1. 审题
通常在四、六级的作文中,有两种形式。一种是给出题目和提纲(中文或英文),另一种是给出题目和每一段的段首句(段首句大多是该段的主题句,其实相当于提纲)。我们应该充分利用这些信息,才不至于跑题。以2001年1月份的试题为例,它的题目是“How to Succeed in a Job Interview?”,给出了两个要点(提纲):
The weather has been changeable.On Sunday we had a high wind that blew down some trees.Monday was so cold that we had to turn on the heat and wear out winter coats.On Tuesday we formed a group to go roller skating.By Wednesday the weather cleared and the sun came out.Thursday was as hot and humid as an August day.Friday morning it began to rain, and it looks as if we’ll have a cold, steady wind for a few days.这一段写“最近天气多变”,首句为主题句。扩展句叙述了星期日、星期
Sports benefit us in many respects.When taking part in sports, we get the chance to train almost all parts of our body.There is no doubt that properly balanced physical activities keep us physically fit.Furthermore, sports can enrich our life and maintain our psychological health.Through participation, everyone can learn that on the playing field he not only competes for himself but also for his team.Sports teach us about consideration, cooperation and optimism, and how to cope with difficulties.第一句是本段的主题句,接下来作者从体育运动对身体的好处说了两句,第四句讲述体育运动对心理方面的益处,第五句从团队的方面加以论述,最后一句既是论据,同时也是对前面三点的概括。全段没有一句话脱离主题句。
The weather has been changeable.On Sunday we had a high wind that blew down some trees.Monday was so cold that we had to turn on the heat and wear out winter coats.And it remained gloomy the next day.To our pleasure, by Wednesday the weather cleared and the sun came out.But Thursday tuned out to be as hot and humid as an August day.Worse still, it began to rain this morning, and it looks as if we’ll have a cold, steady wind for a few days.那么,如何使文章连贯呢?
代词和有意的重复可起到衔接的作用。例如在上面的例子中,在提到星期二时,没有用Tuesday,而是用了the next day,避免重复,并把这两天连在一起,让人感觉到了前后的承接。再如最后一句中原文用的是Friday morning,改为this morning后,意义并没有改变,但一下子把距离拉近了,既承接起前面的五天,又能与后一分句中的将来时有效的结合。
关联词和插入语的使用是四级考试作文中最明显的连接手段,如上例中的and,to our pleasure,but,worse still。
3列举时常用for example, for instance, such as, like, as proof, thus, take…as an example, to illustrate 等词语.Nonverbal communication, or “body language.” is communication by facial expressions, head or eye movements, hand signals, and body postures.It can be just as important to understanding as words are.Misunderstandings often amusing but sometimes serious-can arise between people from different culture if they misinterpret nonverbal signals.Take for example, the differences in meaning of gesture very common in the United States: a circle made with the thumb and index finger.To an American, it means that everything is ok.To a Japanese, it means that you are talking about money.In France,“ it means that something is worthless, and in Greece, it is an obscene gesture.Therefore, an American could unknowingly offend a Greek by using that particular hand signal.2.分类法
There are three basic kinds of materials that can” be found in any good library.First, there are books on all subjects, both in English and in many other languages.These books are organized according to subject, title, and author in a central file caned the card catalog.Books can generally be checked out of the library and taken home for a period of two to four weeks.Second, there are reference works.which include encyclopedias, dictionaries, bibliography, atlases, etc., and which generally must be used in the library itself.Third, there are periodicals-magazines, newspapers, pamphlets-which are flied alphabetically in racks, or which have been filmed to conserve space.Like reference works, periodicals cannot usually be removed from the library.分类时常用:most of all,next,moreover,in addition,besides,furthermore,to begin with,to start with,first of all,first,second,third…
Growing numbers of well-to-do Americans are making the decision to move abroad.They find it impossible in America to walk the streets at night without fear of being raped, mugged, or murdered, nor do they see a way to escape the poisonous air of the cities.They maintain that even American food has become increasingly dangerous to eat.Last but not least, they insist that they are sick of the pace of American life, a pace that leaves no time for relaxation or pleasure.因果关系常用语汇: because of, so, owing to, thanks to, thus, as a result of, hence, for this reason, consequently, is caused by, lead to, result in
Learning English is like building a house.Laying a solid foundation is the first and most important step.In other words, you should reads, you should read and speak English every day.Memorizing new words and phrases is also helpful.Like building a house, learning English takes some time.So don’t be impatient.Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day.常用语汇:at the same time, similar to, accordingly, both, show a degree of similarity, similarly, lie and so , the same as, and… too, in the same way, in a like manner
列举事实或举出实例来说明中心思想, 是简单易行、具有说服力的写作方法。
Communicating with other people by telephone is very convenient, especially when you have something urgent.For example, if one of your family members is seriously ill at right, and you don’t know how to deal with it and where to find a doctor, what can you do? A telephone is the answer.Dial 120 and you will get services from the hospital very soon.
Ambition is the decision one makes and the resolution with which he carries out that decision.It provides us with the required driving force to accomplish any undertakings in our life.Just as Joseph Epstein, a famous American writer put it, “And as we decide and choose, so are our lives formed.” Indeed, once we make up our minds to choose to do something, then our life becomes meaningful and specifically orientated.This notion of life, as far as I observe, is closest to truth and does apply to almost all aspects of life.First things first, ambition renders us a sense of mission.No matter what decision you make you have to be responsible for your choice.Your choice procures you a sense of orientation, or more specially a sense of mission.And only a strong mission may enable one to accomplish greatness.Caesar of the ancient Roman Empire was urged by his ambition “I came, I saw, I conquered.” And became an unrivaled empire builder in the history of Rome.John Milton, stimulated always by his ambition that aimed at writing some “mighty lines” which England would unwillingly forget, had in due time secured his position as the second Shakespeare in the history of English literature.In the second place, ambition can bring one’s potentials to the full.Ambition may well serve as a catalyst activating one’s dormant potentials.Without ambition one’s potentials will remain slumbering like a dormant volcano.A case in point is Ms Zhang Haidi, a Chinese Helen Keller.It was her ambition to be a useful person has turned the almost paralyzed Zhang Haidi into a well-accomplished figure whose achievements would dwarf those of some normal people aim at the sun, though, at worst, they may probably land on the moon.Influential as it is upon us, however, ambition must be channeled in the right direction.If wrongly directed, one’s ambition may bring havoc on him and others.Hitler, whose ambition was to conquer Europe by whatever evil means, finally turned him into a demon.It was this demon that almost cast Europe into an unfathomable abyss of anguish and suffering.Another case is Macbeth whose ambition was to become the king of Scotland.However, his ambition was materialized by the murder of King Duncan.Consequently, unbearable guilt and psychological agony drove him to his tragic doom.To sum up, ambition can benefit us tremendously if wisely and correctly channeled, otherwise it may ruin others and ourselves.A poet says: life can be bad;life can be good;life can be dirty;life can be sad,;life can even be painful.In my mind’s eye, a person can make his life beautiful, meaningful and rewarding and stand out as a respectable personage if he is motivated by a well-orientated ambition
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作文第一步是仔细审题,考生要仔细阅读试题要求及相关信息,如图表、图画、数字等,准确把握出题者意图。考研作文忌信手拈来,提笔就写,根本不审题,想到哪儿就写到哪儿,或完全凭自己想象编故事,置考试要求于不顾,“下笔千言,离题万里”。比如1998年考研作文是一幅卡通画,老母鸡申明外加一首打油诗,讽刺一些企业把该尽职之事作为推销产品的承诺。2000年的作文“a brief history of world commercial fishing”,它给出了两张图,从1900年的渔船和鱼量之比到1995年的渔船和鱼量之比的变化谈如何保护渔业资源,应从商业性滥捕鱼这一主题展开话题,有的考生却大谈环境污染。这就偏离了主题,因为题中自始至终都没有谈到环境污染问题。
一篇文章往往由四部分组成:标题(title),首段(opening paragraph),主体(body paragraph),结尾段(concluding paragraph)。标题要新颖,能引起读者兴趣。首段的内容根据文章的体裁而变化:比如议论文可以从一种现象、一种观点出发引出作者的观点,记叙文往往交代人物和故事背景。主体是文章的主要部分,通过合适的语篇模式表达一定的观点,考生要围绕中心按一定顺序分层次有重点地展开叙述、描写和议论。结尾段是对全文的总结,论点上要与前面的叙述保持一致
Agreement: 主语和谓语在人称、数上的一致,关系代词与先行词的一致。Ambiguity: 尽量不去使用可能引起歧义的词语或句子。Brief: 文章“简为贵”,要抓住要点,简明扼要。Coherence: 文理通顺,前后连贯。
Development: 主题的发挥应当充分、合理、正确。
Division: 词汇、句子、段落要分配使用得当,划分要清楚,避免使用重复字句和种子片段。Figures: 正确合理使用各类修辞格式。Inflated diction: 不使用做作的语言。Key: 用适当的关键词突出主题,每段都应有主题句。Logical: 内容要符合逻辑。
Message: 信息要新鲜、确实、可信。Omit: 合理删除多余的不必要部分。
Proposition: 主张、观点、论述要清楚肯切、合情入理。Punctuation: 正确适时使用标点符号。Relevant: 文章一定要要题。
Sentence pattern: 句型要尽量多样化。Strait: 开门见山,直来直去。
Style: 文体恰切,适合内容要求。
Tense: 动词时态要正确、一致、变化合理。Theme: 选题得当,主题突出
1.Organize your thoughts before writing: brainstorm、make an outline、etc.下笔前整合思绪:脑力激荡,写出纲要等。
2.Write clearly.Be concise.Avoid wordiness.写作清晰,务必精简,避免赘言。
3.Use good grammar and write complete sentences.使用好的文法,写出完整句子。
4.Write simple sentences.Avoid a fancy style.尝试简单句,避免花俏的句法。
5.Avoid slang、cliche and informal words.避免俚语、陈腔滥调和非正式用字。
6.Avoid use of the first person(i.e.I/me/my)unless necessary to specific piece.除非必要,避免使用第一人称:如“我/我的”。
7.Writing naturally.Read it aloud.Does it sound natural? Does it flow? 自然挥洒,大声朗诵。整篇文章听起来自然吗?通顺吗?
8.Move logically from one idea to the next.Don't skip steps.上下句意要合乎逻辑。别毫无章法乱跳。
所谓“写”的过程应该与中文写作没有很大区别,无非是扣题,构思,表述。惟一要特别注意的是,我们写英语作文时,一般要求的字数比较少,所以我们在文章的结构上更须注意突出重点,集中火力。在非重点部分,不要随便发挥,而应该尽量直奔主题。以本次征文比赛为例,题目是The English Teacher I Admire Most,那么文章的重点应该是讲述why I admire him/her,what is so special about him/her,what I see in him/her,what has made him/her such a wonderful teacher等等,你可以状貌,但主要应该是“写神”,状貌应该简短,应该只起铺垫的作用。写这篇文章当然离不开叙事,全文可能叙述一件或多件事,那么这一件或多件事各自所占的分量应该有分寸,使整篇文章保持平衡。叙事时应该直奔主旨。英语写作的传统非常注重所谓的topic sentence——能够统摄全文或者全段的句子。这个句子最好出现在文章的开头,然后在文章的结尾处用不同的表述呼应这个句子。例如,有一篇应征例文的第一句是这样的:She takes us into the magical English world。这就是一个非常有力的topic sentence。这一个句子就足可吸引读者,让读者相信作者心中对她确实有一种毫无保留甚或“五体投地”的admiration,接下来就会有兴趣了解她究竟有怎样的magic power,让学生如此着迷。这篇文章的结句是her charisma(魅力)is unbelievable,非常有力度,charisma与unbelievable两个词巧妙地呼应了magic这个词。文章需要topic sentence,每个段落最好也要有这样非常powerful的topic sentence。构思完成以后,就是落笔表述的过程。这个过程应该迅速,最好能够一气呼成,不要过多地顾忌是否犯了语法错误,或者表述是否清楚。不要犹犹豫豫,一步三回头,因为在完成了
我们在写完初稿以后,不妨让自己的好友读一下,看看他是否明白文章的每一个句子。因为作者自己常常把想到而没有表述出来的信息也read into the article,因此不容易发现表述不清的问题。
英语写作中的“结构重组”问题 各类考试中英语写作虽有模板可循,究其实质,仍是汉译英。任何一名考生在英语写作中,难逃“汉译英”的逻辑套路,所走思路一般为先胸中形成汉语意思,再将汉语意思转换为英文,即便英语素养较高的考生,在两者转换过程中没有时间差,出手即英文也是不太可能的。就在这一转换过程中,尽显英雄本色,英语英雄者,妙笔生花,出手不凡;英语笨拙者,最后只能造出个不中不洋的拙劣句子。我们可以给汉译英一个重新定位:包含所有语言信息的一种结构再造。具体说来就是面对一句中文,翻译时要打乱原有语序和结构,自行设计,重组语言信息,无限靠近原汁原味的英语,姑且将这种方法称之为“结构重组”。这一点是基于这么一个事实:英语跟中文的语序和结构不尽一样。下面举例说明:
看一例:他嗓门大。最容易翻译成:His voice is loud.评语:超级直白
而更好的翻译是:He has a loud voice.其实就成了 他有一个大嗓门。如果第一步便翻译成he has a loud voice,恭喜,你就被归入少数具备英语思维的高手类了,就这么简单。
试一个:她身材好,便可翻译成:She has a good figure.(2)复杂句类
按照原文语序很容易翻成:I looked up and saw that a group of children in rags surrounding us silently and seeing us eating dinner.评语:直白,动词堆砌,不流畅。
先准备语言信息:抬头一看:look up;衣衫褴褛的孩子:children in rags;默默:silently;观看:look at。最后范文是:Looking up, I saw that we were surrounded by children in rags who were looking at us as we ate.(新概念3 第48课line35-36)
分析:范文用到了现在分词作伴随状语(looking up,),主动意思由被动形式表达,(were surrounded by)并设计出一个定语从句来(who were looking at us as we ate)原文中看不出来定语(….的)痕迹。
最后建议学员可将新概念2,3 册拿来做汉译英的练习,将每篇课文的中文译文试着翻译成英文,再与原文对照,个中差距,一对照即晓个清楚。
写作是人们表达思想的一种重要手段,我们称之为comprehensive test的综合测试,体现的是学生综合运用语言的能力。因为它不仅考核考生对词汇的掌握、对语法的应用,同时也考查了学生的表达能力、思维的逻辑性和条理性。我们知道,学习英语需掌握四种技能:听、说、读、写。听和读是语言的input(输入)过程,因而对于听力和阅读的测试是考查学习者的被动英文技能;说和写是语言的output(输出)过程,对于口语和写作的测试则是考查学习者的主动英文技能。学习者的被动英文水平往往高于主动英文水平,因此听力理解材料的难度往往大于口语的内容,阅读理解材料的难度往往要大于写作。由此可见,在经过两年基础专业课的学习后,学习者应该将重点放在把被动英文水平转化成主动英文水平上。一旦我们的大脑有了大量的语言输出之后,就能达到出口成章、下笔有神的境界。
(1)测试目的:按照英语专业基础阶段英语教学大纲的要求,检查学生在基础阶 段末期的英语写作能力。
(2)题型:主观试题,分为Section A和Section B两个部分。
Section A: Composition写作文
Section B: Note-writing写便条
很多学习者翻开作文书籍,就如同想打开一本武功秘籍,只希望看到5个字母trick(技巧)。技巧固然十分重要,但在应试准备中,常常需要70%的基础和30%的技巧。这里要提醒 大家的是,不可高估技巧的作用,犹如在武打片中,要想得到某某宝典和剑法,是需要付出惨痛的代价的。
1.在考场中,常常感到无话可说,该怎么办? 的确,在考场中有些考生由于紧张,常常会出现大脑一片空白,在10分钟之内动不了笔。对于这种在考场中思维短路的现象,有两种对策。
对策一:逆向思维法。考生在拿到一个作文话题、但不知该如何动笔时,可以去联想有关该 话题的具体事件,从具体事件中提炼出观点,再将观点反弹回去,即topic具体事件观点。例如看到The Advantage and Disadvantage of TV这个文章题目时,如果不知如何下笔,可以去联想一些具体的电视节目。一提到电视节目,就会自然而然地想到《新闻联播》。《新闻联播》有哪些好处呢?当然是开拓视野,了解世界。同时,还会联想到一些暴力片和色情片,它们对儿童的身心健康发展不利。
对策二:正说反说法。考生在写作中感到观点空洞茫然,不易理论清楚,甚至不知从何谈起时,可以从正、反两个方面对议题进行“摆事实,讲道理”,即“如果这样,就会怎么样; 如果不这样,又会怎么样”。
对于母语是中文的学习者,其中文词汇量往往大于英文词汇量,在英文写作中遇到不能表 达的词语是最正常不过的事情了。但有的考生在遇到不会拼写的单词时,往往绞尽脑汁,冥思苦想,结果造成思维短路,得不偿失。其实,对于这种情况,也有两种对策。
如在写Student Use of Computer这篇作文时,很多同学以“在 最近10年里,学生使用电脑的小时数一直在增加”这句话来开头。“10年”可以用decade表 示,“增加”可以用ascend表示。但是不知道这两个词或对于它们的拼写没有把握时,可用 其近义词表示,如“10年”直接用ten years就可以,“增加”还可用increase, go up, rise, grow, jump, climb等。在这个时候,考生必须遵守“宁为瓦全,不可玉碎”的原则。这就要求在平时注意多收集一些同义词。如在每一篇作文中都会用到的一个单词“认为”,英文中有很多单词来表达此义,如think, agree, claim, maintain, argue, believe, h old, suggest, view…as, regard…as, consider…(as)。又如另一个单词“目前,最近”,可用nowadays, these years, recently, lately, currently, at present。此外,同义词的收集与运用有助于考生在写作中用词多样化。
对策二:当考生在写作中,既找不到该词 的近义词,又不能用解释性的语言进行阐述时,考生可以考虑用其上义词或下义词来代替。
上义词是对事物的概括性、抽象性说明;下义词是事物的具体表现形式。如Owing a Car这 篇文章谈到拥有汽车的弊端,其中有一点是汽车会排放出一氧化碳(carbon oxide)和二氧化 碳(carbon dioxide),对空气造成污染。当然,如果不知道如何拼写,更不知该如何去 释义一氧化碳和二氧化碳时,可以用它们的上义词poisonous gases来表示,因为不 论是一氧化碳还是二氧化碳都是有毒气体。又如Getting to Know the World Outside the Campus(大学生该如何走出校园了解世界),提纲的第二点要求是大学生了解社会的途径(大众媒体、社会服务等)。“大众媒体”为mass media,“社会服务”为social service。如果考生不会表达,但是在提纲里又明确规定不能不写时,可以用其下义词来代替。大众媒 体的具体表现形式是TV,radio, newspaper, internet;社会服务的具体表现形式则为par t|time job, tutoring等。因而,考生在写作中遇到不会表达的单词时,应该沉着冷静,考虑用其近义词、上义词或下义词来代替。
首先,作文的写作时间为35分钟,合理的时间安排为10+20+5,前面的10分钟用来读题审题,构思并列提纲,接着的20分钟用来按照提纲写作,最后5分钟用来检查及润色。合理的时 间安排是写出优秀 作文的必不可少的第一步。
再次,除了形式之外,作文 的内容也尤其重要。阅卷老师阅卷一般是从第一段看语言,从第二段看结构。这就要求考生 的作文开头部分以及每一段的第一句一定要写得像英文,不要出现任何的拼写或语法错误。除了语言的地道外,还要求作文有层次感。可以用一系列表示逻辑关系的连词,即路标 词来表示思路的清晰,如and, however, furthermore,also, what"s more等。此外,还可 以用对等的句式结构,如for one thing, for another; On the one hand, on the other hand等来增加文章的层次感。总之,议论文对语言的要求主要体现在三个方面:①用 恰当的逻辑词表现文章的逻辑性。②要注意自然段与主题句的运用,即用自然段表现出文章 的逻辑性,并在每段中用主题句说明要点,给人一目了然的感觉。③要注意句型结构,注意 每句的重心和句与句之间的衔接,使句意一环扣一环,避免松散。
Should higher education be available to all students or only to good students? TOPIC:
Some people believe that a college or university education should be available to all students.Others believe that higher education should be available only to good students.Discuss these views.Which view do you agree with? Explain why.Some people believe that only good students should have access to a university education.Others posit that higher education should be open to everyone, regardless of their academic abilities.I agree with the former opinion.Universities should only allow good students into their programs because these students value the importance of a good education and are interested in furthering their education.Furthermore, if all students were allowed into universities, the schools would quickly become saturated, and the quality of education received would diminish.A university education is very important to a good student.This type of student has set his/her sights on a university education from early on, and has put in the necessary work to earn a place in a good university.Poor students who did not try to achieve good grades in high school obviously do not care about their education, and therefore, do not deserve to go to university.However, if these poor students go back to school and improve their grades, they should also be allowed to go to university.Good students are very interested in furthering their education.They have put copious amounts of work into their education, and are interested in learning more.Poor students are usually not as interested in furthering their education.If they were interested in this, they would have tried harder to begin with.With that said, let us suppose for a moment that universities did allow all students, regardless of their grades, into university.The school would quickly become overfull, and good students, who really care about their education, would suffer because of it.They might not be able to get into the classes they want, and if they do get in, there might be so many students in the class that it is impossible to learn.In conclusion, I think that it is important to save a university education for those who really want it-good students.If a poor student wishes to go to university, then he/she will have to return to high school and improve his/her grades.TOPIC: [命题作文欣赏] Should schools ask students to evaluate their teachers?
Schools should ask students to evaluate their teachers.Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.Teachers have a very difficult job in society.They not only have to learn how to teach material effectively, but also must learn how to deal with a wide variety of personalities.While teaching is a difficult job, I think it is important for schools to ask students to evaluate their teachers.I think this is the right thing to do because it encourages teachers to try their best, it gives students the opportunity to choose effective teachers, and it allows the schools to have the best teachers possible teaching.If a teacher knows that at the end of the term, the students will be evaluating his/her work, then the teacher will be driven to do a very good job.If there is no pressure from evaluation, a teacher might be prone to doing a less than perfect job.I believe that everyone needs an occasional evaluation to ensure they are doing their job correctly.In the case of a teacher, the students will give the most important evaluations.If there was a public summary of which teacher scored the highest on his/her evaluations, then students would be able to take courses based on which teacher was the best at the job.This would allow students to excel in their studies, and achieve better grades.Finally, if schools ask students to evaluate their teachers, the schools themselves would be able to have the best teachers working on campus.If a teacher scored too low on an evaluation, a replacement could be found.This is a much better method than waiting for students to complain about a teacher.Teachers do have a difficult job, but regardless of this, they must excel at it.If a person is a particularly poor teacher, the students will not learn the required material, and suffer for it.
孙子云:“知己知彼,百战不殆”。想在写作考试中获得成功,就必须首先了解四级考试的要求和评分规则。由于新四级考试还没有开始进行,笔者就以一篇根据现行四级写作题目“Do‘Lucky Numbers’Really Bring Good Luck?”写成的学生作文为例来讲述几个最基本的道理。
Some people think that certian(拼写错误)numbers will bring good luck to them.Numbers such as six, eight, sixteen and eighteen are regarded as lucky numbers.There are also people who think that their success is related to certain numbers.However, some other people think numbers have nothing to do with their luck.They believe in their own rather than“lucky numbers”.They don't do things according to certain numbers.As far as I am concerned, I think it is a person's own business whether he believes in a certain number or not.The most important thing is that he has done the work by himself and has done it quite well.As to the belief in numbers, it is their(前后指代不一致,应改为his)personal choice.该文章是当年四级考试命题组印发给全国评卷老师的一篇例文,根据15分制的评分标准,这篇例文被评为14分,供全国评卷老师作为评分参考。乍看起来,本文无论从遣词造句还是思想深度,似乎都算不得一篇佳作;但它之所以能够被评为14分,还是有其内在深层次原因的,那就是经常被考生们所忽视的议论文写作常识。简要地讲,可分为以下三个部分:
It is common knowledge that honesty is the best policy.It is well-known that…
It is self-evident/ conceivable / obvious / apparent that…
It goes without saying that… It is universally acknowledged that… It is / that 2)宾(表)语从句 We cannot understand why he was so cruel to his roommates.The problem is not who will go, but who will stay.3)定语从句(限定性和非限定性)
As is shown/ demonstrated/ illustrated/ depicted/ described…in the cartoon/ picture/ graph/ table…, There are many reasons why I want to study in your university.It is estimated that tens of billions of pounds spent on cigarettes every year in our country, which is a huge waste.4)状语从句(时间,原因,地点,条件,让步,转折等)
When the man is enjoying the cigarette, the smoke becomes a monster(怪物)which will devour him.Whatever the reason, there are still some problems with student use of computers.5)分词短语做定语或状语
Prof.Kang came to our university, giving us a lecture on how to acquire English better.6)倒装句
Only through these measures can we hope to solve the problem.Scattered around the globe are more than 100 small regions of isolated volcanic activity known to geologists as hot spots.7)被动句
Some measures should be taken to deal with the problem.He is said to have accomplished a lot of great deeds.Many people believe that…(It is believed that…)8)设问句
Do you still remember the boy who cried wolf for several times so no one would trust him?
到了大学阶段,学生还是非常善于思考的,他们不仅想象力非常丰富,晚上做梦,还经常daydream, 各有独特的思维和写作思路。但是,如何将千头万绪的思路梳理清楚,学生则必须有真工夫。为此,在进行四级写作时,考生一定要首先形成自己的观点,之后合理运用一些手段,如常用的有四种:陈述理由、举例说明、提供数据、下定义等,之后充分就此展开论说。这样通过高效思考,严密组织,再辅以提纲形式的文章架构,考生一定会写出较符合规范的文章 3.扩展写作提纲,草拟文稿,表述主要观点
A Campaign Speech 你认为自己具备是什么条件(能力,性格,爱好)可以胜任学生会主席工作,如果当选你将会为本校同学做什么?
Today I am very glad to run for the president of the students‘ union.I am junior in Chemical Department.Since I came into the university, I have always been the monitor of my class.I have done a very good job for my classmates, and my classmates and my tacher all give me a good praise.I am good at communication and organizing.And I like to help others.Moreover, I have a varity of hobbies,for example, basketball, football, pingpong, etc.I am sure that I am qualified for this position.If I become the president, I will try my best to do well.I will organize some siutable activities for you.I will do many things for you to reache your demands as well.I am sincerely hope you will give me a chance, and please believe me that I will be a good president.Thank you.六级作文题目:
Your Help Needed 范文: Dear friends,As some of you may know,Lucy,a lovely girl student,a junior from the Department of Fine Arts,has been seriously ill.In fact,she has been suffering from hepatitis, which is very dangerous.This 20-year-old girl comes from a small town in Shangdong province.Her family has tried every means to save her.Now Lucy is in urgent need of operation to her liver transplanted.However, her family is too poor to afford the expenses, which totaled 120,000 yuan.How can a poor family earning 1000 yuan per month afford such high expenses? But the time is limited.They cannot afford to wait to see the disease untouched.So you help is urgently needed.Let's do what we can to save our fellow student.The life of such a lovely girl is in your hand.Your love can save a life.You can contact 2335648 in the daytime and 2335658 at night.2005年6月CET作文题目
For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay[ IN honour of teachers on the occasion of Teacher's Day].You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below: 1,向老师表达节日祝贺
2,从一件小事来回忆老师的教诲和无私的奉献 3,我如何回报老师的关爱 Teacher's Day 六级作文题目:
In this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Say No to Pirated Products.1.目前盗版的现象比较严重 2.造成这种现象的原因及危害 3.我们应该怎么做?
参考单词:盗版 piracy(n.)盗版产品 pirated products 知识产权 intellectual property rights 侵犯版权 infringe sb's copyright;copyright infringement,Say No to Pirated Products 内容:
As the proverb says, “Knowledge is power.” It is an undeniable fact that a large amount of students prefer to choose their own teachers for certain courses.In fact, some universities allow their students to do so.When choosing a teacher, some factors should be taken into consideration.On one hand, a learned teacher is preferred.After all, for a student, studying is given full priority.A teacher with plentiful knowledge can ease the burden of study for many students and provide them with many opportunities for enlarging their scope of knowledge, while at the same time realizing their potentials.On the other hand, a teacher with a clear and humorous teaching style is favorable.To a large extent, whether a lecture is welcomed by the students or not is depended on the way of delivering rather than its content.No one can deny that interesting interaction is far more enjoyable than monologue.There is a good side and a bad side to everything, including choosing teachers by students.It goes without saying that it can arouse students’ interest in study to the largest extent.Such phenomena as being absent from classes or paying no attention to the classes may vanish.Nevertheless, it cannot be denied that it can bring some side-effects.The management of classes may be in a disorder.Some teachers can be warmly welcomed so the number of the students may be too large while other courses may have few participants.We can conclude that allowing students to choose their own teachers has both positive and negative effects.What we must do is to make sure that the positive ones are encouraged and the negative ones are eliminated as far as possible.春节作文
例:春联代表着欢乐祥和。在我们中国,每逢春节,无论城市还是农村,家家户户都要精选一副大红春联贴在门上,为节日增加喜庆的气氛。一幅幅春联不仅带来了吉祥和祝福,还带来了中国古老的浓浓的文化气息。瞧!“大地春光好,长天晓日红”、“岁岁皆如意,年年尽平安”、“江山万里如画,神州四时皆春”、“春风送春处处***美,喜鹊报喜家家喜事多”…… 幅幅春联让千家万户喜气盈门。春联的种类比较多。按照使用场所,可分为门心、框对、横批、春条、斗方等。因此,贴的位置也不同,如“门心”贴在门板上端中心部位;“横批”贴在门楣的横木上。
例:我看着那散发着传统文化芳香的中华结,仿佛品味到了中华民族远古的神秘和东方的灵秀。它的古香古色,它的千变万化,让我神往,让我遐想…… 《春节的街头》
春节见闻 “当、当、当”新年的钟声敲响了,家家户户的门上早已贴上了或火红或金黄的对联,每一家的老老少少都乐得合不拢嘴。兴奋的孩子们有的目不转睛地盯着电视,品尝着一年一度的晚会大餐――春节晚会;有的急着给自己的长辈拜年,发短信,打电话,所有新年的祝福话语仿佛怎么也说不完;调皮的孩子正在向自己的父辈们 “讨要”压岁钱;屋外的鞭炮声此起彼伏,炸开了锅,五彩的烟花更是把这个特殊的夜晚点缀得绚丽多姿。
The topic of ①________(主题)is becoming more and more popular recently.There are two sides of opinions of it.Some people say A is their favorite.They hold their view for the reason of ②________(支持A的理由一)What is more, ③________(理由二).Moreover, ④________(理由三).While others think that B is a better choice in the following three reasons.Firstly,________(支持B的理由一).Secondly(besides),⑥____________(理由二).Thirdly(finally),⑦____________(理由三).From my point of view, I think ⑧________(我的观点).The reason is that ⑨____________(原因).As a matter of fact, there are some other reasons to explain my choice.For me, the former is surely a wise choice.(2)给出一个观点,要求考生反对这一观点Some people believe that ①________(观点一).For example, they think ②________(举例说明).And it will bring them ③________(为他们带来的好处).In my opinion, I never think this reason can be the point.For one thing,④____(我不同意该看法的理由一).For another thing, ⑤____(反对的理由之二).Form all what I have said,I agree to the thought that ⑥____(我对文章所讨论主题的看法).英语六级考试写作技巧
要求从一句话或一个主题出发,按照提纲的要求进行论述.1.阐述名言或主题所蕴涵的意义.2.分析并举例使其更充实.The good old proverb ________(名言或谚语)reminds us that ________(释义).Indeed, we can learn many things form it.First of all,________(理由一).For example, ____________(举例说明).Secondly,________(理由二).Another case is that ________(举例说明).Furthermore , ____________(理由三).英语四级英译汉的目的,要求和评分
In my opinion, ________(我的观点).In short, whatever you do, please remember the say____A.If you understand it and apply it to your study or work, you”ll necessarily benefit a lot from it.三.解决方法题型
In recent days, we have to face I problem——A, which is becoming more and more serious.First, ________(说明A的现状).Second, ________(举例进一步说明现状)Confronted with A, we should take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation.For one thing, ________(解决方法一).For another ________(解决方法二).Finally, ________(解决方法三).Personally, I believe that ________(我的解决方法).Consequently, I’m confident that a bright future is awaiting us because ________(带来的好处).四.说明利弊题型
Nowadays many people prefer A because it has a significant role in our daily life.Generally, its advantages can be seen as follows.First ________(A的优点之一).Besides ____________(A的优点之二).But every coin has two sides.The negative aspects are also apparent.One of the important disadvantages is that ________(A的第一个缺点).To make matters worse,____________(A的第二个缺点).Through the above analysis, I believe that the positive aspects overweigh the negative ones.Therefore, I would like to ________(我的看法).(From the comparison between these positive and negative effects of A, we should take it reasonably and do it according to the circumstances we are in.Only by this way, ________(对前景的预测).五.议论文的框架
There is a widespread concern over the issue that __作文题目_____.But it is well known that the opinion concerning this hot topic varies from person to person.A majority of people think that _ 观点一________.In their views there are 2 factors contributing to this attitude as follows: in the first place, ___原因一_______.Furthermore, in the second place, ___原因二_____.So it goes without saying
that ___观点一_____.People, however, differ in their opinions on this matter.Some people hold the idea that ___观点二_______.In their point of view, on the one hand,___原因一_______.On the other hand, ____原因二_____.Therefore, there is no doubt that ___观点二______.As far as I am concerned, I firmly support the view that __观点一或二______.It is not only because ________, but also because _________.The more _______, the more ________.(2)利弊型的议论文
Nowadays, there is a widespread concern over(the issue that)___作文题目______.In fact, there are both advantages and disadvantages in __题目议题_____.Generally speaking, it is widely believed there are several positive aspects as follows.Firstly, ___优点一______.And secondly ___优点二_____.Just As a popular saying goes, “every coin has two sides”, __讨论议题______ is no exception, and in another word, it still has negative aspects.To begin with, ___缺点一______.In addition, ____ 缺点二______.To sum up, we should try to bring the advantages of __讨论议题____ into full play, and reduce the disadvantages to the minimum at the same time.In that case, we will definitely make a better use of the ____讨论议题___.(3)答题性议论文
Currently, there is a widespread concern over(the issue that)__作文题目_______.It is really an important concern to every one of us.As a result, we must spare no efforts to take some measures to solve this problem.英语四级英译汉的目的,要求和评分
As we know that there are many steps which can be taken to undo this problem.First of all, __途径一______.In addition, another way contributing to success of the solving problem is ___途径二_____.Above all, to solve the problem of ___作文题目______, we should find a number of various ways.But as far as I am concerned, I would prefer to solve the problem in this way, that is to say, ____方法_____.(4)谚语警句性议论文
It is well know to us that the proverb: “ ___谚语_______” has a profound significance and value not only in our job but also in our study.It means ____谚语的含义_______.The saying can be illustrated through a series of examples as follows.(also theoretically)
A case in point is ___例子一______.Therefore, it is goes without saying that it is of great of importance to practice the proverb ____谚语_____.With the rapid development of science and technology in China, an increasing number of people come to realize that it is also of practical use to stick to the saying: ____谚语_____.The more we are aware of the significance of this famous saying, the more benefits we will get in our daily study and job.as is indicated above......there is.....in the picture,it is obvious that,by diagramwe know that.for the reason if we realize that we firstly should,secondly we ,not only do webut, in the end it is essential that,,we make a conclusion that it is ,it isthat,,to our surprise ,the cartoon show us to sty.ina word ,we believe that
1.大学英语四级测试作文评分标准 2.四级作文命题规律 3.怎样写好四级作文 2.四级作文命题规律 2.1.历年四级作文题目
1995.1 Can Money Buy Happiness? 1995.6 Advantages of a Job Interview 1996.1 The Two–Day Weekend 1996.6 Global Shortage of Fresh Water 1997.1 Practice Makes Perfect 1997.6 Getting to Know the World Outside Campus 1998.1 Harmfulness of Fake Commodities 1998.6 Do “Lucky Numbers” Really Bring Good Luck? 1999.1 Don‟t Hesitate to Say “No”
1999.6 Reading Selectively or Extensively? 2000.1 How I Finance My College Education 2000.6 Is a Test of Spoken English Necessary? 2001.1 How to Succeed in a Job Interview 2001.6 A Letter to a Schoolmate 2002.1 A Letter to the University President about
the Canteen Service on Campus 2002.6 Students‟ Use of Computers 2003.1 It Pays to Be Honest 2003.6 An Eye-Witness Account of a Traffic Accident.2003.9 The Day My Classmate Fell Ill(or Got Injured)2003.12 A Letter in Reply to a Friend 2004.6 An Introduction for Tourists 2005.1 A campaign speech 2005.6 In honor of Teachers On the Occasion of Teachers‟ Day 2005.12 Should the University Campus Be Open to Tourists? 2006.6 An Announcement for a Voluntary Program 2.2.命题形式 4.2.1.提纲作文
现象阐释型 : 2003年1月四级作文考题 Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic It Pays to Be Honest.You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese.1.当前社会上存在许多不诚实的现象;
.问题对策型:分析问题,找出成因,提出解决办法,题目实例如下: 1997年6月四级英语作文真题
Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Getting to Know the World Outside the Campus.You should write at least 100 words and you
should base your composition on the outline(given in Chinese)below:
观点对比型:辨析两种对立观点,题目实例如下: 1995年1月四级作文真题
Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Can Money Buy Happiness? You should write no less than 100 words and you should base your composition on the outline(given in Chinese)below: 1.有人认为金钱是幸福之本(source of happiness)2.也有人认为金钱是万恶之源(root of all evil)3.我的看法
论说反驳型:支持或驳斥一种观点,题目实例如下: 1998年6月四级作文真题
Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Do “Lucky Numbers” Really Bring Good Luck? You should write at least 100 words and you should base your composition on the outline(given in Chinese)below: 1.有些人认为某些数字会带来好运; 2.我认为数字和运气无关,…… 2.2.2.图表作文
2.2.3.情景作文的实质是记叙文,主要考过这几种类型: A.书信
(1)告知信/ 建议信:2004年1月 四级作文真题
Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter in reply to a friend's inquiry about applying for admission to your college or university.You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese: 1.建议报考的专业及理由; 2.报考该专业的基本条件; 3.应当如何备考。(2)综合信
Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic: A Letter to the University President about the Canteen Service on Campus You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below: 假设你是李明,请你就本校食堂的状况给校长写一封信,内容应涉及食堂的饭菜质量、价格、环境、服务等,可以是表扬,可以是批评建议,也可以兼而有之。
Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a campaign speech in support of your election to the post of chairman of the student union.You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese.A Campaign Speech 1.你认为自己具备是什么条件(能力,性格,爱好)可以胜任学生会主席工作,2.如果当选你将会为本校同学做什么? 议论文(共14题)现象阐释型:
1995年6月,1996年1月,1997年1月,1998年1月,1999年1月, 2003年1月
1996年6月,1997年6月,2000年1月,2001年1月,观点对比型:1995年1月,1999年6月,2000年6月 论证反驳型:1998年6月 图表作文(共1题)
柱状图:2002年6月 记叙文(共7题)
演讲致辞:2004年6月,2005年1月,2005年6月 2.3.命题规律
科学技术:计算机,克隆,电视,小汽车等对社会和生活的影响 社会问题:如住房,交通,就业,犯罪,婚姻,环境,能源和广告等
青少年问题:如父子代沟,抽烟吸毒,个人思想,职业选择,文化教育和成功失败等 文化教育:阅读,道德修养,出国留学,学生减负,教育与成长等
The appeal of advertising to buying motives can have both negative and positive effects.(2)问题法
Do you know how many people die from traffic accidents every 23 minutes? Why does cream go bad faster than butter?
When asked …., most of college students say that….But I think quite differently.I would prefer a career that will help realize my potentials.(4)数据法
According to a recent survey, about 78.9% of the college students wanted to further their study after their graduation.(5)故事法
Six o‟clock yesterday(June 20th, Friday)afternoon when I was walking along the riverbank of our school, an unbelievable scene caught my eyes.(6)引语法
As the proverb goes, “You are only young once.”(适用于记住的名言)There is an increasing awareness/popularity among people that…..3.2.如何结尾
3.2.1.重复中心思想 回到文章开头阐明的中心思想或主题句上,达到再次肯定和强调的效果。
With all these benefits, it is no wonder that sports and games have now become more popular with people than ever.3.2.2.作出结论 文章最后用几句话概括全文内容,并进一步肯定文章的中心思想或作者的观点。
In conclusion/to sum up, in conclusion, in brief, a good teacher-student relationship can be mutual beneficial.The students gain knowledge eagerly and enjoyably, and the teacher gains satisfaction from his job.3.2.3.应用引语 用格言、谚语或习语总结全文,既言简意赅又有更强的说服力。
If you have anything to do, try to do it yourself, for that is the safest way to permanent success.Remember the famous saying.“God helps those who help themselves.“
3.2.4.用反问结尾 虽然形式是问句,但意义却是肯定的,具有明显的强调作用,引起读者思考。
Therefore, listening skills must be consciously improved.Since it is such an important means of learning and communication, why shouldn‟t we develop this ability as far as possible? 3.2.5.提出展望或期望 表示对将来的展望或期待读者投入行动。
I am sure that Chinese will become one of the most important languages in the world in the next century.As China will open further to the outside world,the language is sure to be spread world widely.From the discussion above, we may safely arrive at/come to/reach the conclusion that… 3.3.行文中间
think vs.hold the view that/maintain that… so vs.consequently
because vs.resulting from, on account of the fact that and so on
When it comes to…, I hold the view that… I am for/ against the view that… There is no denying the fact that… There is no doubt that No wonder …
The reason why…is that… On no account can we…
Contrary to what is widely accepted, I maintain that… 3.3.3.通过遣词造句使英语更加地道 遣词
抽象名词的使用是现代英语的一大特点 Family life makes me feel happy.Family life is a source of happiness to me.Our parents always expect that we should make progress in school, and will ask why we fail to do so.Our parents always anticipate progress and question its absence.The mayor said he was very grateful because the construction workers were dedicated and competent.The mayor expressed his appreciation of the dedication and competence of the construction workers.The news made us no longer anxious but joyful.The news turned our initial anxiety into joy.If we don‟t recognize the serious problem of growing population, we will make a big mistake.Failure to recognize the seriousness of growing population will lead to a big problem.造句
汉语句子信息密度高,而英语句子冗余度高 汉语句子按照时间和因果顺序进行线性排列,重心落在最后,而英语句子却可以运用各种虚词着眼于空间的立体组合,把重心放在句首,不拘泥于时间发生的时间和因果次序,也不必担心其逻辑关系上的混乱
When I first visited Shanghai, I could not find any trees and flowers in the streets.I was really surprised.I was really surprised at the absence of any trees and flowers in the streets when I first visited Shanghai.Some shows will have bad effect on children.But our parents fail to notice it, so they allow children to watch whatever program is on.Children are allowed to watch whatever program is on, with little thought on parents’ part of the bad effect that some shows will have on children.In summer vacation, I visited several places and met different kinds of people.I can tell you many wonderful stories about them.There are many wonderful stories to tell about places I visited and different kinds of people I met during the summer vacation.3.4.四级作文范例
2.但有些人提出取消春节晚会.3.我的看法.The approach of the Chinese Lunar New Year poses a national issue concerning the necessity of holding the CCTV Spring Festival Gala.Its established status is being challenged by a growing number of people, especially by younger generations.It is increasingly difficult to cater for all tastes.Some individuals deem that it should be canceled or replaced by other programs.These young people focus their attention on other forms of celebration instead of immersing themselves in TV.Despite that, the majority of mid-aged people and senior citizens uphold the importance of the traditional performance.The most striking feature of this gala is its traditionally close link with ordinary people's lives.Most of people view this gala as an annual staple on the traditional Chinese Spring Festival Eve.They all have a restless night and glue their eyes on the television.I am not supportive of the view that the grand gala should be abandoned.Undoubtedly, it plays a vital role in the celebration of Chinese New Year.To increase its appeal and meet young adults' need, the upcoming performance should invite some big names including super stars from Hongkong and Taiwan.We are all eagerly anticipating this unforgettable evening show 4.如何提高写作能力 原则一:丰富词汇 原则二:重视阅读
原则三:加强背诵 原则四:收录材料 原则五:勤于练习
在练习写作的时候也不一定非得要写完整的文章,有时候可以进行段落论证的写作。写完之后对照范文,反思自己作文中存在的问题。英文里有句谚语:Practice makes perfect.(熟能生巧),只要坚持,提高四级作文分数指日可待。
1.大学英语作文新动态分析 2.四级作文写作步骤解析 3.四级作文常考题型分析
基本形式:三段落式; 评分标准及注意事项:
免俗 2.写作步骤解析
(1)分析所给语境与题目之间的关系 1.审题列提纲:
(3 min)(2)确定三部分的写作结构和基本内容 2.写作(24 min)3.检查(3min)3.四级作文常考题型分析 1)现象解释型 2)观点对立型 3)问题解决型
Recreational Activities 2008/12
Limiting the Use of Disposal Bags 2009/06
Free Admission to Museums 2009/12
Create a Green Campus 2010/06
Due Attention Should Be Given to Spelling 2010/12
How Should Parents Help Children to Be Independent 2011/06
Online Shopping 2011/12
Nothing Succeeds without a Strong Will近四年来四级作文的题型归类 1)现象解释型
----2008/12 2)观点对立型
----2008/06,2009/06, 2011/06 3)问题解决型
-----2009/12,2010/06,2010/12 4.写作对策 1)、现象解释型
c.存在的问题或作者的观点 以2008/12的作文为例进行分析 2008年12月的作文
Part I Writing(30 minutes)
Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Recreational Activities.You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below: Limiting the Use of Disposal Bags
写作范文 写作范文 写作模板 A.Nowadays_________is a common phenomenon in society.For example, ________.People/prefer doing ________because______._________ do more(good)than(harm)to us.For one thing, _________.For another, ____________.B
Recently ________ has aroused public concern.It ______________________.People/prefer doing ________because______.___________ do both(good)and(harm)to us.On the one hand,________.On the other hand,________________.2)、观点对立型
a.一些人对某一事物的 观点是… …
b.另外一些人对该事物的 观点是… …
c.我的看法… …
Part I Writing(30 minutes)
Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Recreational Activities.You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below: Online Shopping
3.我的建议 观点对立型模版
1.There is a hot debate going on about____
2.Recently many people are involved in the heated discussion about_____近年来,…...引起了激烈的争论.第二段 论述两种不同的观点模版
1.As for such a question, different people hold different views.Some believe______, While there is also an opposite voice,___.2.Some insist that _____.Others, however, are voicing quite a loud protest.They pointed out that___________.3.Some maintain that_________, others argue that__________.4.Most people take it for granted that________..However,others hold________.第三段 我的观点模版
1.As for me, I hold that ______________.2.I firmly believe that_____________.3.As far as I‟m concerned, ___________.4.For my part,it is______________.5.Personally, I believe the trend that____.6.From my perspective,____________.7.In my opinion__________________.练习:
Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic of Credit Cards.You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese:
Credit Cards 3)问题解决型
a.阐述问题、解决问题 b.解决问题的办法 c.我的看法
以2010/12的作文为例进行分析 2010年12月的作文
Part I Writing(30 minutes)
Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Recreational Activities.You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below: How should parents help children to be independent?
2,为了让孩子独立,父母应该..How should parents help children to be independent?
This is a thought-provoking social phenomenon that parents monopolize their children’s everything.From going to university, selecting majors to hunting for a job, parents make every crucial decision for their sons and daughters.No doubt, what the parents do leads to a most serious problem—children are badly dependent on parental help.Every morning the children wake up, but
they don’t know what they should do and how they could do.They lose the ability to take care of themselves, and in turn, lose the opportunity to succeed.Don’t keep on spoiling the children anymore, because they need independence.These are some suggestions for parents.Firstly, parents should create an independent climate for their children.Secondly, parents should try to help children maintain their independence.Finally, parents should always believe that their children have the ability to make their own decisions in their lives.写作模板
Sometimes we find there are really many problems/difficulties in _______________.Then how can we manage to overcome all these? Step by step, first,________.Secondly, __________.Thirdly,__________.Last, _____.After a period of painstaking efforts, I feel that _______________________________.B
These days we often hear that___________.There are some possible reasons for that.In the first place,______________.In the second place, _________________.To solve the problem is not easy at all, but it is worth trying.We should do something such as _________ to improve the present situation, And I do believe everything will be better in the future.5、最新四级作文解析(2011年12月的作文)Part I Writing(30 minutes)
”you're allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Nothing Succeeds Without a Strong Will by commenting on the humorous saying, “Quitting smoking is the easiest thing in the world.I 've done it hundreds of time.” You'd write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.” ? 从命题要求中,我们可以看到此次命题的考试内容为励志型话题,与学生的日常学习生活和人生观有关。命题属于依据材料来分析问题的文章体裁,对于这样的话题,我们可以借用三段式这一模式,首先依据背景材料来提出问题,“从戒烟的问题引出做任何事情都需要坚强的意志,需要坚持到底,不可半途而废。”之后分析这一问题,可以正反论证,也可举例论
证,此为主体段落,可以通过“人生要靠自己创造”、“人的潜力无穷”、“任何苦难和痛苦都是对自己的挑战,其收获到的经验将是无穷的”。也可以引用名人名言,如“where there is a will, there is a way”。最后一段,可以总结来论证坚强的意志对于成功的重大意义。提纲
(1)阐述现象“Quitting smoking is the easiest thing in the world.I „ve done it hundreds of time.”,并进行评论
(2)举例证明Nothing Succeeds Without a Strong Will
Nothing Succeeds Without a Strong Will
Everyone tries to achieve success in his career.However, someone firmly attains his goal while another fails.Why? The one continues his cause to the end through long periods of hard struggling, but the other is easily disappointed or stops halfway.Strong will, perseverance and diligence are the three essentials of success.A man of strong will and perseverance always has an inflexible spirit.He sticks to his cause no matter how tough it might be.Dr.Sun Yat-sen was such a man.Many of his attempts failed, but he held to his purpose with firmness and finally succeeded in overthrowing the Qing Dynasty.Diligence means
steadiness in one's work and study.Su Qin stabbed himself in order to keep himself attentive to studies.Marx often worked 15 hours a day.Life is short and we have many things to do.Without diligence no one can achieve anything.I believe that where there is a will there is a way, and that success belongs to those who can suffer long years of patient toil and constant efforts.6、写作的注意点: 1.字迹一定要清晰工整