
时间:2019-05-15 05:42:20下载本文作者:会员上传


















Ladies and Gentlemen, It’s an honor for me to be here to make a speech..Hope you enjoy a wonderful time!First I want to say is here my topic, which is how to make my class active and interactive.Actually , when I stepped to the 3-foot platform to be an English teacher , I tried my best to make my students practice the patterns time after time , I hoped that they would get high marks in test.However , my students didn't care about it , they showed less attention to my class.Until one day, a student had a talk with me.He said : ”I’m learning many things that are boring, useless and not valuable.So I’m tired of studying.Miss Ma , can you understand me? ”At that time, I felt my class was lack of active and interactive patterns.Then I gradually found that make class active and interactive is from active learning to interactive teaching.First , we should be energetic and encouraging.Because our passion can make class want to learn English, they will act with nature and show more potential abilities.Also,we should praise in various ways.In our class we often say “good, very good”, the simple word not only make them active in class, but also foster their sense of achievement in future learing..Secondly, we should make class meaningful and creative.In class, we can use the short and simple sentence, use the body language to communicate with students.We should give students clear purpose and offer them opportunities to try, to create and allow them to fail.Make sure the class relaxing and interactive, be familiar to the feeling of English language.Coming up next is organizing games and activities.You know, activity is the key part of class.Including paired work, competitions, role play, guessing game, TPR activities, and so on.Whatever I use , I should often change the way.From students and I;student and student;to students and students.Make all class.The last but not the least is helping the class feel comfortable with asking me questions and answering my questions.To do this, do not criticize any questions from students.This will insure that students will continue to ask questions.Do give more chance to students ask and answer , make students and ourselves learn interactively.So after class students can listen, read, write, think without force and pressure, keeping interests and motivation.This is my talk from my experience, sharing with you today.Thank you for your attention!


Good morning, Ladies and Gentlemen, It’s my great honor to be here to have a talk with you.Today I will talk something about how to make our class active and interactive.Three years ago , when I stepped to school to be an English teacher , I tried my best to make all the students practice the patterns in many ways, And I hope that they would get high marks in all the tests.However , they didn't care about it ,and they were not interested in my class at all.Until one day, a boy had a talk with me.He said“I’m learning many things that are boring and useless.So I’m tired of studying.”At that time, I realized my class was lack of active and interactive patterns.And I knew it was time to change our class.In order to make the students concentrate on our class, we must change the old ways we used before.Firstly, we should be active and energetic.Because our passion can make students want to learn.And in the class we can use many simple words such as “good, excellent and well done”, because these simple words not only make them active in class, but also foster their sense of achievement in learning.Secondly, we should make our class creative and meaningful.We can organize games or activities.As you know, activity is the key part of class.And we can use simple sentences and body language to communicate with students.We should give them clear purpose and offer them opportunities to practice, to create and at the same time allow them to fail.The Third part is making the students feel comfortable with asking and answering questions.In order to do this, please do not criticize any questions from students.This will insure that they can continue to ask questions.Do give our students more chance to ask and answer.Then after class they will listen, read, write, and use English with interests and happiness.Finally I want to say, I believe in these ways our students will enjoy every minutes in our class.OK.That’s all for my talk.Thank you for your listening!Thank you!


which is how to make my class active and interactive


Ladies and Gentlemen, It’s an honor for me to be here to make a speech..Hope you enjoy a wonderful time!First I want to say is here my topic, which is how to make my class active and interactive.Actually , when I stepped to the 3-foot platform to be an English teacher , I tried my best to make my students practice the patterns time after time , I hoped that they would get high marks in test.However , my students didn't care about it , they showed less attention to my class.Until one day, a student had a talk with me.He said : ”I’m learning many things that are boring, useless and not valuable.So I’m tired of studying.Miss Wang, can you understand me? ”At that time, I felt my class was lack of active and interactive patterns.Then I gradually found that make class active and interactive is from active learning to interactive teaching.First , we should be energetic and encouraging.Because our passion can make class want to learn English, they will act with nature and show more potential abilities.Also,we should praise in various ways.In our class we often say “good, very good”, the simple word not only make them active in class, but also foster their sense of achievement in future learing..Secondly, we should make class meaningful and creative.In class, we can use the short and simple sentence, use the body language to communicate with students.We should

give students clear purpose and offer them opportunities to try, to create and allow them to fail.Make sure the class relaxing and interactive, be familiar to the feeling of English language.Coming up next is organizing games and activities.You know, activity is the key part of class.Including paired work, competitions, role play, guessing game, TPR activities, and so on.Whatever I use , I should often change the way.From students and I;student and student;to students and students.Make all class.The last but not the least is helping the class feel comfortable with asking me questions and answering my questions.To do this, do not criticize any questions from students.This will insure that students will continue to ask questions.Do give more chance to students ask and answer , make students and ourselves learn interactively.So after class students can listen, read, write, think without force and pressure, keeping interests and motivation.This is my talk from my experience, sharing with you today.Thank you for your attention!






1.选手自我展示:口语展示一分钟。评委评分 10分为满分


对话2分钟。称述分数 30分评委对话30分


者四个参赛选手事先自行准备。情境表演后,根据对话内容、表演的语言规范性和表演情况,评委评分。满分 30分。


三等奖: 三名其余参赛者优秀奖



礼仪服务人员 2名

5.其他:评委: 6名英语老师,包括两名外教。

比赛场地布置:软件大楼多功能厅。灯光,话筒,音乐准备,歌曲,舞台布置 奖品设置: 证书+奖品一等奖:快译通二等奖:MP3三等奖:U盘

优秀奖 钢笔

费用:学生服装费用 舞台布置费用 奖品评委费用








2.主持人:外语社 推选两名主持人(一名男生一名女生)

礼仪服务人员 2名




3.评委组成:①每个分院分团委书记担任评委,轮到自己分院选手出场时,该分院评委不做评分。② 外语系两位英语老师做英语语音语调等评分。





三等奖: 三名其余参赛者优秀奖


5.奖品设置: 证书+奖品一等奖:快译通二等奖:MP3三等奖:U盘

优秀奖 钢笔

6.费用:学生服装费用(?)舞台布置费用 奖品评委费用



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