Movement,States)美国民权运动(Civil Rights Movement,United States)第二次世界大战后美国黑人反对种族隔离与歧视,争取民主权利的群众运动。战后头 10 年,美国黑人争取平等自由的运动只限于由美国全国有色人种协进会在法院进行 的斗争。1954 年 5 月 17 日,美国最高法院为改变美国在国际上的形象,就布朗控诉托布卡教 育委员会一案作出判决:公立学校所实行的种族隔离教育是不平等的,违反《美利坚合众国宪 法第 14 条修正案》。1955 年 12 月 1 日,亚拉巴马州蒙哥马利城黑人罗莎·帕克斯夫人在公共 汽车上拒绝让座给白人,被捕入狱。在青年黑人牧师马丁·路德·金的领导下,全城 5 万黑人 团结一致,罢乘公共汽车达一年之久,终于迫使汽车公司取消种族隔离制。1957 年,金牧师 及其支持者组成南方基督教领袖会议,将运动深入到南部生活的各个领域。1958 年南方 21 个主 要城市组织集会,发动黑人争取公民权利。1960 年 2 月 1 日,北卡罗来纳州格林斯伯勒城 4 个 黑人大学生进入一餐馆,白人服务员命令他们走开,他们静坐不动。这一英勇行为立刻得到南 部广大黑人学生响应,发展为大规模静坐运动,迫使近200 个城市的餐馆取消隔离制。1961 年 5 月初,种族平等大会又开展自由乘客运动。不久,在学生非暴力协调委员会参与下,得到许 多白人支持,逐渐发展为全国性运动,迫使南部诸州取消州际公共汽车乘坐上的种族隔离制。1963 年 3 月,金牧师等人在南部种族隔离极严重的伯明翰组织示威游行,要求取消全城隔 离制。示威群众受到残酷镇压,但由于金牧师的坚持和美国联邦政府被迫进行干预,该城种 族隔离制全部被取消。伯明翰事件后,民权运动队伍迅速扩大。1963 年 8 月 28 日组织 25 万人(其中 1/4 为白人)向华盛顿进军,要求就业,要求“立即自由”。另外,有些城市黑人还开展以暴力对付暴力的 斗争。1964 年迫使林登·约翰逊总统签署了《民权法》。但南部诸州仍采用各种手法阻止黑人 选民登记。于是,金牧师等在种族主义非常猖獗的亚拉巴马州塞尔马市进行黑人选民登记运动,并于 1965 年 3 月冒着被殴打、杀害的危险由塞尔马向州首府蒙哥马利进军,最后参加人数达 15 万。在世界人民谴责面前,美国政府于同年 8 月要求国会通过了《选民登记法》。上述两法未能实际完全取消南部种族隔离与歧视制度,而北部事实上的种族歧视还有加剧 之势。1968 年 3 月,金牧师组织贫民进军(又称穷人运动),途经田纳西州 孟菲斯市时,被种族主义分子枪杀。后来黑人领袖们发起的民族自决运动、黑人权力运动、
黑豹党运动以及 黑人群众自发的大规模城市骚动等,实际上都是以不同形式反对事实上的种族隔离制,特别是 就业歧视制度的民权运动的继续。美国黑人民权运动是现代非暴力运动的典型,在全世界被压迫阶级之中影响深远,它使人 们看到可以通过合法的群众运动获得民主权利的可能,也使人看到世界必将走向民主平等的趋 势。马丁·路德· 马丁 · 路德 · 金(Dr.Martin Luther King)马丁·路德·金(Dr.Martin Luther King),将“非暴力”(nonviolence)和“直接行动”(direct action)作为社会变革方法的最为突出的倡导者之一。1929 年 1 月 15 日,马丁·路 德 ·金 在 亚 特 兰 大(Atlanta)出生。他是牧师亚当·丹 尼 尔 ·威 廉 姆 斯(Rev.A.D.Williams)的外孙,威廉姆斯是 埃 比 尼 泽 浸 信 会(Ebenezer Baptist Church)的牧师 和全国有色人种协进会(NAACP)亚特兰大分会的发起人;他 是老马丁·路德·金(Martin Luther King, Sr.)的儿子,老 马 丁 ·路 德 ·金 继 承 父亲威廉姆斯成了埃比尼泽的牧师。金的家族发源于非洲裔 美国人的浸信会。在结束亚特兰大莫 尔浩司学院(Morehouse College)的学业后,金又在宾夕法尼
亚 州(Pennsylvania)的 克 劳 泽 神 学 院(Crozer Theological Seminary)和 波 士 顿(Boston University)大学就读,在学习中,他加深了对神学的认识并探究圣雄甘地(Mahatma Gandhi)在社会改革方面的非暴力策略 1954 年 马 丁 ·路 德 ·金 成 为 亚 拉 巴 马 州 蒙 哥 马 利 市 的 德 克 斯 特 大 街 浸 信 会 教 堂(Dexter Avenue Baptist Church)的一位牧师。1955 年 12 月 1 日,一位名叫做罗沙·帕克斯的黑人妇女在 公共汽车上拒绝给白人让座位,因而被蒙哥马利节警察当局的当地警员以违反公共汽车座位隔 离条令为由逮捕了她。马丁·路德·金立即组织了蒙哥马利罢车运动(蒙哥马利市政改进协会),号召全市近5 万名黑人对公共法进行长达 1 年的抵制,迫使法院判决取消地方运输工具上的座 位隔离。从此他成为民权运动的领袖人物。1958 年他因流浪罪被逮捕。1963 年金组织了争取黑 人工作机会和自由权的华盛顿游行。1964 年,他被授予诺贝尔和平奖。他一生受到无数次的恐吓,曾十次被人以各种名义监禁,三次入狱,三次被行刺,第一 次被精神病人捅了一刀,第二次在教堂被扔进了炸弹。第三次 1968 年 4 月 4 日,他在旅馆的阳 台被一名种族分子开枪正中喉咙致死。其著名演讲《I have a dream》 马尔科姆·X 马尔科姆 原名是马尔科姆·利特 州的奥巴哈市。他的母亲路 是一位家庭主妇,照顾着家(Earl Little)是基督教浸信 斯·加维的支持者。厄尔·利特 来
来自白种人优越论组织“黑 马尔科姆四岁前就迫使搬了 军团”的追杀,1929 年,他 烬。两年后,父亲厄尔的尸 当时马尔科姆年仅六岁。母 溃,被送进了一家精神病院。有的被送入孤儿院。马尔科姆是一位非常聪明好学的学生,以全班第一的成绩中学毕业。他渴望自己能成为一名律师,然而,一位倍受他爱戴的老师告诉他“律师职业对黑鬼来说只是一个梦想”。马尔科姆不得不面对现实。渐渐地对上学也失去了信心,并在十五岁时辍学,从此开始流浪街头,混迹于街头小混混当中,贩毒、吸毒、滥交、盗窃几乎无恶不作。二十岁时因“入室行窃”罪被逮捕,在监狱里度过了七年时光。入狱后,他试图使自己再受教育,因而学习了很多知识。也正是在监狱中这段自我反省的日子里,他加入了“伊 斯兰民族”组织,完全追随了伊利雅·穆罕 l 默德(Elijah Muhammed)。在 1952 年出狱时,他好像变了 一个人。麦尔坎·X Macolm X)麦尔坎·X(Macolm X ·X 尔,1925 年 5 月 19 日出生于内布拉斯加 易斯· 诺顿· 利特尔(Louis Norton Little)里的八个孩子。他的父亲厄尔·利特尔 教会的牧师,是黑人民族主义领袖马库 尔在公民权利问题上言辞激进,遭到了 色军团”(Black Legion)的死亡威胁。两次家。无论厄尔·利特尔怎样躲避“黑色 们在密歇根州兰辛市的家还是被焚为灰 体被发现横躺在小镇的查道车铁轨上,亲路易斯因丈夫的死于非命而精神崩 她的孩子们天各一方,有的被人收养,
(1925 年 5 月 19 日生于美国内布拉斯加州,1965 年 2 月 21 日死于美国纽约市),原名麦尔坎·利托 麦尔坎· 麦尔坎 [1] [2](Malcolm Little 艾尔ElEl-Shabazz); Malcolm Little),又名艾尔-哈吉·马立克·艾尔-夏巴兹 El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz 艾尔 哈吉·马立克·艾尔-夏巴兹(El 他是著名伊斯兰教教士、美国黑人民权运动领导人物之一。批评人士认为他煽动散布暴力、仇恨、黑人 优越主义、种族主义、反犹太主义;肯定人士则视他为非裔美国人权利的提倡者,以及对于美国白人对 黑人罪行的有力批判者。虽生为基督教牧师之子,早年的麦尔坎·利托对宗教失去信心,并加入黑帮,成为罪犯。入狱服刑期间,受到激进宗教组织伊斯兰国度(Nation of Islam)教士的感化,成为坚定的穆斯林,并发愤学习,于 狱中完成硕士学业。出狱后,麦尔坎·X 追随伊斯兰国度领袖以利亚·穆罕默德(Elijah Muhammad),成为该组织重要的传教士。他与教友贝蒂·狄恩·桑德斯(Betty Dean Sanders)结婚,育有六女。1963 年 11 月,由于对美国总统約翰·甘迺迪遇刺身亡事件的发言违反组织政策,麦尔坎·X 遭伊
斯兰 [3] 国度封口 90 日。随后,他与穆罕默德的矛盾浮上台面,终于翌年(1964 年)四月脱离伊斯兰国度。不久,麦尔坎·X 前往伊斯兰圣地麦加朝觐,并改奉逊尼派。此后,他抛弃激烈的黑白分离主张,成立 宗教性的穆斯林清真寺社团(Muslim Mosque, Inc.)以及政治性的非裔美国人团结组织(Organization of Afro-American Unity),并寻求与不同宗教、种族的民权运动人士合作。1965 年 2 月 21 日,此前 [4] 已饱受人身安全威胁的麦尔坎·X,于一场假纽约曼哈顿某舞厅举行,对非裔美国人团结组织约四百 名成员的演说中,被三名杀手分持霰弹枪及手枪刺杀身亡;当场及事后被逮捕并定罪的三人,均为伊斯 兰国度成员。接受非裔史观后,麦尔坎决定抛弃奴隶主赋予其家族的姓氏,代之以表示“未知”的代数符号 “X”,改称“麦尔坎·X”——他本人以此化名做为抗议黑人遭受当时美国体制不公义对待的标志。美国黑人民权领袖傑西 傑克遜 傑西.傑克遜 傑西 杰西·杰克逊 杰西·杰克逊 1941 年出生在 继马丁·路德·金之后又一位具有 世纪八十年代,杰克逊积极参与竞 人市长的产生,他还在 1984 年和 名。新快报讯在美国黑人心目中,显示,民权领袖杰西·杰克逊和美 要黑人领袖前两位,美国前国务卿 美国黑人民权领袖-本杰明
美国南卡罗来纳州的一个贫困家庭,他是 超凡魅力的黑人民权领袖和演说家。上个 选政治活动,曾经促成芝加哥市第一位黑 1988 年两次获得民主党总统候选人提 谁是最重要的黑人领袖?一项最新调查 国首位黑人女国务卿赖斯被评选为最重 鲍威尔则位列第三。胡克斯
1925 年生于便雅悯钩在田纳西州的孟菲斯-一个城市本杰明胡克斯于上周去世,享年 85 岁。他是 一位牧师,律师和“美国有色人种促进会”前任会长。2007 年,他获得“总统自由奖”。Benjamin L.Hooks Struggle on My brothers and sisters...I want you to know that the struggle that we will face through the remaining period of the eighties and on through the twenty-first century will not be an easy resiliency which has made it possible for us to survive slavery and vicious discrimination.We must never tire or become frustrated by difficulties.We must transform stumbling blocks into stepping stones and march on with the determination that we will make America a better nation...
Struggle on:We want more schoolhouses and less jail houses.Struggle on:We want morebooks and less weapons.Struggle on:We want more learning and less vice.Struggle on:We want more employment and less crime in our communities.Struggle on:We want more justice and less vengeance.Struggle on:We want more of pur children to graduate from high school able to read and write ,not more on unemployment
美國黑人民權運動(African-American Civil Rights Movement,又译为“非裔美國人民權運動”,1955年—1968年),美國民權運動的一部分,于1950年代興起,直至1970年代,是美国黑人为争取与白人同等的地位而发起的群众性斗争运动,乃是經由非暴力的抗議行動,爭取非裔美國人民權的群眾鬥爭。
1954年美國聯邦最高法院判定教育委員會種族隔離的學校違法,1955年阿拉巴馬州蒙哥馬利市,黑人公民以全面罷乘來反對公車上的黑白隔離措施,1963年華盛頓的林肯紀念館廣場聚集二十五萬名群眾反種族隔離,美國民權運動領袖马丁·路德·金博士發表著名的演說《我有一個夢》為民權運動的高峰,其他參與的著名人物還有麥爾坎·X(Malcolm X)等人。
非洲黑人最初被引進美國,主要是在南方農場當農奴,以彌補當地勞動力短缺問題。理論上,林肯總統在1863年的解放宣言中,已經讓他們獲得了自由。在南北戰爭結束後,聯邦軍隊佔領南方期間(所謂重建時期1865年—1877年),黑人曾獲得解放宣言所賦予的平等權利。然而黑人因為窮困及教育程度較低,為求經濟上的生存,必須再度依靠白人雇用,特別是當聯邦軍隊撤出南方後,黑人頓失聯邦法律的保護,其地位又陷入類似美國內戰前的狀況。1896年美國聯邦最高法院作出「普萊西訴弗格森案」(Plessy v.Ferguson)判決,確立對黑人採行「隔離但平等」措施的合法性時,無異對南方黑人人權造成嚴重的打擊,最高法院判決中有關「隔離」的部份被執行得十分徹底,但有關「平等」的部份則不然,導致南方出現更多種族隔離制度法令,甚至連在工廠、醫院及軍隊都採取種族隔離制度。
1954年聯邦最高法院,在「布朗訴教育委員會」(Brown v.Board of Education)一案,判定種族隔離的學校並未提供黑人學生公平教育,因此公立學校應該要種族混合。在歷經58年後,此項法律觀念才被推翻,而一連串的非裔美國人民權運動才正式開始。
he African-American Civil Rights Movement(1955–1968)refers to the movements in the United States aimed at outlawing racial discrimination against African Americans and restoring voting rights to them.Brown v.Board of Education, 1954
Main article: Brown v.Board of Education
Spring 1951 was the year in which great turmoil was felt amongst Black students in reference to Virginia state's educational system.At the time in Prince Edward County, Moton High School was segregated and students had decided to take matters into their own hands to fight against two things: the overpopulated school premises and the unsuitable conditions in their school.This particular behavior coming from Black people in the South was most likely unexpected and inappropriate as White people had expectations for Blacks to act in a subordinate manner.Moreover, some local leaders of the NAACP had tried to persuade the students to back down from their protest against the Jim Crow laws of school segregation.When the students did not accept the NAACP's demands, the NAACP automatically joined them in their battle against school segregation.This became one of the five cases that made up what is known today as Brown v.Board of Education.[7]
On May 17, 1954, the U.S.Supreme Court handed down its decision regarding the case called Brown v.Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas, in which the plaintiffs charged that the education of black children in separate public schools from their white counterparts was unconstitutional.The opinion of the Court stated that the “segregation of white and colored children in public schools has a detrimental effect upon the colored children.The impact is greater when it has the sanction of the law;for the policy of separating the races is usually interpreted as denoting the inferiority of the Negro group.”
The lawyers from the NAACP had to gather some plausible evidence in order to win the case of Brown vs.Education.Their way of addressing the issue of school segregation was to enumerate several arguments.One of them pertained to having an exposure to interracial contact in a school environment.It was said that it would, in turn, help to prevent children to live with the pressures that society exerts in regards to race.Therefore, having a better chance of living in democracy.In addition, another was in reference to the emphasis of how “'education‟ comprehends the entire process of developing and training the mental, physical and moral powers and capabilities of human beings”.[8] In Goluboff's book, it has been stated that the goals of the NAACP was to bring to the Court‟s awareness the fact that African American children were the victims of the legalization of school segregation and were not guaranteed a bright future.Without having the opportunity to be exposed to other cultures, it impedes on how Black children will function later on as adults trying to live a normal life.The Court ruled that both Plessy v.Ferguson(1896), which had established the segregationist, ”separate but equal“ standard in general, and Cumming v.Richmond County Board of Education(1899), which had applied that standard to schools, were unconstitutional.The following year, in the case known as Brown v.Board of Education, the Court ordered segregation to be phased out over time, ”with all deliberate speed".[9] Brown v.Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas(1954)did not overturn Plessy v.Ferguson(1896).Plessy v.Ferguson was segregation based on transportation.Brown v.Board of Education dealt with segregation in education.Brown v.Board of Education did set in motion the future overturning of 'separate but equal'.On May 18, 1954 Greensboro became the first city in the South to publicly announce that it would abide by the U.S.Supreme Court‟s Brown v.Board of Education ruling which declared racial segregation in the nation‟s public schools unconstitutional.„It is unthinkable,‟ remarked School Board Superintendent Benjamin Smith, „that we will try to [override] the laws of the United States.‟ In agreement with Smith‟s position, the school board voted six to one to support the court‟s ruling.This positive reception for Brown, together with the appointment of African American Dr.David Jones to the school board in 1953, convinced numerous white and black citizens that Greensboro was heading in a forward direction and would likely emerge as a leader in school integration.Integration in Greensboro occurred rather peacefully compared to that of other Southern states such as Alabama, Arkansas, and Virginia where “massive resistance” took hold.[10]
康多莉扎·赖斯(Condoleezza Rice)赖斯的父亲曾任丹佛大学副校长,母亲是小学音乐教
师,姑姑是维多利亚文学博士。优越的家庭环境使赖斯从小就受到了良好教育,她15岁时便成为丹佛大学的学生,学习英国文学和美国政治学。2005年1月出任国务卿Secretary of State,她是继克林顿政府的马德琳·奥尔布赖特之后美国历史上第二位女国务卿。赖斯能讲流利的俄语,是俄罗斯(苏联)武器控制问题的专家。她还学过9年法语,并能弹一手好钢琴。赖斯至今单身,喜欢看体育比赛
historical origin历史起源
African black was first introduced the United States is in order to solve the problem of labor shortage,But due to the low level of education, to survive, they must rely on employment of white life, so the social status are low, and the rights can not be guaranted.This is the cause of the civil rights movement.非洲黑人当初被引进美国是为了解决劳动力短缺的问题,但是由于他们所受的教育程度比较低,迫于生计,他们必须依靠白人的雇佣生活,所以社会地位低下,权利无法得到保障,这就是民权运动的起因。
The struggle for equal suffrage 争取平等普选权
For the sake of the American civil war victory,In 1863 Lincoln issued the famous emancipation declaration of the black slaves, the black becoming a free agent in the law.Under pressure, the United States congress successively in 1865, 1868 and 1870, 13, 14, and 15 amendments to the constitution gives liberty, citizenship and the right to vote to black,This period is a milestone in the history of American black suffrage.为了美国内战胜利,林肯在1863年发布了著名的《解放黑人奴隶宣言》,黑人在法律上成为自由人。同时迫于压力,美国国会先后在1865年、1868年和1870年通过宪法第13、14和15条修正案,将自由权、公民权和选举权赋予黑人。这一时期是美国黑人参政历史上具有里程碑意义的时代。
Political power boost 参政力量提升
From 1911 to the end of the second world war,Black economic status are beginning to improve,meanwhile,Blacks began to actively participate in political life, their political rights have improved a lot during this period.In Franklin Roosevelt's presidency period,Black people were first Roosevelt referred to as “our black citizens”,then,As President Truman,Blacks in the election, education and other issues to further expand the rights and interests.从1911年到二战结束后,黑人的经济地位也开始有所提高,同时,黑人开始积极参与政治生活,他们的政治权利得到了极大的提升。在富兰克林•罗斯福任总统期内,黑人第一次被罗斯福称为“我们的黑人公民”。然后,杜鲁门接任总统后,黑人在选举、教育等问题上的权益进一步扩大。
I Have a Dream
In the early 1960 s, with the American civil rights leader Martin Luther King's famous speech “I have a dream” to sign, the movement reached its climax.1964 of the Civil Rights Act and the voting rights act of 1965 represented by a series of laws and regulations enacted in fact apartheid was abolished, blacks the right to vote.上世纪60年代初,以美国民权运动领袖马丁·路德·金发表著名的演说《我有一个梦想》为标志,该运动达到了高潮。1964年的《民权法》和1965年的《选举权法》为代表的一系列法令和法规的颁布使得事实上的种族隔离制被废除,黑人的选举权进一步扩大。
Seeking the real equality
time:1970--?? Since the 1970 s, the American black political participation has entered a new era of enhanced black political consciousness, political base to expand, significant achievements.According to incomplete statistics, since the 1970 s, became the black increased 6 times of government officials in the United States, 9000 people.上世纪70年代以来,美国黑人的参政进入了一个全新的时代,黑人政治意识增强,参政基础扩大,成就显著。据不完全统计,自上世纪70年代以来,就任美国政府官员的黑人增加了6倍,达9000人。
Part One Geography
Chapter IIPopulation
New York is the largest state in the US.(T/F)
Why is the U.S.A.called “Melting Pot”?
Because the U.S.A.is country where there are many different races, and these races mixed and assimilated after they
immigrated into this country “Melting Pot” just signifies this mixture and assimilation.Chapter VReligion in the U.S.A.Exercises
The popular American belief is___
A.part-time working
B.self-made man
C.manual labor
D.being extravagant
The largest religious group in America is___
A.Roman CatholicsB.Protestants
the American spirit of “do-it-yourself”:
the American spirit of “do-it-yourself”:
People are proud of doing everything by themselves.Most of the American families seldom hire people to do housework though they are rich.They try to do what they can do, such as housework, gardening and they enjoy doing them.Part twoHistory
Chapter IColonization of North America
The history of the U.S.is generally agreed to have begun in the year of ____
The turning point of the War of Independence was the Battle of ___in 1777.A.YorktownB.Saratoga
C.Bunker HillD.Lexington
Lexington Fire was the ___of American War of Independence
A.turning pointB.endingC.causeD.prelude
Chapter IVThe American Civil War(1861-1865)
Abraham Lincoln
In 1860 Abraham Lincoln was elected president, an anti-slavery president.He played a very important measures.One
was the Homestead Bill, the other was Emancipation Proclamation in every field.In 1864, he was reelected president.He was assassinated in April 13,1865.He saved the Union and most Americans considered him a great national hero.Homework
Why was there the New Deal program? What was it? And how did it aid the recovery of the American economy? What important measures did Abraham Lincoln take during the Civil War? How do you evaluate them?
Chapter VThe U.S.Imperialism and the First World War
The first imperialist war took place between theU.S.and ___in 1898.A.BritainB.FranceC.SpainD.Mexico
The “Big Stick” Policy was advanced by President___.A.Theodore RooseveltB.Franklin Roosevelt
C.William MckinleyD.Thomas Woodrow Wilson
President Franklin D.Roosevelt proposed a well-knownpolicy called___ to save the economic situation.A.the Open Door PolicyB.the New Deal
C.Good Neighbor PolicyD.the “Big Stick”
Chapter IIICustoms and Traditions
Easter falls on the first Sunday after the full moon, in March or in April.It commemorates the Resurrection of Jesus.The custom of dying eggs is very popular among children.The main meat on Easter Sunday are lamb and ham. Thanksgiving Day:
It falls on the fourth Thursday of November.It is a holiday on which God is thanked for the crops which have been safely gathered. Abraham Lincoln
In 1860 Abraham Lincoln was elected president, an anti-slavery president.He played a very important
measures.One was the Homestead Bill, the other was Emancipation Proclamation in every field.In 1864, he was reelected president.He was assassinated in April 13,1865.He saved the Union and most Americans considered him a great national hero.