美国概况(unit 3_4_6_7_8)

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第一篇:美国概况(unit 3_4_6_7_8)


1.What is an American? Comment on the answer to the question by Crevecoeur?

(1)American is either a European or the descendant of a European, hence that strange mixture of blood, which you will find in no other country.He is an American, who leaving behind him all his ancient prejudices and manners, receives new ones from the new mode of life he has embraced, the new government he obeys, and the new rank he holds

The American is a new man, who acts upon new principles.He must therefore entertain new ideas and form new opinions...this is an American.(2)According to Crevecoeur, The American in those days had the mixed blood of Europeans or their descendants without taking into consideration other nationalities such as American Indians and blacks.But today, the picture of an American is more complex.1.What is an American?

He is either a European, or the descendant of a European, hence that strange mixture of blood, which you will find in no other country.He is an American, who leaving behind him his entire ancient prejudices and manners, receives new ones from the new mode of life he has embraced, the new government he obeys, and the new rank he holds....Here individuals of all nations are melted into a new race of men, whose labors and posterity will one day cause great changes in the world....The American is a new man, who acts new principles;he must therefore entertain new ideas, and form new opinions.2.How did modern development in Europe influence the settlement of North American colonies?

Some new and powerful social forces began to emerge which led to the awakening of Europe and the discovery of America.The first new force was the development of capitalism, and it produced the bourgeois class and the working class.The second major force was Renaissance, which was marked by a changing outlook on life.The third influential force was Religious Reformation, a religious reform movement that started form Germany.3.What was the unique American phenomenon? How did it come into being? Do you think it still exists in today's American society?

on the one hand, the English and other Europeans went to North American for seeking freedom.But on the other hand, these very white people who were seeking and fighting for their own freedom deprived black Africans of their freedom

The two events combined constituted a unique American.First one is that on July, 30, 1619, the first meeting of an elected legislature took place in North American.The second one is a Dutch ship brought in over 20 Negroes, who were acted as servants for years.Yes, I do.4.In what way did Puritanism influence American culture?

The Puritans believed that governments should enforce God's morality.They strictly punished drunks, adulterers, violators of the Sabbath and other religious believers different from themselves.Roger Williams, one of the Puritans who protested that the state should not interfere with religion, was driven out of Massachusetts.In 1635, he set up Rhode Island colony, which guaranteed religious freedom and the separation of church and state.The Puritans also have left rich cultural heritage to future Americans.The American values such as individualism, hard work, and respect of education owe very much to the Puritan beliefs.4.In what way did Puritanism influence American culture?

(1).Today, Puritans are no longer in existence.But their legacies are still felt in American society and culture.For example, the Puritans hoped to build “a city upon hill” an ideal community.Since that time, Americans have viewed their country as a great experiment, a worthy model for other nations.This sense of mission has been very strong in the minds of many Americans.(2).The Puritans also have left rich cultural heritage to future Americans.The American values such as individualism, hard work, and respect of education owe very much to the Puritan beliefs.Unit 4

2.What is a federal system? What are some of the major differences between a federal system and a confederation?

The Constitution set up a federal system with a strong central government.A federal system is one in which power is shared between a central authority and its constituent parts, with some rights reserved to each.The Constitution also called for the election of a national leader, or president.It provided that federal laws would be made only by a Congress made up of

representatives elected by the people.It also provided for a national court system headed by a Supreme Court.3.What are some of the major powers of each of the three branches of the U.S.government? How are the three branches supposed to check and balance each other?

If Congress proposes a law that the president thinks is unwise, the president can veto it.That means the proposal does not become law.Congress can enact the law despite the president's views only if two-thirds of the members of both houses vote in favor of it.If Congress passes a law which is then challenged in the courts as unconstitutional, the Supreme Court has the power to declare the law unconstitutional and therefore no longer in effect.The president has the power to make treaties with other nations and to make all appointments to federal positions, including the position of Supreme Court justice.The Senate, however, must approve all treaties and confirm all appointments before they become official.In this way the Congress can prevent the president from making unwise appointments.3.What are some of the major powers of each of the three branches of the U.S.government? How are the three branches supposed to check and balance each other?

(A)1.--the legislative branch is made up of elected representatives from all of the states and is the only branch that can make federal laws, levy federal taxes and declare war or put foreign treaties into effect.It consists of a Congress that is divided into the House of Representative and the Senate.The House of Representatives has 435 members who serve two-year terms.The Senate comprises 100 lawmakers who serve six-year terms.Each state, regardless of population, has two senators.2.--the executive branch is the president, who is elected to a four-year term.A president can be elected to only two terms according to an amendment passed in 1951.The president can appoint federal judges as vacancies occur.He is the commander in chief of the armed forces.The president has other broad authorities in running the government departments and handling foreign relations.3.--the judicial branch is headed by the Supreme Court with a chief justice and 8 associate justices.The Federal courts have jurisdiction over cases arising out of the Constitution and other cases which do not arise out of individual states.The Supreme Court has the judicial review power, the power determining whether congressional legislation or executive action violates the Constitution.(B)1.If Congress proposes a law that the president thinks is unwise, the president can veto it.2.If Congress passes a law which is then challenged in the courts as unconstitutional, the Supreme Court has the power to declare the law unconstitutional and therefore no longer in effect.3.The president has the power to make treaties with other nations and to make all appointments to federal positions, including the position of Supreme Court justice.The Senate, however, must approve all treaties and confirm all appointments before they become official.In this way the Congress can prevent the president from making unwise appointments.4.What is the Bill of Rights? Do you think that it was necessary to write the Bill of Rights explicitly into the U.S.Constitution?

The Bill of Rights: the first 10 amendments, collectively known as the Bill of Rights, were added within two years of the adoption of the U.S.Constitution.These amendments remain intact today, as they were written two centuries ago.The first guarantees freedom of worship, speech and press, the right of peaceful assembly, and the right to petition the government to correct wrongs.The Bill of Rights and subsequent constitutional amendments guarantee the American people the fullest possible opportunity to enjoy fundamental human rights.UNIT 6

2.What is the relationship between government and religion in America?

In some ways, the government supports all religions.Religious groups do not pay taxes in the United States.But government does not pay ministers' salaries or require any belief—not even a belief in God—as a condition of holding public office.Oaths are administered, but those who, like Quakers, object to them, can make a solemn affirmation, or declaration, instead

4.What are some of the features in religion that are particularly American? What are some of the major differences between American religion and religion in Europe?

First of all, Americans with different religions live together under the same law.Secondly, the religious beliefs of Americans continue to be strong with social progress.In Europe, scientific and economic advance and rising material prosperity have accompanied by a decline in religious observance in the US, this has not happened.Thirdly, in the United States every church is a completely independent organization, and

concerned with its own finance and its own building.There has been little concentration on doctrine or religious argument such as in European history,Unit 7

5.Why did Mark Twain win so many readers both at home and abroad?

Mark Twain was the first major American writer to be born away from the East Coast.He grew up in a small town on the banks of the Mississippi River and received only a basic public school education.He began working in a printer’s jobs in the Midwest and the West.Twin was a new voice, an original genius, a man of the people.And he quickly won readers.UNIT 8

1.What is the goal of education in the United States? Discuss the similarities and differences in Great Britain, the United States and China concerning the goals of education.The goal is—and has been since the early decades of the republic—to achieve universal literacy and to provide individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to promote both their own individual welfare as well as that of the general public.Though this goal has not yet been fully achieved, it remains an ideal toward which the American educational system is directed.The progress which has been made is notable both for its scope and for the educational methods which have been developed in the process of achieving it.3.What are the major characteristics of education in America?

(1)Different education laws for different states.(2)Several levels of schooling:Elementary Schooling,Secondary Schooling and High Schooling.(3)Curricula for students: there is no national curriculum in the United States.(3)Compulsory education for all students.(4)Equal education opportunities for minority groups.(5)Strong demand for higher education.(6)The complex system of higher education.Some states play a strong role in the selection of learning material for their students.Schools were asked not only to teach this new information, but to help students ask their own questions about it.The “inquiry” method of learning, focusing on solving problems rather than memorizing facts, became popular.3.What are the major characteristics of education in America?

1.About 85% of American students attend public schools(schools supported by American taxpayers).The other 15% attend private schools, for which their families choose to pay special attendance fees.Four out of five private schools in the United States are run by churches, synagogues or other religious groups.In such schools, religious teachings are a part of the curriculum.2.Each of the 50 states in the United States has its own laws regulating education.From state to state, some laws are similar;others are not.Education in the United States was to remain in the hands of state and local governments.3.Americans have a strong tendency to educate their children about major public concerns—problems such as environmental pollution, nuclear issues, neighborhood crime and drugs.



Puritans were those who followed the doctrine of John Calvin and wanted to purify the Church of England.They believe that human beings were predestined by God before they were born.Some were God's chosen people while others were damned to hell.No church nor good works could save people.The sign of being God's elect was the success in his work or the prosperity in his calling.They also argued that everyone must read the Bible in order to find God's will and establish a direct contact with God.These beliefs had great impact on American culture.2.the American Revolution

Between 1689 and 1815, france and Britain fought Seven Years’ war, and North American was drawn into everyone of them.Britain’s victory led directly to a conflict with its American colonies.The British government argued that Britain had spent large sums of money to defend their American colonies in those wars, and that the colonists therefore should pay a part of those expenses.So the british government began to charge new taxes.But the colonists refused to obey the british laws and cry” no taxation without representation”.On April 19,1775,the first shot was fired when 700 British soldiers went to capture a colonial arms depot in a small town of Concord near Boston.The American War of Independence began.And the war came to an end in 1781 with the victory of north american.The Treaty of Paris was signed in 1783 and Britian had to recognize the independence of the United States.A new nation was thus born.3.the Declaration of Independence

The Declaration of Independence was mainly drafted by Thomas Jefferson and adopted by the Congress on July 4,1776,when the people of 13 English colonials in North America were fighting for their freedom and independence from the British colonial rule.The document declared that all men were equal and that they were entitled to have some unalienable rights such as life,liberty and the pursuit of happiness.It also explained the philosophy of government:the powers of governments came from the consent of the governed and the purpose of governments were to secure the rights mentioned above.The theory of politics and the guiding principles of the American Revolution mainly came from John Locke.4.American Constitution

The Constitution of the United States is the supreme law of the United States of America.The Constitution is the framework for the organization of the United States government and for the relationship of the federal government with the states, citizens, and all people within the United States.The Constitution creates the three branches of the national government: a legislature, the bicameral Congress;an executive branch led by the President;and a judicial branch headed by the Supreme Court.The Constitution specifies the powers and duties of each branch.The Constitution reserves all unenumerated powers to the respective states and the people, thereby establishing the federal system of government.5.checks and balances

When Americans talk about their three-part national government, they often refer to what they call its system of “checks and balances”.This system works in many ways to keep serious mistakes from being made by legislative branch or executive branch or judicial branch.6.Federalism

Federalism in the United States is the evolving relationship between state governments and the federal government of the United States.American government has evolved from a system of dual federalism to one of associative federalism.In “Federalist No.46,” James Madison asserted that the states and national government “are in fact but different agents and trustees of the people, constituted with different powers.” Alexander Hamilton, writing in “Federalist No.28,” suggested that both levels of government would exercise authority to the citizens' benefit: “If their [the peoples'] rights are invaded by either, they can make use of the other as the instrument of redress.”

7.the Bill of Rights

The Bill of Rights consists of the first 10 amendments which were added to the Constitution in 1791.The Bill of Rights was passed to guarantee freedom and individual rights such as freedom of speech,the right to assemble in public places,the right to own weapons and so on.8.Political parties in the US

Political parties are organized groups of people who share a set of ideas about how the US should be governed and who work together to have members of their group elected in order to influence the governing of the country.today ,the US has two major political parties.one in the Democratic Party,which evolved out of Thomas Jefferson's party,formed before 1800.the symbol of the party is the donkey.the other is the Republican Party,which was formed in the 1850s,and its symbol is the elephant.9、the roots of affluence in America

No single factor is responsible for the success of American business and industry.Bountiful resources,the geographical size of the country and population trends have all contributed to these success.Religious,social and political traditions;the institutional structures of government and business;and the courage,hard work and determination of countless entrepreners and workers have also played a part.10.American industrial revolution

After independence, America was principally an agricultural country.The industrial revolution in England brought many changes to American industry between 1776 and 1860.One key development was the introduction of the factory system.A second development was the “American system” of mass production.A third development was the application of new technologies to industrial task.A fourth development was the emergence of new forms of business organization—the bank and the corporation.11.Civil Rights Movement

The civil rights movement was a worldwide political movement for equality before the law occurring between approximately 1950 and 1980.In many situations it took the form of campaigns of civil resistance aimed at achieving change by nonviolent forms of resistance.In some situations it was accompanied, or followed, by civil unrest and armed rebellion.The process was long and tenuous in many countries, and many of these movements did not fully achieve their goals although, the efforts of these movements did lead to improvements in the legal rights of previously oppressed groups of people.12.Martin luther King

Martin Luther King, Jr.(January 15, 1929 – April 4, 1968)was an American clergyman, activist, and prominent leader in the African-American Civil Rights Movement.He is best known for being an iconic figure in the advancement of civil rights in the United States and around the world, using nonviolent methods following the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi.King is often presented as a heroic leader in the history of modern American liberalism.A Baptist minister, King became a civil rights activist early in his career.He led the 1955 Montgomery Bus Boycott and helped found the Southern Christian Leadership Conference in 1957, serving as its first president.King's efforts led to the 1963 March on Washington, where King delivered his “I Have a Dream” speech.There, he expanded American values to include the vision of a color blind society, and established his reputation as one of the greatest orators in American history.13.Counterculture

In the wake of the Free Speech Movement and the New Left,there appeared a phenomenon that historians called the “counterculture.”the counterculture rejected capitalism and other American principles.they had morals different from those taught by their parents.some groups of youth tried to construct different ways of life.among the most famous were the hippies.they sought new experience through dropping out,and drug taking.but it was music,rock music in particular,that became the chief vehicle for the counter cultural assault on the traditional American society.the counterculture exerted a great influence upon people's attitudes toward social morals,marriage,career and success.14、Hippies

The hippies called themselves “the love generation.” Hippiness became their only goal in life.Their music was different from any other music, and the words they sang sounded rebellious to older people.Small groups of youth lived together in cities like San Francisco,turning their lives into one big party.They wore long hair,strange and colorful clothes and many of them used drugs.They went in huge numbers to rock music concerts, and tyey made very interesting news on TV.15.Multiculturalism in Canada

Multiculturalism in Canada was adopted as the official policy of the Canadian government during the prime ministership of Pierre Elliot Trudeau in the 1970s and 1980s.The Canadian government has often been described as the instigator of multicultural ideology because of its public emphasis on the social importance of immigration.Multiculturalism is reflected in the law through the Canadian Multiculturalism Act and section 27 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.



Part One Geography

Chapter IIPopulation


 New York is the largest state in the US.(T/F)

 Why is the U.S.A.called “Melting Pot”?


 F(Alaska)

 Because the U.S.A.is country where there are many different races, and these races mixed and assimilated after they

immigrated into this country “Melting Pot” just signifies this mixture and assimilation.Chapter VReligion in the U.S.A.Exercises

 The popular American belief is___

A.part-time working

B.self-made man

C.manual labor

D.being extravagant

 The largest religious group in America is___

A.Roman CatholicsB.Protestants


the American spirit of “do-it-yourself”:


 BB

the American spirit of “do-it-yourself”:

People are proud of doing everything by themselves.Most of the American families seldom hire people to do housework though they are rich.They try to do what they can do, such as housework, gardening and they enjoy doing them.Part twoHistory

Chapter IColonization of North America


 The history of the U.S.is generally agreed to have begun in the year of ____


 The turning point of the War of Independence was the Battle of ___in 1777.A.YorktownB.Saratoga

C.Bunker HillD.Lexington

 Lexington Fire was the ___of American War of Independence

A.turning pointB.endingC.causeD.prelude



Chapter IVThe American Civil War(1861-1865)


 Abraham Lincoln

 In 1860 Abraham Lincoln was elected president, an anti-slavery president.He played a very important measures.One

was the Homestead Bill, the other was Emancipation Proclamation in every field.In 1864, he was reelected president.He was assassinated in April 13,1865.He saved the Union and most Americans considered him a great national hero.Homework

 Why was there the New Deal program? What was it? And how did it aid the recovery of the American economy?  What important measures did Abraham Lincoln take during the Civil War? How do you evaluate them?

Chapter VThe U.S.Imperialism and the First World War


 The first imperialist war took place between theU.S.and ___in 1898.A.BritainB.FranceC.SpainD.Mexico

 The “Big Stick” Policy was advanced by President___.A.Theodore RooseveltB.Franklin Roosevelt

C.William MckinleyD.Thomas Woodrow Wilson

 President Franklin D.Roosevelt proposed a well-knownpolicy called___ to save the economic situation.A.the Open Door PolicyB.the New Deal

C.Good Neighbor PolicyD.the “Big Stick”



Chapter IIICustoms and Traditions


 Easter:

Easter falls on the first Sunday after the full moon, in March or in April.It commemorates the Resurrection of Jesus.The custom of dying eggs is very popular among children.The main meat on Easter Sunday are lamb and ham. Thanksgiving Day:

It falls on the fourth Thursday of November.It is a holiday on which God is thanked for the crops which have been safely gathered. Abraham Lincoln

 In 1860 Abraham Lincoln was elected president, an anti-slavery president.He played a very important

measures.One was the Homestead Bill, the other was Emancipation Proclamation in every field.In 1864, he was reelected president.He was assassinated in April 13,1865.He saved the Union and most Americans considered him a great national hero.





3.棉花种植面积和产量:美国棉花种植面积,从1945-1953年一直稳定在13000万亩左右,50年代后逐步减少;1967年减少到4854万亩;1969年开始回升达6711万亩;1981年棉田收获面积达8401万亩; 1982年棉田又减少到5908万亩; 1983年棉田继续下降到4460万亩; 1987年开始回升;1991年棉田收获面积达到7867万亩,皮棉单产48.73公斤,总产达7670万担,年末库存1612万担。到1998年,美国棉花的收获面积达到6677万亩,总产约300万吨,平均亩产为45公斤左右。目前,有35000个农户从事棉花生产。






正当欧洲各国进行现代主义设计的探索与试验的时候,美国人则基于商业竞争要求,全力以赴地开始了为企业服务的工业设计运动,在美国,这场运动并没有多少学究味道,也没有什么知识分子的理想主义成份,可以说,从一开始起,美国的设计运动就沾满了实用主义的商业气息。美国芝加哥建筑派的领导人物之一一路易斯(Louis Suliivan)曾经在1907 年总结设计的原则时说:设计应该遵循“形式追随功能”的宗旨。美国人虽然提出这条原则,但是在美国竞争激烈的商业市场上,设计所遵循的其实是“形式追随市场”,对于企业来说,最重要的并不是设计能否给社会带来益处,或者对于整个人民的生活有所改善,设计唯一的要点是能够促进销售。因此,约束美国早期工业设计发展的力量不是知识分子的理想主义,也不是社会民主主义,而是十足的商业竞争。市场竞争机制在发展美国设计中起到了决定性的作用。这正是为什么欧洲各国对美国的设计以为不足挂齿的地方。

虽然市场竞争充满了金钱的味道,缺乏欧洲现代主义设计的那种学究味,也缺乏充满了理想、充满了试验的设计运动和设计集团,但是,市场机制本身却不可否定地具有非常惊人的供求关系调节功能。也就是经济学家亚当·史密斯(Adam Smith)所说的看不见的手的市场经济神奇功能。市场机制决定了需要什么,不需要什么,为了符合市场需求,企业不得不提供不同的产品、包装,利用各种各样的广告来促进销售,这种背景使美国的设计得到比欧洲更加具体、范围更加广泛的发展。而这种发展与市场是密切相连的,与大批量生产是密切相联的。美国早在20 世纪20 年代已经是世界上工业化程度最高的国家之一了。1933 年,在经济大危机过去后,罗斯福实行经济宏观改革的新政(New Deal)之后,美国经济进入高速发展阶段,特别是历经第二次世界大战的发展,美国成为世界最强大的经济大国,具有强大的生产力和庞大的国内市场,在开始成熟的国际市场上拥有很大的占有率,凭借着这种经济力量,美国的设计也得到高速的发展,美国的设计教育也因而得到发展。凭籍着这种强大的国家经济实力,美国人虽然没有多少类似包豪斯式的学院探索,但是,美国却几乎是轻而易举地把欧洲人奋斗了20 年的这个设计理想在企业中、在市场上变成了现实,到包豪斯1933 年被希特勒封闭,大部分包豪斯原来的教员和学生移民到美国,他们发现了设计和设计教育试验的最佳土壤原来不是欧洲,而是美国。欧洲的观念和美国的市场结合,终于在战后造成轰轰烈烈的国际主义设计运动。

美国现代设计的发展是非常不平衡的:虽然美国现代建筑市场需求量极大,高层建筑在19 世纪末和20 世纪初成为各个主要城市的建筑中心,也出现过像弗兰克这样的建筑大师,但是,一直到30 年代末期,美国也还没有形成一个能够与德国、俄国相比的现代建筑设计运动。这种情况一直到30 年代末,当包豪斯的主要领导人物都移民来到美国以后,才出现了巨大的变化,因此,战后美国发起的国际主义建筑运动,其实与德国现代主义有不可分割的千丝万缕的联系。美国的工业产品设计比世界上任何一个国家都发展得迅速和成熟。虽然德国的彼得·贝伦斯早在1907 年就开始为德国电器公司设计家用电器,但是,德国的工业产品设计直到第二次世界大战爆发前夕,依然是远远落后于美国,这个现象的原因可能与国家的经济情况、经济政策的重点、设计界和企业界对设计的基本立场和原则分不开。美国的平面设计则从开始就具有自己的特点,它的发展与广告等促销活动密切关联,因而,发展得非常迅速,战争期间虽然也如同欧洲一样,出现了为政治服务的平面设计运动―政治宣传画,但是,主流一直是商业的。在各种设计范畴中,美国显得最为突出的是工业产品设计,或者说是工业设计。

如果说德国人对于设计的最大贡献是建立了现代设计的理论和教育体系,进行了大量的试验,把社会利益当作设计教育和设计本身目的,那么,美国对于世界设计的最重要的贡献就是发展了工业设计,并且把工业设计职业化。由于美国的工业发达、经济成熟,美国是世界上第一个把工业设计变成一门独立职业的国家。而这个职业化的过程早在20 世纪20 年代末期已经开始在美国的纽 1 约、芝加哥等地开始出现了

美国工业的一个重要的发展刺激因素是第一次世界大战。战争对于军需用品和武器的需求大幅度增加,因而刺激了美国的工业发展。战后,美国的工业进入一个高速的发展阶段。1918 年战争结束后,美国战时工业立即迅速转向消费品工业的生产,消费品的生产无论从产量或者质量来说,都是当时世界空前的。美国工业开始进人大批量生产阶段,科学管理、流水生产线等等新的管理和生产方法都开始被引人和采用。标准化和理性式的制度规范化是这次工业生产改革的中心。企业家尽量设法降低生产成本,提高产量,以达到创造更高利润的目的。另一方面,为了促进市场的销售,广告、企业形象、商标等种种促销手段也开始被广泛采用,市场竞争日益激烈。

1927 年前后,美国的经济出现衰退的迹象。越来越多的小企业由于市场竞争失败而破产,而这种经济衰退的恶劣发展情况,在1929 年的华尔街股票市场崩溃时达到顶点,美国全国进入一次空前的经济大危机。危机延续了3 年之久,一直到1933 年罗斯福总统上台,大规模采用“新政”的经济改革政策,改变美国以往政府对于宏观经济放任自流的基本立场,转为大规模的从金融、投资、税收、社会福利等等方面进行干预,由国家投资进行各种大规模的基本经济建设项目,用以工代贩的基本原则来促进就业,通过联邦储备系统对市场货币供应量的宏观调节来控制经济发展。这样,美国经济才重新出现复兴的迹象。危机期间,企业为了生存,采用的竞争手段更加激烈和强化,这是美国市场竞争技巧发展的一个重要的刺激因素,换言之,是美国现代设计的发韧点。为了适应市场需求,美国大企业,特别是汽车制造业在此时成立了汽车外型设计部门,雇用了专业的造型设计师,形成了最早的企业内部工业设计部门。另外一方面,由于市场需求日益增加,出现了一些独立的设计事务所,根据客户的要求从事工业产品、包装、企业标志和企业形象等方面的设计,这些设计事务所往往与大企业有长期的合作关系,形成了活跃的设计市场活动,也出现了美国第一代的工业设计师。


专业背景和教育背景的不同造成设计发展趋向不同,这是美国与欧洲设计的一个非常大的区别。与欧洲第一代工业产品设计师的建筑设计背景完全不同,美国第一代的工业设计师不少人的专业背景是广告业、商业艺术、橱窗设计和其它展示设计行业,甚至是舞台设计。这种背景使他们在设计上与他们的欧洲同事有很大区别:建筑师比较强调设计的社会效应、设计对于大环境可能造成的影响、现代设计对于民族传统的继承性和发展性,以及设计本身的社会含义。他们对于设计师本身的文化和教育素质的要求,对于严格的设计教学体系的建立非常重视,因为,没有这样的素质和这样的教育体系,是不可能培养出真正有责任感、有高度文化品味的建筑家的。而主要从事展示、2 促销工作的设计师则比较讲究短期的市场促销效果,对干建筑设计师一向强调的那些社会因素比较淡漠。因为展示设计的目的是促进销售,设计的产品具有积极的市场冲击性,但是同时也具有短暂的、用毕即抛的特点,而并非制造出比较永恒的产品,建设起一个起码可以屹立百年的建筑物,因此,美国的工业设计师们对于设计形式造成的商业效果有明确的迫求,对设计的观念,它会造成的社会影响作用则考虑不多。这种特征是由他们的职业背景造成的,原因是这些行业使他们对于商业竞争有比较切身的体会和认识。这些行业还有另外一个日后成为工业设计的重要特点:集团式的工作和娴熟的商业谈判习惯。商业设计需要一组人的同心协力,因而,他们都习惯于集体工作,习惯于与客户打交道,习惯于与市场专家、市场调查人员联系,对于形成工业设计来说,这是非常重要的一个特征。而这种特征在设计教育上的反映,就是对于表达技法的重视和对于设计观念的淡漠,美国设计教育目前依然具有非常鲜明的重技法、重表现技术和轻视观念的特征。




另外一个显著的特征,是美国人的幽默性。对于一个拿传统和严肃的规范开玩笑的特点,这种特征特别容易从美国的平面设计上看出来。比如交通标志设计,在欧洲与日本都严格到几近冷酷的地步,不许停车的标志,往往都是一个P 字(英语停的首写字母),加上一个红色的横叉,没有任何讨价还价的余地。而美国虽然也用同样的标志,但是,往往还会加上一些令人高兴的官方椰榆,比如从新泽西州穿过哈德逊河的“荷兰人隧道”,因为交通极其繁忙,全线不许停车,因而设有不许停车的标志,第一个是标准的有红叉的P 字标记,第二个标记则是一句话:“我们是讲真的!”,很快就有第三个标记,也是一句话:“想都不要想在这里停车!”(Don ' t Even Think or Parking Here!)。这种幽默的交通标记,全世界大约只有美国人会用,看到这些标记之后,大家都会会心一笑,而遵守规则。类似的平面设计例子,比比皆是,难以一一列举,笔者在美国近10 年,经常看这些标志或者设计而捧腹,实在是很开心的。比如美国人的活泼、天真、好动、非权威化,造成美国人对于平面标准和设计符号的高度轻视,美国的平面设计是世界上最为活泼和趣味的一种,这与严肃的欧洲风格来比,和浪漫的法国风格来比,都具有很大的差别。美国人喜欢用文字做游戏,纽约设计家米尔顿·格拉斯(Milton Glass)设计的“我爱纽约!”就是一个非常典型的例子,以一个心型图案代表爱字,生动又有特点,这个设计现在已经传遍世界各地,被以各种方式转用。美国广告设计的幽默是世界著名的,他们天性乐观,经常开玩笑,这种性格自然从设计上表现出来,成为他们设计的一个特征。美国人常常说:如果都可以达到功能目的,为什么要那么严肃?这种民族 3 心态,是他们设计风格形成的一个重要基础。













美国的现代设计应该说是有几个完全不同的发展线索。其一是美国的汽车设计,这是从通用汽车公司1923 年开始担任总裁的F ·斯隆开始发展出来的一套体系,目的主要是通过汽车外型的改观来达到市场促销的目的,因此称为式样化(Styling), 这种设计的目的是所谓的“有计划的废止制度”(Planned obsolescence),利用改变外型来达到产品老化目的,促进销售。美国的这个体系从汽车设计开始,以后影响到其它的方面,形成现代设计的一个重要的组成部分。






典型的例子之一是亨利·德莱弗斯设计事务所设计的“宝利来”即时照相机(Polaroid), 从这种只有美国生产的照相机的观念上,就可以看出美国人追求方便的习惯。为了达到高度方便的功能、为了达到简单的性能要求,这种照相机在设计上不顾整体性外型,把各种各样的功能构件都附加上,外型缺乏统一、完整性,这在欧洲或者日本都是不能想象的设计上的缺点,而美国人却行若无事,已经使用这个设计好多年了。


美国的设计受到平面设计影响很大,因为平面设计具有很高的娱乐性,非常符合美国人的性格,其中一个很大的特点,就是对于语言的兴趣。美国人在平面设计上经常以语言为中心发展,特别是幽默性的发展,看看美国重要的知识分子杂志《纽约客》(New Yorker)上的漫画就可以了解美国人如何重视语言在设计上的作用。《纽约时报》(New York Times)艺术主编斯蒂芬·赫勒(steven Helier)曾经说:他们(指美国人)喜欢游戏语言文字,因为他们的传统就是玩语言文字游戏的。美国的平面设计具有两个最重要的中心:纽约和加利福尼亚。前者是美国现代平面设计的发源地,其积极的商业风格和幽默特点,影响了美国平面设计的总体发展;后者则代表了美国设计上最自由、最前卫的特征,同时也是最早采用新手段、包括电脑设计在内的地区,在80 年代末和90 年代以来对于美国的影响特别大。加利福尼亚不但是美国设计师的集中地区,同时也是世界最杰出的设计家集中的地区,许多世界著名的设计家都来加州设立自己的设计事务所或者从事自由撰稿设计业务,对于丰富此地的设计和增强设计理论起到很大作用。这不但体现在平面设计上,在工业设计和建筑设计上也是如此,美国目前大部分重要的工业设计事务所、建筑设计事务所都在加利福尼亚州有自己的设计部门,世界主要的汽车公司,包括欧洲的八大汽车厂、日本的八大汽车公司、美国的三大汽车公司的设计总部都设在洛杉矶附近,就是一个很好的例子。

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