Justice 正义之法书评

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第一篇:Justice 正义之法书评


Zhang Yan 0131126043 Justice according to multielement

The eternal pursuit of the irreconcilable contradictions, on “freedom” and “equality”, is the inexhaustible driving force for social progress.“Multi-evolution”, a representative of a new “relativism” revived.Since the enlightenment modernism was questioned, the Western society as well as the colonies themselves has launched reflections on the modernist concept of development.Thus, the colonists launched imposing colonial liberation movements and drove away Western colonizers under the leadership of nationalist politicians.However, the colonial legacy, which is the unfinished modernism development process, is destined to be succeeded by nationalist politicians.The legacy is concretely showed in the wealth polarization, the serious imbalance in resources distribution and the contrast of the middle class of the developed cities and the traditional society of the developing countryside.What should the nationalist politicians who inherited the legacy do? There are two choices, first, to get rich together, or poor.The former policy appears in East and Southeast Asia and Latin American countries, the so-called “a few people get rich first” policy, whose positive subtext is “most people will keep a pace later”, no matter how the difficulty increases.The latter one appears in traditional Islamic countries, which went to the other extreme in the face of growing wealth gap.“Islamic fundamentalism”, which means going back to the beginning of the classical era, the “garden of Eden”, the main character of the times, was that everybody is all poor, they have no difference in addition to sex.Women all wear robes and veils, men all wear gowns and long beard there, the sole purpose is to erase the characteristic caused by different status and different income.Virtually, all these effects have the same goal, equality.Either the pursuit of common prosperity which seems illusive, or common poverty hogtying the development of people‟s life, are all the respond to the principle of equality.So it‟s easier to understand The Theory Of Justice.A justice, according to Aristotle's view, is “equality”.Why is the pursuit of Justice(equal), even the Bushman who lives a simple material life in Kalahari of southern Africa also knew that,“Even if a person desires a delicate knife, he doesn‟t care to own it for too long, because he knows he will become the envy of others;when he wipes the knife, he will hear the whisper from the others, „He has a wonderful knife while we have nothing‟.Soon someone will ask him for a knife, because everyone wants to own it, so he sends the knife away.Their culture has consistently called for their sharing, so there has never been a man who isn't willing to share items, food or water with other tribe members, because once leaving the mutual cooperation, the Bushmen will not survive in the drought and famine of Kalahari Desert.”

“Equal”, especially materially, is the cornerstone of social, people always want to keep the same with their neighbors, not so different at least, this let people retain dignity sense on capacity and spirit.Thanks to equality, people won‟t covet others‟ wealth or desire for the “luxury” life, society can reserve a more harmonious atmosphere.However, differences of people's intelligence and ability exist unavoidably;humans are born with the right to pursue the wealth or status according to their capacity.But the Declaration of human rights says,“In terms of their rights, men are born and remain free and equal”, put these contradicting words together.Now that people have the rights to pursue happiness freely, they will pay for the price of the encounter of principle of equality and “freedom” one day, inevitably.It's within the scope of acceptable if the disparity in wealth and status only comes from the differences of intelligence and ability, but if disparities of wealth and status go beyond personal abilities, especially when their wealth and status achieved continuance across generations.Some people are just born with more resources than others, while others who tried their whole lives to achieve ”equality“, though, could not bridge the gap between individuals.Then how do you achieve social justice after the delicate balance between” Freedom“ and ”equality“ being broken?

Rawls‟s theory of Justice, in a word, can be explained as a concept that Justice as fairness.First, we need to indicate a prerequisite, which is how the social contract appears, so that we can arrive at principles of this theory.Rawls expanded on this and he called it the ”Original position“.Then we can infer a principle of Justice, ”all the social values including freedom and opportunity, income and wealth, as well as the foundation of self-esteem, should be equally distributed.Rawls's theory of Justice not so much presented a rule for the operation of Justice, rather than provide a code of ethics or a rule of contrast.Many countries still journey on the path of achieving equality, some in the pursuit of common prosperity, others adhere to common poverty.Rawls‟s society seems disconnected from outside of these two extremes, but it is apparently not fair to point out the lack of operability of his theory.Countless of history(as Khmer Rouge, and pre-Open Door China)proved that pursuit of complete equality only brings the tyranny of minority.Since equality on this level cannot be achieved, we choose to allow “free” pursuit of income or wealth, but not damaging others‟ equal right.Nonetheless, it‟s not fair to grant all the glory to “justice” as well.In the second half of the 20th century, society of the United States has experienced complex culture changes and social integration, culture became more multiple and freer, people has more ways to chase happiness whose form is more abundant rather than wealth, the field where people achieved equality has not been limited to economic and social status, and it‟s on the decrease that justice has been linked to wealth and status.The ultimate goal of social transformation is always bridging the gap between wealth and status and reconstructing an equal society.Today's various social issues, all kinds of “second generation”, mother-in-law conflicts, the house price, even rumors of food hygiene, are all public responds when people are in the pursuit of “justice”.Some are sniggering with cynicism at deformed relationship because of fever for wealth and status, while some read ancient works, put on Han Chinese clothing and hide in utopia with fundamentalism.However, these actions lack constructiveness after all, most of them are helpless and useless.From the perspective of cross-cultural comparison, multiple value choice might be a better way.Adopting multi-digestion to solve the bondage of wealth and status to justice may be a new road to try.

第二篇:5人英语话剧剧本——Justice Is The Winner(正义必胜)

5人英语话剧剧本——Justice Is The Winner(正义必胜)


Bunny Cheng:

Bunny Chen Eliza Lin:

Daughter Celine Tu:

Reporter et Aside Sano Hsieh:

Small gangster(小流氓)Trent Cheng:

Big gangster(大流氓)------------------SCENE I A mother is doing exercise in the living room when the phone is ringing.And her daughter is in the school now.Mom:

Hello~ Caller:

(A boy is crying.)Ha!Your kid is here.Do you hear his voice? If you want to save your kid, prepare the ransom.Mom:

Are you crazy? I don’t have a son!!Don’t try to cheat me.Stupid guy!The mother is very angry and hung up the phone.But later… the phone is ringing again… Mom:

Hello~ Caller:

Hello~ Are you busy now? Mom:

(I recognize the voice.)You are a fraud, right? Do you want to trick me again? Is it fun? Don’t do such a boring thing, O.K.? I won’t believe you.Caller:

Really? Listen to this.(A girl is crying on the phone, ”mom, help me~ help me~)Mom:

Oh~ you are a good actor.This time is better but I still won’t fall into your trap to rob me of my money!If you call again, I will call the cop.Do you understand?(Hang up the phone more angrier.)But the voice sounds like her daughter’s and the mom is not disturbed.She decides to go to the elementary school to see her daughter.The mom got there… Mom:

Eliza~ Eliza:

Mom~ why you are here? Are you missing me? Do you come here to pick me up? Mom:

Ya~ are you happy in the school? Let’s go home.I want to tell you something on the way home.Mom tells Eliza about the phone scam and wants her to be careful from now on.SCENE II Because the mother didn’t believe the two gangsters really kidnapped her kid, the gangsters were furious.So they decided to kidnap her daughter this time.The gangsters have found the school her daughter studies in, and observed for many days.Today is the day they plan to kidnap the child.The big gangster always focuses on what he’s doing but the small gangster is usually absent-minded.Big gangster:

Hey!Concentrate!(The big gangster hit the small gangster’s head)Small gangster: Ouch!O.K.O.K.At this moment, the girl appears.Small gangster:(Check the picture.)Hey!Buddy!Look!Is that her? Big gangster:

Ha!Ha!Ha!It’s hunting time.Small gangster: I’m so excited!Oh~ what a beautiful girl.Just like a fairy.My sweetheart… Buddy do you know? I feel that I get butterflies in my stomach!Big gangster:

(Hitting the small gangster’s head again.)Hey!Wake up!Stop day-dreaming.Let’s make a move!

Small gangster: Oh~ my baby~ I’m coming!

Big gangster:

Hey!Lady!Can you do me a favor? Eliza:

Sure!What can I do for you? Small gangster:(Murmuring)This beautiful lady has a beautiful heart.Big gangster:

Sorry.Ignore what he said.Eliza:

Never mind!Big gangster:

Thanks!I want to go to Tunghai University.Do you know how can I get there? Eliza:

Oh… you should go straight until the traffic light, then turn right until you see a convenience store at the corner and turn left.Keep going straight and you would see the university.Big gangster:

Go straight until the first traffic light, turn right and we will see a supermarket at the end of the street.And…


No!No!No!Go straight until the traffic light, then turn right until you see a convenience store at the corner and turn left.Keep going straight and you would see the university.Small gangster: Go straight until the first traffic light, then turn left and go straight to the end of the street, then we can see the university.Eliza:

Oh, my!No!Wrong again!You two are really a stupid guy.Big gangster:

It’s too complex.I can’t remember all the directions.I’m a foreigner.And I have an important presentation there.Could you go with us, guide us there? Please~ Eliza was confused.But she is a kind person and she likes to help people.Eliza:

Umm… let me think… okay!Let’s go!Small gangster: How kind of you!My little girl.Big gangster:

Sorry.Just ignore him.Thank for your help.Eliza goes with the gangsters.In the gangsters’ car, the small gangster suddenly shows a sharp knife.And shouts, “Don’t move!” Eliza is shocked and starts screaming.Eliza:

What are you doing? Small gangster: I’m kidnapping you!


Oh~ I am so scared.Small gangster:(Talk to the big gangster.)Did you hear that, she is scared? Big gangster:

Ya~ we are professional.Eliza:

Not funny!I’m hungry.I want to go home!I want to go home!Small gangster: Shut up.Don’t be so noisy!Eliza keeps crying.Small gangster: You!Get out of the car!Big gangster:

(Hit the small gangster angrily!)Idiot!I have a stupid partner.(Disappointed)Eliza:

I agree!(Nod head.)Big gangster:

Don’t cry baby, I give you a lollipop.Eliza:

Thank you.How kind of you.SCENE III Mother is preparing dinner.Mom:

Eliza!Eliza!Time for dinner!I’m hungry!Hurry up!No one answers her.And she realizes there is something wrong.Mom:

Eliza, where are you? Don’t play hide and seek with me!It’s not funny.I’m hungry.As the mother is finding her daughter, the phone rings.Mom:

Hello~ this is Anderson.I’m busy finding my daughter.Don’t bother me!Big gangster:

Are you finding your daughter? Ha!Ha!Ha… she is right here.Mom:

Good job!Tell her it’s time for dinner.I’m hungry!

Big gangster:

Hey!You are clueless.I have already kidnapped your daughter, Eliza Anderson!Mom:

Hey!Buddy!Don’t trick me!Big gangster:

Sure!Listen!(The gangster takes the phone to Eliza.)Eliza:

Hello!Mom!I’m here!They are so kind.They gave me a lollipop.The gangster takes the phone away.Big gangster:

Do you believe me now? If you want your daughter to come back for dinner.You have to prepare the ransom of NT $ 20,000,000.Mom:

Too expensive!20% off.Big gangster:

Are you buying clothes? Mom:

Bargain is my hobby.Big gangster:

No negotiation you should bring the ransom to Tunghai Lake at 8:00 pm.And remember don’t call the cop.Or you will find your daughter in the lake.Mom:

O.K.See you then!At Tunghai Lake.The gangsters and Eliza are baking fish from the lake because they are hungry.At this time, the mother is coming.Mom:

Ha!(Mom shouts.)The gangsters and Eliza are shocked.And the small gangster’s fish is falling down on the floor.Small gangster: Oh,!My fish!Who’s there?


It’s me, Bunny Anderson, Eliza’s mother, Anderson’s wife.Where is my daughter? Release my daughter.Eliza:

Hi!Mom, I’m here.Do you want to come here to eat fish? Big gangster:

Where is the ransom? Mom:

Release my daughter first!Big gangster:

Give me the ransom first!Mom:

No way!And the battle begins.Mom:

Justice is always the winner.Eliza:

Oh~ Yeah!Mom, you win!Celine:

Ha!I got it!I got it!A new…… headline.Celine:

I am at Tunghai Lake.Earlier, there was a violent fighting.A watermelon knife V.S.A B.B.Q.fork.According to the witnesses, a mother fought with the gangsters for her daughter.And the mother won.Now, let’s interview the persons involved.Celine:

Do you feel regretful? Do you feel sorry to this society? Small gangster: I……


I…… I know.You are very sorry and regretful.How about you?(Turn to the big gangster.)Big gangster:

None of your business.(Run to the wall.)Leave me alone.Eliza:



What do you want to say? Eliza:

Uh…My mom is so cool.She came to save me!Mom:

My turn.My turn.Celine:

O.K.O.K.What do you want to say after winning the fight? Mom:



Well, you are very happy and proud of yourself to be the winner in the battle.Mom:

Yes.And the gangsters…


Oh, the gangsters are very stupid and silly.Mom:

Right.And they…


They want to trick you, but…


But… enough.I’m hungry.I want to go home with my daughter.Celine:

Next time, if you receive a phone call from a scam artist, here are the things you can do to avoid being tricked.First, stay clam and be skeptical about it.The caller hopes to fool you with a moving story, causing you to forget your good judgment.A little doubt can protect you.Second, verify the story.Call the organization to make sure the story is true.Third, report it to the police.And don’t deal with the villains on your own.One phone call will often expose a trap quickly.However, to tell the truth, the mother is really very brave.She is my idol.I want to keep her sign.This is reporter Celine reporting from Tunghia Lake for TVAS.






2.我说你对。全班30个学生按照座位的摆放结成15对,内容有对反义词,对近义词,词语搭配,句式变换等。如老师宣布:“今天我说你对的主题是‘把字句变被字句’。”说的学生就起立出题:“小猫把老鼠吃了。”对的学生则应声而答:“老鼠被小猫吃了。” 3.悄悄话。形式为同桌两两结伴,老师宣布:“今天悄悄话的主题是‘猴子’。”同桌俩就嘴巴对着耳朵悄悄讲一个“猴子”的故事,讲完后,老师统计,谁讲的故事和大家都不一样,就奖励他一棵“小松树”,贴在教室里的评比栏上。这些“思维体操”,一般老师提前一个星期出示主题,让同学们有充分的时间去读书,去准备。由于这些“思维体操”选题小,内容专,形式灵活,竞争性强,富有趣味性,如同一碟碟酸辣可口的开胃小菜,深深赢得了孩子们的喜爱,为了这两分钟的表现,他们在课外更加起劲地读书做笔记,准备在课堂上“一鸣惊人”。













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 3级。非常感兴趣,而且有充分的时间情形下,能1口气读完。上学时看武侠小说和













可以安装一半是最新信息或是未来趋势的书,一半是老的,经典的书籍–往上往外跳跃,往下往里深耕。让你的从立足点起,往最老以及最新的两端延长自己 的智慧–然后从知识源头转换出属于自己的原创想法。有些读过的书可以安排再读一遍,人生阅历不同,想法也会不同。最主要的建立自己的知识架构。




































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