变时,用“比较级十 and十比较级”的结构.如: The weather is getting colder and colder.The girl becomes more and more beautiful.

⑥某些以一or结尾的形容词进行比较时,用 to代替 than.(这些词有inferior,superior,junior,senior,prior等.例如:

He is superior to Mr Wang in mathematics.

⑦在比较从句中为了避免重复,我们通常用 that(those),one(ones)代替前面出现的名词。that指物,one既可指人,也可指物.that可代替可数名词单数和不可数名词,而one只能代替可数名词.例如:

The book on the table is more interesting than that on the desk.A box made of iron is stronger than one made of wood. ⑧表示倍数的比较级有如下几种句型:

A)A is three(four,ete)times the size(height,length,width,ete)of B 例如; The new building is four times the size(the height)of the old one. 这座新楼是那座旧楼的四倍大(四倍高)。(这座新楼比那座旧楼大三倍[高三倍]).

B)A is three(four,etc)times as big(high,long,wide,etc.)as 例如: Asia is four times as lareg as Europe,亚洲是欧洲的四倍大.(亚洲比欧洲大三倍.)C)A is three(four,etc.)times bigger(higher,longer,wider,etc.)than B. 例如:Your school is three times bigger than ours,你们的学校比我们的学校大三倍.(你们的学校是我们学校的四倍大.)用 times表示倍数,一般只限于表示包括基数在内三倍或三倍以上的数.表示两倍可以用 twice或 double



1.long _________ _________ 2.short _________ _________ 3.big _________ _________ 4.early _________ _________ 5.nice _________ _________ 6.fat _________ _________ 7.strong _________ _________ 8.clean _________ _________ 9.busy _________ _________ 10.thin _________ _________ 11.tall _________ _________ 12.late _________ _________ 13.hot _________ _________ 14.happy _________ _________ 15.delicious ________________ ________________ 16.beautiful ________________ ________________ 17.interesting ________________ ________________ 18.important ________________ ________________ 19.popular ________________ ________________ 20.expensive ________________ ________________ 21.careful ________________ ________________ 22.good _________ _________ 23.many _________ _________ 24.old _________ _________ 25.bad _________ _________ 二.用下列词的适当形式填空

1.She is _____(tall)than me.2.This ball is _____(big)than that one.3.I’m _____(thin)than you.4.This girl is _____ _____(beautiful)than that one.5.Cookies are _____ _____(delicious)than bread.6.The pig is _____(fat)than the dog.7.The pen is _____ _____(expensive)than the pencil.8.The boy is _____(old)than the girl.9.This building is _____(high)than that one.10.The boy is _____(short)than me.1.Elva is the _____(tall)in the classroom.2.She is _____ _____(short)girl in the school.3.This one is _____ _____(good)one.4.This girl is _____ _____ _____(beautiful)one in the school.5.Those cookies are _____ _____ _____(delicious)food in the world.6.Which is _____ _____(hot)season, spring, summer or fall? 7.Cindy is _____ _____(strong)girl of us.8.She is _____ _____(good)teacher in the world.9.They are _____ _____(short)among us.10.Lily is _____ _____(thin)girl in the classroom.用形容词的适当形式填空:

There are ______(many)new beauty spots here than in other cities of China.This is lesson is _________(easy)than the last one.Of the two girls I’m teaching , I find Nancy the ______(clever).Gold is _____(little)useful than iron.My sister is two years _____(old)than I.I have ten dollars in my pocket at _____(little).The boy is hot so ______________(generous)as his brother.Ⅲ.句型转换

1.Mike is taller than any other boy in his class.(改为同义句)Mike is __________ __________ boy in his class.2.Li Ping doesn't run as far as Wang Lin.(改为同义句)Wang Lin __________ __________ __________ Li Ping.3.This bag is very big.(改为感叹句)

__________ big the __________ __________!

4.Her father and mother are both doctors.(改为同义句)Her __________ are both doctors.5.They are going to meet at the gate of the park.(对划线部分提问)__________ __________ __________ going to meet?

6.My box is heavy.Jim's box is heavier.(改为同义句)Jim's box is heavier __________ __________.7.The twins are twelve.Kate is eleven.(改为同义句)Kate __________ the __________ of __________.8.The teachers are watching TV in the meeting room.(对划线部分提问)

__________ __________ __________ __________ __________ in the meeting room? 9.What does he often do that for?(改为同义句)

__________ __________ he often do that?()1 Who jumped____of all? A.far B.farther C.farthest D.the most far()2 Li Lei is___ student in our class.A.tall B.taller C.tallest D.the tallest()3 The fifth orange is____ of all.Give it to that small child.A.big B.bigger C.the bigger D.the biggest()4 Who is of you three? A.the oldest B.much older C.oldest D.older()5 Tom is one of ____ boys in our class.A.tallest B.taller C.the tallest B.the tall()6 English is one of____ spoken in the world.A.the important languages B.the most important languages C.most important language D.the most important language()7 Beijing is one of____ in China.A.the largest city B.the large cities C.the larger cities D.the largest cities()13 The tree is ___ in the garden.A.the taller B.the tallest C.taller than of-all D.tall.()14 Mary studies harder in her class.A.as any one B.than any other girl C.than the other D.than anyone()15 Which is___, Li Lei or Wu Tong? A.strong B.strongest C.stronger D.the strongest()16 Which language is____, English, French or Japanese? A.easy B.the most easy C.the easiest o D.much more easy()17 Which is____interesting, science, maths or English? A.more B.the most C.very D.too()18 Which city is____, Beijing, Shanghai or Fuzhou? A.beautiful B.more beautiful C.much more beautiful D.the most beautiful



高密市立新中学 李 伟










1、掌握一些常用形容词的比较级的形式。good---better;bad/ill-----worse;fat---fatter;heavy-----heavier;boring----more boring„

2、掌握形容词比较级的构成规则,正确运用形容词的比较级。A good friend likes to the same things as me.The harder you work at your study, the better grades you will have.This book is far more interesting than that one.He has learned as many English words as his brother.Of the two girls, Linda is the taller.We’ll make our country more and more beautiful.(二)、教学重难点:

1. 形容词比较级的构成方法。2. 形容词比较级的用法。


Step 1: Show the teaching aims.(展示教学目标)。

Step 2:Revision(上节课我们学习了Unit 6 Section A,已经重点学了形容词比较级的构成方法,让学生通过复习笔记小组交流的方式,复习形容词比较级的构成及基本用法.)


1.quiet _______ 2.interesting _________ 3.outgoing _________ 4.many _______ 5.ill ______ 6.wet ___________ 7.good ________ 8.athletic ______ 9.funny _________ 10.important __________

二、Ask and answer in pairs to compare things.Step 3: Let’s learn and practice the grammar.(语法讲解与操练。)上节课,我们学习了形容词比较级的基本用法,即用于两个人或事物的比较,其结构形式如下: 主语+谓语(系动词)+ 形容词比较级+than+ 对比成分。也就是, 含有形容词比较级的主句+than+从句。注意从句常常省去意义上和主句相同的部分, 而只剩下对比的成分。It is warmer today than it was yesterday.今天的天气比昨天暖和。

This picture is more beautiful than that one.这张照片比那张照片漂亮。

The sun is much bigger than the moon.太阳比月亮大得多。

Today we’re going to learn some new ways of comparing things.(今天我们来学习进行比较的几种其他用法。)1.同级比较 两个比较对象程度相同时,用“as+形容词原级+as的结构” 例如: Tom is as tall as his brother.My hair is as long as mine.在这两种结构中,第一个as是副词,而第二个as是连词;在第二个as的后面接名词、句子或代词的主格(一般不要接代词的宾格)。例如: His bedroom is not as big as his sister's.It is not so hot as yesterday.[学生两人一组使用as„ as„ 及 not as(so)„ as„练习同级比较。]

2、在比较级 + than的结构前可以加上某些副词类的词,以对其进行修饰,如:far(远),even(甚至),much(许多),still(更,还),a lot(许多),a little / bit(一点),rather(相当地),等等。例如:

She’s a little more outgoing than me.My bike is much newer than his.3、比较级中的两个特殊作用的结构是:

a.The + 比较级 + 句子,the + 比较级 + 句子。它表示的意义是“越(怎么样就)越(怎么样)”,在这个结构中的两个“比较级”不要求一定词性相同,它们各自的词性要依句子的需要而定。例如: The harder you work at your study, the better grades you will have.你学习越努力,你的成绩就越好。

The more we get together, the happier we’ll be.朋友越多,我们就越高兴。

[Ask and answer in groups to make some new sentences.] b.比较级+ and + 比较级。它表示的意义是“越来越(怎么样)”,在这个结构中的两个 “比较级”则要求词性相同。例如:

Our country becomes more and more beautiful.When spring comes, the weather is warmer and warmer.4、比较对象中一方不及另一方时,用“not as(so)+形容词原级+as ”或“less+形容词原级+ than”的结构。

He is not as careful as his sister.== He is less careful than his sister.== His sister is more careful than he.[Ask and answer in groups to make some new sentences.]

5、在两者之中选择“较为、、、” 的一个,比较级之前加the.例如: Amy is the taller of the two girls.Of the two books, the one on the right is the better.6、比较级的形式表达最高级的意思。在这种情况下,往往是将一个人或是一件事与其他所有的人或事相比较。做这种句子时有一点要特别注意--别忘了常在比较状语中用any other , else类的字眼,以将比较主体排除在比较对象以外,因为自己不可以与自己相比较。例如: He is taller than anyone else in our class.He is taller than the other students in our class.He is taller than any other student in our class.He is the tallest in our class.[以上四句话意思相同] [出示习题,老师引导学生在理解的基础上做同义句转换。] Step 4: Take notes about these grammar points.Step 5: Practice(课堂练习): a.Choose: 1.Today he is _____ than yesterday.A.very better B.a little better C.well D.best 2.The white horse is so ____.A.strong B.stronger C.a little stronger D.strongest 3.Cathy did quite ____ in the English test, I did even ____.A.better;well B.well;well C.well;better D.better;better 4.Of the two Australian students, Masha is ___ one.I think you can find her easily.A.tallest B.the taller C.taller D.the tallest 5.The the better.I’m shorter of money.A.cheap B.cheaper C.expensive D.more expensive b.Fill in the blanks with the right forms: 1.Ann has ____(many)apples than Amy.2.He is much _____(busy)than me.3.My sister is _______(athletic)than me.4.My English teacher is as _________(serious)as hers.5.It’s ________(danger)to climb the tree.Step 6 Summary: 今天我们在Section A 初次接触形容词比较级用法的基础上,学习了比较级的其他几种用法。[结合图片总结语法要点。]

Step 7: Test(课时达标检测题):

一、Choose 1. He feels _____ today than yesterday.A.tired B.more tired C.more tireder D.much tired 2.Of the two toys, the child chose_____.A.the more expensive one B.one most expensive C.a least expensive D.the most expensive of them 3.The line is ____ than that one.A.more longer B.not long C.much longer D.many more longer 4.The book is ____ of the two.A.thinner B.the thinner C.more thinner D.the thinnest 5.She looks _____ than she does.A.the more older B.very older C.much older D.more older 6.The garden is becoming ______.A.more beautiful and more B.more beautiful and beautiful C.more and more beautiful D.more beautiful and beautifuler 7.______ hurry, _______speed.A.More, less B.Much, little C.The more, the less D.The much, the little

二、Fill in the blanks with the right forms: 1. This bag is a little _______(heavy)than that one.2. Mr.Smith is a ________(good)teacher.He always helps us to learn math.3. Dave is _____(quiet)than most of the kids in his class.4. Of the two girls, I find Lucy the _______(clever).5. Gold(黄金)is ______(little)useful than iron(铁).6. My sister is two years _______(old)than I.7. Tom is ____(funny)than any other boy in his class.8. The short one is _______(expensive)than the long one.Step 8: Homework(家庭作业): 翻译句子:

1. 这本书和那本书一样有趣。This book is _____ _____ _____ that one.2. 今天比昨天冷的多。It is _____ ______ today______ it was yesterday.3. 他比我大两岁。He is _____ ______ ______ than I.4. 这个故事不如那个恐怖。This story is _____ _____ _____ ______ that one.5. 她的身体状况一天天好起来。He is getting _____ ______ ______ every day.6.他对英语越来越感兴趣。He is becoming ____ ____ ______ _____ ____English.7.他吃的越多,人越胖。The more he eats, the _______ he gets.8.你的问题是两个中比较难的那个。Your question is _____ _____ ______of two.附练习题答案: Practice a.1---5 BACBB b.1.more 2.busier 3.more athletic 4.serious 5.dangerous Test:

一、1----5 BACBC 6---7 CC

二、1.heavier 2.good 3.quieter 4.cleverer 5.less 6.older 7.funnier 8.more expensive

Homework: 1.as interesting as 2.much colder„than 3.two years older 4.not as scary as 5.better and better 6.more and more interested in



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    六年级比较级和最高级专项练习写出以下各形容词的比较级和最高级: 1. nice ______________________ 2. fat ____________________ 3. slow _____________________ 4. dry......

    中考英语 形容词、副词比较级与最高级用法素材 人教新目标版

    回顾:原级的构成和用法 l)构成:形容词,副词的原级形式是形容词 2)用法:表示双方在程度,性质,特征等某方面相等时,用" as 十原级形容词或副词十 as"的结构; 表示双方不相等时,用" not......