I.Multiple Choice
1.In America the academic year lasts nine months, from September to _____, with winter and spring vocations.A.JulyB.JuneC.August
2.In elementary schools, courses for children include the following except _____.A.reading, writing B.social coursesC.foreign languages
D.sciences, art and musicE.cooking or other manual skills
3.The American teachers’ pay and prestige are _____ in comparison with the general standard of living.A.highB.lowC.almost the same
4.There are over _____ universities, colleges and other institutions in the United States.A.2,000B.2,500C.3,000
5.Today more than _____ of all the private colleges have some kind of church connection.A.1/3B.1/2C.1/5
6.The library in _____ was the first private library in the US.A.Harvard College B.Yale CollegeC.College of New Jersey
7.The first public library was founded in 1731 in _____.A.BostonB.PhiladelphiaC.Chicago
8.At present America has more than _____ free public libraries.A.6,000B.5,000C.7,000
9.VOA Radio Station was established in _____.A.1924B.1934C.1894
10.All the newspapers and magazines in America are _____ owned.A.publiclyB.privatelyC.locally
11._____ is the winter sport in American schools and colleges.A.FootballB.BasketballC.Baseball
12.It was the _____ immigrants in the mid-19th century who introduced skiing into the United States.A.ScandinavianB.DutchC.French
13.101 American people won the Nobel Prize after _____.A.WWIB.Civil WarC.WWII
14.At the end of WWII the art centre of the world moved from _____ to the new world.A.ParisB.LondonC.Berlin
15.The famous story _____ helps Washington Irving earn great fame in the literary world.A.“Rip Van Winkle”B.“The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”
C.“The Adventures of a German Student”
16._____ is regarded as the father of detective stories.A.Mark TwainB.Edgar Allan Poe C.Herman Melville
17._____ is the first writer in America to win the Nobel Prize in literature.A.Sinclair LewisB.Saul BellowC.Ernest Hemingway
18.Yale University was founded in _____.A.1701B.1746C.1749
19.The greatest American playwright is _____.A.Arthur MillerB.Eugene O’Neil C.Robert Frost
20._____ belonged to the Lost Generation.A.Ernest Hemingway B.Wilt WhitmanC.Tennessee Williams
21.The most popular sport in America is _____.A.baseballB.basketballC.football
22.After his death a bust of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was placed in the poet’s corner of _____.A.Westminster AbbeyB.camp of Cambridge University
C.Oxford University
23.For his work, _____ was honoured “The Harlem Laureate”.A.Robert FrostB.Langston Hughs C.Walt Whitman
24.Arthur Miller’s Masterpiece is _____.A.Death of a SalesmanB.The Crucibe
C.The Price
25._____ is the earliest university in America.A.HarvardB.YaleC.Rhode Island
26._____ serves as a bridge which connects secondary schools and universities.A.Four-year college B.Two-year college C.College of arts and science
27.Junior college in America is _____.A.two yearsB.three yearsC.four yearsD.five years
28._____ is closely associated with the Rockefeller Interest Group.A.New York Times B.Washington Post C.Los Angeles Times
29.The tuition in a private college is _____.A.highB.rather highC.quite lowD.tolerable
30.In America about _____ of the universities and colleges are private.A.1/2B.1/3C.1/4D.1/5
31.Hawthorne is a famous American writer in _____ fiction.A.romanticB.realisticC.JewishD.southern
32.The most influential newspapers are the following except _____.A.New York TimesB.Washington Post
C.Los Angeles TimesD.Wall Street Journal
33.Readers’ Digest is a _____ magazine which is published in 15 languages and 39 editions.A.weeklyB.monthlyC.biweeklyD.triweekly
34.The major wire services in America are the following except _____.A.the Associated PressB.the United Press International
C.the Columbia Broadcasting System
35.From 1901 to 1978, 117 Americans won the Nobel Prize, holding _____ of the world Nobel Prize winners.A.halfB.one-thirdC.one-fourth
36.Blues is a music of strong rhythm, which was originally sung by _____.A.NegroesB.IndiansC.Europeans
37.The Father of American literature was _____.A.Mark TwainB.Washington Irving C.Walt Whitman D.Jack London
II.Fill in the Blanks
1.American children usually begin their school at the age of _____.2.An elementary school teacher must have a _____ degree of arts with a major in education.3._____, one of the most famous universities in the world, was founded in 1686.4.About _____ percent of the high school graduates can be admitted by universities or colleges.5.There are four grades in universities.They are freshmen, _____, junior and senior.6.About _____ of all the colleges and universities are private.7.A department consists of faculty members raging from full professors to _____.8.The tuition in a _____ college is very high.9.The Library of _____ is the largest public library in the U.S.10.The Franklin D.Roosevelt Library is in _____ Park, New York.11.The academic degrees in America are the Bachelor’s, the _____ and the Doctor’s degrees.12.VOA Radio Station is in the city of _____.13.In 1965 the U.S.A launched the first communication space satellite “_____ _____”.14.The major wire services in America are the _____ Press and the United Press International.15.The popular magazine _____ _____ has the largest circulation in the world.16.VOA now sends news to the whole world in _____ languages day and night.17._____ is the most popular game in autumn.18.Wrestling, boxing, horseracing are called _____ sports.19.The Dutch introduced _____ into the New York areas in the 17th century.20.In the year _____ the first satellite was launched in America.21.From 1901 to 1978 there are 117 people in America won the _____ Prize for the research of natural science.22.The Metropolitan Museum and other two museums located in the city of _____ _____.23.Gilbert Stuart is considered America’s first great _____.24._____ is the earliest and the best film studio in America.25.Gone with the Wind was the best known of all _____ films.26.In 1915 the first major feature film Birth of a _____ was made.27.Before the 1960’s many _____ had not been given the right to receive education.28.The American children usually graduate from high school at the age of _____.29.A high school teacher usually has majored in the field of his special interest and in addition, he must have a _____ arts degree in education.30.The University of _____ has more than 128,000 students.31.The students who are working for a bachelor degree are called _____.32.Today about 5 million men and more than 3 million women attend colleges and universities, of which about _____ percent are coeducational.33.Two-year college were originally called “_____ colleges”, but now they are called “_____ colleges”.34.A four-year college is often called a “_____ _____ college” or a “college of _____ and _____”.35.One of the measurements for an undergraduate in academic progress is credit or “credit hours”, or “_____”.36.VOA has _____ broadcasting stations, sending news to the whole world in _____ languages
day and night.37.The first music in the American colonies was _____ music.38.Jazz music developed out of the music of the early American _____.39._____ _____ was considered the father of American literature.40.Hawthorne’s best novel is The _____ _____.41._____ _____ is the pen name of Samuel L.Clements.42.Whitman is remembered for his poems The _____ of _____.43.The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is considered _____ _____’s masterpiece.44.Ernest Hemingway belonged to the _____ generation.45.The best novel written by Theodore Dreiser is “_____ _____ _____”.46.The novel Martin Eden was written by _____ _____.47._____ _____ became pessimistic and committed suicide at the age of 40.48.The two main successful novels written by Sinclair Lewis are “_____ _____” and “_____”.49.“_____ _____ _____ _____ _____” earned Ernest Hemingway a Nobel Prize in literature.III.Define the Following Terms
2.The Library of Congress
3.spectator sports
4.Jazz music
IV.Answer the Following Questions
1.What do American schools lay emphasis on?
2.What are the characteristics of American literature during the 17th and 18th centuries?
Part III
II.1.6bachelorHarvard60sophomore1/4instructorsprivateCongressHyde Master’sWashingtonEarly BirdAssociatedReaders’ Digest41Footballspectator bowling1958NobelNew YorkartistHollywoodromanticNationNegroes18masterCaliforniaundergraduate85Junior, Communityliberal arts, arts, sciencepoints16churchNegroesWashington IrvingScarlet LetterMark Twain Leaves, GrassMark TwainlostThe American TragedyJack LondonJack LondonMain Street, BabbitThe Old Man and the Sea
国名:美利坚合众国(The United States of America)。
首都: 华盛顿哥伦比亚特区(Washington D.C.),人口约60.7万(1990年),其中65.8%是黑人。
1607.5 英国伦敦公司在弗吉尼亚的詹姆斯敦建立第一个永久居留地。
1620.12.26 英国清教徒移民乘“五月花”号轮漂洋到达普利茅斯,在船上通过了五月花号公约。
1636.10.28 美国第一所大学——哈佛大学在马萨诸塞的坎布里奇成立。1740 丹麦人维特斯·白令受俄国人雇佣,抵达阿拉斯加进行探险。1752.6.15 本杰明·富兰克林在风暴中放风筝,证明闪电是一种电,并发明避雷针。
1765 英国颁布印花税条例。因遭到抵制而在次年3月被废除。1767 英国颁布唐森德税法。1770年废除,只保留对茶的征税。1773.12.16 波士顿发生倾茶运动,以抗议茶叶条例。
1774.9.5 第一届大陆会议在费城召开,抗议英国的行为,呼吁人民起来斗争。
1775.4.19 列克星敦和康科德人民对英军进行反抗,打响了美国独立战争的第一枪。
1776.1.9 托马斯·潘恩发表小册子《常识》。
1776.7.4 大陆会议通过杰斐逊起草的《独立宣言》草案。
1784.8.30 美国商船“中国皇后”号抵达中国的广州进行丝茶贸易,中美关系由此开始。
1784.9.21 美国第一份日报《宾夕法尼亚邮船和每日广告》开始发行。1786.12.26 马萨诸塞州爆发由丹尼尔·谢斯领导的起义。
1787.5.25 制宪会议在费城召开,草拟了新宪法。1789年3月4日,宪法正式生效。
1787.7.13 联邦国会通过西北土地法令。
1789.4.30 美国联邦政府成立,乔治·华盛顿就任第一届美国总统。1789.9.24 根据联邦政府条例,最高法院成立。1791.12.15 美国宪法增列十条修正案,即权利法案。
1792.4.2 美国国会通过造币法,在费城建造一座造币厂。1794.11.19 美国政府与英国政府签定杰伊条约。
1800.12.1 联邦政府首都从临时所在地费城迁往华盛顿特区。
1803.4.30 美国从法国拿破仑手里廉价购买路易斯安那全部土地,使美国领土面积增加一倍。
1807.8.17 罗伯特·富尔顿乘着自己设计的平底蒸汽船,由纽约市码头出发,32小时后抵达奥尔巴尼,成功地进行了首次轮船航行。
1812.6.18 美英爆发第二次战争。
1814.9.11 美国赢得尚普兰湖海战胜利,同年12月24日,美英签订根特条约。
1816.3.14 美国政府颁布关税条例及第二国家银行法案。
1819.2.22 美国和西班牙签订条约,西班牙把佛罗里达割让给美国,并放弃对俄勒冈地区的全部领土要求。
1820.3.3 国会通过密苏里妥协案,重新划分自由州和蓄奴州的边界线。1821.4.24 联邦政府颁布土地法,降低出售土地的单位面积。
1823.12.2 门罗总统在其致国会的咨文中正式提出门罗主义,反对欧洲干预美洲事务。
1828.4.21 诺亚·韦伯斯特的《美国英语词典》出版。1830.4.6 约瑟夫·史密斯在纽约费耶特组建摩门教会。1842.8.9 美英签订韦伯斯特-阿什伯顿条约,划定美国和加拿大在缅因州和明尼苏达州的边界。
1844.5.24 电报发明人塞缪尔·莫尔斯从华盛顿向马里兰州的巴尔的摩发出第一份电报。
1844.7.3 美国与中国签订望厦条约。
1846.5.13 美墨战争爆发,北方辉格党反对战争,南方人支持战争。1848.1.24 加利福尼亚发现金矿。
1848.2.2 美墨签订一项条约,规定墨西哥把得克萨斯、新墨西哥和加利福尼亚、亚利桑那、犹他、内华达以及科罗拉多的一部分割让给美国。
1850.9.9 美国国会通过1850年妥协案,制定逃奴追缉法,镇压废奴运动。
1852.3.20 美国女作家哈丽特·比彻·斯托发表小说《汤姆叔叔的小屋》。1853.7.14 美国兵舰在海军准将马修·C·佩里率领下抵日本,次年,胁迫日本签订向美国船只开放的条约。
1858.6.18 美国强迫中国清政府订立中美天津条约。
1861.2.8 南部七个州组成美国联邦同盟,杰斐逊·戴维斯为临时总统。1861.4.15 林肯总统宣布国内存在叛乱,并召募75000名志愿者,南北战争爆发。
1862.7.7 土地赠予法获得通过,规定由政府拨地,在各州建立州立大学,以推动学业和机械技术的发展。
1863.1.1 林肯签署《解放宣言》。
1865.4.9 南部邦联军投降,美国内战结束。
1865.4.14 林肯总统在华盛顿福德剧院看戏时被剌,次日死亡。1867.3.30 美国从沙俄手中购买阿拉斯加和阿留申群岛,从而使美国边界线扩大到北冰洋。
1869.5.10 中太平洋铁路与联合太平洋铁路在犹他州的普洛蒙托莱正式接通,成为第一条横贯大陆的铁路。
1879.12.21 托马斯·爱迪生发明电灯。
1882.5.6 美国通过一项排斥华工法,规定十年内暂不接受华工移民,并且对非美国出生的所有华人后裔的国籍不予承认。
1883.1.6 旨在改革联邦文官制度的彭德尔法(又称文官改革法)获得通过。
1892 美国政府制定苛刻的排斥华人的吉尔里法。
1898.4.22 美国对西班牙宣战。同年12月,根据签订的巴黎条约,西班牙将菲律宾、波多黎各、关岛等地割让给美国,并确立古巴为主权国。
1898.7.7 麦金利总统签署一项兼并法案,宣布夏威夷为美国的一部分。1899.9.6 美国提出“门户开放”政策,使中国成为列强掠夺的开放国际市场,同时又保持国家统一。
1903.12.17 莱特兄弟首次成功地驾驶由发动机推进的飞机。1905.5 美国通过新的排华法,加紧迫害华侨,引起中国国内掀起广泛的抵制美货运动。
1906.4.8 美国历史上破坏最严重的一次地震及随后的大火,毁坏旧金山的大部分地区。
1909.3.8 芝加哥妇女举行盛大罢工和游行示威。此后,每年的3月8日为国际妇女劳动节。
1912.12.3 塔夫脱总统正式提出以金元代替枪弹的“金元外交”政策。1917.2.5 美国国会通过一项关于从美国排斥所有亚洲移民的法律。1917.4.6 美国对德国宣战,参与第一次世界大战。
1917.11.2 美国和日本签订兰辛——石井协定,美国承认日本在中国山东、东北和内蒙古的特权,以换取日本对美国的“门户开放”政策的承认。
1928.8.27 美国与其他14个国家一起签订了凯洛洛——白里安条约,又称巴黎非战条约。
1929.10.29 纽约股票行情猛跌,美国最严重的经济萧条从此开始。
1930.4.22 美国、英国、意大利、法国和日本在伦敦签订海军削减条约。1930.12.11 合众国银行在纽约歇业,此为美国历史上最大的一次银行倒闭。
1931.6.20 胡佛总统发表缓付债款宣言,即胡佛计划。
1932.1.17 美国国务卿史汀生发表对中日事件采取维护在华利益的不承认主义。
1933.3.4 富兰克林·罗斯福就任美国第32届总统。
1935.8.14 国会通过社会保障法案,规定设立老年和失业保险,救济贫苦的老年人、盲人及儿童。
1941.8.12 罗斯福总统和英国首相丘吉尔在大西洋的纽芬兰岛附近的军舰上举行会谈,发表《大西洋宪章》。
1941.12.7 日本偷袭珍珠港。次日,美国对日宣战,正式参加第二次世界大战。
1942.6.4 美日爆发中途岛之战,这是太平洋上的关键一战。1944.6.6 美国军队及盟军在诺曼底登陆。
1945.2.4 美国、英国和苏联领导人举行克里米亚会议,发表克里米亚声明,并于同月11日签订雅尔塔协定。
1945.7.16 成功地进行了世界上第一次核爆炸。
1945.7.27 美国、英国和中国在波茨坦对日本提出劝降牒文——波茨坦宣言。
1947.5.22 杜鲁门签署援助希腊、土耳其的法案,后称为“杜鲁门主义”。1947.6.5 国务卿乔治·C·马歇尔提出一项恢复欧洲经济的援助计划,即马歇尔计划。
1949.8.24 美国、加拿大和14个西欧国家在华盛顿签署一项公约,建立北大西洋公约组织。
1950.6.27 杜鲁门发表声明,宣布武装干涉朝鲜,并决定以武力阻挠中国人民解放台湾,美国第七舰队向台湾出动。
1950.9.15 美军在朝鲜中部仁川登陆。
1950.9.23 美国政府颁布麦卡伦国内安全法。
1951.9.1 美国、澳大利亚和新西兰签订一项共同防御协定,即美澳新条约。
1952.6.27 美国国会通过麦卡伦——沃尔特移民法。1952.11.1 美国在太平洋实验场爆炸一颗氢弹。1953.7.27 美国在朝鲜板门店签订朝鲜停战协议。
1954.4.22 美国参议员约瑟夫·麦卡锡开始操纵国会听证会,清洗所谓国内的共产主义影响。
1954.9.8 美国与英国、法国、新西兰、澳大利亚、菲律宾、泰国和巴基斯坦建立东南亚条约组织。
1954.12.1 美国一黑人妇女在蒙哥马利城的公共汽车上拒绝把自己的座位让给一个白人男子。联邦法院非法宣布公共汽车种族隔离命令。
1958.1.31 美国在佛罗里达的卡纳维拉尔角发射美国第一颗人造地球卫星“探险者”一号。
1959.1.3 阿拉斯加成为美国第49州。同年8月21日,夏威夷成为第50州。
1960.2.2 4名黑人学生在一家杂货店的午餐台受到冷落,以静坐表示抗议。截至1961年9月止,有7万多名黑人和白人学生加入静坐示威。
1961.4.17 美国策动猪仔湾事件,企图推翻古巴政府。1962.10.22 美国和苏联之间爆发古巴导弹危机。1963.8.28 20万美国人在首都华盛顿游行,呼吁和支持黑人的平等权利。1963.11.22 肯尼迪总统在得克萨斯州达拉斯市遇刺身亡。
1965.4.28 以保护美国公民的生命和财产为名,美国政府派遣军队1万4千人前往多米尼加。
1968.4.4 美国黑人民权领袖马丁·路德·金在田纳西州孟菲斯遭暗杀身亡。1969.7.20 “阿波罗”11号飞船登月成功,人类首次踏上月球。1969.11.15 约25万人的游行大军进入华盛顿,要求美国政府结束在越南的战争。
1972.2.21 美国总统尼克松抵达北京,对中国进行为期8天的访问,与中国领导人举行会谈。访问结束时,中美签署上海公报。
1973.1.27 越南和平协定在巴黎正式签字,美国结束越南战争。
1973.11.7 美国国会推翻尼克松总统对战争权力议案的否决。该议案旨在制约总统在没有国会的批准下对外调动武装力量的权力。
1974.8.9 尼克松因“水门事件”,辞去总统职务,由副总统吉拉尔德·福特继任总统。
1975.12.15 福特总统访问中国,并与毛泽东主席及邓小平副总理会谈。1979.1.1 美国与中华人民共和国建立全面外交关系。
1980.4.24 美国营救被伊朗扣押的美国驻德黑兰大使馆人质的行动失败,4名美国人丧生,5人受伤。
1982.12.2 在盐湖城,美国医生成功地为一患者进行人工心脏移植手术。1983.10.25 美国海军及别动队会同其他6个加勒比海国家的部队入侵格林纳达岛。
1984.4.26 美国总统里根访问中国,与中国领导人举行会谈。
1986.1.28 美国航天飞机“挑战者”号发射一分钟后爆炸,机上6名宇航员和1名教师遇难,酿成航天史上一大悲剧。
1986.4.15 美国战斗机轰炸利比亚首都的黎波里,声称是对该国恐怖主义组织的报复。
1986.7 美国以围剿毒品为由,出兵玻利维亚。
1988.7.3 美国海军战舰“文森尼斯号”发射一枚导弹,击中一架伊朗班机,机上290人全部丧生。
1989.12.20 美国军队入侵巴拿马。
1990.8.7 美国沙漠盾牌行动部队前往沙特阿拉伯,声称保护该国不受伊拉克于8月2日入侵科威特后对该国的可能进攻。
1991.1-2 在中东海湾战争中,美国及其盟国打败伊拉克,解放科威特。1993.2.26 纽约市世界贸易中心发生恶性爆炸事件,造成60人死亡,1000多人受伤。
1993.11.20 美国批准北美自由贸易区协定,该协定于1994年1月1日生效。
1993.11.30 美国政府通过布雷迪防止枪支暴力法。
1994.3.25 联合国维持和平部队中最后一批美国士兵撤出索马里,美国在该国的维和行动失败。
1994.7.30 美国入侵海地,驱逐该国军政府领导人,帮助恢复民选总统的统治。
2、在Excel 2007的以下单元格地址中,()是相对地址
1D、A13、在Word 2007的编辑状态,要在文档中添加符号“★”,应当使用哪个菜单中的命令()
4、在PowerPoint 2007的“幻灯片浏览”视图中,用鼠标拖动复制幻灯片时,要同时按住()
D、Esc5、Windows 2003 Server操作系统是()
6、Word 2007文件的默认扩展名为()
D、.docs7、在Word 2007编辑状态下,格式刷可以复制()
8、PowerPoint 2007中,如果要对多张幻灯片进行同样的外观修改,()
9、在Excel 2007单元格中,输入字符串3300929时,应输入()
10、在Windows XP平台上,平铺窗口就是把打开的窗口()
11、在Excel 2007中,删除了一张工作表后,()
14、在Windows XP“开始”菜单下,“我最近的文档”菜单中存放的是()
15、在Excel 2007中,输入分数1/2的方法是()。(下面□表示空格)
3、设置幻灯片3的切换效果为慢速“盒状收缩”,单击鼠标不换页,每隔10秒钟自动换页,并伴有“打字机”声音 动画/切换到此幻灯片
Puritans were those who followed the doctrine of John Calvin and wanted to purify the Church of England.They believe that human beings were predestined by God before they were born.Some were God's chosen people while others were damned to hell.No church nor good works could save people.The sign of being God's elect was the success in his work or the prosperity in his calling.They also argued that everyone must read the Bible in order to find God's will and establish a direct contact with God.These beliefs had great impact on American culture.2.the American Revolution
Between 1689 and 1815, france and Britain fought Seven Years’ war, and North American was drawn into everyone of them.Britain’s victory led directly to a conflict with its American colonies.The British government argued that Britain had spent large sums of money to defend their American colonies in those wars, and that the colonists therefore should pay a part of those expenses.So the british government began to charge new taxes.But the colonists refused to obey the british laws and cry” no taxation without representation”.On April 19,1775,the first shot was fired when 700 British soldiers went to capture a colonial arms depot in a small town of Concord near Boston.The American War of Independence began.And the war came to an end in 1781 with the victory of north american.The Treaty of Paris was signed in 1783 and Britian had to recognize the independence of the United States.A new nation was thus born.3.the Declaration of Independence
The Declaration of Independence was mainly drafted by Thomas Jefferson and adopted by the Congress on July 4,1776,when the people of 13 English colonials in North America were fighting for their freedom and independence from the British colonial rule.The document declared that all men were equal and that they were entitled to have some unalienable rights such as life,liberty and the pursuit of happiness.It also explained the philosophy of government:the powers of governments came from the consent of the governed and the purpose of governments were to secure the rights mentioned above.The theory of politics and the guiding principles of the American Revolution mainly came from John Locke.4.American Constitution
The Constitution of the United States is the supreme law of the United States of America.The Constitution is the framework for the organization of the United States government and for the relationship of the federal government with the states, citizens, and all people within the United States.The Constitution creates the three branches of the national government: a legislature, the bicameral Congress;an executive branch led by the President;and a judicial branch headed by the Supreme Court.The Constitution specifies the powers and duties of each branch.The Constitution reserves all unenumerated powers to the respective states and the people, thereby establishing the federal system of government.5.checks and balances
When Americans talk about their three-part national government, they often refer to what they call its system of “checks and balances”.This system works in many ways to keep serious mistakes from being made by legislative branch or executive branch or judicial branch.6.Federalism
Federalism in the United States is the evolving relationship between state governments and the federal government of the United States.American government has evolved from a system of dual federalism to one of associative federalism.In “Federalist No.46,” James Madison asserted that the states and national government “are in fact but different agents and trustees of the people, constituted with different powers.” Alexander Hamilton, writing in “Federalist No.28,” suggested that both levels of government would exercise authority to the citizens' benefit: “If their [the peoples'] rights are invaded by either, they can make use of the other as the instrument of redress.”
7.the Bill of Rights
The Bill of Rights consists of the first 10 amendments which were added to the Constitution in 1791.The Bill of Rights was passed to guarantee freedom and individual rights such as freedom of speech,the right to assemble in public places,the right to own weapons and so on.8.Political parties in the US
Political parties are organized groups of people who share a set of ideas about how the US should be governed and who work together to have members of their group elected in order to influence the governing of the country.today ,the US has two major political parties.one in the Democratic Party,which evolved out of Thomas Jefferson's party,formed before 1800.the symbol of the party is the donkey.the other is the Republican Party,which was formed in the 1850s,and its symbol is the elephant.9、the roots of affluence in America
No single factor is responsible for the success of American business and industry.Bountiful resources,the geographical size of the country and population trends have all contributed to these success.Religious,social and political traditions;the institutional structures of government and business;and the courage,hard work and determination of countless entrepreners and workers have also played a part.10.American industrial revolution
After independence, America was principally an agricultural country.The industrial revolution in England brought many changes to American industry between 1776 and 1860.One key development was the introduction of the factory system.A second development was the “American system” of mass production.A third development was the application of new technologies to industrial task.A fourth development was the emergence of new forms of business organization—the bank and the corporation.11.Civil Rights Movement
The civil rights movement was a worldwide political movement for equality before the law occurring between approximately 1950 and 1980.In many situations it took the form of campaigns of civil resistance aimed at achieving change by nonviolent forms of resistance.In some situations it was accompanied, or followed, by civil unrest and armed rebellion.The process was long and tenuous in many countries, and many of these movements did not fully achieve their goals although, the efforts of these movements did lead to improvements in the legal rights of previously oppressed groups of people.12.Martin luther King
Martin Luther King, Jr.(January 15, 1929 – April 4, 1968)was an American clergyman, activist, and prominent leader in the African-American Civil Rights Movement.He is best known for being an iconic figure in the advancement of civil rights in the United States and around the world, using nonviolent methods following the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi.King is often presented as a heroic leader in the history of modern American liberalism.A Baptist minister, King became a civil rights activist early in his career.He led the 1955 Montgomery Bus Boycott and helped found the Southern Christian Leadership Conference in 1957, serving as its first president.King's efforts led to the 1963 March on Washington, where King delivered his “I Have a Dream” speech.There, he expanded American values to include the vision of a color blind society, and established his reputation as one of the greatest orators in American history.13.Counterculture
In the wake of the Free Speech Movement and the New Left,there appeared a phenomenon that historians called the “counterculture.”the counterculture rejected capitalism and other American principles.they had morals different from those taught by their parents.some groups of youth tried to construct different ways of life.among the most famous were the hippies.they sought new experience through dropping out,and drug taking.but it was music,rock music in particular,that became the chief vehicle for the counter cultural assault on the traditional American society.the counterculture exerted a great influence upon people's attitudes toward social morals,marriage,career and success.14、Hippies
The hippies called themselves “the love generation.” Hippiness became their only goal in life.Their music was different from any other music, and the words they sang sounded rebellious to older people.Small groups of youth lived together in cities like San Francisco,turning their lives into one big party.They wore long hair,strange and colorful clothes and many of them used drugs.They went in huge numbers to rock music concerts, and tyey made very interesting news on TV.15.Multiculturalism in Canada
Multiculturalism in Canada was adopted as the official policy of the Canadian government during the prime ministership of Pierre Elliot Trudeau in the 1970s and 1980s.The Canadian government has often been described as the instigator of multicultural ideology because of its public emphasis on the social importance of immigration.Multiculturalism is reflected in the law through the Canadian Multiculturalism Act and section 27 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Part One Geography
Chapter IIPopulation
New York is the largest state in the US.(T/F)
Why is the U.S.A.called “Melting Pot”?
Because the U.S.A.is country where there are many different races, and these races mixed and assimilated after they
immigrated into this country “Melting Pot” just signifies this mixture and assimilation.Chapter VReligion in the U.S.A.Exercises
The popular American belief is___
A.part-time working
B.self-made man
C.manual labor
D.being extravagant
The largest religious group in America is___
A.Roman CatholicsB.Protestants
the American spirit of “do-it-yourself”:
the American spirit of “do-it-yourself”:
People are proud of doing everything by themselves.Most of the American families seldom hire people to do housework though they are rich.They try to do what they can do, such as housework, gardening and they enjoy doing them.Part twoHistory
Chapter IColonization of North America
The history of the U.S.is generally agreed to have begun in the year of ____
The turning point of the War of Independence was the Battle of ___in 1777.A.YorktownB.Saratoga
C.Bunker HillD.Lexington
Lexington Fire was the ___of American War of Independence
A.turning pointB.endingC.causeD.prelude
Chapter IVThe American Civil War(1861-1865)
Abraham Lincoln
In 1860 Abraham Lincoln was elected president, an anti-slavery president.He played a very important measures.One
was the Homestead Bill, the other was Emancipation Proclamation in every field.In 1864, he was reelected president.He was assassinated in April 13,1865.He saved the Union and most Americans considered him a great national hero.Homework
Why was there the New Deal program? What was it? And how did it aid the recovery of the American economy? What important measures did Abraham Lincoln take during the Civil War? How do you evaluate them?
Chapter VThe U.S.Imperialism and the First World War
The first imperialist war took place between theU.S.and ___in 1898.A.BritainB.FranceC.SpainD.Mexico
The “Big Stick” Policy was advanced by President___.A.Theodore RooseveltB.Franklin Roosevelt
C.William MckinleyD.Thomas Woodrow Wilson
President Franklin D.Roosevelt proposed a well-knownpolicy called___ to save the economic situation.A.the Open Door PolicyB.the New Deal
C.Good Neighbor PolicyD.the “Big Stick”
Chapter IIICustoms and Traditions
Easter falls on the first Sunday after the full moon, in March or in April.It commemorates the Resurrection of Jesus.The custom of dying eggs is very popular among children.The main meat on Easter Sunday are lamb and ham. Thanksgiving Day:
It falls on the fourth Thursday of November.It is a holiday on which God is thanked for the crops which have been safely gathered. Abraham Lincoln
In 1860 Abraham Lincoln was elected president, an anti-slavery president.He played a very important
measures.One was the Homestead Bill, the other was Emancipation Proclamation in every field.In 1864, he was reelected president.He was assassinated in April 13,1865.He saved the Union and most Americans considered him a great national hero.