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1—5 BCCAB6---10 BBCAB11—15 BABAC


16—20 BBBDD21—25 BDADA26—30 DCDAD


31—35 BADCC36—40 DABDD41—45 ABCCA46—50 BDBAC


51—55 CABDC56---60 BADCB61—65 CCABB


66.Finance,history and literature

67.Because her classmates could reach out to her.68.Ms Wood was honored an award for her kindness and popularity.69.fantastic/ unbelievable/unimaginable/dreamlike…

70.OPEN(Ms Wood was very kind, modest, considerate, humorous, optimistic, enthusiastic, motivated etc.I can benefit a lot from those good qualities in the process of my growing up and want to live a meaningful life in the future.)


71.One possible version:

Dear Mark,I feel delighted to get your email, knowing you are so interested in the Chinese Summer Camp to be held in our school from July 10th to July 30th this summer.The content is as follows:

Firstly you will learn everyday Chinese by communicating with Chinese students so that you can speak simple Chinese with local people.At the same time you will be taught Chinese with the help teachers, understanding the meaning of Chinese characters.Secondly you will take part in different parties, knowing the history of China and Chinese culture, especially Chinese holidays and traditional festivals, which will impress you deeply.What’s more, you will have the chances to visit some museums and tour the Great Wall, experiencing the colorful culture of China the greatness of the Great Wall.I believe the Chinese Summer Camp will not only provide the chance for you to study Chinese, but also will promote friendship between us.高二英语参考答案第 1 页(共 2 页)


Text 1

W: Paul, are you going to Jean’s party with us?

M: Sorry, but I have to catch up with my homework.Text 2

W: What would you like to have?

M: Well, I’d like to have an apple juice and a sandwich.Text 3

M: Those oranges look nice.How much are they?

W: They are ninety cents a pound.M: I’d like half a pound , please.Text 4

M: What’s the weather like today?

W: It’s a lovely spring day.M: Shall we go boating together?

W: Good idea, Let’s go now.Text 5

W: Oh, here’s the home at last!Let’s have a rest for a few minutes.M: OK.I’m too tired, too.W: I’ll cook the supper in a minute.M: Let me join you.Text 6

M: You look worried.What’s up?

W My son was hit by a motorcycle when going to school.M: I’m sorry to hear that.Is that all right?

W: His leg got slightly injured.M: Don’t worry, he will be well again in a few days.W: But I wish I had time to look after him.Text 7

M: When did you say the plane would arrive?

W: At a quarter to two, very shortly in fact.M: Do you think you will recognize David when you see him?

W: I’m not sure.I haven’t seen him since he was 16.Time flies.Now 8 years has passed.Text 8

Friendship is the relation among friends.Friendship is a bridge between you and

me.Friendship is a beautiful poem that makes you joyful and happy.How to keep the friendship longer?Firstly, you can’t take all but give nothing

because friendship is not a one-sided affair.You should not only take but also give for friendship.Then you will feel joyful.Secondly, you must be ready to give kindness, help and unselfishness, or you will lose your friends.You must believe yourself too, or it will be difficult for you to make others believe you and make friends with you.Last but not the least, you should be hopeful, cheery, and optimistic.Then you’ll bring happiness to others so that all of them will love you.Friendship will bring you happiness and luck.Please appreciate it all the time.高二英语参考答案第 2 页(共 2 页)































1.computer, desk2.These, are3.one hundred

4.don’t like5.they are






小学四年级英语参考答案第 1 页(共 1 页)




I.Listen and choose.听录音,请选择你听到单词或短语。

1.We often do project work together.2.Our boys play football on the field.3.How do you like social studies field trip?

4.Can you show me those trousers, please?

5.Don’t worry about your lesson.We can help you.6.You can see a calf and a foal on our farm.II.Listen and number.请根据听到的句子顺序,用1-10在相符的图意下标号。

1.My mum likes listening to music.2.My daughter has a bad toothache.I will take her to the hospital.3.We study plants and animals in the science corner.4.We study a farmer’s work on a social studies field trip.5.Jim has a bad cough.He can’t go to the music club.6.Look!The tiger can jump through a ring.7.Can I have a look at that pair of sport shoes, please?

8.My sister is good at playing the violin.9.Here’s a teddy bear for you.we hope you will get well soon.10.Our girls play hockey on the field.III.Listen and choose.请根据听到的问题找出正确的答语, 将其标号填入题前括号内。

1.What can I do for you?

2.How do you like science field trips?

3.What do you do in the art club?

4.How much are these sandals?

5.What’s wrong with you?

6.Are they dogs?

IV.Listen and choose the right answer.请根据所听短文内容选择正确答案。

Boys and girls!We are going on a field trip next week.Lisa and Li Yan like an art field trip.They want to paint trees and flowers.Peter and Gao Wei want to go on a science field trip.They like to study birds and plants in the forest.Jim and I are going on a social studies field trip.We want to study a farmer’s work.We all like to study real things on the field trips.V.Listen and answer the questions.请根据听到的对话选择合适的答语。4%

--Hi!What’s your name?--My name’s Micky.--How old are you?--I’m ten.--What’s wrong with you?--I have a bad stomachache.--What do you have for breakfast, Micky?

--I have 3 hamburgers, 4 apples and 7 bananas.小学五年级英语参考答案第 1 页(共 2 页)

--Oh, you eat too much, Micky.You have to stay in bed and take some medicine.Remember to drink hot water.--Can I go to school today?

--No.You have to stay in bed.I hope you will get well soon.--Thank you, doctor.天津市五区县2013~2014学第二学期期末考试



I.1—5 CABAC6.B…………………………………………….每小题1分,共6分 II.图下顺序依次为:3-6-2-8-10,4-5-1-9-7……………………...每小题1分,共10分 III.1—5 ACBBC6.A……………………………………………每小题1分,共6分 IV.1—4 ABCC…………………………………………….每小题1分,共4分 V.1—4 AABC……………………………………………..每小题1分,共4分


I.Group A: 1—5 ACDEBGroup B: 1—5 GJIFH …………………每小题1分,共10分 II.1—5 CACBB, 6—10 ACBAC ………………………………………每小题1分,共10分 III.1.music2.pass me3.speaking4.hurts5.because6.a lot of7.help…with

8.performances9.so exciting10.care………………………每小题1分,共10分 IV.方框下括号内顺序依次为:

C-H-D-J-F,E-B-G-A-I……………………………………….每小题1分,共10分 V.1—5 CDEAB……………………………………………….每小题1分,共5分 VI.1.Here are some grapes for you.2.You have to take some medicine.3.What can I do for you?4.Where do you play football?

5.We study real things on the field.………………………………每小题1分,共5分 VII.A)DBEACB)BDCAE…………………………………每小题1分,共10分 VIII.A)1.× 2.× 3.√ 4.× 5.√

B)teacher, ball games, football, girls, like ………………………每小题1分,共10分

小学五年级英语参考答案第 2 页(共 2 页)





1—5 AACBB6—10 CBC AC11—15 C BACA


16—20 ADBCA21—25 DCCAB26—30 ADACD


31—35 BADDC36—40 ACCBD41—45 CBADC46—50 DCBBA阅读

51—55 ACCAD56—60 DBBCA


66.suggested / advised(首字母大写亦可)

67.Through going on the Internet.68.To avoid watching TV.69.He was staying in his bedroom.70.Watching less TV is of great benefit to us.For example, we can spare more time to

read books and do something we like.(其它合适答案亦可)


One Possible Version

Dear Editor,These books have many advantages.One of them is that we can find a variety of topics, such as science, culture and history.What’s more, along with the texts there are many beautiful and colorful pictures, which can help improve students’ interest in English.Besides, during the process of learning, students can take part in lots of activities, so the textbooks are popular with us.However, some of the texts have too many new words and expressions which are hard for us.Therefore, I’d like to suggest changing them into easier ones.Best regards,Li Hua

高一英语参考答案第 1 页(共 3 页)61—65 AABCA




W: Will you watch TV or see a film after school, Tony ?

M: Neither.But I will play basketball.Text 2

W: How much is the jacket?

M:It was 120 doll1ars last week.But you can pay only half for it now.Text3

M: It’s hot today.Do you have something to drink?

W: Sorry, but there is only hot tea left.Text4

M: Stop talking.Miss Smith is coming.W: But the class hasn’t begun yet.There is still five minutes left.


W: Why not go to the theater tonight?

M: Let’s go to the movies instead.W: But how do we go there?

M: My car has gone wrong.How about taking the subway?

Text 6

M:Hi,Mary, how was your day?

W: It couldn’t be better.I spent the whole day with some little kids.It was really fun.M: Where did you meet all the kids? In the park?

W:No.I didn’t go to the park today.M: In the garden behind the building?

W: No.I met them at the primary school down the street.I visited some of their classes in

the morning, and then taught them some simple English in the afternoon.M: Is English difficult for them?

W: Actually they can speak some very simple English.It seems that they have been

learning English all the time.M: I guess you are right.Now in big cities of China, many kids start learning English in


W: No wonder.So when did you start learning English?

M: About six years ago.I didn’t learn it until I entered middle school.Text7

M:Anna,you don’ t look all right.Are you sick?

W: No.I’m just upset.I lost something.M: You’ve always been careful.What happened?

W: Tony and I broke up.I was really upset and didn’t notice I had left my purse in the

taxi.M:That’s too bad.Did you have a lot of money in it?

W: About fifty dollars.And my credit card is in it.But I really don’t care about the cash

or the credit card.What I really care about is a photo I took with my grandfather before he died.It can not be replaced.

M: Don’t worry.The taxi driver may find you and return it to you.W: How?

M: Your credit card is in it.He can find some information about you and return the purse

to you.W: I hope he is kind enough to do that.Text8

After you enter high school, many of your old friends go to different schools.You may want to make some new friends.Here are some tips.First, you can join clubs.In big high schools, this is the easiest way to meet new people.You have a common goal and it is a great way to find people who have the same hobbies and interests as you.So if you are looking for a new friend, join a club in your school.Second, join a sports club or find the arts.Sports are a great way to meet people and your team will become a family.If you are not quite good at sports, you can join the fine arts such as drama, speech, debate, yearbook, newspaper and band.Doing so can help you make some very good friends.Believe me, many students join them because they want to make new friends.Third, get a part-time job.Working in high school will also be a great way to meet people.Some students like making friends with those who like making money on their own.







1.(8分)⑴真核 电子显微镜⑵内质网核孔染色质 核仁⑶DNA⑷与某种RNA的合成及核糖体的形成有关


3.(5分)(1)三碳化合物(2)ATP【H】(3)二氧化碳 光照强度




7.(5分)(1)体液 蛋白质(2)A、B畸形(3)会


高二生物参考答案第 1 页(共 1 页)



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