
时间:2019-05-14 04:19:58下载本文作者:会员上传


1.Where did you go on vacation? I went to the mountains.2.①Did you go with anyone? ②Did she study fou tests? ③anything special.3.①Long time no see ②I was on vacation last month ③Did you go anywhere interesting? ④We took quite a few photos there.⑤I just stayed at home most of the time to read and relax.4.①I bought something for my father=I bought my father something

buy sb sth=buy sth for sb.②Everything tasted really good ③How did you like it?=What did you think of it? ④I bought something for my parents,but nothing for myself ⑤Why don't you do/not do sth?

Why didn't you buy anything for yourself? 5.①I went to a friend's farm in the countryside with my family.②.We fed some hens and saw some baby pigs.③.The only problem was that there was nothing much to do in the evening but read.④Still no one seemed to be bored.6.到达 ①.arrive+in=大地方(+at+小地方)②get up ③ reach 7.①Malaysia马来西亚 ②Malaysian马来西亚的/马来西亚人 ③For lunch,we had something very special Malaysian yellow noodles.④My sister and I tried paragliding.⑤It was sunny and hot ,so we decided to go to the beach near our hotel.⑥We saw the house of the Chinese traders from 100 years ago.⑦I wonder what life was like here in the past.⑧I really enjoyed walking



town.8.①What a difference a day makes!②It started raining a little so we decided to take the train.③.We waited over an hour for the train because there were too many people.④与大小用hard/heavy/heavily.风大小用strong/strongly ⑤.Because of the bad weather,we couldn't see anything below ①.Who did you go with? ②go paragliding.③ride bicycles ④We waited a long time for the train and we were wet and cold because we forgot to bring an unbrella.10.①start to do(doing)②We started at 9.30 am.and saw lots of special Malaysian flowers along the way.③About one hour later,we stopped and drank some ter.④Then we walked for another two hours before we got to the top.11.①I didn't bring back anything from Malaysia.②Did you buy anything in the shopping center? ③.Our class did something very special on our school trip.④Everyone in our class took a bag with some food and water.⑤My legs were so tired that I wanted to stop.⑥.so+adj/adv+that从句 如此……以至于…… so that 以便,为了.⑦My classmates told me to keep going.tell sb.(not)to do sth.⑧Everyone jumped up and down in exciternent.⑨.The sun started to come up.⑩.it was so beautiful that we forgot about the last five hours.



Topic 1 1.come back from 回来 2.feel sorry for 为……感到遗憾

=be sorry for

3.by the way 顺便问一下 4.take photos 照相

=take pictures 5.do farm work 干农活 6.for a long time 长时间 7.tell stories 讲故事

8.have summer classes 上暑期班 9.at present 现在;目前 10.live a hard life 过困难的生活 11.in order to 为了 12.give support to 支持 13.keep in touch with 保持联系 14.see sth oneself 亲眼目睹 15.far away 遥远的 16.in the open air 在户外 17.sorts of 各种

18.succeed in doing sth 成功做某事=be successful in doing sth 19.check over 仔细检查 20.draw up an outline 拟订提纲 21.thanks to 多亏,由于 22.make progress 取得进展 23.take part in 参加 24.in detail 详细地 25.in the past 在过去 26.have no chance 没机会 27.after class 课后 28.day and night 日日夜夜

29.more than 超过=over 30.learn … from 向……学习31.in the future 在将来 32.dream about 梦想 Topic 2

1.get lost 迷路

=be lost 2.each other 互相 3.call sb up 打电话给某人 4.go shopping 购物 5.at least 至少 6.take place 发生 7.because of 因为;由于

8.be strict with sb 对某人要求严格 9.be strict in sth 对某事要求严格 10.increase by 增加了··· 11.increase to 增加到··· 12.carry out 执行 13.be short of 缺少 14.so far 到目前为止

15.take measures to do sth 采取措施做某事 16.a couple of 一些;几个 17.keep up with 赶上

18.have fun doing sth 获得乐趣;玩得开心 19.offer a good education 提供一个良好的教

20.work well in doing sth 在……有成效 21.be known as 将……称为;把……叫做 22.the only child 独生子 23.write down 写下 24.less than 少于

Topic 3 1.get used to doing sth 习惯于做某事

=be used to doing sth 2.as a matter of fact 事实上

=in fact 3.break out 爆发 4.in need 在困难时

5.decide on sth 就某事做出决定 6.feel good about oneself 自我感觉良好 7.provide sb with sth 向某人提供某物

=provide sth for sb 8.live a normal life 过正常的生活 9.according to 根据 10.be away from 远离 11.be famous for 以……而闻名

=be known for 12.so that 为了;以便

=in order that 13.at the same time 同时

14.take drugs 服毒take medicine 吃药

15.obey the rules 遵守规则

16.aim to do sth 目的是……

17.at home and abroad 国内外

go abroad去国外

18.in the past few years 在过去的几年中

19.pay for 付款 20.belong to 属于


Unit1 How do you study for a test? 句型、短语小结

1.How do you study for a test ?


I study by working with a group.我通过小组学习的方式来学习

2.make flashcards

制作认读卡 3.ask(the teacher)for help

向…求助 4.make vocabulary lists

列出单词表 5.watch English-lanuage videos


6.read aloud to practice pronunciation 读出声来练习发音 7.learn a lot that way

通过那种方式学了很多 8.I think it helps.我认为这很有用 9.improve my speaking skills

提高我的口语表达能力 10.It’s too hard to do sth.做某事太难了

11.ask sb about sth.询问某人有关某事 12.the way to do sth= the way of doing sth 做某事的方式 13.for example 例如(与所列举的事物之间用“,”隔开)

such as 例如(与所列举的事物之间不用“,”隔开)14.find watching moives frustrating 发现看电影令人失望 15.join the English club

参加英语俱乐部 16.not…at all

根本不,一点也不 17.get/be excited about


18.end up doing sth

以做某事结束,告终 19.do a survey about sth/doing sth

作关于……的调查 20.study grammer

学习语法 21.keep an English notebook

记英语笔记 22.understand spoken English


23.make mistakes in…


by mistake



把……误认为…...24.get the pronunciation right


25.get much writing practice

做很多写作练习26.practice speaking English

练习说英语 27.have a partner to practice English with


28.learn to do sth.学会做某事

29.first of all=at first=firstly


30.to begin/start with

首先,起初 31.later on

以后,随后 32.be afraid to do sth

害怕去做某事 be afraid of doing sth.担心去做某事 33.speak in class

在课堂上发言 34.laugh at


35.make complete sentences

造完整的句子 36.take/make/write notes


37.enjoy doing sth


enjoy oneself =have fun =have a good/great time


38.My teacher is very impressed.我的老师很受感动 39.have trouble/difficulty/problems(in)doing sth

在某方面有困难.40.look up

查阅,查看(词或资料)41.feel very soft


42.make up…(conversations)

编造,组成(对话)43.as a second language

作为第二语言 44.around the world = all over the world 全世界

45.deal with(与how搭配)=do with(与what搭配)处理 46.if…not=unless


47.worry about sb/sth=be worried about sb/sth

担心 48.affect how we do at school

影响我们在校的表现 49.be angry with sb

生某人的气 be angry about sth


be angry at what sb said

为某人的言行而生气 50.Time goes by, and good friendships may be lost.时间流逝,好的友谊可能会消失 51.play together


52.see/hear/watch/find/feel sb/sth do sth 看见/听见/观察


see/hear/watch/find/feel sb/ sth doing sth看见/听见/观察到/发现/感觉到某人正在做某事(强调动作的的一个片段正在进行)

53.decide(not)to do sth


54.This is an important lesson for us.这对我们来说是一个重要的教训 55.solve a problem



把…看着… 57.complain about/of sth


complain to sb


complain to sb about sth


58.It’s one’s duty to do sth.做某事是某人的职责 59.change…into…=turn…into…


60.try/do one’s best to do sth

尽某人最大努力做某事 61.compare…to…


把……和….作比较 62.face the challenges


63.instead of(doing)sth/instead 代替,顶替,而不是

64.in a positive way


65.break off(a frendship)















八年级英语下册第一单元重点词组和句型 一,重要词组.1.在将来

2.从现在起的3.去上学 go to school4.每个家庭5.在家通过电脑学习study at home on computers 6.使用钱

7.活到200岁 8.100年后_in 100 years_9.更少的人

10.更多的业余时间11.更少的污染 less pollution_ 12.更少的树13.更少地使用地铁 14.五年前_five years ago_ 15.在高中16.踢足球_play soccer_ 17.在大学 18.弹钢琴19.打网球_play tennis20.什么运动21.一座高楼大厦_a tall building

22.太空站23.一位电脑工程师24.在这附近_near here

25.乘火车去上学26.乘火箭去月球27.在公寓里_in an apartment _


29.把…和…作比较 30.科幻电影 31.帮助…_32.十年后_in ten years33.去年34.爱上……35.作为一名记者 36.许多_lots of


39.太小_too young40.甚至可能41.去溜冰_go skating42.每一天43.看起来时髦的 44.在周末_at the weekend _ 45.度假46.能够47.穿着更加的随意_dress causally

48.最令人不愉快的工作49.数以百计的;成百上千的 50.做相同的事情_do the same thing51.举个例子52.醒来,唤醒_wake up53.能够54.其他的科学家 55.和人们谈论,讲话_talk with talk to sb56.一次又一次57.感到无聊_get bored_

58.不同的形状 59.一场地震之后 60.寻找_look for

61.一把电动牙刷 62.下一次

63.下一次世界杯_the next World Cup64.明年

65.穿制服66.预测未来67.梦想成真 68.没有声音_no sound69.大多数人70.与…一样

八年级英语下册第一单元重点词组和句型 一,重要词组.1.在将来

2.从现在起的3.去上学 go to school4.每个家庭5.在家通过电脑学习study at home on computers 6.使用钱

7.活到200岁 8.100年后_in 100 years_9.更少的人

10.更多的业余时间11.更少的污染 less pollution_ 12.更少的树13.更少地使用地铁 14.五年前_five years ago_ 15.在高中16.踢足球_play soccer_ 17.在大学 18.弹钢琴19.打网球_play tennis20.什么运动21.一座高楼大厦_a tall building

22.太空站23.一位电脑工程师24.在这附近_near here

25.乘火车去上学26.乘火箭去月球27.在公寓里_in an apartment _


29.把…和…作比较 30.科幻电影 31.帮助…_32.十年后_in ten years33.去年34.爱上……35.作为一名记者36.许多_lots of

37.我最好的朋友 38.独自居住

39.太小_too young40.甚至可能41.去溜冰_go skating42.每一天43.看起来时髦的 44.在周末_at the weekend _ 45.度假46.能够47.穿着更加的随意_dress causally

48.最令人不愉快的工作49.数以百计的;成百上千的 50.做相同的事情_do the same thing51.举个例子52.醒来,唤醒_wake up53.能够54.其他的科学家 55.和人们谈论,讲话_talk with talk to sb56.一次又一次 57.感到无聊_get bored_

58.不同的形状 59.一场地震之后 60.寻找_look for

61.一把电动牙刷 62.下一次

63.下一次世界杯_the next World Cup64.明年

65.穿制服66.预测未来67.梦想成真 68.没有声音_no sound69.大多数人70.与…一样



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