2009 年2 月21 日
为期十二个月的“国际语言年”活动结束后,2009 年2 月21 日的“国
我们强烈希望,在教科文组织2008 年牵头开展的“国际语言年”宣传运
除了“语言年”活动和2008 年发起的众多促进语言的项目外,还将在今
值此第十个“国际母语日”之际,我呼吁,2008 年发起的众多宣言与行
巴黎,2月19日 ——今天,联合国教科文组织在巴黎推出了新版世界濒危语言图谱的电子版。这一互动的数字工具呈现了世界上2500多种濒危语言的更新数据,将可以得到使用者的补充、修改或实时更新。
如图谱中具体指出,199种语言的使用人数不足十人,178种语言的使用人数在十人到五十人之间。刚刚灭绝的语言中,图谱中列举了1974年随着Ned Maddrell逝世,马恩岛人所操的马恩语由此灭绝,1976年坦桑尼亚的aasax语灭绝,1992年土耳其的oubykh语随着Tevfik Esenç逝世灭绝,阿拉斯加(美国)的eyak语随着Marie Smith Jones于2008年辞世而灭绝。
澳大利亚语言学家、图谱发表的负责人Christopher Moseley说:“认为曾是殖民语言的大语种——如英语、法语和西班牙语——在世界各地都是导致其他语种灭绝的原因,那就太想当然了。事实并不尽然,因为各种因素间存在着微妙的互动。《图谱》将帮助普通大众更好地了解这些因素。”。
联合国教科文组织总干事2011年国际扫盲日致辞时间:2011-09-06 16:11来源:口译网 作者:口译网 点击:1132次
Message on the occasion of the International Literacy Day from Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO 8 September 2011
联合国教科文组织总干事2011年国际扫盲日致辞 伊琳娜·博科娃
This year, International Literacy Day places a special focus on the essential relationship between literacy and peace.今年的国际扫盲日特别关注扫盲与和平的必然联系。
Lasting peace is founded on respect for human rights and social justice.持久和平建立在尊重人权与社会公正的基石之上。
Literacy, the foundation of all education and lifelong learning, is one of these rights.扫盲就是一项人权,是全民教育和终身学习的基础。
Literacy is a prerequisite for peace because it carries multiple benefits, cutting across the human, cultural, social, political and economic spheres.扫盲是和平的首要必备条件,因为它具有多重益处,惠及人类、文化、社会、政治和经济等各个领域。
In today’s knowledge driven societies, lack of literacy is more than ever synonymous with exclusion and marginalization.在当今由知识推动的社会中,没有基本知识愈加成为排斥和边缘化的同义词。
According to the most recent figures(2009), 793 million adults lack basic literacy skills, the majority are girls and women.A further 67 million children of primary school age are not in primary school and 72 million adolescents of lower secondary school age are also missing out their right to an education, running the risk of creating a new generation of illiterates.根据最新统计数字(2009年),7.93亿成人没有基本识字能力,其中大多数是女童和妇女。另外,有6700万小学学龄儿童没有上小学,7200万初中学龄儿童错失了受教育的权利,因而有可能产生新一代文盲。
This unacceptable situation is holding back all efforts to reduce poverty and advance human development.这一令人无法接受的局面阻碍减贫和推动人类发展的一切努力。
It is an infringement of human rights and fundamental freedoms, and a threat to peace and security.这是对人权与基本自由的侵犯,并对和平与安全构成威胁。
Literacy is a development accelerator and a force for peace.扫盲是发展的加速器、和平的推动力。
First, literacy empowers individuals, equipping them with the skills and confidence to seek out vital information and to make informed choices that have a direct impact on their families and communities.首先,扫盲可增强个人能力,赋予人们各种技能和信心,使其能够捕捉必要信息,在对其家庭和社群具有直接影响的问题上做出明智选择。
Second literacy is a condition for individuals to effectively participate in democratic processes, to claim a voice in community organizations, gain political knowledge and thereby contribute to shaping the quality of public policies.其次,有基本知识是个人切实参与民主进程、在社区组织中要求发言权、获取政治知识并从而为制定高质量的公共政策做出贡献的一个条件。
Third, literacy programs strengthen mutual understanding by enabling people to share ideas and to express, preserve and develop their cultural identity and diversity.再者,扫盲计划能增进相互理解,使人们得以交流思想,表现、保持和发展自己的文化特性和多样性。
No country can hope to establish lasting conditions for peace unless it finds ways of building mutual trust between its citizens through inclusive education systems that promote mutual understanding, respect, tolerance and dialogue.除非通过倡导相互理解、尊重、宽容和对话的包容教育系统找到在本国公民之间建立相互信任的途径,否则没有一个国家能奢望为和平创造经久不衰的条件。
It is crucial to integrate literacy in peace building processes in order to plant the seeds of peace, foster dialogue and reconciliation, and give youth and adults the skills they need to seek decent employment.必须将扫盲纳入建设和平的进程,从而播撒下和平的种子,促进对话与和解,赋予青年和成年人谋求体面工作所需的技能。
The 2011 International Literacy Prizes reward ground-breaking programs that show the central role of literacy in promoting human rights, gender equality, conflict resolution and cultural diversity.All programs highlight that even in the most difficult contexts, good quality literacy programs are working and bringing lasting change into the lives of youth and adults.2011年国际扫盲奖表彰体现出扫盲在促进人权、性别平等、冲突解决和文化多样性中的核心作用的开创性计划。所有计划都突出说明,即使在最困难的情况下,优质扫盲计划也会有成效,能使青年和成年人的生活发生永久性变化。
Investing in literacy programs is a sensible and essential development choice.Literacy is a key component of strategies to promote sustainable development and peace.It is central to achieving Education for All and the Millennium Development Goals.投资扫盲计划是一个明智而又必要的发展选择。扫盲是促进可持续发展与和平战略的一项主要内容,是实现全民教育和千年发展目标的关键。
The world urgently needs increased political commitment to literacy backed by adequate resources to scale up effective programs.Today I urge governments, international organizations, civil society and the private sector to make literacy a policy priority, so that every individual can develop their potential, and actively participate in shaping more sustainable, just and peaceful societies.世界迫切需要政治领导人们对扫盲做出更坚定的承诺并以充足的资源作为这种承诺的后盾,扩大切实有效的计划。今天,我敦促各国政府、国际组织、民间社会和私营部门将扫盲作为一项政策重点,使每个人都能发掘自己的潜力,积极参与建设更加可持续、公正与和平的社会。
联合国教科文组织总干事2011“国际母语日”致辞 All languages are linked through their origins and borrowing, but each is a unique source of meaning for understanding, writing and expressing reality.从起源到后来的相互借鉴,所有语言都是相互联系的,但对于我们理解、记述与表现现实生活而言,每一种语言又都具有其独特性。
Mother languages are special in providing the material with which the world is first voiced, the lens through which it is first understood.International Mother Language Day is a moment to recognize their importance and to mobilise for multilingualism and linguistic diversity.母语的特殊意义在于为我们提供了一种最初用话语表达的工具和认识这个世界的镜子。国际母语日,我们要认识到母语的重要性并努力促进多语言使用和语言多样性。
Mother languages, along with linguistic diversity, matter for the identity of individuals.As sources of creativity and vehicles for cultural expression, they are also important for the health of societies.Not least, languages are factors for development and growth.We know how important education in the mother language is for learning outcomes.Mother language instruction is a powerful way to fight discrimination and reach out to marginalised populations.As wellsprings of knowledge, languages are also starting points for greater sustainability in development, for managing more harmoniously our relationship with the environment and change.母语以及语言多样性与个人的身份认同息息相关。作为创造性的源泉和文化表达的载体,它们对于社会的健康也至关重要。语言还是促进发展和增长的要素。我们深知母语教育对学习成绩的重要性。母语教学是消除歧视和帮助边缘化人群的有效工具。作为知识的源泉,语言也是提高发展的可持续性以及更和谐地调整我们与环境之间的关系和管理变革的出发点。Multilingualism opens fabulous opportunities for the dialogue that is necessary to understanding and cooperation.Mother languages live harmoniously with the acquisition of other languages.A plural linguistic space allows the wealth of diversity to put in common.It accelerates the exchange of knowledge and experience.This was one of the core themes of the 2010, International Year for the Rapprochement of Cultures.Building on the mother language, the learning of multiple languages must be a pillar of 21st century education.多语言使用为理解与合作所必需的对话创造了绝佳的机会。母语与掌握其他语言并行不悖。语言多元化的环境让人们共享多样化的财富,促进知识与经验的交流。这是 2010 国际文化和睦年的核心主题。在母语的基础上进一步学习多种语言必须成为 21 世纪教育的一个支柱。
At the same time, we can do more to support the balanced development of translation, as a channel to open to all the great diversity of knowledge and experience throughout the world.与此同时,我们要更加支持翻译事业的均衡发展,它是通向全世界丰富多彩的知识与经验宝库的一条途径。
The theme of the 2011 International Mother Language Day concerns the use of information and communication technologies for safeguarding and promoting languages and linguistic diversity.2011年国际母语日的主题是利用信息与传播技术保护和促进语言与语言多样性。Languages provide the software for information and communication
technologies.These technologies are also a new frontier for promoting linguistic diversity.UNESCO is committed to promoting multilingualism on the Internet.These goals guide UNESCO in its work with the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers.语言是信息与传播技术的软件。这些技术也为促进语言多样性拓展了新的疆域。联合国教科文组织致力于推动互联网上多种语言的使用。教科文组织与互联网名称与数字地址分配机构的合作也是基于这种目的。
Innovative technologies provide new ways also to follow, examine and learn languages.The success of the online edition of UNESCO’s Atlas of the World’s Languages in Danger shows the power of the Internet to track the state of languages and multilingualism, and to raise awareness with a global audience.创新的技术还为我们观察、研究和学习语言提供了新的手段。教科文组织《世界濒危语言图谱》网络版的巨大成功展现了互联网在监测语言现状和多语言使用状况以及面向全球受众提高人们认识方面的强大力量。
Information and communication technologies can be especially useful in promoting mother languages.We must harness the power of progress to
protect diverse visions of the world and to promote all sources of knowledge and forms of expression.These are the threads that weave the tapestry of
humanity’s story.The innovation, flexibility and social interaction that lie at the heart of new information and communication technologies can support these goals.On this International Mother Language Day, let us pledge to work together in this direction.信息与传播技术在倡导母语方面可发挥特别重要的作用。我们必须利用科技进步的力量,保护各种不同的世界观,促进各种来源的知识和表达形式。它们是编织人类历史挂毯的丝线。创新、灵活和社会交流,作为新的信息与传播技术的核心要素,有助于我们实现这些目标。值此国际母语日之际,让我们决心为此而共同努力。
联合国教科文组织总干事2011妇女节致辞时间:2011-03-08 09:29来源:口译网 作者:口译网 点击:1403次
Message on the occasion of the International Women’s Day
of the UNESCO Director-General, Irina BokovaMarch 201
联合国教科文组织总干事 伊琳娜·博科娃
International Women’s Day was first honoured one hundred years ago in a handful of European countries.Since then, the celebrationhas become global, and much has been achieved.The2011 International Women’s Dayis an opportunity to celebrate achievements and mobilize against the challenges that remain.一百年前在欧洲的一小部分国家首次庆祝了“国际妇女节”,此后,它便成为全球性的庆祝活动,而且取得了很大的成果。2011年的国际妇女节 使我们有机会颂扬成就并动员力量应对依然存在的挑战。
There is no room for complacency.Less than 40 percent of countries provide girls and boys with equal access to education.Had we reached gender parity in primary education in 2008, there would have been an additional 3.6 million girls in school.Disparities have increased at the secondary level in Africa over the last decade.Only 29 percent of researchers in the world today are women.Two-thirds of the world’s 796 million illiterate adults are women.我们并没有什么可自满的。只有不到百分之四十国家的女孩和男孩有着平等接受教育的权利。如果世界各国在 2008年能够实现初等教育性别平衡的话,就能再有360万女孩进入小学。在过去的十年里,非洲中等教育中的性别失衡问题变得更为严重。当今世界科研人员中妇女的比例仅为29%。全世界7.96亿成人文盲中三分之二是妇女。
The impact is serious.Inequality costs lives in terms of child mortality.It blights lives in terms of poverty and marginalization.And it slights lives in terms of opportunities for growth and development.这种影响的后果是严重的。性别不平等导致儿童死亡率的上升,意味着生命的丧失。从贫困和边缘化的角度来看,它使生活变得更加恶劣。因为影响到成长和发展的机会,它也使生命变得更加脆弱。
Gender equality is a red thread weaving through all UNESCO activities to promote international cooperation in education, the sciences, culture, communication and information.We seek to promote basic human rightsin order to transform our societies and lay the foundations for equitable and sustainable human development.性别平等是贯穿教科文组织所有促进教育、科学、文化、传播与信息领域国际合作活动的一条主线。我们努力促进基本人权和社会变革,为公平和可持续的人类发展奠定基础。
This year’s International Women’s Day is inspired by the theme of ‘Equal access to education, training and science and technology: Pathway to decent work for women.’ This goes to the heart of UNESCO’s mission.We work to strengthen the bridges between education, training, science and technology and the labour market in order to promote equal opportunity to decent employment.This starts early, with quality education for all girls and young women from the primary to the tertiary level.It continues with vocational training and education for women who have not acquired basic skills.It proceeds with creating positive role models and career tracks – especially in such areas as science and technology.今年国际妇女节弘扬的主题是“平等接受教育、培训和利用科技的权利:妇女通往体面工作之路”。这正是教科文组织的核心使命。我们努力加强教育、培训、科技与劳动市场之间的衔接,从而促进平等的体面就业机会。为此需要从更早期入手,为所有女孩和女青年提供从小学到大学阶段有质量的教育。要继续为没有掌握基本技能的妇女提供职业培训与教育,并进而树立积极的表率模式和职业途径--尤其是在科技等领域。
These goals guide UNESCO’s work in leading the Education for All initiative.They inspire our partnership with L’Oreal to promote women in scientific research.They explain our work in Pakistan to support income generation for women after the floods of 2010 and to increase literacy among women in Afghanistan.这些目标引导着教科文组织牵头开展全民教育活动,也激励我们与欧莱雅开展合作,促进妇女开展科学研究。正是为了这些目标,我们在2010年洪灾后与巴基斯坦一起支持为妇女开展创收活动,以及努力让更多的阿富汗妇女扫盲。
UNESCO is geared up to do much more – to work with official and private sector partners to provide system-wide policy support forgovernments, to enhance nonformal education and to open learning opportunities for adult women.UNESCO has real leadership in these areas, and we will make the most of this.教科文组织已经准备就绪,将为此做更多的工作--与官方和私营部门合作伙伴一起,向各国政府提供全系统的政策支持,进一步为成年妇女提供非正规教育和开放式学习的机会。教科文组织在这些领域可以发挥切实的领导作用,我们将充分利用这一机会。
Without basic skills, decent work has become a distant dream for too many women.The worlds of science and technology – so important for our lives today – remain beyond the reach of most.Human rights are being violated.Tremendous talents are being lost.This International Women’s’ Day is a chance for us all to address these challenges.In times of economic difficulty, there is no better investment.对许多没有基本技能的妇女来说,要想得到体面的工作那是一个遥远的梦想。对我们今天的生活如此重要的科技世界,大部分人却依然可望而不可及。人权还在受到侵犯。大量的人才在流失。今年的国际妇女节使我们所有人有机会来应对这些挑战。在经济困难时期,这就是最好的投资
联合国秘书长2010年国际减灾日致辞时间:2010-10-14 18:29来源:口译网 作者:口译网 点击:976次
UN Secretary-General's Message on the International Day for Disaster Reduction
New York, 13 October 2010
Biggest, deadliest, worst ever.We have seen those words in the headlines too often this year.We have used them about earthquakes, floods, hurricanes and forest fires, about loss of life and income.Those words are likely to be heard for years to come, as the climate changes and hazards multiply.To complicate the picture, just as weather patterns have altered, so has human society.We are more urban.If earthquakes, floods or storm surges were deadly in the past, they are deadlier still in an increasingly urbanized world.有史以来最大、死伤人数最多、最严重。这些字眼我们今年经常在头版头条上见到。我们用这些字眼来描绘地震、洪水、飓风和森林火灾造成的生命和财产损失。而随着气候的变化和危险倍增,这些字眼今后若干年很可能会不断传来。更糟糕的是,不仅天气模式发生了改变,而且人类社会也与以往不同了。我们更加城市化。如果说地震、洪水或风暴潮从来就是致命的,那么在日益城市化的当今世界,这些灾害的致命性则更大。
Many cities are on the coasts, vulnerable to storms, inundation and sea level rise.More than a billion people in Asia live within 100 kilometres of the sea, and two-thirds of the population of Latin America and the Caribbean live within 200 kilometres.Too many people live on flood plains, others above earthquake fault lines.Some settle downstream from treeless areas, with little buffer against the elements.The risk of disaster quietly accumulates.And, while natural hazards menace everyone, the poor are by far the most vulnerable.许多城市都位于沿海地区,易受暴风雨、洪水和海平面上升的威胁。亚洲有十多亿人生活在距海100公里之内,拉丁美洲和加勒比区域三分之二的人生活在距海200公里之内。太多的人生活在洪泛区,还有很多人生活在地震带上。有的人居住在无树区的下游地带,几乎无法缓冲灾难的影响。灾害风险的累积是悄然无声的。而且,虽说自然灾害威胁的是每个人,但迄今为止,穷人是最易受害的人群。
On the positive side, we are learning to cope.Today, on the International Day for Disaster Reduction, we recognize what local governments and communities are doing to protect themselves while building more sustainable towns and cities.令人乐观的是,我们正在学习如何应对。今天,恰逢国际减灾日,我们要肯定一些地方政府和社区所做的工作,它们在建设更具可持续性的城镇和城市的同时,开展自我保护。
Last May, the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction launched a global campaign called “Making Cities Resilient”.More than 100 cities, with nearly 110 million residents, have signed up to the “Ten Essentials” – actions that will make communities safer from disasters.The role models with good practices include Albay Province in the Philippines, Hyogo Prefecture in Japan, Bangkok, Bonn, Mexico City and Mumbai.今年5月,联合国国际减灾战略发起了“使城市富有复原力”全球运动。已有100多个城市(居民人数共约1.1亿)签名参与了“十大要点”——即可加强社区在灾害中安全的若干项行动。菲律宾的阿尔拜省、日本兵库县、曼谷、波恩、墨西哥城和孟买等地堪称楷模,其良好做法值得借鉴。
The Ten Essentials translate broad ideas about sustainable cities into workable solutions.They recommend that governments assign a budget to serve everyone – rich and poor alike – and that they invest in risk assessment, training on disaster risk reduction, ecosystem protection, and early warning systems.City planners must also tackle the principal sources of risk in urban areas – poor governance, planning and enforcement.Decision-making should be inclusive and participatory and the principles of sustainable urbanization must be embraced and upheld, especially for the benefit of people living in slums and informal settlements.“十大要点”将关于可持续城市的宽泛理念转化成可行的解决办法。“十大要点”建议政府提供服务于每个人(不论贫富)的预算拨款,并建议它们投资于风险评估、减灾培训、生态系统保护以及预警系统。城市规划者也必须解决城市地区风险的几大主要来源,即管理不善、规划不妥和执行不力。决策应具有包容性和参与性,必须接受和奉行可持续城市化原则,特别是要有利于贫民窟和非正式定居点的居民。
Reducing disaster risk is everybody's business, and needs everyone's participation and investment – civil society, professional networks as well as municipal and national governments.On this International Day for Disaster Reduction, I commend those cities that are acting to build resilience to climate, environmental and social risks.And to all others I pose this question: Is your city ready?